#power bank RoHs
Everything You Need to Know About 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh for Phones
In today's fast-paced world, it's essential to have a reliable power bank for your phone to stay connected on the go. The 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh is a popular choice for many smartphone users due to its high capacity and versatile charging options. In this blog post, we will delve into the features, benefits, and considerations of this power bank to help you make an informed decision.
Features of the 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh: 1. High Capacity: With a 20000mAh capacity, this power bank can provide multiple charges for your phone, allowing you to stay connected for longer periods without needing to recharge the power bank itself. 2. Dual USB Outputs: The power bank is equipped with two USB outputs, allowing you to charge two devices simultaneously. This is especially convenient when you have multiple devices or need to share power with a friend or family member. 3. Input 5V/2A: The power bank features a 5V/2A input, which allows for faster recharging of the power bank itself. This means you can spend less time waiting for the power bank to be ready for use again. 4. Touch Lights: The power bank is equipped with touch lights, which can serve as a handy flashlight in dimly lit environments. This feature adds an extra layer of utility to the power bank, making it a versatile tool for various situations.
Benefits of the 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh: 1. Convenience: The ability to charge two devices simultaneously and the high capacity of the power bank offer unparalleled convenience for users who are constantly on the go. 2. Versatility: The inclusion of touch lights adds an extra layer of functionality to the power bank, making it a useful tool for outdoor activities or emergencies. 3. Fast Recharging: The 5V/2A input allows for quicker recharging of the power bank, ensuring that you can get back to using it in no time. 4. Reliability: With its high capacity and dual USB outputs, this power bank offers a reliable power source for your devices, giving you peace of mind when you're away from traditional power sources.
Considerations: While the 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh offers many benefits, it's essential to consider the size and weight of the power bank, especially if you plan on carrying it in your pocket or bag. Additionally, some users may prefer power banks with higher or lower capacity, depending on their specific needs.
Conclusion: The 2 USB Outputs & Inputs 5V/2A Touch Lights Power Bank 20000mAh is a versatile and reliable power bank that offers convenience, versatility, and fast recharging capabilities. With its high capacity and dual USB outputs, it's an excellent choice for smartphone users who are always on the go. Consider the size and weight of the power bank, and you'll have a reliable power source for your devices wherever you go.
Don't forget to share this post with your friends and family on social media to help them stay connected on the go as well!
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sanzaibian · 4 months
I turns off my phone angrily. I have barely touched down to Pudong International Airport, and now I have to call my Shanghai agent about how I’m going to be late, and that “China Eastern”, that company full of crooks, doesn’t even want to compensate my $4200 business class ticket for being 2 hours late.
“Allô ? C’est Julien, je suis enfin arrivé à Shanghai. (Hello ? It’s Julien, I’ve finally touched down at Shanghai.)” I say to my local correspondent, the one responsible for dragging me here.
- Enfin ! Ça fait une heure qu’on vous attend ! (Finally ! We’ve been waiting for you for a whole hour !)
- C’est pas ma faute ! Le vol a eu deux heures de retard à cause de soi-disants ‘vents forts’ vers la Mongolie… et ces escrocs ne veulent rien me rembourser… typique… (It’s not my fault ! The flight was two hours late due to so-called ‘powerful winds’ around Mongolia… and those crooks don’t want to reimburse me… typical…)” I answer, annoyed.
- Bon, de l’Aéroport de 浦東 (Pudong) jusqu’ici… pff… je vais devoir leur dire de revenir cet après-midi… (So, from 浦東 (Pudong) Airport to here… ugh… I need to ask them to come back this afternoon…)” He says, similarly annoyed, though seemingly flaunting his perfect pronunciation in Chinese.
- Ne râle pas sur moi, j’ai rien fait ! Je savais que j’aurais dû prendre Air France, ils n’auraient pas eu de retard comme ces asiates… (Don’t dump it on me, I did nothing ! I knew I should have gone for Air France, they wouldn’t be late like those chinks…)
- Roh… (Ugh…)” He sighs a while. “Je vais m’occuper de tout. Juste… viens aussi vite que possible. (I’ll manage. Just… come here as soon as you can.)”
I turn off the phone. As if I would waste a minute of my life… I’m Julien Blanc, and my time is money, just like the saying goes. As the heir of a multi-million dollars worth banking company, I have investments left right and center, and can’t let the next golden goose escape me.
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Recently, a well-known investor, Pierre Zhang, let me know of a promising startup here in Shanghai. While at first I was understandingly skeptical, after all chinks are known for their plagiarism, I did check the project and found it to be unique, and even viable.
While I do know that Pierre Zhang is half one of them, so he does take their side much more than a regular person would, this time he saw a good opportunity. And it will be botched due to an incapable company that spouted nonsense about “strong winds” or something and was late as a result.
Angrily, I stomp in the giant airport halls, guiding myself thanks to my impeccable English – though, just don’t listen to the pronunciation. I’m stopped multiple times for security checks, and I do swear on them a couple of times, but they deserved it for wasting my time even more.
However, as I was striding in the main hall in order to find the metro station, seeing more and more of those chink hooligans, one of them shoves me to the side. He’s wearing a mask like the pussy he is, as well as a ridiculous oversized hoodie, some laughable jewelry and undistinguished sweatpants.
He’s left as soon as I turn around, meaning I can’t berate him. Youth these days are really insufferable. Where I grew up, on the Saint-Louis island in Paris, we weren’t even half as rude as today’s kids.
Scoffing, I continue rushing to the metro, though I kind of feel dizzy. Did he give me a disease or something ? When I reach the metro shoot, I see a barrier with policemen. Apparently they’re scanning for the coronavirus – they’re still doing that ? – by checking our temperature.
I go in the barrier, confident that I’ll pass the test, when suddenly, my path is blocked.
“Sorry, sir, please come with me.” Said a policewoman in her heavily accented English.
- What are you doing ! Let me go, I did nothing wrong !” I protest with a similarly accented English.
The policewoman doesn’t answer me and leads me to a small room in the airport. There, I see a bunch of other people with masks, waiting on seats. Showing me a mask, the policewoman explain :
“You may be sick. Take a mask and wait. - I’m going to be late ! Nothing’s wrong with me, just let me leave !” I say, though I don’t notice my accent shifting a little.
- Wear it or face consequences.” The policewoman insists, dangling the mask in front of my eyes. I sigh.
- Okay, but make it quick. I’ll wear 一只 (one).”
I squint my eyes. How did I say ‘one’ ? It feels incorrect, have I accidentally used French ‘un’ ?
I take the mask and wear it, still squinting. I still feel dizzy, so I guess the policewoman must have been right ? I take my phone out, wanting to send a quick message to Pierre about me being late, but something seems wrong.
When I look on my phone, there’s a weird app named 抖音 that has been installed. I don’t remember doing that. In fact, why is there even a Chinese app on my phone !
I click on it, and suddenly, videos start playing. I squint my eyes as I look at the videos of ch… Chinese people doing a variety of things. First it’s a video of a cat rubbing on someone, and that guy exclaimed “它真的是只饥渴死的猫��!”, with then the woman filming answering, with a hurried tone “快摸它啊,你干嘛在那儿等呗?真冷啊。”. Even though I don’t understand a word that is said, I can guess that the woman is telling the guy to go rub the cat.
It’s funnier than I expected. Turns out the Chinese have more humor than I thought. Then, another video comes on, showing a guy, looking just like that punk from earlier, saying “穿这种衣服,我干嘛不会感丢人哎?(… these clothes… … lose face ?)”, and the camera pans out to a woman in a cockroach outfit. The punk continues “你已经三十岁了,为什么还在买这种衣服了?(… thirty years old, why still buy… ?)”, the woman answers “你现在我穿什么你都要管吗?(You... right now what I wear… your business ?)”. The punk then comes back into frame, with the woman on the left, asking “没有情侣版吗?哪只手我该牵啊?(There isn’t a couple’s version ? Which hand should I hold ?). Then, the woman shows a tendril, and they hold hands like that. I smile, finding it way funnier than it should.
I don’t really notice how I understand more and more what’s on 抖音 (Douyin), though I do let myself grow limp on the waiting room chair. I guess I don’t have much regards anymore for how I look, after all I’m waiting for a coronavirus test. Nobody’s going to comment on my posture !
The next video shows three guys running, with the caption 三人跑步时能干什么 (What can three people do while running together ?), and I see how their hair bop up and down. I’ve been shaving myself bald for quite a few years, ever since I was balding too much for me to bother with hair, but seeing these guys like that makes me a bit nostalgic of that time.
Seeing them doing stupider and stupider stuff, and smiling more and more as they show bungee jumping, doing pull-ups, playing games, stir-frying and even boxing, I feel a bit weird. Like I can kind of relate, in my youth I also did crazy things, and it would absolutely be something I would have done with my friends. I scratch my head, feeling it tingle, as I continue watching the next video, not even realizing my squinting is less and less strenuous.
The videos continue trickling in, every one more humorous than the last, and I catch myself chuckling out loud multiple times. By now, I understand everything very clearly, and when a doctor comes to do a coronavirus test, I don’t even blink when he addresses me in Chinese :
“少年,请跟我进走。(Young man, please enter with me.)
- Yes, 先生。(Yes, sir.)” I answer, mixing English and Chinese.
Everything is confused as he takes me to a machine, my thoughts mixing French, English and Chinese. Even my clothes feel… less tight than they used to. Almost as if they were melting and becoming glue.
I take place in the machine and he activates it. I feel as if things become clearer while I’m in. Like, for example, why was I stressed just now ? I don’t have anything important to do right now. And why languages are mixed ? I guess it’s because it’s cooler to mix in English…
The machine stops, and I leave it, scratching my straight hair. Had I ? … no, of course not, it’s my facial hair that I shave…
The doctor hands me my piercings.
“Euh, attendez, 先生,有什么不对了…… (Er, wait, sir, there’s something that’s not right.)” I ask, mixing French and Chinese. I really feel like something is not right.
- 什么发生过了?会跟我谈一谈。(What happened ? You can discuss it with me.)
- 我……有个奇怪的感受。Est-ce que 您找到了种疾病吗?(I… have a weird feeling. Did you find some kind of disease ?)
- 没有。但是您不舒服的话我肯定会给您扑热息痛。(I didn’t. However, if you don’t feel good, I can give you some paracetamol.)” He answers me, with a helpful look.
- 该好了。Merci. (It should be good. Thank you.)”
I take the pill he gives me, and put my piercings back on as I go back in the terminal. As I walk, I feel very comfy, as if everything was alright. I look down on my large oversized hoodie with its colorful prints. I feel like I’m in my youth once again… huh, it’s so weird to say that when I’m only... 23 years old !
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Suddenly, I get a phone call from a weird contact I don’t remember having, someone named 张皮尔 (Zhang Pi’er/Pierre). I accept the call :
“喂。是谁?(Hello. Who’s there ?)” I ask, with a perfect accent.
- Julien ? Pourquoi tu parles chinois ? (Julien ? Why do you speak Chinese ?)” He groans, then switches to Chinese. “是我问您是谁。是您的电话吗?(I’m the one asking you who you are. Is it your phone ?)
- 当然是。我是个富二代,为啥要偷手机啊?(Of course. I have a trust fund, why would I steal a phone ?)” I slur, my speech becoming more and more relaxed.
- 嗯……那您是谁啊?您认不认识Julien Blanc ? (Ugh… So who are you ? Do you know Julien Blanc ?)
- 是白炬亮。那你到底是谁啊?(I’m Bai Juliang. And now can you tell me who you are ?)
- 是张皮尔……嗯……听我说一下。你有没有多钱会投资?我认为了Julien Blanc要投资新项目,但你还会投资一下。有没有兴趣?(I’m Pierre Zhang… ugh… Listen. Do you have a lot of money to invest ? I thought Julien Blanc would come and invest in a new project, but you can still invest. Are you interested ?)”
I think for a while. It could be great to have some money coming from another place than my parents’ company… plus, I don’t want to have to join it, or risk being cut off from my money…
However, there’s time, I’m still young, and there’s no rush right now… Plus, having work is, like, a lot of work, and I don’t want to work… But I have an idea.
“张先生,你想不想跟我投资?我给了你钱币,你给了我专业,收入分两半。感觉好吗?(Mr. Zhang, do you want to invest with me ? I give you the funds, you give me the expertise, and we divide the profits in half. Do you like that ?)”
After a while, he answers :
“感觉好了。(I think it’s good.)”
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808airsoftbros · 3 months
Fromis_9 As Your Vampire Mothers
Lee Saerom (Alpha Vampire)
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Ah, Saerom the Alpha of the clan and known to be one of the most ruthless in the sister clan
You'd think being the husband under her wing would be rather unpleasant but it's the exact opposite under her care
Saerom is literally amazing as she can juggle her responsibilities of being your wife, mother, and the Alpha of the clan
Literal softie for children such as yourself but when someone dares challenge her demeanor changes 360 degrees
Very... Very... Very... Patient, you could break a vase but if she sees it's nothing but an accident she'll forgive you
But don't let her soft and caring side fool you... If you dare misbehave she will not hesitate to correct that
Besides who are you to complain? You are married to one of the strongest and most powerful Vampire in the clan and she chose you
Privileges: She'd let you lay on her chest and lap, play with her hair, hug her almost whenever (If she's not too busy), give you all the breast milk you want, and most importantly, be under her adoration
Song Hayoung (1st Enforcer)
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Being the number one enforcer besides Jiwon can be quite challenging but not to her
She'd go through the entire world just for you and that's how much you mean to her
At the beginning, you were neglected, abused, starved, shivered, you name it
When she came into your life and took you under her care, that all changed instantly
Hayoung would swear to herself that she'll protect you no matter what happens and obligated to care and nurture you for life
She'd be the wife and mother you'd never had growing up and she fits perfectly in the role
But at the same time just like Saerom, she won't hesitate to discipline you if you act up and establish rules to keep you safe and in order
Privileges: Lots of cuddles, play with her hair, sings you soft lullabies, having warm cooked meals from her, and lay on her lap
Park Jiwon (2nd Enforcer)
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Although she is the second Enforcer, she is a video game addict but cannot play as much but it's a perfect excuse to spend more time with you
Loves to go out on shopping sprees with you and spoils the daylights out of you
But do not fear, her bank account is quite big and none of the bills hardly put a dent in it
Would take out to ice skate rings, she would always be attentive and hold your hand while teaching you how to skate on the ice to ensure you won't trip and injure yourself
Despite being a horror film addict throughout her entire life, she'd sadly could not watch as much as you were too young to watch such movies
That was until you were in your teenage years and that's when she began regularly watching horror movies with you and it's another excuse for her to cuddle you
Most importantly, she be a strong figure for you to look up to when growing up and would always teach you to be respectful and kind torwards others
Except that would be easier said than done as Jiwon is afraid of pigeons and despite being over 100s of years old she never got over that fear but you'd find it funny which is a win for her
Privliges: Lots and lots of cuddles, spoils you with gifts, being able to laugh at her when she gets frightened from pigeons, and always making free time just for you even if she's busy
Roh Jisun (Blood Sister)
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Jisun would lowkey be the chillest and laid back mother and wife you'd come across in the Vampire Sisterhood
But she's hard working and would often be the one leading the kitchen, she plans on the menus and what the kids will be eating on certain days and ensure it's all balanced and nutritious
Growing up under her care, you'd find her quite strange at how "indefinite" she can be at times
One time, you'd accidentally dropped a plate because it slipped out of your hands and Jisun would calmly told you to sweep it up
Jisun never once yelled at you nor has she lashed out her anger once from what you can tell
Regardless, Jisun knows she has a duty to tend to and that includes taking care of you, she changed your diaper, gave you baths, feed you, and breastfeed you
But she prefers for you to start learning how to solve problems on your own with little or no help from her unlike her sisters and it's her way of indirectly teaching you problem solving skills but if it's a major issue then that's when she steps in
"M-mommy, I-uhm... Broke a vase... I'm sorry..." You confessed and she intently stared at you... "Well, what are you suppoesd to do?" She asked you. "Uhm, sweep it?" You guessed and she chuckled. "Then why are you telling me this? You know what to do!" She pointed out.
Privileges: Despite her hard demeanor she'd always be there to give you all the hugs and kisses you need, she'd read bedtime stories, let's you watch cartoons, and go outside playing
Lee Seoyeon (Blood Sister)
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Seoyeon would be quite blunt and straightforward with no time to be wasted and she is a proud mother and wife
Because of this, Seoyeon would always be the mother and wife to support you on your goals and dreams and will provide you anything that you need
Seoyeon would often be given the task of babysitting whenever her sisters are away from home but boy she can manage her clan's children including her own
You'd see her left and right cleaning the house and always tending to her husband to make sure he's happy and healthy
But at times when she is relaxing, she is having a movie marathon with you in her room, and takes naps with you
Beware though she is possessive and strict with you... She'd always be holding hands and walking with you wherever you may go ensuring nobody takes her baby away from her
Sometimes be overprotective but that's because you are her world and life. She sworn to protect you no matter the cost
Has a strong and sensible taste in fashion that you would pick up after her, you two would often go clothes shopping picking out outfits when she was free
Privileges: Gifts you plushies, having a mentor in fashion, sneaks you gummy bears and milk tea, and maybe lets you oversleep if she is staying in bed with you
Lee Chaeyoung (Blood Sister)
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Chaeyoung just like Seoyeon can be quite blunt but is more teasing and loves to have power over you
Your relationship dynamic between you and her is unique, Chaeyoung would be happy to teach you how to be a gentlemen and how you should properly treat a lady
As your mother and wife, it's also her duty to make sure that all adult topics are held off until you are of age so she has to be becareful on what she says and do though she likes to throw some hints there and then
Regardless, she absolutely adores you, she hardly ever leaves your side and always there to comfort and nurse you whenever you cry for her attention
But she also shares the duty of babysitting with Seoyeon and would switch shifts. But Chaeyoung can handle all of her sister's and her own children all on her own
She is not afraid to show any or shower you with her motherly affection towards you in public or in private as she is one poud momma
Loves to have your head on her chest and lap giving her the oppurtunity to stroke your hair and take sleepy pictures of you
But as you grow older, Chaeyoung's expectations get higher and would expect you to cater to her sexual desires and not be afraid to speak of your needs to her
Privliges: Being able to speak freely, would feed you delicious homemade food and snacks, give backhugs, lay on her nude chest, and would give you photos to keep on you so you can think about her when she's not around you
Lee Nagyung (Scout Vampire)
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Nagyung can be seriously chaotic due to her hyper energy and even at times acts like a kid herself despite her old age
But Nagyung knows how to control that energy and is very aware how much damage she can do to you as you are a human and can easily be broken with a Vampire's brute super strength
You would often find yourself playing with Nagyung either in the park or in the playroom
Sometimes she may or may not forget to follow the naptime scheldules and would be scolded many times from Hayoung and Jiwon
Nagyung would love to cuddle and snuggle you and prefers you to be on top of her so she can hug you tightly
When you are at a legal age, Nagyung would barely wear any pants or shorts and would only wear her panties at home which you didn't mind
Not only it's more comfortable for Nagyung but it's a way for her to get your attention and she'd giggle and tease you whenever she catches you staring
Nagyung doesn't mind showing off a bit to you or her sisters but she had to be mindful that she cannot show in front of their husbands
Privileges: Again lots of cuddles, lots of playtime inside and outside, seeing her cute and energetic side, will do aegyo for you, and lets you watch her change
Baek Jiheon (Youngest Blood)
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Although this sunshine Vampire is the youngest of her sisters, that doesn't make her any less mature and knows what's best for her husband
Absolutely smart, she graduated the top of her class in the academy and will help you any way if you get stuck on a question
It warms her sister's hearts seeing how well you two bond despite Jiheon adopting you at an early age as Vampires her age don't adopt their husband until they are around 250 years old and Jiheon is only 75 years old
Jiheon will be willing to do anything to help contribute to the clan along with her sisters and will often times juggle her responsibilities between being your wife/mother and her duties in the clan
At nights, Jiheon would be reading you bedtime stories and singing lullabies until you fall asleep in her arms
Movie nights are a must for her because that's a special tradition in your guy's relationship even if you are fully grown adult you've never grown tired of it and that makes Jiheon happy
But there are times when you may act up and boy, she would not tolerate bad behavior and I gurantee she will deliver a reasonable punishment
Jiheon would often be the one running her sister's errands being the youngest so she brings you along as an excuse to spend more time with you
Privileges: Seeing her adorable smile, lots of cuddles and snuggles, lets you choose the movies, let's you play outside, and having a tutor
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thebibliomancer · 2 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers #315: DOOMSDAY PLUS ONE!
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March, 1990
Guest-starring the Amazing SPIDER-MAN! The enemy REVEALED -- WHILE A UNIVERSE TREMBLES!
Is Nebula auditioning for a Bond movie poster? What's with the ass shot?
Also, we're still really slapping SPIDER-MAN prominently on the cover. I wonder if this story arc got a sales boost. Because it really is trying for one.
And not to nitpick but "the enemy revealed" when we already know Nebula's flimsy grasp of science was behind the universe vanishing. And how can a universe trembles when the universe has vanished?
Dammit, cover text! Get your story straight!
So, last times in Avengers: the Avengers were cleaning up after Acts of Vengeance when bouts of photo-negativity kept hitting the universe. While Iron Man and Vision went to investigate a weird call from Starfox, Thor and Spider-Man came into the Avengers Subbasement just in time for a series of photo-negativity strikes. Sersi used her Eternal powers to shield the room from the effects. Then, the Avengers discovered that everything outside of that one room had ceased to exist.
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Captain America: "The whole universe has... vanished!!" Thor: "Say it is not so, Avenger! The son of Odin in his time hath stood upon the very brink of Ragnarok but ne'er hath such dark words been said!" Captain America: "See for yourself, Thor! This long range scanner shows the area of deep space immediately beyond Earth's Moon... At least, that's what it usually shows. Now there's... nothing!"
I wonder what DOOMSDAY PLUS ONE means in this context. Plus one what? Plus another doomsday? Plus another day?
I also wonder how all the instruments of the room are working without being connected to the greater sub-basement. Were the scanners and cameras located just within this square chunk of room? There wasn't anything on the surface? That doesn't make sense for an underground base...
I wouldn't bother thinking about it except the fact that the heroes only have the oxygen in this very specific room and no more invites one to think about the logistics of this.
A neat little touch is that endless nothingness isn't actually a white void. That's just the best man-made mechanisms can do at showing nothing.
The Avengers are feeling pretty defeatist in the face of the entire universe being gone. Understandably enough.
Captain America: "I've spent all my life surviving, first as a boy growing up in New York's lower east side, then as America's first and only super-soldier battling the Nazis in World War Two... finally as a member of the Avengers. But this... I don't want to sound like a quitter, but I have no idea how to deal with this!" Thor: "Nor have I, brave Captain -- and Thor hath lived a thousand times beyond thy mortal lifetime..."
Then, very special guest star, Spider-Man, gets a brilliant idea. He's the very special guest star so obviously, he's got to be pulling his weight.
Spidey knows a thing or two about cameras and Cap said the long range scanners weren't showing anything. What if they were missing something closer?
So he adjusts the depth of focus and zooms out (how do the scanners do this?) to see if there was something they just couldn't see because of how close it was.
"The way dust doesn't register on a normal camera lens..."
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And bingo bango Bob's your mother's brother, another chunk of something floating in the endless void. A building floating about where New Jersey was labelled PolyDyne Industries.
Cap goes to check PolyDyne in the computer banks but ruh roh the computers aren't in this floating cube of Avengers Subbasement.
Sersi recovers from the strain of protecting the cube and suggests she can telepathically scan the PolyDyne sphere and find out if anyone is over there.
She tries to warn Cap that there could be danger to doing this but Cap insists. At this point, they have no choice but to try anything!
Sersi scans and then yells NO-OHHH!! and curls into the fetal position.
So her psychic abilities are about as useful as Jean in the 90s X-Men show. Zing.
Thor points out that a similar thing happened when she scanned the Negative Zone in Avengers #304. So basically, how do we keep an overpowered Eternal character like Sersi balanced?
This, I guess.
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She's so ruffled that she forgets English so can't even warn the Avengers that she sensed a great EVIL at the center of the emptiness.
I guess that Thor knowing Allspeak hasn't been established yet. Or has been forgotten.
Thor can speak and understand every language. He gets Cipher's entire mutant power as a racial bonus
Ain't it sad, Cipher?
Jarvis, the most humany person here, notes that the air is getting stale.
Cap apparently has a "super-efficient bio-system" so he's better at breathing than a normal person. But even he can tell that the air is getting heavy on carbon dioxide.
This room only has this room's amount of air in it. It doesn't have extra air tanks or a carbon dioxide scrubber installed. Why would it? Under what circumstances would just this one communications room of the Avengers Subbasement get launched into an airless void??
I mean, except these circumstances. These are a bit unprecedented though.
But now that there's Something the Avengers can do, Cap isn't giving up.
Captain America: "If I've learned nothing else in my years of battle, I've learned the absolute truth of one old saying: While there's life, there's hope!"
Over at PolyDyne, everybody floats around in unconscious poses.
Nebula regains her wits first and marvels at the power contained in the compressor.
Nebula: "The power! Never in my wildest dreams have I anticipated such power! It crackles still about the compressor! It surges through my flesh like a thing alive! Even mighty gravity seems twisted by it!"
She tries to contact Gunthar the Rigellian on her mothership but he's not responding.
Then she looks outside the window and sees only the VOID.
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Bit of a nitpick but after the explanation that the empty white void is the best human instruments could do to show absolute nothingness, I was hoping that seeing it with eyeballs would have a different effect.
Eyes lie to the brain, y'know.
Ah, well.
The story already settled on empty white void and its made for some striking splash pages.
Nebula floats over and starts yelling at Professor Harker to EXPLAIN.
Professor Harker: "It can only be a genesis pulse! There was always a danger of this, but it seemed so remote as to be beyond the need for considering! What my compressor does is concentrate the force of a one megaton nuclear explosion into an area smaller than the nucleus of an atom! In theory, this should release a vast quantity of usable energy. However, there was a small chance it might duplicate the effect of the Big Bang... create a new universe in the midst of the old..."
How small a chance is too big a risk that a science project might destroy the world? Just based on Mr. Destroy The Universe's project, I might say a non-zero chance but we've had a lot of particle acceleration since this was published and the universe seems fine.
Nebula slaps him and yells that obviously that thing he just described would destroy both the new universe and the original! Now she has PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER at her fingertips and no universe to become absolute ruler of!
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I have to say... The Avengers (and Spider-Man) had no idea they'd be busting into the PolyDyne building right where the baddie was so this isn't an "Ultron, we would have words with thee" badass entrance. They just kinda blow their way in, glue the Avengers communications room in place so it doesn't drift, and then go 'oh hey Nebula is here, now this makes sense.'
Although, Spider-Man hasn't run into Nebula so mistakes her for Andromeda. Do all blue ladies look alike to you, Spidey?
Thor asks how Nebula managed to escape that time vortex she fell into with Dr Druid, as seen in issue 297.
And Nebula's answer?
She has no fucking idea what he's talking about. She thinks he's making up nonsense just to distract her.
Ah, so, the retcon goes even this far back.
While Captain America and Thor are safe thanks to their shield and spinning Mjolnir respectively, Spider-Man has to dodge and jump around in zero gravity while Nebula shoots ray blasts at the Avengers and Spider-Man.
Captain America throws his mighty shield... which Nebula easily deflects. BUT IT WAS A FEINT. While she was doing that, Thor spins harder and kicks up a wind which blows Nebula into a bulkhead.
She manages to peel herself and blast Thor off-balance. Spider-Man gunks up her wrist-mounted ray blasters and tries to grapple her but she tosses him away.
And while Spider-Man is distracting Nebula by being his usual charming and/or irritating self, Captain America and Thor wander off to examine the compressor.
Cap is guessing that the big, glowing energy thing is what made the universe go away. But he doesn't have the science brain to know what to do about it.
He asks Thor to try to dissipate the energy in the compressor but it's just too much for the god of thunder.
Thor has to release the energies or else explode "as would a mighty oak struck low by lightning."
Meanwhile, Professor Harker crawls out from behind a chunk of dislodged lab equipment and tells Spider-Man the heroes have the wrong idea.
But before he can explain to the Avengers how to deactivate the compressor, Nebula blows him up.
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Okay, but why?
Nebula, did you firmly clutch the villain ball in hand? Do you want the universe to not exist? Shouldn't you want this problem to be fixed too?
And weirdly a pointless death.
Captain America just switches to talking to the next nearest dude, a PolyDyne employee with red hair and a beard. And this random guy, who I don't think even has a name, is able to deliver the same exposition as Professor Harker.
It's not like it's played for tension. Professor Harker blows up and then on the same page Cap is like 'hey you' to the beard guy.
So I don't really get the point of killing Professor Harker. Nebula should want to restore the universe as much as anyone. And killing the guy didn't stop the relevant exposition from getting delivered immediately.
Weird. Weird writing choice.
Random Guy tells Cap that the compressor will be self-sustaining once it reaches 100% efficiency but until then, it's reliant on power from generators in the sub-basement.
But its crazy to try to unplug it! There's such an intense electromagnetic field around the compressor!
Guy: "There's no force on Earth that could break that connection!" Captain America: "Maybe not... but we're not on Earth any more!"
That's... That's a weird argument to make, Cap.
Granted, he also argues that they've got no other choice but to try.
Cap gets as close to the compressor as he can, even as the field makes him feel like he's got ants crawling around inside him. He can only hope that the super-soldier serum will protect him long enough to get the job done. But he's sure if he comes out of this alive, he'll be lucky if all this exposure to a powerful magnetic field doesn't permanently damage him.
He reeeeaches but he just can't get to the giant power cable.
Luckily, Spider-Man saw what he was doing and comes over to ask what the hell he's doing.
When Cap explains that they need to pull the plug ASAP, Spider-Man decides this looks like a guest starring role for Spider-Man.
His webbing is non-organic and non-conductive, thanks to tangling with Electro so often.
He thwipppts a webline on the giant cable and
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Like lift heavy thing except with pulling.
Spider-Man's specialty.
So thanks to Spider-Man pulling something really, really hard, the universe is back.
... I wonder if the Avengers Communications Room is still webbed to the side of the PolyDyne building. I honestly hope so.
So with everything restored to normal, Captain America does his best to put a logical explanation on this.
Captain America: "Apparently, the... ah... 'genesis pulse' had only thrown the universe into a state of complete neutrality. It needed to reach maximum power to completely annihilate everything."
How did you reach that conclusion, Cap?
Anyway, Sersi has recovered from holding the communications room together and then scanning the void. She's telepathically scanned the entire world and determined no time passed while they were in the white void.
The whole story happened between two ticks of the clock.
Spider-Man's take-away is that they just saved the world and nobody will ever know!
(Jarvis says, hey, we'll know! Jarvis is a good guy.)
Apparently, Nebula vanished while everyone was distracted by the universe and gravity being back.
But Captain America remembers that Iron Man and Vision went to investigate her ship and thinks she's going to be in for a nasty surprise when she gets there.
So, apparently this saga still continues. The next issue is teased as "SPIDERS and STARS" so I'll bet next time has "Guest-starring the Amazing Spider-Man" slapped prominently on the cover.
But before that, we switch back over to Avengers West Coast to continue the Wanda Is Evil And Crazy story.
Follow @essential-avengers because this issue was actually pretty fun. Like, reblog, comment, or dance like nobody is watching.
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bmtpromotions · 6 days
Transparent Power Bank
Explore bmtpromotions' Transparent Power Banks, featuring ABS and acrylic construction. RoHS and CE compliant, each includes a micro USB cable in a stylish white gift box. Available in capacities ranging from 1800mAh to 3000mAh and customizable in vibrant Pantone
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Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh - Compact and Powerful Portable Charger
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Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh is a high-capacity portable charger that boasts impressive features such as multiple output and input ports, LCD digital display, and smart safe protection technology. With a rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars from over 3,800 reviews, this power bank has gained recognition for its efficiency and reliability. I found the Bextoo Power Bank to be a lifesaver during my recent travels. Its super capacity allowed me to charge my devices multiple times without worrying about running out of battery. The LCD digital display was a convenient feature, providing me with real-time information on the remaining power, ensuring I never ran out unexpectedly. Despite its weight and size, the power bank proved to be a valuable companion for my trips, keeping my devices charged throughout the day. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Super Capacity Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon The Bextoo Power Bank, with its huge capacity of 27000mAh, offers exceptional charging power. It can provide up to 5 charges for an iPhone, almost 4 full charges for a Samsung Galaxy S23, and 3 charges for tablets. This makes it a perfect companion for teenagers, camping trips, hiking adventures, and all kinds of festivals. Its ability to keep multiple devices powered up for extended periods makes it a versatile and reliable portable charger. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Multiple Charging Ports Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon Equipped with upgraded chips and smart safe protection technology, the Bextoo Power Bank offers reliable protection for your devices. The 3 output ports can intelligently detect connected devices and provide simultaneous charging for up to three gadgets. The inclusion of Micro and USB-C input ports ensures compatibility with a wide range of devices. Whether you need to charge your smartphone, tablet, or other USB-powered devices, this power bank has you covered. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: LCD Digital Display Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon The Bextoo Power Bank features an innovative LCD digital display that shows the remaining power percentage (0%-100%). This display allows users to easily monitor the power level of the device, enabling better control over charging times. The sleek mirror design of the display adds a touch of style to the power bank. The clear and accurate power status information provided by the display enhances the user experience and ensures efficient power management. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Smart Safe Protection Credit - Amazon.com   Users praise the Bextoo Power Bank for its long-lasting performance and reliable charging capabilities. The technology safeguards against over-current, over-voltage, and over-charge issues, ensuring the safety of your connected gadgets. The power bank is FCC, RoHS, and CE certified, further emphasizing its commitment to user safety. Compatible with a wide range of smart devices, including Android phones and iPads, this power bank provides peace of mind during charging. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: User-Friendly Design Credit - Amazon.com   With 3 output ports and 2 input ports, the Bextoo Power Bank is designed for convenience and efficiency. Its user-friendly design and friendly customer service ensure a hassle-free experience for customers. The power bank is a great companion for long-distance travel, cycling trips, and business ventures, offering reliable power backup when needed. The thoughtful design and comprehensive package make it a valuable addition to any tech-savvy individual's arsenal. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Portable and Versatile Credit - Amazon.com   Customers appreciate the value offered by the Bextoo Power Bank, citing its affordable price point and exceptional charging capabilities. Its versatile charging capabilities, including the ability to charge multiple devices simultaneously, make it a convenient and practical solution for staying powered up. The power bank's durable build and efficient performance ensure that you can rely on it for all your charging needs, making it a must-have accessory for tech enthusiasts. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Long-lasting Performance Credit - Amazon.com   The Bextoo Power Bank comes with essential accessories, including a USB charging cable and a user guide, making it ready to use out of the box. With the ability to charge devices multiple times and maintain power levels for extended periods, this power bank is a dependable companion for various scenarios. Whether you're on a holiday, a business trip, or simply need backup power for your devices, the Bextoo Power Bank delivers consistent and efficient performance, ensuring you stay connected wherever you go. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Value for Money Credit - Amazon.com   The Bextoo Power Bank's compact and portable design makes it easy to carry around, whether you're traveling, hiking, or simply on the go. With the ability to charge multiple devices efficiently and provide long-lasting power, this power bank is seen as a cost-effective solution for all charging needs. Its durability and user-friendly features add to its overall value, making it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a reliable and versatile portable charger. Pros: - The Bextoo Power Bank has a super capacity, providing multiple charges for various devices, making it a reliable companion for long trips or festivals. - With 3 output and 2 input ports, the power bank can intelligently detect devices and charge up to three devices simultaneously, offering convenience for users with multiple gadgets. - The LCD digital display allows users to monitor the remaining power accurately, enhancing control over charging times and ensuring that you're never caught off guard with a dead battery. Cons: - The power bank is quite heavy due to its large 27000mAh capacity, which may be seen as a downside for users seeking a more lightweight option for everyday use. - The charging time for the power bank can be lengthy, especially when recharging the high-capacity battery, which might not be ideal for those needing a quick power boost on the go. - Some users have reported issues with the power bank's durability, with a few experiencing difficulties in charging the device after minimal usage, raising concerns about its long-term reliability. Read also: - BLAVOR Solar Power Bank: The Ultimate Outdoor Portable Charger - Best Portable Generators for All Your Power Needs - Comphere Generators - ALLPOWERS Portable Power Station: Versatile and Powerful Backup Battery - PHASFBJ Home Portable Power: Reliable and Versatile Energy Solution Conclusion In conclusion, the Bextoo Power Bank exceeded my expectations with its performance and reliability. It provided me with a seamless charging experience, allowing me to stay connected on the go without any interruptions. If you are in need of a powerful and versatile portable charger, the Bextoo Power Bank is definitely worth considering for your next adventure. Questions & Answers: Question: How many devices can the Bextoo Power Bank charge simultaneously? Answer: The power bank can charge up to three devices at once with its 3 output ports, allowing for efficient multitasking when it comes to powering your gadgets. Question: Is the Bextoo Power Bank compatible with all types of devices? Answer: Yes, the power bank is suitable for almost all USB-powered devices, including Android phones, iPads, and more, providing a versatile charging solution for a wide range of electronics. Question: What safety features does the Bextoo Power Bank offer? Answer: The power bank comes equipped with upgraded chips and smart safe protection technology, guarding against over-current, over-voltage, and over-charge situations, ensuring the safety of your devices during charging. Buy On Amazon Read the full article
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scontomio · 6 months
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💣 VRURC Power Bank slim 10000mAh con 4 cavi integrati Caricatore Portatile USB C Batteria Esterna Portatile LED Digitale Display con 4 uscite & 2 Ingressi compatibile con iPhone Huawei e Smartphone 🤑 a soli 21,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/vrurc-power-bank-slim-10000mah-con-4-cavi-integrati-caricatore-portatile-usb-c-batteria-esterna-portatile-led-digitale-display-con-4-uscite-2-ingressi-compatibile-con-iphone-huawei-e-smartphone/?feed_id=200517&_unique_id=65a1044eefdad&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=VRURC%20Power%20Bank%20slim%2010000mAh%20con%204%20cavi%20integrati%20Caricatore%20Portatile%20USB%20C%20Batteria%20Esterna%20Portatile%20LED%20Digitale%20Display%20con%204%20uscite%20%26%202%20Ingressi%20compatibile%20con%20iPhone%20Huawei%20e%20Smartphone Il power bank VRURC è un caricatore portatile ultra sottile e leggero, dotato di 4 cavi integrati che eliminano la necessità di cavi aggiuntivi. Con le sue 4 porte di uscita e 2 porte di ingresso, puoi caricare fino a 4 dispositivi contemporaneamente in modo efficiente. Il display LED ti permette di monitorare facilmente l'energia rimanente, mentre la capacità di 10000mAh garantisce una ricarica affidabile per i tuoi dispositivi. Certificato da CE, RoHS e FCC, questo power bank offre protezioni intelligenti per garantire un utilizzo sicuro. #coupon #vrurc #caricabatterie #offerteamazon #scontomio
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eleganz123 · 6 months
Bærbare håndvarmere Oppladbare 3S Instant Heat Med LED
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⚡ Advanced Heating Tech: Dynamic Heat Balance Technology
⚡ Materiale: høykvalitets aluminium + ABS + TPU + PC
⚡ Power Bank-funksjon: lader for iPhones og Androids
⚡ 3 oppvarmingsnivåer: 104℉ (40℃) /122℉ (50℃) /140℉ (60℃)
⚡ Oppvarmingsmodus: Dobbeltsidig øyeblikkelig oppvarming på 3 sekunder
⚡ Intelligent Digital Display: Vis de valgte varmeinnstillingene når de er i bruk, dobbeltklikk for å vise gjenværende batteri.
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Om denne varen:
【Siste varmeteknologi og høy kvalitet】 Sammenlignet med tradisjonell varmeteknologi, bruker JISULIFE håndvarmer den nyeste dynamiske varmebalanseteknologien, 3s rask oppvarming, intelligent induksjonsbruk og langvarig konstant temperatur. Laget av høyteknologisk aluminium og ABS-materialer i luftfartskvalitet, hudvennlig og varm. Gi deg en varm, komfortabel og trygg opplevelse.
【3 varmenivåer og 13 timer varig oppvarming】 JISULIFE håndvarmer varmes opp på 3 sekunder fra doble sider. Bare trykk på knappen for å bytte temperaturen mellom 3 varmenivåer: 104℉ (40℃) /122℉ (50℃) /140℉ (60℃), Lading av håndvarmeren i 3-3,5 timer og varm hendene i 6- 13 timer! Passer for utendørssport, fiske, fotturer, camping, ski, reise, turgåing med hund i kaldt vær.
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【100 % sikkerhetstestet】 I motsetning til andre elektroniske håndvarmere, med global kommersiell forsikring, har batteriet vårt doble innebygde temperatursensorer for å garantere sikkerheten og den globale kommersielle forsikringen. Overflatene er laget av luftfartsaluminium med utmerket varmeledningsevne og varmeavledningsytelse.
【TYPE-C Hurtiglading og Power Bank-funksjon】 Utstyrt med USB-C-ladeport som gjør lading 2 ganger raskere enn konvensjonelle ladere, fulladet på 3-3,5 timer. JISULIFE oppladbare håndvarmere er ikke bare en håndvarmer, men kan også brukes som en powerbank for å lade din elektroniske enhet når som helst.
【Smart digital skjerm og lommestørrelse】 JISULIFE oppladbar håndvarmer med sanntids LED digital skjerm holder deg informert om de valgte varmeinnstillingene og gjenværende batteri. Du kan planlegge ladetiden og unngå å bli brent. Lommestørrelse, komfortabel og liten, egnet for hendene å holde.
【Varmende vintergaver】 Flott gave til jul, bursdag, jubileum, Thanksgiving Day, Valentinsdag osv. Kjøp den nå for å få: (1) Håndvarmer (2) Stoffveske; (3) USB-A til USB-C-kabel; (4) Brukerhåndbok; (5) Snørebånd; (6) Rettidig og hensynsfull kundeservice.
Sertifisert med CE, FCC, UL, ROHS, PSE trygt å bruke.
handle nå : https://eleganz.no/nb-en/products/hand-warmers-rechargeable-3s-instant-heat-usb-power-bank-portable-electric-heater-with-led
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123isocertification · 10 months
How important is ISO Certification In Vietnam for business?
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ISO Certification in Vietnam
ISO Certification In Vietnam, In the last few decades, ISO has worked tirelessly for the last few decades. It has been serving organizations in the most fabricated manner to develop the finest services or products that meet complete quality, Safety, security and compliance compliance of Regulatory Bodies. Modern corporations must adhere to many ISO certification standards that the ISO has developed per their needs. There are several ISO certifications in Vietnam, including 22000, 14000, ISO 45001, ISO 27001, HACCP, and GMP. All corners of Vietnam are demanding Lead Auditor Training.
Which ISO Certification In Vietnam are available?
Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015)
When a company wants to succeed in the market, quality comes first. They need to get the best quality and maintain it further. As a result of ISO 9001:2015, a Quality Management System is required to ensure total customer satisfaction. It is the most reputable Among the prominent management system standards. The popularity of ISO 9001:2015 is estimated by the number of certified organizations increasing fast. It helps organizations do everything they need to improve performance, productivity, profitability, credibility, and new customers, including customer satisfaction. So, the organization’s Top Management can decide to implement this QMS Standard to obtain such benefits of ISO 9001 Certification, and the organization can perform in a systematic Quality Management System. 
The Occupational Health and Safety Management System (RoHS ISO 45001)
Securing a safe working environment for all employees is every prominent organisation's primary responsibility. The same arrangement is also valid for clients who occasionally reach the company. Companies should adopt the ISO 45001:2018 Standard, which provides a comprehensive OHSMS for effectively managing the overall safety environment. With this ISO 45001 Certification, organizations can minimize or eliminate risk factors related to accidents.
Environmental Management System (ISO 14001:2015)
Providing the safest Environment free from pollution is one of the top responsibilities of organizations to deal with potentially Significant Environmental aspects that impact the Environment, causing disbalance to the Environment, Protecting the depletion of Natural Resources, managing waste disposal, etc. This ISO 14001 Certification took place only after implementing an Environmental Management System in the organization by creating an Environmental Policy and procedures, complying with environmental regulations, and monitoring the organization's Environmental performance.
Information Security Management System (ISO 27001:2013)
This ISO 27001:2013 certification works effectively in Vietnam to secure the data and information that your employees and clients may use. Your organization must protect this data and information. With ISO 27001:2013, you can have the most significant security for sensitive data as it is the most powerful Information Security Management System. Vietnamese organizations that provide IT, software development, insurance, banking, or other services. The organization handles a large number of data information; in this case, the organization should implement an ISMS to secure confidential information and data by performing Risk Analysis, Risk Treatment, establishing a Security Policy, and establishing procedures.
System for managing food safety (ISO 22000:2018)
It is everyone's right to have healthy, pure food, and no one should be denied it. Suppose you are in food manufacturing, processing, or supplying food items for your buyers. In that case, Food Safety is the primary duty of the organization, which can be consistently compliant with Food Safety by effectively implementing ISO 22000:2018 Standard. Organizations with ISO 22000 certification can set up, maintain, and enhance food safety management systems deeply integrated into Vietnamese food supply methods.
ISO Certification Process-The Step Involved:
As a guide, here are the steps you should carefully follow if you wish to obtain your ISO Certification in Vietnam:
The documentation and implementation process
Providing staff members with training
Monitoring the performance of the team
Audits conducted internally
Audits performed on-site
Certifying yourself
The advantages of ISO certification In Vietnam include:
ISO Certification In Vietnam offers the following impressive benefits:
Partnerships/collaborations with high satisfaction Consistent development over time Comprehensive legal compliance Outstanding performance growth Phenomenal trustworthiness
Lead Auditor Training Courses in Vietnam
Young people in Vietnam have been searching for a great career scope to build a robust career. In such a situation, Lead Auditor Training is an excellent alternative. Several of the country's leading agencies offer training. This course provides candidates with the best knowledge of this domain and enables them to gain employment in Vietnam's most profitable jobs.
Professionals should enrol in the following Lead Auditor Training Courses:
Training for ISO 9001 Lead Auditors
Getting certified as an ISO 45001 lead auditor
Getting trained as a lead auditor for ISO 14001
Lead Auditor Training for ISO 27001
Training for ISO 22000 Lead Auditors
Want to make your company grow with confidence? If so, you can always give it the strength these ISO Certifications in Vietnam assure. Reach the most accomplished agencies offering the finest assistance in this domain. It is time to get started!
For more information visit: ISO Certification In Vietnam
Related Links:
ISO Certification In Vietnam
ISO 27001 Certification In Vietnam
ISO 22000 Certification In Vietnam
ISO 13485 Certification In Vietnam
ISO 17025 Certification In Vietnam
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optamark · 1 year
20,000 mAh Metallic SuperCharger
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Metallic SuperCharger capable of holding 20,000 mAh capacity. This power bank carries both Type C input/output, Micro Input, and 2 USB fast charging output ports. 1. Capacity: 20,000 mAh 2. Input: Micro, Type C (up to 18W) 3. Output: USB 1 (up to 22.5W QC3.0) / USB 2 (Up to 18W QC3.0), Type C (Up to PD 18W) 4. Total Output: Max 22.5W. Complies with CE, FCC, Prop 65, RoHS, UL, UN38.3. 5 3/4" H x 2 5/8" W x 1 1/8" D
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orangameelectronics · 10 days
Dual USB 20000mAh Power Bank Built-in 4 Cables USB External Battery: The Ultimate Charging Solution
If you're tired of constantly running out of battery on your phone, tablet, or other devices, a power bank is an absolute game-changer. And not just any power bank, but the Dual USB 20000mAh Power Bank Built-in 4 Cables USB External Battery. This powerhouse of a charger is a must-have for anyone who needs to stay connected on the go. Let's dive into all the amazing features and benefits of this power bank that make it the ultimate charging solution.
## Power for Days: 20000mAh Capacity
One of the standout features of this power bank is its massive 20000mAh capacity. What does that mean for you? It means you can charge your devices multiple times without needing to recharge the power bank itself. Whether you're traveling, camping, or just out and about for the day, this power bank has you covered. With this much power at your fingertips, you'll never have to worry about a dead battery again.
## Built-in 4 Cables: No More Tangled Wires
Say goodbye to the hassle of carrying around multiple charging cables. This power bank comes with four built-in cables, including USB-C, micro USB, and two lightning cables. This means you can charge multiple devices at once, without the mess of tangled wires. Plus, with the convenience of having all the cables you need already built into the power bank, you'll never be caught without the right cable for your device.
## Dual USB Ports: Charge Multiple Devices Simultaneously
Not only does this power bank have built-in cables, but it also features dual USB ports, so you can charge even more devices at the same time. Whether you need to charge your phone, tablet, smartwatch, or any other USB-powered device, this power bank has you covered. No more fighting over who gets to use the charger first - everyone can stay powered up and connected.
## Sleek and Portable Design: Take It Anywhere
Despite its impressive power and multiple charging capabilities, this power bank is still sleek and portable. It's designed to be easy to carry with you wherever you go, whether it's in your pocket, backpack, or purse. The compact and lightweight design makes it the perfect travel companion, so you can stay charged and connected no matter where life takes you.
## Fast and Efficient Charging: Get Back to Full Power Quickly
In addition to its high capacity and multiple charging options, this power bank is also designed for fast and efficient charging. With advanced charging technology, you can get your devices back to full power in no time. Whether you're in a hurry or just don't want to wait around for your devices to charge, this power bank delivers the speed and efficiency you need.
With its massive capacity, built-in cables, dual USB ports, sleek design, and fast charging capabilities, the Dual USB 20000mAh Power Bank Built-in 4 Cables USB External Battery truly is the ultimate charging solution. Say goodbye to dead batteries and hello to staying powered up and connected no matter where life takes you. Whether you're a frequent traveler, outdoor enthusiast, or just someone who wants peace of mind knowing they always have power at their fingertips, this power bank is a game-changer. Don't miss out on the convenience and reliability this power bank has to offer - it's time to take your charging game to the next level.
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vimalb-blog · 1 year
Beisite Magnetic Wireless Power Bank, 10000mAh Portable Charger, Compatible for iPhone 13/13 Pro/ 12/12 Pro/12 Pro Max, Battery Bank, Power Banks, Power Bank Wireless - Blue
Price: (as of – Details) Product name: Magnetic wireless power bankProduct model: E35Capacity: 10000mahSingle net weight: 179gWith packaging weight: 220gProduct size: 94*66*20mmPacking size: 135*86*25mmProduct color: BluePacking list: magnetic wireless power bank*1 manual*1 typc-c data cable*1 Input: type-cOutput: type-c/wirelessExecutive standard: GB/T35590-2017Certificate type: FCC, ROHS, CE,…
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dragonblogger · 1 year
Get yours on Amazon today: https://geni.us/Cp7TceO This 100% lightweight Nylon is imported and has a zipper closure that is hand wash only. The vest has 50% Larger heating areas, Thin quality carbon fiber heat elements, and 3 heating levels can generate consistent heat for 8 core body parts in seconds, neck, back, abdomen, waist, shoulder, and ears, maintaining your body warmth in cold winter or extreme weather without wearing too many clothes. The battery oprated vest comes with a specialized 14400 mAh capacity with CE/FCC/PSE/RoHS certified battery for retaining warmth up to 9.5 hours at Low Level(120°F), 6 hours at Medium Level(135°F), and 4.5 hours at High Level (150°F). Also can charge your phone and smart devices from the battery's USB/TYPR-C port as power bank. The led display shows the power remaining, voltage, and current when the battery is working. Follow our Amazon Influencer Store for more photos, vids and product recommends https://ift.tt/b6ujd2e Disclosure: By clicking on links and purchasing any products from the video description or comments we may earn affiliate commissions from Amazon or other affiliate programs we are part of. #commissionearned by ShoppingDragons
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kerchandisplay · 2 years
Android Advertising Display SAD1560KD
Powered by the Android operating system.
 Memory size: 8GB.
 Do not support WIFI or Internet.
 Optional: 10 Point Capacitive Touch.
 With integrated HDMI output.
 Have passed RoHS, FCC and CE quality testing.
Android Advertising Display Features
15.6 inch Android Based Open Frame Video Screen
Open frame design with ''two ears''can help to mount into pop displays.
 With the aid of a powerful video engine, a lot of videos can be decode easily, support  play 1080p video.
 15.6 inch Android Interactive Advertising Monitor
Run Android system.
 It is very convenient for 3rd party APK installation through  SD card/USB.
 Using its built-in K-smart apk to help improve the more-humane interaction with the screen.
 15.6 inch Android Interactive Advertising Monitor
Support 10 Point Capacitive Touch and this function is optional.
 Doesn't allow to use Internet or WIFI.
 Built-in multiple buttons for video playing management.
 15.6 inch Android Based Open Frame Video Screen
Kerchan Android interactive advertising monitors have been applied successively in various area such as retails store, shopping mall, bank, meeting rooms, restaurants, hospital and so on.
Android Advertising Display Tech Spec
Shell color
Standard: black
Open Frame or Enclosed
Open Frame
LCD Panel
Display Ratio
Visible Angle
Response Time
Life Time(hrs)
Visible Area
Outline dimension
A64, Corte-A53,1.5GHz
Mali400 MP2
ROM NAND flash
Decoded Resolution
Support 1080P
RTC Real-time Clock
Switch Time Setting
System Update
SD card update
Android 6.0
External Interface
Touch Panel
10 Point Capacitive Touch
Ethernet Support
Size: ∅30MM, speakers 8R 1W*2
External Port
Support SD/U flash disk
AC 100-240V
DC 12V/2A
Power consumption(Watt)
ABS material injection process
100*100mm VESA Wall Mount
Image Format
Audio Format
MP3, WMA, WAV, EAAC+, MP2, dec, Vorbis(Ogg), AC3, FLAC (lossless audio codec), APE, BSAC; Built-in two stereo speakers, with the function of audio output (support external audio equipment)
Video Format
Control Method
Remote control/Mouse
Default Language
Menu Language
Support Chinese, English
Storage Temperature
Working Temperature
Storage Humidity
Working Humidity
Product Weight(N.W. )
Plug Types
US, EU, AU, UK Optional
Package Size
A single package: 336*88*453mmBulk packages: 509*442*280mm
10pcs/Package Package Weight: 18kg (Reference Only)
User Guide, Instruction Book, Warranty, Desiccant
1. Motion Sensor 2. Push Button
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offlinetarget · 2 years
Atm emv card reader
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Grab these smart products now at unbelievable prices and enhance your property's security layers. You can place these emv card reader for atm at your offices, hotels, buildings, homes and other private or commercial properties. These emv card reader for atm are smart enough to detect authorized personnel through unique features such as biometric recognition. Friction contact, 200,000 insertions Contact Mrs May Skype:may_liu6688 Phone number& Wechat & Whatsapp : +86 13392817509Ībout products and suppliers: revolutionizes the security of your property or building with the advanced and latest intelligent emv card reader for atm by giving you full control over access. Support Windows 98/me/2000/xp/vista/Win7(32bit&64bit), Mac OS X, Linux or above System. Compatible with Microsoft USB-CCID driver 11. Support ISO7816 Class A, B and C (5V/3V/1.8V) card 9. Support Microsoft Smart Card for Windows 6. Support PC Smart Card industry standard - PC/SC 1.0/2.0 5. Wholesale High Quality ATM EMV USB Credit Smart Card Reader CAC Common Access Card Reader Model name Smart card reader N78 Description Smart Card Reader/Writer Memory Card volume 0~32GB Slot 1 Material Plastic Cable 120CM Case Color Black/White Support Card Type 1) Smart Card 2) ID card 3) EMV Bank card Interface USB2.0/1.1 Transfer speed Up to 12 Mbps Power supply DC +5 volts supplied by USB port Operation Temperature 0 ~ 60&deg C Certification ISO7816-1,2,3 PC/SC CE ROHS USB-CCID WHQL EMV Specification NEW PRODUCT Function Standard Compliance 1.
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Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh - Compact and Powerful Portable Charger
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Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh is a high-capacity portable charger that boasts impressive features such as multiple output and input ports, LCD digital display, and smart safe protection technology. With a rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars from over 3,800 reviews, this power bank has gained recognition for its efficiency and reliability. I found the Bextoo Power Bank to be a lifesaver during my recent travels. Its super capacity allowed me to charge my devices multiple times without worrying about running out of battery. The LCD digital display was a convenient feature, providing me with real-time information on the remaining power, ensuring I never ran out unexpectedly. Despite its weight and size, the power bank proved to be a valuable companion for my trips, keeping my devices charged throughout the day. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Super Capacity Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon The Bextoo Power Bank, with its huge capacity of 27000mAh, offers exceptional charging power. It can provide up to 5 charges for an iPhone, almost 4 full charges for a Samsung Galaxy S23, and 3 charges for tablets. This makes it a perfect companion for teenagers, camping trips, hiking adventures, and all kinds of festivals. Its ability to keep multiple devices powered up for extended periods makes it a versatile and reliable portable charger. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Multiple Charging Ports Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon Equipped with upgraded chips and smart safe protection technology, the Bextoo Power Bank offers reliable protection for your devices. The 3 output ports can intelligently detect connected devices and provide simultaneous charging for up to three gadgets. The inclusion of Micro and USB-C input ports ensures compatibility with a wide range of devices. Whether you need to charge your smartphone, tablet, or other USB-powered devices, this power bank has you covered. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: LCD Digital Display Credit - Amazon.com   Buy On Amazon The Bextoo Power Bank features an innovative LCD digital display that shows the remaining power percentage (0%-100%). This display allows users to easily monitor the power level of the device, enabling better control over charging times. The sleek mirror design of the display adds a touch of style to the power bank. The clear and accurate power status information provided by the display enhances the user experience and ensures efficient power management. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Smart Safe Protection Credit - Amazon.com   Users praise the Bextoo Power Bank for its long-lasting performance and reliable charging capabilities. The technology safeguards against over-current, over-voltage, and over-charge issues, ensuring the safety of your connected gadgets. The power bank is FCC, RoHS, and CE certified, further emphasizing its commitment to user safety. Compatible with a wide range of smart devices, including Android phones and iPads, this power bank provides peace of mind during charging. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: User-Friendly Design Credit - Amazon.com   With 3 output ports and 2 input ports, the Bextoo Power Bank is designed for convenience and efficiency. Its user-friendly design and friendly customer service ensure a hassle-free experience for customers. The power bank is a great companion for long-distance travel, cycling trips, and business ventures, offering reliable power backup when needed. The thoughtful design and comprehensive package make it a valuable addition to any tech-savvy individual's arsenal. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Portable and Versatile Credit - Amazon.com   Customers appreciate the value offered by the Bextoo Power Bank, citing its affordable price point and exceptional charging capabilities. Its versatile charging capabilities, including the ability to charge multiple devices simultaneously, make it a convenient and practical solution for staying powered up. The power bank's durable build and efficient performance ensure that you can rely on it for all your charging needs, making it a must-have accessory for tech enthusiasts. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Long-lasting Performance Credit - Amazon.com   The Bextoo Power Bank comes with essential accessories, including a USB charging cable and a user guide, making it ready to use out of the box. With the ability to charge devices multiple times and maintain power levels for extended periods, this power bank is a dependable companion for various scenarios. Whether you're on a holiday, a business trip, or simply need backup power for your devices, the Bextoo Power Bank delivers consistent and efficient performance, ensuring you stay connected wherever you go. Bextoo Power Bank 27000mAh: Value for Money Credit - Amazon.com   The Bextoo Power Bank's compact and portable design makes it easy to carry around, whether you're traveling, hiking, or simply on the go. With the ability to charge multiple devices efficiently and provide long-lasting power, this power bank is seen as a cost-effective solution for all charging needs. Its durability and user-friendly features add to its overall value, making it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a reliable and versatile portable charger. Pros: - The Bextoo Power Bank has a super capacity, providing multiple charges for various devices, making it a reliable companion for long trips or festivals. - With 3 output and 2 input ports, the power bank can intelligently detect devices and charge up to three devices simultaneously, offering convenience for users with multiple gadgets. - The LCD digital display allows users to monitor the remaining power accurately, enhancing control over charging times and ensuring that you're never caught off guard with a dead battery. Cons: - The power bank is quite heavy due to its large 27000mAh capacity, which may be seen as a downside for users seeking a more lightweight option for everyday use. - The charging time for the power bank can be lengthy, especially when recharging the high-capacity battery, which might not be ideal for those needing a quick power boost on the go. - Some users have reported issues with the power bank's durability, with a few experiencing difficulties in charging the device after minimal usage, raising concerns about its long-term reliability. Read also: - BLAVOR Solar Power Bank: The Ultimate Outdoor Portable Charger - Best Portable Generators for All Your Power Needs - Comphere Generators - ALLPOWERS Portable Power Station: Versatile and Powerful Backup Battery - PHASFBJ Home Portable Power: Reliable and Versatile Energy Solution Conclusion In conclusion, the Bextoo Power Bank exceeded my expectations with its performance and reliability. It provided me with a seamless charging experience, allowing me to stay connected on the go without any interruptions. If you are in need of a powerful and versatile portable charger, the Bextoo Power Bank is definitely worth considering for your next adventure. Questions & Answers: Question: How many devices can the Bextoo Power Bank charge simultaneously? Answer: The power bank can charge up to three devices at once with its 3 output ports, allowing for efficient multitasking when it comes to powering your gadgets. Question: Is the Bextoo Power Bank compatible with all types of devices? Answer: Yes, the power bank is suitable for almost all USB-powered devices, including Android phones, iPads, and more, providing a versatile charging solution for a wide range of electronics. Question: What safety features does the Bextoo Power Bank offer? Answer: The power bank comes equipped with upgraded chips and smart safe protection technology, guarding against over-current, over-voltage, and over-charge situations, ensuring the safety of your devices during charging. Buy On Amazon Read the full article
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