#pov riku
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Love’s First Bloom
Summary: Kairi accidentally falls into a rushing river when she tries to pick a rare paopu flower. Sora and Riku work together to rescue her and realize they both have feelings for her.
Kairi likewise has a few realizations of her own.
~5000 words. Set between BBS and KH1. Love Triangle, Friendship, Romance, Fluff, Angst, Feelings Realization, Crushes, First Love, Introspection, Hurt/Comfort. POV Kairi, Riku, and Sora.
How quickly life can change. Like a cool breeze picking up or a slight shift in the scenery, suddenly what you took for granted can be gone in an instant.
“C’mon, Kairi, let’s go!” Sora called. Kairi looked up from her current crafts project: a flower crown with purple asters, white chrysanthemums, blue forget-me-nots, and big red hibiscuses. Those colors were all nice together, but a yellow flower would be a nice addition. Maybe she’d find one as they went exploring.
She tucked the flower crown in her pocket, then grabbed her straw hat and put it on. She wasn’t like Sora and Riku—they tanned easily, especially Sora, but her skin turned red so fast. And then the red turned into dozens and dozens of freckles. Redheads weren’t made for the tropical sun, and brief memories of another place flickered through her mind. A place with a big castle and lots of flowers and waterfalls.
“Coming!” she cried as she stumbled after the boys. They were both so much faster than her, and the sand on the beach was always hard to run on. But presently the ground beneath her feet got more solid, and the boys finally slowed down as the three of them passed through the town and started climbing the hills behind it.
“Where are we going this time?” Sora asked, looking at Riku. Riku always decided what they would do.
Riku grinned and swung his play sword. “It’s a surprise. But I think you’ll like it, Kairi.” He looked at her like he wanted her to say something. Come to think of it, he’d been looking at her a lot lately.
“Oh, are there nice flowers?” she asked, her fingers resting on the flower crown in her pocket. She wanted to finish it as soon as she could.
Riku’s grin got bigger, and his eyes had a teasing glint in them. “Maybe.”
“And pretty scenery?” she pressed. Every part of Destiny Islands was pretty, but Riku always knew the best spots.
“Only the best for you,” Riku said, and Kairi felt a funny feeling blooming in her chest.
Sora frowned, his face twisting into a scowl. “I know some pretty spots too, Kairi,” he said.
Riku rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. The stuff I showed you guys last week,” he said, and Kairi giggled into her hand.
Now Sora was pouting. “That’s not true, I know a lot of nice spots Riku doesn’t know!”
“Prove it, then,” Riku said, and Sora muttered something about how he would. At the branch in the mountain path up ahead, he led them to the right. They followed the path for a little longer until Sora took them off the path and through a clump of trees. On the other side was a beautiful clearing full of wildflowers, perfect for sparring. The sound of running water reached Kairi’s ears. There must be a branch of the river nearby.
“Oh, this is really pretty!” Kairi exclaimed, clasping her hands together. She glanced at Sora, and he grinned and rubbed his cheek.
“Hmmph,” Riku said. It was clear this was a place he hadn’t been before. Either that or he had but hadn’t thought to bring them here.
Sora pulled his wooden sword out. “Wanna fight?” he asked Riku, and at this Riku perked up. He loved the chance to spar with Sora. He pulled his sword out too and moved into an attack stance.
Kairi smoothed her skirts and dutifully sat down on the grass nearby. Sora recklessly charged, and Riku carefully evaded him, then caught him in the back. Sora plunged into a roll and then sprung to his feet. He whirled around so quickly that he caught Riku by surprise, knocking Riku over. But Riku still had a trick up his sleeve; he waited a few seconds, then pushed himself up with his arms, using his momentum to kick Sora with both of his feet. Sora flinched and yelped but still clung to his sword. And so the fight continued with neither of them getting the upper hand. Riku was stronger but Sora was faster, so it wasn’t clear who would win.
After a while, Kairi got kinda bored watching the boys fight. They sparred so often that she felt like she'd seen every combination of tricks they could pull off, and there were some pretty-looking flowers over by the riverbank that she really wanted to pick. She skipped off in the direction of the river. A quick glance over her shoulder told her the boys didn’t even notice because they were so focused on their fight. Smiling to herself, she continued on. She usually enjoyed hanging out with Sora and Riku, but sometimes they were just such…boys. Lately they’d been constantly sparring and competing with each other, even when she wanted to pick flowers or go swimming or make seashell crafts.
Besides, this way she could give them both flowers no matter who won the fight.
The wildflowers along the riverbank were really pretty. Their petals were small and delicate, like little blue bells hanging off the stems. The river sped along nearby, deceptively calm for having such a fast current. Her parents always warned her about not swimming in the water when it looked like that. One wrong move and she would easily get swept under.
Humming, she picked a few more flowers and tucked them into her pockets. She was always careful not to take more than she needed. Only enough for her crafts—the rest she needed to leave behind so there would still be pretty flowers in the future. That was what her parents had taught her. The flowers she did pick would make nice gifts and supplies for her crafts.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a brilliant yellow blossom. It had five petals, and the rounded shape of the petals made it look like a paopu fruit. Kairi’s breath caught. Was this the paopu flower? She’d only seen it a couple times in the wild before, and never in a place she could reach it. It was supposed to be super rare, and she hadn’t expected to see one today.
Which meant she had to pick it. Who knows when she might find one again? Edging towards the riverbank, she thought about who to give it to: Sora, or Riku. A blush crept up her cheeks. You were supposed to give the flower to someone you loved. But who did she love? She wasn’t really sure.
Just…a little further…there. She plucked the flower and smiled, glancing back towards the boys. But the movement threw her balance off, and she gasped and dropped the flower. A clump of earth crumbled beneath her hands, and a root from a nearby tree broke off when she grabbed it. She clutched at something, anything, to keep herself from falling in, but it was too late. With a scream, she tumbled headlong into the cold, fast-moving waters of the river.
The moment Riku and Sora heard Kairi’s blood-curdling scream and then a loud splash, the boys dropped their swords and raced to the riverbank. Riku knew Kairi was a strong swimmer thanks to his careful lessons (well, and if he had to, he would admit Sora had helped her too), but the river was cold and the current was fast. And if she’d hit her head on anything when she’d fallen…
Riku reached the riverbank first. He yanked his shirt off and threw it on the ground. “Sora, I’m going in!” he called as Sora arrived, panting hard. “Find a branch I can hold onto and pull us out.” Sora nodded, trusting him completely, and with that Riku dove into the icy water. Man, it was cold, and the current was fast, but he had to find Kairi. She hadn’t fallen into the water much earlier than him, but—
There she was, a little further downstream. Her eyes were half-lidded and she was gripping a tree branch, but as he watched in horror, her hand went limp and she slipped back into the water.
“KAIRI!” he shouted, then swam to her as fast as he could. This couldn't be the end of her. He wouldn't let it be. Ever since she had washed up on the shores of the Destiny Islands eight years ago, his life hadn't been the same. She'd been shy and quiet at first, her eyes always gazing off into the distance like she was searching for someone she couldn't find, but that was before she’d opened up to them. They were all friends now, and the thought of never hearing her giggle or seeing her smile or watching her eyes light up when he surprised her made his stomach churn and drove him to reach her. He had to see the way her eyes danced and her smile got playful when she teased him and Sora again. He just had to.
Faster, he had to go faster. His senses sharpened, and his feelings were as clear as the river rushing to take her away from him: he couldn't bear for her to slip out of his life just as suddenly as she'd entered it. Her head briefly popped out of the water again, and relief flooded him at the side of her familiar red hair. He reached towards her, he was almost there, just a little farther—
“Kairi, grab my hand!” he shouted.
She latched onto his arm with far more strength than he expected, and he knew Sora had to act quickly, or they would both drown. In her desperate state, Kairi wouldn't remember to avoid dragging Riku under the water with her. It was something all parents told their children on Destiny Islands, and the warning rang clear through Riku's mind.
“Riku, grab the stick!”
Never had he been so relieved to hear his best friend's voice. Sora had tied himself to a tree with some spare rope and was holding out a tree branch to him, his eyes filled with panic and worry. Riku grabbed on, and the unwanted thought flashed through his mind that Sora might not be strong enough to pull them both out. He was still pretty scrawny and small. But a determined glint was in his friend’s eyes now, and Sora braced himself and pulled with far more strength than Riku thought he was capable of. The muscles in his arms strained and shook, and he gritted his teeth and groaned loudly, but he refused to let go. For a split second, Riku thought he saw a blond boy several years older than him in Sora's place, but then he was gone and it was just Sora. Slowly, inch by inch, he pulled Riku and Kairi out of the river.
Sheesh. Riku must've been seeing things with how stressed out he was. He turned his attention to Kairi. She gasped and coughed, and at last enough of Riku was on the bank to pull and drag her the rest of the way up. She was shivering, soaking wet, and now covered in mud from the bank, but she was alive. He suddenly felt very, very weak, and as he glanced at Sora, he was shocked to see tears dripping down his cheeks.
“Thank goodness,” Sora said, sniffing and rubbing his red eyes, his voice filled with relief. “I thought I was gonna lose you both.”
Riku was irritated at how much of a crybaby Sora was being. Again. Seriously, he'd been such a crybaby ever since they were kids, and even at twelve years old, he still cried shamelessly in front of other people. Then Riku was annoyed at how little faith Sora had in him. Did Sora really think he wouldn't save Kairi?
But when Sora smiled at them both and knelt to hug them, all of that melted away.
We really matter that much to him, don't we? A pang of guilt shot through Riku at how he'd been treating Sora lately. Putting him down in front of Kairi to try to impress her. Goading him and teasing him when he reacted and got upset. Turning everything into a competition because a tiny, green-eyed voice deep down wondered if Kairi liked Sora more.
Not that Sora noticed. The idiot was still so oblivious to his own feelings, let alone Kairi’s.
But Riku didn't push Sora away or tell him not to hug them. He didn't like how clingy Sora was being, but after what they’d all just been through, he would allow Sora to be clingy. Just this once.
“Kairi, you’re as cold as ice,” Sora said. He pulled away from them and frowned. He was right. When Riku touched her arm, it was way colder than it should've been. She coughed and wouldn't stop shivering, and when Sora said her name again, she didn't respond.
“Kairi, wake up,” Sora begged, but she still wouldn't respond.
“I think she needs to see a doctor,” Riku said. “Hang on, let me grab my shirt so you can put it over her, then I'll go get her parents.”
He found his shirt upriver a little ways away from them, right where he’d left it, and brought it back. He tossed it to Sora and took off running, following the path of the river. He had to make it back to town as quickly as possible. But he was tired, so tired from going after Kairi. Would she really be okay? If only he were stronger, he could carry her all the way back to her parents or to the doctor himself.
Another pang of guilt shot through him. He needed more strength. More strength to protect her. His body was growing every day, but it still wasn't fast enough or strong enough. He still had to rely on adults for help. One day, he would have the strength to protect his friends himself. He had to.
The thought urged him forward even as his legs ached and his lungs burned. Strength, to protect what matters. That was what he wanted, more than anything else.
Sora didn't know what to do. Even though he’d wrapped Riku’s shirt around Kairi, she kept getting colder and colder. She wasn't responding to him anymore, like she'd fallen into a deep deep sleep. She was still breathing, but her face was as pale as a ghost’s.
His heart was thundering in his chest, and his head swam. His arms ached from lifting Riku and Kairi out of the water, and he felt so useless. What good was it that he'd gotten her out of the water if she died here?
“Riku, hurry," he pleaded, but he knew he had to do something before his friend returned with help. It would still be a while yet before anyone else came. So he pulled Kairi close to his body and held her tight, hoping with all his heart that his warmth would make her body warm up again.
This was the closest he'd ever been to her, but all he could think about was how cold she was, how limp she was, how he wanted nothing more than for her to open her eyes again. Her eyes were so pretty. Blue like the sea with just a hint of purple, her favorite color. How did he not notice how pretty they were before? And now she might never open them again.
“Wake up, please,“ he begged, and the words sounded strangled and choked. “Kairi, you have to open your eyes!”
How could he have been so stupid? The thought of losing her made him realize just how much she meant to him. She was such an important part of his life, woven into so many memories as tightly as she wove her flower crowns and daisy chains together into beautiful creations. He couldn't imagine the future without her. In his mind, he'd arrogantly acted like she would always be there. But today had shown him he couldn't ever take a single moment with her for granted.
So he willed with all his heart that she would live, that his warmth would be enough. If it was, he would be sure to treasure every memory with her from now on.
After what was probably only minutes but felt like hours of agonized waiting, her skin felt ever so slightly warmer. At first he thought it was his overactive imagination, but no, a slight flush had returned to her cheeks. He gripped her even more tightly. A minute passed, and then another, and at last she stirred and opened her eyes.
“Sora?” she said weakly. Her voice sounded more like the croaks of the frogs they liked to catch in the pool on the Play Island, but to him it was the most wonderful sound in the world.
“You're awake!” He smiled, and in that moment he thought his heart would leap out of his chest. A warm, tingly sensation tumbled through him, but it wasn't a bad feeling. Just exciting and new. He would think about it later.
She smiled back. “You saved me. Thank you.”
He couldn't help himself. He hugged her tightly, and a moment later, he felt her arms wrapping around him. This was a very different hug from the quick hug he’d given her and Riku earlier. She was close, closer than she'd ever been, and something stirred deep inside him. His face, no, his entire body felt warm. He’d never been so aware of his body like this before, let alone hers. He was embarrassed by what he was feeling, but at the same time, he didn't want to let go of her either. It was like he couldn't move and didn't want to. She wasn't pulling away either. Did she like hugging him? He sure liked hugging her.
What was all this? He’d never felt like this before. Before he could make heads or tails of it, Riku returned with the grownups.
The look on Riku's face was strange. Like Sora had just said something awful and punched him. Sora felt oddly…guilty. Like he shouldn't be hugging Kairi like this in front of Riku, even though it felt better than he could've imagined. So he pulled away from her even though he could've sat there hugging her for hours.
“Kairi, are you okay?" her mother asked, holding a blanket out to her daughter. The grownups took over from that point, and Sora just sort of watched everything in a daze.
Until Kairi wondered whose T-shirt she was wearing, and Riku shyly said that it was his. Kairi thanked him and tried to give it back to him, her cheeks pink as she avoided looking at his bare chest. Riku shook his head and insisted she keep it, and his cheeks were flushed too.
Sora felt like someone had kicked him in the gut. The breeze that had felt pleasant earlier felt cold now. Like the world was strange and different and off kilter because he knew something he wished he didn't.
He understood now why Riku had given him that strange look. A tiny green-eyed monster reared its ugly head inside him. A creature of shadow that whispered Kairi's mine. Sora pushed the creature deep down to where he couldn't hear it anymore. Kairi wasn't a possession to own, she was a person. She was his friend. How could he even think something like that?
But a part of him didn't want her hugging anyone else the way she'd hugged him. And that part of him did not like the way she had looked at Riku, or the way Riku had looked at her.
Sora had stepped into a storybook he didn't want to be any part of. Riku was his best friend. Kairi was also his friend. He didn't want to hurt Riku, and he couldn't bear to watch Kairi smile at Riku or blush because of something Riku had said or giggle because of something Riku had done. He had the funny sense that the little green-eyed monster would grow bigger and stronger every time she did.
So when the grownups took Kairi back to the town, Sora stayed behind. She looked disappointed but didn't argue, and he promised he'd see her tomorrow. Now he was wandering back and forth by the river and kicking clumps of grass. He didn't think he could be around Riku or Kairi right now. He was relieved she was okay, but he had no idea what was going on with himself. The three of them were friends. They would always be friends. Right?
He wanted everything to go back to the way it was. Things had been fine this morning. Sure, Riku liked to tease him, and Kairi liked to tease him too, but he knew where his place was in that world. This new world, with these confusing new feelings? He had no idea. All he was sure of was that he wanted to hug Kairi again like that, but he didn't want to hurt Riku's feelings. And he knew that if Kairi ever hugged Riku the way she had hugged him, the monster might destroy him from the inside.
Not that he could ever let either of them know that. All of this felt so wrong and so complicated.
He wandered over to the spot where Kairi had fallen in the river. A yellow flower with five petals caught his eye. Huh. The rounded shape of the petals kinda made it look like a paopu fruit. He picked it up and carefully tucked it in his pocket. It was a nice flower, and for some reason, he felt like it should stay with him. Maybe it was a token of good luck that had kept Kairi safe. He would take it home and put it in a vase. That would help it live for a while longer.
As he walked home, the future didn't seem so scary anymore. Those strange thoughts he had had earlier, those weird new feelings…it all felt a little silly now. He and Riku and Kairi would always be friends. He put his hands behind his neck and whistled as he walked the path home.
A tiny part of him, not the little green-eyed monster but something smaller and more delicate and yet harder to kill, hoped that someday, Kairi would hug him again like that, and that Riku wouldn't hate him for it.
The next day, Kairi was feeling much better. A good night’s sleep, her mother's miso soup, and the day off from school had worked wonders. Still, that had been an awfully close call, and she promised her parents never to do something so foolish again just to try to get a flower.
She sighed sadly. She'd been so close to having a legendary paopu flower of her own. Imagine what she could've done with it! Oh well. It certainly wasn't worth her life, and she knew she would find another one eventually.
The weather was perfect today. She happily skipped down the path to the main part of town, enjoying the beautiful scenery. Her father was the mayor, and her family lived in a big special house on a hill overlooking the town. Sora and Riku's families lived in town, so it was a bit of a walk to reach them, but she didn't mind.
She decided to stop by Sora's house first. It was a little closer, and he'd acted strange after their hug yesterday, and she wanted to know why. He’d gotten all quiet and thoughtful, which wasn't like him at all. She was a little bummed out he hadn't walked her home along with the grownups and Riku. But he’d said he wanted to stay behind a little longer, and she’d been too tired to argue.
She knocked on the door, then rocked up and down on her heels as she waited for him to answer, her hands behind her back. His mom opened the door instead and invited her in, and she greeted her politely and took off her shoes. Then she took the stairs two at a time and burst into his room. He was lying on his bed with his hands behind his neck, and he sat up, surprise written on his features until he realized it was her. His face lit up and then softened into a smile.
“Hey, Kairi! I'm glad you're feeling better.”
She tilted her head and leaned closer, which made his breath catch in an adorable way and a flush creep up his cheeks. “It's all thanks to you and—“
Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a brilliant yellow blossom carefully placed in a simple glass vase on his bedside table. It had five round petals, and Kairi’s breath caught. Was this the paopu flower she’d picked yesterday?
“Sora, where did you find that flower?”
He grinned. “Oh, that? It's pretty, isn't it? I found it on the riverbank yesterday and brought it home because I liked it.” He paused for a moment, studying her face. “Do you want it?”
She just stared at him for a few moments. You were supposed to give the flower to someone you loved. By fate or by chance, the flower had made its way to Sora. And in that moment, her feelings became crystal clear. The flower was a sign, but it hadn’t made up her mind. No, it was simply confirmation of what she already knew, deep down inside her heart.
She was very grateful to Riku for saving her from the river and for his friendship over the years, and like every other girl on the islands, she thought he was attractive, so of course she had blushed at seeing him shirtless yesterday. But she'd also realized something very important, something that had taken her by complete surprise.
Sora was the one she had a crush on. Sora. On paper she should prefer Riku. He was older, he was more mature, he was stronger and faster and good-looking. So why didn't she like him like that?
The answer was Sora. As she gazed at him, her heart grew warm and a blush spread across her cheeks. She couldn't stop thinking about the tender way he’d hugged her yesterday. How safe and gentle his arms were. How he had warmed her cold, shivering body up. The smile on his face that was meant only for her. It had lit up his eyes when she woke up and transformed his entire appearance. And his eyes were so pretty. How had she never noticed before? They were as blue as the sky at midday without a cloud to shroud them. She loved his messy mop of spiky brown hair and his dorky clothes, too.
He was so brave and kind and goodhearted. Finding the strength from deep in his heart to rescue both her and Riku from the river, even though it must've been really difficult to pull them both out of it.
Sora was a good person. And knowing he was a good person, that he would go to any length to save her, painted him in a different light. Or maybe she was finally seeing what had been there all along.
She suddenly felt bad about the look on his face yesterday when she’d tried to give Riku back his T-shirt. He looked so hurt in a way she hadn't ever seen before, but he’d quickly masked it. Was it possible he was jealous? The thought sent a little thrill through her.
He had nothing to be jealous of. The paopu flower was only confirmation of something that had been growing and growing until today it had burst into bloom. Its yellow petals cast everything in a different light, like rays of the sun showing her Sora’s true self.
He tilted his head, a faint smile twitching at his lips. “Kairi? Everything okay?”
“Yes, sorry! I just got lost in thought, that's all.”
He just shook his head and grinned. “And you give me such a hard time about daydreaming,” he teased, putting his hands behind his neck. Then his expression softened and he lowered them. “But seriously, do you want the flower? You can have it.”
“Oh! No, no I want you to keep it. It suits you, and it suits that spot on the window.”
Still…The fact that he’d offered her the flower…was that confirmation he had feelings for her, too?
No, he didn't know what it meant. She wasn't even sure he knew what his feelings were. But maybe one day he would. And then maybe he would tell her.
“Okay!” He glanced out the window looking out over the area in front of the house, where Riku was now waiting for them. “C’mon, Riku’s here.”
“I'll be right down,” she told him. With that he took off and clambered down the stairs while she lingered, staring in awe at the flower. It had found its way to Sora like it was supposed to and had revealed her feelings to her. Her heart.
This was all so strange and sudden and new. She needed time to think, to process her feelings before she went downstairs and joined the boys. A blush crept up her face, and she giggled into her hand. Sora! She liked Sora! Selphie would tease her endlessly about it if she knew.
But she didn't have to know yet. For now, this was Kairi's precious, private secret. She didn't have to tell anyone until she was ready. How this would all unfold was uncertain, but these new feelings were wonderful, and she would treasure them in her heart just like she treasured Sora in her heart.
And, when the time was right, she would tell him. Glancing at the flower one final time, she knew how she would do it. It was all in the flower’s namesake. She descended the stairs with a smile, looking forward to the day her daydreaming would become a reality.
A/N: Happy birthday to @hollypollly! 🥳 She gave me a very detailed prompt and outline for the story which was a lot of fun to write ❤️ Thank you so much for everything, Holley, and I hope you have a wonderful day and a fantastic year ❤️ I'm really grateful we met, and I'm glad you're a part of my life 🥺❤️
And thank you all for reading ❤️ I really enjoyed exploring how each of the characters felt in this situation because I do think they would all be feeling conflicting emotions, and it was fun to put that Ventus cameo in there too. I also really enjoyed exploring the world of Destiny Islands more and expounding on the paopu flower concept Holley came up with. Hope you all enjoyed!
#kingdom hearts#sokai#sora#kairi#riku#sora x kairi#sora/kairi#kh fanfiction#phoenix writes#phoenix–downer#hollypollly#destiny trio#love triangle#friendship#romance#angst#introspection#pov kairi#pov riku#pov sora#feelings realization#love epiphany#first love#crush#hurt/comfort#comfort#long post#happy birthday Holley!
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"riku! you're here! wanna help me with the pancakes?"
pov: riku walks into yen sid's tower for breakfast with the sora heart hotel
(also on bsky)
(room referenced from https://roomstyler.com/3dplanner)
#me.png#kingdom hearts#kh fanart#kh riku#kh sora#kh roxas#kh xion#kh vanitas#kh ventus#kh namine#kingdom hearts 3#riku is there in spirit by which i mean he is pov#vani and nami aren't really part of the sora's heart gang but i like having them here#i mean vani isn't a confirmed member but like the odds are pretty high right. don't we agree on that point.#namine is friends with everyone there so she would come to brunch obviously#she's also the next closest person besides sora to riku in that room emotionally and physically do u ever think about that#for onc in my life i dont have to use the sketch tag here </3 finally finished something
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大切な人を守る力〜♪( ´θ`)ノ
#soriku#kh soriku#baby soriku#soriku endgame actually#kh bbs#kingdom hearts sora#birth by sleep#kingdom hearts riku#sora and riku#kingdom hearts soriku#sora#riku#Utada’s songs are sora an Riku’s povs#riku is the light#kh3#kingdom hearts 3#dear beloved#dear beloved soriku#空陸#ソラとリク#キングダムハーツ#dearly beloved#dearly beloved soriku
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Love Like You but its just Sora’s POV
#feeling so sane and normal about soriku im ill actually#anyways i was thinking about how love like you could go both ways but i never seen anyone do sora’s pov#so my thoughts have been thunk and it took me 3 days to draw this#please enjoy my magnum opus im literally going off pure vibes alone#kingdom hearts#soriku#kh sora#kh riku#kingdom hearts sora#kingdom hearts riku#sora kingdom hearts#riku kingdom hearts#sora kh#riku kh#kingdom hearts fanart#kh#my art
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So you know how the Secret Place is basically a representation of Riku’s heart… I’m imagining a scenario where Sora has to dive into Riku’s heart, and whereas inside Sora’s heart was represented as the play island, inside Riku’s heart is represented as the Secret Place. Except this version of it is long and twisting like a maze, almost like it’s trying to keep Sora from finding the innermost parts of Riku’s heart.
The walls are lined with drawings of memories… but the deeper Sora goes the drawings change to dreams….wishes Riku keeps hidden.
Imagine Sora finds a drawing that at first glance looks like the drawing of him and Kairi in the Secret Place, but looking closer, it’s Riku offering Sora a paopu instead, the rock it was drawn on cracked straight through. A secret wish…
#soriku#can’t stop thinking about Sora finding that drawing and touching it gently…#there would be so many possibilities to make this sequence so emotional and also trippy#like if Sora touches the drawings of the memories he relives them from Riku’s pov#and Sora finding the door to the center of Riku’s heart…#only Sora has the key to Riku’s heart after all#the secret place#cave symbolism
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every step forward is a step closer to home
#happy kingdom hearts 23rd anniversary everyone#kingdom hearts#kh sora#sora kh#fanart#kh1#kingdom hearts 1#kh2#kingdom hearts 2#kh3#kingdom hearts 3#for some fun detail facts:#kh1 sora facing the light in front of him#casting shadows behind him. its rikus light that granted him the keyblade#and he keeps moving forward towards that light#leaving his home behind in darkness and ruin#'there is no heart' also points at the time sora became a heartless#kh2 sora facing us sideways. the light comes from behind him#representing the other side of his heart aka roxas#if we take our pov/the camera's pov as 'the home sora left behind'#then this means hes not fully home yet#kh3 sora has the most meaning packed into him. hes completely facing us now#but is he home ? he has his eyes closed. if he is home then hes not seeing it (hinting at sora being in quadratum)#he is also under a sky cloaked in darkness. sora is cloaked in darkness#clutching his heart... is it because his heart is trying to adapt and learn to survive on its own with the heart hotel finally out of him ?#or is it because theres something left behind in there ? or rather Someone... winks at u vanitas fans#he is also totally facing away from the light now. 'can't reach' because he is literally unreachable in quadratum. until riku
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idk how to render

ref + picture with joshua plushie
#kingdom hearts#kh#riku kingdom hearts#kh riku#riku kh#the ref made me realise he got squirrel cheeks#he’s angry#pov riku when he saw that sora had other friends then him#i was like him when i was his age#jealous as fuck
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So I just looked at Hikari English translation lyrics for the first time...
IT'S DEFINITELY FROM KH1 RIKU'S POV I'm going insane it's so him.
It shows how he is alone and that he got separated for Sora. He forgotten his destiny probably referring to his Kingdom Key going to Sora. Then he is referred to as light he awakens in the middle of the night.
Now the light is sometimes referred to him or Sora. Because to Riku, Sora is light.
He wishes he can tell him but he's scared and repressed his feelings. And he always wants to be together with Sora. Because with Sora who he views as light, he'll be fine when it's In the middle of the night when it's dark such as when he was going through a dark place in KH1
He's like turn everything off, don't do anything else but look at me. It gives KH1 Riku vibes so much.
He's still in his "I'm definitely not gay" phase and says he doesn't believe in us completely
But with Sora, he views as his Light
Riju wants to continue being with him and just want Sora to only pay attention to him.
And the thing about light, Riku is the light but to Riku, Sora is His Light.
They are each other lights.
Riku once said in the novels, Riku looked away from Sora because he was dazzling. For Riku he was too bright or dazzling.
And these are just some of the main stanzas I have thoughts on from it being about Riku
My thoughts on Chikai
#kingdom hearts#soriku#simple and clean#hikari#kh hikari#kh simple and clean#riku#kh riku#sora#kh sora#Riku is the light#but Sora is also His Light#Hikari is gayer than I remember#Riku kh1 is so stupid in an entertaining way#He gets jealous so easily and only want sora to have his attention#Is it gay to want your best friend to look only at you and nothing else?#Also how is this from anyone else's POV?#like it's definitely not Kairi#It's not Sora it's about Riku during KH1#it doesn't even have to be romantic but it's about him being jealous and how he feels towards Sora
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just wondering if there's any the rampage from exile tribe readers here⭑.ᐟ if any ravers are on this platform & would like to read some rmpg fics do let me know as i have a few written hehe 🤏🏻
for now it's mainly kazuma. however i'll start writing if any ravers here would like a different member! ≽^���⩊•^≼
#the rampage from exile tribe#rmpg fics#kazuma kawamura#itsuki fujiwara#hokuto yoshino#makoto hasegawa#kaisei takechi#takahide suzuki#riku aoyama#LIKIYA#ZIN#takuma goto#iwaya shogo#yamamoto shogo#yamasho#shohei imamura#the rampage x reader#pov#raver#jpop#japanese
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⋆˚✿˖° POV: Dating Riku Aoyama ⋆˚✿˖°
a/n: this is just my delusions.

♡ golden retriever type of boyfriend
♡ You always have a voice lesson with him.
♡ “Lovey” is your call sign.
♡ your name on his phone is “y/n Lovey”
♡ his phone’s wallpaper would be just plain scenery or a music note.
♡ his love language: physical touch (and word of affirmation)
♡ matching couple minimal phone cases
♡ love to hug you, put his chin on your shoulder, and whisper sweet things.

♡ you’re his queen.
♡ he cooks the most delicious meals for you.
♡ he’s a gentle soul.
♡ you love his talking and singing voice. It feels like he soothes your heart.
♡ checks in on you frequently by sending you voice messages.
♡ he gets annoyed when he receives an emoji response from you.

♡ love putting his arms around your hips.
♡ loves morning cuddles.
♡ blushes when you touch his face.
♡ good kisser
♡ He unintentionally seduces you
♡ your home gym buddy
♡ you guys love to be indoors more than outdoors.
♡ teaches you some musical instrument but always ends up with something else 🙈

♡ incredibly supportive boyfriend.
♡ he finds you very adorable.
♡ you two are morning people and love to walk together in the morning in the park, on the seaside, or just around the neighborhood.
♡ he’s willing to tie your hair, and he always has a plain black hair tie on his wrist in case of emergency.
♡ loves wearing your black headbands.
♡ sing a lullaby to put you to sleep.

♡ very affectionate boyfriend and also protective
♡ he loves when you initiate holding his hand when you’re walking or outside.
♡ organize your music playlist with his favorite music and artists.
♡ Netflix and chill
♡ he easily gets jealous, but he won’t admit it. He trusts you, but the boys around you? Big no.
♡ when he’s on The Rampage tour, he makes sure to buy you souvenirs and have quality time with you.
♡ he misses you every single time.
♡ a great listener and great adviser

#riku aoyama#riku#my edit#love#exile tribe#japanese#boyfriend#fangirl#the rampage from exile tribe#high and low#the rampage#jpop#one shot#fanfiction#fanfic#pov
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Finished this Kingdom Hearts piece for my friend’s birthday at last! I had a lot of fun sketching out the pose and facial expression and designing the outfit. We both agree that Kairi is a character with so much potential and are forever salty about Nomura’s treatment of her. Can’t decide whether I prefer the version with or without the purple glow rn
(I chose the upper right light source before I decided on the background, cut me some slack)
Edit: hopefully the image quality is less shitty now
#kingdom hearts#Kairi#Kairi KH#fan art#KH fan art#art#my art#I hope the background doesn’t look too bad#I’m a character/portrait artist I’m not built for that shit#Blorbo from my games#POV: you're one of the various incarnations of Xehanort about to get your shit wrecked#Nomura treat my girl better I stg#I wanna draw Riku next he's my favourite character#oathkeeper#destiny's embrace
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#beep boop you want fries with that#kingdom hearts#diz#namine#riku#mickey#just a quick shitpost before bed.#ive been thinking about days but like specifically riku and co’s pov . days is such a fucked up point in the story#and it extends to the rest of the cast too yknow#diz literally used everyone as tools for his fucking revenge where he was putting all his chips on a fucking child to go#enact his petty ass revenge for him. LIKE GODDDD WHAT IS UR PROBLEMMM#he found it somehow nessecery to psychologically torture roxas in a fake world with fake memories and also really wanted to kill namine#after she ‘outgrew her usefulness’ LIKE DUUUUDE. WTF. BLOWING YOU UPP. he did blow up :3#he blew up and never came back because he had a fitting narrative arc. (IGNORES MODERN KH)
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Imprisoned Princess, be my Knight, your my Light "A new KH1 Retelling through Riku's eyes"
AO3: aitsu_heart
I was the princess trapped in lonely darkness and he was the light that radiated so brightly. And like a moth to a flame, I desired it— no I only wanted it for myself.
Because without him, who else could I be?
Without his attention on me, he might just forget me too and abandon me.
He was the knight that would save me. He opened my eyes to brightness when nobody else has and for that I was extremely grateful. He was everything and became the person I cherished.
But without him who was I?
A Kingdom Hearts retelling through Riku's eyes. Introducing this unique back story of Riku and how he goes through the series with his love for his best friend, while he goes down through the path of Darkness.
Tags: Riku/Sora, Riku & Sora & Kairi friendship
"2:7 Riku!" Kairi exclaimed, "Nice try Sora."
Sora looked at me putting out his lower lips while he crossed his arms, "No fair!"
I grinned back at Sora in response. He looked so cute while like this.
Yeah. He did look cute.
"Want to go again? Come on Sora, I know you're better than that." I leaned excessively close as I peered down at him.
Fanfic Master Post:
#Gay alert Riku is really gay and jealous#Basically pre kh1 and kh1#kingdom hearts#soriku#KH1 if it was Riku's pov and it was 100x gayer#kh fanfic#kh fanfic writer#kh fanfiction#soriku fanfics#riku loves sora#aitsu heart fanfics#aitsu heart writes#aitsu heart#Will I continue with the other games? The depends on if people want it or not
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Two things right off the bat......
1) *condenses a 2 min recording into a 3 seconds gif* flowing water!!! I don't think it's a (as noticeable) thing in the other games as well? Regardless, it has Implications™ considering what water symbolises in this franchise
2) hi girlie. Except not really because if you look closely you'll notice that the symbols in the outer circles aren't all the same 👀
#first person pov mode i miss you. i want to see the full design of this thing on the mirror!!!!!!#''why is kairi's choker white'' ''i forgor 💀''#wait actually the colors of riku's shirt (collar aside) are inverted as well. Huh#mytext#video games#kingdom hearts#sora
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Ficlet for Whumptober!
He makes his way down the hallway leading to their bedrooms and is forced to pass Sora's closed door on the way to his own. The lump begins rising in his throat again. The day before yesterday he had woken up in that room. In the bed on the other side of that closed door. He had woken up so happy. So sure his future would be full of mornings just like that one. Mornings full of quiet breaths on his skin and a chest to press himself into, of soft smiles and laughter as they stayed there far too long, wrapped in the blankets of their own private world, feeling safer than either of them had ever felt before.
Now he wonders if he'll ever see the inside of that room again. ---
Day 17 prompts: "You’re the lump in my throat and the knot in my chest." | Leave me alone
It's a missing scene from Kintsugi and if you've read that you'll know exactly when this happens...
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