#white to asian
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alphajocklover · 16 days ago
I tried to downloead this app from a pirate site... Worst mistaje ever.... I downloaded it in korean, and i cant change the language back, i tried pressing some random buttons and the app went off and a message appeared saying "changes aplying within next 24 hours" can you helo me? I dont know what i pressed, i will never download from pirate sites
So, you downloaded a mysterious app, from a sketchy site, that changed the language of your phone to Korean, a language you don’t know, and now you can’t change it back and it's sending you weird alerts? Before I fill you in on what's happening, I want to ask you something. Your phone language got changed to Korean, and the alerts on your phone got changed to Korean too, right?
So how come you can read the alert? You’re just realizing it aren’t you? You can read Korean. And not just as a second language or something you have to translate in your head. Suddenly reading Korean is coming to you as naturally as reading English does. Or… used to? Why are all the posters in your room suddenly hard to read? You might need to put the rest of this response in a translator, though I doubt you’ll have enough time. If the app has already worked its way into the language center of your mind, I doubt you’ll be able to reverse the effects before the 24 hours is up. So instead I’m going to go over what is happening to you. I hope that knowing what's coming will prove some comfort, but I’m sorry there's not anything more I can do.
You’ve probably guessed, but the first thing that's going to change is your race. You’re going to become a Korean man. Most things are going to stay the same about you at first, as the first few hours are going to be spent just changing your cultural and family history. The next few hours are where things get a little more specifics. They’re already in your head, so the app will probably start by changing your personality. I don’t know what app you ended up downloading, but from what I have been able to figure out, you’re going to have a very specific personality. You’re going to become a trophy boy himbo. A buff, dumb piece of meat whose only purpose is to look handsome on a rich man's arm and take his cock up your ass. I know that seems to come out of nowhere, but I can guarantee that's what's happening. Over the next few hours your history will change, your mind will dim to the point where all you can really do is giggle dumbly, and your body will grow into a manly piece of absolute beef. 
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I know that all sounds quick, but 24 hours is longer than you’d think. You should have enough time to make peace with what's happening, say goodbye to your old life, and even enjoy the perks of being a beefy korean for an hour or two, before you become a dumb slut with only enough brain power to ride his sugar daddys cock. I hope you enjoy it. There are a lot of worse things that could have happened from pressing a bad link.
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sanzaibian · 1 year ago
I turns off my phone angrily. I have barely touched down to Pudong International Airport, and now I have to call my Shanghai agent about how I’m going to be late, and that “China Eastern”, that company full of crooks, doesn’t even want to compensate my $4200 business class ticket for being 2 hours late.
“Allô ? C’est Julien, je suis enfin arrivé à Shanghai. (Hello ? It’s Julien, I’ve finally touched down at Shanghai.)” I say to my local correspondent, the one responsible for dragging me here.
- Enfin ! Ça fait une heure qu’on vous attend ! (Finally ! We’ve been waiting for you for a whole hour !)
- C’est pas ma faute ! Le vol a eu deux heures de retard à cause de soi-disants ‘vents forts’ vers la Mongolie… et ces escrocs ne veulent rien me rembourser… typique… (It’s not my fault ! The flight was two hours late due to so-called ‘powerful winds’ around Mongolia… and those crooks don’t want to reimburse me… typical…)” I answer, annoyed.
- Bon, de l’Aéroport de 浦東 (Pudong) jusqu’ici… pff… je vais devoir leur dire de revenir cet après-midi… (So, from 浦東 (Pudong) Airport to here… ugh… I need to ask them to come back this afternoon…)” He says, similarly annoyed, though seemingly flaunting his perfect pronunciation in Chinese.
- Ne râle pas sur moi, j’ai rien fait ! Je savais que j’aurais dû prendre Air France, ils n’auraient pas eu de retard comme ces asiates… (Don’t dump it on me, I did nothing ! I knew I should have gone for Air France, they wouldn’t be late like those chinks…)
- Roh… (Ugh…)” He sighs a while. “Je vais m’occuper de tout. Juste… viens aussi vite que possible. (I’ll manage. Just… come here as soon as you can.)”
I turn off the phone. As if I would waste a minute of my life… I’m Julien Blanc, and my time is money, just like the saying goes. As the heir of a multi-million dollars worth banking company, I have investments left right and center, and can’t let the next golden goose escape me.
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Recently, a well-known investor, Pierre Zhang, let me know of a promising startup here in Shanghai. While at first I was understandingly skeptical, after all chinks are known for their plagiarism, I did check the project and found it to be unique, and even viable.
While I do know that Pierre Zhang is half one of them, so he does take their side much more than a regular person would, this time he saw a good opportunity. And it will be botched due to an incapable company that spouted nonsense about “strong winds” or something and was late as a result.
Angrily, I stomp in the giant airport halls, guiding myself thanks to my impeccable English – though, just don’t listen to the pronunciation. I’m stopped multiple times for security checks, and I do swear on them a couple of times, but they deserved it for wasting my time even more.
However, as I was striding in the main hall in order to find the metro station, seeing more and more of those chink hooligans, one of them shoves me to the side. He’s wearing a mask like the pussy he is, as well as a ridiculous oversized hoodie, some laughable jewelry and undistinguished sweatpants.
He’s left as soon as I turn around, meaning I can’t berate him. Youth these days are really insufferable. Where I grew up, on the Saint-Louis island in Paris, we weren’t even half as rude as today’s kids.
Scoffing, I continue rushing to the metro, though I kind of feel dizzy. Did he give me a disease or something ? When I reach the metro shoot, I see a barrier with policemen. Apparently they’re scanning for the coronavirus – they’re still doing that ? – by checking our temperature.
I go in the barrier, confident that I’ll pass the test, when suddenly, my path is blocked.
“Sorry, sir, please come with me.” Said a policewoman in her heavily accented English.
- What are you doing ! Let me go, I did nothing wrong !” I protest with a similarly accented English.
The policewoman doesn’t answer me and leads me to a small room in the airport. There, I see a bunch of other people with masks, waiting on seats. Showing me a mask, the policewoman explain :
“You may be sick. Take a mask and wait. - I’m going to be late ! Nothing’s wrong with me, just let me leave !” I say, though I don’t notice my accent shifting a little.
- Wear it or face consequences.” The policewoman insists, dangling the mask in front of my eyes. I sigh.
- Okay, but make it quick. I’ll wear 一只 (one).”
I squint my eyes. How did I say ‘one’ ? It feels incorrect, have I accidentally used French ‘un’ ?
I take the mask and wear it, still squinting. I still feel dizzy, so I guess the policewoman must have been right ? I take my phone out, wanting to send a quick message to Pierre about me being late, but something seems wrong.
When I look on my phone, there’s a weird app named 抖音 that has been installed. I don’t remember doing that. In fact, why is there even a Chinese app on my phone !
I click on it, and suddenly, videos start playing. I squint my eyes as I look at the videos of ch… Chinese people doing a variety of things. First it’s a video of a cat rubbing on someone, and that guy exclaimed “它真的是只饥渴死的猫啊!”, with then the woman filming answering, with a hurried tone “快摸��啊,你干嘛在那儿等呗?真冷啊。”. Even though I don’t understand a word that is said, I can guess that the woman is telling the guy to go rub the cat.
It’s funnier than I expected. Turns out the Chinese have more humor than I thought. Then, another video comes on, showing a guy, looking just like that punk from earlier, saying “穿这种衣服,我干嘛不会感丢人哎?(… these clothes… … lose face ?)”, and the camera pans out to a woman in a cockroach outfit. The punk continues “你已经三十岁了,为什么还在买这种衣服了?(… thirty years old, why still buy… ?)”, the woman answers “你现在我穿什么你都要管吗?(You... right now what I wear… your business ?)”. The punk then comes back into frame, with the woman on the left, asking “没有情侣版吗?哪只手我该牵啊?(There isn’t a couple’s version ? Which hand should I hold ?). Then, the woman shows a tendril, and they hold hands like that. I smile, finding it way funnier than it should.
I don’t really notice how I understand more and more what’s on 抖音 (Douyin), though I do let myself grow limp on the waiting room chair. I guess I don’t have much regards anymore for how I look, after all I’m waiting for a coronavirus test. Nobody’s going to comment on my posture !
The next video shows three guys running, with the caption 三人跑步时能干什么 (What can three people do while running together ?), and I see how their hair bop up and down. I’ve been shaving myself bald for quite a few years, ever since I was balding too much for me to bother with hair, but seeing these guys like that makes me a bit nostalgic of that time.
Seeing them doing stupider and stupider stuff, and smiling more and more as they show bungee jumping, doing pull-ups, playing games, stir-frying and even boxing, I feel a bit weird. Like I can kind of relate, in my youth I also did crazy things, and it would absolutely be something I would have done with my friends. I scratch my head, feeling it tingle, as I continue watching the next video, not even realizing my squinting is less and less strenuous.
The videos continue trickling in, every one more humorous than the last, and I catch myself chuckling out loud multiple times. By now, I understand everything very clearly, and when a doctor comes to do a coronavirus test, I don’t even blink when he addresses me in Chinese :
“少年,请跟我进走。(Young man, please enter with me.)
- Yes, 先生。(Yes, sir.)” I answer, mixing English and Chinese.
Everything is confused as he takes me to a machine, my thoughts mixing French, English and Chinese. Even my clothes feel… less tight than they used to. Almost as if they were melting and becoming glue.
I take place in the machine and he activates it. I feel as if things become clearer while I’m in. Like, for example, why was I stressed just now ? I don’t have anything important to do right now. And why languages are mixed ? I guess it’s because it’s cooler to mix in English…
The machine stops, and I leave it, scratching my straight hair. Had I ? … no, of course not, it’s my facial hair that I shave…
The doctor hands me my piercings.
“Euh, attendez, 先生,有什么不对了…… (Er, wait, sir, there’s something that’s not right.)” I ask, mixing French and Chinese. I really feel like something is not right.
- 什么发生过了?会跟我谈一谈。(What happened ? You can discuss it with me.)
- 我……有个奇怪的感受。Est-ce que 您找到了种疾病吗?(I… have a weird feeling. Did you find some kind of disease ?)
- 没有。但是您不舒服的话我肯定会给您扑热息痛。(I didn’t. However, if you don’t feel good, I can give you some paracetamol.)” He answers me, with a helpful look.
- 该好了。Merci. (It should be good. Thank you.)”
I take the pill he gives me, and put my piercings back on as I go back in the terminal. As I walk, I feel very comfy, as if everything was alright. I look down on my large oversized hoodie with its colorful prints. I feel like I’m in my youth once again… huh, it’s so weird to say that when I’m only... 23 years old !
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Suddenly, I get a phone call from a weird contact I don’t remember having, someone named 张皮尔 (Zhang Pi’er/Pierre). I accept the call :
“喂。是谁?(Hello. Who’s there ?)” I ask, with a perfect accent.
- Julien ? Pourquoi tu parles chinois ? (Julien ? Why do you speak Chinese ?)” He groans, then switches to Chinese. “是我问您是谁。是您的电话吗?(I’m the one asking you who you are. Is it your phone ?)
- 当然是。我是个富二代,为啥要偷手机啊?(Of course. I have a trust fund, why would I steal a phone ?)” I slur, my speech becoming more and more relaxed.
- 嗯……那您是谁啊?您认不认识Julien Blanc ? (Ugh… So who are you ? Do you know Julien Blanc ?)
- 是白炬亮。那你到底是谁啊?(I’m Bai Juliang. And now can you tell me who you are ?)
- 是张皮尔……嗯……听我说一下。你有没有多钱会投资?我认为了Julien Blanc要投资新项目,但你还会投资一下。有没有兴趣?(I’m Pierre Zhang… ugh… Listen. Do you have a lot of money to invest ? I thought Julien Blanc would come and invest in a new project, but you can still invest. Are you interested ?)”
I think for a while. It could be great to have some money coming from another place than my parents’ company… plus, I don’t want to have to join it, or risk being cut off from my money…
However, there’s time, I’m still young, and there’s no rush right now… Plus, having work is, like, a lot of work, and I don’t want to work… But I have an idea.
“张先生,你想不想跟我投资?我给了你钱币,你给了我专业,收入分两半。感觉好吗?(Mr. Zhang, do you want to invest with me ? I give you the funds, you give me the expertise, and we divide the profits in half. Do you like that ?)”
After a while, he answers :
“感觉好了。(I think it’s good.)”
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circumpolarvampire · 9 months ago
People online (white) will create so many conspiracy theories that just boil down to "Asians aren't complete human beings with their own thoughts and autonomy" like maybe Chinese people are just going about their day to day life. Maybe a video of a North Korean person like chilling is just a person chilling, who isn't going to power down like a robot once the video is over. Stop being a fucking creep.
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edlucavalden · 7 months ago
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Learning to eat with your hands.
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eatableconcrete · 4 months ago
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queenoftheimps · 12 days ago
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Sam Rockwell and Walton Goggins on tonight's episode of White Lotus, basically
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jerseymuppet · 1 year ago
getting up on my soapbox for a moment. i find it laughable that nearly every time someone says they don’t like rap they cite hamilton and k-pop as the only rap they can tolerate. because everything else is just so violent and full of blatant consumerism. first off. so is k-pop. secondly. idk how to tell you the founding fathers were some of the most violent people around (coming from a black american descentant of slaves who is most likely related to thomas jefferson. shouldn’t have to explain the relevance here). thirdly. hamilton and k-pop both reference and interpolate rap. so idk what to tell you babes. you do like rap. you just don’t like black people. say it with your full chest next time.
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xeemaee · 3 months ago
White boy of the year
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mustasekittens · 3 months ago
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get his ass cindy
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icecreamwithjackdaniels · 3 months ago
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Kim Daehyun (a.k.a Moonassi), "Calm Gaze", 2024
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horny-athletes · 9 months ago
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eatableconcrete · 4 months ago
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agelessphotography · 2 months ago
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Dunes, Shōji Ueda, 1986
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reborn-arclight · 25 days ago
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squidgirlautism · 8 months ago
tbh pre Oct.7 I would have responded to the “are there white Jews” question with “its complicated” but now my answer is just simply “no”
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daily-deliciousness · 10 months ago
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Chicken fried rice
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