kvroii · 1 year
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A few sketches for relearning how to draw wolves in a stylized way.
I haven't drawn wolves since 2019, but I have taxidermized a couple of them, and so I have learned much more about the anatomy of wolf heads because of it. Certain features I've had to compromise on for the sake of stylization (particularly the longer jaw, as well as the anthropomorphized eyebrows and eyes) due to the conventions often used for portraying canines, but I have also been sure to note where features important to wolves have been retained (such as the sloped brow rather than an angular one, the longer guard hairs on the back of the neck, and the shape of the ears).
Also, I got to draw an old OC Praun again, although I am sure he is slightly less recognizable without his cloak!
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muxas-world · 7 months
stop using feminine pronouns to talk about the riders they are men not women
Nop 🤗 (I use feminine pronouns to speak all the time, that's how I move through the world it's simply my default language whether you're men, object my own dog is the language I grew up with and it's the one I use ,unless you are obvious a non-binary or trans person or you just don't want me to talk to you like that obviously I'm not stupid or tranfobic and I talk to you however you want but from the the getco that's how I talk) also idk i dont think the riders o el feminismo will die just beacuse I call them my babygirls
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jgthirlwell · 2 years
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Anne Senstad is a multi-disciplinary artist from Norway, who works in sculptural installations examining light, sound, and color. JG Thirlwell has provided the sound environment for many of her pieces.
A new book, Neon Guides Me, chronicles her work, and on Nov 5 2022 there will be an event at The Emily Harvey Foundation in NYC to celebrate the publication. Anne Senstad, JG Thirlwell and  Brooklyn Rail editior Tom McGlyn will have a panel discussion, followed by a video talk with publisher Praun & Guermouche, and a neon installation on view.
The Emily Harvey Foundation, 537 Broadway #2 NYC 10012. The event is from 4pm-6pm and the panel discussion happens at 4.15pm. Free admission.
NEON GUIDES ME includes texts by JG Thirlwell and Patrick Rolandelli, Catherine Christer Hennix, Andres Kurg, Erik Meling, Sanna Karimäki-Nuutinen, Dr Aura Seikkula, Marianne Solberg and Sarah Walko.
Published by Praun & Guermouche 144 pages, hardcover
Edition of 600 ISBN 978-91-527-1427-0
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oldsardens · 1 year
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Clarisse Praun - Untitled
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sardens · 1 year
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Clarisse Praun - Untitled
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naiad-dream-way · 2 years
Ok, so going over the Great Wars (the game) in AllSpark Almanac II and trying to figure out the timeline on the conquering of the Autobot colonies. Only for my own thinking purpose as a time frame.
Like the board game route squares talks about the Decepticons' Takeover Order
Planet V
Beta System
Salvvatan System
Vespa System
They are all clearly labeled as 'Falls' but wondering if Paradron would be a final 'Takeover' as they do mention of suppressing a resistance on that world as a Decepticons win.
Now, there is the Autobots' Planet Hopping Campaign to free colonies. Those with a '*' are those I am not sure if they were official taken over by Decepticons or just was a field of battle to stop attempts from taking over.
and those 'crossout' mean destroy. Guess either Autobots or Decepticons are like if we can't have it, no one will....according with the wiki at this moment in time of my research, Paradron mostly was done by the Autobots
Vespa System
Planet V
Alpha IX*
Salvvatan System
Beta Systems
Now, this is just interesting to look at as knowing how long those confirmed Decepticons-taken colonies were under the Cons' controlled and how they were treated. Were they treated badly? With the board game, only two worlds were mention to have resistances were Paradron and Antilla.
Which were the only two colonies to be destroyed.
Like just interesting to see when the colonies were taken over and seeing where in the timeline they were liberated during the Autobots' planet hopping stuff. Not to mention, just going over the map of the known space and trying to figure out like if there was possible strategy in the takeover and liberating or if they were randomly selected by the show staff.
All I have to do is look up the references and figure out what the colonies were all about if at all possible. Vespa and Paradron seem to be into the Energon business and Velocitron could be just a colony to expand the Autobot Commonwealth and their strenght in the universe.
and which side took care of destroying Antilla.
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schoje · 2 months
Com entrada gratuita, o Festival da Canção de Balneário Camboriú vai movimentar o Teatro Municipal Bruno Nitz de 25 a 27 de novembro. Disputam o evento 30 composições de estilo livre, originais, inéditas e com música e letra em língua portuguesa. O festival, que está na 10ª edição, premia canções de autores maiores de 18 anos e residentes em Santa Catarina. Na quinta-feira passada (11), foi sorteada a ordem de apresentação dos artistas (confira a programação completa no fim do texto). Serão duas semifinais (25 e 26 de novembro) e a final (27 de novembro). Os três primeiros colocados ganharão dinheiro e troféu. Já melhor intérprete, melhor instrumentista e autor da melhor letra receberão troféu. Nos três dias, o festival começa às 20h. A capacidade de público será reduzida em 30% por causa da pandemia. Também deverão ser cumpridas as medidas sanitárias para evitar a disseminação da Covid-19. O evento tem como novidade nesta edição a figura de uma madrinha, que será a cantora Karinah. A artista faz sucesso no país cantando com ícones do samba. Karinah vai se apresentar na final do festival. PROGRAMAÇÃO 25 de novembro, quinta-feira - a partir das 20h Cerimônia de abertura Show de abertura: Laura Schadeck e banda Apresentação de 15 canções classificadas (veja abaixo) Apresentações de dança: Space Dance Studio Julio Leduc – Instrumental Anúncio de cinco canções finalistas 26 de novembro, sexta-feira - a partir das 20h Show de abertura: Maykow Santos - Show Acústico Catarinense Apresentação de 15 canções classificadas (veja abaixo) Apresentação da cantora Marilice Caldat Show de encerramento: Maykow Santos - Show Acústico Catarinense Anúncio de cinco canções finalistas Sorteio da ordem de apresentação das canções finalistas 27 de novembro, sábado - a partir das 20h Final Show de abertura: Banda Maria do Cais Apresentação especial da Madrinha do Festival, Karinah Apresentação das 10 canções finalistas Apresentação de dança: Grupo Charruas Show de encerramento: Banda Maria do Cais Cerimônia de premiação ORDEM DE APRESENTAÇÃO DAS COMPOSIÇÕES CONCORRENTES NAS DUAS SEMIFINAIS Dia 25/11 1. Marcos Kelm Do Nascimento – Baile Do Cola Atada 2. Alberto Damian Montiel – Vento De Luz 3. Laura Tereza Tomasini Schneider – Meu Sonho 4. Maison Jacinto Freitas – Vou Deixar Pra Lá 5. Rafael Bodanese Cogo – Estilo Beija-Flor 6. Gabriel Virtuoso De Oliveira – O Mundo Cabe Em Nossas Mãos 7. Amanda Zaions Cadore – Arrebentação 8. Noemi Da Silva Carvalho – Não É Preciso Ter 9. William Molin – Nós Vamos Vencer 10. Leandro De Oliveira Nakagawa – Quando Isso Tudo Passar 11. Gandhi De Oliveira Martinez – Um Dia Normal 12. Leonardo Schmitt Vieira – Morada De Sonho 13. Bárbara Trelha Oliveira – Cartas De Wether 14. Jorge Heleno Fidélis Pereira – Não Quero Mais Andar Sozinho 15. Augusto Da Silveira – Uma Ilha Dia 26/11 1. Jose Guanaes Sepulveda – Arritmia 2. Mauricio Coldebella – Livianito 3. Roberta Kelly Da Costa Arantes – Mamãe Lavadeira 4. Priscilla Dinah Costa Lourenço – Espelhos 5. Gustavo Dos Santos Merisio – Paz Interior 6. Ricardo Batista Dos Santos – Só Um Estranho 7. Robson Coldebella – Canção Pra Matear Com Deus 8. Elisa Maria Cordeiro – Deusa Música 9. Glenio Marques Pinto – Verso 10. Juan Daniel Isernhagen – Tenho Confiança Na Gente Do Sul 11. Victor Hugo Praun – Poder Do Amor 12. Edegar Soares Rodrigues – Meu Canto 13. Daniel De Miranda – Alguém 14. Moises Peteffi – Malabarista De Primeira 15. Mario Rodrigo Jacinto Freitas – Distopia ___________________ Fundação Cultural de Balneário Camboriú (47) 3267-7011 Diretoria de Comunicação Jornalista: Silvana de Castro Foto: Celso Peixoto/Arquivo PMBC (47) 3267-7022 www.instagram.com/prefeituradebc  FOTOS Fonte: Prefeitura de Balneário Camboriú
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enalamra · 8 months
day 18
thirty facts about myself
1. punya 18 kucing + kucing-kucing teras
2. carat
3. lahir 10 september 1993
4. belum menikah
5. udah s2
6. mantan wartawan
7. bungsu dari empat bersaudara
8. punya ponakan kandung 1 (lebih ke anak sih jatohnya, karena anaknya saudara laki-lakiku).
9. mbti-nya kadang istp, kadang intp
10. dulu ambivert, sekarang lebih ke introvert
11. suka baca
12. suka nonton
13. suka jeonghan
14. suka nyanyi
15. ayahku meninggal waktu aku kelas 2 SMA, ibuku meninggal ketika aku sedang menunggu pengumuman masuk kuliah (beberapa hari sebelum ramadan)
16. susah tidur (tapi lagi usaha memperbaikinya, alhamdulillah berprogres ke lebih baik)
17. dulu ga suka olahraga, tapi sekarang suka
18. dulu ga suka buah dan sayur, tapi sekarang suka
19. suka curhat dan ngobrol ma kucing
20. orang sering ngira ku gugup atau nervous karena tanganku sering tremor (tapi sejak rutin olahraga udah jauh berkurang)
21. berani ke mana-mana sendiri (awalnya karena terpaksa, eh lalu nyaman)
22. kalo lagi banyak yang dipikirin dan ga kelar-kelar mikirinnya, bisa menyebabkan badanku kaku, bisa ampe sejam kakunya
23. suka nulis
24. dulu kalo mendapatkan perlakuan tidak adil atau semena-mena, langsung ku labrak, tapi sekarang udah enggak gitu banget wkwk
25. geng asam lambung, pernah masuk ugd gara-gara tiap hari hampir dua minggu minum kopi terus dan banyak yang dikhawatirin. sekarang sejak if lagi, udah ga ada kambuh lagi asam lambungnya karena makan udah terjadwal dan jenisnya udah jauh lebih aman buat perutku. dan sekarang pikiran udah lumayan tertata, udah makin kenal diri sendiri.
26. pernah denial dan depresi karena ga terima ayahku meninggal, pulihnya ketika ibuku nyusul ayahku, sebuah ironi memang
27. orangnya gampang bosan, tapi bosannya terstruktur kok wkwk
28. punya trauma masa kecil yang kebawa ampe sekarang
29. kata orang, aku tu moody-an, setali tiga uang kayaknya sama poin 27
30. orangnya on time, seumur hidup cuma pernah telat satu kali pas lagi UN (ntah PRAUN, lupa persisnya, pokoknya ujian nasional) SMA, karena ku tinggal sendiri di rumah (ayahku udah meninggal, ibuku sakit dan tinggal di rumah angah, kakak-kakakku semuanya di padang kuliah), trus malamnya kayaknya ga tidur, kayaknya jelang pagi ketiduran, baru bangun udah mau pukul 8, buru-buru solat subuh ganti baju sekolah (ga mandi), waktu itu bahkan pintu rumah ga aku kunci... kupikir orang-orang ga tau kalo aku belum mandi, eh taunya besokannya temanku bilang "pasti kemarin ga mandi kan?" trus ku dengan polosnya nanya balik "kok tau?", trus kata temanku karena kelihatan belum mandinya. entah sekacau apa penampilanku waktu itu.
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adzizi · 2 years
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Marinated Jelly Fish with Thai Sauce Praun Salad with Mixed Fruit and Mayo Deep Fried Pandan Chicken Deep Fried Yam Roll #foodporn #sedapgiler #fyp #MYfoodie #fypsarawak #menurahmah #hotelfood #dinner #malaysianfood (at Pullman Kuching) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoxH2BNvdTu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mariacallous · 2 years
After almost a year of total Russian diplomatic isolation in the West, the Austrian government is poised to issue a limited number of visas to Russian parliamentarians to allow them to attend a key meeting at an international security forum later this month, a spokesperson for the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Antonia Praun, confirmed to Foreign Policy.
Austrian officials have insisted that, as host to the headquarters of the Organization for Security and Corporation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna, they are legally obligated to issue visas to the Russian delegation. But the decision has already sparked immediate blowback from some OSCE members, with Lithuanian delegates vowing to boycott the meeting and seeking to rally other countries to do the same. Russian parliamentarians were barred from attending OSCE gatherings in Poland and the United Kingdom last year.
Laurynas Kasciunas, a member of the Lithuanian delegation, said they have made up their mind “99 percent” not to attend the meeting and would raise the issue with their neighbors in Northern Europe at a meeting of the Nordic-Baltic Eight grouping later this week. Radoslaw Fogiel, chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Polish Parliament, who is a member of the country’s delegation to the OSCE, said “all options are on the table” as to whether the country would boycott the upcoming meeting. “It’s the matter of political will, it’s the matter of integrity, it’s the matter of morality,” he said of Austria’s decision.
The Ukrainian parliamentary delegation will travel to Vienna to hold meetings on the sidelines of the gathering with their counterparts from North America and Europe, but it will not attend any of the assembly meetings in light of Russia’s attendance, said Yevheniia Kravchuk, an alternate member of the Ukrainian delegation.
The diplomatic row reflects a broader debate in Western capitals on how—or even whether—to keep channels of communication open with Russia after its invasion of Ukraine almost one year ago. Some European countries have booted Russian ambassadors out of their country, whereas others have called on powers beyond Europe to join a full diplomatic boycott of Moscow in a far-reaching campaign to turn Russian President Vladimir Putin into an international pariah.
Like the organization’s other 56 member states, Russia has a permanent mission to the OSCE in Vienna. The country’s parliamentary delegation, which consists of sitting members of the Russian parliament, is subject to sanctions by the European Union for supporting the war and Russia’s recognition of the independence of two Ukrainian regions in Donetsk and Luhansk.
Those opposed to Russia’s participation in the summit fear that it would give Moscow a platform to advance its own distorted narrative about the conflict. This OSCE winter meeting is to be held in the Austrian capital on Feb. 23 and Feb. 24—the one-year anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Zygimantas Pavilionis—chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Lithuanian parliament, who is not part of the country’s delegation to the OSCE—cautioned in an interview that inviting the Russian members of parliament would “serve Russian propaganda” and “allow them to create an image that the West is returning to business as usual.”
On Monday, the Ukrainian parliament adopted a resolution calling on the OSCE to expel Russia entirely from the body and to deny visas to Russian delegates. “To me, the OSCE is dead. It didn’t protect us,” said Oleksandr Merezhko, chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Ukrainian parliament.
A media advisory provided to Foreign Policy by the Austrian Embassy to the United States stated that Austria, as host to the headquarters of the OSCE, is legally obligated to issue visas to delegations from participating countries to attend meetings and therefore does not have the discretionary power used by other states to deny visas to Russian parliamentarians. “The procedure is no different to the one followed by other seat countries of international organizations, e.g. Swiss authorities granting access to United Nations grounds to UN Member State representatives,” the note added.
Many Western countries have pushed to completely alienate Russia on the world stage over its invasion of Ukraine last year, a conflict that has killed more than 7,000 people and sparked the worst refugee crisis in Europe since World War II as over 8 million people have fled the country. Parliamentarians from 20 countries sent a letter to the Austrian government, urging them to bar the Russian delegation from attending the meeting, the Agence France-Presse reported last week.
Russia has pushed back on past efforts to disinvite top officials by OSCE members. After the Polish foreign ministry notified Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov that he wasn’t welcome at a meeting late last year in Lodz, Maria Zakharova, the ministry’s top spokesperson, accused the body of trying to strong-arm European security. Poland insisted Lavrov could not attend because he is under U.S. and European sanctions.
Austria’s top diplomat criticized the decision by Poland. “Representatives of all states should be granted access to high-level meetings like the one today. Let us not destroy this unique platform that used to be our collective answer to the tensions of the Cold War and the deep divisions between East and West,” Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg said in December 2022.
Poland declined to issue visas to attend the OSCE meeting in Lodz in December 2022 while the United Kingdom barred Russia from attending the organization’s annual meeting in June of that year, citing sanctions imposed by London in the wake of the invasion.
But even as Russia’s standing in the OSCE has been questioned, Russian delegates have been successful in trying to foil some of the organization’s top initiatives. The OSCE’s annual ministerial meeting in Poland in December last year failed to adopt any decisions, including a $143 million budget proposal, which Armenian and Azerbaijani representatives agreed to block alongside Russia, depriving more than a dozen peacekeeping missions in Europe and Central Asia of funding.
And more hawkish European countries see Vienna as part of the problem. Despite recently expelling Russian diplomats from the country, Austria—long a militarily neutral country—has enjoyed closer relations with the Kremlin than most of Europe since Putin ordered the full-scale invasion of Ukraine last February. In April 2022, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer became the first European leader to visit Putin in Russia since the attack, calling for an end to the war.
Outside of the United Nations, the OSCE is one of the last international institutions that both Western countries and Russia belong to. Before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it played an outsized role in monitoring the contact lines in eastern Ukraine following Russia’s initial invasion of Ukraine and illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014.
And unlike the American congressional delegation, which will include a mix of defenders of the Biden administration’s approach to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and Republican critics of the White House, former officials expect the Russian Duma delegation to serve as a Kremlin mouthpiece.
“I think there will be little value in having Russian Duma members present. They aren’t legitimately elected in their own country, and we can predict exactly what they will say,” said Dan Baer, a former U.S. ambassador to the OSCE during the Obama administration who is now the vice president for policy research at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a Washington think tank.
“Unlike the U.S. delegation, which includes Republicans and Democrats, some members of which will probably be at a different position than the U.S. government, there’s no need for the Russian Duma members to come because there’s already a Russian delegation that’s bound to the official line in Vienna.”
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myanhedonia · 2 years
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noir - A Serendipitous Encyclopedia Inspired by 1001 Names for the Color Black by Sandra Praun ISBN-13: 978-91-985244-0-6
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artandglobalization · 2 years
Mika Rottenberg's Tropical Breeze (2008) stars champion bodybuilder Heather Foster, driving a truck that simultaneously acts as the site of production for packaged, sweat-soaked tissues. As the sun beams down into the truck's windshield, Heather sips at a lemon-flavored energy drink and dabs at her face and neck with tissues before handing them off to an acrobatic woman in the back through a makeshift clothesline device. The woman then presses these tissues into neat squares and packages them up in a box before grabbing unused tissues (with her feet), sticking them onto the clothesline with gum, and reeling them back up to the front. At the end of the video they pass by and wave at a man jogging completely naked. On the same road, a woman with a parrot pushes a cart equipped with the bottles of pills that can be seen on the dashboard of the truck earlier in the video - made for "[hammering] cloudiness away."
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These lemon-scented moist tissues (branded with the name "Tropical Breeze," stacked behind the woman in the back of the truck) are both produced and delivered by the same two women in the same truck; they are involved in every stage of its life as commodity. This odd two-person assembly line, punctuated by garish pop-up ads throughout the video, comment on the processes of making, moving, packing, and distributing that commonly constitute global commercial trading (Praun 2013).
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At the Magasin III Museum for Contemporary Art (Stockholm), the video was enclosed in a replica of an emptied shipping container surrounded by an overwhelming excess of the product, boxes stacked high against the walls. These small spaces, both in the context of the gallery and within the video of Tropical Breeze itself, speak to the invisible quality of women who often play integral roles in the mass production industry throughout the world.
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maestromediacoid · 2 years
Perahu Layar Gamelan Viral Tiktok Cipt. Ki Narto Sabdo Arr. Digital Mantra Yo konco ning nggisik gembiro Anglerap-lerap banyune segoro Angliyak numpak prau layar Ing dino minggu keh pariwisoto Alon praune wis nengah Byak byuk byak banyu pinelah Ora jemu-jemu karo mesem ngguyu Ngilangake roso lungkrah lesu Adik njawil mas… Jebul wis sore Witing kalopo katon ngawe-awe Prayogane becik balik…
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phlegmaphoto · 2 years
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jenniedavis · 3 years
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slack-wise · 3 years
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Bärbel Praun
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