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traduzioniamazzoniche · 2 years ago
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Qui mi affascina soprattutto l’”acqua plastica con pacchia pappa”... e anche il PORTABILIBILE non è male! :-D 
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zindagi-dard-hai · 13 days ago
Mein sit on my face bola tha 😍🫦
Usne shit sun liya 😭😭😭😭
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eomcheong-keun-megi · 1 year ago
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u just KNOW he was feeling C U N T Y
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chai-en-kaadhale · 2 months ago
so ive been saying this ever since he came out but it just occurred to me that i could say it on the internet too (:D) so tighnari right
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his clothes are weird, and theres gotta be another way to explain this but the minute i saw the weird cloth thingy i thought of these
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sarees are women's clothing therefore tighnari (to ME) is a malayali femboy
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ask-st-ccchoir · 11 months ago
Aw, you sad Ricky? 3:
-Local friendly catboy
🌌ocean's gonna be noisy:(
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sapphic-woes · 2 years ago
Genuinely happy the pov switch was liked in my last story;; I
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yutopia-eleftheria · 1 year ago
Inktober 2023 ; Day 7/31
Day 7 : Drip / Goutte
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No pun intended !!!
I mean she is a Naiadi, who are the people of water in Inazuma Eleven GO, and her European name is literally Droplit Tunaka ! (Chuluka Potta)
Moreover, I love her ! She is just too cute for my heart to handle ! So she was perfect for this theme.
Of course I didn't just draw her. Since she is also a Naiadi, I drew her manipulating drips of water, since they have some sort of telekinesis and all.
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lesbian-steppenwolf · 10 months ago
ogni giorno mi sveglio penso al fatto che avremmo potuto avere tutto avremmo potuto avere il governo più a sinistra dell'europa occidentale e piango un po'
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rashfordian · 2 years ago
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im back to old habits.
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calebine · 1 year ago
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‘ me rompe el corazón que me halagues y después evidencies que sólo quieres sacarme información, ¿tan débil te parezco? ’ por supuesto que está de broma, la sonrisa que traza carmines es la evidencia primaria. ‘ ��no te crees que sea modelo? ’ chasquea lengua, como si estuviera añadiendo una decepción más. al final, se decide a tenderle la mano. ‘ soy el capitán irvine, de las fuerzas especiales del ejército británico — sólo caleb también sirve ’ ladea un poco la cabeza, entretenido. ‘ ¿te basta? somos compatriotas ’ algo le ha parecido adivinar en el acento impropio, aunque quizá sean imaginaciones. ‘ tu turno ’
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echa un vistazo a su foto de pasaporte y también procura conocer su nombre. caleb irvine. decide bajar un poco la guardia y se permite sonreír. ' podría decirse que sí, te ves muy bien. ' halagó. o quizás una de actores sería mejor opción. la misión requería un poco de eso. ' pero dime, ¿tú de dónde te has escapado realmente? ' pausó momentáneamente para tomar un sorbo de su café. ' a qué te dedicas, me refiero. '
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suugarbabe · 2 years ago
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Here we are my darlings, the long awaited George one shot based off of this ask.
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Word Count: 3k (told ya it'd be a bit long)
Warning: mention of blood, angst, kissing
Professor Moody stalked about the living room giving a speech that did not make anyone feel any less uneasy about what was about to transpire. “Potter, you’re underage, which means you still have the trace on you.” Harry looked up confused, “What’s the trace?” Moody placed both hands on his walking stick for support, “It means that if ya sneeze the ministry is goin’ to know who wiped yer nose. The point is we have to use those means of transport that the trace can’t detect, brooms, thestrals, the like. We go in pairs. That way if there’s anyone out there waiting for us, and I reckon there will be, they won’t know which Harry Potter is the real one.” 
Harry looked confused, “The real one?” Moody’s face turned up slightly, a grin forming as he grabbed his infamous flask from his jacket pocket. He stirred the flask with a swirl of his wrist, “I believe you’re familiar with this particular brew.” Harry immediately shook his head, “No, absolutely not.” Hermione rolled her eyes behind him, “Told you he’d take it well.” Harry continued, voice strained, “No, if you think I’m gonna let everyone risk their lives for me-” Ron cut him off abruptly with a sarcastic tone, “Never done that ‘ave we?” Harry turned to face his friend, “No! No, this is different! Taking that, becoming me? No.” 
“Well none of us really fancy it, mate,” Fred piped up, smug grin across his face. “Yeah imagine something went wrong and we end up a screwy, specky git forever,” George teased, smiling alongside his twin. “Everyone is of age here, Potter,” Moody spoke up again, “They’ve all agreed to take the risk.” A short man in the back spoke up just then, “Technically, I’ve been coerced.” He turned to Harry, “Mundungus Fletcher, Mista Potta, always been a ‘uge admirer.”
“Nip it, Mundungus!” Moody scolded. The small man’s head went down, turning back to his spot in the back of the room and staying quiet. “Alright, Granger, as discussed,” Moody nodded toward the witch. Hermione walked past Harry, gripping a patch of hair at the back of his head and pulling harshly, pulling out several hairs. “Blimey, Hermione,” Harry rubbed the back of his head. Moody instructed Hermione to drop the hairs in the polyjuice potion in his flask. The potion began to bubble as Moody stirred it around with another  twirl of his wrist. 
“For those of you who are not familiar with the polyjuice potion, fair warning, taste like goblin piss,” Moody stated comfortingly as he handed the flask to Fred. Fred took the flask from him, “Have lots of experiences with that, do ya Mad-Eye?” Moody continued to stare at Fred, face blank and unchanging. Fred let out a sigh, “Just trying to diffuse the tension…” Those in the line all took a large swig, first Fred, then George, followed by Mundungus, Fluer, Ron and lastly Hermione. You stood next to Hermione and watched in amazement as the row of people all slowly started changing, skin bubbling to transform into Harry. 
You watched your George shrink several inches and he transformed. His clothes became far too large for his frame. “Is this how you feel when you borrow a shirt from me, love?” he looked over at you, a smile on his - well Harry’s - face. You shook your head, cheeks becoming a shade darker than before, “You know it’s really hard to take you seriously when you look like that.” He shrugged as he started to get dressed in the same exact attire as Harry. The goal was simple, pairs would travel with a Harry look-a-like towards the Burrow. Mad-Eye said he anticipated an attack by death eaters and that the risk was high. You and George agreed to be involved immediately, no questions asked. 
Once everyone was changed you all filed outside, you grabbed your broom. You hopped on, George floating next to you on a copy of Harry’s broom. Moody stood at the end of the drive, announcing it was time to leave. You both took off together, staying close by one another. As you got deeper into the clouds, it looked like a lightning storm. Moody went further ahead of the others. In an instant you were seemingly surrounded by black cloaks swishing by spells being thrown on either side of you. You turned to find George, you had to assume he was still the Harry closest to you. 
You knew you were close to the Burrow. You looked over to check on George once more just in time to see a death eater point their want towards him. You panicked, not knowing the spell they would speak and instantly flicked your wand toward George, “Depulso!” George’s body slid farther away from you, narrowly missing the spell, or at least almost. You noticed his body go slightly limp, his broom altitude dropping quickly. You dove after him, grabbing him in your arms and speeding toward the barrier around the burrow. 
As soon as you were through the barrier you headed to land, nearly crashing into the cornfields. He still looked like Harry as you fervently started checking his body for damage, “C’mon Georgie, wake up. You’re okay, right? You’re okay.” His head was bleeding, you turned it to the side, noticing his left ear nearly missing, “Oh, Georgie.” He turned his head back and forth, mumbling something. You put your ear next to his mouth and he mumbled again, “Y/n/n, yer…kneeling on my hand.” You jumped up, and he attempted to roll over to his side. Thankfully he was still mostly Harry, you threw one of his arms over your shoulder, your arm around his waist, doing your best to take hold of most of the weight. 
You stumbled out of the cornfields, seeing a few of the others that made it before you two. Harry, the real Harry, was quick to come to the other side of George, helping you take him inside the Burrow. Molly turned from the sink as soon as she heard commotion, eyes glued on the now changing boy back into George. “Oh my boy,” Molly rushed over as you and Harry laid George on the family sofa. Remus walked in with another Harry that slowly turned into their normal self, challenging each one making sure they weren’t an imposter. 
You ignored the background noise, focusing solely on the red head in front of you. You got a washing cloth from the kitchen, dowsing it in cool water to begin to clean his wound. As you approached the sofa again Molly snatched the rag from your hands, a glare upon her face as she pushed in front of you to tend to her son. Fred entered the Burrow, rushing to his twin’s side. It was silent for a long moment before Fred spoke, “How’re you feelin’ Georgie?” George’s eyes were still closed, taking slow deep breaths as he responded, “Saint-like.” 
Fred shook his head, “Come again?” George smiled softly, “Saint-like. I’m holy. I’m holy, Fred. Ya get it?” He then pointed to his ear. Fred just shook his head again, smiling, “The whole wide world of ear related humor, and you go for ‘I’m holy’. It’s pathetic.” George winked at you before responding to his twin once more, “Reckon I’m still better looking than you.” You laughed softly at his ability to ease a room  in even the most stressful of times. Molly turned at the sound of your laughter, glaring at you once more. You could understand her feeling protective, but you were unsure why she was taking her anger out at you. 
You attempted once more to get closer to George now that he was talking to others more, but Molly was quick to step in front of you. “I think you’ve done enough for tonight dear,” Her voice was low but stern. You were sure confusion was written across your features, “What do you mean, Molly?” She gestured toward the other room, “Maybe it would be best if you kept your distance for the night.” Her face told you not to argue with her. While she was usually the soft and comforting one, she could instill fear when needed. 
You took the hint and went into the other room, pacing back and forth. You kept playing with the rings on your fingers, one in particular George had gifted you last Christmas. You wished you could talk to him, it pained you being pushed away like this. Pained you so deeply you swear you could feel it on your side. Your right side. You placed your hand onto your torso, wincing as you touched just below your rib cage. You lifted your shirt slowly, peering down to see a deep gash. “Bloody hell, that’s not good,” with the realization of your wound you felt more light headed. You assumed the lack of adrenaline also played a part in this. You turned back towards the main living area, intentions of calling out for someone when everything started to fade around you. 
George moved to sit up, laughing slightly at the several members of his family fawning over him. He looked around searching for the face of the one person who’s voice he hadn’t heard since he landed at the burrow. “Where’s Y/n?” George went to stand up, albeit a little shaky. “She’s just in the other room, I asked her to give you some space,” Molly rubbed his arm in comfort. He started walking towards the room, “Why would you do that mum?” He walked a little quicker towards the next room. He turned the corner to see you laying facedown on the floor. 
George rushed over, shouting for someone, anyone to come and help him. He turned you over, noticing how slow and shallow your breathing had become. He did the same inspection you had done just an hour prior, checking your face, your neck, down your arms. He ran his hands down your sides, your body involuntarily twitching as he reached your wound. He lifted your shirt as Remus and his father came to kneel next to him. George gasped as he saw the deep gash on your side, the edges burned black clearly from a dark spell. “What do I- how do we fix her dad, you have to fix her…” George’s eyes brimmed with tears, pleading to his father. Kingsley came to join the older two men, encouraging George to stand back. 
George stood there, tears streaming down his face as Remus, Arthur and Kingsly worked over your body. George was still recovering himself, swaying back and forth as his anxiety and blood pressure got higher. “C’mon, Georgie, let’s go sit you back down before you’re the next to pass out.” George reluctantly followed his twin. As soon as he was sat on the couch, Molly came rushing to his side again. George’s face was in his hands, making his words come out muffled, “Mum, please, I love you, but please give me some space right now.” 
“Oh, darling, wha-why?” Molly stood up confused. George shook his head, “Mum you told her to go over there, to leave everyone else, to leave me. Why? Why did you do that? She was in there alone! Who knows how long she was passed out for!” George’s voice got higher and higher with each word. Molly took a step back in shock. “George, she- she was supposed to protect you. She was paired with you to keep you safe and look how you turned out, you could have died George!” He stood up instantly, face screwed in anger, “Well now she might die, mum.” And with that, he stomped up the stairs, two at a time until he reached his room. 
What felt like hours later there was a knock on George’s door. He kept his face in his pillow, shouting back, “Go away.” He heard the door open regardless of his wishes. He remaining in his position even though he heard footsteps approaching him. He felt a dip in his bed before he heard your voice teasing him, “Don’t want to see me, is that it George? I heard I was all you could talk about.” 
He turned over so quickly he nearly knocked you off the bed. He grabbed you onto his lap and embracing you tightly. You hissed slightly, causing him to pull your body away from his and he glanced down at your side, “Oh, y/n/n, I’m sorry, how’re you-how does it look?” You leaned back slightly, lifting your shirt to show him your waist wrapped in bandages, “Looks about as good as your head.” You touched the side of his face gently, fingers dancing over his damaged ear. His eyes closed at your touch. He relished in your presence, brain mulling over him almost losing you just hours earlier. 
He hadn’t noticed himself become emotional until he felt your thumb wipe a tear off his cheek. “Why are you crying, Georgie?” Your voice was so soft, always a comfort to him. He shook his head, realizing how daft he’s been, “I’m just so stupid.” You laughed lightly, another mesmerizing sound to him, “What are you talking about?” He opened his eyes, though they were still downcast, “Y/n, I haven't been honest with you. Erm, honest with myself either, really.” He felt your fingers lift his chin, making him look into your eyes. 
“You know you can tell me anything, no matter what you can tell me,” you wore a soft smile on your lips, doing your best to encourage him to continue. He just stared at you for a moment, taking in how gentle your eyes looked at him, the bit of dirt still on your cheek from earlier in the night, how soft your lips looked right now. George was so lost in thought he almost didn’t notice you getting closer to him. Your arms wrapped around his neck now, still waiting for him to respond to you. 
“It’s just…I…,” he trailed off, eyes shooting to your lips, back to your eyes and down again. You just nodded, closing the gap further, “I know, Georgie, me too.” And then it happened, your lips were on his and he was in heaven. One of his hands cupped your face as his other steadied on your hip, your lips slotting against one another fervently and with purpose. You felt his tongue glide against your bottom lip and granted him entrance without hesitation, allowing him to explore your mouth and deepen the kiss. 
He attempted to pull you even closer, hands grabbing at your waist. You pulled back with a hiss, both forgetting about your injury. “Oh Merlin, I’m-” You shook your head, smiling, “It’s okay Georgie, I’m okay.” You cupped his cheek, rubbing your thumb across his skin, “You scared me tonight. You can’t scare me like that, I thought I was gonna lose you.” He chuckled at this, “Yeah well I could say the same to you.” You shook your head, smiling at the red head, “You know I realized something tonight.” He looked at you curiously, “Oh? And what’s that.” 
“I love you Georgie,” you bit your lip, waiting on how he would respond. He reached up, his thumb lightly pulling your lip from your teeth, “I love you too, Y/n, so much.” He leaned in to kiss you once more, your lips just barely grazing each other when you heard someone clear their throat in the doorway. You both turned to see Fred, leaning against the door frame with a smirk plastered on his lips. 
“As adorable as that was to witness, there’s someone downstairs wanting to talk to you both,” Fred pushed himself off the frame, turning to leave. He grabbed ahold of the frame quickly, popping his head back into the room, “If I wasn’t clear, I was talking about mum.” You climbed off of George’s lap, allowing him to also stand up from the bed, “Thanks genius, didn’t quite get that one.” 
You walked with George down the stairs, fingers intertwined while doing so. Molly’s eyes clocked the connection immediately, her face becoming more apologetic than before, if that were even possible. She met you both at the bottom of the steps, wrapping you in her embrace immediately, “Darling, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for how I acted, what I said to you, it was rubbish, truly.” She pulled back, tears brimming her eyes. You shook your head, “Molly, no. He’s your son. You just love him so much, I understand the feeling.” 
You looked up at George who gave you a small smile and a wink in return. Molly, missing nothing, quickly wrapped her arms around both your necks, planting kisses on each of your cheeks, whispering in your ears, “We’ve been waiting for this, your father and I. Probably another reason I was so emotional earlier.” George leaned back, “What dya mean you’ve been waiting?” Molly simply smiled, “I know the look dear, you’ve had it with her for, gosh, how long now Arthur?” 
“Since year 5 for them both, Moll.” Arthur yelled from the other side of the room. You felt your cheeks burn, surely visibly red for everyone to see. George was also blushing, not realizing how blatantly obvious he had been over the years. Fred came up behind you both, slinging an arm over each of your shoulders, “Thank Merlin for that though, yeah? He wouldn’t nearly have been as passionate about where you were if he wasn’t always looking for you in a room. Probably would’ve been longer before we realized you were passed out.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, “Yeah, he really was a Saint for me tonight, wasn’t he?” Fred looked at you puzzled, “Come again?” You pointed at George’s bandaged ear, “He’s holy Fred, Saint-like.” Fred just groaned, rolling his eyes as he pushed through the both of you. George however smiled, grabbing your chin and planting another kiss on your lips with a smile.
@luv4kani ; @somekidinacoma ; @huahuali ; @ell0ra-br3kk3r ; @wollymalfoy ;
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moontearpensfic · 2 months ago
i think you should share weeb au with us all 🥺
🤣😌💕 Here is a day in the life of weeb Tom. From a co-write with @duplicitywrites and @cindle-writes! Tom grabs a bottle of Ramune and a box of strawberry Pocky from his stash and sets himself up in front of his PC for the late morning.
The first thing he always does is check his stats and his socials. His inbox shows a host of FF.net reviews from his latest chapter of The Isekai Life of a Hogwarts Transfer Student: Dark Lord Version, and his LiveJournal community needs posts approved (or unapproved—Tom has no desire to allow more riffraff to clog the fandom). After he's told a few people off for their terrible opinions—why wake up stupid? Truly?—he logs into Yahoo Groups. Finally, he checks AIM, but no one is online yet.
Tom minimizes windows and clicks to his favorite site, an anime apparel shop. They get new inventory on Tuesdays, and Tom remains actively on the hunt for anything Hari Potta-related. This morning, they have a fluffy, mid-riff jumper with a chibi version of Harry's face across the chest.
"Kawaiiiiii," he coos to his computer screen. "Such a cute little Harry-chan."
Another handful of mouse clicks, and Tom now has a new jumper to add to his collection.
As he's home from his posh boarding school, he has nothing pressing to tend to and so can spend time whiling hours away on the internet and writing fanfic without worry. His father is at work, and Mrs. Cole, the housekeeper, has the day off. There is no one to stop him from doing as he pleases.
His Harry pillow has his own chair beside Tom.
"Harry had almost discovered Riddle's machinations," he mutters to himself as he works on his next chapter. Now that he's off for the holiday, he has loads more time to write. "Little did he know, Riddle had a trap set in place that would Obliviate Harry's memory…"
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potatowithahat · 7 months ago
Yeah you know that 'smash' cake meme? Me and one of my friends decided to do more of a smash ultimate Cake
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Yes we finished it at two thirty in the morning. All characters listed under cut
Sun drop (fnaf)
William Afton/Dave miler (fnaf)
Young Gravy
Karnes (bg3)
Miguel o'hera (into the spider verse)
Hobie Brown (see above)
Alastor (hasbin)
Hannibal Lector (Hannibal)
Will Graham (Hannibal)
The punisher (punisher)
Shota Aizawa (mha)
Lt. Dan (forest gump)
Viktor (Arcane)
L (death note)
Kinger (Tadc)
Geronimo Stilton
Enver Gortash (bg3)
Henry of Wales (red white and royal blue)
Alexander Clairmont whatshisfuck (see above)
Serious black (heary potta)
Magnus Rasmodius (Sdv)
Captain Hook (once upon a time)
The Narrator (tsp)
Steede bonnet (ofmd)
Spider noir (into the spiderverse)
Blackbeard/ edd (ofmd)
Crowley (Good Omens)
Hannibal Lector (Silence of the lambs)
Aziraphale (Good Omens)
Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)
Harvey (Stardew Valley)
Gale Dekarios (Baldur's Gate 3)
Nicholas Devereaux (Princess Diaries 2)
Fenris (Dragon Age 2)
Rowan Whitethorn (Throne of Glass)
Xaden Riorson (Fourth Wing)
Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)
James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes (Marvel)
Satoru Gojo (Jujitsu Kaisen)
Inigo Montoya (The Princess Bride)
The Emperor (Baldur's Gate 3)
Loki Laufeyson (Marvel)
John Hancock (Fallout 4)
Kaiden Alenko (Mass Effect)
Manon Blackbeak (Throne of Glass)
Pietro Maximoff (Marvel)
Robert Joseph MacCready (Fallout 4)
Alistair (Dragon Age Origins)
Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect)
Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age Origins)
Haymitch Abernathy (The Hunger games)
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omppupiiras · 1 year ago
question: can anybody else pintpoint the exact moment they sold their soul to käärijä? mine was when I watched this video for the first time. I love EVERY SINGLE THING about it. 😭
"That's my shoe's kengännauha" specifically kills me dead no matter how many times I rewatch this. Him singing the winx song & tuu tuu tupakkarulla. DOG HOOMAN. Mixing up the words for eating and sleeping. His weirdass giggles. Telling the hairless cat maybe they'll have many many karva one day. DO YOU KNOW POTTA. Asking the cat to eat his leg hair when he realizes how hairy his legs look. Saying the cat has a good pötsi and complimenting the cat for eating well. "Pieni pötsi. 🥺 Pieni pötsi! Hyvin oot syöny." Editing the pottatukka on the cat.
maybe I'm biased because I love cats but seeing him being so soft with the cutest little kitty is the thing that pushed me over the edge way back when I crossed the line between a casual fan and an insane person
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fallimentiquotidiani · 1 month ago
Il narcisista è stronzo passivo aggressivo, umorale, manipolativo, viziato, capriccioso, freddo, distaccato, vampiro energetico. Potta una maschera davanti a tante persone...
Maschio alfa è galante, sicuro, protettivo, diplomatico, assertivo. Ama proporre, corteggiare, non si vergogna delle proprie fragilità, è una guida per tante persone.
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ilmerlomaschio · 1 month ago
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Sonetti lussuriosi di Pietro Aretino
Libro Primo
Fottiamci, anima mia, fottiamci presto
perché tutti per fotter nati siamo;
e se tu il cazzo adori, io la potta amo,
e saria il mondo un cazzo senza questo.
E se post mortem fotter fosse onesto,
direi: Tanto fottiam, che ci moiamo;
e di là fotterem Eva e Adamo,
che trovarno il morir sì disonesto.
- Veramente egli è ver, che se i furfanti
non mangiavan quel frutto traditore,
io so che si sfoiavano gli amanti.
Ma lasciam'ir le ciance, e sino al core
ficcami il cazzo, e fà che mi si schianti
l'anima, ch'in sul cazzo or nasce or muore;
e se possibil fore,
non mi tener della potta anche i coglioni,
d'ogni piacer fortuni testimoni
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