#power banks for iPads
Everything You Need to Know About 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh for Phones
In today's fast-paced world, it's essential to have a reliable power bank for your phone to stay connected on the go. The 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh is a popular choice for many smartphone users due to its high capacity and versatile charging options. In this blog post, we will delve into the features, benefits, and considerations of this power bank to help you make an informed decision.
Features of the 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh: 1. High Capacity: With a 20000mAh capacity, this power bank can provide multiple charges for your phone, allowing you to stay connected for longer periods without needing to recharge the power bank itself. 2. Dual USB Outputs: The power bank is equipped with two USB outputs, allowing you to charge two devices simultaneously. This is especially convenient when you have multiple devices or need to share power with a friend or family member. 3. Input 5V/2A: The power bank features a 5V/2A input, which allows for faster recharging of the power bank itself. This means you can spend less time waiting for the power bank to be ready for use again. 4. Touch Lights: The power bank is equipped with touch lights, which can serve as a handy flashlight in dimly lit environments. This feature adds an extra layer of utility to the power bank, making it a versatile tool for various situations.
Benefits of the 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh: 1. Convenience: The ability to charge two devices simultaneously and the high capacity of the power bank offer unparalleled convenience for users who are constantly on the go. 2. Versatility: The inclusion of touch lights adds an extra layer of functionality to the power bank, making it a useful tool for outdoor activities or emergencies. 3. Fast Recharging: The 5V/2A input allows for quicker recharging of the power bank, ensuring that you can get back to using it in no time. 4. Reliability: With its high capacity and dual USB outputs, this power bank offers a reliable power source for your devices, giving you peace of mind when you're away from traditional power sources.
Considerations: While the 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh offers many benefits, it's essential to consider the size and weight of the power bank, especially if you plan on carrying it in your pocket or bag. Additionally, some users may prefer power banks with higher or lower capacity, depending on their specific needs.
Conclusion: The 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh is a versatile and reliable power bank that offers convenience, versatility, and fast recharging capabilities. With its high capacity and dual USB outputs, it's an excellent choice for smartphone users who are always on the go. Consider the size and weight of the power bank, and you'll have a reliable power source for your devices wherever you go.
Don't forget to share this post with your friends and family on social media to help them stay connected on the go as well!
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freewayshark · 1 year
My iPad’s at 19% and I’m in the middle of a library book 😩
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zappobrands · 9 months
Are you always on the lookout for the latest tech accessories to elevate your digital experience?
Look no further than our collection of top-rated tech accessories. From chargers and cables to protective cases and stylish phone grips, Zappo Brands have everything you need to enhance your tech game. Our collection is curated to include only the best accessories from the most trusted brands in the industry. Whether you're looking for a new wireless charger for your phone or a reliable screen protector for your tablet, we have it all.
We also offer a range of accessories for your laptop, including sleeves, cases, and keyboard covers. But we don't just offer practical accessories - we also have a selection of stylish and fun tech accessories to add some personality to your devices. From colorful phone cases to trendy laptop stickers, we have something for everyone.
So why wait? Browse our collection of tech accessories today and take your digital experience to the next level. With our selection of high-quality products and unbeatable prices, you're sure to find something that fits your needs and budget.
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Spent the whole day doing shit for my trip and stressing while also feeling like I did nothing
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writerupdated · 2 years
The more devices you have, the bigger the power bank you would need. On the other hand, high-capacity battery packs are heavy and big. A big power bank capable of charging all your mobile Apple devices could weigh more than all these devices combined.
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friendofelphaba · 2 days
Modern-day Trail to Oregon:
Father has invested every cent in Bitcoin and been persuaded by General Store Guy to trade in his subaru for a Tesla truck. He puts it on autopilot and accelerates directly into a brick wall.
Daughter forced to make Men’s Rights TikToks with McDoon and Cletus.
Son is an iPad baby.
Grandpa has been banned from every Red Lobster in the country. Nobody can figure out why.
Mother is a high-powered businesswoman with (thankfully) a separate bank account.
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Season 3x8 Episode Live Reaction
So, apparently there's a Content Warning for this episode?
Anyway - I will be watching so... thoughts below.
Holes are bad is a terrible name for the episode.
here we go....
OOOh flashback for Hetty. "Under 2 months"???
Legal Trouble??? OMG.
Of course Elias would cause Hetty problems. Even dead.
"None of you are alive so what emergency could there be."
"You could lie to me once"
"YOu listen?" "You don't?"
Nancy wants Thor.
LOL Steph is back.
"LOL - it's illegal" -MEH.
"That was rude."
SO, STEPH just went to sleep???
She ignores that Pete was like "GRAB YOUR SUCKOFF BUDDY".
"Just a basement ghost - my bad"
OMG THOR. OMG - you heard her!!!
LMAO !!! I cannot believe that Thor knew the entire time!
Chasing a butterfly???
The way everyone looks at Thor.
The concerned looks on the younger ghosts' faces. OMG.
"They're like what to do mean??? WHY???"
I love their excitement!
Another flashbook. "No one has called ever, i believe."
Of course climbing out doesn't work.
Aw Trevor and Alberta wanting to save Flower!!
I love their teamup.
Sass is like "LET ME TELL THE STORY." I'm literally the storyteller!
1895 - stuck in a hole.
WAIT TOO MUCH MOPHINE?? Hetty died of an overdose?
AW PATIENCE!!! I'm SAD. Purtain woman! Lost in the dirt???
"YOu know FACETIME???"
THE GHOSTS ARE NOT ON FACETIME. I can't believe Trevor thought he could do the drawer - big step up from Sam's MOM where he wouldn't even try a drawer.
"i will punch them."
Another flashback. THE TELEPHONE.
Aw Thor is cute here.
Hetty - Has a string around her neck? OMG... she hung herself?? It's the rope from her death.
Ass Sass and Trevor catching her!
How did you not know??? It didn't register has any thing weird.
"Oh hey Sam."
LOL Sam's Face at this explanation! If only Jay hadn't put away the iPad.
You got her a magnet???
Aw, Isaac and Sam are here for Hetty.
Trying to protect her son. And he could've become a murderer either way - it had nothing to do with your death.
I do really love the explanation of how they all missed Hetty's death and Elias' Vault. Finally it makes sense.
Awww Hetty & Flower moment.
LOL big secret. "I robbed a bank once." - "It's good to have you back."
LOL Checking the Owl Thing.
LOL Jay figuring out what's happening...
Final thoughts, It was a great episode. I am sad Steph was there just to tell them about Ralph/Flower - poor steph, but I totally called that. and I did like the episode.
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dymdrimluga · 7 months
Winter is coming, so if you want good art at reasonable (actually, low) prices ($300-400 for similar quality) you can have it now. Later, I will either not be able to draw in Photoshop and will be forced to switch to drawing on the iPad, or I will work from a coworking space.
Last winter, as a result of attacks on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine by the Russians, blackouts lasted up to 2-3 days, and the electricity per day was barely enough to charge power banks. The same is expected this winter. Some co-working spaces have generators, but this will affect the prices of art. So if you want such an illustration with one or more characters, you can write to me now :)
I can also paint stickers for you (20 each, 100 for 6) and there are many other options for a lower price
Oh, and even though I need the money, I'm willing to give a discount for interesting projects, so feel free to contact me with questions
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nukki93 · 5 months
How long have you been 24/7? What advice would you give to someone looking to make the plunge? My biggest fear is wearing around friend/family/colleagues.
That's a really good question! I've been 24/7 for over 3 years now I guess. I don't have an exact date as it was a transition, but it should be at least 3 years without cheating.
I would summarize my advice as "be prepared and confident".
Organization/Item advices:
Always have at least 2 diapers and wet wipes for changing with you. Sometimes you'll stay somewhere longer as planned, drink more than you planned and spare diapers will come in handy. A very helpful item for that is a wet bag. You can find them on Amazon and they have two zippers and 2 diapers and a pack of wipes usually fit perfectly in them. You can drop it in your backpack and even if someone gets a glance on the content of your backpack everything will be hidden. It's also useful to store a used diaper if you can't get rid of it discreetly, because it's pretty air tight.
Also a nice item I use often is a tiny backpack. Decathlon sells them, they're very cheap and super handy to carry your wet bag and your purse. You can also drop your power bank or your iPad in there and you have a perfect excuse why you're carrying it around. It's also way more chill then carrying your full size backpack around all day.
Something to wear over your diaper. Look for underwear or onesies that hide your diaper safely. It will help you be way more relaxed around friends/family etc. If you have to worry that something is peeking out all the time it will be very stressful and you'll be constantly checking your waistband, if your t-shirt slipped up etc. which really hurts confidence while wearing. I got these awesome boxershorts from here, which are made for people that wear thicker diapers and they cover them completely. I even go to the gym with them without any problems.
Confidence advices:
You'll eventually have to change your diaper on the go. Start train to change in public restrooms. At the beginning it's probably very hard to do it when other people can hear you, but after doing it for 50 times you stop caring about it.
Addition to point 1: If you can't change your diaper while standing, learn it. It's almost unavoidable and if you leaned it, the results will be at least on par with laying down. Just prepare your diaper, grab the wings with the tapes behind your back, adjust the height, lay against a wall, pull the diaper up between your legs and close the tapes. I like to close the top ones first and then I can adjust the bottom tapes without having to lean on the wall anymore, but maybe the other way works better for you.
Place your bag with your diapers strategically: If you're visiting friends or family it might seem very hard to take your diapers to the toilet without it being noticed. I found that it often helps if you place your bag in the hallway. It's usually not weird to leave it there if you don't need it and when you head to the toilet you can just grab it and take it with you.
Have a good story. Think about how you want to explain it to others if they'll notice. This will only be for the absolute emergency if someone asks you about it. How do you want to explain it? Imo a white lie about being incontinent is fine, but everyone has to decide for himself. But if you have a story on hand, it will improve the situation greatly, if someone should really ask about it.
I guess that's a good starting point if you try to go 24/7. It takes time to get confident with all the little problems you'll encounter, but this is part of the journey (and hopefully fun) and you'll get better and better and at some point you'll go through TSA with a diaper on and you won't have any concerns.
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babylaptop · 7 months
setting up an ipod is harder than you fucking think
just spent the last life four+ hours setting up this ipod classic 4th gen. here's a summary of all the problems i ran into:
(1) ipod had files in it. they appeared as gray and un-editable on itunes, so i thought reseting the ipod to factory would be the fastest and easiest solution.
turns out the last step of the process is connecting ipod to a wall power source. i do this. nothing happens for at least an hour. ipod is stuck in "connect to the wall" icon screen no matter what i do. the internet says it needs to connect with an actual apple firewire wall connector, which i do not have. tried using my ipad's charger with a usb-to-usb-c adapter that i own. didn't work. eventually figured it out the problem had to do with the amps it needs to get defibrillated. i remember that i own a pretty hefty power bank with a 5v/2.1a output. it works. ipod is reset. i have a nice fun time adding the 6 or so songs i have downloaded on my computer (:
(2) i had downloaded soulseek a while ago and gotten frustrated with it but decided to give it another spin since piracy experts on reddit sing it many praises. it seems to have a heavy culture of egalitarianism: a pop up window informs you that a lot of people's download's are restricted only to other people sharing files.
__(2.1) it prompts me to enter my account and password but i don't have one. there isn't an immediatly visible 'create account' link. i google this. eventually i find this soulseek forum where a ton of normies are asking questions pretty regularly. excellent. i search my problems and someone else has already made a post and had the question answered. thank you normies. also: google groups is still a thing???????
the inability to create an account is a weird bug. someone's answer tells me how to circumvent it.
__(2.2) i still can't search for anything. there are no files in this wasteland. i turn on my vpn. put my humble six songs in a folder and share it. voila!!!!!!!
soulseek is actually VERY cool. you can browse other people's music folders, which opens an incredible secret world of possibilities re: finding new music similar to your tastes. EXTREMELY exciting. feels like i'm in a cool secret club of the internet. feels like the old internet.
i download one (1) lana del rey song that's stuck in my head. choose .flac (a lossless audio file) because i want to be fancy.
(3) ...........itunes doesn't read .flac files
__(3.1) searches: what files does itunes read? > which of these files is best for lossless audio? > how do i convert .flac files to itunes-compatible file types? > download foobar2000 > click around till i figure out how to convert .flac files to .wav files.
__(3.2) it works! (: the songs are now in itunes! (:
............but the metadata (album cover, genres, artist, album, etc) doesn't transfer. i don't want to manually input it again. searches: how to keep metadata when converting files? tutorial is slightly different from the version of foobar i have, but i eventually find the setting to keep the metadata.
(4) it works! (:
.............but it won't transfer to my ipod ): i get the message: your ipod can't read this file <- paraphrasing.
okay. searches: what kind of files can an ipod classic 4th gen read? (perhaps they are different from the files itunes can read. this is, after all, the last version of itunes ever released, many years and itunes versions after the ipod classic 4th gen.)
this information isn't in the wikipedia page. this isn't in the ipod wiki. can't even find this model in the official apple pages. it's mentioned in several reviews but it's the wrong model. christ almighty. ok. here it is. found it. allegedly it should be able to read it. ok. why isn't it.
read through forum threads. some people say older ipods get fussy with high bitrates. (search: what is a bitrate? oh ok. higher bitrate > higher audio quality. got it.)
bitrates reccomended by foobar: 180-300something. lossless file bitrate: 2000 and change. hm. surely that's a huge difference.
i convert the .flac file to .mp3 instead.
__(4.1) it works! (: the files are in my ipod! (:
.....but goddamnit, i'm stubborn, and this goddamn ipod is supposed to be able to read apple lossless files (basically a .flac file, but designed to be used with apple products. lol.) i don't want a lameass mp3, i want lossless goddamn quality! even if this brick of an ipod won't be able to play it! it's the principle of the thing!
______(4.1.1) okay. try to fuck around with bitrates in the settings of the apple lossless conversion on foobar. foobar is like "you don't have the right encoder pack, bitch" <- paraphrasing.
oooh. surely, this is the problem. i download encoder pack.
______(4.1.2) foobar is like: "you don't have the right encoder pack, bitch" <- paraphrasing.
me: [crying] but i did.
foobar: bitch.
______(4.1.3) search: why is foobar calling me a bitch? > reddit thread: look closely at the sphynx's riddles three: it doesn't say "you haven't downloaded the encoder pack." it says: you haven't installed the encoder pack. (<- NOT A JOKE.)
go to C: > program files > foobar > find the encoder pack i downloaded > click on all the .exe files. powershell windows appear and dissappear. basically: stuff happened. i'm certian.
_____________( i'm STILL getting the riddles three message, but the same reddit thread says: if you know you solved th riddles three, you can just ignore it (: so i do.
__(4.2) .flac files seem to have been successfully converted to apple lossless files !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....but i am back to "your ipod can't read this shit!!!!!!!!!"
do some more searches > turns out it's a weird itunes glitch. the thing is just moody. try turning it on and off. try disconnecting and re-connecting. try resetting your ipod again.
try uninstalling and installing again.
(5) "iTunes Library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes"
.......................to be continued. if i don't kill mysuelf first.
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Maximizing Convenience with Fast Charger Power Bank with Built-in Lightning, Android, USB-C, and USB Cables
In today's fast-paced world where staying connected is key, power banks have become a necessity for those on the go. Imagine having a power bank that not only offers fast charging capabilities but also comes equipped with built-in lightning, Android, USB-C, and USB cables - all in a compact, mini-sized design with a big capacity. This all-in-one solution is a game-changer for tech-savvy individuals who value convenience and efficiency.
Power banks have revolutionized the way we charge our devices while on the move. With the advancement of technology, power banks now come in various shapes and sizes to cater to different needs. One of the most sought-after features of a power bank is the built-in cables for different devices. This eliminates the hassle of carrying multiple cables and ensures that you are always prepared to charge your devices, whether it's an iPhone, Android, or other devices that use USB-C or USB cables.
The convenience of having all the necessary cables built into the power bank cannot be overstated. No more fumbling through your bag or searching for the right cable when your device is running low on battery. With a fast charger power bank that supports multiple devices, you can stay powered up at all times, no matter where you are.
The mini size of this fast charger power bank makes it easy to carry around in your pocket, purse, or backpack. Despite its small size, it boasts a big capacity that can provide multiple charges for your devices. Whether you are traveling, commuting, or simply out and about, this power bank ensures that you stay connected without any interruptions.
In conclusion, a fast charger power bank with built-in lightning, Android, USB-C, and USB cables is a must-have gadget for those who are constantly on the go. Its compact size, big capacity, and versatile charging capabilities make it a valuable companion for anyone relying on their devices throughout the day. Say goodbye to tangled cables and low battery anxiety - this all-in-one power bank has got you covered. If you found this video helpful, please give it a thumbs up, subscribe to our channel for more tech content, and share it with your friends who might find it useful.
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govindhtech · 18 days
Apple Intelligence powers iOS 18, iPadOS 18 & macOS Sequoia
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Apple launched Apple Intelligence, the iPhone, iPad, and Mac personal intelligence system that uses generative models and personal context to provide highly valuable and relevant intelligence. Apple Intelligence permeates iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia.
It uses Apple hardware to comprehend and create language and graphics, act across apps, and use personal context to simplify and speed up daily chores. With Private Cloud Compute, Apple establishes a new benchmark for AI privacy by flexing and scaling computing power between on-device processing and bigger, server-based models on proprietary Apple silicon servers.
Apple Intelligence New Language Understanding and Creation Skills Apple Intelligence offers new ways to improve writing and communication. Users can rewrite, proofread, and summaries Mail, Notes, Pages, and third-party app content with new systemwide Writing Tools in iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia.
Writing Tools boost confidence in writing by organizing class notes, proofreading blog posts, and perfecting emails. Apple Intelligence’s Rewrite feature lets users set a tone for their writing based on audience and task.
From perfecting a cover letter to injecting humour and creativity into a party invitation, Rewrite helps produce the proper words. Proofread evaluates grammar, word choice, and sentence structure and suggests modifications with explanations that users can review or quickly accept. Summaries can summaries text into a paragraph, bulleted points, table, or list.
While writing an email, a user can choose Proofread or Rewrite from the Writing Tools menu. The Summarize feature is selected in the Notes app for holistic health notes. In Mail, managing emails has never been easier. Priority Messages display urgent communications like dinner invitations and boarding passes at the top of the inbox. Instead than previewing the first few lines of each email, users can see summaries without opening them. Users can tap long threads to get relevant details. Smart Reply suggests rapid responses and identifies email questions to assure answers. Deep language understanding extends to notifications. Priority alerts display at the top of the stack to highlight what’s most important, while summaries assist users skim long or stacked alerts to see key facts on the Lock Screen, like ongoing group chats. Reduce Interruptions, a new Focus, highlights only urgent alerts like a nursery pickup SMS to help users stay focused. The Notes and Phone apps may capture, transcribe, and summarize audio. Participants are automatically notified when a call is recorded, and Apple Intelligence creates a summary to help recall key points after the call. The Notes app on iPad Pro can capture and transcribe audio. iPad Pro can summarize audio. Image Playground Enhances Communication and Self-Expression Fun Apple Intelligence enables innovative image creation to help consumers express themselves. Users may create amusing graphics in seconds using Image Playground’s Animation, Illustration, or Sketch styles. Images Playground is simple and embedded into apps like Messages. A separate software lets you experiment with different ideas and designs. Users can play with as many images as they wish because all images are made on device.
Users can choose from themes, costumes, accessories, and locales; provide a description to characterize an image; incorporate someone from their personal photo bank; and pick their favorite style with Image Playground.
Messages’ Image Playground lets users easily create amusing graphics for pals and explore personalized conversation-related themes. If a user messages a group about hiking, they’ll receive suggested concepts relating to their friends, destination, and activity, making image creation faster and more relevant.
iPhone 15 Pro iPhone 15 Pro demonstrates Messages Image Playground Image Playground presents the user’s mum as a superhero in iPhone 15 Pro Messages. In Notes, the new Image Wand in the Apple Pencil tool menu opens Image Playground, making notes more visually appealing. Users can generate beautiful graphics from rough sketches and even empty space utilising information from the surrounding region. Keynote, Freeform, Pages, and third-party apps that use the new Image Playground API also support Image Playground.
Genmojis Create Genmojis for Any Situation
Users can build unique Genmoji to express themselves. Typing a description displays their Genmoji and other options. Photos can be used to create Genmoji of friends and relatives. Genmoji can be used in texts or as stickers or reactions in Tapbacks like emoji. Genmojis are chosen for the prompt “Smiley relaxing wearing cucumbers.” In Messages, users can choose Genmoji Tapbacks.
New Photo Features Increase Control Apple Intelligence makes photo and video searching easier. Use natural language to find photographs like “Maya skateboarding in a tie-dye shirt,” or “Katie with stickers on her face.” Finding certain moments in clips to jump to the relevant segment improves video search. The new Clean Up tool can also remove background distractions without affecting the subject.
Memories lets users create stories by typing a description. Apple Intelligence will use language and picture understanding to select the finest images and videos based on the description, create a plot with chapters based on photo themes, and organize them into a movie with a narrative arc. Apple Music will even suggest songs based on memory. Apple and others do not access user photographs and videos, as with all Apple Intelligence features.
New Era for Siri Siri Siri becomes further integrated into the system using Apple Intelligence. With better English understanding, Siri is more natural, contextually relevant, and personal, simplifying and speeding up daily activities. It can track users’ stammering and preserve context between requests. Users can also type to Siri and switch between speech and text to converse as needed. Siri’s new look includes an exquisite flashing light around the screen while engaged.
Siri can now answer hundreds of iPhone, iPad, and Mac queries and provide device assistance anywhere. Mail app users can learn how to schedule emails and switch from Light to Dark Mode.
Siri will eventually understand and act on user content in more apps with display awareness. A buddy can text a user their new address in Messages and say, “Add this address to his contact card.”
Siri can do hundreds of new activities in Apple and third-party apps using Apple Intelligence. Siri will handle requests like “Bring up that article about cicadas from my Reading List” or “Send the photos from the Saturday barbecue to Malia.”
Siri will provide user-specific and device-specific intelligence. A user can say, “Play that podcast that Jamie recommended,” and Siri can find and play the episode without having to remember if it was mentioned in a text or email. Or they can ask Siri, “When is Mom’s flight landing?” and Siri will retrieve the flight data and compare them to real-time flight monitoring to give an arrival time.
Apple Intelligence must grasp deep personal context and respect user privacy to be helpful. Many Apple Intelligence models operate solely on device, a cornerstone of its processing. Privacy and security of Apple products are extended into the cloud to unlock greater intelligence for sophisticated demands that require more processing power.
Apple Intelligence can increase its computing capability and use larger, server-based models for difficult requests with Private Cloud Compute. Apple servers power these models, ensuring data is never retained or exposed.
Private Cloud Compute cryptographically prevents iPhone, iPad, and Mac from talking to a server unless its software has been publicly logged for scrutiny. Independent experts can analyze Apple silicon server code to verify privacy. Apple Intelligence with Private Cloud Compute redefines AI privacy, enabling trusted AI.
ChatGPT ChatGPT integrates across Apple platforms Apple is adding ChatGPT access to iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, letting users leverage its expertise and image- and document-reading capabilities without switching tools. Siri can use ChatGPT’s knowledge as needed. After receiving inquiries, papers, and photographs from ChatGPT, Siri answers directly. An iPhone 15 Pro user tells Siri, “He have fresh salmon, lemons, tomatoes.” Help me create a 5-course feast with dishes for all tastes.” Siri on iPhone 15 Pro asks, “Do you want me to use ChatGPT to do that?” Siri displays ChatGPT results on iPhone 15 Pro. A bullet describes the first course, tomato and basil bruschetta. Apple’s systemwide Writing Tools will also include ChatGPT to let users write material for any topic. Compose users can use ChatGPT image capabilities to create graphics in many styles to match their content. ChatGPT users’ IP addresses are hidden, and OpenAI won’t store requests. Users who connect to ChatGPT must follow its data-use policies. GPT-4o-powered ChatGPT will launch later this year on iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia. Users can access it for free without an account, while ChatGPT subscribers can connect their accounts and enjoy paid features from these experiences.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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falakxsiddiqui · 26 days
closed for @taylormontero
"Sorry to bother you," Falak approached the woman who had been walking along the street and luckily looked a lot more approachable than the man who'd passed just moments before. He'd been snarling at everyone and Falak was just not in the mood to deal with someone like that. "Could you point me in the direction of Lincoln Park? I thought it was along this road but I haven't been back here in over sixteen years and clearly I'm out of touch." And why was she not using her phone? Well that was a simple reason really...she had no battery left which meant at some point in the next little bit she was also going to need to either find someone with a power bank or a wall outlet. It was strange, Falak never allowed her iPad to go under 40% or her laptop but here she was with a phone that had a mere 8% left that she was not willing to risk at this point.
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jaaduse · 2 months
Welcome to Jaadu Se : Shop the Latest, Mobile Phones, Smartphones, Apple Products, iPhone , iPad , Watch & Premium Accessories
Jaadu Se, a proud division of iZone Digital India Private Limited, is where magic meets technology! 🎩✨ We're here to sprinkle enchantment into your shopping experience and turn every wish into a reality! 💫
At Jaadu Se, we believe in our tagline, Jaadu SE - ab hogi sabki wish puri, which means "Magic Happens - now everyone's wish will come true". 💫
Step into our mystical realm, where we offer an enchanting array of mobile phones, tablets, smartwatches, and earbuds from top brands like Apple, Samsung, VIVO, Realme, Nokia, Google Pixel, Xiaomi, and OnePlus. From the latest gadgets & Low Budgets to trendy accessories and tech-savvy solutions, we've got everything you need and more!
Explore our curated collection and discover hot deals on your favorite brands. Don't miss out on our Weekly offers and best deals, where you can score amazing discounts on must-have products! 🛍️✨
In addition, we have some original Apple accessories & Apple care & Apple care Plus available at the best and lowest prices, along with a selection of open box deals for those looking for even greater savings.
Embark on a magical journey with us as we bring your dreams to life. Let the magic of Jaadu Se transform your shopping adventure into an unforgettable experience!
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Digital Art Lovers.
Who else can agree that digital art is something really exciting? The use of an iPad for creating digital art has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. The iPad offers a range of powerful tools and applications that allow artists to create and manipulate their art in ways that were once only possible with traditional mediums. The ability to work on a high-resolution screen with a stylus that can replicate the sensation of drawing or painting on paper or canvas has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for digital artists.
One of the advantages of using an iPad for digital art is its portability. Artists can take their iPad with them wherever they go, allowing them to create art on the go, whether it be on a train, at a coffee shop, or in a park. Additionally, the iPad provides access to a variety of art applications that allow artists to experiment with different techniques, brushes, and styles.
Furthermore, the iPad has made digital art more accessible to a wider audience. With the cost of traditional art supplies often being a barrier for many aspiring artists, the relatively low cost of an iPad and its accompanying applications has made it easier for people to experiment with digital art without breaking the bank.
Overall, the use of an iPad for digital art has opened up new creative possibilities and has made it easier for artists to experiment with different techniques and styles. It's an exciting time to be a digital artist!
I'm more of a graphic designer than a digital artist at the moment, but I intend on getting better! I did love creating this though.
What are your thoughts????
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joels6string · 1 year
Me: Needs to charge iPads and power banks and hand warmers for NYC tomorrow.
Also me: No part of me wants to go to NYC tomorrow.
Also, also me: Why the fuck did I get my shin tattooed the day before I need to be in NYC knowing I swell like a fucking balloon from any minor abrasion.
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