#death to the usa
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jingerpi · 6 months ago
Nazi Germany lasted for ~10 years. the US' genocide of indigenous people inspired the Nazis, and we've been at it for ~500 years. 55 MILLION indigenous turtle Islanders were killed by American colonialists. Tell me again why we're arguing over whether or not these bourgeois politicians are 99% Hitler? This country is far worse than the Nazis were even remotely capable of. There are nearly 1.8 MILLION people in Slavery in the United States right now. This country is cartoon levels of evil, and beyond that! it's beyond parody! it's worse than you can possibly imagine. and that's just two examples over the 500 years they've been at this, and they only domestically! Do you have any idea what the ruling class has done in other countries? the war and famine they've intentionally induced from profits? The millions they've bombed? The only country to ever use nuclear bombs! and it was on civilians!
So yes, of course we cry out death to [US]America. Do you seriously not understand how deeply deeply evil this country is? Again:
Death to the USA
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corvidcaeneus · 8 months ago
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Happy 4th of July! May this country crumble into nothing more than a hellish memory so that the rest of the world might finally be free.
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violottie · 9 months ago
the usa (or the united states of "israel") is the same terrorist, imperialist, colonial tyrrant state it has always been.
from Rosy Pirani, 05/May/2024:
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sudensk-the-stallionist · 4 months ago
this goes so hard
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gordiebear · 9 months ago
because its pride month i would like to say now that lgbtq zionists are literally the only people id discriminate with all my heart considering the whole thing with palestine going on.
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my-patron-saint-is-jimmy · 9 months ago
I have genuinely, even amongst this genocide, have never seen anything even remotely as horrific as the video of beheaded babies coming from Rafah right now. With the people screaming and the fires as people hold up decapitated babies to move them. I.... Can't even process or cope with that and I'm not even there. Oh my fucking god.
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irwo2 · 10 months ago
there should be a global intifada
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rodman-edward-serling · 3 months ago
What if the United States existed? Wouldn't that be fucked up? I'm Rod Serling.
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disasterhimbo · 8 months ago
So what are all of us who hate the United States doing on the fourth of July this year?
Clarification: looking for alternatives to celebration that still recognize it as a significant day. Preferably something that helps marginalized people, bonus points if it upsets patriotic people.
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bem-te-vi-comunista · 2 months ago
Usamericans will weaponize everything to defend imperialism, even call a person on land militarily occupied by the usa a racist because she doesn't like when black usamericans brag about "bringing fried chicken to Korea" during the Korean war. Being a usamerican chauvinist is above everything to these people. They don't care that a country was destroyed. They don't care about the lives of non-usamericans. Their stupid fried chicken is more important to them than all the lives that were and are still being ruined by the invasion of Korea.
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sky-daddy-hates-me · 8 months ago
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This is hilarious to me.
Instead of questioning why people are comparing trump to hitler this bitch just wants everyone to stop comparing them.
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sudensk-the-stallionist · 29 days ago
cant believe fucking kkkanadians are now being antagonized by usamerican ultranationalism. is this 1812. what is going on
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marxistswiftieism · 7 months ago
I just genuinely don’t understand how anyone can genuinely, with zero irony whatsoever, look at the the photos of or hear accounts of the Palestinian genocide, the mass torture in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the My Lai massacre, the devastation of the Korean War, Indigenous Residential Schools, the slavery imposed upon inmates in Angola and other prisons, and every other horrific, brutal, fascistic, and barbaric act that the US government has ever enacted against innocents and not immediately wished for death to the American empire. Once you see the horrific brutality of the imperialist capitalist fascist regime you can not help but wish death upon the American empire and indeed every imperialist regime that has, throughout history, sought to brutalize the marginalized and the proletariat for the entirety of their existence.
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briteredoctober · 11 months ago
I don’t understand how folks are just going about life as normal during a fucking genocide. While our government funds and arms the slaughter of 35,000+ people, over 15,000 of which were children. How can they just casually pretend that nothing is wrong? That drone striking an embassy is normal? That slaughtering children to get at their parents is okay? That bombing hospitals is just business as usual?
How are people capable of dissociating so much from such a horrific catastrophe? Especially when they are paying for it? They should be yelling about it. They should be pissed. They should be unable to live life-as-normal until this has ended.
How the fuck is the world still turning? Are folks so individualist that they can overlook genocide as long as it doesn’t personally inconvenience them? Are they so racist that deaths of people who aren’t white don’t matter to them?
Had these people been alive in Nazi Germany, they have proven through their response here that they would have said and done absolutely nothing to stop the slaughter.
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real-joe-biden · 8 months ago
i think it's time for me to kill myself, jack
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maizixie · 9 months ago
on one hand I like studying international relations and I hope to get a masters in that area, but at the same time it makes me viscerally angry how the us wants to (and does) rule the world and everyone just... let's them.
NATO should have ceased to exist when the Warsaw pact disbanded and the US has like Nothing that gives them the right to rule the world the way they do.
the United Nations is a fucking joke at this point and Europe is fucking ridiculous for having their own defence program through CSDP but bowing to the US' will of having NATO as the number one defense organisation in Europe.
death to the USA and fuck the hegemon.
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