#pre turnabout trump
rockgodklav · 12 days
have you seen the 'is klavier gavin a bottom' video?
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“Ah.. My PR team days I shouldn’t talk about this, nein.”
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thepollyjustice · 21 days
What if I told you your boss and Phoenix Wright were having weekly Dinner dates?
(Pre-turnabout trump)
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“wh..AAATTT-?! Mr. Gavin and.. and Mr. Wright??!!”
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trlvsn · 1 year
in the aj trilogy they should add a dlc aa4 case where you get to be pre-turnabout trump apollo and help kristoph with a case. yes the evidence should be forged yes the verdict should be unjust yes you have to experience the helplessness and unfairness of it all. alas it won't happen
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firstclassattorney · 25 days
(I’m thiiinking up an au. Wayyyy pre turnabout trump and with a 17 yr Klav, a few days after Phoenix is disbarred/into the 7yg. I’ve been thinking a LOT about Klavier angst. Potential violence tw in the future? I’m totally cool with pretty much anything in roleplays, by the way!)
If anyone asked, Klavier had tried really, really hard to mind his own business.
It was in his younger brother nature to snoop, though; he couldn’t help it! Klavier wasn’t quite certain how to feel after the trail that doomed Phoenix Wright. Hell, once or twice, he had tried to hint to Wright in some form to say ‘Bitte, bitte don’t present the false evidence!’ But, as Kristoph had reassured him, Wright was a bad man and used underhanded techniques; Klavier couldn’t have done anything to help. He just hated being helpless, though.
Even though Kristoph talked him through the shock after and offered all the answers he could give, there was one question he evaded so smoothly: how did he know of the forged diary page?
Kristoph had given him the key to his office for strictly, only emergencies—his brother had made that part very clear. Emergencies only. If Klavier had to put a definition on this, however? Definitely an emergency. Totally.
Klavier rummaged through Kristoph’s files in his dark office, trying to locate some reasonable answer as to how Kristoph had acquired the information he had. It’d be a lie if he didn’t suspect something already though, because he would’ve looked elsewhere (like, Kristoph’s emails) if he didn’t know precisely what he knew and didn’t know Kristoph beforehand; his big brother always kept the important stuff, that wasn’t shredded, tucked away in his files. Though he was adept with it, technology wasn’t Kristoph’s preferred form of communication.
He found an envelope addressed to Kristoph’s PO Box (without his name on it) and, simultaneously, a sense of impending doom set over him. Klavier opened it, though there was no seal to break; it was already opened. There was a letter, in mediocre handwriting.
It didn’t take a genius to guess what it was about, when forgery and money were mentioned in the second sentence.
The office door creaked open, slowly, letting light enter the room. Klavier jumped, unable to close the metal file box without making a ruckus, and silently took to the nearest hiding spot available with the letter close to his chest—under the desk. What the hell was he doing, hiding?
…Yeah, no. Klavier looked up to his brother highly, but the man scared him shitless. It was instinct.
Kristoph closed the door behind him and locked it with a deliberate click.
It was rare for him to feel a shift in his office’s atmosphere. Any displacement would be immediately noticeable due to the way he organised everything, something he purposefully did in order to soothe his paranoia. Yet, as he looked around the room, the sight of the open metal file box made him realise somethng- his reputation was on the line.
Someone had been in here.
Kristoph took a moment to examine the room from the door. If necessary, he’d be willing to resort to violence to preserve his reputation. He could easily grab an object and use it as a weapon, or he could crash someone's face against his desk. But for now, he decided to wait. He needed to understand the intruder’s strength; a powerful perpetrator might be too risky to fight or threaten head-on...
He did suspect, however, that the intruder wasn't as strong as a bodybuilder or someone that could harm him, or they wouldn’t have hidden in the first place. With this in mind, Kristoph approached his desk, slammed his fist on it, and allowed his signature calculated smile to spread across his face.
"I know you're here," Kristoph spoke softly, "So you have two choices; come out now, or I’ll force you out."
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hychlorions · 2 years
If you had to rank each Apollo Justice case on a 10-point scale, what would your ratings be?
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honestly i like them all so much and it's been a while since i've last played AA4 so it's hard to give an answer without having to sit down and think about it :"D but assuming you wanna sit down for something long-ish, i'll start them all off on a perfect 10 and here's what i'd give deductions for:
Turnabout Trump (4-1) - i'd leave it at a 10 tbh. absolutely banger case for setting the tone for the rest of the game. i don't recall anything i disliked about it atm so i'm assuming there's nothing at all :>
Turnabout Corner (4-2) - hickfield/hotti existence. get him outta here! but on the other hand there's an exchange about klavier pausing a world tour to see the little boy that bested his brother that can mean different things depending on if you're playing the game for the first time or if you're replaying it. on first playthrough i assumed the judge's shock at klavier returning meant he hasn't taken another case since kristoph's arrest in 4-1, which. fair i guess bc prosecutors probably take cases more regularly than the waa in-universe but it's nothing to blink twice about yknow. HOWEVER replaying it after having gone through 4-4 (esp given how he mentions the gavinners to the judge) it starts to seem as if klavier ran off with his band for seven years and didn't come back until after his brother was arrested. which. >:3 hehe
-3 points for creep factor. +1 however for the simple joy of making me tear my hair out over klavier's mystery hiatus length
Turnabout Serenade (4-3) - people give this case too much shit tbh. it's the funniest case in the game and you guys just have no sense of humor 😭 me, lover of comedy, however, can appreciate it for what it is, and it's that 4-3 is the best demonstration of aa's sense of humor. my only gripe with it is that daryan's mentioned to be the first detective klavier's ever worked with. however in turnabout succession the detective shown in the flashback for the gramarye trial (klavier's courtroom debut) isn't daryan, but gumshoe. this isn't elaborated upon any further, so i am sitting here. wondering what mystery case klavier worked on that got resolved without going to court wherein daryan is the detective AND happened before the gramarye trial. i understand prosecutors but WHY pray tell are they shoving 17 year-olds into a detective position on the police force. god.
-2 for in-universe labor laws implications. +2 for klavier's weird forehead obsession (he has about three lines about apollo's forehead) and also the fact that this case has the most canonical uses of herr forehead out of all the cases in the entire ace attorney series at ~61 uses out of the total 129 (including DD). +1 more for being so rife with lines you could use as basis for headcanons ("straight except when he's depressed" "i should've learned to play guitar" "her quiet, deep song glides through the air... lilting above a sparse, but elegant piano accompaniment" i'm so sorry as a klapollo enthusiast this is the case of all time to me)
Turnabout Succession (4-4) - gorl you know the last case of the series has to be the most nailbiting one. such is the case for turnabout succession... if only the mason system didn't royally succ. do you know how hard it is to piece together the timeline for post- and pre-gramarye trial for someone like me?!?! (is forgetful) not to mention the fact that kristoph has apparently only met vera once but already knew she bites her nails when she's nervous? did you put a camera in their house or something? weirdo. however only in burning piles of rubble will real gems reveal themselves. *holding up the scene where zak explains the gramarye powers to phoenix, subsequently revealing the trucy-apollo siblingisms all along* isn't she beautiful?
-4 for being an inconvenient pain in the ass and kristoph's nail polish murder plot that crumbles under a magnifying glass and kristoph's stalking extent implications. +1 for bracelet lore you know i love me some bracelet mechanics (taps my homemade "THE BRACELET DOESN'T TIGHTEN" sign like a proud father)
Final answer:
4-3: 11/10
4-1: 10/10
4-2: 8/10
4-4: 7/10
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fandomaddict505 · 8 months
I am so excited about the new Apollo Justice Trilogy Collection. I finally beat the original trilogy on my 2DS literally last week, which is such incredible timing that i can still hardly believe it!
I pre-ordered the new one on Steam and it downloaded last night so I played the first little but of Turnabout: Trump and even knowing what i know (because I couldn’t help myself and ended up getting spoiled on a lot of stuff by fanfics, whoops) its still so interesting and fun!
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alto-tenure · 2 years
Klapollo Fic Reclist
I should really do these more often.
In advance of the Klapollo Minibang dropping a bunch of reading material for Klapollo fans (which I'm participating in!), I've decided to compile a reclist. All of these fics are SFW, hosted on AO3, and complete. I've done my best to source the authors' Tumblrs, if they have one.
A lot of my bookmarks with Klapollo are all really popular fics, so I decided to go through the tag picking for some less popular fics. The results are a mix of fics you've probably heard of and/or read, and some you probably haven't.
Without further ado, let's get into it.
Perception by @queenitsy | T | 3.6k
Author's Summary: Everyone has a public persona, a way they'd like the world to see them. Apollo's perception lets him see through it all to the truths people try to keep hidden.
My Notes: This fic is more about how Apollo sees the world around him, and the people in it. Includes the things they lie about -- and the things they don't. It's a fascinating lens for a fic.
Things Are As They Are by @hechiima | T | 34.5k
Author's Summary: Klapollo cabin fic. That's really all this is.
Based on the events of "You Ever Been In Love?", in which Edgeworth gets drunk and rents a romantic cabin for Klavier and Apollo in Joshua Tree. Things go about as well as one could expect.
My Notes: You can, imo, read this without having read the Narumitsu-centric prequel (but you should read that anyways!). This fic can stand alone. I love the general laid-back atmosphere in this work -- even at its most tense, they're still on vacation. Almost all the stakes are emotional.
Turnabout Electric by HopeStoryteller | T | 87.9k
Author's Summary: You know, Apollo had high hopes for 2028. He and Klavier were actually kind of friends now, there were no impending disasters for once, and things were looking up. And then, literally on the first day of the new year... this happens.
Some cosmic force somewhere has got to be laughing at him. Some cosmic force somewhere definitely has it out for him, that's for sure. But the joke's on them, whoever they are, because his name is Apollo Justice, he's fine, and he is not losing anyone else... even if Klavier has already confessed to the murder Apollo can't believe he committed. And why does Mr. Wright keep muttering about this entire scenario being so familiar?
Or, Turnabout Goodbyes 2: Klapollo Boogaloo.
My Notes: I really enjoy the look into Gavin Law Offices pre-Turnabout Trump. All the OCs slot into the Ace Attorney universe well, and the way the author formats the cross-examinations is truly excellent.
(they long to be) close to you by @bevioletskies | T | 23.1k
Author's Summary: All Apollo wanted to do during his last summer before starting law school was relax, play video games, and flirt with the boy next door. He never expected to become a small-time Internet celebrity after his mother's YouTube channel for her animal therapy foundation turned into a cat rescue livestream. Things only get more complicated when everyone in the chat is interested in the cute guy who keeps coming around with his guitar and his dog.
My Notes: A sweet slice-of-life-y AU. The cats are all adorable for a bunch of plot devices.
just finally say you love me by ahmackalak | T | 20.4k
Author's Summary: “Backpacking through Europe?”
“Ja! I’ve wanted to go for ages – it’s been so long since I’ve been back home, I figure I might as well make it a whole journey.” Klavier’s smile is as easy and agreeable as always, but Apollo isn’t buying it.
Barcelona, Paris, Geneva, Rome, Vienna, Prague, Berlin, Copenhagen.
A trip to Europe with Klavier Gavin...this’ll be fine, right?
My Notes: Written for last year's Klapollo Minibang. Heartfelt. The travel feels very well-grounded in reality.
Words Come Fluently by @queenitsy | T | 50.8k
Author's Summary: Klavier Gavin is the most famous rockstar in the world. Guilty Love is about to go platinum and the tour sold out fourteen stadiums. So there's really, really no reason why one anonymous music critic on Youtube who hates him should get under his skin. And yet somehow he'd do just about anything to convince MikekoMusic to like him.
Apollo has been doing Youtube as a fun side hustle while he tries to break into the talent management industry, and he's just landed an assistant gig working for Kristoph Gavin. Whose main client is his golden boy younger brother. Whose music Apollo has been anonymously trashing for years.
Yeah, this is all going to go fine.
(No lawyers, no murders, just shenanigans. And Clay Terran lives.)
My Notes: I liked this fic so much I drew fanart for it. Identity shenanigans, and a fun Kristoph-Phoenix-Apollo dynamic.
fame vs infamy (the price of writing fanfic out of spite) by @letapollojusticesayfuck | T | 12.1k
Author's Summary: In which Apollo Justice becomes the most popular fic-writer in the Gavinners fandom.
(and, along the way, realizes his Big Gay Crush on Klavier Gavin might not be as hopeless as he thought)
My Notes: I always love a fic with CSS. In-universe RPF can sometimes hit a little too close to home for me, as someone who used to be involved in RPF-dom but got out of it. This fic treats the subject seriously, but still has fun with it, which I like.
despite everything, it’s still you by griffinhawk | G | 8.7k
Author’s Summary: “He’s probably not home, Trucy.” There was his voice, clipped at the edges, yet unease sparking around the edges like his guitar only a few weeks ago.
The same one that pointed, the one that objected, the only voice that had kept him steady throughout the courtroom today. The one that Klavier had learnt onto. The one that would spin Klavier onto the truth, whether he would want it to or not.
The one Klavier had trusted in that moment. The moment where he realized that - like his best friend Daryan - Kristoph had also been a murderer.
One who had manipulated others for their own self control. The one who desired the control so deeply. Having all the puppet strings cut loose after seven years of lies and deceit in three days time.
(or, Klavier, despite all the truths that were unshed during the Misham Tiral - has a few more truths to unlock - with himself and a certain defense attroney.)
My Notes: Klavier recovery fic, spurred by Apollo. Trucy and Apollo’s siblinghood is great, and I love the general softness of this work.
Apollo Justice, Magic Rabbit by EmpireofSocks | T | 9.5k
My Notes: I never realized “Turning Catworth” had a sequel until I read this lmao. Animal transformation is a funny trope, and I love this fic’s expansion of the Gramarye lore. They are literally magic!
Author’s Summary: Trucy accidentally turns Apollo into a rabbit. Chaos ensues.
lose your reputation by @littlethief | T | 8k
Author’s Summary: “Klavier never bothers to clean his office, and last week was no exception. Though everything had changed, the room would look exactly the same as he’d left it; blueprints of Sunshine Coliseum open on his monitor, the charred remains of his favorite acoustic guitar on the desk, and an open file folder, page turned to Daryan’s police department ID photo.”
in which klavier gavin releases his first solo album
My Notes: I love this look into Klavier’s second job -- the musicians he collaborates with, the people managing his career as an artist. Both the law and the music are integral parts of Klavier, and this fic negotiates the balance.
sleep is getting hard to get by @baratrongirl | T | 6.8k
Author’s Summary: The first of four stories about Klavier and Apollo's relationship with each other and with sleep.
December 2026. Klavier has had a difficult Christmas with his family. He invites himself round to Apollo's apartment for dinner and drinks because he's desperately lonely. He ends up staying over, and has nightmares. Apollo has to comfort him in the night.
Also features Apollo's cat, Mikeko, as a major character.
My Notes: Some nice hurt/comfort. Glasses!Klavier is a nice headcanon that I enjoy. 
can i go where you go by parchmints | T | 40.5k
Author’s Summary: Apollo Justice has rotten luck: he actually wins the grand prize for a mail-in contest, but It's a couple's getaway to a fancy ski lodge in the mountains and Apollo is aggressively single. With no one to go with, Apollo offers them to Klavier since surely, a rockstar would be able to find a date before then, but Klavier has a better idea—they go together and pretend they're a couple. That way, they both get a vacation, plus free food and wine.
And well, Apollo's never been one to pass up free food.
My Notes: A very good fake dating fic. I loved every bit of this.
Signed, St. Nostalgia by Synthpop | T | 26.5k
Author’s Summary: The Wright Anything Agency has earned itself an award for outstanding achievement, courtesy of one of the most renowned criminal attorney conferences in the country. Apollo has been tasked with accepting the award on everyone's behalf—problem is, the conference is in Chicago, and he doesn't have any means of getting there. Luckily for him, though, a certain prosecutor is more than happy to give him a ride.
My Notes: Roadtrip fics are always fun, and this is no exception. Written for last year’s Klapollo Minibang.
undeniable you (the currents pulling me onward) by @letapollojusticesayfuck | T | 59.1k
Author’s Summary: Kristoph Gavin is found dead in his prison cell, and Klavier Gavin is the prime suspect.
With nobody else available to defend him, Apollo Justice flies in from Khura'in to take the case--but during the course of the trial and its aftermath, long-hidden secrets come to light.
My Notes: Love the development of Kristoph's world and his complex relationship with Klavier.
it’s all that i am, and it’s all that i have by @x-eternalmagic | T | 58.4k
Author’s Summary: Apollo sucks in a breath, attempting to steel his nerves. Should he honestly send this...? He doesn't even know who this man is. This is a huge, huge mistake. But, even so, he hits send before he can remind himself of how awful an idea this is. 
Dear You,
I think I love you. Just wanted you to know.
Klavier's phone pings with an email notification, and the moment he reads it, the smile fades from his face. God, this was so much easier when he didn't know that the sender hated him in real life.
[ or, the you've got mail au. ]
My Notes: I love a good enemies-to-lovers story, and while I’m unfamiliar with You’ve Got Mail, this fic is impeccable. I love the lowered-stakes of the music store business.
Hot for Justice by indirectkissesiniceland | T | 43.4k
Author’s Summary: After the events of State v. Misham, Klavier finds himself in a slump, stressed at the prosecutor's office and unable to pen new songs. To his surprise, he finds creative inspiration—and unexpected feelings—spending time with Apollo. Now if only he could release the new tracks without raising any suspicion as to whom his love songs are for.
My Notes: A humorous and light-hearted fic. Love Klavier finding inspiration in his pining for Apollo. Some parts of this might trigger second-hand embarrassment for those that easily get that.
the streak of green in sunset skies by @crowned-ladybug | T | 18.6k
Author’s Summary: “I guess I needed a moment when I was just...Klavier,” he laughs at the absurdity of it, but saying it out loud hurts more than he'd expected. It’s been so long since he'd existed without doing it for other people that he's not sure where the expectations end and he begins anymore. He's not sure there's even a him left under everything.
Mia nods, and when Klavier looks over she’s smiling, and he doesn't understand how. “Klavier, who pretends really badly to know nothing about coffee so that Diego will get to talk his ear off about it.”
For seven years, Klavier searches for answers. Along the way, he finds a family.
My Notes: A canon divergence AU featuring found family as the primary theme. Love the slow reconciliation and bridge-building between Klavier and the others.
amor meus, pondus meum by vnjc | T | 3.2k
Author’s Summary: It’s not like their separation agreement had a ‘The parties agree to never sleep together again’ clause, but as far as Apollo knows, the point of separation is, well, separation. Not this. At least that’s what he remembers from law school.
On reconciliation, loss, and awkward conversations. Not in that order.
My Notes: Love the usage of history here and the general structure & vibe of this fic.
if it’s really me you seek by @hychlorions | T | 83.3k
Author’s Summary: “Anyway,” Ema keeps going, fully ignoring his sarcasm in favor of staring at a neat corner where the walls meet the ceiling. “I asked if he wanted to go to your party together, but he said he wasn’t going.”
“What?” Apollo suddenly finds it very hard to breathe. “Why?”
“Hell if I know,” Ema says nonchalantly, but then she turns to him with a smirk. “See if you can figure it out: I believe he told me, and I quote—ahem—'Ach, I would, Fräulein, but I believe Herr Justice would be more comfortable without me there.’”
Or, when Apollo comes home from Khura'in only to learn that Prosecutor Gavin is avoiding him, the last thing he expected was for Gavin to offer to let Apollo stay at his house while he looks for a new apartment.
My Notes: It’s been a while since I last read this fic, but I love the progression of the relationship in this fic.
This list is not a comprehensive list of every single Klapollo fic I think people should read. You can check out my AO3 Bookmarks for more recs, if you so wish.
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xulips · 4 years
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pre-turnabout-trump gavins i did last night.
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leyacer · 5 years
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A while ago I was talking with a friend about what it’d be like if aa was a jrpg, and now I have an AU, which I’m calling Turnabout Tales! Three guesses which game series it was inspired by.
It spans the entirety of the main series, but for this post I’m focusing on aa4, specifically Apollo, Trucy, Ema and Klavier! You can find more info under the cut!
Note: I came up with quite a bit concerning the world, but I don’t want to make this too long, so I’ll keep it to ajaa-relevant stuff (There isn’t much main plot here though. Pretty much all descriptions are pre-Turnabout Trump)
The world
A kingdom divided into six districts: Oures, Antora, Valasi, Kurain, Demortan and Patheri
Each district is ruled by a duke or duchess, except for Oures, which is ruled by the king or queen of Dikaios.
Demortan: District most removed from the king’s domain, after Kurain. Used to be ruled by the Gramaryes, but is now being ruled by Kristoph Gavin. Known for its talented mages. Despite its harsh ruler, its criminal underworld has been growing steadily
1 in every 3 people has the ability to use magic, though innate power varies from person to person
Magic commonly draws from the four elements; water, earth, fire and air. It is possible to use magic that isn’t immediately linked to a specific element, but because elemental magic is easier to perform, that’s the most popular practiced form of magic. 
Magic related to enhancing a person’s natural abilities, their senses or healing wounds is a risky type of magic, since it’s basically altering someone’s body. Practitioners must have years of practice under their belt to decrease the risk of accidentally harming someone with their magic.
Healing spells are often bound to talismans and the like, to decrease the risk even further (intense emotion can negatively influence magic)
Spirit channeling still exists, but it’s incredibly hard to do
Staffs, wands etc. can be used to assist someone in using magic
Born in Demortan, but adopted by Dhurke after Jove died in Khura’in
Was returned to Demortan after the rebellion started
Because Dhurke didn’t have any contacts in Dikaios who were able to take care of Apollo, Apollo grew up in an orphanage, which is where he met Clay
Once Apollo became too old to stay in the orphanage, he began looking for a job
Clay, who was moving to Patheri to become an assistant to a famous inventor, offered to take him with him, but Apollo declined
As Apollo grew older he noticed the danger that was lurking beneath the surface in Demortan, or at least part of it. He wanted to find some way to make positive changes, but there wasn’t much he could do at that point 
After a year or so, Apollo was taken on as a squire by Kristoph, who’d happened to notice his wit and speed several times that year and thought he’d be a useful knight 
He’s owned the gauntlet with the decorations around the wrist since he was a kid, but after he became a squire and could afford it, he bought a semi-matching one
The gauntlet helps him perceive people’s tells, but it has also been enchanted to improve the wearer’s reflexes  
Wields a short sword, though he’s a decent fistfighter as well
Unable to use magic, but he understands how it works
Still takes the time to do his hair every day and often refuses to wear helmets because of it
In his spare time, he likes to read in the castle library
A very talented mage and performer traveling together with her dad in hopes of finding a reliable patron
Born while the Gramaryes were still in power, but when they disappeared, she was left behind, and adopted by Phoenix, who had lost his knight status not too long ago
Able to use very advanced magic
She picked up the basics and a few other things while still living with Zak, and practiced a lot by herself afterwards
Phoenix taught her a couple of things too
Her staff used to be vital when practicing, but now it simply provides her with a bit of extra power
Despite being great at magic, she loves performing magic tricks and puts as much effort into learning them as in learning actual magic
Occasionally performs said magic tricks at taverns or any other place that would let her perform
She usually uses her most unique tricks for those performances, otherwise people would just accuse her of using actual magic
Amateur alchemist trying her best to be recognized as legitimate
She’s great at making all sorts of potions and elixirs, though she prefers coming up with new ones, with mixed results
She has a habit of being careless with her concoctions, which is why she hasn’t been officially made an alchemist
She’s also blown up at least two buildings by accident
Her coat is a novice alchemist’s coat, and a gift from Lana 
Whenever she started to grow out of it, she would adjust it so it would still fit her
Originally from Oures, but left to study in Patheri, ending up in Demortan after she kept causing accidents
Makes a living by selling salves and healing potions, though she sells her own creations to those interested from time to time
Able to use magic, but doesn’t care much for it, and as a result doesn’t know much more than the basics
Lives in Demortan’s capital, but he travels around the district a lot 
Aware of the rising chaos in Demortan.
He knows there have been more and more violent incidents and criminal acts in recent months, but he isn’t aware of their true extent, nor of the cause
This is partially because he travels so much, but also because Kristoph intentionally keeps him from finding out
Is almost as much in the dark about how Kristoph came to power as the majority of Dikaios’ citizens
Makes music in his spare time, either by himself or with Daryan
He often does it in public places, so others can get to enjoy the music too
Well-known amongst nobility and commoners alike 
Nobles know him for being a knight and Kristoph’s brother, commoners know him for his music
  Owns a full set of armor, but only wears it when he needs to
Armor is heavy, and Klavier prefers to be mobile in a fight
 He also has a lot of confidence in his skills and experience
The times he wears armor are the only times he uses any weapon other than a dagger
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strawberry-snek · 5 years
ace attorney x hamilton animatic prompt
Say no to this but it’s Krisnix and it’s pre-turnabout trump so Miles is still in Europe
Maria - Kristoph
Hamilton - Phoenix
Eliza - Miles
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rockgodklav · 1 month
“Happy second Pride Month to mein bruder, @firstclassattorney!.. Stop kissing my band mate.”
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thepollyjustice · 25 days
Ok ok... So Klavier doesn't have yaoi hands... Interesting, thank you. Now, does his brother have yaoi hands? This is all for scientifical pruposes.
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“I’m… not at the liberty to share that information. (I’m still at work! He could be behind me….)”
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trlvsn · 1 year
broke: phoenix forged the ace in the heat of the moment in turnabout trump when he realized kristoph killed zak
woke: trucy forged the ace herself, where would phoenix even get a fifth one in that limited amount of time
ray: everyone in this fucking game was playing 10d chess and had pre-planned moves but we can't figure it out properly bc of the numerous plotholes. the game's implications about phoenix's opinion on kristoph during the seven year gap are somewhat contradictory even if we exclude unreliable narration/don't trust every single thing the characters say. also i regularly entertain the possibility that phoenix did kill zak in that fucking bar lol he has every right
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firstclassattorney · 1 month
(anyways………… as I was saying, space au, probably. I don’t know. It’s kinda half crack half angst. I watched this one movie earlier and it reawakened my love for space aus. yippee? If you have any ideas at all or soemthing, just go for it. not aiming for anything comprehensive; just fun and probably some hurt/comfort, angst, fluffy, bittersweet kinda things. Pretty much anything. It’ll be COMPLETELY canon divergent set pre turnabout trump that just ends up not happening. Ignore how unrealistic the reasons are for them being yknow in space it’s for fun)
Klavier paced back and forth in the hotel room, mumbling to himself and thinking hard. His hair was loose, out of its ponytail, and makeup removed. The ever-heating sun was creeping down, setting and slowly bringing it to night. He swallowed, pausing to look out the window.
Klavier hoped to see it set and rise for many more days.
”..This is just.. so unprofessional, ja? Not even just that—it’s ridiculous. We can’t just-.. I don’t.. Ugh.” He fell back onto the arm chaise chair, resting his forearm on his forehead. Klavier was just at a loss for words? Him? Them both?! Astronauts? Seriously, what is this space station on… and, why them? Why the celebrity rockstar?
He glanced over at Kristoph, who was sitting on the edge of his own bed. Two queen sized beds were in the room, along with the arm chair Klavier collapsed onto, and such quality of life items. “Well? Kris, you’ve not said a word all evening? Anything going on up there?” He tapped his own temple, a little bit snappy from a lack of sleep.
In all honesty, neither of them wanted to be dragged out to this. Neither one wanted to be involved. Hell, who would? It’s just so.. weird.
(OOC: I do NOT know how you keep coming up with thwse ideas. \pos. Love u for that actually i love half crack stuff)
Kristoph was deep in thought, as he always was. Each step he took he planned everything, made small yet important decisions, calculated the current time to see what he could or could not fit in his schedule. This entire space thing was not what he had in mind for this week. As Klavier questioned him in a rather irritated manner, Kristoph momentarily thought he should have responded in that tone as well, but went against his urges and merely let his lips bloom into a quiet smile.
At first, that was the only sort of acknowledgement he gave. He stayed quiet once more, internally piecing together a good response he would give. Each and every word would have to be said in a specific tone, with the perfect pitch, just so he could come across as less irritated than he really was.
"Well, Klavier," He began, head lowered before he fixed his glasses and rose his head in the process, "Life is always full of surprises, isn't it? Pleasant ones, horrid ones, such and such..."
He waved his hand at the last part, implying there were more examples he was too mentally exhausted to give. His other hand fidgeted with a lock of his blond hair which he had let down and made to sit on his right shoulder.
"Really, though, how is everything done? With a little time and persistency. We'll be fine."
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falconlord5 · 4 years
World’s Finest, Part One
Damn straight.
Ah, we’re back in Gotham
Story by Alan Burnett and Paul Dini
Written by Alan Burnett, Paul Dini and Rich Fogel
Directed by Toshihiko Masuda
You know, in Gotham, I’m surprised the shop-owners don’t greet every customer with shotguns
Harley, you need a damned raise.
Hiya Bullock. Haven’t seen you in a while.
A hundred thousand? You could pay a lot of rent for that.
Bullock is, you know, completely right here.
This is so pre-9/11 it isn’t even funny
Funny thing, he doesn’t save her that much in this show...
Lois is having waaaay too much fun
Wow, that guy’s so dead they’re going to be cleaning him off the plane for months.
Ah, you like being saved Lois.
Lois, you are a gutless coward.
Poor Mercy. She gets shat on a lot in this trilogy
You’d think Lex’d have a better security system. Also, where did Harley learn to drive? Calgary?
Don’t take it Lex! The Joker reneges on his deals more than Donald Trump does!
How does a rube like the Joker know what kind of leather Lex has in his car? Also, I find leather seats a pain to sit in.
Joker has a point.
That’s kind of low humour, even for you Joker.
Look out, Clark. You have a rival.
It’s hard to watch this and not think of the similar scene in The Dark Knight.
Ah, yeah, this has always been really with Batman. Sometimes his no gun thing extends to the military... and sometimes it doesn’t.
Bruce, man, for once in your life pay attention to pretty girl in front of you.
How in the hell did they get away with this? There are women dancing in cages.
Bruce throwing Supes makes total sense. Superman isn’t super-heavy, and he still has to obey certain laws of physics. ‘Course, Bruce surviving the shoulder check afterwards strains the suspension of disbelief somewhat...
No, just rampant jealousy Lois.
I mean, that’s technically true...
Turnabout’s fair play, Clark.
Batman created by Bill Finger
Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
Animated by TMS
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"Mr. Gavin, just a fair warning. Clay is gonna kick down the door soon." (Ask-Clay-And-Apollo, Holiday Stuff, and also could it be Pre-Turnabout Trump?)
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“No, he will not kick down the door soon. If he does, you will find yourself walking out through the damaged doorframe, wallet lighter the cost of a new door.”
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