#ppl: amita suman.
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maggotssmichael · 2 years ago
kanej is locklyle coded. locklyle is not kanej coded. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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furiousfinnstan · 1 year ago
list of ppl I need to kidnap a la bowser with princess peach:
jaz sinclair,london thor,ayo edebiri,(censored name of a beloved mutual)derek luh,simone ashley,freddy carter,amita suman,(censored name of another beloved mutual)-
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fleetwoodmar · 3 years ago
amita suman gif pack !
click HERE to find #103 gifs of amita suman in daughter (2019). all gifs were made by me from scratch. if you want to make them into gif icons, you can as long as you credit me by @’ing me and don’t make them smaller than 100px. don’t claim as your own. don’t use these in smut threads or for taboo plots. feel free to give this a like or reblog if you found this useful, and enjoy! content warning: alcohol consumption, smoking, flashing lights, rough handling of her character, pda.
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desidarling123 · 4 years ago
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AU: In which Inej Ghafa is the Sun Summoner of legend, and Kaz Brekker is the thief who kidnaps her from the Little Palace for a million kruge. As it turns out, the Saint has more than just light at her disposal, and the Darkling, furious at having been so easily outmatched, is right on their heels. It's nothing Kaz can't deal with... until, of course, it is.
For @kanejweek: Day 1: Gods & Saints
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yennefersbody · 4 years ago
ok can we stop talking about the stunt double now like can ppl leave amita alone i doubt she wants or needs a militia of tumblr liberals speaking for her or harassing her and her friends also she’s doing ysl photoshoots i think she’s fine <333
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hoziersong · 4 years ago
lol sorry for barging in but didn't you say you're SO bi because you'll look at amita and then look at Freddy and go aknzhskzhdhdj
well here I am to torture you
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I'll admit
even I go aksbksnshsj
bye fellow key-smasher, just know I feel ya [double fingered wave]
[and exit]
plssss this is not good for my sanity. and really tho. i am SOOOO bi. ksndnhdnfjd
i just can't believe they are sooo? amazingly beautiful? is that possible?
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lexi-howards · 4 years ago
if i see one more white person say that there’s nothing wrong with the amita situation-
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Watched SHADOW AND BONE and ohmygod the show was way better than I expected.
One of the best book adaptations to exist.
And the best part? - They removed a lot of sexist clichés from the books and replaced/ changed it w something better. One of them being The Darkling asking Alina for sexual consent.
Also they made Mal somehow likeable in the show.!? I did not like him in the books, can't say that I hated him but he was def annoying.
And don't even get me started on the Darklina scenes, like saints the chemistry!🥵
Ik the Darkling is the bad guy but I still hope for a Darklina endgame. The thing is, when I read the books, the chemistry seemed real and much more passionate between Darklina, though he was the Evil bad guy I still hoped that he might get an redemption arc, but unfortunately he didn't and my hopes were crushed. And a lot of ppl wanted Darklina endgame, and because of how the Darkling's storyline was going in the books, a lot of audience didn't want to continue reading the books, I hope it doesn't happen for the show tho.
In the show, the Darkling is not evil as he was in the books, yet.
And I just truly wish that Netflix and the writers listen to the audience and give him a substantial redemption arc. Malina is sweet but c'mon Darklina is superior, gorgeous, passionate and powerful.
Can Netflix just renew this show for like 10 seasons already!
Also Kaz and Inej ohmygod, I died, dead, literally.
Jesper and Milo carried the show damn.
Genya, Zoya, Marie, Nadia, Baghra, Nina, Ivan, Fedyor were all so perfectly casted.
Amazing, brilliant, gorgeous, breathtaking cast.
The visuals, casting, direction, lgbtq characters, writers, poc and Asian actors -- INCREDIBLE, one of the few Netflix shows which fulfilled my expectations.
Also totally crushing on Amita Suman, the woman is breathtaking. And Ben Barnes that man definitely has my whole heart. Jessie, Archie and Freddy etc, like this cast makes me question my sexuality.
Tbh this show is so good that I can't believe that it's a Netflix production.
Fingers still crossed for a Darkling redemption arc and Darklina endgame.
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lvciddreamt · 4 years ago
♡ new test muses !
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tara lohani — amita suman fc . a disciplined, dedicated student with a wild side she keeps well hidden from most ppl . bisexual , 21-24.
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zella richards — savannah smith fc . deeply repressed ballerina with helicopter parents . new money w/ airs , thinks she’s the best bc she is . ruthless . bisexual (strong female preference) , 20-26. 
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lydia barker — olivia welch fc . raised in a cult-like religious community in rural idaho , escaped when her family tried to force her into an arranged marriage . now attends college on the coast . lesbian , 20-24. 
pls like/comment on this post or im me if you want to plot w them ✨ 
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helshades · 4 years ago
what u are not gonna do is act like its not racist for someone to be painted brown. contrary to ur beliefs, it is in fact possible to find desi people who can do stunts. the reason why u think it’s “not possible” is because ppl dont want to hire poc . please. for the love of god. own up. to ur mistakes.
I have no idea where you saw that I believed it impossible to find non-White stuntwomen??
Anyhow. I don't know if you realise that stuntpeople are chosen for their skills and their build, which should match the actors they'll double as closely as possible, and then likeliness is encouraged using wigs, padding if need be, and, yes, make-up. It should cost a lot less if you don't have to rectify certain things digitally in post-production because the actor and his stunt double, even within a same ethnicity, didn't have the same shade of skin.
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The stuntwoman for Amita Suman is named Vellai Krisztina. She is Hungarian, like the woman who performed lead actress Jessie Mei Li's most daring stunts, Eva Harangozó, also a White person—I'm sure Internet's bravest and most righteous antiracists will have a few kinds words for her as well.
Technically speaking, Inej Ghafa belongs to no ethnicity known to our reality, but Amita Suman is a Nepal-born English actress who grew up speaking Bhojpuri—so if we were actually following your rules she should have been played by a fellow Anglo-Nepalese, no? Is it not a tad insensitive to consider all 'brown' people, even considering only Desi people, as pretty much interchangeable, then?
It's not entirely unlikely that in Eastern Europe where they filmed the series, the producers were introduced to a large number of White people to double and perform stunts for their actors. Things might have been different if they hired Brits instead, but it's not a bad thing that they sought to hire locally (which they did for practical reasons but it shouldn't harm local economy), either.
All this being said... 1) This won't do any harm to the representation of 'brown' women on television since stuntmen aren't meant to be actually seen; 2) it doesn't come in the way of telling 'brown people' stories since stuntmen aren't there to pen anything but only to execute dangerous or tricky moves in the place of actors; 3) NOTHING may justify the amount of hatred the aforementioned stuntwoman is receiving for doing her job. If anyone is responsible for this, it has to be the producers. Full stop.
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stars-and-scripts · 4 years ago
17, 29, 46!
hi nonnie!
17. Do you have a crush?
I dooooo :( on a guy this time but it kinda sucks bc i know hes into someone else lmao. but i am also perpetually in love with like 60% of the main s&b cast (mainly bbarnes, jml, amita suman, freddy carter, kit y- ok this list is too long i have a problem)
29. What are your hobbies?
Poetry!!! (ppl on desktop peep the feather icon under my blog’s search bar 👀) I also make jewelry sometimes. and reading ofc
46. The most dangerous thing you’ve done
Hmmm this is a hard one since I don’t really do wild stuff lmao, but it would either be the time some friends and i snuck into this abandoned basement at ucsb that ppl said were haunted, or the time some friends and climbed on top of the roofs at my old school and then got chased by cops
tysm for the ask!!!
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augustgf · 4 years ago
bestie did u know that netflix got a white stunt double for amita suman and they (the stunt double) were in brownface while doing the scenes 😐 i rlly thought this is the one show i could applaud netflix for but 😐
i did see it and it's so 😐😐 i also thought of the writers group shot they posted w a group of all white ppl and like ?? yeah 😐
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desidarling123 · 4 years ago
PSA: Stop Silencing POC On Issues That Concern Them
Hopefully this is the last time I post wrt to this dumb issue BUT --
I had wanted to share a link to a TikTok I found yesterday where an actual desi stuntwoman weighed in on the whole controversy.
The TDLR; of her video reiterated a lot in what I said in my earlier post about it -- namely, that yes, Netflix should have picked a brown double, but as a stuntwoman who had seen projects go wrong before, she was not personally offended by the choice at all.
She said she wasn't necessarily up in arms about it because TV shooting moves fast, the skillset required for the scene was extremely specialized, and the topmost priority is always safety. She'd seen a highly skilled stunt person get taken away in an ambulance before -- the way she saw it, Netflix likely made the decision to get a person most suited for the stunts at hand.
Why can I not post the actual video now? Because she appears to have since deleted the video.
When I had copied the link, the comments below the video had started attracting some, hmmm, negative attention from the white saviors of fandom.
I would surmise to say that she deleted for her own safety, and to avoid harassment. And that's tremendously fucked up.
Y'all insist you want to hear from POC -- until POC say things that don't fit whatever clean, black-and-white narrative you wanna put out. You actively silence them, but still want a pat on the back when you pretend to "advocate" for them for performative, woke points.
Newsflash: if the only way you'll listen to a POC is when they weigh in on an issue exactly the way you want them to, all so you can feel better about yourself, then consider re-assessing your priorities. The above goes for both white and non-desi POC who have been weighing in, although I've seen a bit less of it from the latter.
The folks who are affected by this particular controversy do not all share a single, universal opinion. Nuance shouldn't scare you. If it does, then do us all a favor and stop trying to speak on everyone's behalf. Thanks.
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desidarling123 · 4 years ago
So. Eric posted to Reddit, soundly condemned what happened, apologized to Amita and promised changes going forward.
People can feel free to nitpick his response to take the most unforgiving interpretations of it if they'd like, but as a desi woman I, personally, never wanna hear the phrase 'Amita Suman's stunt double' or 'brownface' ever again.
Also -- and this is directed both at desi ppl and the non-desi people who clambered onto this issue to get the performative activism brownie points -- if you took this debacle as an opportunity to hurl racist and/or queerphobic slurs or messages at Jessie Mei Li or anyone else who dared to voice a dissenting opinion (often including other desi folks)-- shame on you.
Being desi and being upset about this issue doesn't given you a free pass to be racist/sexist/queerphobic/generally a condescending asshole to anyone else. Some of the stuff I heard was floating around Twitter made me physically sick. Do better.
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