#ppl crawling through vents to see hc
revehae · 15 days
we need to kill everyone at sm entertainment
#you know how i said i didnt want to elaborate on RJ’s bbl messages#because i would go on a tangent about how sm doesn’t protect their artists#yeah well imagine how i felt when i saw them made him apologize for that stupid ass shit#like really making your artist seem like the bad guy when he has psycho bitches invading his privacy#for 2 seconds of attention#not even positive attention btw#like can you imagine getting calls from random crazy bitches when you’re just trying to live your life#ppl who aren’t supposed to have your number#freaky ass fuck#but no they dont gaf how that makes him feel#they aren’t even imagining it#brainless fucking cunts#and even worse the company you’re under is doing bare minimum if even that to keep you safe#or to even make you feel some semblance of safety#like genuinely evil as fuck#it doesn’t even end with that#ppl crawling through vents to see hc#breaking into his fucking house like maniacs#like bitch are you out of your rabid ass fucking mind#company taking forever to address hc/jn’s scandal#which was false btw#and you have their unintelligent fucking fans believing the shit immediately and throwing photocards out like they killed someones mother#over something they couldnt even wait to see was true or not#bc if it’s in a headline it must be true right#wrong#but that’s an entirely different issue#honestly all of this just goes back to how kpop companies market their artists as like minimum 5 sublevels below human#not just sm#which is really stupid like you’re grown as fuck shivering shaking throwing up at the IDEA of your idol getting pussy#like he’s grown asfk
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electraslight · 2 years
omniverse future hcs?
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sure!! i also did a mini redesign for fun. no gwen redesign though shes perfect
-gwen and ben see marriage the opposite way. gwen thinks its a waste and ben asks all of his friends to marry him no contest bc he likes the idea of being soulbonded or whatever. he and kevin got drunk and got married on an asteroid 5000 light years from earth and its completely null on earth but they still framed their certificate in the living room…. Their commitment to the bit will die when they die
-devlin is consistently grounded 24/7 for things ranging from unplugging bens life support to plug in his ds to waiting untill everyone leaves the house to turn on the fuckcrazy security systems and watch as his family tires to get in. he doesnt think hes being bad he didnt notice the cord was connected to the life support and he just wanted his family to practice breaking in , but he gets grounded anyway bc he needs to be taught a lesson. kenny is less usually grounded but thats bc hes better at hiding things, devlin just LOVES telling people information so he usually just tells on himself.
-i hate that in omniverse kevin joined the orginization that tortured him and kids as little as 6 years old so hes a househusband, he occasionally goes on missions and does work on vehicles but since ben is richer than god he can do whatever he wants basically. hes so happy he decorates the house head to toe for even the most minor of holidays and picks up the kids from school every afternoon. this is like the ulitmate outcome of his life for him. hes wearing the rooters suit in the pic bc even though hes forty now its still his only form of battle gear.
-gwen 'works' at friedkin university (crawls through the vents to get into her office bc the board of directors didnt like that she started chasing around her failing computer science students with hammers)she and albedo, who is a theater teacher, have the ultimate haterivalry. fuck the office but there like dwight and jim from the office. Gwen puts his stapler in jello.
-ben is overly friendly w most children and has a hard time being the mature adult in situations, but as kenny and devlin get older he gets better at being more authoritative. the only one in the family that can be strict is gwen, but shes scared she'll end up as controlling as her own mother so she lays off most of the time. kevin is terrified of repeating the same mistakes his father figures did to him so hes extremely careful with the kids (it helps that kevin is naturally very good w small children and animals but it doesnt rlly help that hes very childish at times and can anger easily. whenever he gets mad he just leaves the room as fast as possible so he never loses control)
-gwen and ben were kind of ambivalent to the idea of having kids until kevin broached the topic and he seemed so excited and enthusiastic abt it they immediatly changed their minds, which is rare for ben bc he doesnt usually rlly do things for other people, but combined w their shared history and the fact that even though hes not good at putting it into actions he still wants to make the ppl he loves happy, he offered to surrogate.
- over time gwen cares less and less abt passing as a human woman. She grows taller and taller as she gets older (by the time shes 35 shes taller than kevin) and she stops padding body fat/ tucking. The older she gets the more she delves into the uncanny valley
-kevin gets his horns at 50 because hes half osmosian, fullfilling the Kevin Bald prophecy
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