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naminethewriter · 2 years ago
How It All Began - Masterpost
Welcome, welcome everyone to another Big Bang entry, this time for @tss-storytime! As per the results of the one poll I have done here so far, this is also the introduction to my Pirates and Sirens AU! It has Intrulogical (of course, what else would I write?) and a lot of platonic shenanigans. Hope you enjoy 🥰
If you'd like to read it at a slower pace, I will upload the chapters to Ao3 twice a week.
Summary: Remus, son of a simple fisherman, had worked hard to become the captain of his own pirate ship. And in his humble opinion, it was going great! His crew was small but reliable and they had just stolen something that could them some nice cash from a military vessel they happened to cross on the open sea. They just needed to hide it somewhere until it was safe to sell. How lucky for them that they come across a nice, uninhabited island.
Little did Remus know just who he would find on that little piece of land and how it would change his life entirely.
Content Warnings: Temporary Character Death, Minor Violence, Innuendoes (Remus is the main character after all) and Morally Grey Characters (They are pirates)
Story on Ao3
Chapter One: A Lonely Island, Right?
Chapter Two: Living Legend
Chapter Three: A Request
Chapter Four: A New Deal
Chapter Five: Library Visit
Chapter Six: Precious
Chapter Seven: Just the Beginning
Many thanks go to @edupunkn00b for beta reading! They helped me so much, thanks a bunch!
There is also art for this story by @im-an-anxious-wreck! Their post is here. Thank you so much for working with me 🥰
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lily-janus · 2 years ago
Take A Break
Summary: Logan first thinks of Janus as a smart but lazy person, but he's about to be proven wrong.
Pairing: pre-romantic loceit
Warnings: none that I can think of but do let me know if I missed any.
Word count: 1,225
For @loceitweek day 3 Law School/Astronamy
(I have no idea how law school work so it might sound more like regular school but bare with me😅)
"...and then I will argue that the evidence is not really reliable because- are you listening?" Logan stopped his explanation, noticing that his… partner was, once again, not paying attention.
"Hm?" Janus hummed, focusing his gaze on Logan's own, "were you saying something?" He smirked, knowing full well how that will annoy Logan.
"You know as well as I that I've been," he used air quotes, " 'saying something', for the past hour. We need to do this assignment perfectly, Janus." Logan said, exasperated by his classmate.
Okay, don't tell Janus that, but Logan really does think Janus was an incredibly intelligent person, there were multiple occasions throughout the semester where Janus had impressed Logan with his arguments.
That being said, Janus had a tendency to be… extremely frustrating. Acting cocky and smug most of the time, egging people on with no more reason than simple amusement… and, of course, his cryptic way of behaving. And, for some unknown reason, Janus seems to enjoy annoying Logan the most out of all their classmates.
Always cornering him after lectures, arguing with him during lessons no matter what side he chooses, or are assigned to.
So, when they were chosen to work this assignment together… Logan was, at the very least, not pleased. Not that he'd ever defy the will of their teacher, so he was stuck with his smug classmates who didn't seem to care enough to even listen to Logan's ideas.
Janus shrugged, "maybe I know that, and maybe I don't, I could have a very short attention span for all you know about me, which isn't much besides my brilliant intelligence that I repeatedly show in class." Janus smirked smugly again.
Logan let out a frustrated sigh, "can we just be serious long enough to finish this?" He asked, on the verge of begging. He never ever failed at anything and he's not about to let Janus change that.
Janus groaned, "Jesus, Teach, ever heard of relaxing? We still got months until the due date." He pointed out.
"While true, you neglect the fact that this assignment is only one out of many others we have from other classes, plus my reputation to hand in assignments early-" but he was interrupted by another, rather exaggerative, groan from Janus.
"You talk a lot." Janus complained.
Logan could feel his eye twitching in annoyance, "well, it would seem like I'm the only one out of the two of us who's doing anything, why are you even in law school if you're not willing to put effort into anything?" Logan asked with a groan of his own, not really looking for an answer, mostly wanting to annoy Janus back.
But of course, that didn't work, as Janus' smirk only grew, seeming more satisfied the more frustrated Logan became. "I wouldn't say that, I put lots of effort into my studies, I'm just balancing it more so I won't get overwhelmed and burned out. Surely you can appreciate a healthy work balance, right Teach?"
Logan's fist hit the table, "stop calling me that!"
Janus was unphased, "how about… professor? Nerd? Glasses? Ooh, maybe Specs?"
"How about simply Logan?" Logan suggested, as calmly as he could.
Janus faked thinking it over before shaking his head, "nah, I like Specs best."
With a growl of frustration, Logan dropped his pen and pushed his chair away from the desk, "I think we're done for today.."
Janus clapped his hands together in glee before standing up, "marvelous! Same time next week?" He winked at Logan.
Logan blushed slightly at the gesture for some reason, "ah.. sure."
Janus smirked again, "it's a date, Specs!" He called as he walked out of Logan's dorms.
That statement caused Logan's blush to deepen, which was… odd.
"Oh he is totally flirting with you, Lo!" Roman, his roommate, said after Logan finished telling him about Janus.
Logan huffed, "I doubt annoying me is considered flirting." Roman was being ridiculous again, there's no way!
Roman shook his head with a sigh, "sometimes I forget how little you understand about the delicate art of romance." He said, "it's because he likes you!"
Logan almost laughed at Roman's statement, "that's absurd, we're both completely different and he always gets out of his way just to get a rise out of me and… always corners me after class and…" he trailed off in thought.
"And trying to get your attention and more time to be with you?" Roman finished for him with a knowing smile.
The more Logan thought about it now, the more Roman's explanation made sense… is he feeling the same way?
"Oh my stars! You're blushing! You like him too! Oh, the robot finally found his heart!" Roman swooned, placing both his hands on his heart in a dramatic gesture.
Logan shook his head, "n-no, no. Janus doesn't like me and I don't like him."
Roman was still smiling knowingly at him, "ah ha, sure, whatever you say, Calculator Watch." He winked at him.
"You're late." Logan said when Janus finally showed up to their second meeting to work on their assignment.
As usual, Janus was unphased, he simply walked in, took his seat on Roman's red beanbag, put his legs up on a chair and leaned back on his hands. Choosing the most dramatic position to show his carefree attitude towards this assignment that they were supposed to work on together.
"Sorry, Specs, it took longer than I thought it would, but I'm here now aren't I?" Janus looked up at Logan to where he sat in front of his work desk.
"It?" Logan asked, "what were doing that took so long?" He asked, barely two seconds passed and he was already starting to get annoyed. What could possibly be more important than law school? Does Janus hold no regards to-
"Our assignment, of course." Janus said casually, halting Logan's thoughts in their place for a minute.
"Excuse me?" Logan asked, surely he didn't hear that correctly.
Janus smirked and handed Logan the notebook he's been holding, "o-u-r a-ssign-ment." He said slowly, emphasizing every syllable.
Eyeing Janus suspiciously, Logan took the notebook and looked it over… he really did do it…
Janus suddenly hopped to his feet, offering Logan his hand, "now that the boring stuff is out of the way, it's time for you to relax with me." He smirked at him.
Logan frowned, "what do you mean?"
Janus sighed, "I really need to spell it out to you, huh?" He chuckled to himself, "fine. Logan, will you go on a date with me?"
Logan flushed a deep red, "b-but there's still work to-"
"Logan." Janus cut him off, suddenly serious, "you really need to learn to take breaks from time to time, you're not helping anyone by running yourself to the ground."
"I'm… not running anywhere, let alone to the ground…" Logan stammered, trailing off.
Janus snickered again, "it means you're overworking yourself, c'mon, I'll take you to my favorite Cafe' on campus." Janus gently grabbed one of his hands and tagged on it.
Still flushing, Logan gave in, putting Janus' notebook on his desk before standing up and following Janus.
Perhaps Janus had a point, he doesn't remember taking a single break other than sleep since the start of semester. And, well, Janus wasn't the worst person to take his first break with…
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analoceits · 9 months ago
do you have any more complicated polycule headcanons for sanders sides? seeing your post filled me with a sense of This Person Is Correct and now I want to pick your brain for more
oh fuck YEAH
post asker is talking abt here
prinxiety used to have a LOT of tension between them. everyone else thought they were OBVIOUSLY crushing and eventually convinced them to date. this lasted a week and went So Horribly it is never spoken of. virgil and roman have resolved to just make out when they feel like it and that deals with the tension.
logan tried to graph out the individual relationships in the polycule exactly Once, because they wanted to explain things to remy. the project kept logan awake for three days and she had to be physically dragged to bed.
moceit are the only two in the polycule to have ever actually been married. mind you, this was all an elaborate scheme by janus to get them married bc he was SO PISSED at patton from their last argument he NEEDED to divorce him. they have tried to get remarried, but logan ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to do all that fucking paperwork again.
logince is the only relationship in the polycule to have never broken up, to everyones BAFFLEMENT bc they get into explosive arguments on the regular. turns out, when they got together, they both agreed that whoever initiates a break-up "loses the relationship" and after everyone found that out it makes Complete Sense.
logan ALSO has their own boyfriend leaderboard, BUT hers is private and she never tells anyone the rankings. they only announce if she has changed the rankings. (janus has figured out that virgil is at the top permanently bc logan NEVER announces a change in rankings after virgil has done something.)
analogical broke up exactly One time. no one remembers why BUT everyone remembers that virgil and logan were both so fully DEVASTATED that everyone worked together to get them to start dating again. janus stopped trying to break up analogical after this.
anxceit dated pre-polycule but took a While to get back together once the polycule started. everyone predicted this would happen, to virgil and janus's annoyance. whenever anxceit did start dating again they both immediately agreed they could NEVER tell anyone else bc they would NEVER hear the end of it. this lasted a week, before they threatened to break up which each other in a public argument.
loceit is not dating, despite the fact they are obviously in love with each other and actively flirting. this is because logan is waiting for janus to confess, and virgil has promised janus he will Literally Kill Him if he gets with logan BEFORE managing to stay with patton for six months straight without a break up to prove that he can be a Mildly Functional Partner. this will never happen.
every single time moceit breaks up, no matter WHAT the reason, no matter HOW AMICABLE, virgil and janus get into a physical fight. after a while everyone realized they both just like the adrenaline rush of fighting and they use the break up as an excuse, so they just leave them to it.
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pupplaylogan · 5 months ago
do you guys like t4t transhet loceit & subtop logan & pre ejaculation & crying & overstimulation & cumming multiple times . um. say yes or else this loceit wip is gonna be kind of bad....... /j
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dndeceit · 2 months ago
Fander Fic Rec Friday (#18)
(Games, Hobbies, and Interests)
Fast Friends by WaeRose Canonverse (Intruality) Rating: T Remus is confused by Patton's attempts at friendship. Then confused at the realizing that there might actually be feelings between them. Obviously Patton can't ignore Remus's worst parts forever, so it's better for them to get to that point before a relationship could even start, right? Remus just needs to break him. The plan?: Horror movies. Notes: Not the comfiest relationship fic, but that just means Remus is written well. Still has a very happy ending. Also, as a fan of horror films myself, all I can say is...the writer of this fic has much more specific and obscure tastes than I could ever dare (compliment).
The Janus and Yarncrafts series by DoomedKelpie Canonverse (Gen) Rating: T Janus keeps his crochet hobby a secret, fearing that if the others knew he made plush animals—and sleeps and plays with them—that they would never take him seriously. Notes: A much deeper story than it might seem on the surface, about how often society forces us to hide the things that bring us joy.
Remus's Role Playing Romp by LeftoverParadox Canonverse (Gen) Rating: M Roman is excited for Thomas's new roleplaying hobby, but rebuffs Remus's attempts to get involved. Remus decides to show him up by running a D&D game for the sides. Notes: Have I rec'd this before? Yes. But it hasn't appeared in a proper Friday reclist yet, so, suffer. Look, I'm a huge D&D nerd, it's all there in the screenname, and this is full of not just 10/10 sides banter, but also really captures the chaos of playing with a group of new players. (Or experienced players just out to have a laugh.)
Deciding Darts by naminethewitch Human AU (Loceit, pre-Intruloceit) Rating: T While he and Janus are out on a double date, Logan finds himself roped into a cheeky wager over a game of darts.
I can show you the world by Anonymous Canonverse (Gen) Rating: T The sides have a Minecraft server. It goes about how as well as you might expect (i.e. chaos, inevitably, ensues). Notes: I never was that into Minecraft, but I'm a fan of survival/builders in general. The options for parallel play are endless, and and that's what this story thrives on. Each side has their own thing going on, and when they clash it's hilarious. (This fic reminds me of my friends and I each fooling around doing our own thing on Ark or Conan or Valheim. I've even got friends who do the thing Remus does in this fic, only instead of cows it's usually dodos or chickens.)
Check Mate in Four Moves by edupunkn00b Canonverse (Intruloceit) Rating: T Logan and Janus are both dating Remus, each equally blind to how long and how badly they've been pining for each other. Chess ensues. Notes: In which Logan and Janus are hopeless and Remus is just impatient for his boyfriends to get to it already.
Deal Me In? by insertcleverpennamehere Canonverse (Gen) Rating: T Once, Janus, Virgil and Remus had an unspoken tradition of playing poker every Friday night. Then friendships were tested and fractured, Virgil left, and they all put it firmly behind them. Notes: About traditions, and the delicate hope of building something new on the fragile foundations of what came before.
The one where Logan converts Janus into being a trekkie by AndSceneButGreen Canonverse (Gen) Rating: T In which Logan introduces Janus to Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (and Janus comes to see a lot of himself in a certain Cardassian tailor). Notes: This one inspired the theme for this week's list, it tickled me so much. Because yes, please, put your interests and hobbies into fics, it can be so entertaining! (DS9 is my favorite Trek and it's easy to see how Janus would enjoy it. The plots were very complex and the morality a lot more grey. And of course he would relate to Garak.)
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ao3feed-loceit · 2 years ago
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finishwhatyoustarted-event · 4 months ago
Finished It Friday - November 1
The final Finished It Friday of the event, where we can celebrate those who finished works in the last week! Next week will be a special FIF that will include a masterpost of all the works completed in this event, as well as a celebration of those who finished chapters in ongoing works.
Remember to tag your works with #IFinishedWhatIStarted2024 or add it to the AO3 collection to be counted!
Tell Me About Catra by TheStarGayzingEtherianCollection (TheStarGayzingEtherian)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - Adora/Catra, Adora & Scorpia, Netossa/Spinnerella, Perfuma/Scorpia - Rated T - During Canon, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, One-Sided Catra/Scorpia - "Despite Etheria being in the middle of Horde Prime's invasion and the Rebellion pushed to the brink, Adora can't stop thinking about Catra. And there's only one other person who knows Catra as well as she did. (Catradora, Canon, Fluff/Angst)"
First Kisses by TheStarGayzingEtherianCollection (TheStarGayzingEtherian)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - Adora/Catra, Tarangela/Succubug - Rated T - Pre-Canon, Catra is in Love with Adora, Abusive Shadow Weaver, Kissing, Adora and Catra are about six or seven here, Angst, Hurt/Comfort - "On yet another day of life in the Fright Zone, little Adora and Catra stumble onto something that opens up their world… and their feelings for each other. (Catradora, Canon, Hurt/Comfort/Fluff)"
That's My Seat! by TheStarGayzingEtherianCollection (TheStarGayzingEtherian)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - Adora/Catra - Rated G - Fluff, Post-Canon, Silly, Dorks in Love, Outer Space, Minor Bow/Glimmer - "One morning aboard Darla, Adora finds that her girlfriend has comitted a most unspeakable crime... she's stolen her seat! (Catradora, Canon, Fluff)"
Just Like Magic by edupunkn00b
Sanders Sides - Deceit | Janus Sanders & Logic | Logan Sanders - Rated G - Alternate Universe - Magic, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, blooming platonic loceit, Past Abuse Referenced, Minor Character Death - "There are no mages in the South. There are no mages in the South. There are no mages in the South. There are mages in the South."
Tumblr promo - https://archiveofourown.org/works/33598879/chapters/83489710
The first wave of love… by sasuhina_gal
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia - Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto - Rated T - Mermaid Melody AU, mermaid shouto, Surfer Midoriya Izuku, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Video Diary entries - "Izuku figured something about himself involving Shouto. Now he just needs to figure out something else about him."
I'll Take Good Care Of You by TheStarGayzingEtherianCollection (TheStarGayzingEtherian)
NSFW: Sexual Content - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - Adora/Catra - Rated E - Canon, ish, Trans Catra, Smut, Top Adora, Bottom Catra, Blow Jobs, Vaginal Sex, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Kissing, Groping - "Catra doesn't need to do a thing. She just has to relax and let Adora work her magic. (Catradora, Canon, Smut)"
Exploration by ahiddenpath
NSFW: Sexual Content - Digimon - All Media Types, Digimon Adventure Zero Two | Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Adventure - Ichijouji Ken/Motomiya Daisuke | Davis Motomiya, motomiya daisuke/original character, izumi koushiro/original character, Inoue Miyako | Yolei Inoue/Motomiya Daisuke | Davis Motomiya - Rated E - Casual Sex, Sex, Oral Sex, Consensual Sex, Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Anal Fingering, Exploration of sexuality, Queer Themes - "An AU story where Motomiya Daisuke, Anami Eimi, Ichijouji Ken, Izumi Koushiro, and Inoe Miyako are undergraduate students in 2024. This four chapter explicit story follows their exploration of sexuality and relationships in a consensual, queer-friendly way."
find me in the world of yesterday by tellmeyoufool
전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong - Kim Dokja & Shin Yoosung - Rated G - Post-Canon, Omniscient Reader Epilogue Spoilers, Angst, Hospitals, Temporary Selective Memory Loss, Platonic Relationships, Hopeful Ending - "|When Shin Yoosung opens the door of the hospital room, there are no more [Story, “Savior of a Star” has started its storytelling.] messages to see. There is no more warmth stirring in her chest when she’s felt her Story resonating and reaching out to her Constellation. In a world without the Star Stream, the absence is loud.| Or: Kim Dokja is back, but some parts of him are still lost across time and space."
the way it was before by tellmeyoufool
Content Warning: Major Character Death - Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle - Kamui & Subaru & Sumeragi Hokuto, Kamui & Subaru, Kamui & Subaru & Sumeragi Hokuto - Rated T - Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Acid Tokyo Arc (Tsubasa), Vampires, Angst, Past Character Death, Grief/Mourning, can you mourn a sibling you don't remember having?, Parallel Universes, Time Paradoxes - "Before there was Subaru and Kamui, there was Hokuto and Subaru and Kamui. Or: surrounded by water in a strange, new country, Subaru dreams."
Princess & Tower by kaitou (misbehavingvigilante)
NSFW: Sexual Content, content warnings: Sexual Horror, Abuse  *with 'Dead Dove: Do Not Eat' modifier tag!* - 阴阳师 | Yīn Yáng Shī | The Yin-yang Master (Movies - Guo Jingming) - Bo Ya/Qing Ming - Rated E - Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Getting Back Together, Metatextual, Sexual Horror, Post-Prison - "Boya wants nothing to do with Qingming after getting out of prison, unfortunately, there’s a mystery that brings the two of them together."
0 notes
t4tprinzzy · 2 years ago
I FORGOT POLYCULES EXISTED <- is IN a polycule /lh
okay so!! polycule ship opinions:
i just woke up so forgive me if words fail me jsjdjdjf
intruloceit: i love the aesthetic :3 and honestly id prefer it if it was just logan dating remus and janus and not remus and janus dating each other (not a big fan of dukeceit)
moloceit: i have similar thoughts on this one tbh. good aesthetic, don’t like logicality so just the moceit and loceit part. they’d be great :D
anxceitmus: lowkey i prefer them being familial rather than romantic (sometimes i like romantic dukexiety but that’s like. not common lmao). i just feel like janus is virgils dad, which is part of why i don’t like anxceit i think
moralogince: such a good aesthetic even if i don’t like logicality jsjdjdjf i like the idea of them being in a relationship pre aa, and then after virgils name reveal he joins the relationship, even if i fucking despise moxiety ksjdjjcjc idk it’s cute!!!
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ambersky0319 · 5 years ago
Uhm, heya. I saw that you were accepting prompts? I have a Loceit one if you want to do it. -Since Deceit is the one known to be the Side who decides whom Thomas meets, perhaps not all of them are happy that he won't let them meet Thomas. Perhaps one of them find out about his not-so-tiny crush on the Logical Side and kidnaps him to use against Deceit? Maybe even hurts Logan a bit to piss him off. 💙💛 You don't have to do the prompt if you can't. Also, I wanna say that I love your writing ❤️
This was actually really fun to write and it’s over 3k words long- also it’s more pre-loceit but like, very close to them getting together?? You’ll see what I mean. Hope you all enjoy!
Warnings : Literal embodiment of Repression, blood/blood mentions(fairly brief), kidnapping, morally gray sides excluding Logan and Deceit, ask if I should add anything else!
Logan’s head throbbed as he slowly regained consciousness. He bit his lip as the pain only grew, and he lifted his head up slightly, squinting. He was surrounded by a muted and dull brown on all sides, with walls decorated in nothing but filing cabinet after cabinet. Logan furrowed his brow, he didn’t recognize where he was, and couldn’t recall what had even happened.
Maybe Remus had hit him over the head with his morning star, trying to surprise attack Logan again? But Logan could always dodge those. And even when he was hit, he’d never gone unconscious. Remus wouldn’t really have any use of trying him up and leaving him in this dull of a room, either.
“Ah, you’re awake!”
Logan snapped his head to the side at the voice, wincing as his vision grew dizzy for a moment. His captor tutted, shaking his head. “I’d be careful, Logic darling, don’t want to be in so much pain so soon! Besides, I kinda need you to be able to see everything I intend to do.”
The side was dressed in all orange in varying tones. He was much shorter than Logan, even when Logan was tied to the chair Logan was still about a head taller than this side. But that’s not what struck Logan, no. It was the fact that the side had what appeared to be scars all over his face, but the scars were like portals into a bright, painful orange galaxy. What seemed to be stars swirled in these patches of skin, and the side raised a brow when he realized Logan wasn’t listening to him.
“Logic, you should really stop being so curious.” The side hissed, resting his hand on Logan’s shoulder. The gloves he was wearing a moment earlier disappeared, and he squeezed Logan’s shoulder tightly. Logan’s eyes widened, but when he tried to speak, nothing came out but a slight squeak and his throat suddenly felt numb. The side laughed at Logan’s worried expression, and Logan had never seen a smile on anyone look so sinister.
“Wonderful what I can do, yes? Oh, but losing your voice is only the start, Logic. I can do so much more.” The side released Logan’s shoulder, trailing his hand up to grip Logan’s jaw. His smile disappeared. “But I need to remember to not hurt you too badly, make sure you’re still useful to Thomas. And make sure you’re still pretty enough for Deceit to want to save you.” He tilted his head. “I doubt he’d be happy if he knew I scratched you up.”
Logan’s expression morphed to one of confusion, and the side stared into Logan’s eyes for a long moment, as though reading Logan like Logan was an open child’s book. “You don’t know, do you?” When Logan’s expression didn’t change, the side cackled. “Oh! This is going to be more fun than I thought!” He began to trail his fingers down Logan again, stopping at where his heart was.
He grinned. “You know, Logic, you’re very lucky I was the one to take you. Imagine what you can tell the others once you go back up there, and they start fretting over you. You were repressed. Imagine that, logic being repressed?” The side, Repression Logan now assumed, hummed as he began to unbutton Logan’s shirt to have better access to his chest. Logan could only stare at the side and feel his heart rate increase as he began to feel the panic creeping up on him.
Repression pushed the shirt back, and Logan shivered as his cold fingers gently moved across his bare skin. He returned his hand to where it had been above Logan’s heart, and he traced the area, scratching the pale skin there. “Though maybe no one will fret over you. They haven’t noticed you gone just yet, and it’s already been about a day. Do you want to know what they’ve done without you, Logic?”
The side stared up at Logan with feigned innocence, and when Logan shook his head slightly, the side grinned. “You don’t want to know, do you? You’re afraid that they were happier without you, that Thomas was happier without you there. You don’t want to know because you don’t want all of your irrational thoughts to wind up actually being true.” Logan was starting to hyperventilate as Repression continued to speak, digging his nails into Logan’s skin further, starting to draw blood.
“I’m going to reveal everything to you, Logic. Each little thought that you’ve had that is true. What the others really think about you. I’ll show you how Thomas really feels when you come up to ruin all their fun. And you know what? I bet I can do it before anyone even realizes you’re gone.” He laughed slightly. “Well, everyone but Deceit. I need Deceit to know you’re gone. If he didn’t, then this would all be pointless.”
Repression finally drew his fingers away from Logan’s chest. His nails were coated in a thin layer of blood, and Logan felt as if his heart had suddenly become heavy, like a rock was lodged in his chest instead. 
He examined his fingers. “I’m going to need more of your blood…” he trailed off for only a moment before a small knife appeared in his hand. “Surely you don’t mind, do you Logic?” Repression didn’t wait for Logan to even attempt to protest before he started cutting at Logan’s exposed shoulder.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit-” Deceit hissed to himself as he read the note again, trying to remember who’s handwriting was staring back up at him. He hadn’t anticipated for this to happen, hell, he didn’t get why any of the hidden sides wanted to be introduced to Thomas! He wasn’t only just doing his job, keeping them away, but he was protecting them! Deceit knew that Thomas would never listen to them because they were dark sides.
The note, written in dark red ink that was unmistakably dried blood, was a demand. A demand Deceit knew he couldn’t fulfill if he wanted to keep Thomas safe. But he couldn’t keep Thomas safe if the embodiment of logic was taken hostage and was being repressed-
“Fucking hell Res!” Deceit hissed, everything coming together now. Oh, this wasn’t good. Not one bit.
Deceit looked at the television, black because Thomas was asleep now. But it all made sense. Today Thomas had been recording a video, and Logan hadn’t popped in once. It seemed the others didn’t notice the shift or maybe thought Logan was just busy with other things. But some of the things Thomas had said earlier, and then agreeing to everything Patton, Virgil, and Roman said instantly without much thought? That was unusual, even for their host.
He muttered a few more choice curses before crumpling the note up and throwing it in the trash bin, attempting to summon none other than Repression.
Res popped up after a minute of Deceit waiting, bouncing on his heels and looking up at the deceptive side. Res grinned at Deceit. “Hello, Dee! Did you by any chance need something?” It took all of Deceit’s willpower to not grab Res by his infuriatingly bright scarf and punch him. Instead, Deceit glared down at Res.
“Where’s Logan?”
Res hummed, his grin morphing into a smirk. “Nowhere, really. Why? Afraid that I’ve hurt your sweet and precious Logic?”
Deceit’s glare only grew harsher. “Considering your note was written in blood-”
“That wasn’t my question and you know it.” Res held back his laugh as he saw Deceit only growing angrier. But he brought this upon himself. All Deceit had to do was reveal him to Thomas, if he had done it before this would have all been avoided. “I doubt you’d actually tell me, but I know you are afraid. It’s so easy to read. I even told him how you would be the only one to worry he was gone. Well, that and a few other details.” The much shorter orange side leaned against the couch, watching Deceit carefully.
“Where is he, Res.” It wasn’t a question. A demand. Res frowned.
“You know this isn’t how it works, Dee! You can’t start demanding things without answering my demands.”
“Res, this isn’t funny!”
Res tilted his head. “I never said it was a joke. The situation is quite serious, actually, and we both know it.”
“You would put Thomas in danger, just so you could have five minutes of glory before everyone up there started to ignore you just like they do Remus and I?”
“They wouldn’t get the chance to keep me quiet, and you know that. But I also don’t think you’re just concerned for Thomas.”
“Of course I am! Logan is an essential part of Thomas and you know damn well know that you know exactly what thoughtless decisions were made today, and which ones will be made tomorrow if Logan isn’t there to fix everything.”
“No, you’re concerned because you like him, Deceit. Do you really think I took Logic because of Thomas?” Res shook his head. “No, it’s because out of all the sides that Thomas knows of, you like Logic, and would most likely do anything to ensure he’s safe. But now…” Res laughed, grinning from ear to ear. “But now he isn’t! And guess what? It’s all because of you, Dee, because you wouldn’t listen to me when I told you to let me meet Thomas.”
Deceit clenched his fists, taking in a deep breath as Res just laughed again. He hated how Res was right. Deceit, although he truly did fear for what this would do to Thomas, that was a fear second place to just losing Logan at all.
He really, really wanted to punch Res. To shun him to the Subconscious again. But then Deceit would never find Logan, at least for a few years. That couldn’t happen.
“Fine. But on one condition.” Res stopped laughing abruptly as Deceit spoke, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes.
“No demands, Dee.”
“It isn’t a demand, really. Just a compromise.”
Res held Deceit’s gaze before slowly caving in. “What is it?”
“If you take me to Logan first, we can all go up and introduce you, and only you to Thomas.” Deceit held out one of his hands. “Do we have a deal?”
Res considered it for a moment, looking Deceit up and down as if trying to see Deceit was lying. He thought he was picking up on a lie, but Deceit was a walking lie, so Res assumed that it was nothing, and he shook Deceit’s hand.
Before he could say anything else, Res forced Deceit to sink down with him. They appeared in Res’s library, a maze full of memories that Thomas no longer remembered because they were just really really old, unimportant, or excruciatingly traumatic.
“He’s right this way.” Res didn’t let go of Deceit’s hand as he pulled him down one of the hallways with shocking strength coming from someone so small.
It didn’t take long to get to where Logan was, and Deceit cringed at the sight of dried blood over Logan’s shoulders. He broke out of Res’s hold to rush over to Logan, checking for a pulse when he saw that Logan’s eyes were closed. His anger returned to the surface when more marks covering Logan reached his eyes, and he glared at Res for even daring to harm a hair on his head. Res rolled his eyes.
“What? How else was I gonna get all those repressed emotions up? Logic is like a damn rock, and I needed to… dig deep, to get the prettiest wonders to the surface.”
“Just help me untie him!” Deceit hissed, and Res obeyed without much complaint. He watched Logan slump into Deceit’s arms, and Res was surprised Logan had passed out in the first place. He thought he’d shot Logan up with enough adrenaline to keep him awake for another two hours. Maybe the logical side just had an extremely low tolerance to actual pain.
Deceit sunk out without another word, and Res tried to follow.
His eyes widened when he didn’t move. “Fuck,” he whispered when the filing cabinets of memories slowly started to grow black again. He really should have seen this coming, and not pushed aside Deceit’s minor lie.
When Logan woke up again, he wasn’t in any pain. He knew just by the feeling around him he wasn’t in Repression’s room any longer. For one, he was lying down. But another reason was he was under a blanket and his head was resting on an incredibly soft pillow. He slowly opened his eyes and was greeted with a ceiling painted to look like the canopies of a jungle.
“You’re awake already?”
Logan tilted his head just as the bed shifted, and Deceit smiled down at him sadly. Logan blinked at him for a few moments, unsure of how to react.
“I honestly expected you to be out a bit longer, Res’s domains typically have that effect on sides.” Deceit frowned, before moving Logan’s shirt out of the way slightly and Logan actually flinched away. Deceit drew back slowly. “It’s okay, just wanted to make sure they weren’t leaving any scars.”
Logan just turned to stare up at the ceiling again. “How long have I been out?”
“Repressed, or unconscious?”
“About three days.” Logan groaned quietly at that number. It was small, but he knew how devastating that could be for Thomas. Deceit was quick to reassure him though. “He didn’t do anything drastically stupid, Remus managed to freak Virgil out about the different possibilities that Virgil was able to prevent Thomas from doing anything stupid. Though Thomas might have like…. five cavities he couldn’t stop Thomas from eating only sweets for the entire three days.”
Silence once again took over Deceit’s room, and Deceit couldn’t do more than just watch Logan process the information. He bit his lip gently. “Logan?”
“What did Res tell you, exactly?”
Logan caught Deceit’s gaze again, and he moved a bit to sit up as he thought, trying to remember.
“Mainly confirming my suspicions that the others don’t care about me.” Logan didn’t notice his eyes tearing up, and oddly he didn’t care if Deceit knew his insecurities anymore. Maybe Repression had cut deeper into him than he had thought. “That I just ruined there fun. He showed me some of the unedited content from… I guess the other day. Everyone just seemed so happy, and he wouldn’t stop saying that I was holding Thomas back.” Logan took a deep breath, finally feeling the tears. He didn’t make a move to wipe them away, not yet anyway.
“He went through each of you, too. Starting with the others, and he ended with you. He spent the most time on you.” Logan laughed, though it didn’t have a hint of happiness. It was just sad and broken, almost hysterical. “He- he kept lying, telling me that you liked me, he tried to get my hopes up, and he told me so many times, oh god… each time he cut deeper, he said it was because you liked me and he needed me to get to you and out of everything, I can’t believe he kept lying about it! Out of all my repressed hopes, he chose the one that I knew would never be true to use!” Logan’s laugh turned into actual sobs, and he pulled his knees to his chest, burying his face there as he continued to shake.
Deceit hesitantly moved closer, settling beside Logan. “Logan, Res wasn’t lying.” Deceit’s voice was soft, but he knew Logan heard when Logan glanced back to him.
“He wasn’t lying. Res took you, because of me.”
Logan attempted to stop crying, but the tears just kept flowing as he sniffled. He lifted his head from his knees though. “I don’t understand.”
Deceit sighed, running his hand through his hair- Logan only just noticed Deceit wasn’t wearing gloves, in fact, he wasn’t wearing any of his usual garments. Instead, he was in a yellow sweater and some black sweatpants, hat and gloves nowhere in sight. “This isn’t- this is the worst possible way for you to find out. I’m so sorry that you found out like this, Logan, that it happened in the first place.
"Res took you specifically because he knew I liked you. And he thought this would be the best way to get me to let him meet Thomas. You getting hurt by him is all my fault.”
“You’re lying,” Logan stated, shaking his head. “You must be.”
Deceit shook his own head. “I would never lie in this situation, Logan.”
Logan took a shaky breath, looking away from Deceit again and to the wall opposite him. It was a massive enclosure, and he could see one of Deceit’s snakes from where he sat.
He was trying to process how he felt. His crush just confirmed that he reciprocated, but also just said that it was all his fault that Logan had been taken in the first place. Logan couldn’t see how Deceit could have prevented the situation though. Or had known it was ever going to happen. Which meant that it wasn’t Deceit’s fault. He was still trying to wrap his mind around everything that had happened, plus the new information that Deceit did indeed like him.
Logan groaned, burying his face in his knees again. “Why are emotions so annoying?” He asked.
“I guess that’s why you had them repressed,” Deceit said gently. Logan heard the sadness enter his voice as Deceit continued. “Um, I understand if you want to go back to your room, Logan. I’m sure everyone else would be overjoyed to see you, after all-”
“W-What?” Deceit stared at Logan in confusion as Logan sniffled again, lifting his head once more from his knees and wiping away the last of his tears. His eyes were puffy from rubbing them so much.
“I don’t want to go. Not yet, anyway.” He looked back to Deceit. “I want to be in here, with you.”
“But- wait, why?”
“Did you miss the part where I said I thought Res had tried to get my hopes up that you liked me, and I thought he was lying until you just said that he wasn’t?” Deceit still seemed confused, but he seemed to be understanding at least a little bit. “Dee, I like you too, and I’d like to spend some time with you, y'know.”
Deceit blinked a few times before the human side of his face flushed a light pink. “Oh.”
“Also the others are too intense, and I don’t think I could handle them right now…”
Deceit laughed lightly. “Alright. Um, want to watch a documentary then? And then we can talk more about… us, when you’re feeling a lot better?”
Logan smiled softly, a genuine smile, and he nodded.
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Loceit Week Day 3: Braincells
Took a few attempts to get right, but I really like this one!
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Art taglist: @red-imeanblue @jwillowwolf @lost-in-thought-20 @the-duke-of-nuts @diamondwind99 @psychedelicships (If you'd like to be added/removed, let me know! 🌟)
"I'm sorry, Logan... I don't follow." Janus confessed, feeling a little guilty for admitting the truth when Logan was trying to explain something personal.
Logan sighed jokingly, a small smirk graced his features as he grabbed two pens and paper placing it in between them.
"It's quite alright, Janus. You know I'm one for visual aids... Considering using words with an emotional stance isn't my strong suit... Allow me to use this to make it clearer." Logan began to draw accurately and Janus was mesmerised by how easily the ink flowed onto the page.
"This is how my brain functions when I'm alone... It's clear, accurate, it functions exactly as it should. Figuratively, my braincells continue with their job with no problems in any capacity." Logan explained and Janus nodded along, curious to see where this was going.
"Now, when I'm with you..." Logan frantically opened the cap of the other pen and drew chaotic lines, swirls until it finally ended in a single curved line. "When I'm with you; I can't think clearly, my mind can't focus on a task, chaos swirls around and you consume my every thought. Figuratively, my braincells become disorganised. You create complete and utter chaos in my mind, Janus." Logan looks up, almost afraid of Janus' reaction.
Janus stared at the drawing, and his breath hitches when he finally realised what Logan was saying. He smiled and took Logan's hand in his own.
"So... I'm a bad distraction huh?" Janus said teasingly causing Logan to squeeze Janus', delicately placing his other hand on Janus' cheek which made him blush.
"Quite the opposite... You're the best possible distraction... and I never want that to change."
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logically-asexual · 3 years ago
I wanted to be seen
Superheroes AU. Roman, Patton and Virgil are a team of good guys who fight against Evil (Janus and Remus). They get Logan to work for them with like hacking and getting important information from the villains. But Janus tries to convince Logan that he deserves better.
I wrote this in a bit of a hurry because I have schoolwork to do but I also want to procrastinate so I just translated this part of a daydream I've had for a while into words. So sorry if it's not great.
Title from Not What I Meant by dodie.
warnings: Even though he has no dialogues, i made roman (and patton and virgil) kinda mean to Logan again. i'm sorry (not) but i'm not creative and it's really the easiest way for me to make Logan suffer and want to move to the Dark Side lol
Read on AO3
words: 2,529
Logan walked inside the building as silently as he could, following close behind Anxiety. Prince was leading the group, with Morality by his side, Anxiety was just behind them and Logan was last, struggling to keep up with their pace while also staying quiet. He had a habit of bumping into things. 
They made it through the back entrance all the way to the stairs without crossing a single person, Logan had made sure they’d come at an hour when the way would be empty, and he also disabled the cameras with which they could be spotted. At this point, Prince decided it was time to split up. Each of them would search in one of the four floors of the building, Logan got the second one. He followed the instruction and began exploring the labyrinth of hallways on his own. 
He didn’t really want to participate in this. He did his best work from a safe distance, sitting down and staring into a wide computer screen. Alas, Prince said it was urgent that they found and retrieved the stolen relic before anything happened to it, and they needed Logan to cover the most distance in the least amount of time. 
To “look in every room for the small, golden crown” sounded easy enough. However, Logan struggled to move fast while keeping quiet. It was hard to tell if he was making any noise through the pounding of his heart in his ears. He had never done anything like this. All he hoped was to not get caught. He prioritized being quiet over velocity, walking slowly and carefully. 
He picked the lock of the third room in his second hallway and walked inside. The entire building was mostly empty and extremely clean in an uncanny way. The rooms in this floor seemed to be for offices, some bigger, with several desks and file organizers. This one was smaller; it was probably for storage. It had no windows, only illuminated by a yellow light bulb hanging from the ceiling. There was an empty shelf rack on one side and a few plastic containers of cleaning products on the floor. He crouched down to look for anything on the floor between the shelf and the wall. 
As he did so, he heard the door close behind him. He stood up, but before he could turn around he was shoved to the wall and his mouth was covered by a hand in a yellow glove. Logan didn’t have to look up from it to know who had caught him. The yellow gloves were his signature. Logan breathed deeply through his nose, as much as he could, as the pounding in his ears returned. “You had one job,” he heard Prince’s annoyed voice in his head say.
Once he gathered the courage, Logan looked up. 
He had read many descriptions of what Deceit looked like, his job was to research him and get inside his computer systems to allow the team to stop whatever he was planning. He had seen a few cryptic pictures of him, low quality camera footage. He knew he wore a black mask that covered the left half of his face, a bowler hat, a cape, and the famous yellow gloves. Still, all this knowledge wasn’t enough to prepare him to face the man in person so closely. 
He was smiling. His right eye was brown, appearing completely normal, while the left one, behind the mask, was a vibrant saturated green, slitted like a reptile’s. Logan was captivated by both of them, so different and yet both had the same hypnotizing effect. 
“You’re new,” Deceit said, with a low pitch that shook Logan to his core. 
Logan just swallowed. 
“You’re going to stay quiet, right, little mouse?” Deceit asked as he raised an eyebrow. 
He was too frightened to even consider moving a muscle, let  alone speak. He did his best to nod ever so slightly, never moving his stare from the criminal’s eyes. 
“I know who you are,” Deceit said as he pulled his hand away, without stepping backwards, staying too close to Logan for his comfort. “You’re the one that has been meddling in affairs that are not of your business.” His tone was calm, but Logan could feel the threat in his gaze. “I know they got someone else because none of those airheads could even get close to the information you’ve been trying to find. I might need to improve my security.”
Logan knew he was lying. He might have been able to find some information, but nowhere close to what could actually be useful. He had the suspicion, but now he was in this situation it was confirmed that all he could find had already been laid out intentionally by Deceit. It was better than nothing, though, he reminded himself of that. 
”Do they pay you?”
“No, sir,” came out of his mouth before he could think. Perhaps Logan’s brain had translated the intimidating demeanor of this man into an authority figure, and addressed him as such. 
There was a moment of silence. Logan had lowered his gaze but he could still feel Deceit studying him. Suddenly, the villain took Logan’s hands in his. 
“Strong fingers,” he muttered, rubbing his thumb over Logan’s knuckles, “do you play piano?” 
“I code.”
“Right.” Deceit hummed, still staring and Logan’s hands. “What a shame… I could teach you.” 
“What do you want from me?” 
“Oh, nothing at all,” he sounded almost offended by the accusation. “I just wanted to talk and get to know the new team member.” Deceit let go of his hands slowly. Logan pulled them up to cross his arms as soon as they were free. 
“You’re wasting your time.” Logan’s irritation was allowing him to become a little braver. 
“Ah, you mean because of your friends? Don’t worry about them, they won’t find anything.” He said with a smirk. 
Logan bit his lip, ignoring the urge to correct him about the others being his friends. Only Virgil talked to him sometimes. Prince wouldn’t even tell him his real name. Logan wished Virgil was here now, he always knew how to escape difficult situations. He looked towards the door, trying to figure out a way to get out of this. 
“Waiting for them?” Deceit asked with a mocking tone. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Maybe they forgot about you.”
“They didn’t.”
“How are you so sure?”
He wasn’t. He stayed quiet as Deceit grinned. His fangs were visible, and Logan couldn’t help but stare at them. He wondered if Deceit was venomous as some kind of unknown superpower. There were never civilians around to witness when he committed a crime, people only knew of his appearance through rumors. He never needed any supernatural ability to defeat Prince and the others, who all had their own, but maybe he kept it hidden, just like he did with everything else. 
“You know, if you worked with me I wouldn’t leave you behind.” He gently uncrossed Logan’s arms to hold his hand once again. “I would appreciate you for the brilliant gem that you are, unlike those ungrateful, egotistical attention-seekers.” 
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere.” Logan said. He couldn’t deny, however, that he had thought about leaving the team before. They needed him, though. And he needed them, they gave him a place to live and he had nowhere else to go. 
“How about some proof, then? Since you’re such a pragmatic guy.” 
Logan looked into the other’s eyes in confusion. 
“Here’s my proposal,” he said, lifting Logan’s hand from the wrist. Then he pulled out a pair of handcuffs, to which Logan reacted by trying to pull his arm back, but Deceit was too strong. He gave up before getting hurt. “I’ll leave, and give you three minutes to make a choice.” After closing the handcuff over his wrist, he leaned over Logan’s shoulder to cuff both hands behind his back. 
Logan had to make an effort to pay attention to what the man was saying over the panic growing in his chest. 
“I’m going to leave that door unlocked for three minutes. If you leave, then this never happened, but I will keep trying to show you you’re better off on my side of the equation, where your work would actually have an impact, instead of leading those losers to more humiliation.
“After that, though, the door will lock, and you’ll have a chance to prove me wrong. If your friends still look for you and find you here before the day ends, then it’s proved that they care, and I’ll leave you alone. I won’t even interfere with your attempts at breaching my digital storage.” He smirked again, as if reminiscing about having fun with that. “So,” he laid his hands on Logan’s shoulders and whispered in his ear, “do we have a deal?”
Logan wanted to ask what would happen if no one found him, but he felt like doing so would be admitting defeat, which the faint hint of pride he had left wouldn’t allow. He was already too embarrassed from how hot his face felt from Deceit’s touch. He simply closed his eyes and nodded slightly. As if he had any other option. 
“Wonderful!” Deceit’s smile showed his fangs off once more, as Logan tried to control his tachycardia. “I’ll see you later.” He finally said with a wink, before swiftly walking out of the room and closing the door behind him. 
The lock was electronic, Logan observed. 
His immediate impulse was to run out and get away as far as he could. He didn’t even have to go back to the team of heroes, he could find somewhere else to go. 
As he struggled to reach the door and turn around to try to hold the handle with his cuffed hands, anxious thoughts plagued his mind. 
Could he go somewhere else? Would he constantly be haunted by Deceit and other villains he had worked against? He didn’t have any powers, he wasn’t even strong or fast. Who knows what they would do to him if they found him. Would he survive out there on his own, without protection? 
Maybe he should just look for the others. But what if they had left already? From what he could hear, the hallways were dead quiet. Logan didn’t know how long it had been since he split up from the rest. They didn’t bring any electronic devices to avoid being tracked. What if they were still here but Logan got lost searching for them? People said it was best to stay in one place if you wanted someone to find you. But could he stay there doing nothing?
What if Deceit broke his promise and was waiting for him right outside the door? That wasn’t improbable given his name. Would he mock him for being a coward? Did Logan care about being a coward more than his own safety? What if he wanted to hurt Logan, not before playing mind games with him for a while? What would Logan do without help? Would he take Logan hostage and threaten his life to get away with whatever he was planning on doing today? 
He stopped for a moment to think, resting his forehead on the door. This was supposed to be easy. They promised him it would be. 
Maybe Prince, Morality and Anxiety would find him. They did need him. Even if they didn’t always voice their appreciation Logan knew he was a crucial part of the team now. Even if they didn’t care about him as a person they should at least care about what he could do for them. Perhaps they would save him just for appearances, so Prince could have his heroic act of the day, since they probably weren’t able to find the relic they were looking for. Maybe they were looking for him right now. 
Logan breathed deeply. 
Then he heard the click of the lock activating. 
There was nothing left to do now. So Logan waited. 
In a security room somewhere else inside the building, Janus was looking at the cameras’ footage with Remus sitting by his side. On their left side, Logan was now sitting on the floor, with his back rested against the door. On the right, the entrance to the building was empty. Prince and his teammates had left hours ago, showing no sign of planning to come back. 
“How long till we tell him?” Remus asked, propping up his feet on the desk and leaning his head back on the chair’s backrest. 
“I told him that he had until the end of the day, can’t break a promise.” 
“But you do that all the time!” Remus whined. “Last week you told me I could buy some arsenic with our booty and then you took it all!” 
“I simply saved it for later.”
“Yeah, right. And tomorrow there will be another golden snake statue of mysterious origins in your house.” 
“Listen,” Janus said, dismissing Remus with a wave of his hand. “I have to teach him a lesson.” 
Remus looked back into the camera, where Logan still sat in the same position as before. “What are we going to do with him after?”
Janus shrugged. “We’ll find him some use.”
Logan didn’t have any way of telling how much time had passed. There wasn’t even any natural light in the small room, it could have been night for hours already and he wouldn’t be able to see any difference. 
He estimated that an hour had passed when he began trying to escape. He tried everything, breaking the handcuffs, breaking the lock, sliding his hands free, tackling the door, looking for something to deactivate the lock, to dismantle it, or turn it off… Nothing worked. 
Eventually he grew tired, sat back down on the floor, in one of the room’s corners, and waited some more. His head hurted, there was a knot in his throat, his eyes stinged and his muscles were shaking. It wasn’t long before he drifted off, and was fast asleep before he could realize. 
Later, he felt he was being picked up slowly. With one arm on his back and the other below his knees, Logan could faintly see Deceit lifting him from the floor and pulling him close. He let his eyes close again, and rested his head against the other man’s chest, letting himself drift off once more as he was carried out of the storage room. 
He opened his eyes fully as they walked out through the main entrance. It was dark outside. 
Deceit put him down to allow him to sit in the back seat of an old car. Logan couldn’t see anything outside, he didn’t know if it was because of the darkness of the night or if the windows weren’t fully transparent. He counted his breaths as Deceit moved to the front seat. The driver’s seat was occupied by a man in a green suit covered in glitter. 
“Where are we going?” Logan whispered when the car began moving. 
Deceit made eye contact with him through the rearview mirror with a jarringly earnest expression. “Home.”
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naminethewriter · 8 months ago
Loceit Week 2024 - Masterpost
A collection of Oneshots written for Loceit Week 2024 using random prompts from the Weekend Writing Game due to a lack of official prompts this year.
Series on Ao3
My writing Masterpost
Day 1: “You fought for me…” “Yeah, sometimes I don’t understand my own reasoning.” Intuition (06/30/24) Ao3 | Tumblr Platonic Loceit / rated G / 835 words Out of everyone who could have come help him deal with the surprise attack, Janus hadn't expected it to be Logan.
Day 2: At a bonfire at night in the middle of a dark forest seems like the best and the worst time to tell each other ghost stories. Who needs ghost stories when you have a cute boyfriend? (07/01/24) Ao3 | Tumblr Romantic Loceit / rated G / 495 words Six friends out on a camping trip, in the woods in the middle of the night? What better times to tell creepy stories? Janus isn't interested, he has someone better to pay attention to.
Day 3: Write about cuddling and someone being the little spoon for the first time. Nothing Unnatural About Cuddling (07/02/24) Ao3 | Tumblr Romantic Loceit / rated G / 504 words Logan agreed to try something new with Janus, but is still a bit hesitant about it…
Day 4: “Do I know you?” “Yes. We had Sex.” To an Interesting Night (07/03/24) Ao3 | Tumblr Pre-Romantic Loceit / rated T / 665 words Janus ends up in a bar after a bad date. There he is approached by someone who knows him though he has no memory of the other in return.
Day 5: Write about someone meeting their future in-laws. Meeting His Mothers Jitters (07/04/24) Ao3 | Tumblr Romantic Loceit / rated T / 589 words After three years together, Janus is finally going to meet Logan's mothers. He is more than nervous.
Day 6: “We really sold our souls to the devil here, haven’t we?” Deciding Darts (07/05/24) Ao3 | Tumblr Romantic Loceit / rated T / 1,603 words Janus and Logan are on a double date with Patton and Roman when they get interrupted by Roman's twin who's surprisingly back in town.
Day 7: It was probably what everyone should have expected to happen, but they all still acted surprised. What did you think this trip was for? (07/06/24) Ao3 | Tumblr Romantic Loceit / rated G / 791 words Janus and Logan invited all their friends out on a trip with them. There must be an ulterior motive, right?
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lily-janus · 2 years ago
Rivals (?)
Summary: Logan has a crush on one of the most popular kids in the school, Roman, but fears his mortal enemy, Janus, will get in the way... and he's not entirely wrong...
Pairings: pre-romantic Logince, platonic Loceit (as in they hate each other)
Warnings: some low self esteem talk from Logan, a bit of unsimpathetic Janus towards Logan, food mention (not graphic). Lemme know if there's smth I missed.
Super late but deal with it, for @loginceweek2023 day 3 - competition.
I'm planning to have more chapters for this but they're more Loceit focused so I decided to post just the first part that focuses more on our fav prince and nerd^^
Logan and Janus had been rivals ever since Janus first arrived at the school.
They were both highly intelligent and well read people that did well in academic environments, such as school.
So it was that Logan and Janus were both the top students in their year with almost identical scores, they were both leading the debate team and math league of the school, won similar awards, and so on and so forth.
They were both incredibly competitive so the fact that they had so much in common didn't push them closer but rather did the opposite: they hated each other. They argued over everything, constantly keeping their guard up around each other to try and best each other for once, looking for a sign of weakness or something else they can use to bring the other down.
So it was that, when Logan started developing feelings for one of the most popular kids in school, he just knew Janus was going to try and make a move as well, if just to spite Logan.
While, yes, him and Janus had many similarities, they also had huge differences. For one, Janus was an incorrigible flirt and great at acting, while Logan… well, he was too straightforward and socially awkward for any of that.
So it happens that Janus was at the same theater group as Logan's crush, Roman, while Logan's only interaction with him during school was math class… which Roman spent most of his time doodling in his notebook rather than actually listening in.
Suffice to say, Logan was at a huge disadvantage in this particular competition between him and Janus, not to mention Logan can never imagine a scenario where Roman choses the boring nerd that he is over the smooth and slick Janus that shares at least one interest with him… he doesn't stand a chance!
"But you don't know that Janus is interested in him." Patton pointed out one time during lunch when Logan brought it up.
"That's not the point, he'll do it just to spite me, that's just how he is." Logan said, taking a bite from his sandwich grimly. "I should just give up… even if Janus was out of the picture there's no way 'mister popular' will be willing to go out with me of all people."
"Aww don't give up yet! You haven't even tried yet, he might surprise you!" Patton said encouragingly, smiling.
Logan opened his mouth to say something… when he saw Roman and Janus stepping inside the dining hall, laughing together, Janus smirking proudly.
Right… they just had theater together, they probably had so much fun together they lost track of time…
Logan sighed, taking another bite. "I highly doubt that…"
Then, suddenly, Roman locked eyes with Logan, making him freeze. He turned to Janus to say something, then, to Logan's shock, he moved towards him.
"Hey!" Roman smiled at him when he reached his and Patton's table.
"Um…hello." Logan managed to say somehow.
"Logan, right? We're together in math." Roman said, still smiling.
Logan just nodded. Roman knows who he is!
Roman bit his lip, looking back to where Janus was still standing. "Well I… wanted to ask you something…"
Logan frowned, confused, if Logan didn't know better this looked like Janus… no, that's impossible. He looked at Patton for support, but he just grinned at him.
"Uh… yes? What is it?" Logan asked, trying not to let his nervousness show.
Roman took a deep breath. "I was just wondering if… If you'd be interested in hanging out somewhere? Like a… Date?"
It took Logan a long moment to realize he actually heard that and his mind wasn't playing tricks on him.
He looked behind Roman towards Janus and they locked eyes, Janus looked almost… threatening? Did he want Logan to say yes?
"Logan?" Patton drew his attention and he realized in horror that Roman was standing there, obviously nervous and Logan kept him hanging all this time.
"Right, sorry, I just never thought you'll… nevermind, I would love that, Roman." He smiled at him and Roman slumped a little, looking relieved.
"Really? That's great um… here's my number and I'll… text you the details." He smiled shyly, handing him a piece of paper before running off.
Logan clutched the paper, looking at Patton's grinning face. "Ah… what just happened?"
"Roman just asked you out on a date!" Patton yelled in excitement, grabbing him by the shoulder and shaking him.
Logan smiled, so he didn't imagine it. "I… can't believe it-"
They both turned to see Janus glaring at them. He turned his raging glare to Logan, poking him in the chest with an accusatory finger. "If you do the smallest thing to hurt him, I will end you, do you understand?"
Logan blinked, swallowing nervously. "I… don't understand, I thought you'll-"
"Take him from you?" Janus huffed, backing away a little. "Believe me I tried talking him out of asking you out but pretty boy here wouldn't listen." He rolled his eyes. "All those drawings of you he drew during math… almost made me vomit."
Logan frowned. "You and Roman are… friends?"
"Whatever! Just be careful with him alright?" Janus said and walked away.
Logan tapped his fingers on the table, constantly checking his watch. Of course, he was so worried of being late that he arrived half an hour early and the wait was figurtavily killing him.
Finally, Roman showed up and sat down on the seat opposite of Logan, beaming. "Hey there! You're right on time, of course you are." He shook his head with a smile.
Logan flushed, the way he said it sounded like… he knew him… For exactly how long was Roman watching him?
"Actually I… I arrived here thirty minutes early, you never know how traffic is going to be so I went out early… just to be sure." Logan said awkwardly.
Roman blinked, and Logan worried he came out too uptight and serious. But then Roman chuckled, "yeah that does sound like you, so I'm assuming you had plenty of time to think of what you want to order then. You look really nice, by the way."
Logan had to look away, blushing deeply. "Um… thank you… you too."
While he waited for Roman, Logan tried to think about what to talk about with him. But now, as it turned out, Roman was fully capable of carrying the conversation all by himself, constantly jumping from one subject to another, Logan only managing to put in small replies and smiles here and there.
Logan didn't mind though, Roman's voice was.. pleasant, so much so that he was sure he could listen to it all day.
When their food arrived, Roman quieted down and they resumed eating in a relaxed silence.
"So… It came to my understanding that you and Janus are pretty close." Logan said after a while.
Roman stopped eating, swallowing and putting his fork down, looking a little uncomfortable.
"Oh, it's no problem, really, I was just wondering-"
"It's okay, I know you two don't get along but… well I really like you, and Janus' my best friend so… I was hoping for a small truce?" Roman looked at him hopefully.
Damn it Logan can't say no to that… "Did you ask Janus that, too?" He asked instead.
Roman nodded, chuckling a little. "Yeah, he was not happy, you should have seen his face. But he agreed eventually, though he said he'll, and I quote, 'still beat your score this year' "
Logan huffed. "I'd like to see him try, that slimy snake can keep dreaming-" he stopped himself. "...Sorry, reflex."
Roman sighed. "It's alright, so… that's a yes?"
Logan hesitated, Roman is amazing but… Janus? "Only when we're not at school?"
"Only then." Roman agreed. "Though if you'll try to be a bit nicer to each other at school that'd be awesome too but it's not a must."
Logan sighed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Truce it is." He said bitterly, though the bitterness melted at the sight of Roman's grin.
"Yay! Oh I'm so happy I could kiss you now!"
Logan was sure his entire face turned red as he almost choked on his food. "Um…" he said in a stroke of brilliance.
Roman suddenly realized what he said, chuckling nervously. "Heh whoops, we can wait for that." He blushed a little.
Logan looked down at his plate. "Yeah… We can wait."
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subloganrights · 5 years ago
Bratty - Loceit
Prompt: “Would you discipline me if I was acting bratty?” Loceit or Logince, please.
Logan has that look on his face. The lost in thought one with the hint of mischief and obvious arousal.
“What’s one your mind my little love?” Deceit asks, voice soft, gentle.
Logan pauses. Hesitating. Then…
“Would you discipline me if I was acting bratty?”
That hits Deceit. He doesn’t discipline Logan, Logan isn’t bratty, Logan is a well behaved submissive.
“I, uh, I suppose so,” Deceit stutters, shocked, “do you want to be bratty?”
“…I think so, well,” Logan says, flushing and adverting his gaze a little, “I want to be disciplined.”
“Ok, love,” he says, plan already forming.
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lily-janus · 3 years ago
Janus smiled, watching the young man's chest rise and fall gently as he slept peacefully. Seeing Logan so relaxed is a rare sight, one Janus treasures every time he gets to witness it.
It's so unbelievably foolish to think that basic naccesaties such as relaxation and proper sleep are so hard to achieve in this broken down society they are condemned to live in.
But not for long, not if Janus has any say in this, this simply cannot continue this way. He has watched his precious Logan struggle through each day of his life enough, he will put a stop to this. Not just for Logan, but also for everyone else who's out there struggling just to get by.
Logan's face are wrinkled in a slight frown and Janus leans down and kisses his forehead, smoothing those deep wrinkles of worry.
"I can fix this." He whispered softly, though more to himself than Logan as he knew the other man is too deep in his sleep. "Just you wait, darling, you'll see."
With that, he got up and left to prepare for the following day, they have much to do but it'll all be worth it.
Idk if this works and it's pretty short but I had fun writing it^^
Tagging whoever wants to continue
Crow horrible challange:
Start writing a story using the prompt: "We have al eveing and a bottle of [alcohol]. Want to find out what secrets are at its bottom?" with any character you'd like and the tag 3 people who you want to continue it. You can give them their own prompts to include :D!
Maybe, For Crow’s Birthday, I should finally do this!
Answers at the Bottom
“We have all evening and a bottle of crown. Want to find out what secrets are at its bottom?”
Janus was leaning against the door frame of Logan’s room, holding out a bottle of dark brown liquid. It was tempting, after the day he had had, it was very tempting. His eyes were bloodshot and the mess around him only served as fuel to his fire, the burning desire in him to say fuck it all. “Why not,” Logan muttered, pushing back his unkempt hair and walking towards the other man. His tie was askew, his glasses were slanted causing his vision to be blurry, and at some point he had lost his watch. Logan was a mess, he knew he was a mess, but Janus didn’t comment on that. His best friend never would, at least, not while Logan was already down.
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ao3feed-loceit · 2 years ago
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