#praying for dryland
bananakarenina · 2 years
I would love to hear you rant about all of these but for now I will just say ranting about the Rulie drowning fic!
oh the drowning au. the drowning au!
this was an ask game, and @daintyduck99 of course provided me with a fun and secretly-gorgeous prompt, something i of course didn't link to, oops. but it was a "fics you would definitely write" and it was a lifeguard au.
fun (?) fact about the first line: that was a line from a poem that i just never really completed. (warning: kind of personal near-death experience reference incoming? i promise it's nothing graphic and obviously i am okay, this happened literally 30 years ago)
one of my earliest memories is falling into my aunt & uncle's pool. i couldn't have been older than three? anyway, i was kicking my feet in the water, and you know what happens when you look away from toddlers for like four seconds. i leaned in too far and suddenly: water.
it is a very early memory, so i don't have details. but i recall it was quiet, in a weirdly comfortable way? like to a kid the floating and sinking didn't feel bad, just lovely. i wasn't down there long. my oldest cousin was already in the pool and pulled me out. that was the direct inspiration for "Reentering the world is loud, and awful, and kind of wrenching." lol.
i am in no way traumatized by the experience, i feel like i should make that clear. i was three and then i took swim lessons and while i didn't love putting my face in the water, i still learned and am a passable swimmer lol.
it's definitely an interesting first memory to have though lol.
as for the fic: i have the third chapter sketched out but my writing pace is such that i don't know when i'll get to it. currently my attention is on the christmas romcom and to love's self alone, but don't count this one out, hahaha.
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daintyduck99 · 3 months
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I'm on waves, out being tossed / Is there a line that I could just go cross? / And when I was shipwrecked / I thought of you / In the cracks of light / I dreamed of you
"evermore" - Taylor Swift feat. Bon Iver
Drowning, it turns out, is a quiet thing.
Exhausted by loss--of her mother, of her music, of everything--Julie Molina goes for a swim, trying to find something that will wake up her heart, but she overestimates herself and almost drowns in the Pacific. Reggie, the lifeguard on duty, pulls her out with steady, calloused hands, and they both stumble back toward trying to live again.
Happy Birthday @bananakarenina! ❤️ This moodboard is for her wonderful fic praying for dryland, aka the drowning au, which I shamelessly enabled into existence.
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alicejeangreenlane · 3 months
The home of the merfolk. Salinas is an underwater kingdom located in the crystal seas. Salinas is a mystery to the rest of Etheria. 
Unlike other kingdoms the planet (excluding the ice lands) where the title of monarch or emperor is passed to the oldest born child or oldest son. The title of ruler is past from mother to daughter.
The merfolk get their magic from their magical Pearl. With it they are able to transform  their tails into legs and walk freely on land interacting with Etherians using their magic to perfume small miracles such as healing the sick to controlling the weather or ocean with their voices , before returning to the sea from which they came. Sometimes they will fall in love with a drylander. Nearly all of the merfolk are of mixed race due to these pairings. Rumour has it that the original merfolk were entirely female.
The west and north think of ethiria think of the merfolk as helpful spirits who bring good luck.  
But the crystal islands view the merfolk as spiritual deities. Telling stories of the merfolk sinking ships with storm conjure by their singing. In order to keep your ship from sinking you must pay respects towards the merfolk. The people of the crystal islands worship the merfolk, praying to them for good fortune and weather. The people of Amethyst (the third largest of the crystal island) keep statues of a married merfolk couple in their house to bring them good fortune and protect them. 
The people of  Agate wear clothing and decorate their ships with a merfolk motif. They believe that if the merfolk can see that they respect them, the merfolk won’t sink their ships. 
After the horde attacked the current ruler of Salinas is queen Oceania believing that fighting against the horde will only invite them to attack the kingdom so forbade her citizens from travelling on land. Something her daughter and heir to the throne Mermista disagrees with knowing that the horde will stop at nothing to conquer all of ethiria. 
.The married couple statues are base of loro blonyo a pair of javanese statues
.Unlike other kingdoms in ethira salinas is not base on a specific country 
.it is a magical mermaid city
link back to map
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Drylands Monster: Tumblephant
Avoid contact with this monster at all costs, it is highly dangerous.
By pushing off the ground with its legs, trunk, or tail, it's able to tuck into a roll that decimates anything in its path, and is near impossible to stop. During this roll, Tumblephant cannot see where it’s going, but it is able to stop at any time because the lower pair of tusks can extend outward, functioning as a brake. They are very perceptive, with excellent vision and hearing, and are extremely aggressive. If you happen to wander across their territory, either pray you still have time to turn back, or accept your inevitable end.
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kawuli · 7 years
Narrator of this PBS documentary about Bronze Age Europe: How did prehistoric people know when to PLANT things when they didn’t have CALENDARS?
Me: ............. it’s... it’s really not that complicated?
Some German archaeologist: “Well, this giant bronze disc shows the conjunction of the moon with the Pleiades, which happened in early March, so it clearly is about when you can plant stuff in spring.”
Me: ..............can you actually plant field crops in March in Germany?
Google: inconclusive, but it looks like most major crops grown there these days (except maize and potatoes, which are New World crops anyway) are fall-planted.
I mean, sure, people probably tracked solstices and lunar cycles and what have you, but these guys acting like it’s black magic to know when to plant crops like... even if some druid came personally to every farmer’s house and instructed them the exact date that was most astronomically appropriate, people being people and farmers being farmers, half of them would probably go “oh that guy, what does he know? My granddad planted wheat on the full moon after the autumn solstice ‘cuz if you plant on the full moon the mice don’t run out into the field and steal the seed, see?”
...and then someone else would have a different theory for determining the best date to plant (you gotta plant when the moon is growing because then plants grow better, it’s gotta be after the [whatever yearly celebration] but so long as you get it in before the ground freezes who cares? you gotta use birch planting sticks for peas because birch and peas go together, you gotta broadcast left-handed while facing the river).....and they’d argue about it for a while to pass the time...
...unless it actually WAS planting season, in which case they’d already be busy planting and wouldn’t have time to listen to some guy telling them about omens because it rained yesterday and looks like it’s gonna rain again tomorrow and the wheat’s gotta get in today.
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yeonchi · 4 years
Kisekae Insights #13: Sea Princesses Part 3 (Moushouden Series History)
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(Art by Minake, DiscordingChaos, Ryu-yaoista, Necrolyzer92 and sagiturn)
Over the course of reviewing the Sea Princesses series, some mysteries have come up – would the Drylander boy ever meet the Salacians again, was that Drylander girl actually a descendant of the Barracuda Royal Family, could Marcela actually be Marcello’s sister, what’s the deal with Duante and what would become of the princes and princesses 10-15 years after the events of the series? The last mystery is obvious given the topic of this instalment, but I’ll be answering those mysteries by telling you about the Sea Princesses’ involvement in the Moushouden Series.
I was hoping that those mysteries would be answered during my reviews of the Princesas do Mar books, but to be honest, I’m kind of glad that they weren’t, otherwise my headcanons would have been ruined.
A funny thing about the cover image for this instalment – I wanted to use fanarts that showed the Sea Princesses as adults to signify their age in the Moushouden Series (approx. 20-22 in 2018), but since I couldn’t find a decent fanart for Tubarina (I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, good Sea Princesses fanart is hard to find), I decided to use a fairly decent one with Marli instead. Anyway, let’s jump right into it.
The storylines covered in this instalment include several episodes of Kamen Rider Decade in 2018, along with a few episodes of Soulbound Series 3 and 4, broadcast in 2019 and 2021. However, some context is required in order to understand those storylines.
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(Art by Rainbow’s Network)
The Marcello/Marcela discrepancy
If you’ve watched Sea Princesses (the cartoon series, that is), you will know that there is a character named Marcello, who is the Hammerhead Shark Prince and Tubarina’s cousin. Not many people know about this, but in the books, there is a character named Marcela, who is the Hammerhead Shark Princess and Tubarina’s cousin.
Getting the picture here? Marcello is an exclusive character to the cartoon series (and one literacy series book) while Marcela is an exclusive character to the main series books. The only difference is that while Marcello is a regular character who has appeared in nearly half the series, Marcela is the equivalent of a background character who was only shown on one page of the first book. I was disappointed with the latter as I was hoping to see Marcela have a prominent role in the books.
Marcello is a bit of a wild boy who likes to tease girls and cause trouble, while Marcela is an intelligent girl who is calm and religious. Is it possible for those two to exist together? Hell yes. You can imagine the kind of sass that happens between those two (kind of like Morty and Morticia, but I digress).
Now, as Rainbow has kindly highlighted in her post, Marcello and Marcela are not twins because their ages and zodiac signs are different; Marcello is 8 years old and a Cancer, while Marcela is 7 years old and a Virgo. Here are their birthday time windows:
Marcello: 22 June – 22 July 1996
Marcela: 23 August – 21 September 1997
Assuming a typical pregnancy period of 40 weeks, I can conclude that it would be possible for both Marcello and Marcela to exist, even though the time period between pregnancies would be a bit quicker than six months, the minimum recommended time quoted by some studies (other studies have recommended 18 months, which is really saying something).
Marcela didn’t make her debut in the project until 2018, so what happened to her before then? In 2000, during the second Battle of Kawanakajima, Marcela was accidentally sent to a parallel universe when the Master attempted to open a portal between Salacia and Dryland. In the parallel universe, she was found by an Oni Rider named Hibiki (played by Yuki Kubota), who raised and trained her as his apprentice so that she could take on her master’s name and become an Oni like himself.
When the Beta Uprising threatened their world in 2018, Hibiki passed down his equipment to Marcela and give her instructions to protect a boy, Yuki Yamaki, from the Chads. Sure enough, Marcela managed to save the boy, but Marcela was kidnapped by the Stacies and brainwashed to fight Yuki, who the Chads had other plans for before he managed to escape them. Hiroki became involved as Decade and after he destroyed that universe, Yuki and Marcela were dragged into Hiroki’s universe.
Hiroki and Narutaki (they were allies by that point in the story) left Yuki and Marcela about five months back in time. They had no memories of what happened in the Beta Uprising (due to their future selves being present), but the only thing they remembered was that they were enemies; Yuki blamed Marcela for killing his lover and destroying his world, while Marcela blamed Yuki for killing her family. Every time they met, they would fight until one of them was defeated or told the truth.
Later, the past Narutaki found Marcela and used her as a pawn to fight the past Hiroki. Hiroki managed to convince Yuki not to kill the only person who might know the truth about what happened and so, they defeated Marcela and broke her brainwashing, leaving her with no recollection of what happened.
The two decided to work together to find out the mysteries of their past, eventually becoming a couple in the process. In the following episode, Marcello reunited with (or rather, met) his long-lost sister, initially meeting as enemies before reconciling as siblings.
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Answering the Barracuda Kingdom saga
One thing that really pissed me off in the animated series was how they didn’t provide a solution to the Barracuda Kingdom saga. The Lost Kingdom provides a good setup as the girls manage to get the barracuda to rebuild their fallen palace. The New Princess adds to that setup with the possibility of a Drylander girl being a descendant of the Barracuda Royal Family, but it only gives more questions than answers which are never picked up after that episode.
So, you want my answer to the question raised in The New Princess? Yes, the girl and her mother are in fact descendants of the Barracuda Royal Family. This would somehow explain how they were able to read Polvina’s book on the kingdom and leave a message for the girls upon leaving, assuming that the book was written in the Salacian language.
And by the way, what is the girl’s name? Her name is Windy Adams. The name Windy is an homage to the Drylander girl who is the namesake character of the book The Windy Letters.
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Duante, the wandering asshole
If you’ve watched The Healer, you will probably recognise this asshole, who goes around helping animals, but doesn’t want to make friends with anyone, let alone tell anyone his name. I blame this guy for possibly taking what could have been Dinho’s only appearance in the series, even though Dinho isn’t even in the series as a background character.
Given his ability to talk to and understand every fish and animal in Salacia, we can presume that Duante was appointed by the goddess Salacia to be a secret guardian, even more secret than the blowfish in The Guardians.
Naturally, someone like him is honestly waiting for an opportunity to be used in one of my stories. Read on to the end and you’ll find out my plans for him.
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In regards to the Drylander boy
Despite the Salacians’ fear, dread and hatred for the Drylanders, there have been examples of Drylanders who mean no harm to Salacia. In the books, there is A Shadow in the Water, but in the animated series, there is the Drylander boy saga.
In The Boy, the girls and Leia were helping a young beached whale when they see the boy coming onto the beach. As the boy tries to help the whale, the girls disguise themselves with seaweed in an attempt to conceal themselves from him. The boy is initially scared off, but when the girls see that he hasn’t left, they try to get him to help them with the whale. Later on, the boy has success stopping three other whales from coming onto the beach, something that Leia failed to do. Together, they get the young whale off the beach and back into the sea. The girls thank the boy and they part ways.
Off-screen, the boy tells his friends about his encounter, but they didn’t believe him, so he set out to try and get photos of them, which brings us to his appearance in The Secret Admirer. He puts some shells on some rocks in an attempt to lure out one of the princesses (presumably, he recognised them because they didn’t fully disguise themselves in their last encounter). Eventually, he manages to take a photo of Polvina, which leads her to seek out his camera. They get Tentie to distract the boy so the girls can take his camera, but he manages to take a photo of them. The flash of the camera attracts the attention of a mother shark as it was scaring her baby. She manages to rip the camera off the boy and destroy it. With the boy a long way away from shore, the girls cover him with seaweed as they help him there. They leave the boy a shell for him before they head back.
So what is the boy’s name in my project? His name is Daniel Camielez. He made a cameo during the Salacian Rebellion storyline in Three Kingdoms Series 3, where he laments the senseless violence and prays for a chance to see Polvina (and the girls) again.
Daniel’s friends still didn’t believe that he met the princesses because he had no evidence to prove that he did. When the Salacians began to rebel against the Drylanders in 2010, Daniel’s friends realised that he was right and they began helping him find them. However, the years passed and they lost interest, though Daniel never gave up hope. In 2015, the father of one of Daniel’s friends, Kelvin Galvarro, was dragged into Mirror World and devoured by the Mirror Monsters, which were created by the Shark King, alongside the Salacian Kamen Riders, to kill Drylanders that had committed crimes against their world. This reignited Kelvin’s interest to seek out the Salacians and avenge his father’s death and so, he joined Daniel in his search once again. At some point, Narutaki gave Daniel and Kelvin the Ryuki and Knight Advent Decks, allowing them to become Kamen Riders.
Now that the background context is out of the way, let’s get right into the stories.
Decade Episode 3+4: The Awakening Instinct
Zhuge Shu’s instinct was awakened when he and his family encountered an Unidentified Lifeform (Gurongi), marking the start of his metamorphosis into Agito. Normally, the Agito power would be passed down the Mermaid Royal Family bloodline, but because Zhuge Shu was half-Drylander, his power was tainted and thus, could only become Kamen Rider (Exceed) Gills, an incomplete version of Agito. Eventually, his instincts went out of control as he found himself being targeted by the Unknown (Lords), which led him to become afraid of them.
His son, Zhuge Sōta, began feeling similar effects to his father as his instinct was being awakened as well. It is revealed that if there is an imperfect Agito, then the power continues to be passed down until a perfect Agito can be found. This meant that Sōta would become Agito as he was less Drylander than his father.
At this point in the story, Narutaki had allied with Nozama Pharmaceuticals, led by a man named Kino, and the Amazon Riders. Kino can transform into Kamen Rider Another Agito and his true identity is the Paradoxa Undead. Juli and Jessi, under the surname Aquami, acted as Nozama’s directors. In the first part of the story, Narutaki confronts Hiroki as Decade while Kino, Juli and Jessi fight the Gurongi and the Ant Lords when they come in. At the end of that episode, Kino fights Decade, Kuuga, Agito and Gills following their fight with Taurus Ballista.
Following this, Zhuge Shu continued to suffer from his instincts until Narutaki gave him the Chalice Rouzer, which placed him under her control as he became the Joker Undead. In the second part of the story, Sōta used his instincts to find his father and with the help of Decade, Blade and a mysterious woman, they managed to seal the Joker’s power into a Rouse Card, allowing Zhuge Shu to regain control of himself and suppress the effects of the flawed Agito metamorphosis by making him part-Undead. From then on, Zhuge Shu would fight as Kamen Rider Chalice.
The mysterious woman was revealed to be Serena, the Mermaid Princess and Zhuge Shu’s mother. It turned out that she fell into a coma after being “killed” by the Shark King and was rescued by a local family, who took care of her for a few years. Eventually, the search for her son led her to BOARD, who agreed to assist her.
Decade Episode 7: Displaced Spirits
Hiroki, Kayley and Firerose are in Cardiff Bay when Narutaki summons hordes of witches, Makamou and Insect Army troops in the city centre. Yuki Yamaki sees this and is about to head to the scene, but Marcela confronts him and they fight. Hiroki, Kayley and Firerose transform and attempt to break the fight up, only for the two Riders to escape.
As Decade chases after Magica and Hibiki, Marli and Maurico’s Oni Rider factions emerge from the River Taff. While they confront and fight Kabuto and Gatack, Narutaki transforms into Duke and confronts Decade just as he defeats Hibiki and Magica. Duke finishes off Magica with the Sonic Arrow and kills Decade by using Hibiki’s Final Form Ride, but not before Narutaki reveals the details of Marcela’s past to Hiroki in an “omae wa mou shindeiru” moment. However, once Duke and Hibiki retreat, Yuki discovers that the power of his Soul Gem can resurrect Hiroki – this is because Hiroki used to have the same magical boy powers Yuki did until he lost them following his final regeneration.
Later, once Hiroki, Yuki, Kayley and Firerose hear that Narutaki and the Oni Riders are fighting the police and military in Pontcanna, they head there to fight them. Decade uses the Magica Final Form Ride card to unlock Magica’s final form before they work together to defeat Narutaki’s army. Narutaki and her comrades retreat while Marcela loses her memories of what happened.
Decade Episode 8: The Searching Boy
Obviously, this episode was named after the Sea Princesses episode The Boy.
In Santos, Kayley meets Kelvin Galvarro, who tells her about the Salacian Riders and the Mirror Monsters. He and Daniel hear mirror noises (yeah, we’re calling it that) and they enter Mirror World to fight, with Kayley transforming into Diend and following them in as well.
Meanwhile, in another part of Santos, Firerose is pulled into a mirror by a Dispider and Hiroki transforms to save him. After Decade and Kuuga defeat the Dispider, they are surrounded by the Shark King’s Riders, Mirror Monsters and Salacian Army troops. Ryuki, Knight and Diend arrive to save them and take them back to Kelvin’s apartment. Hiroki calls in a favour from the Octonauts so he and the others can investigate what is going on in Salacia. They are also joined by Yuki and Marcela.
At the end of the Next Gen Series, the Kōmeikyō disbanded and everyone reaffirmed their loyalty to the goddess Salacia. As Narutaki and Lorah are overseeing the training of the other Salacian Riders, the Octopod approaches Lorah’s castle and Narutaki challenges Hiroki to battle. While Hiroki transforms into Decade, Narutaki uses her EFTPOS Gunmorpher (an original transformation item made for this project’s version of Decade) to transform into Kamen Rider Gold Drive. Since Gold Drive can use Rider Cards like Decade and Diend, she is able to withstand Decade’s attacks. After more Riders join the fight, Gold Drive has Agostinha and Squid Girl turn down the signal’s strength, causing Decade and Kuuga to begin drowning. Decade manages to escape back to the Octopod using the Kuuga Gouram.
It is then that Narutaki and Lorah decide to begin their invasion. On top of a building on Dryland, the goddess Salacia transforms into Kamen Rider Saga and causes a time slowdown. Hiroki, Kayley and Firerose are immune from its effects due to the Shift Cars and Signal Bike they possess (thanks to Krim Steinbelt). As the Salacian Riders pass the Octopod, Daniel locks eyes with Polvina while Marcela locks eyes with Marcello.
When the Octopod crashes onto the beach, Hiroki gives his Signal Bike to Daniel as he and Kayley attempt to stop the slowdown. Ryuki finds Saga on top of a building and uses Dragreder to knock her down, causing the slowdown to stop. A battle ensues as seven Riders (Decade, Diend, Kuuga, Ryuki, Knight, Magica and Hibiki) face off against the entire Salacian Army, which includes Gold Drive and 33 Salacian Riders. Odin attempts to entice Decade with the Time Vent card so he can change the past however he wishes, but Decade refuses, saying that there are many people he wouldn’t have met had his life not gone down the way it had. After the Riders eliminate the Mirror Monsters and Salacian Army troops, Decade uses Ryuki’s Final Form Ride to transform Dragreder into Dragranzer without Ryuki using Survive Form. Dragranzer defeats all the Contract Monsters before Decade uses Ryuki’s Final Attack Ride to perform an attack similar to the Dragon Fire Storm alongside Ryuki.
It is then that Narutaki reveals Lorah, Tata, Hugo, Salacia and Firerose’s friend (who was featured in episodes 3+4 but not in this episode until this point) as Roidmudes along with her plan for the Global Freeze before retreating. The Shark King finally accepts the prospect of working with the Drylanders to protect the ocean. Daniel gives Polvina a flower and she gives him a shell, while Marcello offers to reunite Marcela with her family.
In the rest of Decade
The 13 Ryuki Riders make an appearance in episode 9, where they help fight the Roidmudes as Decade, Drive and their comrades deal with Gold Drive and stop the Global Freeze.
In the Gokaiger vs. Decade crossover special, the Salacian Riders are shown fighting various Ranger teams before they work together to fight the villain of the special (who is also the villain of the Decade TV movie).
Ryuki, Magica and Hibiki are featured in the series finale two-parter. Yuki and Marcela (along with Zhuge Qiao) attempt to convince Narutaki to leave this world as they believed that travels are causing the black hole paradox to worsen (she is actually taking Decade’s place in the episode as Hiroki went off to explore somewhere before he became the Destroyer of Worlds). Later on, Ryuki and Blade are shown fighting Decade Violent Emotion (just like in Movie War 2010).
In Age of Riders Ultimax, the Salacian Riders join Decade, Diend, Kuuga and Gold Drive as they are sent to a world ravaged by the Beta Uprising. There, they learn the circumstances of Yuki and Marcela’s past before returning to their world, where Hiroki and Narutaki take their past selves back in time. At the end of the movie, the Salacians sign a peace treaty with the Drylanders. By this point, Yuki and Marcela have become a couple.
Soulbound Series 3: Dark Sea Princess
The Sea Princesses had a tribute two-parter in Arc 11, shared with the tributes for Madoka Magica and some other series. Before that, however, the Shark, Starfish and Octopus Kings appeared in a tribute episode in Arc 4 way back in Series 1. It was shared with the tribute for Angelina Ballerina and it showed the fifth Battle of Kawanakajima in 2009. They didn’t do much though; the three kings led their troops to attack the Takeda camp, then they retreated when the Yellow Monkey of the Freaky Monkey Five intruded in the battle as they refused to work with the Drylanders.
In the two-parter, Yuki and Marcela are shown living in seclusion from humanity as the rejected beings of their universe (in reference to their backstories). In addition to fighting Horrors, witches, wraiths and rumours, they are also the temporary hosts of Ultraman Gaia and Agul. Also, as stated in Part 1, six new Riders make their debut in this series, including Miss Marla (Amazon New Alpha) and Zhuge Shu’s mother, Serena (Banki).
When the Salacian Riders attack Drylanders on the beach, Torchwood Pleiades (made up of magical girls) arrives to fight them. The main characters of Soulbound, namely the Barrier Base and SEPTAN crews, arrive to fight the Salacian Riders, but Takumi Kamijō and Homura Akemi intrude in the battle, challenging each other to see who can defeat the most warriors (the two had been fighting other magical girls throughout the episode).
In the second part of the two-parter, there is a very big battle where Takumi and Homura fight the Salacian Riders, the Soulbound characters and the Magia Record characters (up to the end of October 2019). The magical boy and girl are so strong that not even the Riders in their final forms can make a scratch on them. The battle causes negative emotions and minus energy to collect in the sky; Kyubey uses it to provide energy for the universe while the byproducts form into a giant monster named Kanaderos. Yuki, Marcela and Hikaru Tomokaze transform into their respective Ultramen and defeat the monster.
The Salacian Riders are also featured in the final episodes of the series (Arc 12), where they play minor roles in the battles.
Soulbound Series 4: The Aqua Conspiracy and the Poseidon Myth
In Soulbound Series 3, I wrote that while Windy Adams, the Drylander girl from The New Princess, and her marine archaeologist mother, were the descendants of the Barracuda Royal Family, their whole family was killed by Dai-Shocker around the end of Decade. At the time, I couldn’t think of anything to write for her and I didn’t want to bother; I could have disregarded them or said that the girl wasn’t a descendant, but I honestly wanted to give an answer to that mystery.
However, plans changed while I was writing Soulbound Series 4. I decided to give Windy her name and write a story for both her and Duante. At the time of writing this instalment, I have barely gotten halfway into the first episode of a two-parter detailing the story; I had decided to take a break at the end of August to focus on some side projects. Since I decided to delay the premiere of this series as well due to the coronavirus lockdown, I’ll share some details of what I have planned just as a sneak peek. Revealing stories before their release isn’t something that writers normally do, but since this is just my project, what the hell.
While her family was killed by Dai-Shocker, Windy had managed to survive when she was possessed by a Greeed named Poseidon, who was formed in the new Core Medals that the Kougami Foundation were developing when they reacted to a black hole paradox.
From that point on, Windy would become Kamen Rider Poseidon. Her attacks across the land would attract the attention of Duante, who was fighting as Kamen Rider Aqua. The goddess Salacia met Hiroki at Itsukushima Shrine (dressed as a shrine maiden) and asks him for help finding her two lost children, namely Windy and Duante.
That is really all I have for now, though I will share one tidbit which is unrelated to Sea Princesses, but related to the two-parter. Kamen Rider OOO will also be featured in the two-parter along with the Kougami Foundation Riders. Aside from using the new Combos of the CSM OOO Driver, he will also use an original Combo made from existing medals. This original combo is the Yadopangaru Combo, made by using the Yadokari (Hermit Crab), Panda and Kangaroo Core Medals. OOO can retract his head to dodge attacks, use the panda claws to attack and do pogo-like hops with the kangaroo legs. Its Scanning Charge finisher, Telescopic Crush, allows OOO to retract himself as small as possible before leaping very high into the air and performing a fast and heavy Rider Kick.
This marks the end of six months of Sea Princesses content on my Tumblr. It’s pretty amazing how much I put into and got out of a series that received little reception over the years. I’m probably the only fan of the series who has been able to achieve that much.
I’ve said before that I have plans to adapt Kamen Rider Zi-O next year and I will tell you now that the Sea Princesses will be featured in a few episodes. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, but for now, this has been the involvement of Sea Princesses in my personal project.
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grave-of-ophelia · 6 years
Vox Machina first meeting with a Roc: They use Seeming and become cows. Grog eats grass. The cows fly
The Mighty Nein first meeting with a Roc: traveling in a hostile dryland, in the middle of rain and mud. Just witnessed the dangers of war. Laying down on tall grass praying for dear life not to die. Bugbears being chased by the same Roc die being torn in half.
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bibibuckleyy · 4 years
swam ten 100′s  and ten 50′s yesterday for practice. that was just the main set we swam a 100 and three 75′s before that. i’ve never crashed so hard in my life. haha lol todays a dryland and then i go do it all again tomorrow pray 4 me.
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zhannabelle-eng · 4 years
Zhannabelle speaks on the laws of universal happiness
Help others, and the universe will reward you with true happiness!
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What is the law of universal happiness, and what is it based on? Mankind has been asking this question since ancient times. Everyday kindness and responsiveness, ordinary good deeds, which people normally do without even thinking about their value, return to them as well-being, happiness, health, success and prosperity. Zhannabelle will tell you how this wonderful mechanism for preserving happiness works and what the miraculous power of the circular prayer "Field of Love" depends on. 
- Zhannabelle, please, tell us if it is possible to make all people on our planet happy?
Zhannabelle: Every person percepts true happiness individually. Farmers living in dryland countries such as Australia, South America happiness are the lifesaving rainstorms that feed the land with the heaven-sent moisture and extinguish the forests that burn because of drought. 
The hungry see happiness as abundance of available food. Millions of people in countries with underdeveloped economies are constantly short of water and food. And worst of all, children are starving. Many die from dehydration and exhaustion. 
Homeless people, who have no place to stay for night and are forced to live outdoors freezing in the cold, believe that happiness is a warm home and a soft bed. 
Women and girls who once faced the horrors of domestic violence believe that happiness is the opportunity to live in peace, without shudder from any sound, confidence in their future. Finding a real home and a caring owner is happiness for stray animals. 
- So, it is true then that happiness mainly depends on the reality a person lives in at the moment?
Zhannabelle: That's right. Today, during the pandemic, I think all the people of our planet are sure that happiness is healing and health. It is especially important for people from the USA, Italy and Spain... After all, in the conditions of coronavirus pandemic, health becomes the highest value for each of us. 
Everybody sees happiness differently. A thousand Euros is not the money for some people. And for some, a glass of water and a bowl of soup will bring unearthly enjoyment. 
We would very much like to make all people on Earth truly happy. After all, when we help those in need it, we find our own happiness!  
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- We know that you and your students help people all over the world. You buy food for them, give opportunity to fine a new job and change their life completely. How do you do it, Zhannabelle?
Zhannabelle: The circle of our students is expanding every year. We help all those in need: the abandoned elderly people, orphans, the homeless, the hungry, the victims of violence, the sick and the lonely. And right now, when people lose their jobs and income because of the Coronavirus epidemic, we invite them to become part of our tight-knit team. We offer real work for professionals of all levels and backgrounds.  
In addition, we help people and entire countries to defeat environmental incidents and various disasters. Many volunteers and assistants of our movement helped extinguish fires in the Siberian taiga last year. 
Also, many students being in various corners of our planet, have united the energy messages in a powerful stream of sincere prayer "Field of love" and managed to stop fires in Amazon forests together.  
The circular prayer for Australia conducted by my students some time ago became a real miracle! There was a life-giving rainstorm over a continent suffering from drought and fires for the first time in a long time. The ordinary rain, which irritates many of us, has made the whole continent happy! Can you believe it? 
- Your charity activities turn out to increase the happiness rate on our planet.
Zhannabelle: And the most important thing is that we make more and more people happy each time. And this feeling of boundless happiness radically changes people's destinies. There appears more and more love, kindness, compassion, care, protection. 
Happiness is the most miraculous condition that can happen to any of us! Many people all over the world are giving their kindness to those who really need it selflessly. 
Even a small good deed enhances the general energy of happiness on our planet. 
Every person has an opportunity to help elderly neighbors with groceries, homeless people, shelter for abandoned animals, orphans, and lonely sick old people. Kind words, positive and good mood can fill people with a powerful positive charge of energy. So do not be surprised when your kindness and responsiveness will return to you as boundless happiness!   
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- Can every person find true happiness by providing selfless help to other people?
Zhannabelle: As I said before, every person has their own concept of happiness. The universe feels what we need in an amazing way. And our energy directed to help others return exactly as we need it. It may be healing from a serious illness, love, luck, well-being and prosperity. 
Let me tell you the story of my student Magda as an example. She came to me for help when her life was literally a black stripe. The doctors diagnosed her serious disease. She had problems at work, and her partner cheated on her. She felt like a real old lady being 38.
I carried out a special diagnostics for Magda and made a rehabilitation plan. My main recommendation was to help those who needed help. And it turned out that that's what Magda had been subconsciously seeking for a long time. She gave herself wholeheartedly to helping her elderly neighbors, a family with many children in need, a shelter for homeless animals. 
She could find a kind word for everyone, a candy for the child, a bag of food for the dog. And no one even knew that this wonderful woman sometimes stayed without dinner to feed the animals in the pet shelter. 
And when she came for another examination a few months later, the doctors were surprised - Magda was absolutely healthy. They did tests and scans twice to eliminate an error. But the fact remains! 
The woman is perfectly healthy now. Her career has gone up, and most importantly, she has found the meaning of life in helping homeless animals. Magda is very happy and sure that it was love that healed her and sent her happiness as an award for the warmth and support that she shared with others. 
- Zhannabelle, is it possible to participate in your activities now when many countries have imposed restrictive conditions because of the pandemic?
Zhannabelle: Of course, it is. We hold online classes in our online school all the time. You can sign up even today! I will gladly help new students, because the more people I will help to become happier, the happier I will become myself. 
If you would like to join our Field of Love prayers and charity events, send me an email. Your kindness and responsiveness can change the world for the better! 
Help those in need, and the universe will not leave you unanswered. It will certainly help you. This amazing cosmic law works without interruptions. 
-  Is it possible to help people without leaving home?
Zhannabelle: You even have to. Anyone can make a prayer. And when prayer comes from people who are bound by one idea, it gains an unprecedented power. So sign up for online prayers that we do on Sundays at 14-00 GMT. It doesn't matter where you live, how old you are, or what your social status is. 
Together we will sincerely pray for the life, health and well-being of our relatives and friends, acquaintances and strangers, for those who are sick, for doctors who save lives without rest. For a place to stay for the homeless, for food for the hungry, for the old people, for orphans, for the rains in arid regions, for faith in a better future. And for this terrible pandemic to end as soon as possible. 
Open your heart to the universe and ask for the help of the Higher Powers. Let us pray for our wonderful diverse world! 
I know for sure: a sincere prayer for the boundless cosmic love that fills our world, will make a true miracle! Amazing threads of goodness and energy of universal love will give a miracle to those you care for!
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doninterrupted · 7 years
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Hers By: Leigh Heartstrong Silent as the night, bleak as the dark, and predictable as the sun on the east bound. Though the sun don't shine, But thanks to moon, it is fine. Though the light may not be bright But what she have, is more than enough. There is this void She wish to avoid. But alas! Nothing can undone For it clothes her and become one. Others may have eternal spring Yet hers, is a dryland that none had ever seen. While everybody savors the abundance of the sun, She's making the most from the grey light of moon in sum. A lifetime ago When she was naive and young too She longed for a better soil to take Not this land that is hard to break She dreamed for the growth of vibrant forests And not these trees which only had branches and no leaves She seeks to have sweet fruits But even sour ones cant be produced She badly wanted to leave But realized it is the only way to live. With the slow passing of time She did not anymore whine She has accept this fate And resolved not to have any pang of regret. So she, with all her might Sows seeds of hope every night Praying that one day the sun will come Like what happen during the breaking of dawn. However the luminous sun didn't shine But the seemingly useless trees have changed Odd fruits grows on its branches Fruits that are truly divine. And from then on... She waits no more for the sun, She learned to love her land She is now at ease For she lives in the silence of happiness and peace. — Leigh Heartstrong (Words & Photo not mine) #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetsofig #poetsofinstagram #poetryisnotdead #souletry #poetrygram #poetsunite #poets #dailyhealing #writersofig #life #quotes #sayings #doninterrupted #doncorpus #soul #poetrymedicine #therapy #tweegram #therapeutic #instagramthatshit #dontriscorps #quote #wordporn #writersofinstagram #poem #poemporn #soulpoetry #dailyhealing #writerscommunity
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thefinalcinderella · 7 years
DIVE!! Book 2 Chapter 4-FINAL RESULT
Full list of translations here
Last time on DIVE!!: Goodbye, totally relevant characters!
“Hey, let me give you a massage.”
That night, Ooshima carefully massaged Shibuki’s back, where burning sensations still lingered after the competition.
“Every time I see you doing something worrying so far, I had to resist the urge to do something for you. I was really worried that we were going to fight about your back, haha.”
“If you knew, why did you keep quiet about it?”
“Coach Asaki told us to keep quiet about until after today’s competition. She wouldn’t say why, but Coach Fujitani said that there must be a good reason for it. He’s pretty weak against that woman.”
“Because she’s the grandchild of the former Mizuki president?”
“No, because she is naturally gifted as a coach. At least several times more than me.”
While laughing drily, Ooshima pressed down on various places on his back with his thumb, asking things like “Does it hurt here?”, “Here?”.  Each time, Shibuki cried out, “Eek!” and thrashed his body around.
“This is awful. When did this happen?”
“About one or two years after Gramps died. Now that I think about it, he was pretty cautious. He always made me, who wanted to jump from somewhere really high, wait a little more.”
“He was probably thinking about the burden on your body, and waiting for you to grow up.”
“Hey, do you think there’s a reason why Gramps only taught me the basic dives?”
“Maybe. The degree of danger increases with the level of diving technique, and naturally the rate of failure goes up as well. Failure is more or less the cause of the pain in your body. It’s probably the sign of the times that the saving technique wouldn’t be passed on, and as you said, Okitsu Shiraha was pretty careful. He was trying to train you in the long run.”
“Weren’t you listening, you dummy. You didn’t understand your grandfather’s feelings in today’s contest, either?”
As Shibuki fell silent, Ooshima clapped his back as he raised it.
“Anyways, you should go see a doctor first. Then we’ll start taking steps for the future.”
“…if it’s decided.”
“I’ll go if it’s decided that I will be going to the training camp. I feel restless now for some reason.”
In response to that voice that sounded like it was going to disappear, Ooshima, who was about to head for the door, stopped. Turning to look at Shibuki, an unusual sorrow dwelled in his eyes.
“Don’t expect it, Shibuki. The decision for the members of the training camp is waiting for after the results of tomorrow’s springboard, but you are only doing the high diving, and besides you don’t have a chance, since you’re in seventh place. Unless a miracle happens.”
Although he gave that advice, his voice didn’t have much power, because he knew that for active athletes, they all couldn’t help but to wish for that miracle, even if they placed at the bottom.
“I’m not expecting anything. I just feel restless. Anyways, I’m not anxious to go to Beijing.”
Ooshima quietly shut the door to the back of Shibuki’s bluff.
Ooshima himself prayed that a tremendous upset would happen at tomorrow’s springboard competition, but in the end, it never happened.
“The Asia Joint Training Camp will be held in Beijing, China in August. The qualifying trials for the right to participate took place on the 29th and the 30th at the Tokyo Tatsumi International Swimming Center. Both the boys’ high diving and boys’ springboard competitions were dominated by the Sakuragi High School student Fujitani Youichi-kun (16) of the Mizuki Diving Club. Fujitani-kun, who had won by a large difference between him and second place, said with a calm smile, ‘I had bet on this tournament, abandoning the Inter-High and the Japanese Championship. Although, this wasn’t even a competition that I needed to bet on.’ In addition, the second-place winner in the boys’ high diving competition was Tsuji Toshihiko-kun, followed by Matsuno Kiyotaka-kun in third place. For the boys’ springboard diving competition, the second-place winner is Matsuno Kiyotaka-kun, followed by Tsuji Toshihiko-kun in third place. For the girls’ competitions…”
As conveyed by an article adorning a corner of one sports paper on the morning of the 31st, Youichi had swept the springboard diving competition with a satisfying performance. Showing off his abilities, he won the public expectations that he would be a leading Olympic candidate. Also, even though they switched positions for second and third place, it didn’t change that Matsuno and Tsuji still followed after him, and in the end, it was still the same faces that occupied the top three places for the high and springboard diving competitions. This was an unfavorable development for Shibuki and Tomoki, who only bet on the high dive.
Three boys and three girls could participate at the Asia Joint Training Camp. If it went as expected, it was obvious that Youichi, Matsuno and Tsuji, who left stable results at the high and springboard diving competitions, were the three chosen.
In fact, on the 31st, when everyone expected the people to be chosen, the selection committee members of the JASF unofficially selected the participants of the training camp after discussions. That was what was supposed to happen, but it appeared that some sort of unexpected incident had occurred there.
Because, on that day at the JASF, they shelved the decision announcement for some reason, and the next day the selection committee convened again, because of the appearance of a mysterious development.
As a result of the second meeting, a new formal decision was made on the afternoon of August 1st. Of course, the athletes had not been told what had happened from the 31st to the 1st. Meanwhile at the MDC, Shibuki and the others gave sidelong glances to the strangely restless coaches as they silently devoted themselves to practice. They could not stay still.
And then finally, it was the night of the 1st. Coach Fujitani had received a notice from the JASF, and gathered Shibuki, Tomoki, Youichi, Reiji and Ryou together.
They had already finished dryland training that day, and about to go home when they were called to the AV room, where they were met with the unusually strict faces of Coach Fujitani and Kayoko.
Last night, Ooshima had returned home after drinking heavily, which was rare for him. He spoke to Shibuki.
“Listen, Shibuki. In the States, there was an athlete who started diving in university and got an Olympic gold medal. You’re still a second-year high schooler. Even if you go back to zero briefly, if you just have that potential of yours, you can do it over again as many times as you want.”
Remembering the strange encouragements like that that he had received, he felt a disturbing uneasiness.
“Some time ago, the final announcement for the participants of the training camp came out from the JASF.” When the five were seated, Coach Fujitani abruptly began.
It was seven in the afternoon. Past the window where a warm wind blew through, the sun had already sunk beneath the dim night. Though it was still the peak of summer, the sun had started to set earlier and earlier, which made those of the MDC think that there would be a long winter coming around. As long as they weren’t chosen for the joint training camp, their summer would go up to there. The fruits of their labour, which were gained from dutifully practicing over fall, winter and spring, would scatter into foam in an instant of one summer. Their destinies shifted in only 1.4 seconds.
Youichi, who everyone was sure would be one of the participants, pressed his father with eyes that wanted to know as soon as possible.
Shibuki was staring intensely at the floor with his tightened fists on his thighs.
Tomoki was watching Coach Fujitani with eyes that were slightly moist.
Reiji was just sitting there, as though he simply wanted to quietly see the results with his own eyes.
Ryou was the most restless of them. He was kicking the floor with his heels, only talked to let loose a sarcastic comment (1), and could not stay still for even a moment, and stood up from his seat as though he couldn’t put up with waiting for Coach Fujitani’s announcement any longer.
“I’m going home.”
“I was definitely not chosen. I know that much at least.” He said curtly, then headed for the door.
Kayoko called out to his back. “Wait. You’ve been practicing together with your teammates until now. Don’t you want to know who was chosen?”
“If I knew, I’d be mortified, and I can’t quit again.”
“Quit what?”
Everyone turned to Ryou at once.
“Ryou!” “You want to quit diving?” Ryou didn’t respond to Tomoki’s and Reiji’s calls, and quickly left down the hallway.
This summer, at the qualifying trials that he had bet everything on, Ryou had awkward, crushing defeats at both the high diving and springboard diving competitions. If it wasn’t for this important situation, someone might have chased after that retreating figure that had his pride destroyed. Or possibly, no one might have chased after him either way. When you participated in this harsh competition for many years, whether you quit or continue diving, you don’t know which choice would hurt your friends.
“He’s that sort of kid. We’ll leave him alone for a little while.” Coach Fujitani, who had watched over Ryou since he was little, said. “Let’s return to the topic at hand. The announcement for the representative athletes.”
Tension returned to the room.
“The selection committee of the JASF had, as announced, decided to send three boys and three girls to Beijing. The first of the boys is…”
Coach Fujitani’s gaze indicated the owner of the name.
“The first person is Fujitani Youichi.”
Youichi stopped breathing.
“Congratulations. The selection committee had unanimously decided that you will be the first participant. You are the overall champion in both high and springboard.”
Youichi, who had stopped breathing for a long time, took in a deep breath just before asphyxiating, then stopped again as though to savor the taste of the air. His flushed cheeks returned to their natural color as he repeatedly took deep breaths several times.
“The second person has been decided to be Matsuno Kiyotaka, who was third place in high and second place in springboard. His steady and stable performance and career seemed to have been acknowledged.” Coach Fujitani continued, and Tomoki’s head, which had not moved even the slightest until then, wobbled.
Shibuki rubbed his thigh unconsciously with his right hand.
There was only one ticket left for Beijing.
A chilly silence dominated the room.
“And the third person is Tsuji Toshihiko, who was second in high and third in springboard…or at least, it was supposed to be him. However,” Coach Fujitani said. “Coach Sun from China opposed it.”
“Coach Sun?”
“You probably heard from Coach Asaki that the JASF was seeking advice from Coach Sun. I thought you would get too nervous if I told you, so I kept silence, but Coach Sun was also at the qualifying trials. No, it would be more natural to think that the JASF put together the competition schedule to coincide with Coach Sun’s arrival in Japan.”
“Coach Sun was at the competition…”
All their faces trembled, with neither excitement nor fear.
Coach Sun was a famous coach who was touted as the best in Asia. That person, who seemed to exist above the clouds—no, at the end of space, had watched them dive on that day.
“After considering the events of the competition on that day, Coach Sun strongly opposed the selection of Tsuji. It’s not world-class, he said. Even though it’s a strategy, athletes who only move between the five and seven-meter cannot be in international competitions. Tsuji does not have the power to compete on a world-level stage. Then, Coach Sun advocated that we should bet on unknown possibilities rather than results.”
Unknown possibilities.
With those words, Shibuki, Tomoki and Reiji all held onto a ray of hope.
“The JASF’s selection committee followed that opinion. It can be said that the third training camp participant was virtually decided by what Coach Sun said. As a matter of course, he has a keen eye that has discovered many strong athletes so far…”
“Okay, so tell us who’s the third person.” Shibuki spoke up with an irritated tone of voice.
Tomoki and Reiji turned their attention to Shibuki with wide eyes, since he usually showed an indifferent face to everything. Shibuki himself seemed to be puzzled about the voice that escaped him.
Coach Fujitani, the only person whose expression did not change, turned to Shibuki with tired eyes.
“It’s you.”
“Coach Sun recommended that you be the third training camp participant.”
As though a pistol had been accidentally fired before his eyes, Shibuki twitched his face upwards.
But, Coach Fujitani wasn’t done talking yet.
“However,” he continued sadly, “we turned down that decision.”
“It was decided before the JASF contacted us about the informal decision. I have discussed it with Coach Ooshima and Coach Asaki many times, that in the unlikely event that Okitsu is selected to be a participant of the training camp, we made the conclusion that it would be unreasonable as you are now. When the JASF was told to that effect, they instantly decided on the third representative.  The next person that Coach Sun recommended was you.”
Now the gunpowder burst before Tomoki’s eyes.
“Sakai Tomoki. You have been chosen as the third representative athlete.”
Pitter-patter. A drop of water travelled along the window that reflected Shibuki’s unsteady, glass-like profile. Though the sound of the rain that had suddenly appeared strengthened in a flash, no one cared about the raindrops that blew in through the open window.
“What…do you mean?”
The first one to speak was Tomoki.
“Didn’t Coach Sun choose Okitsu-kun? And yet I’m the one…”
“He did choose Okitsu. He felt that Okitsu’s exceptional scale was a sign of something new. I don’t think he’s off in that regard. But, however…”
“Coach Sun couldn’t have found out about Okitsu-kun’s problem, since he had only seen that day’s competition.”
In place of Coach Fujitani, who seemed like he wanted to make the end of his sentence ambiguous, Kayoko took over.
“Okitsu-kun, your back…you know it yourself, don’t you? It’s too dangerous for you to participate in the joint training camp like this. There are always dropouts one after the other from Coach Sun’s special training each year, since it’s said to be that intense. We thought that you should concentrate on treatment in Japan now rather than making your back worsen in a place like that.”
“Back?” Youichi turned to Shibuki as though he was flicked. “Your back hurts?”
Shibuki looked at the floor without answering.
The sound of the rain grew even stronger. Or maybe it was the silence in the room that was making it look that way. Everyone, including Kayoko, Coach Fujitani, and Youichi, held their breaths awaiting Shibuki’s reaction. It was as though they were not moving because they were afraid that he would act violent, but surprisingly, Tomoki was the one who lashed out.
“No. I absolutely cannot replace Okitsu-kun.” As soon as he took in the situation that he was put in, Tomoki fiercely objected to it.
“After the last competition, everyone praised me by saying that getting fourth place was awesome, but for me, it was awfully frustrating. I didn’t know it was so frustrating to lose a competition. I was so frustrated that I couldn’t sleep. Because Youichi-kun had such a huge lead on first place, I couldn’t compete with him, and all the spectators were watching Okitsu-kun. Even the people in the main pool suddenly became his spectators. Youichi-kun and Okitsu-kun were too amazing. But, it’s thanks to them that I understand now. Even though I tried my best, it still wasn’t enough. So now, rather than replacing Okitsu-kun to go to Beijing, I will practice even harder, and from getting stronger, to the world…”
“How soft.” Kayoko flatly shot him down. “It’s true that you’re lacking in many things. Isn’t it good go to Beijing to make up for them even a little bit faster? It has been decided that going to the training camp is better than staying in Japan. If you’re frustrated about losing to Fujitani-kun and Okitsu-kun, please learn a little more over there.”
“Don’t forget. You have the Diamond Eyes. You have only started polishing those gemstones now, so of course you might be lagging behind Fujitani-kun and Okitsu-kun. But, who knows what will happen after half a year?”
“Go to Beijing.”
Tomoki’s head understood the meaning of Kayoko’s words. But, his heart would never agree, no matter what.
“But…I still don’t want to go in Okitsu-kun’s place.” Tomoki muttered, then stood up as though he was going to run away from Kayoko, who still looked like she wanted to say something. “Anyways, I don’t want to!”
After leaving those words for no one in particular, he half-ran out of the AV room. It was different from Ryou left, since Youichi immediately chased after him.
Only Coach Fujitani, Kayoko, Shibuki and Reiji were left in the room when the sound of footsteps disappeared.
“He’s not able to use his friends as stepping stones, huh. I hope that it doesn’t prove fatal to that child, but…” Coach Fujitani murmured gruffly.
“Sakai Tomoki will go to Beijing. He must.” Kayoko retorted strongly. “By the way…” she said as her eyes turned to Shibuki. “May I talk to Okitsu-kun alone?”
“Oh, please do so. It’s fine.”
Coach Fujitani left for the hallway without any energy, and became aware of Reiji’s presence quietly following behind him. He walked for several steps before turning back and placing his hand on his shoulder.
“You’ve worked hard. It was a painful result for you.”
“It’s a competitive world, after all.” Reiji’s response was brief, but something gloomy was sinking into his eyes. “But, sometimes I think about it. You need six people to play volleyball, nine to play baseball, and so on…a sport where everyone can compete and win together is wonderful. That’s what I thought.”
“Everyone competes together and win together, huh.” The same thing was sinking into Coach Fujitani’s eyes. “I see. That is nice…”
Translation Notes
1. Not really a translation note but more like a fun fact. The word used here is 聞こえよがし (kikoeyogashi) which means “ bad-mouthing someone so as to be deliberately overheard; intentionally letting someone hear insults or sarcasm regarding them​ “ (from jisho) and it just amuses me that there’s a word for that in Japanese
Next time on DIVE!!: :(((
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bananakarenina · 11 months
WIP Title Game
WIP Title Game
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I was tagged by the lovely @jmrothwell and @daintyduck99! I have...so many WIPs. I am in a "just freaking write SOMETHING" mood soooooo if you send me an ask I will give you at least one (1) whole new sentence of whatever WIP you ask for. send me multiple asks if you want!!
For Julie and the Phantoms:
all the things we didn't (luke x bobby round robin)
put on that old song
christmas romcom au
fake marriage CURRENT (aka to love's self alone)
leave the light on verse
praying for dryland chapter 2
heart like a wheel emily
heart like a wheel sarah
carrie x reggie hallmark star au
diamonds on the bed of his thumbnails
learning to fiddle (4 times the molinas referred to reggie as family)
flynn: beach trip (stars over the ocean remix)
For Nancy Drew:
ND Tristan/George rarepair AGAIN
No pressure tagging: @invisibleraven, @where-you-go, @innytoes, @breakaway71
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sarah-bae-maas · 7 years
So as some of you may know, I have finished acowar. Now that my mind is sufficiently ruined, I present to you this fic about the High Lord of the Winter Court and his mate.
This doesn’t really spoil anything in acowar, rather than their existence. So read if you want, acowar not necessarily needed!
This was requested by @ignite-my-love who is suffering as much as I am when it comes to this bloody book. 
How could this be?
Fifty years, and the wretched Amarantha was destroyed by a… mortal? A human?
Viviane’s hands shook, her breath coming out in sporadic sheer clouds as she hyperventilated. She was on the floor, her legs too unstable to carry her any longer. She would see him again, her beautiful High Lord, her love.
She was going to kick his ass. And kiss him. Not necessarily in that order.
I’ve loved you, since we were children. I will always love you, and being your friend is, and always will be, my greatest achievement. I beg of you, protect what is left, Vivane, and I will see you soon enough.
He had not seen her soon enough. Kallias had projected that to her the moment he knew there was no escaping Amarantha’s clutches, and let her protect their haven, which she tirelessly did, while he sacrificed himself to that wench. It wasn’t until he confessed his love to her that she knew the extent of her feelings for him. Her love for him was like the cauldron, and he was the sorcerer reaching far down into her, stirring her soul and wielding her being. She was utterly his, and she thought she would never be able to tell him. That was, until, Feyre Cursebreaker, former prisoner of the Spring Court, had shattered Amarantha’s deadly reign.
She rose to her feet, supporting herself on the marble columns of Kallias’ palace. He would be here soon, and when he did, he would see her standing – fighting – as she always had Before.
Because now there was a Before. It used to be Before and After the War. Now, it was Before and After Amarantha.
She looked out the wide, glassless, window. This was her home, and it would remain that way. The vast expanse of rolling white and treacherous mountains calmed her faltering breaths. She had never stopped to think about this moment - her reunion with her love. Had dwelled many time of how she was going to get here, the plans she concocted, the atrocities she committed in saving her people, but never let herself think – dream, hope, wish – about this moment.
She was still wearing the filthy pants, tunic and fur cloak she had been for the past eight days. It was spattered in blood and dirt and mud and Mother knows what else, but when she was constantly like this she didn’t see the point of washing. She thought maybe should change, to present herself nicely for Kallias, and then she snorted at the thought. That idiot could see her parading around in a pink tutu and nothing else and she still wouldn’t feel embarrassment. She was too far gone for that. She laughed lightly at the thought of Kallias’ face if he saw her gallivanting around, breasts free and lower half covered by hideous tulle. He would tell her to put some clothes on before she freezed, and she would tell him to shove his shiny shoes up his ass.
“Is something funny? It’s been a while since I’ve heard a joke.”
The voice stopped her thoughts. Stopped her breathing. Stopped her heart.
She turned her head, and there he was.
“Kallias.” Her voice broke.
She didn’t let him finish, just sprinted the few paces between them and collided into him - throwing her arms around his neck, kissing him fiercely. His arms went to her waist, lifting her off the floor as he returned her embrace and kiss. Her legs went around him, and her hands tangled in his white hair.
She may have remained in the Winter Court the last fifty years, but now she was finally home.
His lips moved to her face and neck, kissing any part he could reach.
“I love you, you bloody bastard. Never leave me again or I’ll freeze your balls off and feed them to the bears.” She meant it with the upmost sincerity, but that didn’t stop her from whimpering her words.
“I’ve missed you more than the drylands miss rain, more than the stars miss night, more than-”
“I love you, Kallias. I love you.” She smashed her lips against his again, and she could taste the snow of his scent, the pine that always reminded her of him. She could taste the salt of their collective tears, and feel his heart racing as he pulled her further against him. He walked them forward, still holding up her body and soul, and pressed her against the cold wall. It was a good release, her body become so hot from his touch she wouldn’t be surprised if she left steam in her wake. His hands freely roamed under her coat, slipping above her shirt to touch her oh-so-warm skin.
“You kept me alive, Viviane.” He shuddered. “Not my body, but my resolve, my soul. Every moment was just another until I could return to you. I love you. I should’ve – I should’ve told you before but I was scared.” He rested his forehead to her, and her legs were once again holding her up.
“What’s done is done, never spend another moment of what-ifs, my love. We are here now, we can rectify this now.” She swallowed hard, her emotion tightening her throat.
He placed a sweet, barely there kiss to the skin just under her ear. She could feel his whole body trembling as he slowly got to his knees, pressing his face to her stomach. “Viviane, be my wife. Please, I’ll marry you tonight. I never want there to be another moment where I am not completely and utterly yours.”
A choked sob escaped her at the question, and he looked at her not in alarm, but in understanding.
“Not tonight,” she gasped.
He nodded, but remained on his knees in front of her. His calloused hands were around her calves now, rubbing smooth circles on the tight muscles there.
“We will not marry tonight, because you will make me your wife now. I’ll change into a dress, and you can summon a priestess, and within the hour we will be bound.”
His eyes pierced into her like she was a Goddess he had prayed to for eternity, and maybe, just maybe, she was. “A dress? You could look like a lumberjack and I’d still want you.”
“The dress isn’t for you, silly male.” She patted his head jokingly. “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve worn something elegant? Far too long, is the answer, and I plan to look ravishing when I take you as my own.”
He had devoured her.
Worshipped her.
Made love to her.
Their souls had sung to one another as their bodies connected. And as Kallias and Viviane were at their highest state of pleasure, the bond had snapped into place, sealing them together everlasting.
If you’d like to checkout some more, you can find my masterlist here :) 
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benbirbaskasidir · 7 years
the fake testament / first bootleg
pierre 1
1- claire offered some frolic alone time to the strange man. 2- voices were trembling through flags. 3- everything was underground. 4- nothing was clear. 5- “i will destroy your life” said the madman to the strange man. “wait a month and a half” 6- “i forgive him” said the strange man to the prophet. 7- and he, our prophet, turned to our god and prayed “i need to be with you now!”
jeremiah 1
1- the night jeremiah met our prophet; all were drunk 2- red poison was pouring as the waterfall of festivity on the dark gallery 3- sophie got hooked by our prophet’s eyes and felt on his lips 4- all did condemn, what was appearing but only a few have seen the unseen 5- glasses were broken into marble as shining stars of a lonesome winter night in a wild village 6- jeremiah touched marie’s eyes with an archaic shade 7- lights went out and streets have gambled on skins
sutjeska 1
1- our only and beloved god, shone on our prophet’s sorrow and prescribed “come!” 2- therefore the wheels have turned with the joy of unite and revelation 3- then they walked up on to the holy shrine through the path of green and grey 4- god ordered the sun to wait and our prophet to sing the song of the songs 5- two concrete wings of god were manifested with the stone faces of all her prophets 6- she rolled the river and everything within, put them on her divine lips to grant life for the dead poets 7- god, whispered the pleasure of pain in behalf of all the good disguised in bad
proverbs 1
1- we shall find some speed! so morning can serve what we need…
2- come on! you shan’t drink whiskey now! you shall pray when the sun is low…
3- do not think too much! i have not created as such…
4- you are too perfect! to sin and to connect…
5- do you feel the ecstasy yet? your blood is running fast, i bet…
6- do not sleep diagonal! or you will pay the penal…
7- jump! jump around…
jeremiah 2
1- one of each race have gathered around for the supper of intrigue. 2- delusional lines on maps and complimentary wines have been served. 3- our prophet shared his wisdom and knowledge with marie of the southlands. 4- “my lord, your words are charming yet tiring” she cried “i wish your forgiveness to go to the bathroom” 5- “what are the horniness level, you two love birds? may we swallow another drink of faith?” chanted jeremiah! 6- his sincere smile painted a cheerful vignette to the walls of despair 7- voices of forty-seven angel echoed “yes!”
proverbs 2
1- new york is beautiful though! and only for the beauty, you must go…
2- she’s always became the worst of everything! hence we’ve always wondered what more can she bring…
3- i want cevapi! sa kajmakom…
4- you sure need time! innocence feeds the crime…
5- maybe if she dies! farewells and lies…
6- as long as we both know our positions! lioness can poke the lions…
7- you are so pretentious! your stories are obvious…
avaz 1 c em c em dm g em
1- ambiguated morrow has arrived on our prophet’s shoulder, yet he had the shelter of god. 2- they looked upon the embassy of murderers of just and freedom with loathing and abomination. 3- god showed miraculous one eyed binocular to our prophet and pointed out the heroes. 4- all the accidental beings have worn their most peculiar dresses for the end of an uncommon beginning. 5- screams were screamed, tears were cried, words were spoken. 6- only god had the power to rewind the time and she was unwilling to do so. 7- she let the silence of wind blow all the romance away and she thought it was good!
marie 1 c f c f am g f
1- church bells rang for the thirteenth time in a day that cold did bring neither snow nor rain 2- prophet lit the candle of dark and prayed to the night for the strings of insane 3- marie, she was fresher than the first day of may and greener than the flowers of the fair 4- her resemblance to god, her arrow-like eyebrows when she smiles and her undone hair 5- and music of her untouched scent delivered the missing letters to our prophet 6- drylands got all wet but she got her innocence from god as many other stupid things 7- “even god knows she wronged” said our prophet to marie “hell will be occupied with kings”
anonym 1
1- and the painted clothing, the following morning 2- in god’s mother tongue, the prophet shall sing 3- a sad ballad which lacks any wise poetry 4- yet tied to a bright, cheerful melody 5- with the prophet asked to the god for a kiss, if it is right to do so 6- a fearful passion always hopes for a simple but obscure no 7- god kissed him and said “one must cry and love must die”
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Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @yoshifics, which was a nice surprise!!!
Tagging: I won't specifically tag anyone because this one is a doozy, but I implore you to try and do it if you want to do it!!!
On to the show
the last …

1. drink: diet mountain dew ((my mom is addicted and well...the apple doesn’t fall far))
2. phone call: most phone calls are forced upon me, but the last one was my mom telling me to take another important phone call i was unwilling to pick up
3. text message: my friend Sarah
4. song you listened to: Not about Angels by Birdy
5. time you cried: uhhh. I know it was recent but I don’t know specifically what day. I really cry for no reason sometimes idk. 
6. dated someone twice: I’ve never dated, and I don’t think I'm willing to start either at this point in my life
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Never been kissed
8. been cheated on: never dated
9. lost someone special: My grandpa and friendships that never worked out.
10. been depressed: I’m not diagnosed because I don’t talk about my issues to a very extreme degree, but I’m pretty sure I’ve been depressed.
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never had a drink of alcohol
favorite colors
12. Blue
13. Purple
14. Black
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: Yasssss! Every new friend I’ve made has been a blessing! I’m looking at you, mutuals!!!
16. fallen out of love: Never been in love 
17. laughed until you cried: yes, it is a beautiful thing to experience. 
18. found out someone was talking about you: nah
19. met someone who changed you: Again, looking at you mutuals
20. found out who your friends are: I found out that a friendship I'm in is toxic, but I’ve not yet worked up the courage to break it off yet. Other than that, nah. 
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: never been kissed
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: uhhhh. I don’t really get on my Facebook so I don’t know how accurate this statement is, but I’ll say yes!
23. do you have any pets: My family has a miniature dachshund. And my sister has two king charles spaniels so I count them too since she is over all the time. When I am old enough and living alone (( I don’t think I’ll have met someone/ect by this point but we’ll see where God takes me)) I want a king charles spaniel((they were breed for cuddling)) and maybe a black cat but I’ll have to think about that one since I’m allergic. 
24. do you want to change your name: I like other names but I’d never change my own. 
25. what did you do for your last birthday: My last birthday was Fathers Day so it was really just whatever he wanted to do. I’ve not really done anything for my own in awhile. Bright side is that I told my Dad I’m his biggest dad joke. 
26. what time did you wake up: 10 because I’m being lazy as much as possible before that turns into 5 for swimming.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: well I was talking with my friend, pattonpending. If the deer thing had happened to thomas I was off making puns on his twitter posts. 
28. name something you can’t wait for: Is it sad that I can’t think of something. Maybe going back to school so I can see my non-pocket buddies. 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: Today
31. what are you listening to right now: Somebody That I Used to Know cover by Christina Grimmie
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Yes. My ((evil)) high school swim coach was named Tom and some guy at my campus is named Tom and although I’ve talked to him, its really just saying hi to him. At my campus, everyone greets everyone. Its a very social atmosphere which is good for when Ive got a full introvert battery and want to talk. 
33. something that is getting on your nerves: Myself 24/7. I really need to treat myself with more kindness.
34. most visited website: I don’t think there is ONE website I visit the most. It really depends on the day.
35. hair colour: Dark Brown ((It has red in it but you can’t see it))
36. long or short hair: Long. I’ve not had a haircut in awhile.
37. do you have a crush on someone: does a friendship one count? Like I really value our friendship/ want to be your friend. I don’t have any romantic ones and don’t think I ever have
38. what do you like about yourself: well I can draw, and people say my mannerisms are cute, Im tall(6 ft), I have a gold ring around the middle of my eye, and I give good hugs :)
39. piercings: none at all
40. blood type: no idea
41. nickname: Tator tot, Tay, Tay-Tay
42. relationship status: single wondering if I really want to mingle or if I just want cuddles.
43. zodiac: Gemini
44. pronouns: She/Her 
45. favourite tv show: So many ugh. I’ll give a few: Merlin, Doctor Who, Hetalia, Star Trek ((DS9 is my fav)), Teen Wolf, Supernatural, and Parks and Rec
46. tattoos: Im too indecisive to choose, but no. 
47. right or left handed: Right-handed.
48. surgery: nope
49. piercing: none
50. sport: I’m a swimmer and I swim the mile((1650 yards)). It takes around 20 minutes to finish it. 
51. vacation: I went to Germany and Poland in May. It wasn’t to visit happy locations, but I really wanted to visit Germany in any way. I took German years ago, and love the culture. I am sad to say I’ve lost a lot of it which is why I follow some German blogs on here.
52. pair of trainers: ((Tennis shoes?)) Yes. The sport of swimming doesn’t let you get away with one type of training. We do land training ((we call it dryland)). So, I have a pair for that
more general
53. eating: Nothing yet today. Pasta is my fav food.
54. drinking: usually diet dew. During the school year coffee is a sunday thing and I drink lemonade instead of soda. 
55. i’m about to: Eat.
56. waiting for: nothing atm
57. want: Uhmm. I want to be hugged by someone taller and stronger. I was so touch starved going into college I actually prayed to Jesus to give me someone who will give lots of hugs ((thats a little sad looking back)). I just wanted the kind of hugs that dean would give cas or the one hug merlin got when he was found coming out of a bog. I found someone who gives hugs, but not the hug where you feel protected and engulfed in. Im usually the one giving that.
58. get married: My idea of any sort of romance is like the New Girl situation where you have someone who totally understands you and all your quirks but still loves you. Not really looking for anything sexual, just cuddly. 
59. career: looking to be an art teacher.
60. hugs or kisses: Hugs!! Idk anything about giving/ receiving kisses sooo...
61. lips or eyes: uh....
62. shorter or taller: I don't mind either (( are we talking about friends or...?))
63. older or younger. I dont mind either
64. nice arms or nice stomach: People usually use me as the shoulder stomach thing so idk. I really do want to be in the other role at some point. 
65. hook up or relationship: Relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant. Last time someone asked me out I panicked so hard I cried. 
67. kissed a stranger: Nope.
68. drank hard liquor: never
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: yes. When you lose a contact lense, they go off into the void to be lost forever.
70. turned someone down: yes ((see 66))
71. sex on the first date: Never had sex and never dated
72. broken someone’s heart: Not that I know of
73. had your heart broken: nah
74. been arrested: Listen buddy if I am like that spongebob moment where he’s crying and saying I'm a good noodle. So getting arrested is hardcore not something I plan on doing.
75. cried when someone died: yes
76. fallen for a friend: nope
do you believe in …
77. yourself: no but I am trying to work on that
78. miracles: yes
79. love at first sight: yes
80. santa claus: nope
81. kiss on the first date: idk
82. angels: yes
83. current best friend’s name: I can’t choose. 
84. eye colour: Blue/green ((it varies)) with a gold ring around the middle
85. favourite movie: I can’t choose. I have such a soft spot for Rise of the Gaurdians though. 
Thanks for tagging me @yoshifics! This was long and hopefully I overshared something about myself to the internet! Be kind to yourselves!!!
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joebuscus1031 · 7 years
New episode of samurai jack is tonight !
I was praying this week would go by fast just so I can see the new episode lol Anyway because of the spoiler images that were leaked thanks to the beautiful @burstangelmay (again thank you very much 😊) I want to try and make an Analysis of what is happening in these images. First one we get is of the the Scotsman, of his younger self !?!….now..this could be one of two things 1. The Scotsman is going through the same shit as jack, which is hallucinating his former self talking to him. 2. He dies, and comes back to talk to jack from the afterlife to see how he’s doing. This could lead him to ask him where he’s been all these years AND I’m hoping he brings up ashi. (Probably won’t happen like this) I imagine him stopping in the middle of a sentence and he slowly turns to jack with a big smirk on his face saying “so…who’s the lass you got there ? Your girlfriend ? ITS ABOUT TIME !” XD Then there’s the first image of aku sitting in his throne looking bored and bitter. My guess is that the image is before the attack on the tower And then the next image of what I imagine is aku of him as some giant mass, probably about to shape shift into something. Then we get the first image of ashi where it appears that she is still in the same spot she was sitting in the previous episode after dropping her weapon (only its night time now). My guess is she’s most likely she’s letting it sink in the fact that jack is the good guy and aku is the evil one, because judging from her face I’d say she’s in deep thought. Now she’s without purpose because she (maybe) no longer wants to kill jack, which is essentially what she is trained her whole life for. Which leads to the next image These two pictures go together because I believe they’re part of the same scene. One is of ashi talking with light illuminating on her and The other is Jack who has built a fire (called it lol) looking off to the side. I think eventually she gets up from where she was sitting goes over to Jack and talk like maybe she’ll ask “why did you save me ? All of those times ?Even though I clearly wanted to kill you and showed how much I Resented you ? And I can’t even begin to imagine what Jack’s response will be, maybe along the lines of “because I saw good in you and you were simply misguided not evil” or something like that… then maybe they’ll introduce themselves finally ! lol I’m really curious and excited to see how the scene will go. Mostly because I just want to see more dialogue between the two ❤️(jashi forever) The next image is of Jack riding a motherfucking Seadragon ! 🤘🏻 my guess is maybe he was going fishing for food and get into a fight with it OR he uses it to escape the island, maaaaaybe with ashi ? and then once they get to dryland they’ll go their separate ways (not for loooong because we all know the synopsis of the next episode ❤️) The next image is of a tree surrounded by stalagmites, I can’t imagine but this image is a part of my guess is that maybe it’s a part of the village of people who are being enslaved that jack has to save from being used as a power source for the mega robot ? Then the next image is just looks to be water being splashed, my guess is it’s the sea monster leaving lol I know it has nothing to do with the images but I’m hoping there’s another foreshadowing of Jack and Ashi’s romance
Anyways that’s what I can interpret from the pictures what do you guys think ?
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