#company taking forever to address hc/jn’s scandal
revehae · 15 days
we need to kill everyone at sm entertainment
#you know how i said i didnt want to elaborate on RJ’s bbl messages#because i would go on a tangent about how sm doesn’t protect their artists#yeah well imagine how i felt when i saw them made him apologize for that stupid ass shit#like really making your artist seem like the bad guy when he has psycho bitches invading his privacy#for 2 seconds of attention#not even positive attention btw#like can you imagine getting calls from random crazy bitches when you’re just trying to live your life#ppl who aren’t supposed to have your number#freaky ass fuck#but no they dont gaf how that makes him feel#they aren’t even imagining it#brainless fucking cunts#and even worse the company you’re under is doing bare minimum if even that to keep you safe#or to even make you feel some semblance of safety#like genuinely evil as fuck#it doesn’t even end with that#ppl crawling through vents to see hc#breaking into his fucking house like maniacs#like bitch are you out of your rabid ass fucking mind#company taking forever to address hc/jn’s scandal#which was false btw#and you have their unintelligent fucking fans believing the shit immediately and throwing photocards out like they killed someones mother#over something they couldnt even wait to see was true or not#bc if it’s in a headline it must be true right#wrong#but that’s an entirely different issue#honestly all of this just goes back to how kpop companies market their artists as like minimum 5 sublevels below human#not just sm#which is really stupid like you’re grown as fuck shivering shaking throwing up at the IDEA of your idol getting pussy#like he’s grown asfk
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