#pre Steddie
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Part One Two
It’s dark. The window is still open, but the chillier air is kind of nice on Eddie’s flushed skin.
The clean bedding is nice too; Eddie tries to remember the last time he appreciated something as nice as clean sheets and draws a blank.
Probably when he still lived with Wayne. Probably before they made it big. Probably before the partying started.
Eddie picks up his phone, his thumb hovering over the call button. He presses it.
Wayne doesn’t pick up. Eddie’s not surprised, not really.
He tries Chris; she doesn’t answer either.
Likewise Gareth.
He doesn't bother calling Jeff.
There’s no one else in his phone; Chrissy took it all away when Eddie couldn’t differentiate between a friend a dealer or a booty call.
Like the worst Marie Kondo ever, Chrissy had held up the hundreds of friends Eddie had in his phone, one by one, ‘does this spark joy?’
No. Sometimes sucked his dick, though.
Eddie has money though. He twirls his phone on his chest, flipping it from long edge to short. There’s always somewhere open. Flip. Flip. Flip.
Not like anyone's answering him right now anyway. They’ve just left him here. With fucking Steve. It’s just one time anyway, he wouldn’t get away with it more than once. Chrissy would put him on proper lock down if she found out. Probably shove him back in the clinic.
So...just once.
One last go. And then he’d quit for sure. He hasn’t touched it for months, so he’s pretty much proved he can do it, anyway.
Eddie gets dressed. Finds cash balled up in random places.
Eddie stands in the doorway. Look up at the stars and then across the lawn at the security gates. He hasn’t had so much as a cigarette in nearly half a year. This is fine.
“Where you going, Eddie?”
Eddie sighs. Fucking busted. Still, “no where you need to worry about.”
“Uh hu.”
“Look, I’m not on house arrest okay? I can go out, I’m a grown fucking man.”
“You totally are. You want to go out, you go for it. No skin off my nose.”
Eddie whirls, shocked, “what the fuck? Aren’t you supposed to try and stop me from doing dumb shit?”
Steve raises the eyebrow, “so you admit it’s dumb?” He looks sleep rumpled, wearing sweats and a white tee shirt.
Walked right into that one. “You’re dumb.”
The face again. The totally schooled features that are utterly professional and give absolutely nothing away and yet...somehow...he’s laughing at Eddie. Eddie can feel it.
“So you go out,” Steve saunters over, stands next to Eddie, bare toes curling over the doorstep, “you score or drink or do whatever it is you’re aiming to do. Then what?”
“Then what,” Eddie mimics, all bitchy, “I’ll come home, and I’ll sober up, and it won’t change a fucking thing,” Eddie bites out.
“You think? You’ve had sober spells before, is that how it’s gone in the past?”
Eddie takes a deep breathe, because no, no that is not how it’s fucking gone in the past, “this time is different.”
“Is it?” Steve asks, completely fucking nonchalant, “how so?”
Eddie doesn’t think he’s ever wanted to punch someone so bad in all his life. Imagines it viscerally, Steve's fucking head cracking on the door frame while he slumps to the floor in a bloody heap.
Eddie does not do that, obviously.
“Look, I’ll come home, we don’t do anything about it, you still get paid, sound good?”
“I get paid either way,” Steve shrugs one shoulder, because he’s a cunt. “This is how a lot of addicts die, did you know that?”
“What?” Eddie asks, startled by the left turn.
“Yeah, get out of rehab, think their tolerance is still the same, get back on it…” he doesn’t bother to finish.
“That won’t happen to me.”
“Oh yeah, right. Of course. Because you’re Eddie Munson, sorry, sorry, forgot a second there.”
Eddie takes two thumping angry steps into the yard and just...just fucking screams at the sky. Just...roars at nothing. This is shit. It’s so shit. Everything is shit. And Eddie nearly fucking died last time and there’s no escaping that fact. There’s no help. There’s no point to any of this. There’s just pain and fucking misery and something clawing at Eddie’s insides trying to get out.
He roars until he’s hoarse. Until he can’t any more. Until his chin is wet with spit and he feels week and rung out.
He sits on his ass on the cold, dewy lawn.
Steve is still standing in the doorway, he doesn’t look like he’s moved at all. If he’s at all bothered by Eddie’s little meltdown, he isn’t showing it.
“Why did you want to go?” Steve asks finally, "did something change?"
Eddie shrugs, he’s got nothing, not really. No real reason past just wanting to get fucked up. Because it feels good. Because he likes it.
“Okay, what’s worth staying for?”
Eddie makes a dismissive ‘pfffft’, made croaky by his fucked out voice.
“They always say you need to do these things for yourself,” Eddie glares at Steve, because that's some dumb shit right there. Always had it in therapy though. Self worth. Mindfulness. Living in the moment and being proud of what you’ve already achieved and every journey starts with a single step and all that other bull shit they try and feed you. “I know. I agree. When you...feel like you’re nothing, you’re not worth any effort. It’s the hardest time. So pick someone else. Who can you do it for?”
“They don’t care,” Eddie croaks, “they didn’t answer,” he pulls his phone out, flips it onto the grass.
“Chris. Wayne.”
“Okay, give me a good reason why Wayne didn’t answer? That’s your uncle, right?”
“Yeah he...he could be at work,” Eddie admits quietly. Eddie’s given Wayne money. Well, practically forced it on him. Set him up with a nice place; or at least as nice as he could talk Wayne into. Wayne doesn’t believe in free loading though. Eddie’s convinced him to do less hours, but he still works nights two or three times a week. Claims it’s ninety percent of his social life, or some shit like that.
“Okay, and Chris?”
Eddie shrugs, embarrassment over his outburst making him petulant now.
“Eddie, what time is it where Chris is, right now?”
Eddie sighs up at the stars. It’s the middle of the fucking night, “late. Early. I guess.”
“Okay. So they’re not ignoring you, they’re just living their lives like normal human beings. Come on, get up, your ass is gonna be wet.”
“And do what?” Eddie snaps, “what’s the fucking point.” It’s not a question.
“Come on, I want to show you something.”
“It was a tough time, you know? Like, life sucks hard sometimes. Music helps. My favorite is The Wilds, you know? You heard that one?” The interviewer mumbles something indistinguishable, “it’s kind of...like the bit about the shining sea, you know? How like, it’s so beautiful, but it’s fucking hard to sail on. Or like how the mountains are so beautiful, but if you go up there alone, you’re gonna’ die, right? So I think...like how insignificant, and meaningless my life is, in like, the grand scheme of things, but like...that makes what you do even more important, right? Like, it means more, when you choose to be...I dunno,” the kid with a million piercings shrugs, “like just be good to each other, you know?”
“That’s not even remotely what that song is about,” Eddie mumbles at the laptop monitor.
Behind him, Steve snorts a laugh, “well that kid thinks it is.”
Another kid, more makeup than the whole of Kiss slathered on her face, “I just think it has meaning, you know?” The interviewer mumbles something again, “oh my favorite?” A lip bitten in thought, she looks at the sky for inspiration, it’s sunset, Eddie figures. Lots of similarly dressed kids in the background. Takes him a second to realize this was filmed outside of a gig, or something like that. “It’s hard to pick, but if I gotta’, it’s definitely Double Down. Those lyrics are just...Eddie Munson is just...he’s a fucking genius, you know?” She frowns, “but also really fucking dumb soemtimes, I hope he’s okay.”
“I didn’t even write that one. Jeff wrote most of that. On napkins, I think. I just...worked it together.”
Another kid, saying how important Corroded Coffin are; how they helped this kid through hard times. Honestly it’s a difficult watch, Eddie has no fucking clue where Steve even found this, and when Eddie’s phone rings he jumps on it, glad of an excuse to slap the screen of the laptop closed.
“Hi, Eddie! You called, sorry it’s early I got up to go for a run-”
“No. No, it’s fine, I...I shouldn’t have called you so late. Early. You were probably sleeping.”
“That’s okay, of course it’s okay, it’s nice you called me,” she snickers, “you never call me.”
That’s true, and Eddie feels bad. It’s always Chrissy chasing after Eddie. Trying to keep a lid on him...trying to keep him safe. He was always the one dodging her. “Yeah, sorry…” Eddie gets up so he can walk away from Steve, tail between his legs he slinks into the hall, he vows, “I’ll try and do better.”
“Good, how are you feeling? Hows your rut?”
Eddie is not fucking admitting that he just had a breakdown and nearly fucked it all up in the middle of the night. No fucking way is he admitting that, “yeah...yeah, just...couldn’t sleep, you know? I guess the rut...still going. Feels weird.”
Eddie can hear Chris moving around, figures she has him on speaker or something, “uh hu, that’s because you haven’t cycled a proper rut in like, four years honey, these things take time to settle. Is Steve doing okay? You’re not being a cunt to him are you?”
“Well I’ve only thought about punching him,” something jogs in Eddie’s mind, “Chrissy, what happened to the cleaning lady?”
“Oh...we did talk about it honey but you weren't really...taking it in, I don’t think-”
“I was fucked up.”
“Yeah...but she…”
“Just say it.”
“The...you know, the vomit. You were constantly trashing the place. She was worried she was...well she was mostly scared she was going to walk in one day and find your body.”
“Oh.” Eddie slumps down on the bottom step, “that sucks. I liked her.”
“Don’t worry, her final pay was incredible. She got a really impressive bunch of flowers.”
“Oh...well. Thank you. For sorting that.” Eddie’s eyes feel wet. His lip wobbles a little, but he holds it in. He’s got no right to guilt about that, not now. “The place looks okay though, I think Steve’s been cleaning some.”
“Yeah, probably, he seems like a good guy.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, but the first tear breaks free and he knows he can’t hide it much longer, “go on your run.”
“Okay, speak later?”
“Yeah, course.”
“It’s so great to hear you sounding more like yourself, I missed you so much.”
Eddie hangs up, draws his knees up to his chest, the material of his sweats already darkened with tears.
#steddie#pre steddie#rock star eddie munson#drug abuse#alcohlism#eddie munson#stranger things#steve harrington#ficlet#chrissy cunningham#eddie and chrissy#alpha eddie munson#beta steve harrington
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Written for @stobinmonth.
Tell Me Everything
Prompt #1: Gossip | Word Count: 910 | Rating: T | POV: Robin | CW: Weed Mention, Gossiping About Someone's Sexuality | Relationship(s): Platonic Stobin, Background Pre-Steddie | Tags: Scoops Ahoy, Missing Scenes: S3 & S4, Steve's Bisexual Awakening
"I'm so bored!" Robin complains. If she has to be stuck here with Steve Harrington, he can at least entertain her. Scoops Ahoy has been beyond slow all day. Those damn assholes over at Orange Julius have been working hard to steal all their customers. Free samples, without her snarky commentary? Ugh.
Not that Robin wants more customers. But she also doesn't like to lose, and right now, they're losing.
"Entertain me!" she demands.
"Well, uh, I guess I have gossip," Steve says, peeling a banana, wandering around the backroom.
"Oh, I'm so sure I'll care about any gossip you might know," Robin says, elbow resting on the table, face in her hand, "But go ahead. Tell me everything."
Steve rolls his eyes, plopping in the chair across from her. He takes a big bite of the banana, and it's disgusting.
"So. You know Eddie "The Freak" Munson? From school?" Steve asks, pointing his surely stolen banana at her. Inventory day is going to be interesting, that's for sure.
"I'm familiar, yes," she says, playing it cool. She's in band with Eddie, and will get to be again next year if the gossip mill is right and he didn't graduate, again. But she doesn't need to advertise that she's in the band to Steve Harrington. He might already know, he should if he pays any attention to anybody else in the world. But she doesn't need to point it out if he doesn't.
"He didn't graduate. I know," she says. This is lame gossip.
"No, well, yes. I think. But that's not it. Uh, last night I was meeting him out at Skull Rock—"
"Why were you meeting Eddie Munson at Skull Rock?" she asks, raising a pointed eyebrow. She knows why. Pot. But she's needling him, just for fun.
"I wanted to join his shitty band," he says sarcastically, rolling his eyes, "I was buying weed. Duh. It's the only thing getting me through his summer. But, get this. I get out there, and I hear him having an argument with another guy. Real heated. Up close and personal."
Robin's stomach flip-flops, and she sits back in her chair. She doesn't want him to finish his thought. Because she can see it in his eyes, she knows what he's about to say. Because she can see herself in Eddie Munson, but she definitely doesn't want Steve Harrington seeing it, too.
Steve leans over the table, trying to whisper, but still chewing, "Turns out he's gay, did you know that?"
Robin feels the blood drain from her face, but is determined to power through it, "What makes…what makes you think that?" she asks.
Steve rolls his eyes, taking another big, phallic bite.
"I just said I saw him. Out at Skull Rock," Steve says, chewing like a cow. How do girls find this attractive? Steve Harrington is a gross boy, not a king.
"You said he was fighting, that's not exactly damning evidence."
He grins, then twists the dagger, "Like, I moved closer. In case I had to help."
"You were gonna help? Who? Eddie? Or the guy he was fighting with?"
Steve doesn't answer, "But then the guy kissed him. Like, kissed, kissed. Eddie pushed him back. But not right away or anything. He liked it."
Robin squeezes her hands together under the table. It's okay. She expected this. It's Steve Harrington.
"Who was the other—no, nevermind," she says. She doesn't want him adding to this story. He can't just tell everybody about this. He can't. "You're not, like, telling other people this, are you? Just me?"
But there's no further discussion, a customer rings the bell out front, and Steve tosses his banana peel on the table, and picks up the ice cream scoop, twirling it in his hand as he pushes through the swinging door.
"Hi, I'm Steve Harrington. I'll be your Custard Captain."
His lines are getting worse by the shift.
Robin leans forward and rests her forehead on the table.
She'll just pretend this never happened.
Not even a year later, Eddie Munson has Steve pinned to the wall of the boat house, broken bottle to his neck, and Robin has eyes. Steve's enjoying it.
Which, gross.
But also: Well, well, well.
Steve turned out to be cool with her, of course, and he's her best friend. One drugged bathroom confession, and she has replayed that 'Eddie Munson's gay' gossip session in her head over and over. Steve hadn't actually ever said anything negative. She'd inferred that, for sure, but he hadn't actually condemned Eddie.
Or her.
He was just stating facts.
She's the one that assumed the worst. She knows Steve now, and this reaction he's having to Eddie is brand new information. For her, definitely, and maybe even for Steve by the look in his eyes.
Once the dust had settled, she steered him away from all the prying ears.
"Well, that was interesting," she says.
"Yup," he croaks, still looking a bit shaken.
"Now you wish you'd had a different experience out at Skull Rock last summer, don't ya?"
And he nods, fervently, and she can't wait to see how this bisexual awakening plays out. If she thought he was embarrassing himself like a fool in front of girls at Scoops Ahoy, she can't even imagine how dumb he'll make himself look in front of Eddie Munson.
She just knows she wants a front row seat, and a fresh dry erase marker.
If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @stobinmonth to follow along with the platonic soulmate fun!
#stobinmonth#stobinmonth2025#stobin month#stobin month 2025#robin buckley#steve harrington#platonic stobin#stobin#steve & robin#scoops ahoy#stranger things#thisapplepielife: stobin month#thisapplepielife: short fic#pre steddie#steddie
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Steve Harrington who doesn't die. No matter what, he'll wake up afterwards. He learned it young when he survived a car crash that killed his mom. And he struggles after her death, not knowing why he survived when she didn't. As he grows up, he can't relax and parties to try and be full of something lighter. But he drinks too much at one party and he doesn't have a good friend to rely on.
As time goes on, Steve dies by Billy and by the Russians. He doesn't really understand but he begins to accept it. But he also becomes more careless. Which is how Eddie finds him.
Eddie had been able to see ghosts since he almost died from his dad. The first ghost he ever sees is his mom and she passes on after getting to hug him goodbye one last time. After that Eddie sees the few elderly people who died at the end of their lives. And the people who died too early. He got stuck as the freak for all the times he's accidentally talked to someone who wasn't there.
He had talked with Benny who was worried about that young girl. Barb who was so mad about being left behind by her friend. But he hadn't seen Will Byers and it made sense when he was found eventually. But he did hear some things from the agents stuck at the middle school who looked torn apart. Eddie learned of the Upside Down earlier but promised Wayne he'd stay out of it.
Until he saw Steve sitting on the edge of the pool, looking at his body floating in the water. There was some blood swirling in the water and it made Eddie sick. But Steve just stared blankly at his own body before sighing and standing. He froze when Eddie locked eyes with him. He glanced at the pool than Eddie. "Hmm," he gave him a small smile and moved past him.
"Wait!" Eddie called afterwards and Steve paused, "aren't you, like, I don't know needing something? Most ghosts-"
"Oh," Steve chuckled, "this won't last much longer." He stated and walked away but before he even reached the door back into the party he blinked away. Eddie let out a scream when Steve's body spasmed and his head flung up out of the water. There was still blood on the side of his face but he was alive. Steve groaned as he pulled himself out of the pool. "See," his came out hoarse and Eddie was just so confused.
#idk just a little guy#steddie#stranger things#pre steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#knightly talks#powers au#i guess
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“vickie!” eddie practically screams from his kitchen, rage coursing through him as he stares down at the tabloids spread out in front of him on the counter. “get in here! now!”
eddie’s had an issue with his rage lately. well. he’s had an issue with a lot of things, since he got famous, really. but that’s not his problem right now.
his problem is he’s looking down at image after image of himself on the covers of people and us weekly and entertainment tonight being dragged out of last night’s night club by his own security team with blood pouring from his nose. he looks angry. he looks crazed.
just then, a stranger walks into his kitchen.
“who the fuck are you?” he blurts out at the man, who’s wearing a dark green sweater vest over a white t-shirt and tortoise-shell glasses.
“i’m steve,” the weirdo stalker says, smiling brightly. he has surprisingly swoopy hair for an insane fan. “i’m your new assistant.”
“where’s vickie?” eddie asks, rubbing at the sore spot on his nose. thank god it’s not broken.
“you fired her,” steve tells him. “two days ago.”
“i fire her all the time.”
“ok, well… i guess this time it stuck,” steve shrugs. “chrissy hired me.”
“fucking chrissy,” eddie says under his breath, rolling his eyes. he pulls out his phone from the pocket of his sweatpants and speed dials chrissy. “chris, what the fuck?” he doesn’t even give her the chance to say hello.
“good morning, eddie. i’m doing really well, how are you?”
“not fucking well, that’s how i am!” eddie practically yells into the receiver. “what the fuck? did you see the pictures? and who the fuck is this guy in my house?”
“yes, eddie, i saw the pictures.” eddie can hear the eye roll in her voice. “we’re handling it. nancy’s already on it with the team. what was the other thing?”
eddie knows she’s fucking with him and that pisses him off even more. “who is this freak in my house wearing a goddamn sweater vest?!” he feels like a blood vessel in his eye is about to pop.
“hey,” steve protests softly from across the kitchen where he’s started to pull shit out of eddie’s fridge. he didn’t even know there was anything in that fridge.
“that’s not a very nice way to talk about your new assistant,” chrissy’s voice comes loud and clear through the phone.
“christina fucking cunningham, you know i have final say on all hiring decisions when it comes to my assistants.” he rubs at his sore nose again.
“you had final say on all hiring decisions until you fired vickie for the thirteenth time and she refused to come back, even with a three hundred percent raise. we’re going in a different direction now.” chrissy sounds entirely too pleased with herself.
“well, i fucking hate him,” eddie grumbles and watches steve to make sure he’s heard him. steve doesn’t even react, just continues doing whatever the fuck he’s doing with the frying pan he’d found in the cabinet.
“you don’t even know him, eddie. give him a chance. anyway, i have to go, i have brunch plans with my very beautiful, very intelligent, perfect fiancée,” chrissy tells him, gloating, before hanging up on him.
eddie wants desperately to throw his phone across the kitchen, but if he breaks this one that would be his fourth phone in three weeks and he couldn’t bear to have to ask this steve person to go buy him a new one. he settles for squeezing it in his hand until it creaks while taking several deep breaths through his nose.
“what are you doing?” he grits out.
“are you always this rude?” steve asks, ignoring his question.
“to weirdo freak strangers showing up in my house unannounced? yes.”
“it’s not unannounced, chrissy wrote it on your calendar.” steve gestures toward the paper calendar hanging on the side of the fridge where chrissy writes his major life events and which eddie mostly just ignores before sliding a plate full of food toward eddie.
“what is this?” eddie sneers.
“it’s an omelette with cheese and mushrooms,” steve replies, smiling. he’s always fucking smiling.
“i’m allergic to… omelettes,” eddie says, just to be a dick.
“no you’re not. you’re allergic to blueberries and dust.” steve doesn’t stop smiling pleasantly.
“did you get access to my medical records? that’s a violation of my… whatever rights.” eddie waves a hand through the air.
“no, i didn’t go look at your medical records, jesus. i’m not a stalker. chrissy told me when she hired me.”
“whatever. i still fucking hate you.”
“okay,” steve shrugs again. “eat your breakfast.”
eddie has every intention of leaving the kitchen, full plate of food and all, but. he is hungry.
so he eats.
and he’s pissed that it’s actually good.
eddie spends the rest of the day being a general nuisance to steve any time he tries to do his job. when steve answers the phone before handing it to eddie, eddie “accidentally” hangs up on whoever it is on the hand off & makes sure to blame his new assistant when the person finally calls back. when steve has to drive him to his meeting with nancy and the pr team, eddie tries to give him the wrong directions, but steve’s too smart for that. when steve has to do the grocery shopping, he makes steve go to the erewhon all the way across town during rush hour because the one down the street “just doesn’t have the same vibe, steve.”
and all the while, steve just does his job, still smiling, not getting angry at all even though it’s beyond obvious eddie’s being a little shit to him.
which honestly just pisses eddie off more than anything else today.
“here’s some aspirin,” steve says, placing two white pills on the coffee table in front of eddie, along with a mason jar of water. eddie, lounging on his big squishy couch, pulls the ice pack away from his nose, which has started throbbing again. “you didn’t have any glasses.” steve shrugs when he sees eddie’s arched eyebrow looking skeptically at the jar of water. “if you don’t need anything else, i’ll take off for the day.”
it’s past 8pm already, long after steve should have left for the day except that eddie had made him stay to organize his extensive tshirt collection by color, shade, and design before he could even think about going home. it was an emergency, after all.
“i’ll have to check the t-shirt closet first,” eddie replies, before swallowing the aspirin dry. steve shrugs again and rolls his eyes. eddie would say something about his blatant rudeness, but he’s too exhausted.
eddie pulls himself off the couch and makes his way down the hallway to his “t-shirt room.” it’s so stupid, but he has all this space and he’d started collecting the tshirts so long ago. they’re not worth anything, they’re just his wardrobe but… they remind him of wayne and the thrifting they used to do every saturday morning.
the organization eddie had been having steve do was entirely arbitrary. it’s not like eddie plans his outfits. he mostly just pulls whatever out of wherever, unless it’s an event and then he pays someone to do the deciding and dressing for him anyway.
but. steve’s organized the t-shirts by genre and subgenre and then by band alphabetically and finally color. more than eddie had even asked him to do.
eddie had come in here fully prepared to rip steve a new one, but even he can be shocked into appreciation.
steve notices eddie’s silence and grins.
“can i tell you something?” steve says pleasantly and then continues without even letting eddie respond to the question. “i know i look like a nice polite guy next door that moms totally love—it’s the sweater vests, i think.” steve plucks at his top. “and that’s true. i am a nice polite guy and moms do love me. i’m awesome.” his grin widens. “but i got kicked out of my parents house when i was 18 and i lived in my car for a while. i’ve been on my own for seven years. i made a life in LA out of nothing. so you can throw your little temper tantrums and tell me how much you hate me. you can make me go to the erewhon all the way across town and you can make me look incompetent to my colleagues. but i need this job. i’ve worked hard for this job. this job pays more than any other job i’ve ever had combined. and you’re hardly the biggest asshole i’ve ever met. so you can continue trying to make my life miserable—hell, i’ll even give you my dad’s number, you guys can swap ideas!” steve laughs at his own joke before turning serious for the first time all day. “but i’m not vickie. you won’t make me cry. you can’t fire me. i’m not going anywhere.” he claps his hands together. “anyway, i’m gonna take off, since i have plans with my actual friends. but hey, i’ll see you tomorrow, huh?” and he smiles again, giving eddie a small waggle of his fingers, before heading out through the door.
eddie’s still just standing there in the middle of his tshirt room when he hears the front door slam shut.
part two
#steddie#pre steddie#steddie fic#steve harrington#eddie munson#steddie fanfic#steddie fanfiction#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie blurb#steddie drabble#i was watching a romcom
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Steve gets a phone call from Eddie one afternoon. . .
Eddie: So, what are you wearing, big boy?
Steve unfortunately thought Eddie was messing with him, so he decided to mess with him back. Steve rolled his eyes.
Steve: *scoffs* Your vest and nothing else, of course.
There was a long silence and then. . .THUD.
Steve: Eddie?
There was a sound of someone else's feet, and then he heard Wayne's voice in the distance.
Wayne: You damn near broke your new Garfield phone. What are you doing on the floor, and why is your nose bleeding?
Another pause, and Steve heard Eddie speak.
Eddie: Steve. . .vest. . .nothing.
Oops, he accidentally broke Eddie. Steve smirked.
#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#eddie stranger things#eddie munson lives#steddie#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#bisexual steve harrington#bisexual eddie munson#bi4bi#idiot4idiot#dingus4dingus#bifire#bi as hell bi the way#pre steddie#brief appearance of#wayne munson#incorrect stranger things quotes#rueleigh writes#rueleigh's thoughts
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Neat Freak
Steve’s parents don’t make him keep the house spotless. He really is just that clean and when Nancy tries to tell people there like “lol, sure” but she knows.
He’s a neat freak.
When she would stay over she would change into her pjs and make a small bundle of her day clothes on his desk chair, and steve would just. Fold them. Before getting in bed with her.
Doesn’t take long after for the others to realize it.
Robin thought it was just a guy thing, caring that much about their car. Scolding her for kicking her socked feet up on the dash, and leaving crumbs of toast when she had breakfast to go.
But then she visits his house the first time and Robin has never been good at using a coaster, too scatter brained to pay attention where she sets her drink down each time.
Steve, though? Without missing a beat he will move her glass to the coaster. Every time. Doesn’t even break his strike or pauses his conversation it’s just muscle memory by now.
The kids have had their will broken and no longer put up a fight.
Without being told to anymore, they toe off their shoes and hang their coat by the doorway. They don’t even do that in their own home. How Steve was able to get those wild animals house broken? No body knows.
His mom didn’t actually choose his room decor. It looks a bit barren but Steve likes it that way. It looks clean, easier to do so, too. Everything has its place tucked away from sight so it’s not an eye sore.
Even his plaid wallpaper and curtains he chose for himself. He spent all day finding the curtains that matched the closest and he was really proud of himself when found some.
“Steve, buddy, this looks mental.”
“But look,” (closest the curtains to show that even the pattern lines up seemlessly) “you almost can’t even see the difference between the wall and fabric. It’s like magic! It’s cool!” >:(
He’s very meticulous about his appearance. Dustin is absolutely flabbergasted when he sees his full hair routine for himself. Everything must be done a certain way in a certain order every time. It’s routine.
“Three puffs of the Farah Fawcett! THREE!”
When they discontinue it, Steve has a mini breakdown. He doesn’t like that his very specific and set routine has been broken. He’s convinced he’ll never find a hair spray to replace it. Everybody stocks up on cans of it to try and lower his anxiety.
He just loves cleaning, okay?
Ironing his kakis and polos until there are no wrinkles is so satisfying. Glass without finger smudges is so nice. His closet being organized by color is so efficient. When he’s worried, anxious, or angry he likes to keep his hands busy and it just calms him down going ham on a water stain in the bathroom.
When he hangs out at Eddie’s, he mindlessly starts picking things up here and there. It’s like heaven for him. He sees a mess and just wants to go to town. Eddie doesn’t mind as long as he knows where everything is in the end. He’ll admit that having his music organized alphabetically is pretty convenient.
It’s also a little funny to watch Steve iron his ripped jeans and battle jacket with an iron he brought from home.
“You’re a freak, Harrington.” Eddie has a shit eating grin. Steve flips him off.
“Fuck off.”
#steddie#steddie headcanon#steddie prompt#steve harrington prompt#steve harrington headcanon#neat freak steve harrington#anyone else like cleaning?#I love organizing stuff by color#it’s calming#bee speaks#steve harrington#platonic stobin#stobin headcanon#pre stancy#stancy#pre steddie#babysitter steve harrington
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“Dustin isn’t coming.”
“What?” Eddie says, all frantic and jovial movements freezing instantly.
His eyes narrow on Lucas--the bearer of bad news. “Why?”
“Family emergency.”
Mike makes a face. “I saw his mom yesterday and she was fine, so is this a…?”
He makes a gesture that is entirely incomprehensible to anyone who isn’t Sinclair and his terrifying girlfriend.
(At least, Eddie thinks Max is Lucas’s girlfriend this week. It got a little hard to keep up after the third break-up-make-up marathon, and he frankly, stopped bothering to try.
It helped that she barely spoke--The only time notable being when Eddie had mockingly asked Sinclair if he needed a cheerleader when she’d first sat in, upon which she’d asked Eddie if he needed new kneecaps with a look in her eye that said she was serious.)
Wheeler Jr.’s gesture however, made her put her book down.
“You think he’s having migraines again?” She not so much asked as demanded, which had Mike shrugging.
“Dunno." Lucas says. "Dustin didn’t say.”
“Gotta be, if he called Dustin.” Mike mutters, Lucas shuffling his papers about as he begins to set up for Hellfire. He was the last in the room, practically late, which Eddie had planned on harassing him for had he not announced Henderson’s absence.
(Fucking freshmen. They just weren’t terrified of Eddie like they used to be.)
“Robin must be sick or something, otherwise he’d call her.” Lucas finishes as he finally sits down.
“Didn’t the Marching Band go on some trip?” Mike turns to address the rest of the table, and gets nods from Jeff and Gareth both.
“Yeah they’re marching in some parade in Indianapolis.” Jeff confirms.
“So his last resort was Dustin?” Max is getting that tone in her voice, the one that makes everyone at Hellfire very uncomfortable. “Typical.”
She pushes away from the table, making a show of gathering up her things before rising easily to her feet.
Eddie trades looks with the elder Hellfire members as she makes her exit--the kind that says they’re all going to be talking about this later.
They knew their freshmen had some weird obsession with the former King, of course, but Mayfield too?
What the hell was up with that guy?
At least Eddie thinks, right before things are once again shot to shit, they can go back to playing the game.
He can make it work this early into things, and if Henderson isn't’ a fan of what he’s about to do to the kid’s character in his absence, well.
Maybe he shouldn’t be fucking absent then.
“So what, Max, you're gonna go over there and make it worse?” Mike snorts.
Fatal mistake.
Eddie almost strangles him for it, if only because it prolongs this entire unnecessary conversation.
Max performs a military perfect heel turn, coming straight back for Wheeler Jr., which makes him right about fall out of his seat in panic.
“What was that, Wheeler?”
“I’m just saying--!”
“We don’t know Steve’s having migraines.” Lucas reiterates, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Maybe it’s something else.”
“Does Steve get migraines a lot?” Grant asks, because despite all appearances he’s a terrible gossip and gets sucked in far too easily.
Eddie throws a pencil at him for it.
“Hel-looo, we have a game!?” He thunders, but unfortunately for him, precious Stevie-Weavies headache now has everyone’s attention.
“Yeah, though he’s really good at pretending he doesn’t.” Lucas answers with a put upon sigh.
“There’s a whole pattern--he ignores it until it gets super bad, then he has to call Robin or Dustin to come get him when he inevitably gets stranded at work or the like, grocery store.”
“Well who else do you think he’d call?” Mike scoffs again. He does a lot of that, when discussing Harrington. “It’s not like his parents are--Ow, Max!”
“Close your mouth before I close it for you.” She hisses and Mike, shockingly, does just that.
To Eddie, she says;
“Your ass isn’t any better, or did you forget I live across from you?”
Eddie--who had an insult primed and ready--promptly shuts his mouth.
(Fucking! Asshole! Freshmen!)
“Maybe I should go too.” Lucas says, hedging a look between his girlfriend and his DM.
“No.” She snaps, pointing a finger at him.
“If you go, then this idiot,” she flicks her finger to Mike, “will go and then we really will make it worse. Stay here before your bichon frise has a fit about all his sheep abandoning him.”
Then she’s turning on her heel again, storming out.
“What the hell’s a bichon frisé?” Gareth asks in the aftermath, frowning.
“It’s a type of ahhhh--” Jeff clearly thinks better of the explanation, eyes sliding to Eddie.
Who’s scowling.
“I know what a bichon frisé is, Jeff.” He snaps.
“I don’t.” Grant loudly complains.
Jeff attempts to both calm Eddie and explain while Mike and Lucas spend far too many minutes looking after Max.
“Enough!” Eddie howls, temper finally getting the best of him. “Are we playing or do you also need to go sit by the King’s bedside?”
“Thank you,” Mike says, like he wasn’t a third of the entire problem. “Let’s play!”
They make it about ten entire minutes before getting knocked off track again.
In fairness, not that Eddie would ever admit it--the second meltdown is his own fault.
Hellfire is Eddie’s domain.
It’s one of the few places where he could relax without getting harassed or hounded, and having his freshmen--his!--abandon him for King Fucking Steve had set him off.
So he’d made a few comments about it.
Maybe introduced an NPC who sounded suspiciously similar to Harrington, only to instantly kill him off.
Made another couple of nasty comments.
Who cares? It worked him through his snit rather nicely, and his boys all knew to leave him be.
Except, apparently, for Lucas.
“Dude, would you lay off?” The kid finally snaps, pencil slamming down on the table.
Which is the most backbone-like thing anyone has ever heard Sinclair say, and he gets far more whistles for it than he should.
Eddie pins him in place with a glare.
“What was that Sinclair?” He snarls, voice as menacing as he can make it.
(It’s pretty terrifying, he’s practiced quite a bit with it.)
Sinclair flinches, but doesn’t back down.
“I said lay off. Steve has migraines because of--” He stops, before seeming to come to a decision. “Because of me. He took a hit for me, and I owe him a life debt for it.”
To Eddie, he says; “You get what those are, right?”
Mike rolls his eyes. “It wasn’t just for you--”
“That time with Billy was!” Lucas is quick to snarl. “But you know what Mike, you’re right. It wasn’t just for me. He T-boned a car for all of us!”
Sinclaire is on his feet now, which is the unfortunate moment that Eddie realizes he has once again lost control of the room.
A situation he firmly blames on Steve Harrington, because he’s petty.
“Or did you forget that part? That’s you, me, Will, Nancy and Jonathan right there! Nevermind the tunnel. Or the junkyard!
“We had the junkyard handled--”
Lucas scoffs.
“We absolutely did not.”
“I don’t get why you’re all making such a big deal out of this. He’s the fighter. That’s what he does. That’s why we brought him to the tunnel.”
“You recall what happened at Starcourt, right?” Lucas challenges, furious. “You did see him after, right?”
This, finally, seems to shut Mike up.
“Shouldn’t you be mad at him for that?” He says after a moment, and the rest of Hellfire has completely put aside all actual gaming to watch this play out with a morbid sort of fascination.
Eddie allows it, only because he’s trying to breathe the way Wayne taught him to before he loses it entirely and throws both of the idiot kids out of the drama room.
“He pulled your sister into it.”
“Have you met Erica!? You can’t pull her into shit!” Lucas spits furiously. “That wasn’t D&D, Mike. It was the Upsi--real life.”
Lucas is quick to correct himself, even in the heat of the moment--as all the kids are, like the entire school hasn’t clocked that they have some weird ass secret they’re terrible at hiding.
“And if we’re playing those games, then who pulled him into the tunnels? Who made him come to the junkyard?”
“Dustin.” Mike says snidely.
“You don’t get to blame Dustin when Steve was the only person around.”
“There were people around! They just weren’t people who--weren’t--who couldn’t--”
“Finish that sentence.” Lucas demands
“Be trusted.” Mike spits out, like it hurts him.
“El went through way more than Steve ever has! El--”
“El was using her po--doing mage things! And also, she shouldn’t have had to go through all this shit either! We can’t rely on her to save the day every single time, Mike--and look at how hurt she gets!”
“She hides it from you, you know. How bad she hurts. Cause she wants to put your feelings first.”
“Will does too.” Is Lucas’s parting shot. His backpack is in his hands in a blink, papers and character figure shoved wildly into it, before he’s storming out the door in a poor mimicry of Mayfield.
“Harrington T-Boned a car?” Grant says, in the resounding silence.
“That BMW of his hasn’t had a scratch on it--” Jeff says, with an inquisitive tilt to his head.
“He didn’t use the Beamer.” Mike interrupts, angry and sulking. “Are we playing or not?”
“I’m gonna say not, given we are down two players.’ Eddie tells him through clenched teeth.
“I’m going to be so mad if Steve doesn’t have a migraine.” Mike grumbles, as he begins packing up his stuff.
The rest of Hellfire follow his lead, after one look at Eddie’s face convince the lot of them that it’s best to flee now, before Eddie unleashes all his pent up rage.
“Not as mad as I’ll be, Wheeler.” Eddie promises darkly.
And it is a promise--because now, he’s going to follow all his stupid (sans Mike, who isn’t in his good graces either but at least stayed) freshmen--and go visit one fallen King.
If Harrington doesn’t have a headache now, he will when Eddie’s done with him.
#steves kids are his kids#first and always#well later it becomes Steve and Eddies kids but#pre S4#pre steddie#IDK if I'll write more but this would lead up to a hurt/comfort fic#because Dustin bless him is great at many things but head injuries and the care of them arent one of them#he is in fact#making it worse lmao#So the plan was for Eddie to show up#rip roaring mad#and just wanting to take it out on someone he didnt care about#only to find himself caring after steve#but also#I wanted to focus on Lucas#and Lucas's relationship#he and Steve are bros#steve harrington#eddie munson#hellfire#0o0 fanfics
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The first time Steve goes to Eddie and Wayne’s trailer, he tells Eddie that he likes how cozy it is. Eddie shoots him a dirty look before turning to go straight to his bedroom, no doubt thinking that his tentatively new friend meant it in the same way he’s heard other rich people use that word- when they think a place is small and cramped, but don’t want to look bad by saying what they truly mean.
Meanwhile, Steve barely notices the reaction, too caught up in thinking about how lonely it is in his parents’ big, empty, sterile-feeling house. How it looks as though it’s from a catalogue- nice but impersonal, with little indication that anyone even lives there. How he wishes it was instead like the trailer he was standing in- not just a house, but a home.
#eddie munson#steve harrington#stranger things#st#steddie#kinda#pre steddie#microfic#stranger things fic#steddie fic#idk if this even counts as a fic/microfic but whatever that’s what i’m tagging#stranger things headcanons#steddie headcanon#jay escapes the tags
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The sun is annoying Steve Harrington. Eddie knows this because the blinds in English class are notoriously shitty—have been ever since David C yanked the cord, so the sun always manages to get through the gaps.
Steve is squinting against it, the glare shining right in his eyes. Eddie can’t figure out why he doesn’t just move; he’s watched Steve battle with the blinds throughout the class, but it didn’t change much, no matter which way they were tilted.
Now Steve’s just stuck with a permanent frown, like he’s accepted his fate—or maybe he’s preparing for a grand finale, Eddie muses, not very seriously, like maybe the blinds should be writing their last will and testa—
“Dude, what’s your problem?”
It’s murmured so the substitute’s none the wiser. Still, the lack of volume doesn’t detract from the tone: Steve’s gone from annoyed to royally—ha ha, Eddie thinks stupidly—pissed off.
He considers replying with false pity, Oh, Harrington, I’ve got too many problems to count, but for some reason he can’t muster up enough energy for the performance. He manages a quip all the same, muted as it is—he’s got no desire to get detention again.
“Nothing. Just wondering if you’re gonna set fire to the blinds.”
Surprisingly, Steve laughs—or he laughs as much as someone can when they’re supposed to be silently reading. He gives a rueful look to the offending window, and it’s a damn shame really, that the sun’s making him squint, because otherwise his eyes would be all lit up and—woah, absolutely not, stop that train of thought right there.
“I’m this close, honestly,” Steve says, showing just how close he is with his thumb and forefinger.
And perhaps it’s simply the way he does it, the genuine flash of his grin, like he’s not worried about what he looks like; maybe the contrast makes Eddie realise that he’s been kinda serious for a while now, frowning even when the sun isn’t in his eyes.
What are you thinking about?
The question’s crossed Eddie’s mind more than once: chance sightings in the cafeteria, as the Nancy Wheeler love story came and went—but they still smile at each other, so it can’t be just that; his gut keeps telling him there’s something more, something he’s not…
But it’s none of his business, and he doesn’t know Steve like that, not nearly enough to ask.
So he tilts back in his seat, holds a book aloft like he’s trying for a Tony. In the newfound shade, Steve rolls his eyes with amusement, “You’re gonna fall.”
“You wish, Harrington,” Eddie says.
A few seconds more, and the teacher’s gonna notice, will snap at Eddie to read his book instead of waving it about.
But for now, all that matters is Steve’s smiling instead of frowning.
#mundane school days are sometimes the most important ones ❤️#pre steddie#steddie#steddie ficlet#steddie fic#steve harrington#eddie munson#steve x eddie
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“Hey, have you seen Harrington? Guy’s totally wasted. Can't even stand. Tried to get up, fell down like a goddamn turtle. Garrison's over there throwing chips at him. It’s hysterical, you gotta check this out, man.”
The upside to being the guy everyone calls ‘the Freak’—the guy no one wants to talk to unless they’re looking to buy—is that Eddie can disappear whenever he wants. And tonight, he’s been in full stealth mode, almost ghost-like in the way he drifts through the shadows of this overcrowded house party. When he’s not standing on lunch tables at school, giving speeches, or taunting the assholes who think they run the place, Eddie finds that people tend to forget he’s even there.
Which makes it real easy to hear all kinds of things he probably shouldn’t. Not that Carver's announcement is any kind of secret, not with the way he’s broadcasting it to the entire room. Ever since Harrington lost his King Steve status, the rest of the jock squad has been scrambling to claw their way to the top. It’s desperate. Pathetic, really, if you ask him. But no one’s ever asking Eddie for his opinion.
He should get out of here. Most of his stash is gone, and it’s getting late. There’s leftover mac and cheese in the fridge with his name on it, and if he bolts now, he might just catch the midnight rerun of The Thing.
Eddie tries to ignore the mental image of Harrington—Steve, Steve—sprawled out on that grimy carpet, covered in crumbs and dirt, drenched in stale beer. He must feel defenseless. The kind of defenseless that Eddie knows too well, the kind that gets you laughed at, or worse. But just because Harrington buys a dime bag off him every week doesn’t mean they’re friends. Even if they’ve had a few surprisingly not-awful conversations. Even if Steve’s actually kind of funny for a rich kid, for a jock.
There’s no reason for Eddie to care about what’s happening to Steve Harrington, just like Steve never cared about him.
So why the hell are his feet carrying him toward the living room instead of the back door? Why is he elbowing people out of the way, pushing through the circle of gawkers around Steve? Why are his hands grabbing Steve by the shoulders, hauling him up, and dragging him out before anyone even knows what’s happening?
And why, for the love of God, is he driving to his trailer with Steve snoring in the passenger seat, instead of dumping the guy at his parents' mansion and going home?
Eddie wishes he knew. But his body’s on autopilot, and he’s watching it all happen like he's outside himself, like he’s not the one doing it.
The trailer park is quiet, too quiet for a Saturday night, but that’s January for you—cold as a witch's tit, and getting colder. The van’s heater barely works, and Eddie can see both their breaths fogging up the air, little puffs of steam in the dark.
Eddie cuts the engine, and the sudden silence fills the van like a held breath. Steve shifts in the seat, muttering something incoherent, his head lolling against the window. For a split second, Eddie considers just leaving him here. Would serve him right, honestly. Let King Steve wake up alone, freezing his ass off in a busted van in a trailer park at the edge of town. But then Steve lets out a soft groan, and Eddie can’t help but roll his eyes.
"You're a real piece of work, Harrington," he mutters under his breath, pushing open the driver's side door.
The cold air hits him like a slap, biting through his jacket and sending a shiver down his spine. He makes his way around to the passenger side, yanking open the door and catching Steve before he can tumble out. The guy's heavier than he looks—dead weight, limp as a rag doll. Eddie grunts, struggling for a grip, and finally manages to sling one of Steve's arms over his shoulder.
"Okay, big boy, up you go," Eddie mutters, half-dragging, half-carrying Steve toward the trailer. Steve's head drops forward, his hair brushing Eddie’s cheek, and he smells like a mix of beer, Steve's usual cologne, and something else—something clean, like laundry detergent or fresh air. It's weirdly comforting, and Eddie has to shake himself out of it.
Inside, the trailer is dim, lit only by the glow of the old TV Eddie left on. He kicks the door shut behind them, maneuvering Steve over to the sagging couch. Steve flops down with a heavy thud, eyes still closed, mouth slightly open. For a second, Eddie just stands there, looking at him, wondering what the hell he’s doing.
Why didn’t he just leave him there at the party? Why did he care?
Maybe it's because Steve looks different like this. Not the smug, popular guy who used to strut down the halls like he owned the place. Not the guy who had everything and then lost it all. Just... some kid, really. Some scared, drunk kid who probably doesn’t know where he fits anymore.
“Alright, Sleeping Beauty,” Eddie mutters, leaning down to untie Steve’s sneakers. “Let’s get you comfortable before you choke on your own puke.”
As he pulls off one shoe, then the other, Steve stirs, his eyelids fluttering. For a moment, his gaze is unfocused, hazy, but then his eyes lock onto Eddie’s, and there’s a flicker of recognition.
“Munson?” Steve’s voice is low, rough from whatever he’s been drinking. “What the hell…?”
“Yeah, it’s me, genius,” Eddie says, trying to sound annoyed but failing to hide the faint smile tugging at his lips. “You got yourself in a bit of a mess tonight, Harrington.”
Steve blinks, slowly piecing things together. “Why’d you bring me here?”
Eddie shrugs, feigning nonchalance. “Seemed like the right thing to do, I guess.”
Steve snorts, like he doesn’t quite believe him. “Right. The Freak playing Good Samaritan. What’s the punchline?”
Eddie’s smile fades. It inexplicably hurts to hear Steve call him that. “There’s no punchline, man. Not everything’s a joke.”
Steve stares at him, as if searching for something in Eddie’s face, something to latch onto. Finally, he just nods, leaning back against the couch, eyes half-closed again. “Thanks,” he mumbles, almost too quiet to hear. “I guess.”
Eddie feels something strange twist in his chest. “Don’t mention it,” he says, a little too quickly, like he’s trying to convince himself as much as Steve. He turns away, grabbing an old blanket from a nearby chair and tossing it over Steve. “You sleep it off. I’ll be in my room.”
But even as he walks away, he can't shake the feeling that something’s shifted tonight, some invisible line crossed. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe in the morning, Steve will wake up, make a snarky comment, and it’ll all go back to the way it was.
Or maybe, just maybe, it won’t.
#steddie#pre relationship#pre steddie#steddie fic#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#my writing
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Something about not-everyone-has soulmate words and Steve’s say ‘Mr Harrington’ on his collarbone and he hears that a thousand times a day now that he’s touring as a pop star. Eddie, who comes in as a replacement guitar guy - not playing, just swapping Steve’s guitars, tuning, restringing - and on their first meeting, Steve is exhausted, pissy, and his bodyguard let him get ambushed by three different fake-soulword fans.
“Mr Harrington”
“You better not say you’re my soulmate, I think I’d actually throw myself into traffic”
And even if Steve has managed to hold onto a bit of romantic optimism, Eddie has had those words on his ribs all his life, so he’s always known his soulmate didn’t want him.
#pre steddie#this one is a specific kind of angst#where Steve falls in love without knowing it’s a soulmate thing#while Eddie is clinging to the ledge so he doesn’t fall in love#even after he knows that steve gets fakes all the time#my writing
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Part One
Eddie squints into the bright sunlight flooding the kitchen. He’s eating a bowl of lucky charms that taste like chemicals and fake sugar and he’s not even sure he’s going to make it to the end of the first mouthful. The texture is grainy and artificially chewy and Eddie is sure he used to like these.
Steve, the guy in Eddie’s house, sits himself opposite with a neat little piles of scrambled eggs and cut fruit on his plate. He looks at Eddie, gets up again, pulls the blind just far enough that Eddie’s eyes are shaded, and then comes back again.
“Can I get you anything?”
“You can get the fuck out of my house,” Eddie replies. But there’s no bite. No meaning. No energy. No anything behind the words. He’s so fucking tired and so done with it all.
Steve carries on like Eddie hasn’t spoken, and eats his breakfast.
Eddie’s spoon clatters on the rim of the still full bowl; he goes back to bed.
Eddie blinks open gummy eyes to find some electrolyte sports drink thing and a banana sitting offensively on his bedside table. His cock is hard and unrelenting and making him fucking miserable. He flops over onto his back and shoves his hand down his pants, thinking vaguely that he’d kill a dude for a bag. For a pre rolled. For a fucking cough sweet.
He comes too fast, his knot doesn’t even pop, and it feels empty. Like he’s starving and someone handed him a handful of popcorn; doesn’t solve anything. If anything, it’s made it worse.
He clambers out of bed, his sweats soaked with come. When they start to slide off his too skinny hips, Eddie lets them. Watches as they slide to the floor, a wet, pointless mess. Just like him.
Eddie stalks into the kitchen, Steve’s sitting at the table, he has a pen in his hand, and he’s tapping it gently against the page. Doing a cross word or something, Eddie guesses. Where the fuck did he even get a newspaper. Eddie didn’t even know you could still buy newspapers any more.
“Aren’t you supposed to be doing something to make all this better? Isn’t that your fucking job, or whatever?”
Steve sits back, he doesn’t seem to bat an eyelid over Eddie being naked, and he doesn’t stare either, just makes normal eye contact like Eddie being bare assed in the middle of the kitchen is a day to day occurrence.
“Are you open to taking a suggestion?”
“Are you open to taking a suggestion,” Eddie snarks back, bitches back, “like what?”
“Have a bath.”
“A bath? Really? That’s all you got for my...recovery or well being or to cure me of being a fucking addict?”
“No. You just stink,” Steve replies, still in his totally even and reasonable tone of voice.
“I’m in rut,” Eddie snaps back.
“Are you?” Steve raises an eyebrow, “can’t smell anything over the arm pint stank.”
“I- you- that’s just fucking rude, aren’t you supposed to be working for me? You can’t say shit like that-”
“I work for Chrissy.” Steve folds his newspaper and stands, “I presume you have a full bath in your en suite.” And Steve just...walks away. Eddie trailing behind as Steve lets himself into Eddie’s room and then into his bathroom.
“Oh. Sure. Just, make yourself at home,” Eddie bitches at him, “you just do whatever the fuck you like.”
Steve sets the bath running, rummages around under the sink and comes up with bubbles and bath salts that Eddie didn’t even know he had.
He wonders vaguely how bad bath salts would burn if he tried to snort them.
And then Steve starts cleaning, while the bath fills. He pulls out supplies, wipes down the counters and sinks. He throws some bleach down the toilet and wipes that down, “get in,” he turns the taps off, “I’m going to find something for this mirror.”
The mirror does look grim, Eddie can’t remember the last time he even had the cleaning lady over. He can’t remember if he’s still paying her. He can’t remember Chris saying a word about her. He wonders vaguely where she’s gone.
Eddie lies there in the steaming water, eyes slitted and vaguely watching as Steve brings the glass back to a perfect mirror shine, climbing up on the counter stretching high to buff away every last smear.
“I had a cleaning lady. Where’d she go?”
“She quit months ago.”
“She quit?” Eddie asks, genuinely surprised, “why?”
Steve raises that eyebrow, “wage dispute.”
“Fuck off, I paid her plenty.”
“Didn’t sound like any amount would be enough for what she was dealing with.” Steve lets that one sit, and Eddie wishes Steve would at least be smug or be a cunt or anything about it, but he’s not, he just delivers it like it’s a calm fact, the same as everything else he has to say. “I’ll do your hair.”
“I’m not a child.”
Steve doesn’t answer. He doesn’t need to. His face is an unreadable mask of cool professionalism that’s screaming, ‘why do you act like one then?’
When he wets Eddie’s hair, Eddie’s sure he pours water all over his face on purpose.
Eddie sits in the tub, Steve perched on the side, and he lets Steve wash his hair. He knows which products to use. He knows which order. He knows what to let sit and when to bring out the wide toothed comb. This is not Steve’s first rodeo with curly hair.
Eddie slumps back at some point, muscles feeling like they’re unwinding and unspooling into the water, his eyes have been closed for ages and he doesn’t remember closing them.
It takes a long time for him to put it together.
“You’re not washing my hair any more,” he slurs. He sounds a little drunk.
“No,” Steve says quietly.
“What, you a masseuse too?”
“I wear a lot of hats. It’s part of the job. I believe in a holistic approach to recovery.”
"Oh yeah," Eddie speaks quietly, "gonna' wave your magic wand and fix me? Solve all my problems and let me skip off into the sunset?"
"No. You're probably going to be fighting this battle for the rest of your life."
"Jesus Christ. Do you have to be so honest about it? Aren't you supposed to be all positive and shit."
"I am being positive. I'm positive you'll always be an alcoholic and a drug addict-"
Eddie snorts a derisive noise.
"But I'm also certain it gets easier, if you stick with it."
Eddie makes another dismissive noise, and goes back to being half asleep, Steve’s sure fingers working into his scalp.
Steve leaves, at some point. The water starts to cool. Eddie starts to become aware of himself, and he doesn’t like it. The rut is there, itching under his skin, but it feels weird and half formed and almost like it’s happening to someone else, far away.
He vaguely wonders about scoring and then realizes he can’t. It just makes him want it more though. The more he tries not to think about it, the more he can’t avoid thinking about it.
He gets out of the water, finding clean towels on the heated rails he dries himself, twisting his hair up on top of his head inside a towel.
His bedroom has also been cleaned, the sheets changed. The drapes are pulled and a window is open, letting in fresh, warm afternoon air.
Steve has laid out a clean tee shirt and sweats on the bed.
Steve can go fuck himself.
Part Three
#steddie#pre steddie#rock star eddie munson#drug abuse#alcohlism#eddie munson#stranger things#steve harrington#ficlet#chrissy cunningham#eddie and chrissy#alpha eddie munson#beta steve harrington#chrissy is eddies manager
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Stretch Zone
I was feeling inspired and wrote the first little bit of this Yoga Steve Steddie and Buckingham au I was playing with yesterday. Not sure if I'll continue with it, but I had some dialogue floating around in my head and wanted to let it out.
I'm not really experienced in writing dialogue so my apologies if it came out weird.
Part Two
Steve thinks Robin is being ridiculous, but at the same time, he knows firsthand how far someone will go for a crush. Robin calls him a “loverboy” which, is not completely off the mark but feels unnecessary to point out right after Steve gets ghosted…again.
But that’s beside the point. The point being that Robin has been going off about how she cornered herself into going to an intermediate yoga class to try and woo the cute girl who sits in front of her in her mandatory Writing 212 class. Apparently, Robin got a full two minutes of conversation in with said girl, a real feat since Robin usually spends the whole class psyching herself up to talk to her and then chickens out and dashes out the door as soon as class lets out. During said conversation, Robin found out Chrissy is a yoga instructor at the rec off campus, which resulted in Robin blurting out that she’s been meaning to take up yoga again (she’s never been) and that she’ll stop by a class sometime.
Which leads to now.
“-and I’ve never done yoga! I’ve never even thought about yoga except for that one time my hippie aunt Jen came to stay with us for a week and took up the entire living room every morning to do her weird stretches-” breath “and you know how clumsy I am! I’m going completely fall on my face and the angel that is Chrissy Cunningham is going to know that I’m a failed jock with no coordination and she’ll never fall in love with me!” she finally stops, taking a big heaving breath.
Steve, used to these occasional Robin Buckley rants had been leaning against the breakfast bar letting her go on for the last three and a half minutes. Sometimes it’s just better to let her get it out first.
“You done?” Steve asks, raising an eyebrow.
“I’m done,” she replies, flopping on the sofa behind her like all the wind has gone out of her sails. Steve hates to see her upset, but at the end of the day, it’s an easy fix.
“Sweet. So I’ll just go with you alright? And when you completely biff it and fall on your face I’ll just,” he steps away from the bar and mimes falling onto the couch next to her, ignoring her over-exaggerated oof, “fall even harder, or whatever. Make a whole scene of it.” Robin glares a little at the when, but ultimately can’t be upset when they both know it’s inevitable.
“Seriously?” she asks, eyes big and blue in a way that always makes Steve want to punch a wall. He doesn’t. Only did it once when they were both supremely drunk and feeling emotional, but he does wrap his arms around her narrow shoulders.
“Eh, why not? Maybe I’ll even find a cool yoga babe of my own to woo,” he says waggling his brows in a way that makes her scrunch up her nose.
“As if Harrington. I bet you’ll fall even more than me. You’re big jock muscles aren’t designed for flexibility,” she says with a faux pretentious accent.
“We’ll see about that, Buckley.”
Steve, much to Robin’s chagrin, does not fall on his face. Well, he does once, but it’s only because he’s following through on his promise to crash out for her when she falls on her face. Which she does almost as soon as Chrissy gives the instruction to lift their left leg while in downward dog. Unfortunately, it only worked the first time. The second time Robin crashed down, Steve wasn’t in a safe position to fall with her. By the time he was, the moment had passed. Luckily it’s nearing the end of the class when it happens and Chrissy mercifully releases them to relax into a corpse pose which, if you asked Robin, was perfectly fitting given the situation.
Steve though.
Steve really enjoyed the class.
Robin was right when he said his usual exercise regime wasn’t necessarily focused on flexibility and balance, but he finds yoga challenging in a gentler way than basketball or swimming. By the end of the day, he’s signing up for the full 12-week course and talking to Chrissy about what kind of equipment he should invest in.
“The most important thing is the grip. Mine was really expensive but I use it for work so I wouldn’t get the same one unless you’re planning to use it every day. If you’re comfortable giving me your number, I can send you some links to more reasonably priced ones.” Wow, Steve gets why Robin likes her so much. She’s like a walking ray of sunshine. Part of him wonders if she’s hitting on him, but she seems like she genuinely wants to help, not take him on a date.
“Sure, yeah, that would be great. Let me just…” he pulls out his phone and unlocks it, handing it over to the girl in front of him. She puts in her name and number, which, is always good. Steve is so bad with names he wouldn’t want to spell it wrong and give Robin another reason to make fun of him. She hands it back and Steve is getting ready to say his goodbyes and go hunt down Robin, who fled as soon as the class went out, but Chrissy starts talking before he can.
“You came with Robin, right? Robin Buckley?” She blurts out, clearly nervous. “We’re in class together but I didn’t know she had a boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you!” It’s not that Steve thinks she’s lying, but there’s an undercut of something that makes him think Robin might not be alone in her pining.
“Yeah, we came in together.” He lets it hang, watching as her shoulders slump a little. “But we’re not dating or anything. I’m, uh, not really her type.” Her eyes go a little wide at his emphasis on type, perking up at the knowledge that Robin isn’t dating.
Oh yeah, he thinks, she’s got it just as bad.
#buckingham#robin buckley x chrissy cunningham#steddie#pre steddie#this is meant to be a steddie fic#but we need the ✨set up✨#so the girls get to have their moment#stranger things#eddie munson#fanfiction#dreamer speaks#blurb#for those of you lurking in the tags of my last post#you may know that Eddie will be in the same class as Steve#due to losing the bet but being too broke to pay it out#and so must relent to Chrissy's request for him to take one of her classes#and force him into healthy habits#Reblogged with edits#catch me saying angle instead of angel
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honestly i think a lot about the fact that steve canonically smokes weed so he obv knows eddie and also when dustin asked him he would play dnd and steve was like and hang out with eddie munson? no thanks like they have history and i think about it all the time even not romantic history just them having history!!!!!!!!!!!!
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part one
“so how was your first day?” robin asks steve as he slides onto the barstool next to her and chrissy.
“it actually wasn’t that bad,” steve shrugs before taking a long pull from the freshly opened bottle the bartender slides his way.
“it wasn’t that bad?” chrissy asks, incredulous. “so he didn’t make you go to the erewhon all the way across town? the one he goes to because selena gomez was seen there once?”
“that’s why he made me go there?”
“yeah, he really likes that one movie she’s in.”
steve thinks for a moment. “the dead don’t die?”
“no, the one with the dancing,” chrissy snorts.
steve makes a face and then shrugs again. “i made him his breakfast, i drove him around, i organized his tshirt closet… pretty standard stuff for an assistant.”
“you organized his tshirt closet? what the fuck does that even mean?” robin asks, laughing.
“exactly what it sounds like,” steve grins at her. “anyway, really, it wasn’t that bad. sure, he’s insufferable but not anything i couldn’t handle. don’t worry about it.”
“well, thanks for doing this,” chrissy says. “vickie handled it for a while, but i guess once you’ve been fired twelve times in the course of six months, you have to draw a boundary with the thirteenth.”
“it’s really not a big deal, it’s not like i’m doing it for free,” steve responds. “the money is more than worth it.”
“still, i know how he can be. but he’s really not so bad. once he’s… comfortable.” chrissy frowns.
“whatever,” steve shrugs for a third time. “i’m just here for the cash.” he winks and gives her a reassuring smile.
the next morning, steve pulls up to eddie’s huge beverly hills mansion bright and early, just as he had yesterday. he punches in the gate code, waves to the security guy on duty, and makes his way inside to the kitchen.
eddie storms in while steve is halfway through cooking another omelette, this time with tomatoes and onions and freshly grated cheddar cheese.
“i don’t care, wheeler, i’m not making a fucking appearance and i’m definitely not doing it with him,” eddie snarls into the phone pressed to his face. he hasn’t seemed to notice that steve’s in his house again.
eddie waits for whoever it is on the phone to speak before he says, “well maybe i don’t want to fix it. maybe this is it,” and then hangs up the phone. he lets out a frustrated little scream before he turns to leave the kitchen, finally noticing steve by the stove. “you’re back,” he says, voice monotone.
“i’m back,” steve smiles, sliding the plate full of food across the large island toward him. eddie looks down at it like he’s surprised. “eat,” steve tells him.
“another sweater vest?” eddie sneers instead of picking up his fork.
“i like them,” steve shrugs, still smiling.
eddie rolls his eyes. “whatever,” he mutters and then picks up the plate and retreats from the kitchen.
eddie is deeply annoyed by how good steve’s omelettes are. he practically licks the plate clean when he’s finished, which only serves to make his bad mood worse.
“can i take your plate?” steve asks from the doorway of the living room.
“jesus christ, man, wear a fucking bell,” eddie grumbles before holding out the plate, forcing steve to walk across the room to the couch and take it from him.
“i’ll remember to announce myself from now on,” steve replies. “chrissy just called; you have another meeting with the pr team this afternoon. we’ll leave here in about an hour.”
eddie doesn’t respond and steve goes quietly back to the kitchen.
eddie tries to confuse steve with the directions to nancy’s office again, mostly just to annoy him since the car has a built in gps. steve ignores eddie, leaving him to play on his phone in the back seat. the windows are tinted dark, just how eddie likes it & it lulls him into a false sense of security to where he’s almost relaxed by the time they get to nancy’s office.
the meeting is a fucking drag. it’s just a rehashing of the morning’s phone call and eddie had already made himself perfectly clear. he’s not willing to fix anything. nancy and chrissy try to double-team him, begging him to think about the tour & the album roll-out & the rest of the band. the entertainment blogs are running wild with the rumors circulating about the other night and now they’re digging up shit that he wishes would stay buried.
“absolutely fucking not,” eddie spits out. “i refuse to be fucking cordial with that moron.”
“fine,” nancy says finally. “i guess we’re done here then.” she gets up from the head of the conference room table and leaves through the big glass doors and the rest of her team takes that as their cue to leave, too.
chrissy levels him with a look, waiting until the last intern has left the room before speaking.
“eddie, i know you’re pissed right now. trust me, i would be too,” she says, using that tone eddie always hates—the one that makes it sound like she’s trying to placate a rabid dog. “but the label has invested a lot of money into you and they need you to put in some work right now. take a minute, take a breath, and then we’ll talk again. but we need to respond; we can figure out what that looks like. i’ll talk to nance… maybe we don’t need a joint appearance. maybe you can just make a statement.”
eddie knows there are a ton of people relying on this tour & this upcoming album. he knows the band doesn’t deserve the hit from this. but what is there to even say? he’s just so fucking angry about it.
“fine. i’ll make an appearance. but i won’t, under any circumstances, be seen with him,” eddie tells her firmly. he slides his sunglasses back onto his face before pushing himself out of his chair and making his way over to the door. “just tell me when and where. and make sure nancy doesn’t make me sound like a fucking idiot.”
“great,” chrissy smiles so bright she looks like a teenager again. “i’ll talk to nancy. we’ll figure it out.”
any reassurance eddie feels is washed away by a renewed sense of annoyance when he sees steve waiting for him in the lobby, still wearing his pastel yellow sweater vest, drinking a purple smoothie from a straw and scrolling on his phone. he’s laughing at something on the screen and the sunlight comes through the huge front windows just right, making him glow golden, and eddie just feels something inside him twist unpleasantly.
steve looks up then to see eddie coming, but eddie breezes past him to the sidewalk. steve jumps up to follow, handing the valet their ticket. when the car finally pulls up, eddie says, “no liquids in the car,” before sliding into the back seat.
he sees steve shrug before smiling at the valet and handing him his half empty smoothie to dispose of and a tip.
the car ride home is silent. eddie practically leaps from the car before it’s even come to a stop when they pull into the driveway. there are packages on the table in the foyer, likely brought in by the security guy at the gate. “grab those,” eddie tells steve with a wave of his hand.
steve follows eddie into the kitchen, arms laden with paper bags and boxes. most of it, eddie knows, is free product and merch, stuff he never uses and mostly stuff he doesn’t even want. steve places the packages on the counter and watches as eddie sifts through them, clearly looking for something.
“do you want lunch?” steve asks. eddie ignores him, finally finding the package he’d ordered earlier today. he flings it across the kitchen island toward steve on the other side.
steve catches the package in his hands and arches an eyebrow.
“open it,” eddie tells him, nodding at paper wrapping. he opens the fridge to pull out a bottle of water and takes a long sip as he watches steve’s fingers tear at the brown paper.
once the package is open, steve huffs out a laugh, barely a breath, before holding up a bright pink cat collar with a tiny bell attached. he shakes it in the air, making the bell tinkle. the collar clearly will not fit him.
“fuck you, man,” steve says, still smiling.
“fuck you, too,” eddie says.
and then he leaves the kitchen.
#steddie#steddie fic#steve harrington#steddie fanfic#eddie munson#steddie fanfiction#steddie blurb#steve harrington x eddie munson#steddie drabble#pre steddie#rockstar eddie munson#personal assistant steve harrington#part two
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Eddie: *to Robin and Steve* Who are these people you're gossiping about again?!
Robin: Oh, we don't actually gossip about real people.
Steve: Yeah, we learned that lesson the hard way.
Robin: So, now we make up people and their backgrounds. We gossip about them.
Eddie: I have been invested for over an hour over people who are NOT real?!
Steve and Robin: Yeah.
Eddie: *throwing up his hands* Either write a fucking book or join Hellfire!
Steve and Robin: *looks at each other before looking back at Eddie* Nah.
Eddie: *screams*
#stranger things#steve harrington#eddie munson#robin buckley#bisexual steve harrington#bisexual eddie munson#lesbian robin buckley#robin & steve#platonic stobin#platonic with a capital p#platonic soulmates#robin & eddie#platonic reddie#steddie#steve x eddie#steve harrington x eddie munson#eddie munson lives#pre steddie#incorrect stranger things quotes#rueleigh writes
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