#praying for the links to work
extemporary-whump · 2 years
just a big list of whump stuff I've read/am reading. Just to keep track cause my memory is almost non-existent (also kind of a whump rec list? idk)
Title (with link to the masterlist) - @creator
synopsis of the ones that have it on the masterlist / tags for the ones that don't have one
Lunar is @wolfeyedwitch ,  sideblog (sorry if its not the best nickname) is @sideblogformindtrash ​ ,  not gonna tag u on the list cause its a lot & i don't want to flood y’all
Also gonna go ahead and skip @kim-poce cause ive read 90% of your stuff and that's way too much to add
Pet whump (institutionalized)
Lydia and Coriander - @maracujatangerine
Set in the Box Boy Universe, a broken man arrives on Lydia Winterthorpe’s doorstep. Will she and her friends be able to help Coriander regain his sense of self? Pet whump with a strong focus on recovery.
Apple the Whumpee - @cowboy-anon ​
Multiple whumpees, neglect, pet whump, Stockholm Syndrome
Orfeu & Haru - sideblog
no-con (mostly insinuated), dehumanization, conditioning, slave/pet whump, institutional abuse, mouth whump, some instances of minor whump.
Blue’s Life - sideblog
Blue messed with the wrong people and ended up as a pet. His owner produces snuff films with the pets he purchases for a living. His life is largely on the hands of an invisible audience that enjoys his suffering. And yet, all he can do is try his best to please them.
Sunflower - sideblog
Sunflower is a pet whumpee who belonged to a influencer named Abby, who was friend’s with Blue’s owner, IF.
BB & Pastel - sideblog
Drabbles about Pastel, the pet that replaced Blue as IF’s video pet, and BB, a poor pet that just wants to be like their idol - Blue! And their unlikely Caretaker the ex-Whumper Farlan
Sweet Pea - sideblog
Farlan’s father new pet. A dancer :)
Star and Stunt - @unicornscotty & sideblog
This is the story of twin brothers who get purchased by a film director. Our star Castor gets to be the main Pet actor in all of his movies, while his brother, Stunt, gets to be his double and do all the dangerous scenes of film making. 
Pet whump (not institutionalized)
Linden and Colton - @whumpzone  (happens on a bbu but the whumpee is not a bb)
(mute whumpee, references to past noncon, ongoing, light on plot, approx. 25k)
O2 - @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi ​
Len likes little lap pets. The soft ones that don’t struggle or squirm or move. Or Can’t, in little o2’s case. With constrictive collars and corsets and straps, every second of o2’s existence is spent struggling for air.
Pumpkin - sideblog
Pet whump; enviormental whump; cruel whumper; implied death
Pin the Pincushion - @milk-carton-whump ​ & sideblog
Gonna go ahead and warn for Needle TWs, low self esteem, and pet whump 
Heroes & Villains
With Bloody Outstretched Hands - Lunar
An injured villain makes their way to the heroes’ headquarters to beg for protection. No matter what the cost.
And Still - Lunar
Sidekick has been betrayed and left tied up for Villain to find. But when she does, she’s not what Sidekick expected. Who is truly in the right in this situation?
Secrets and identities - @livingforthewhump ​
An injured villain is taken in by Civilian, who has their own wounds to hide
(im sure i`ve read more of your stuff but i changed my username and im too lazy to check everything rn)
 @hurting-fictional-people ​ ‘s  writing masterlist
(same as before, im sure i’ve read a lot of your stuff but im too lazy to check what)
Royal/fantasy whump
No Prisoners - Lunar
Leta’s community hates magic, so when they found out she was a mage, she knew that she wouldn’t last long. Locked away in a cell, far from the life she knew, she thought she had made peace with her inevitable fate. That was, until the prison was broken into.
Laz & Säel - sideblog
Fantasy classism; burns; dog bites; death themes; death discussion; death mention; domestic labor; multiple whumpers
The Heart and the Hunger - Lunar
The bounty hunter didn’t mean to find an injured vampire, but sometimes jobs don’t go according to plan. And they can’t just leave it; that would be reckless, and put the whole town in danger. So they take it home.
Kane & Jim - @whumpsday ​
Jim had lived as the prisoner of a cruel vampire for years, forced to provide blood for his insatiable appetite, before finally escaping. A decade has passed since then, when he hears word of a vampire in the custody of a group of hunters matching the description of his former captor, Kane. Wanting closure, he negotiates to have custody of Kane transferred to himself. But when he finally lays eyes on the vampire, it’s like he’s a complete stranger: A sobbing mess begging for mercy, not the arrogant man he once knew.
An odd little thing - @mortifiedatbeingknown
To him, a cruel, horrid monster has plucked him up and stolen him away from his masters to scrap his parts. To her, a useless, half-damaged robot she’d scavenged from the trash sits on a shelf in her workshop, in desperate need of repair. Both need each other to heal. But will they be able to find that comfort in each other?
Weapons Don’t Weep - Lunar
In a dystopian society controlled by an authoritarian government, a rebel group intercepts a convoy carrying The Weapon: an unknown device capable of destroying entire cities. When they investigate, they find not a machine, but a person: a living weapon.
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yasmeensh · 11 days
zelda 2 mini comic update
Hello my friends. Some happy news. Remember this comic I half-scrapped? >> https://www.tumblr.com/yasmeensh/757714817492680704/scrapped-zelda-2-comic-notes-and-pages
WELL! I decided to give it another try. This is my mini boss fight. If I can't finish this then I can't work on my own project. I gotta prove to myself I can efficiently write and polish a comic.... Time to work!
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dazais-guardian-angel · 4 months
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Reminder that the Dazai's Entrance Exam audiobook comes out tomorrow! It's narrated by Patrick Seitz, Kunikida's English dub voice actor!
Here are all the places you can buy it:
Barnes & Noble
Google Play
Apple Books
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r-aindr0p · 2 months
Artfight art batch 2 !!
More !!!! Yea I went ham with the attacks on priest characters
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Oc belongs to : gnar (twitter/x)
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Oc belongs to : Wonnawa (twitter/x)
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Oc belongs to : Sorbetesu (instagram)
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Oc belongs to : Soubivee (twitter/x)
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Ocs belong to : Cervineye (twitter/x)
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Oc belongs to : @kwillow
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Oc belongs to : magicstarry (DeviantArt)
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Oc belongs to : @snaketho
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Oc belongs to my friend !!! : @mirukasan
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Ocs belong to : Peyca (twitter/x)
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Ocs belong to : doeomi (twitter/x)
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nikoco11 · 1 year
Hello! I recently reinstalled clip studio and lost the pack with brushes that you once posted here. I tried to find that post, but apparently it is no longer there. can you upload that pack of brushes again, please? :<
woah i never noticed the post disappearing.. weird.. ANYWAYS here they are!!
for texture/coloring (i use “GRONCH” specifically)
for line art / sketching (i use it with watercolor edge turned on and at like size 7-14) ((also this on has a rlly cool texture if u use it at a huge size and low opacity))
and then this one i don’t rlly use that much anymore but it’s for lineart sometimes! (at size like 2-4 usually, very small)
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pup-pee · 8 months
queues this & runs
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((i totally stole some of the piercings from madi hi madi ty))
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artdrawsok · 10 months
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SO @uniquetosmbody's Corazon Sanji AU took over my small brain therefore: FANART!
Honestly go check out the post she did because both the writing and art she did were amazing.
Basically, this fanart was more of a take on how Sanji in the AU is kept in high regard. Whilst Corazon was framed as a source of what not to do. Hence the darkness that covers his picture, and the smash on the glass (picture was punched).
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soullessjack · 3 months
hey guys, this isn’t my usual post and yada yada but a very kind man from Gaza has been reaching out to me for the past month or so asking for help for his family. previously he has needed money for a surgical operation on his brother’s hand, which has thankfully been met, but now he and his family are faced with displacement from Khan Yunis.
not only will this further disrupt their lives, it also prevents them from being able to begin operating on his brother, and risks amputation if he cannot get the surgery in time. they are unable to simply walk with all of their belongings, food and water, and being able to find transportation will help immensely.
I’ve set up a GoFundMe for their evacuation. The goal is only $500 *to rent a car. Please donate as much as you can or share with as many people. Thank you
** edit:
I’m also going to include the PayPal belonging to his friend, to be more direct. I’m sorry if this appears like a scam, I’m kind of new to everything about this, but I promise it’s real.
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tedsbogusworld · 5 months
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You both star in the movie ‘point break’
You both star in the movie 'speed’.
He buys you a drink after his gig.
You Interview him.
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
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i have very little in terms of actual art LMAO but i CAN explain the sword thing because i checked and i did in fact never make this plot point public. i struggled for a while with creating a villain for this story until i realized that. i put "sword" in the title of the game. of course it has to be about the fucking sword. DUH.
so i want SOF to deal very heavily with religion, specifically the way in which hyrule's religion forms post-sksw but pre-reincarnation. i've placed it on the timeline directly after sksw, making it the first actual reincarnation in hyrule. what this means is that there's no actual proof yet that the reincarnation thing is real and not just an insane bluff on demise's part, and so several key characters including link and zelda barely believe in hylia or demise at all when the story starts. my thought with this setting's version of ganon is that he's the polar opposite of the nonbelievers. The gerudo don't really exist as of now, but he DOES come from the desert region of hyrule--specifically, he was raised in a cultlike offshoot of the sheikah religion which interpreted the hylia/demise myth completely literally and believes that a doomsday is coming, heralded by the foretold return of demise. Because of this, he knows more about the cycle and how to set it in motion than basically any other character. Crucially, he and his people are some of the only ones at this point aware of the existence of the master sword.
ganon finds. a sword. a sword which he THINKS is the master sword. and this theory is only reinforced when the sword begins to speak to him about his destiny and the salvation of hyrule. unfortunately it is not the master sword and he ends up basically a pawn in the greater plans of what's left of demise & ghirahim within that sword, manipulated into attempting to revive demise and destroy the reincarnated hero and princess. he remains in denial until basically the very end of the final battle, completely convinced that he is the true savior of hyrule and LINK is the one being misled. ghirahim is a very good manipulator lol
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daisyachain · 11 months
The nature of time is that (culturally) Christian Euro/Anglo colonial consumers (hereafter white ‘people’) fetishize the idea of being ‘close to nature’ or ‘primitive’ or ‘savage’ and latch on to the idea that there are groups of people in the world who are somehow bestial or who have some kind of special powers from holding animist beliefs/beliefs that acknowledge the body as opposed to the Christian belief that the body is a kind of useless appendage to a person. We see this across decades from the 19thC to today in the racist fetishization of indigenous people across the globe, particularly residents of the Americas, Australasia, and southern/eastern Africa.
White consumers use a warped conception of other cultures to live out the fantasies that the Christian soul/body stuff engenders. You keep getting told that your emotions and physical sensations are the devil’s work? You want to get in touch with those physical sensations, but you don’t want it to interfere with your worldview? Simply project them on to a convenient group of people with slightly different conventions from you. Imagine how cool it would be to be 100% physical sensation (especially those pesky violent and/or sexual urges) and no mental burden, then unleash that in a way that causes millions of deaths worldwide via the dehumanization of entire nations of people just trying to live their lives. White consumers love a Proud Warrior Race Guy.
Flash forward to the 2010s, it’s generally considered impolite to spread the same propaganda that justified the genocide and dispossession of many different groups of people. However white culture hasn’t changed that much and normal human activities still need to be explained away to maintain the veneer of white intellectualism that has been used to justify white violence for years and years. You can’t just stomp around and clap your hands and dance badly, you’ve got to project it somewhere else.
But wait! There’s a community of people considered ‘tribal’ and ‘savage’, considered violent and bestial, who were never colonized! It’s…the Norse. Fetishizing early medieval North Sea raiders can’t be cultural appropriation, see, they’re white! It’s not offensive to replace an entire culture with white (male) ideas of what’s cool if that culture is totally unassociated with colonizer stereotypes and is in fact a culture of colonizers!
And that’s my theory on why there are so many Norse-inspired folk bands/video games/tv shows/memes/literally anything in the 2010s. VSaga not counted because that manga has been running since 2003 and is actually well-researched and comes out of a culture with a similar but distinct tradition of racism. The Euro storytelling tendencies of needing some kind of violent avatar have taken on ye anciente Norseman now that people care a little bit about the gallons of blood used to sketch other ethnic stereotypes. Done and dusted. Except the other side is that the fetishization of early medieval Norse culture is literally just white supremacist 101 and a lot of artists don’t step around that nearly as carefully as they should
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peachssodapop · 1 year
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There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
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billygoat26 · 1 month
Here, enjoy this shitty TikTok and pls follow if you want lol
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shit 4 my artfght wowwwww
now i rlly wanna draw more stuff of my h*r ocs augh
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ok I've been pondering it on and off since you mentioned wanting to put the Pillar Forme sounds in brain directly and I'm finally asking;
Is it metallic? crystalline? organic? is it high or low or harmonic or dissonant? there's an instrument for horror movie noises that's like a lot of metal bars and stuff, does it sound like that? or a theremin? or aa cello? is it musical or grating or gravelly??
no need to answer i just really wanted to ask, I'm ok with the mystery if that's how you want it :)
I’m so glad you’ve asked cuz I’ve been wracking my brain about how to describe it.
It’s an incredibly low, synthesized sound. Like a synth bass line in EDM. Like what if a subwoofer was a whale. Sometimes it’s smooth but is often gravelly or crunchy. As for examples? At its most chaotic I’d say it’s like the Hexagons from Observation. (Flashing lights warning!)
But usually its more like the low synths in Acropolis Falls (1:02)
It’s not exactly what I envision but it’s the closes I can find 😅
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Official Summary:
“What is my love language?”
“Terse nods, mainly.”
Five love languages and five times Tim told Lucy he loved her without ever saying the words.
Unofficial Summary: Have a fic to prove that Tim's love language is acts of service because my feelings on this topic are STRONG.
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