#pre fall aziraphale
robinratt · 2 months
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Ineffable may day 1: Before the Beginning
Not the biggest fan of this drawing but oh well!
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byleranalysis · 11 months
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Both the opening scene and “Every” share a small theme/musical melody that creates a deep emotion context to the pairs inner feelings.
Listen below to how the notes ascend and descend:
Pre-Fall Crowley’s still has an angelic choir, a holy radiance and innocence we haven’t heard associated with him before. The theme sweeps into a bright major as he laughs at the joy of his hard work and the birth of something bright and new.
However, Crowley making a nebula fills him with the same joy as a kiss with Aziraphale. The melody plays in dramatic strings that cry out with a smaller choir which slowly drags away. A melodic interpretation of the fallen angel. Yet, the music falls to minor after the initial hope of the kiss. Sadder. Slowly falling apart.
This isn’t a birth of something new like his joyful nebula, but potentially a loss.
In conclusion: Season 2 is actively slowly killing me. David Arnold went insane this season.
More GO Analyses:
- The Metatron is a Parallel to Original Sin/the Serpent of Eden
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pearlusha · 11 months
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@goodomensonprime @neil-gaiman
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terikanae · 8 months
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mitski-leaked · 10 months
You think you're a demon? With your curly little...and neat white-
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katcsy · 10 months
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I would always answer if you’d keep asking
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bwlkins · 3 months
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Crowley hasn't changed as such.
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vinylattes · 11 months
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Let there be matter, let there be gravity, let there be everything from pages 11 to 3,000,602 inclusive. Is something meant to happen? Oh, right, sorry, yes. Yes. I knew I missed one. Let there light.
David Tennant as Pre-Fall Crowley in GOOD OMENS (2019-) | 2.01 (The Arrival)
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hawt-pants-exe · 2 months
My attempt of @blairamok ‘s Ineffable May 🌟
Before The Beginning
I hope I stay consistent as it’s my first time participating 👉👈
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Also yeah I suck at human anatomy like can’t draw faces, hands! And them feets yes tried to hide them with the foreground stars 🫡
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gahellhimself-blog · 9 months
It’s the GOmentober!!
Thanks to @disaster-dog for the list. I don't think I'm going to do them all cause i’m really tired..
But there is the first and the second in the same time.
Pre fall and star
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It could be a prequel to my last comic.. This will explain why Aziraphale was so emotional when he opened the little box… :")
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robinratt · 6 months
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Here is a cute frame of my animation im posting tommorow!!
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kittygirl2210 · 1 month
Before the Beginning Reanimated (parts 39-40)
hi y'all, i wanted to pick up a couple more parts in my BTBR project!! There are still a few parts left as well a thumbnail contest and a DTIYS!!
Project call: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5mHmZTwHJ0&t=210s
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mercyraph · 11 months
Okay so canonically, Crowley is now the starmaker. We still don't have his official name but I was searching, and I found this angel mentioned from the Book of Enoch.
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Disclaimer: The Book of Enoch is not considered as being part of Sacred Scripture by most Christian Churches, only by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Eritrean Orthodox Church(i don't know what those are either)
But for the description part, Kokabiel was known as "The Star of God" (some Demons, refer to him as "The messiah of the weak) and he was generally a good angel before he fell.
The story of his fall wasn't during the rebellion , it only mentioned about the Angels needed help to find the "Nector of Immortality" so they asked the Demons (because this happened after the first war) to help, promising they'd get a portion. But when they found it, they denied the Demons of it and started torturing and killing them.
After that, Kokabiel realized the corruption within the Angels and eventually started fighting them back.
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navajja · 11 months
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Im trying my best to cheer my self up
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antiphilosophia · 11 months
Crowley's pre-fall name is BARAQIEL (THEORY)
Very well. Who doesn't love the Crowley is the Archangel Raphael theory (I am certainly of those people who do). During my first watch of Good Omens S2 I was even somehow almost confident that that was the case.
However, my second, more careful, viewing of this lovely (but equally heartbreaking) season made me change my mind, likely for good. In episode 4, Furfur's book "Demon's Guide To Angelic Beings Who Walk The Earth" shows us a name of a certain angel Baraqiel. (see photo below) Knowing Good Omens that can hardly be a coincidence.
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Unfortunately, the very text is quite unreadable. One thing, other than the name, which is pretty clear is the subheading "Angel of the Sky" and since the episode 1 lets us take a look at how Crowley did indeed take part in creation of what is to be seen in the night sky, one can hardly find that entirely non-fitting. One other sentence I was (at least I think) able to read is "Often draped in red."
(On a different note but certainly worth noticing are scribbles that generally just roast Crowley – his suspiciousness, hair and name (though I am not absolutely sure of the latter) "His hair is bad!" Wow, Furfur really does hate Crowley.)
Then there is something written above the name of Baraqiel, unfortunately in none of the picture frames does it get a bit readable. I wonder though, couldn't it be "former"? Since it comes precisely after mention of Crowley to whom should one report on Aziraphale.
Crowley is very powerful. Dominion
A word that is not exactly readable but can be deduced from its placement (it is situated just as Aziraphale's "Principality") is Baraqiel's rank – Dominion Angel. It should be noted here that I very much lack proper knowledge of either Jewish or Christian mythology and I would hate to provide any incorrect claims. I therefore think it is better for me not to overly state things, even more so since everyone can look into it on their own and figure out what that might mean for our beloved demon. What I will say, however, is that they are (as I understand it) very powerful and, placed within the 2nd triad in the angel hierarchy, ranked higher than the Archangels. This would go well along with the emphasis that was in my opinion laid on Crowley's powers quite a lot this season.
For example: "A miracle of enormous power happened last night. The kind of miracle only the mightiest of archangels could've performed," said Shax to Crowley, to which he replied: "How'd you know I didn't do it?" He didn't get an answer.
What I think (and I may be very wrong, obviously) is that a miracle of this vastness wouldn't have happened simply because of a regular angel and a regular demon did together half a miracle each. What is also worth noticing is that the tool with which Crowley created the Nebula is the same as the one he used to temporarily stop time at the end of season 1 right before Satan's arrival. So much to the size of his powers.
Baraqiel, lightning of God. Fallen angel
Finally, to Baraqiel himself. My lack of knowledge concerning this matter still stands and frankly I don't even know where to find valid information about angels and such on the internet. Baraqiel should, however, stand for "lightning of God" and is also regarded as the angel of lightning. In season 2 there are (as far as I remember) two occasions where Crowley is put in correlation with lightning. (1) His poor anger management issues in episode 1 and (2) his not at all better matchmaking in episode 3 ("I haven't done weather in ages"). Furthermore, Baraqiel is considered to be the one who taught astrology to people. Nevertheless, what points to Crowley and Baraqiel being one even more is that Baraqiel is indeed a fallen angel.
So... That is probably it. I usually tent to theorize about stuff in quiet, in fact, this is the first time I've used Tumblr for anything other than reading Neil Gaiman's posts. I didn't even think that I would actually post it but then I've searched on Twitter, TikTok and here on Tumblr if anyone else has already come up with this theory. The only post I could find (hopefully I haven't missed anything) was by @valaza_04 on Twitter (click here) where they refer to the same frame shot as I do here.
Now I know, we are still recovering from heartbreaking (but if you ask me, absolutely amazing) finale and the main thing currently on our minds is figuring out why would Aziraphale choose as he did and the many wonderful theories that come with it. However, considering the utterly virulent look that Metatron shot at Crowley before walking out of the bookshop with Aziraphale and also his "Well, [Crowley] always did want to go his own way. Always asking damn fool questions, too." makes me think that he absolutely does not care for Crowley and whichever angel he was before the Fall. And I reckon it won't remain unnoticed in season 3 and might even be really important (or that is just me wishing for more pre-fall Crowley scenes). Hence I decided that I will post this. And it doesn't matter if no one will see this in the end, it was quite fun to write. However, if there is someone who will read this all the way through, I hope they will accept my apology for the mistakes I have most possibly made (English is not my first language) and also for the ridiculous length this post has come to gather. It turns out, I am just as chatty of a writer as I am speaker.
Well maybe I will come around to write one more post about this theory, only with a proper research this time. Till then thank you and, please, support this season by streaming as much as you can so we can have season 3 of this masterpiece of a show. And be kind to those bringing it to us in your comments regarding the ending, even though it is very frustrating and heart-shattering, it is also maybe the best ending we could have hoped for with the prospects of season 3.
Thank you for letting me talk my heart out, Tumblr.
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braineatingamoeba1 · 11 months
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made a few adjustments I think I like this one better so I’m gonna stick w/ this version
hope you guys enjoy
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