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I am from Ukraine and I love VtM. Commissions open
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dymdrimluga · 2 days ago
About this blog and blogger! Mainly about vampires, but definitely about VtM vampires. A lot of World of Darkness. I was introduced to VtM as a young teen with Bloodlines, still waiting for Bloodlines two. I have played any VtM game I can!
Coteries of New York - love love love
Shadows of New York - also love
Reckoning of New York - uhhh… kinda killed it for me.
Night Road - Lettow and Julian 🤤
I write self insert fanfics, mainly based off me, (I’m sorry lol). So time for those fanfics!
Jewel of the Desert:
VtM OC: Esme (art by @crownedinmarigolds )
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Brief summary: scorned by her Sire/lover she leaves her home of Virginia to head out west. She ends up in Tucson to try and see if she can make this new home.
Blood of a Siren:
VtM OC: Arietta (no art but tbh, she looks similar to Esme. Here’s a pic of Qadir instead)
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Brief summary: What happens to the human whose blood captures the attention of The Sheriff? The very person who punishes those who violate the Masquerade. What happens to the human who finds herself in a unique position? What happens to either of them once the Camarilla finds out about their relationship?
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dymdrimluga · 5 days ago
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Based on a ref i saw on twitter
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dymdrimluga · 5 days ago
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VtM group commission I did recently
I like their group dynamic, I have tried my best to show it here.
I think I need more group commissions (VtM, DnD) so I am still open for group commissions for special prises ($200-250) for a group up to 5 characters, so tell me if you’re interested
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dymdrimluga · 5 days ago
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dymdrimluga · 6 days ago
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Lord Corvus
-Parliament of Rooks-
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dymdrimluga · 27 days ago
My brujah Kris more interested in jokes and art than romance but open for commissions any future relationships
My Toreador Rin is a musician but a tragic accident destroyed his face and future. His beloved (his Sire) left him to fend for himself, his clan turned their backs on him. Rin was forced to find part-time work as a sex worker in order to have housing and money to find someone who could help restore her beauty. He used to have a humanity of 8 but is now 7 and he was horrified that his body felt different
My gangrel, Chester, isn't very interested in the subject, but he is open to experiments, and like most gargrels, he can go very far in experiments under the right conditions. But you won't know about it, because like most Gangrels, he won't talk about it
My Salubri Jena has a very busy life with many different random partners, it allows her to feed and is also a response to certain psychological traumas
My Salubri Margaret (Daisy) is more careful in choosing partners, but she likes BDSM (in different roles), which is also a trauma response for her.
My Tzimisce Eddie (Adam) has 1 dot in charisma and he is a nerd. His Sire controls every aspect of his life. He got no chance, or maybe it was something really episodic and not healthy at all.
Good morning vtm gang I wanna read more about yalls creatures
What's your vampire's approach to romance/sex? Do they have a partner? How's their relationship looking like? If not, why not? Gimme the teaaaa
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dymdrimluga · 30 days ago
It’s already fucked up enough for Russians to bomb civilian infrastructure, but they inflict psychological terror just for the sake of it. They use suspense and uncertainty to keep people on edge.
Every night I spent in Kharkiv, drones would fly around in circles for hours. They’d descend and accelerate like they were about to hit, and then diverted. They’d fly into different regions to do the same thing and return. They did that from 9pm and kept it up until everyone was tired, then attacked between 4:30-5:30 am, or sometimes not at all. They terrorized Kharkiv for a bit and moved on to Sumy.
I didn’t have a reaction to the explosions, I had reactions to sirens and the sound of drones flying. The anticipation fucks with you. There’s no other reason to do it other than to make civilians suffer more. Waiting to see if they’re going to die. Most people are used to it by now, but it’s still such a mindfuck.
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dymdrimluga · 1 month ago
Hiiii! I need to pay my rent soon and I still need $150 more to do it, so I am open for commissions. VtM, DnD, fantasy characters.
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Big discount on less detailed pictures like this one (something like this for $60)
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And as of right now there is a special offer - a group of characters from 2 to 5 for only $200 in this style
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https://cara.app/dym-art you can see more of my art here.
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dymdrimluga · 1 month ago
Hey guys! I have to open a couple of emergency commission slots cause I'm low on money for my med tests. !ONLY headshots and half-bodies! DM or drop me an email if you are interested! You can find more info + commission examples in my pricelist here
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dymdrimluga · 1 month ago
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Salubri: Étienne Camus 🩸👁️ A Vampire the Masquerade commission I finished last night, fully prepared for this to get like 3 views since it's not exactly fan art, but hey. I think he looks pretty cool, so there you go.
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dymdrimluga · 1 month ago
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Another beautiful vampiric couple! Ellie, malkavian and Nova, brujah. This commission was made for porcelain vampire ✨
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dymdrimluga · 1 month ago
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Narcisa, one of my Malkavian characters waiting for her love 🖤🥀
Happy Valentine's Day!
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dymdrimluga · 1 month ago
Shallan Davar from The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson
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dymdrimluga · 1 month ago
la mujer serpiente
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Val with her sire, fully devoted
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dymdrimluga · 1 month ago
Commission art for @drfayelure
Jack Cross (she/her)
I only know a few details about her and it's not my story to tell, but I still hope to learn more
I really love the fact that it's not just a portrait, it's literally a moment in the character's life, and I really like the result. I want to make more pieces like this. This is a very difficult task sometimes, but what an interesting one!
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dymdrimluga · 1 month ago
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happy fuckin valentine's day but forget that corporate shit let's eat at home, bust out the soft blanket, pop in a DVD, and get some cheap-ass candy on the 15th anyway love u bye
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dymdrimluga · 1 month ago
Katherine, my Sabbat City Gangrel. She committed Diablerie and started hearing voices in her head, but was almost kicked off the Malkavian network for trying to broadcast lewd images and haunting tunes
also she can see ghosts and all sorts of things
Humanity 4
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