#ppl are hard so. made them kitties
psythril · 2 years
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lunarcrown · 4 months
can we see all of your tattoos? :0
I FINALLY TOOK PICS!!!! I actually don’t have a TON of tattoos compared to my peers but I have a nice chunk! I’m just slow at getting tattooed bc I’m always working so I get like MAYBE two a year 😂
ANYWAYS!!! Ok so my legs: butterfly, demon goat girl, caterpillar, bill cipher (a SUPER OLD ONE), Minecraft block, and blue three eyed cat are all by me on me HAHA
I’ve made myself quit tattooing myself so I can get OTHER people’s art on me, but I wanted to tattoo my own shins just in case it was too terrible to continue with someone else (it’s not actually that bad!!!), and the other things like the Minecraft block were just so I could have complete control of it when it meant so much to me. The three eyed cat is actually my first “official” tattoo on skin I did as an apprentice! (Bill was a sneaky stick and poke I did in college OTL)
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Creeper is from a friend/fellow tattoo artist who I trade tattoos with a bunch (but we still pay each other bc BILLS…), party dragon was from a dragon tattoo trade, worm on a string was from a friend who’s apprenticeship started same time as mine, pink axolotl is from my coworker who is sooooo freakin cool….i aspire to be like her so much…. And anime eyes heart gal is from a super cool friend that I went to college with! We reunited when I started tattooing and got a lot of laughs on how long it took to get our degrees and now we aren’t even “using” them HAHSG
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Rest of the ones on my legs!!
Mob is from the same buddy that did the creeper and another one you’ll see in a sec, the kitties are from ANOTHER pal who started apprenticing same time as me! They’re actually arranged to be a subtle ⚢ sign bc IM A HOMOSEXUALLLLL~~ the symbol beneath these is the ol symbol from gravity falls that I ALSO stick and poked in college YEP…. Love Bug and the firefly are by a buddy from Virginia! One day I’m gonna get a “mean” version of love bug on my other thigh and it’s gonna say “bug off” 🤩 and the colorful leopard is from ANOTHER buddy trade that I did with a very cool friend!!
And finally MY ARMS!!!!
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I have even less up here because getting arm tattoos makes it hard to work pfft….
I LOVE canti from OG FLCL (I love robots with sick designs so much…) and I love the show as well (introducing me to the Pillows was so PIVOTAL…) so I have him not once but TWICE form different ppl. The one with the flowers was from my mentor who turned out to be a sucky person so BOOO but I still love the tattoo~ the claptrap and OTHER canti are from a neat guy that I LOOOVE his style but his shop is sooo traditional and it’s lowkey uncomfortable even though he’s nice so idk if I’ll go back for a third. The Grievous is from the same buddy that did the creeper and mob!!! It’s so cool too bc my freckles make HIM have freckles and it’s adorable to me. And finally my VERY first tattoo I ever got, the big ufo abducting a pumpkin!!
This was done by Kelly McGrath in North Carolina and she was so sosososo sweet, gave me free prints, let me video call some of it to my family because we were VERY very far away from each other, AND I got to tell her years and years later that she inspired me so much that I became a tattoo artist myself!! And I even got to ask her a question or two and she responded so nice :,,)
SO YEAH I don’t have much rhyme or reason to my picks besides preferring color tattoos to be the majority, but my goal now is to collect tattoos from some very cool people and take my time filling up my body with art!! Eventually I would like to extend to my hands (palms included) and feet (JUST THE TOP I AM NOT DOING MY SOLES), neck, body, and maybe a few on my face near the outer perimeter/outer corner of eyes/above eyebrows! But that’ll probably be way off bc I work a LOT like I said at the beginning! Always the tattooer, never the tattooed HAHA
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HI HIIII i love ur inanimate insanity kitties sm they made my DAY AHH!!!! I'm so curious abut ur lore ideas for them :) Particularly id love to hear about meeple!!! << definitely not a meeple fan. As well as ur take on 4s maybe? No pressure, I'm just very curious!!! :D ur little ii x wc combo is just so cool 2 me
Heres 4s! Aka Ruby-Red
This name was assigned by the scientists in relation to Lapis-Blue his assigned sibling
I feel like his warrior name wouldve been like Redwood or smth
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Below is more talk on lore stuff i kinda have figured out sorry its not alot
wanna keep this short and sweet since honestly i dont have very much to go off abt the whole lore in general, im also kinda just allowing the new episodes to come along and play itself out for me so ill probably start lore building to make it more wc adjacent when S2 of ii is over just so im not all over the place
For now, i base Meeple kinda on a made up factory/hospital to run 'scientific' tests by... real 'scientists', with cobs being kinda like their mascot + main cat in charge
Meanwhile cats like Lapis-Blue and Ruby-Red (Mephone4 and 4s) are the lab rats they turn into android feline monsters to make money off of from billionares secretly! Very illegal and dangerous! Cobs meanwhile has the cats scoping out and scavenging the city for metals and other scraps, while also trying to stay hidden in the shadows as best as possible, cobs kinda has his own personal thing going on ill probably talk about another day if ppl are interested enough but he uses these cats to an advantage since they see him as a god basically
Since Meeple is kiiinda hard to like make more warrior cat related given its LITERALLY Apple, I also went A LOT off inspirations such as Felidae and 'Putting the Dog to sleep' pmv which means a lottttt of surgery, yes sory mephones gets surgery and probably lobotomized daily
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little-cereal-draws · 8 months
Button House Dog Rescue au
Alison and Mike get the house and the land like in the show but instead of an event hall, they get involved with the local shelter and turn it into a dog rescue. All the ghosts are dogs that they foster/unofficially adopt
Robin (wolfhound): He's been there the longest. He was given up as a puppy for reasons unknown; his owner didn't specify. He was the first dog that they rescued and even tho they tried their best, they still messed up a lot. He doesn't hold it against them tho, he loves them. He's made a lot of friends over the years but they've all been adopted out; no one wants him because of his size so he's been unofficially adopted by the Coopers and he's 100% fine with that. When he sits by the fire and they scratch his belly or behind his ears, he doesn't need another family
Humprey (golden retriever): He used to belong to a rich family but got out one day and was hit by a car. The accident left him unable to move anything but his head and even tho the family was distraught, they opted to put him down. Alison came in at the very last second insisting that she could help him and she did. It's took many years of physical therapy, learning to use mobility aids, and different meds but he can get around relatively easily now. He still opts to sleep in the sun most of the day tho and only occasionally romps around the garden w his friends. He's Mike's favorite bc Mike likes to squish his face. Mike's his favorite because he gives him way too many treats
Mary (dalmatian): She lived with a family but the house caught fire one night. She was able to escape (as were the ppl, dw) but ran the wrong way and got terribly lost in the dark. She had no tag or identification so she was taken to the shelter. She's got terrible anxiety and was constantly trembling when they first got her so Alison bought her one of those compress vests that acts like a weighted blanket. It was hard to get it on her the first time because she would shy away from any move they made but now she insists to have it on 24/7. Since getting to Button House, she's gone from skittish and hiding from everything to fairly confident. Alison believes it's from socializing with the new friends she's made
Kitty (pomeranian): She was given as a birthday present to a rich girl when she was a puppy. The girl wasn't very nice to her however and used her more as a doll she could jerk around than a living being. She would yell at her a lot too for natural puppy behavior (ex: not coming already housebroken, chewing things, making messes, etc) After a year or so, one of the neighbors finally had enough and was able to take her away. Unfortunately, they were unable to foster her so she ended up at Button House. She's still incredibly sweet, outgoing and loves to run and play with the big dogs. Even tho she can't keep up at the start, she always ends up running circles around them thanks to her unlimited energy when they tire out. When she's not doing that, she's "helping" Alison and tripping her up while she tries to work
Thomas (shetland sheepdog): He also belonged to a well-off family that he loved very dearly but got lost. He's convinced they're going to find him one day even tho it's been years at this point. The other dogs feel bad that he still believes this but they don't tell him. When he got to Button House, he latched onto Alison as his new family --or his temporary family since he's only going to be here a short while-- and follows her everywhere now. Definitely has separation anxiety due to his getting separated from his first family and freaks out whenever he can't see her. He'll cry when she shuts the door to the bathroom or her bedroom. He tries every night to sleep in her bed but the Coopers have a strict rule about no dogs in the bedroom so he never succeeds. Instead he lays right outside the door in the hallway and cries himself to sleep each night. It used to hurt Alison's heart but she's used to it now; she can't let him in bc once she does, everybody will want to come in
Fanny (chihuahua): She's white, pretty fluffy, and has magnificent floofs on her ears. She was given up by her family for being "too aggressive." They had several small kids and didn't do their research before getting her. The Coopers were a bit nervous at first but quickly learned she was all bark and no bite. Now she's Alison's lap dog and even tho she's perfectly capable of walking, she likes to be carried places. She's too old to want to play with the other dogs so instead she sits in Alison's lap and watches. She'll bark her head off at them but never goes to join the game. Alison thinks it's quite funny that when it's one on one, she can cow all the big dogs, including Robin, into doing what she wants
The Captain (german shepherd): He's a retired military dog that was unable to find a home because he didn't adjust to civilian life very well. He was never actually in a war tho, he stayed domestic and helped more with bomb sniffing. He was retired bc he was getting old and had a lot of health complications in his hips/joints. He's enjoying it much more at Button House with the other dogs than the few families he went to before and is slowly learning how to relax/be a dog. But because of his health problems, he can't play for very long before he has to lay down (this makes Kitty very sad). Mike's scared of him; he was nervous at the start because he assumed as an army dog he would be aggressive, but his fear got cemented one time they were out on a walk and there was a squirrel. The Captain lunged for it and pulled Mike face first into the mud. Mike swears he almost dislocated his shoulder but Alison isn't sure
Pat (corgi): He was given up by a suburban family who underestimated how much space and exercise he would need. Their yard wasn't big enough and he was either laying around the house all day depressed or ripping up the furniture to entertain himself. It was a very tearful goodbye when they dropped him off but the Coopers assured them he would be in good hands. He was very upset when they didn't come back after a few days but he's gotten used to it now. He loves running around in the big field and all the new friends he's made. He's Alison's favorite because he actually listens to her. She was surprised by how many words he knew and now puts his herding skills to use almost every day. "Pat, can you get everyone in the car?" "Pat, can you get everyone to the bath?" "Pat, can you get everyone for dinner?" He's very good at it and make's sure no one's left behind (even Mike)
Julian (weimaraner): He was adopted by a politician as a publicity stunt when he was a puppy. As he grew up, he was absolutely spoiled and occasionally got to go to events/parties. His owner liked to take pictures of him and post them on social media to get voters' attention so quite a large number of people knew who he was. As he got older tho, the posts stopped getting as many likes and a new puppy was adopted. Before he knew what was happening, he was left at Button House. There was quite an adjustment period as he got used to not fancy food, having to share, and all that but he's loving it now. He's Alison's least favorite because he's so crafty and always up to trouble. When he teams up with Robin, the two of them can easily break into the pantry and eat as much ppl food as they like. Alison's started locking it but somehow they're still getting in. It remains the most infuriating mystery of Alison's life
The plague ghosts: they are quite a few different breeds that were rescued from a very unethical puppy mill. They’re at Button House because it was the only place big enough to house them all. They’ve all got mange tho and are quarantined to a separate part of the house. Even tho they are loving their new life much more than how they were living before, they still dream of the day they’ll be able to go out and play w all the other dogs
Pt 2 Pt 3
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honoviadakai · 9 months
What I think team Urameshi smells like
(This was literally the brainchild of what happens when you wanna give your friends and family expensive perfume but you’re broke so you make it instead! Also I’m one of those ppl that can smell rain before it rains so I’m someone who naturally has a sensitive nose (╯ ‿ ╰,))
Top notes: sweat, hair gel and some cheap body spray
Bottom notes: whatever his last meal was, detergent, Keiko’s favorite perfume
I don’t care how old Yusuke gets, he’s a lazy dingus at heart and he’d buy the cheapest body spray and hair gel he can get his hands on because “it gets the job done”
Which is fair
He’s also the active type sooo…he gets a bit sweaty
If you’ve ever been to a dojo, dance studio, or any place full of people who’re training/exorcizing in some way, you know the smell of sweat never really leaves the room, let alone the people
Thankfully he does bathe from time to time so it’s never too unbearable
Now the bottom notes are admittedly weird but hear me out
You ever eat a big meal, take a food nap, wake up and still kinda smell what you ate?
That’s Yusuke
It just kinda sticks to him sometimes
It’s never really bad but you’re always gonna subconsciously know what this guy ate for lunch and it’s a little weird
The detergent smell comes from the fact that he trains/fights a lot
I seriously doubt Keiko or Atsuko tolerate the smell of Yusuke’s sweaty ass for longer than they have to so they’re gonna wash his clothes the moment it gets bad
And you bet your ass they’re using the extra strength stuff
It low key bothers Kurama and high key bothers Hiei
Demon noses are sensitive so they always know when laundry day has passed, much to their dismay 😔
Now why would he smell like Keiko’s perfume if he’s not Keiko???
You ever hug someone so hard you still smell their perfume/cologne? Or just hung around someone so much your clothes start to smell like them a bit?
That’s why Yusuke smells a bit like Keiko
All his friends tease him about this fact. All of them.
Basically Think of Yusuke like an odor absorbing sheet, cuz he kinda just smells like the people and places around him
Now slight spoilers here
Yusuke’s part demon
Tbh it weirdly doesn’t affect his natural scent as much as you’d expect it to
He just tends smells like he lives out in the mountains by himself and chooses not to bathe often
Again, he’s a sweaty boy so for some reason his demon blood amplifies the natural musk in his sweat
I don’t advise being near him after a workout session if you have a sensitive nose
The stank is strong with this one after training 😖
Top notes: cat(in a good way), sweat, pomade
Bottom notes: cat(in a bad way), hair spray, cigarette ashes
Eikichi is his baby. Period.
He cuddles and pampers her on the daily so he’s gonna smell like they little kitty
She’s thankfully a clean cat so it’s tolerable
That being said….
If you’ve ever been around a cat owner…specially AFTER they’ve cleaned the litter box…
Yeeeeah….its not great
But that’s why it’s a bottom note
it doesn’t hit your nose hard or even at all if he’s careful but cat 💩 has a way of punching you in the face when you least expect it
Sacrifices must be made to keep princess Eikichi happy
I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them on Kazuma Kuwabara’s behalf 💅
Another sweaty boi 🙄(Affectionate)
He sweats the most out of everyone on the team so he smells just a smig worse the guys after an intense training session
Not that you could tell cuz they all smell kinda bad after training 💀
This dude is rocking a pompadour on the reg so the smell of pomade and basically all his other hair products is just permanently apart of him
You could bathe him using the most powerful shampoos and chemicals and the smell of pomade would never leave him
It’s permeated down into his bones
Hope you don’t mind that 😁
Now I believe both his sister AND father smoke around him
Cigarette smoke just has this annoying habit of seeping it’s smell into your clothes
He doesn’t mind it tbh but sometimes people assume he’s the one who smokes cuz he just smells like someone who does smoke
He weirdly enjoys it
It boosts his punk/yankee image
It’s also an excuse for him to hang around Shizuru more
Not that he’s ever needed one to be around his big sis ❤️
Top notes: roses, musk(in a good way), vanilla
Bottom notes: musk(in a bad way), old wood, damp grass
This one’s a no brainer, the dudes main weapon is called a rose whip, of course he’s gonna smell like roses!
Tbh he just generally smells like the inside of a florist shop but rose is the one that sticks out the most
On days where he’s calm and melancholy though, he weirdly smells like you’re sitting in an open field of wet, dewy grass
That smell is always naturally there
But sometimes that’s all you’ll smell
Like he’s trying to erase even his very scent…but he can never fully do it…
He also smells like Vanilla!
Why? Because his mom used to make cookies for him a lot as a kid
Cute right?
She use to make them a lot because it was one of the ONLY ways she could get him to listen to her when he was little
Then after the accident that caused Kurama to begin to love his mother with all his heart, he helps make them
The smell of vanilla just kinda seeped into his skin
While he has made them a lot in the past, he hasn’t yet perfected the recipe
He noted this when his mom got sick and he made the cookies to make himself feel better
They just did not taste like the ones his mom make…they only smelled like them…
He smells musky!
Like…really musky…
Sometimes it’s good, like it’s a very calming natural musk that, depending on who you are, is gonna be a very attractive smell!
…but here’s the thing…
He’s a fox…a fox demon sure, but still a fox
…you ever smell a fox…?
It’s not exactly the best smell in the world…
They’re often described as smelling “Musky and skunky”
So to give you an idea of what being around Kurama is like, imagine this…
Sometimes he smells like a flower shop that’s right next to a bakery 😌
Other times…he smells like someone who was hot boxing inside a hollowed out tree…and roses…
It was so bad when he was in middle school that there was a brief point that his family, classmates and teachers legitimately thought he was secretly smoking weed and maybe that was even why he was always so calm
Thankfully he was able to prove his innocence…but he still just naturally smells…odd
Demons just naturally have a strong smell (see Hiei’s section for more), but given that he’s living a a “human” in the human world, getting a sniff of him is always just jarring wether you’re human or demon
It’s like Yoko and Shuichi are in a constant war over what Kurama is supposed to smell like so he’s always striking the weird balance of smelling pleasant and smelling like he lives in a cabin full of plants and foxes
Hiei(and really all his other demon friends)is the only one that it never bothers
Everyone else is weirded out by it but honestly, you get use to it after a while
It’s an odd combination of smells for sure, but it’s calming
He truly gives the vibe of a chill man who smokes weed in the woods with animals, smell and all
Top notes: ashes/smoke, a forest after it rains, something akin to demon musk
Bottom notes: blood, sweat, brimstone
Let’s start with the nice ones
He smells like a forest before, during and after a rain storm all at once 😌
Calming but chaotic all at all once
Very pleasant ☺️
He’s also got a naturally smoky smell
Now that sounds good right?
Yeah it can be
But sometimes…that smokiness reminds you he’s not a human…
Especially when that ashy, Smokey smell mixes in with the natural brimstone bottom note smell he has
He’s a fire demon and his natural burning fire and brimstone smell is your first reminder/warning
He also smells like blood and sweat
It’s not always a strong smell…but it’s always there
The sweat is innocent enough, he trains daily. Training a lot makes you sweaty
The blood though…
He grew up with killing being a necessary skill you learned and he sometimes did it for fun
So after years of fighting and killing, the smells of blood and burning corpses is just part of his natural scent
A huge part of his natural scent though is also something humans won’t be able to fully comprehend
He’s a demon born and raised in the demon realm so he is gonna smell like the demon realm
Obviously if you’re human you’re just not gonna understand what that smell even is, but something in the back of your head knows it’s not “normal”
As stated with Kurama, demons naturally have a strong smell and Hiei’s is stronger than Kurama’s when you notice it
The closest a human could get to describing his demonic smell is this:
Imagine living with a wild animal that lives inside a volcano
Even then that sentence isn’t correct
There’s just not a proper way for a human to explain what a demon smells like
A demon though absolutely can though!
But they’re not at all helpful!!!
If you ask someone like Jin or Chu to describe Hiei’s scent this is how they respond…
“Oh, he smells like a fire demon!”
So helpful guys…
Asking Kurama isn’t any better but he at least TRIES
The way he explains it is a demon’s scent always delivers information
Species, age, sex, status, ect
It’s basically their ID card that everyone has access to at all times
And Hiei’s scent tells everyone “I’m a fire demon that WILL kill you if I deem it necessary”
And if you think about that…it makes sense!
Think about it
This little guy has access to a flaming dragon that’s composed entirely from the flames of the deepest pit of hell
MF basically smells like the inside of hell!
His scent is as aggressive and abrasive as he is
But if you get use to it, if you like it, it’s very calming
It’s a scent that’s constantly reminding you that you’re in the presence of a fire demon that could incinerate you instantly, but said demon is also a calm, quiet person that’s content with minding his own business in peace
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Sure, time travel can lead to things getting confusing, particularly with generations retconning classic sonic into a baby sonic.
But the shift from classic to adventure was just an art direction change, not a retcon. Sonic's age and personality didn't change, only his appearance. It was an attempt to remove him from looking too cute like Hello Kitty into something more visually appropriate to aim at teens (which was always the intended audience) yet it still embodied much of the classic's tone and original direction.
But that doesn't suddenly negate the entire basic premise of the lore in this series. The original trilogy had a PLETHORA of lore accompanying it in the game manuals of the time. These manuals were necessary because game limitations back then only allow so much space to fully explain a backstory when it was more important to just dive straight into the game. It frustrates me tho because even without the manuals, you can play the games and see a clear, consistent story being told through them all. It's why this series blew my mind as a child because unlike games like Mario and such, the rich visuals, story and unique personality in Sonic was a stark contrast to what was the norm of the time!
The shift to the Adventure style didn't retcon or upset this at all. It was a natural progression and even up until 06, that storyline stayed consistent throughout. Just because a game maybe was more aimed for babies like Heroes versus a serious story like Shadow the Hedgehog, doesn't mean they're somehow "different continuities". And same for quality. A game being poorer quality then the one preceding it doesn't suddenly make it non-canon!
This is the same issue ppl have towards 06. They hate that game and act like it never happened and use the ending as an excuse except subsequent games afterwards CONSISTENTLY refer back to it. It was never forgotten and the Japanese audiences never once considered it not part of the proper timeline.
The games lore was never always a "mess." It had consistency. It had continuity. It would pick up from where a last game started off. Things Matter! There are a couple of awkward spots like "How in the world did Blaze actually end up in Sonic's dimension but got warped into a princess of the Sol Dimension?" but again, goofs in time travel/dimensional rifts like that don't mean the entire story of the series is suddenly disrupted or dismissed.
The argument that the movies or really, any western adaptation, had "no canon to work off of" is just a big lie. A lie that is so annoyingly passed around as an excuse for any western adaptations that failed to care to build off any of the lore established in the series from the beginning. You literally could even just play the games and figure things out from there!
People claim it's some kind of mess but as a kid who grew up alongside these games and played them, I never got a sense of that. Things made sense to me and it's part of why I love it so much!
Why do people insist that the original Sonic Team's incredible hard work and passionate dedication to this series mean absolutely NOTHING to them to feel inclined to claim there was no story or intentional progression? Why do we dismiss the creative brilliance of this team that made this franchise in the first place? I just don't get why some western fans do this but it seems to only come up when they want to prop up their preferred western version of Sonic, which just....
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Amongst the sea of amazing bts fanfics I keep coming back to Eunoia ever so often. It's truly one of those fics that you never forget about yk. It's amazing how you have created such an immersive world; that the length of Eunoia isn't intimidating, no matter how many times I read it. I am going into indulgent and fangirl territory next so I have a feeling this is gonna be kinda long (sorry for that TvT).
Ok sooooo... Starting with the amazing way you write such a relatable and human y/n. I know you don't always have to write relatable reader inserts since the point of these fics is to be able to experience stories and situations that you might (and prolly won't) irl. I know (us) the ppl reading this fic aren't world class producers who are friends with taylor swift but gosh darn it I feel like it when I am reading eunoia XD . The y/n feels so... human. They have their fears, insecurities, mess ups and they worry and overthink yet they also have their strengths and try their hardest no matter what. Their love hate relationship with their career and burnout, is honestly so refreshing to see becuz no matter if your career is your dream you are going to get tired at some point. OH YEAH AND THEIR COMPLICATED RELATIONSHIP WITH THEIR PARENTS! My gosh, it was so good to see someone acknowledge how hard it is to have a relationship with your parents where you don't hate them but you also don't get along because of your massive differences. It feels like you are stuck b/w a rock and a hard place. An argument that will never find it's peace...
Also, I feel like you absolutely nail the members' personality to a T. Ofc, tho you just HAD to give them such TRAGIC backstories ;-; (but yk I get it, the angst is what makes the fluff all the more sweeter). I adore the intricacies of their relationships with each other and also with the reader. All of them mean well but are hesitant to cross any boundaries. I hope we can see them get even closer and develop even stronger bonds so they don't feel like they are burdening each other with their problems and instead rely on each other <3 OK RAPID FIRE ROUND-
Namjoon- so charming, absolutely stole my heart with his rizz, emotional support bby, my anchor in the storm
Jin- absolute SWEETHEART, yes love how did you know the way to my heart was through the stomach, flustered jin is my kryptonite
Yoongi- OOHH gimme that angsty emo boy XD, No but for realisies BBY LEMME GIVE YOU A HUG! it's ok, we're gonna be okay <3 your past doesn't define you!
Hoseok- Sunshine Bby, You are loved, valid and just as important as all of the others, never a burden and always do so much more than you take credit for
Jimin- CLINGY BBY COME HERE & HEAL MY TOUCH STARVED SELF, His backstory made me genuinely sob, don't be afraid love you are safe here <3
Taehyung- ADORABLE LITTLE BABY BEAR, well since we haven't seen much of him I can't say that much but I hope to see more of him and his growth in the upcoming chapters <3 (Also since he is my bias I am even more invested! I am excited to see what direction you take him in :)
Jungkook- Bunny boy come here and tackle me to the ground with a hug >:) He is so cute, he just wants everyone to be happy together ;-; the juxtaposition of a cute bunny who is ripped *chef's kiss*
I feel like eunoia rn is at a midpoint. Things have settled and are not as chaotic but there is still so much to be done! So much to be said, done and so much to heal from. I feel like the story can go in any direction and I am so so curious as to what your vision is for the next chapters (ma'am can we have some crumbs please :> ). Also I was wondering; it was originally marked as smut so if you are still thinking of doing that? (I reallyyyy hope this does not come off as rude I was just genuinely curious; I love the story regardless and it's totally your call).
PHEW, OK THIS IS A LOT! I kinda feel bad for blabbering your ear off but what can I say, this fic is very dear to me.
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(pls accept this cute kitty as compensation)
This ask made my day and I'm sorry for taking some time to reply but when I receive such long asks I usually like to think some more before replying. First of all, thank you so much for your words and the fangirling. I live fangirling!!
It is very important to me when writing the main characters in stories to give them their own personalities and make them as human as possible. I don't think it's as fun to write perfect characters or to read about them at that. The mc of Eunoia is very close to my heart because I can see myself in some aspects of her character and I'm happy that's true for other people as well. Relationships with parents can be very hard to navigate and she and her parents have a complicated history. They will never stop being her parents but their differences are so stark and they are nearly strangers by now. She was trying with them for the longest time and she didn't know when to stop trying. Or to stop pretending.
All the hybrids share unique relationships with each other. They might have tragic back stories but they are ones that led them to each other. They have had people crossing their boundaries so many times in the past that they are afraid of doing that to each other. They are all my babies and I adore them.
I was planning to write some light smut for it but I've been rethinking it. I don't have any experience writing smut and in this case the second person is throwing me off. I'll try but I don't know how it will go and if it will fit with the story well.
Thank you for sending this and thank you go the kitty💜 Sending all my love 💜💜💜
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redactedwriting · 2 months
Omg yes please kink headcanons too!! (for mcr)
YEAHHHH WOOOOOO (also. in reality i think these dudes are vanilla mfs. but In My Heart and On My Blog, this is the truth)
gerard….im gonna get it out of the way: he has a piss kink. he also likes to tie ppl up but not a big fan of being tied up, but he does love being pinned down. kitty kink fr. he loooves being edged within an inch of his life, being overstimmed to tears, orgasm denial. i think he’d rly like getting spanked (his fave is with a flogger but he doesn’t rly play w that too much bc It Hurts). i think he’d be a little into knives, def into blood. he likes being on display…like, having his legs held open or jerking off for someone to see, sending them pics and vids, just generally being pretty <3 i think he’d have a Fat sir/miss kink. both as the bottom and the top. daddy/mommy not toooo much but he fucks with it sometimes, esp if he wants to be cutesy bratty <3 he likes talking back and getting gagged or his face slapped about it. hair pulling. SIZE QUEEN.
franks a fuckin masochist dude i cannot put into words how true this is. yall know that one shoot of him bloody gagged and bound in the fridge? yeah. rougher sex the better tbh, i think he likes dirty messy sex a lot, and he’d love getting tied with rope and hit, BIG FAN OF CBT……big fan of denial and edging and overstim and his brain says if he’s not crying by the end then he’s not done <3 (all of this is heavily consented to!!!). but also he rly likes soft goopy lovey sex where he gets pampered and loved on and called a sweet pretty boy <3 he loves being good too!! it’s just he’s a fuckin brat so often!!! he loves the sweet degradation too, gets him off so fuckin hard. mmm and of course it isn’t frank without puppy kink :) he loves being a soft sweet pup but he also fucking Loves when he’s called a dirty fucking dog and he’s made to howl and whine in misery (pleasure, but he’s being edged for the billionth time in a night). also scent kink. and piss but only if his partner wants it.
mikey isn’t a masochist but he is a bit of a sadist i think. when he’s bottoming, he likes being choked <3 he also likes forced eye contact and when his jaw gets grabbed so they move his head around. hair pulling. siiiiizeeee queeeeeeen he Loves big dicks. he loves being a good boy but he also likes acting up some <3 and when he’s topping, ugh lord. i think he likes to. like, okay. yknow how korse is like? the bad guy, and there’s the ray guns and he’s just generally Mean to the killjoys? but in that lowkey really fucking sexy way? yeah. mikey likes to top in the ways that make the villains sexy. he’s kinda slimey but in a good way, and he’s always got that holier than thou smirk, and smug voice. and he’d like to slap his partner around a bit, only rarely using something stronger than his hand, and he’d like to watch their eyes roll back when he fucks them hard. he likes pinning them down more than tying them up. big fan of making his partner cry (consensually and not in bad ways etc etc). lowkey i think as both top and bottom he would have a breeding kink. mmm but also sweetie mikey <3 he’d be so into taking care of youuuu and loving on uuuuu and calling you good and sweet and perfect. ugh mikeyway we r in it now
ray has a kink for making his partner come a billion times. overstimulated or just multiple orgasms or whatever? he loves watching them fall apart over and over for him. he loves making them feel good. he’s a soft dom <3 he likes to pin them down and sometimes tie them up. ugh he would be such a fan of shibari but not in a bondage kink way??? like, he just adores seeing his partner tied like that. mmm i think he’d like using fun lubes just to see what it’s like (flavored, warming, etc) and he’d giggle when they’d moan or when he’d moan. it’s so sweet. when he’s bottoming i think he’d lowkey rly like being stepped on. he’d like his hair pulled, he’d rly like scratching. not so much being spanked or giving spanks. he does love a little teasing slap though <3 he’d be into collars on his partner but not on himself i think. ray very much reads as one who is into whatever his partners into yk? and he’s so sexy for it
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gloopdimension · 1 year
tell me your guys....id love to know more abt venus + elsie especially but anyone you have .id be glad to hear abt =^_^=
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OKAY. from left to right is VENUS[STRICTLY SHE/HER] and ELSIE[HE/HIM] [LS is his actualname. i made him at least a year ago be nicey to mes.]
venus herself has a LONG ASS BACKSTORY from madcom bc thats where she originated from as did LS! i can post her lore doc if you so cheese bc she genuinely has so much going on :) as for elsie in madcom he got his arm ripped off and it kind of ruined well everything about him. HOWEVER! for the sake of shrimplicity ill just talk abt them as normal ppl outside of madcom:3
ven is a 32 yr old woman with tgirl lesbian swag[seen with her tattoo btw]. shes really energetic and upbeat and shes VERRY affectionate with her friends [think hugs kisses cuddles and a lil more depending on a few things!]. however she is verry insecure about her emotions [despite her swag and leaving manhood behind the effects of toxic masculinity still have a hold on her] and her being so upbeat seemingly all the time is kind of an escape from that. BUT shes very righteous and by god will go to prison again if it means she can keep u safe! shes very bad when it comes to boundaries but she doesnt do it on purpose, you just have to remind her again and again HEY I DONT LIKE THAT! and eventually itll sink in and she will stand up for u if u dont if someone does somethin u dont like. her hyperfixation is among us and she has a very convoluted oc story centered arouund it :)[she has an amogisona if youd like to see.] OH SHE ALSO loves plants! shes #1 plant fan and if it were up to her she'd have a garden but she's busy enough tending to the plants she's housing in her own room :)
ELSIE he is 27 year old guy with TGUY bisexual swag[no tattoo hes a lil scared of those. What if it hurts] and outside of madcom he lost his left arm to [thankfully not late-stage] bone cancer in his upper arm so he had to get it amputated! hes very very shy and polite but hes extraordinarily bad at talking to people. think fluttershy's introduction from mlp. thats kind oflike him but he does try his best. He gets very nervous and well um hes a little kitty cat and he purrs and tiptoes anddd well he likes scratches behind his ear. hes insecure about just abt every part of himself especially physically, he has a little bit of sexual trauma aswell[along w having had a shitty as hell ex] so that combined with having a hard time standing up for himself makes for unsavory situations. grew up a little too fast. etc. He really likes fish and animals though :) in my mind he's a marine biologist! he looves talking abt fish and his studies and that paper he wrote once about a niche species of fish and all that! hes very emotionally intelligent aswell
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boileddogchicken · 1 year
get to know me! :3
hi! i'm suzi and i got tagged by @spaceace144 !!
last song: Sweet Bod by Lemon Demon! i was listening to the playlist i made for one of my dnd characters (shoutout to mel, the sorcerer ever) and sweet bod was actually the main inspiration for her as a character (she was mummified in honey for abt 100 years and then she came back to life)! but yeah i rlly like making and then listening to character playlists for my oc's (mostly ttrpg characters, but b'rsh bran the kitty ever gets to have 3 playlists)
currently reading: i am veeeeery slowly reading house of leaves, i rlly like it so far, its just that for me sitting down to read a book is kind of a commitment so i dont rlly read as often as i'd like to
currently watching: me and one of my housemates have been rewatching arcane, and before that she got me to watch the dragon prince! dragon prince was rlly fun and sweet, and i love cool fantasy stories :3
current obsession: i'm currently in 2 dnd campaigns with some friends (and i'm preparing to run my own!) and whenever i make oc's for anything i end up thinkin rlly hard abt them (shoutout to b'rsh bran the kitty ever, mel the flynn rider/jesus mashup the world wasn't ready for, and isadora who is just. so sad all the time.)
im also a HUGE fan of the magnus archives, i've been relistening to it at work recently and i managed to get several of my friends to start listening to it >:) i love it so much its such a cool setting and the characters are so neat and cool and i think abt it pretty much constantly
also of course i am always thinking abt ffxiv and b'rsh bran, the kitty ever :3 (i love her so much and shes so cool and silly and just. the kitty ever!) also my friends who play ffxiv all have rlly neat wols so i think abt their wols too :)
ok it's time to tag ppl!!!: @vrenabloom @gailiag @glacierbash @jydrophobic @blucifer08 @oseamonkeyo @ishtarintern @sleepyserena @spacesapphic770 @nova-remnants @winternimbus (feel free to participate if y'all wanna, but no pressure!)
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changewingwentz · 6 months
Pinned tweet aka on what to expect here !✨
High time to make an intro now that new people keep visiting my account, so here are the basics
About me!
Name: Hack/Rosalind (main preference but go ham with the others) I also go by Matilda, Darnell, Kitty, Bluebell, Sucy, and Lithop
Sexuality: Ace-demiromantic
Gender: Non binary genderdoe but in the end just a lil guy made of stardust 🌙🫧
Pronouns: They/them/infinity/infinity’s only use she/her if we’re mutuals plz
I don’t mind a preference but prefer towards more masc/neutral identities !
Age : 20
I’m a South East Asian and currently in college !
homophobic, transphobic, racist, a zionist and/ be “neutral” abt it, or basically a bigot (basically a hard block)
Pro-shipper (do not test me either)
NSFW accs (an adult but not comfortable with you following)
P!ATD (ppl who like the music pre DOAB but don’t support brendon are exceptions) and TØP fans
Identity reveal and/ breaking the boundaries of the ST members anonymity, have some decency
My Tags:D
#hackus art —> My Exclusive Art tag!
#hackus rambles —> the only talking tag
#queueing the end of the eeearth —> miscellaneous/fave post queueing tag
Interests :
AKA what you’ll see from this acc, I have a lot of interests just not talked abt here
The great ace attorney/ Dai gyakuten Saiban⚠️ dgs 2 spoilers untag ahead ⚠️
Sleep Token ⚠️occasional body horror token hc reblog ⚠️
Fall out boy
Sherlock Holmes (Granada/TGAA/ACD/Ritchieverse/Sherlock hound/ maybe some TGMD)
Motionless in white
The Glass Scientists (maybe some MAZM I think that’s the only j&h things I’m familiar with beside the book but that’s it shout out to Me, myself, and Hyde by ice nine kills for this lol)
Disastrous life of Saiki K
Wild kratts
BBC Ghosts
Alright that’s all ! If you made it this far thank you for reading!🫶
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riddlerosehearts · 7 months
🐍 same, there were many things i did not enjoy about HoO but leo is one of the highlights i will always treasure from it. in fact I made my OC just so I could make them be friends with him bc it's like an old childhood dream of mine 😭 it's several years late but i will do it anyway. have u ever made any pjo ocs?
I read your post and i agree with you so much!! EN did jamil so dirty and just the few changes they made to his lines flipped the entire dynamic between him and kalim and basically completely erased how tragic and difficult their situation is, and portrayed jamil as basically just someone throwing a fit over something easily changeable when it isn't. I play on JP so I was so surprised to see the changes EN made, it sucked seeing so many ppl hate my fav
oh nooo yeah if both riddle and jamil are in the athena cabin i have no clue who'd become the head counselor... this is so hard, if only we could have more than one :(. Kalim'd def be in a different cabin at least, but just him being around camp would make it so much harder for jamil to be himself, it hurts my heart. there are so many ways you can write this and it all has so much angst potential. on the other hand you're so right abt the missed leo nico friendship bc i always intuitively felt they could've be good friends without knowing why, but your analysis puts everything into words and makes me even sadder we had such a missed opportunity... like cmon rick....
idia labwear groovy but nico is actually so funny - nico ominously approaching cats with his hands out like the grabbing emoji when nobody is looking and completely unaware how scared the cats feel, meanwhile all he wants is to spend some time with kitty before the chain sneezing sets in
I love your ideas abt the outfits I think they fit super well!! if i get around to doodling the characters in a twst au i'd like to reference your ideas if that's okay with you! They'd both probably attempt to wear the uniforms as a full set in the beginning then decide it's way too much of a hassle/feels too stiff (totally not an excuse to want to draw them in the full outfit), then begin modifying things so it felt more like themselves, though at least I think they both would like the ignihyde uniforms better than the other dorms, igni's seems more casual and practical than the other ones imo. for some reason i feel like the savanaclaw colours would look good on leo, i just picture yellow being a nice colour on him - but leo in savanaclaw would just be like him stuck with a ton of jocks feeling confused why he's even there lool
also imagine leo meeting ortho, he'd be so fascinated that something like ortho was possible and be inspired to make a robot of his own (twst festus origin story?) idk if there's a robotics club but i could see that being leo's club of choice, nico maybe board games... which means he'd meet idia and azul omg, what do you think?
sorry it took me a bit a longer to answer this time. i haven't!! i don't make OCs super often in general, i don't even really have one for twst haha, but i love seeing all the creativity other people put into their OCs.
yeah exactly!! i do keep up with the JP main story updates and have read most of the JP events through fan translations, but i started by playing on EN. and i feel really lucky that i recognized the words for master and servant and could tell they were mistranslating some things, because i can imagine that otherwise i would've come out of it hating jamil for "betraying" kalim too. instead i loved him and was a little annoyed with kalim until book 5 showed more of his growth. i don't ship jamil and kalim but i do love both of them and it's sad that the complexity of their dynamic got watered down so much... i will note, though, that the app is rated E10+ on the google play store and 4+ on the iOS app store, so my guess is that higher-ups at disney thought the actual story wasn't kid-friendly enough.
something else to keep in mind with athena kids that i actually sort of forgot about until recently, is that they're all claimed from birth and therefore are pursued by monsters from birth :( and then also the fact that athena is a virgin goddess who just sort of gives babies to people who might not have been prepared to have one... i bet that would make things so much rougher for riddle and jamil. some other ideas i had are that if jamil's parent was a minor god, it could be nemesis (goddess of revenge) or terpsichore (muse of dance). and for kalim, if his parent was an olympian it would be either dionysus or apollo and if it was a minor god it'd be tyche (goddess of luck and fortune). like you said, there's so many different ways i could see their story going in an AU like this and they'd all be so angsty.
if you wanna see more analysis on how nico and leo fit together there's some stuff i've reblogged from others in my valdangelo tag! not all of it is necessarily romantic, i just basically use that for anything about the two of them--and a lot of the reasons why people like the ship are reasons why they'd work platonically as well. but yeah one of my biggest criticisms of HoO is how even though i like all the new characters for the most part, i feel like their relationships to each other were largely defined by romance (and i don't just mean the actual couples, but also the frank-hazel-leo love triangle for example) and a lot of potential was missed because of that!
oh yeah go for it!! feel free to use pretty much any of these ideas we've been brainstorming as basis for your own headcanons and stuff, i don't mind at all. and like i've been saying, if you did draw anything for this AU i'd love to see it. i can definitely see that about leo and nico both trying on the full uniform and then quickly deciding not to bother with it anymore lol. i imagined them both not wearing the tie because i just think nico wouldn't really want to and that leo might not even know how to tie one AFSKJGHDF. do you think leo would add any other accessories or personalization to his school uniform? also, i was thinking, i totally agree that they'd both like the ignihyde uniform, especially nico because it resembles the bulky jackets he normally likes to wear! but i wonder what nico would wear for a dorm uniform if he transferred to ramshackle... according to one of silver's voice lines at least, they canonically don't have one, so maybe he'd just wear, like, a my chemical romance shirt and call that a uniform lol. or keep his ignihyde uniform and confuse everyone.
omg, i love the thought of leo meeting ortho and being inspired to make festus because of him. he'd definitely be so fascinated by everything ortho could do. as for the clubs, i saved this excellent post about NRC's clubs for reference a while back, and since no other existing clubs were mentioned in either of the camp vargas events, i assume that that's all of them. but afaik there's nothing that says leo couldn't start a robotics club, and i'm sure there'd be people willing to join! out of the existing clubs i can totally see nico being in the board game club, i think that'd be a lot of fun for him.
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pedroscardigan · 1 year
off the bat XO, Kitty has a lot of potential. i saw where they were going with it, they tried so hard to make it like a kdrama, where you think one thing, or miscommunication trope, or the enemies x lovers trope, or the villain is actually a good person: all that aside, it failed in many ways. the miscommunication thing was a lot. it made me not really ship dae and her at all. like AT ALL. throughout this whole struggle for her to get to him, and finally end up with him, it felt like uGh bruh are we deadass?? their breakup was ill timed too, but i loved the ending speech. (i have not finished the last episode because i refuse to watch her board that plane)
i had a hard time shipping dae with her in the first place which i think the writers did intentionally because they wanted the audience to engage with the other possible people: Yuri and Min Ho. and you can see the appeal off the bat. i think the bumping into people trope got way too lost in the sauce, and Yuri letting her into the car just cause was absolutely stupid: to sell a “bad girl” villain, you gotta do better but they kept making you want to like her so it was obvious right off the bat we needed to keep an open mind about her. and then, min ho, he was our straight bait. like off the bat every audience member can say without a doubt that min ho is sexy asf. i can say it. we all can tell. he was obviously the other catch. the run in at the grocery store, the cooking for her, the giving her space thing, that was what sold it.
what this show did was rush things, yes. a lot of the tropes are cliche and a bit run, but what the show did succeed on was make the characters lovable. dae is adorable. his soft voice and endearing smile, and Q being the sweet one who happens to be an athlete and our bby gay, and min ho who is like a cat, where once he warms up to you, he lets you pet him, and yuri being our badass lesbian goddess: all these characters great. showing how some koreaboo went to KISS and the show making fun of that was good, but there were times where she was on screen and it was unbearable, like ugh, poor actress who had to play this :( , but also i loved the soundtrack, like these bitches paid MONEY for blackpink and itzy to pop up.
i feel like they rushed though all and all. but i will say this and it might be unpopular. i’m queer and i loved that kitty was figuring herself out. i needed that. it healed something in me because she realized at 17. i was closeted and pushed away my feelings for a girl being petty or feeling a tummy butterflies thing till like college. so this? was relatable af. yet, i still chose to ship min ho x kitty. why? because netflix set it up that way. you KNOW yuri is head strong. she’s after julianna and like the show kept saying, not everything is on kitty’s timetable. kitty getting rejected is bound to happen. i’m glad she fell for yuri and the connected on such a deep level: that’s a real crush and real feelings, but you see the parallels to peter kavinsky and min ho. the mom thing, the suddenly knows things about you, the “not surface level” deep, the “id rather move on with a koreaboo than face my feelings for my friends ex, and even when they get together, i still avoid my feelings because that’s what i do as a troubled lead man” thing. i ship them, i’m sorry. and i hate myself for it but i do ship it.
—my hypothesis is that something next season is gonna happen between kitty having to choose between Yuri and Min Ho. do i agree with this tho? no. —
i disagree with how netflix set up this ship. they give her bi awakening and already set her up for the straight ship. that’s why i’m not surprised. that’s why i knew to ship min ho and kitty together. netflix may say they are for the ppl but they will give the bare minimum. and this is not to say that this makes kitty less bi, no it doesn’t, and this is not to shame bi babes who are in heteronormative relationships, but it’s a reflection and call out to how netflix shaped this. if next season she doesn’t end up with yuri, you know why.
i’m rambling now. but my main point was that they rushed things. they rushed all these deep moments, they added too many plot twists in the season like a kdrama does (but kdramas actually make it good), and they rushed the way people fell for each other. i wish there was a bigger backstory to julianna and how they fell in love . how dae knew the comfort sock thing, the reason why min ho had divorced parents: how that affected him, and making Q a bit more dimensional. i hate when they include a gay character and only make it about them being gay. you only see him date florian, you don’t really get to know Q outside of his quest for Florian and his relationship with him. and even the talks he had with kitty were revolved around men. like bffr. i loved his character on Love, Victor and the undersold Anthony’s acting abilities in this one :(
overall i needed more from this show and i will finish the remaining minutes soon, but yeah. i think kitty’s bi experience was exceptional and beautiful, but the way that the show is setting up it’s love interests, you can see where this shit is going. i’m hoping kitty ends up with yuri, but at the end of the day i know it’s gonna be min ho, and he was played so well and became such a likeable character that i don’t mind shipping it and that’s when the inner conflict is where it doesn’t change the fact that kitty might be bi or pan, but that netflix acknowledges is and still sets her up in a heteronormative society welcomed relationship instead of the one like Yuri’s pushing the boundaries of South Korea one step at a time with interracial love and lesbianism <3
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chryzure-archive · 1 year
im sorry abt your surgery, ill be there in spirit to hold your hand if you need it <3 wishing you the best and hopefully its just a scare and nothing to worry too much abt!!
as for asks...
i always love your music taste so, 5 songs youve had on repeat lately that make you think of chryzure + chrysijacks? also, if they were each a pair of unlikely animal friends (ie, a pig and a monkey lol) which ones would they be? def feeling rabbit and cat for chryzure.
this question is a very self-indulgent one cus ive been going thru a huge superhero phase but, if they were superheroes which ones would they be? this could either be made-up or existing superheroes-- personally, i think chrysi would be an AMAZING black cat/felicia hardy, she has the white hair and the dark aesthetic to match it :3 i def think azure would be a mutant/x-men (no particular reason, it just seems to match him?) and jacks... well, jacks is just giving me deadpool energy. slutty antihero? i think yes. it'd be cool to know what kind of superhero abilities youd assign to them tho :33
thank you 🖤 please hold my other hand though, they’re cutting up my right one 🤧 hopefully there’s nothing to worry abt since my family has a history of the weirdness w/o the cancer..
chryzure songs:
so good right now // fall out boy (wanted the whole album to make me think of chrysigil, then it jst wound up being chryzure and chrysijacks coded…)
xyz // technoplanet (vv specific vibe, idk why, but instrumentals like this make me go crazy, go wild)
anicent history // the crane wives (teehee! in agony thinking abt them separated)
in my head // mike shinoda, kailee morgue ((bonus song, still alive // demi lovato because screamvi brainrot real….. jst saying the au goes wild!))
cartoon people // billie marten (the vibes themselves……)
chrysijacks songs (he’s more annoying):
chapstick // coin (sorry, juno…:(( sorry jacks ruined this for you)
summer // circadian clock, baethoven (biting him!)
blood in the cut // k.flay (sorry juno pt.2)
hold my like a grudge // fall out boy (part-time soulmate, full-time problem too real for chrysijacks…)
chryzure is kittybunny lovers all the time… they are doing this right now:
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chrysijacks is kitty and fox… sorry, the legend of the archer and the fox is actually abt chrysijacks and chrysi’s the archer and jacks is the fox!! idk what was going on in the books, get ur facts right!
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((more proof is that i had a chrysijacks song called the fox before the book came out + the lyrics imply jacks not wanting to be the fox and hunted down by the archer… explain this 🤨))
oh my god, i looked up black cat and you’re RIGHT, that’s sooo chrysi??? esp the probability thing… explains why azure’s gotten such bad luck over the years.
if i were to make chrysi her own superhero, hmmm….. i feel like she’d summon ghosts and stuff… ??????? idk, i’ve never thought abt it 🫢 i mean, the funniest option is totally that she can bring back the dead and summon ghosts and stuff, but she never fucking uses that in favor of bashing ppl’s heads in w a baseball bat. OH, wait, her fated abilities include causing fear and giving nightmares, so maybe i could do something like that!!! she can keep the ghost summoning thing if she wants. idk what name i’d give her. it’s so hard coming up w a good superhero name. nightmare is too basic + i’m sure there’s thousands of ppl w that superhero name 💀 oh well!
AZURE WOULD SOOOOO HAVE X-MEN VIBES. he gets to go to a special little mutant school and have like minded peers… little special princess boy 🙄 SOME people learned they inflict fear on ppl and had to deal with it ALONE, but it’s fine. it’s rlly okay.
his powers probably are jst spatial manipulation, but he’s good enough at it that it looks like it’s jst telekinesis… and also teleportation :) jst the idea of him tricking ppl he has one power when it’s actually another makes me go crazy, go wild!!! idk what his title would be either. this is HARD, how do comic book writers do it!!!
yes. jacks is a whore. fuck him. i want him dead in a ditch. his powers are making ppl love him and want to obey him? rlly? he gets everything handed to him on a platter???? killing him killing him killing him!!!! he’d be the villain that chrysi and azure have to take down first, but they get there and jacks is jst rlly lameand they’re like, “…….. okay, guess we’ll leave you alive….?” and now he’s a thorn in their side that doesn’t leave ://////
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So I saw fnaf… (no spoilers above the cut)
(First of all I’m not a movie reviewer or anyone special I just like to talk abt movies)
Okay I have like a lot to say and some worries about this movie. Let’s start with the good, as a fan the movie was so fun! It’s been in production hell for so long and I’m so glad it even got to see the light of day and that Scott got to be involved that all makes me thrilled. The Henson creature shop did a spectacular job and I hope people realize the balls it took to even go that route versus just cgi-ing all of it. Massive props to them and just ugh all of it was fantastic looking I could go on all day about the animatronics alone. Now I say “as a fan” because if I wasn’t a fnaf fan the movie wouldn’t be good. It just isn’t and I now totally understand and agree with the first critic reviews that came from people who have (assumingly) no knowledge of the game before hand and I agree with their low ratings. It just isn’t really a good movie🤷🏽‍♀️and that’s fine! Seriously if all it is is a kitty fan service movie where everyone had fun making it and watching it then who cares! Blumhouse made their money before it even premiered and honestly I’m not even worried about not getting another one because they know enough of us will be paying to see whatever else they do next- better or worse. I wouldn’t call it a good movie at all but was it fun? Hell yeah it was fun!
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This is just me rambling because why not
I saw it Thursday opening night and my theatre was relatively quiet with some loud “harharharharhar”s before it started versus some theaters I’ve seen who are filled with ppl laughing aloud and doing other fun stuff (like fist fighting) so I wasn’t sure what to expect if it was gonna be the same vibe as like seeing a marvel movie opening night where people are verbally responsive. Idk just curious how other peoples theatre crowd experience was. The movie was really just okay as I said the part of me that’s a fan had fun but the part of me that loves movies was bored. The building a fort was kinda stupid but I understand why it was done for the plot entirely to show that Abby thinks they’re all friends okay but god it was just kinda dumb. The connecting via dreams was odd? I’m not sure how I feel about it because I’m trying to separate this movie from fnaf lore and treat it as a movie by its self but that’s really hard to do. Obviously I’m not saying everything has to/will be canon compliant but it’s still hard to have that knowledge and not compare it to the movie. I’ll have to give it another watch but it’s hard to hodge the movie alone by itself. Anyway- FOXY!!! God his feet were so silly looking I love him so much and they kept the humming/singing that he does? Loved that. Also was the animatronic they were trying to put Abby in at the end supposed to look like baby specifically? It was enough that I caught it but also not exact enough where I thought maybe they just picked a random doll like character idk I can’t remember who’s soul is in baby at the moment but whatever. That fuckass balloon boy made me unreasonably happy idk why like I saw spoilers and knew he was there but still laughed so hard when I actually saw him myself. Also loved the matpat cameo it was just enough and rolled very smoothly, good for him. I again do wanna give them credit for showing the bloody stuff considering the rating like the shadow of someone getting bit in half was good. I understand from a company standpoint of keeping it pg-13 so “kids” can go see it and give them more money but they did what they could and I thought it looked good! Vanessa was cool, kinda weird mike didn’t ask any questions earlier and also why did that bitch chuck mike’s pills into the water bitch that man has no money and you just wasted prescription sleeping pills? Gurl you you but okay whatever anyway- mike was cool nothing like crazy special to say about any of them honestly. I hope they use Matthew lillard more in the future, that’s purely me being a fan of his and nothing more honestly. He wasn’t in the movie much at all. Back to the dreams and stuff- having mike get injured in his dreams was also a bit idk…. Stupid? Like it just seemed idk pretty dumb I can’t fully explain what bothered me about it but it just didn’t seem to go with it all. I just gotta watch it again at some point because I’m very torn abt actually liking it or not. I do have a worry that people will not realize that the animatronics are actually puppets and complain about them being funny looking and moving slow. Puppets aren’t used as much anymore everything’s cgi and animated so I can totally see someone thinking it’s just badly created when it’s actual real people moving them and they’ll think poorly of it when they simply don’t know that it’s real! Again so happy that they chose that route to create them and not cgi it soooo greatful for that and I’m glad to see that’s still being used for movies. Overall very torn about this movie. Again I’m just rambling here and I’d love to think what others think abt it weather you saw it with prior knowledge or not.
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venus and MC 🔥
*sighs* my ideal type depends. I'm panromantic bisexual so I fr would date any gender idc (yes that includes trans and nonbinary ppl too).
As for women, I don't have as much of a preference that I do for men. I just like very gorgeous girls 🤭. Whether she's butch or femme, I really don't care. Only some women catch my eye though. They gotta stand out somehow. So it's hard for me to say who's my ideal type or not. Some women I find attractive currently are Shannon Thornton, Bada Lee, and Kaliii.
As for men *chews gum loudly*... I am trying to be more open minded. I am trying to deprogram my mind about what type of man I should be with and to learn to accept being with a man who will take care of me. Typically, I like tall dudes (because I'm 5'9 💀), they don't gotta be ripped but I do like muscles, and they have to have some edge to them. I want to be excited y'know 🥴. I also like dorky men that have BDE. I just want a man to give like goofy hot tutor, idk why LMAO. Like that frail white man from Atlantis 🤣. Milo was cute to me 🫣. I am trying to be accepting of men that are shorties though since that is what I keep attracting 😒🤧😭... I'm not saying what male celebrities is my type tho because I don't want any ops 🙃
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The reputation question honestly made me giggle LMAOOO. Idk what my reputation is like 🤔? Hopefully it's something good because that's really important to me as in longevity wise, but I want to stop giving a fuck about what people have to think of me fr. I feel like people will have different things to say about me depending on what our interaction was like. There's definitely people who like me and that don't like me. Around my peers in real life, I'm known to be a smart and well behaved girl. I help around the house a lot and I'm very focused when it comes my work. I don't smoke. I don't really drink unless its for a special occasion. Also even though I'm an adult, I still get babied a lot as well. I look younger for my age and I am the youngest child in my family. As for online, I think I act more tough. I have people be rude to me for like no fucking reason sometimes and that shit gets annoying. Or I was friends with some girls (online or in person) that would like go behind my back talking shit about me. So I'm forced to be a chameleon in that sense I would say. I adapt to whatever my environment is or what social group I'm in because only certain people I can be true myself around or show my true colors. When I'm around people that make me feel comfortable to be myself, I'm actually a lot more happy, friendly, and vivacious I would say. I like cute things and being artistic. I really just want to talk about hello kitty and paint lol.
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