#power rangers bootlegs
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Time Robots
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bootlegspidermanmerch · 7 months
Sorry for the hiatus have been rather busy lately
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biomic · 6 months
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get out
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kaleidoscopekidco · 2 years
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90′s Bootleg Power Rangers Stick On Earrings 
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flamesbetween · 3 months
feels like kind of a cop-out to make all the costume stuff in scratchverse work via magical girl style transformations but also. it does make my life easier. lmao.
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cosmicxd · 2 years
You guys wanna know my favorite bootleg toy of all time?
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This is the greatest thing of all time I HOPE to whatever God there is that I will just randomly find a pack at a flea market one day and I can finally own my very own Sense Of Right Alliance
This isn’t a joke every-time I see a photo of these things it just fills me with so much joy and I can’t describe why
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genustoys · 2 years
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Lots of generic toys are identified as party favors or cake toppers by lazy resellers.  This is the first time that I’ve seen a generic set actually sold as “Party Favor” 5 Super Rangers!
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kideternity · 6 months
My review of Digimon Frontiers is that it’s bad and I don’t like it.
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satriaproto · 2 months
神兽金刚: God Beast King Kong/Celestial Warriors
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So, have you ever seen these shows? Well, guess they're power rangers/super sentai rip-offs of all time. Made in China, and released during late 2000s. What's special about this rip-off is that Toei never sued the creators behind it to the point it got sequels and a feature film! Believe it or not, this actually become part of history!
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Season 7 coming soon? (Probably)
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r0ugarou · 1 year
I know its been years but the thing that baffles me to this very day about the whole "Raymond from animal crossing" fiasco is that you can get a fully functional bootleg AC amiibo for like less than 5 dollars on etsy. They work and look exactly the same (and arguably are better bc they're usually on a thick plastic card and thus are more durable.)
Like people were sending death threats and spending hundreds of real actual money to get this boring cat and bootleg amiibos were. right there.
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silentmagi · 1 year
Rising Star
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I hope everyone’s ready to get the journey of destiny under way. Star’s heading towards the academy, now let’s see how fast she’s going.
1 No time to waste, push herself to get back to school.
The hand cart was little more than a large wagon, and she could feel every ounce of the knowledge that she carried inside. The road seemed endless, and the weight caused her legs to burn with the strain of every step. She needed to get to the school, that was her only thought as she packed as little aside from the books and scrolls. She had food for about a week packed, some blankets to sleep with, and a lantern to light the night.
She was going to push herself.
The first day was mild and fair, the breeze helped her to keep from roasting under the sun. The wandering path of the woods that she had found a pleasant stroll on her way to the tower was now an annoying mess of twists and turns that had tree roots every few steps to catch a wheel of the cart.
Next time she decides to save the world from the loss of magic, she was going to buy a wagon, pay for a driver, and-
Okay, no, if this happens again, it will be someone else’s problem. She was going to set up a potion cabin in the woods and sell bootleg lotions, potions, ointments and herbal remedies. She was not a hero. She was a nerdy girl that just wanted to sit and study magic.
Right, adding alchemy and herbology lessons to her schedule. Maybe that would be a good idea even if magic comes back, all she knew was how to brew an energy potion in her dorm room without the floor monitors catching on. The losses from bribery before the second part sank in were a powerful motivator.
But at least she was able to stay awake for those precious hours of extra studying during the finals. Sure, the medical wizard that found her a week later chattering about the spiders under her skin said that she was lucky to still be alive, but she aced her tests!
Getting to a clearing, she paused to look at the choices for a moment while weighing the choices of stopping to eat, or just pressing on. Determining the proper choice, she reached into the basket and pulled out a pouch filled with dried fruits and nuts to munch on while she pulled. Tying it to her belt, she adjusted it so she would be able to get into it with ease and not lose a step.
The brief respite had told her so much about the agony that was going to await her when she could stop and let her body feel it. Maybe she should have packed some pain relief potions as well when she set out. Hindsight seems to be crystal clear with her lately.
She was really wanting to have a good, long discussion with her past self as her legs burned, and hands ached, from working so hard. 
There was just so many bad choices that led to current problems that she really would have liked to have addressed with herself. Poor physical training, terrible diet and sleep schedule, questionable substance use, and not having a back up plan if magic failed aside, she really should have worked on being more sociable, or at least getting one good friend.
As she pressed on, her thoughts growing darker with the fading day, she lit the lantern and kept going until she could barely place one foot in front of the other. If she keeps this pace, she should make it to the school in about a week.
If her legs didn’t fall off first, just before she decided to set up camp, she stumbled into a clearing and found a campfire burning. Blinking, she glanced around trying to figure out who else would be out this way.
“Ho there wanderer, stay thy course and indulge a fellow traveler,” a voice called out, causing her head to whip around in confusion, what she finds is surprising.
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bootlegspidermanmerch · 6 months
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"Special Styles Hero"
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skyland2703 · 4 months
Your Honest Opinion: Top 5 Red Rangers, Top 5 BLANDEST Red Rangers, Top 5 Red Rangers that should have been replaced mid-season
FAVE QUESTION EVER. I’ve always been a “Red ranger sucks” truther SO
The blandest reds:
Jason: I mean. Are we even surprised.
Andros: Sorry to all the andros fanboys but NO he’s one of the worst reds ever. I despised him.
Nick: I refrain from commenting on this except that even Troy had more of a personality than him.
Brody: bootleg copy of Tyler’s “I lost my dad ten years ago” but made even worse.
Carter: he’s badass, yes, but I honestly don’t think he has more of a personality apart from that.
Actually, a LOT of reds have this problem. They’re fucking bland because “they’re red, they’re the badass leaders, they are the golden boy (because they’re usually boys -_-)” and they really don’t have anything else going on, USUALLY. (Not to say there aren’t GOOD reds. There are TONS of those. Tyler, Scott, Amelia etc, but in general, red is usually disappointing.)
NOW for the ones that needed to be ✨replaced✨
Zayto. I’m glad he was, but I would’ve liked it to happen WAY earlier. Preferably when it was revealed he had his original team killed. Maybe by Aiyon. Maybe have him prove his leadership again? I just feel like we went too easy on Zayto…
Jayden. He’s not the blandest becuase of all the angst, but the “Jayden shiba is god” thing surely works ANTI him. I would’ve liked Lauren to come in earlier to replace him, and STAY red.
Jack. This is mostly because of my “Z should’ve been red like Greg Aronowitz originally intended” bias. But yeah. It would’ve suited Sky’s arc better too (his misogyny being FRACTURED✨🤚🏻)
Cole: I honestly feel like he didn’t feel very… red… tbh. Taylor would’ve made a better red and I will die on that hill.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk~
Ask my honest opinion about anything Power Rangers~
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kimberlyannharts · 5 months
Mighty Force team but it’s just the “powerful rangers” from Akibaranger
yeah the name really does sound like a parody bootleg doesn't it
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the-real-maglev · 3 months
Now that I've beaten Cassette Beasts, I shall take a moment to commemorate all the greatest members of my team.
Marsia the Miasmodeus- Given that she was my starter, I would not be here now without her contributions. Started out as my main Bite user, however that torch was passed down when clear superior candidates entered my radar. I brought her along for the finale, however the rest of my team was so potent that she ultimately sat the fight out.
Mr. UU the Tokusect- The ace of the early parts of my playthrough, his Multi Smack and Clobber were unmatched at the time. Was replaced from the midgame onward, however his contributions were not in vain.
Levi the Lobstacle- My big tank early on, using Provoke and Elemental Wall to soak up more damage than anyone else. Also eventually gained Shield Bash, however that wasn't enough for him to make it into my final team. Was definitely a favorite for a good while though.
Freddy Fazbat the Scampire- All things considered, he was probably my single most powerful teammate. I didn't think much of him as a Springheel, however things started looking up once he became a Snoopin. The moment that really promoted him to stardom in my run, though, was the battle against Nowhere Monarch. All my other most valuable teammates were broken and my player character had fainted, but Freddy managed to finish the battle alone by using Gambit and spamming Bite to chew through the remains of Nowhere Monarch's HP. While he never achieved any feats quite that insane after remastering into Scampire, his Gambit-boosted Energy Waves and Bites could still sweep through many opponents with ease, making him my trump card if my lead doesn't finish the job alone.
Jingjang the Folklord- Took on Marsia's Carnivore sticker to abuse Abramacabra better, was a star player in the midgame and another one I chose for the finale, but ultimately he didn't come into play.
Brick the Galagor- One of my big two and arguably the protagonist of the run. When I first found them as a Stardigrade in the park, my hopes weren't high for their utility. They could certainly take hits with Provoke, however they didn't seem like they could do much back. But then, once I remastered them into Galagor and saw that ranged attack stat, things really picked up. Even then, it took a while for me to start favoring Brick over Levi and Jingjang... until Morton entered the picture, which I'll get to when I reach his section. Now, with Magnet and Hibernate in tow, putting Brick down is no easy task. On the offensive, Spray serves as great utility and Multi Shot is the main damage option they go with. For most of the game, they relied on Deja Vu Multi Shot as their big attack. However, late in, I gave them Headshot... which I only got one opportunity to use before the end of the game. As a cherry on top, I gave him Breathing Technique to mitigate the biggest weakness of being Astral type. Brick shall forever live on as one of the two team members who formed a duo so strong that they often won battles (including multiple ranger captains) before the rest of the team needed to come in.
Illu the Triphinx- The weird stat spread of Allseer immediately caught my eye when I recorded her, with the incredible power of Wonderful 7 only making me more entranced. Then you add Broadcast, Shield Bash, Close Encounter and Return Fire to get yourself another one of my MVPs as a Triphinx. Not much to this one, just a really strong ally who was a major component of me beating Aleph.
Lillie the Hedgehern- Not really a star player, however she's still a standout since she was the first Bootleg I ever obtained, having found her in the wild before I even got to the house that introduces the concept of bootlegs. She was Astral too, which ended up looking super cool.
Nimbus the Zeustrike- The bootleg I was given in the Bootleg tutorial. They were a Beast type, which had coloration that looked much better than the official one.
Morton the Liligator- The other half of the big two. Started off unassuming until he learned Doc Leaf and I got an idea as to how to put him to use. He wound up becoming a medic for Brick who could also pack a serious punch, also compensating for Brick's inability to do melee damage. Leech ended up being the core of his kit, the passive damage and healing being too valuable to pass up. I also gave him Plant Camouflage to possibly set up some Leech effects for free, as well as to get more utility out of Woodcutter. He's also got Doc Leaf to further bolster Brick's survival and The Old 1-2 for some heavy damage. Brick and Morton complemented eachother to such a degree that I didn't bother opening with anyone else. This was a bit of a problem in my mission to make sure every fusion I formed was different, since no less than three battles lead to the fusion of the two occurring against my will due to how fusion introductions work. Leech proved especially powerful against the Archangels, since their monstrous HP pools meant it healed more than ever and them having multiple turns meant that it could chip twice as much for the same amount of AP (Robin Goodman and Babelith did not appreciate this tactic). Brick and Morton were only separable by AOE attacks... a pretty glaring weakness I probably should've found a way to address, but ultimately it didn't come up much somehow. Even if the rest of the party changes, these two as my lead is bound to remain.
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