#praying for DJ atm
gentle-giant-swag · 2 years
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pixelchills · 2 years
For some odd reason, I never got a notification about a not so sunny world getting a new chapter despite being subscribed to the story :/ It’s a good thing I follow you here though otherwise, I could have missed out on future updates!
Wonderful chapter as always by the way! I’m someone who usually doesn’t condone violence and if this were a real situation I wouldn’t want Harriet to die even though they’re an ass. However, since this is fictional I’m going to pray for their downfall lol. Poor DJ didn’t deserve to die but I had a sneaking suspicion he was gonna hit the hay :( I just hope it was quick. Probably not considering he was being eaten alive but moving on! I was just curious to know if this infection is a global thing. Or is it only national? If it is global then damn, whoever started this apocalypse (if I remember right you said the Afton cult had something to do with it?) has some very big connections! And oh I do hope Vanessa is alright. From what I saw they were very nice but in the game, they are a villain so I’m wondering if they’re gonna be good in this story. Sorry for rambling so much. Happy belated new year btw
Hahaa thank you! I think AO3 is a bit broken with their subscription emails or emails in general, I don't get notified from all the comments and updates either for some reason. Sometimes they come through and sometimes they don't.
The answer to your global/national question will be answered in the next chapter (which will be slightly delayed as I am suffering from a cold atm 😭)
The reason behind the apocalypse will be answered eventually as well, just much much later. Vanessa has probably been home since the hell broke loose, and we can only hope she is has been able to stay safe indoors since she lives alone...
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topconfessions · 3 years
bigbang suck at interacting with their fans 😕 they had seungri back then & he was mostly the one doing fan service/keeping fans happy but now that he’s gone it’s like a ghost town
blackpink too 😭 I was so eager for their live but after seeing all the tweets abt it not so much, I’m sick of yg doing this ‘mysterious, cool’ image with their artists. it doesn’t really work well for them anymore except for the truly established artists
Seungri was to bigbang what Dara was to 2ne1 when they were still active. Regardless of y'all opinion of Seungri, his absences is truly felt now and it speaks volumes that the so called untalented member is actually like a hidden glue to keeping the group relevant in the sense of enduring and longeivity for young & old fans.
This group needs a Seungri and I can't be bothered to follow any of the group members honestly. I don't have time to play games and follow some supposed YouTube Channel Daesung doing. If it ain't officially him and showing his face upfront doing normal VLOG. Guess what? I don't have the time. Gd doing same old 2013 shit with his IG. Guess what? I don't have the time. Taeyang living normal but boring. Guess what? I don't have the time. TOP being a closeted abstract weirdo with daddy issues, guess what? I don't have the time. Seungri had the most normal and engaging social media for a celebrity out of bigbang and engagement. He put out things that the public could join or consume such as the ramen shop or DJ clubs or backing new talent at clubs. I just think he ended up in some Yakuza Kiwami type shit and got in too deep and fucked over the wrong people whether intentionally or unintentionally and got exposed. I'm surprised nobody mention this or question this. Even if a star is doing something wrong. Unless its gets super bad things don't leak unless a higher up or important person gets scorned and exposes it. Hence why on forums people always say " I wonder who X pissed off"
Anyways I'm not pro Seungri but him leaving the group is like taking the salt or seasoning away from the meal. It's just ugh now.
Mysterious cool does not work in today's modern consumer society with young fans who are glued and wired to want everything from an artist. They dont know how to market and bridge the gap well. It's fast fashion but in music and popstar form.
Anyways, it's a ghost town and BB sucks ass with their fans almost as if They don't give a fuck about them other than us being ATMS for them. Ugh I'm disappointed
I miss the old days so much. I pray Seungri is found not guilty then atones and cleans his life up.
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chimfires · 6 years
satin // kim yugyeom
genre: idk. I just know yugyeom is jealous.
pairing: yugyeom x reader
word count: 845 
*requested. finally someone wants to read about my man. ps. sorry about the gif, suffer with me.
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“you’re wearing that?” he asked. your eyes met his through the mirror. They slowly trailed up and down your figure, analyzing the skin tight satin fabric that managed to accentuate every dip and curve of your body. It was molded to seemingly be made for you to wear. The tousled waves of your hair, and pout in your flesh of your bottom lip lit something inside of him.
“you picked the dress. yes i’m wearing it” you said turnin and facing him. His color scheme matched yours. A skin tight black v neck with black jeans. You watched as his eyes trailed from your prominent clavicle down to your exposed knee, a faint blush creeping on his cheek as he let his tongue out, running it along his bottom lip. He wanted to sit and slowly inch by inch tear the fabric that ordained your skin off of you. Popping every seam and zipper, not caring if he needed to buy you a new one. He wanted to ravish you, forgetting any plans the two of you had that night.
“put a jacket on.. it’s cold out” he murmured before walking out. A frown slowly crept onto your lips as you looked down at your chosen attire. had you looked that terrible? Walking out the room, you felt your arms softly wrap around your waist, trying to conceal yourself. Yugyeom picked up on it, his heart deflating. You looked amazing.. he just knew he wasn’t going to be the only one who thought so.
“jagi?” he asked, snapping you out of whatever trance you were in. His features were painted with a soft smile as he tilted his head back slightly, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. His eyes peeled through his slightly over grown raven locks, but he didn’t bother hiding the lust in them.
“you look great” he said. A rosy hue reached your cheeks as you pinned a piece of hair behind your ear.
“thank you” you said, taking your jacket from his hand. His fingers wrapped around your hand, gently tugging you forward. You stared up at him, eyes mirroring that of a deer in headlights. His head dipped to your ear, cool breath hitting your shoulder. 
“you sure you don’t wanna stay home?” he asked, softly dragging his lips along your jaw. 
“It’s JB’s birthday.. lets go we’re gonna be late” you said. He pulled back, a sloppy smirk painted on his lips. 
“You’re such a tease” he said, eyes trailing down to your figure again. 
“The longer we stand here, the longer it will take for us to get home” you said, a smirk playing on your lips as you walked towards the door. The sound of footsteps behind you caused a smirk to form on your lips, mirroring your boyfriends. 
Sitting in the booth, you could feel Yugyeom’s hand slowly itch it’s way up your thigh, causing your breath to hitch. 
“Cut it out” you whispered in his ear. He eyed you innocently, tilting his head to the side. 
“I’m not doing anything” he replied. He sat back in the booth, arm around your shoulders as the conversation continued among the guys. Your eyes wandered around the club. Smoke filled the room from corner to corner thanks to the fog machine the dj had. LED lights cast a crimson hue in the small club, music bouncing off the walls causing a slight vibration on the ground under you. 
“y/n wanna dance?” Yugyeom asked, softly kissing your shoulder.  You turned, eyes meeting his as you nodded, allowing him to guide you to the dance floor. He kept you close, hands firmly on your waist as the two of you swayed to the music. His eyes scanning your surroundings, becoming dark as they met those of the men surrounding you. They eyed you the way lions  eyed their pray. They were simply waiting for their moment to attack. 
“gyeomie.. your grip is a little tight” you whined, turning to face him. His eyes still scanned the room, jae clenching as an unknown male pointed at you to a friend, a smirk on his face. Your gaze followed his, stomach dropping at what you saw. Your hand itched it’s way to his jaw, softly caressing the tender skin under your fingertips. 
“baby” you whispered, causing him to snap out of his gaze. Your hand snaked behind his neck, pulling his face closer to yours as you placed your lips against his. He groaned, deepening it immediately, softly squeezing your hips. 
“Let’s head home” you whispered, a smirk playing on your lips. 
“Are you sure?” he asked.
“we already sang happy birthday, and we have other business to attend to.. and I’m dying to get out of this dress” you said. A smirk formed on his lips as he ran his tongue against them.
“i’m dying to get you out of that dress too.. lets go” he said, softly squeezing your bottom. You smiled as he led you out of the club, waving at the guy who pointed you out. 
Remember our requests are open. Send us any requests you have, whether it be Au’s, imagines, or something off our drabble list. (message us a number+member from a group) or any requests you guys have in general, just remember we aren’t accepting BTS requests atm.
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twistednuns · 4 years
July 2020
Change. Transition and transformation.                                            
Feeling like a proud mum during my first graduation class’ final exam. They’re all gonna leave the nest so soon.
Meeting my colleagues at Michi’s own “Isar beach”. Ordering truffle pizza. Watching the storm clouds coming closer. Retreating to Michi’s flat. Talking to the dude with the guitar about life-changing travel experiences. Making fun of the stalkers across the street. Psychedelics-talk with Lorenz. Having a last drink at Rosi’s. My first time in a bar in many many months.
Tapas with Lena and Maike. Walking in linen shoes in the pouring rain. Listening to Knorkator on the subway.
New clothes. Loose, high-waisted pants, jeans shorts, a lemon print dress. A graphic, artsy Monki dress. A new hat and a bargain from COS (a sweater for only €5,85, wow).
My spontaneous meet-ups with Manu at the Asian take-away restaurant. Last time I started smiling brightly when a little kid walked past us very proudly with their brand new Schultüte.
Rest. A clean apartment. Cleaning in general (weird obsession atm; I even cleaned Manu’s whole kitchen when I was making veggie stew for him during his ear infection; but also I sang Soft Kitty for him). Gardening. Cooling down with water spray, après sun spray and cool-packs from the freezer.
Leoni’s essay actually made me laugh out loud. We had a bet going on. If she managed to use the word turkey in her essay I would have to give her €10. Well, she did it. Also, she invented and app called Teenage Mutant Karate Cats and signed off with Love, Karen. Such a gem.
That feeling when you put the pen down and the work is finally done. So liberating (after grading the final exams).
My blackroll. The only thing that helps after working at a desk for a few hours. My back hates grading papers. And using the kitchen as a temporary workspace. The smell of coffee, the humming of the dishwasher, sitting right by the window. Using all the colours to mark the essays. I love highlighter pens.
The smoke alarm lady’s charm. I only see her once a year when she comes to check on the smoke alarms but I kinda like her.
Staying late. Singing in an empty school. Not having to be quiet for once.
People standing in for gay rights and diversity. Which is why I loved the Circus of Books documentary. And the Netflix series POSE. Blanca and Pray are my favourite characters, of course.
I was satisfied with the Dark series ending. Couldn’t have hoped for more.
Raspberry plants for only 1€. I couldn’t resist.
Teaching some English lessons in other classes. Not actually facing any resistance, they really liked working with me. They asked questions and were interested, what the heck? In the final lesson with the 9d ladies we actually carved out some time to learn the cup song and sing karaoke on full volume. The girls showed my a Dua Lipa song I hadn’t heard before, I really liked it. And they wanted to hear My Heart Will Go On. Just imagine blasting the Titanic song and a whole group of teenagers singing along as dramatically as possible.
Manu feeding me with Toffifee while watching a brainless rom-com.
A day trip to Chiemsee with Sash. We were ON A BOAT, had Aperol Spritz in the sunshine right by the lake. Lots of walking, talking, inspecting flowers and eating good food. In the end we went swimming (for the first time this year?). How I had missed the water. Browsing magazines on the train. Talking about hair care and secret dreams. Coffee with ice-cream for dinner.
Making snack berries. Dipping blueberries in Greek yoghurt, rolling them in grated coconut and off to the freezer. A great healthy snack. (But of course I’m also obsessed with actual Raffaellos this month.)
A day at the lake with Verena, Silvia and Nicole. Great picnic lunch, 90’s revival music. Spotting huge fishies underwater. Taking photos of Verena in order to work on some ideas for her back tattoo. Low point: stepping into a bee and the worst sunburn ever.
The Karlsfeld train underpass. Lots of interesting underwater creatures that actually look like vintage illustrations.
Westpark. One of my favourite green spots in Munich. Lunch at Gans am Wasser (veggie seitan kebab), walking over to Rosengarten, ice-cream for dessert. Cycling home. Stopping to pick some flowers.
BBQ with some colleagues. Playing some weird trampoline volleyball game. Chasing Luise (the weiner dog) around. Being the DJ. In the end I sat there with Michi, Laura and Nicole. Drove home with a quite drunk Michi who didn’t stop talking.
A picnic with the kids and their parents to say our final goodbyes. Culinary presents from the parents, a graduation T-shirt from the students. Taking lots of photos, talking until it got dark. On the next day I had to go up on stage for the graduation ceremony. I was super nervous but so glad when it was all over. I went home with arms full of flower, wearing my constellation dress. On the parking lot Nicole and I even had a little fun with a helium balloon.
I went straight home to visit my mum on the last school day so I enjoyed a weekend there. Singing with my mum and my brother, healthy meals, inspecting the garden, making a gorgeous bouquet with some sunflowers I had brought with me and buddleja twigs from the garden. Walking through the neighbourhood with my mother, feeding chickens (my mother is just as crazy as me, the video I made of her talking to the birds is proof), going to the fleamarket (also for the first time this year). Meeting Michi U., Sash, Julia, Lena and Obi at Yvonne’s vegan cafe. Iced almond coffee, two full tables filled with vegan food. Talking to the owner about creative projects. Meeting Catrin and Andi at Brillengalerie (Birkenstock inspiration!).
Learning about resonant breathing, medicinal mushrooms and the psychological origin of illness.
Salt with smoky paprika and lemon-infused olive oil.
Harvesting pea pods on my balcony.
Talking to a body therapist. A morning walk through Schwabing. Treating myself to some Bircher muesli and fresh juice. Walking through some stores I had never been to before. Discovering a mirror gallery. Later some vegetarian sushi, Pho and a massage appointment. Lying in bed with Manu, right in front of the ventilator. Eating sinful cookies'n'cream magnum, talking about sex, health, music, life. Making late-night pizza.
Talking to Franzi on the phone. Reading a graphic novel set in Munich. Great drawings of the city. I loved the interior of Pimpernel club. Really well done.
Meeting Laura at her osteopathy practice for the first time. I really like her. Later it turned out that she’s friends with Becky! Laura taught me how to sit and stand and felt her way into my scoliosis.She has such a soft approach, let’s see how happy I’ll be with that treatment. But I obviously need to join her Cantienica class.
Hardware store, heavy plant transport. Finding a lot of cheap flower pots in the antique store.
Eating my first home-grown tomato. Just a little herbal salt. So nice. You can actually taste the sunshine.
Gute Laune herbal tea. In the middle of summer. With the doors closed to keep the heat out.
This tie-dye idea.
I sat on the balcony when a sudden thump made a tiny little bird fall right in front of me. It had collided with my living room window. Its wing was twisted so I put it right and the bird hopped off, resting in a dark corner, closing its eyes all the time. I looked up how to help and was really sad because the internet warned me that most birds would die a few hours after a collision but after ten minutes the bird hopped onto a twig, some more hopping, and flew off. I really hope you made it, little friend! Have a nice summer!
Watching The Expanse with Lena and Obi. Watermelon-Feta salad with mint. Drinking homemade lemonade, sparkly bloodorange wine and coffee with ice-cream.
An electric blue summer dress.
The Russian-themed Sjöden autumn catalogue.
Taylor Swift and Bon Iver - Exile. Such an incredibly beautiful song.
Making a fantastic Indian eggplant/chickpea curry with coriander, paneer and tofu. Delicious.
And the last crazy thing I need to talk about this month is Becky. She texted me during the graduation ceremony on the last day of the school year and told me that she’d be one of my colleagues from now on!! Crazy. The trio is back together. I met her at our usual Italian restaurant and we talked for hours. So much to catch up on. She is still a person I vibe and click with. However, I’m also a little scared because somehow she represents a chapter of my life I have closed. So she seems a little out of place in this new little corner of the world I have created for myself. But I’m sure it’s gonna turn out great!
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