#potential Nosferatu fanfic
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caddy-crystal-queen · 2 months ago
Okay but why do I wanna write a fic where Ellen and Orlok are together in the afterlife and they're kinda stuck together because of their agreement and of course how they died? Orlok gains a semblance of his humanity back and its angsty as all hell. Ellen struggles with the thought of whether she did the right thing or not, more angst on her end. And with the combined powers of angst, and a mutual sense of understanding, the two spirits slowly learn to co-exist...and maybe get the happy ending they were both denied in life...
Just an idea bopping around in my head...
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ashes-writing-corner · 2 months ago
Damn this is my longest chapter to date yall! Things are gonna start looking up a little for these two after this. I really hope you all enjoy it!
Taglist: @exactlyelegantwizard, @xenoanamorph, @hoeia-strigoi, @arwenkenobi48, @xanth420, @serpentdeath, @landlockedmermaid77, @uncensored-aj, @mypackpride, @whisperingwillowe, @sasksdemorg, and @emimuart
Without further ado:
Exile: A Nosferatu Fanfic
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Chapter 7
Second, third, and hundredth chances, balancing on breaking branches. Those eyes add insult to injury…
She woke briefly, her head against something solid, strong. There was a faint, faint sound in her ear. It was like a watch wrapped in a thick covering. Her arms and shoulders were covered, as the wind pushed against her. Ellen looked up to see Orlok, keeping a hold of her as they rode back together. He looked…different in a way.
More alive, more…wholesome even. Did she do that? Did her blood do that? He had more color to his skin, and Ellen swore she saw a little more hair on his head. He looked down at her, and his eyes had gone from their moonlit shade to an almost storm cloud gray. Ellen looked into those eyes for all of a moment, and she saw a flash of concern in them before again, she slipped back into the darkness of her mind…
He rode faster back to the castle, the cold hitting him harder than he remembered. He was actually feeling it. For the first time in centuries, he felt it in his fingers. What in the world had his little Sylph done to him? One drink of her blood had affected him in a way Orlok couldn’t explain.
His hands had lost their pale, deathly pallor. He now had a soft slight color to them…like he was alive once again. It wasn’t a feeling he was sure he liked, given the circumstances of their being here. He felt stronger, but at the same time he felt human and he couldn’t stand that. Orlok didn’t want to be anything resembling human.
Resembling weakness.
He rode with Ellen back to the castle and carried her inside, the wolfhounds following close behind. They were all worried about her, and about how this revelation of her blood would affect their master. He was of course both concerned and curious, wondering if this strange Other World was giving them qualities of one another. A little of herself in him and a little of himself in her.
“How quaint…” the count thought, laying her down in bed.
Furie joined her on the bed, curling up next to her, while his siblings laid on either side on the floor. Sure they’d keep watch over her, but Orlok had no desire to leave Ellen’s side just yet. He wanted to make sure she was completely okay, as using power like that had the potential to leave the user with effects similar to an overdose. Yes, it was possible to overdose or overuse magic. It was a tricky thing, even in this world. But from what Orlok was beginning to understand was that, at least here in the Other World, there was no such thing as light or dark magic.
It was about intention. It was what one wanted to do with their magic that ultimately determined its power and price. Again, a quaint little thing. In the living world, there was magic of varying types, though generally falling into the light or the dark. Looking at his hand once more, he was beginning to lose feeling in it again. The price was paid, he didn’t need her blood anymore, so the effect was wearing off.
Orlok looked at Ellen as she rested, noting her color had returned to her when once she was pale. This more or less confirmed his theory. They seemed to draw power from each other now more acutely than they did in life. No light, no dark, only intention and an equal price to pay.
“Of all the oddities…we have become a part of each other” he thought aloud, still looking at her.
It was how he felt she was in danger, why he felt compelled to come to her aid despite his anger. It wasn’t like he didn’t have a will of his own, he did. He was still upset about her finding out about Mirela. He knew she would have questions, and Orlok wasn’t sure he was willing to answer those questions just yet.
He wasn’t sure he was ready to face it just yet.
There was so much to do…so much to figure out. He didn’t want to focus on the past right now. He didn’t want to think of who he was, what he had lost. Durere raised his head, as if sensing his master’s inner emotions. The wolfhound got up and went towards the door, most likely going to grab something that would only deepen it. He had a nasty habit of that.
Not this time.
“Durere! Sedere!” Orlok commanded and the wolfhound stopped, turning to face him.
The two locked eyes as if challenging the other. Durere would try, but Orlok always came out on top whenever he was aware of his tricks. During moments of awareness. He was master right now…
The wolfhound’s ears flattened and he practically crawled back towards his master. Durere put his head under his extended hand. For now, the wolfhound conceded defeat.
“Why…why do you call them those things?” Ellen’s voice cut through his thoughts and Orlok turned to her.
“You’re awake” he noted.
She nodded weakly. “Barely…I think”.
“You’re weak from how much I took from you. You need to-”.
“Why did you name them that way?” she asked, ignoring his concerns.
“Ellen…Micul Suflet…They’re just names” he told her.
“No, no…something tells me it’s more than-”.
“You need to rest. I took too much from you. You’re thinking of things that aren’t important”.
“Stop…Orlok…please stop. Stop hiding. Talk to me. Trust me”.
“It isn’t a matter of trust, little one. You are not thinking with a clear mind”.
“No, I am. If they are truly just names, why are you so defensive about them? Would you prefer to talk about what I saw? What I found down there? Who was she? Who was Mirela?” Ellen sat up.
She wasn’t trying to be forceful, but she knew something was going on here. Something she had an idea of but it was just that: An idea. Only he knew the truth. Ellen needed to know what was going on. What was this place? Why were they here? What were those things that attacked her back there?
Orlok growled but Ellen put her hand in his. “Please…I have questions and I think only you know the answers. If I’m never going to know anyone or anything else, I want to know you at least”.
He looked at their hands, now loosely entwined, and Orlok felt his heart lurch. It didn’t feel right, keeping things from her. For all they were to each other, for all they went through. But the Count had no desire to burden her, even if she was volunteering to take on said burden. Ellen looked at him with those soft eyes, those eyes that were among the last things he ever saw in the world of the living. Eyes he both loved and hated. Adored and despised…
“Please…you didn’t hide from me before. Don’t hide now” Ellen pleaded.
How tempting she was…How he wanted so badly to tell her everything. But again, not wanting to let himself be vulnerable, Orlok kept his guard up, pulling his hand away from her sharper than he intended.
“When you’re better rested we’ll talk” he told her, “Starting with why you were down there”.
“Are you then to reprimand me?! Like I’m some child?!” Ellen demanded.
The count snarled and turned to her again. “I just saved your soul! Do NOT make me regret it, little Sylph. I came when you needed me…Like those hounds you have at your feet! And this is how you repay me?! By questioning me?! By claiming to not know me?!”.
“I don’t know you! Not how…how I’d like to…”.
For a moment, Orlok was stunned into silence. She wanted to know him, despite everything he did. She wanted to know him fully, truly. For all of a moment, he was touched in a way that he hadn’t been in a long time. But once again, pride won out.
“You know only what you need to know. Nothing more”.
Ellen frowned. “You don’t trust me”.
“It is not a matter of trust, as I said-”.
“It is. We won’t last, not like this. If we’re to make it through this somehow, if we’re to co-exist, we need to trust each other. You know everything there is to know about me! But you can’t grant me the same courtesy?! Why? What are you afraid of?!”
“I fear nothing!”
“Then prove it!”
Orlok snarled. “I’ve proven myself more than enough, have I not?”.
“Please…” she got up and came right to him, taking his face in her hands, “Please, trust me. We need to trust each other. It’s the only way. We won’t make it otherwise…” Ellen looked up at him, “You trusted me once. You loved me once. What has changed? Tell me”.
He hesitated. “This world is…different. A place made up of memories, or at least, fragments of memories”.
“Memories?” Ellen cocked her head curiously.
“Haven’t you noticed? There are things around here that once were yours, and others that once were mine. Fragments and pieces of who we once were, all now merged into one place”.
“So this isn’t the afterlife?”.
“It isn’t THE afterlife in the way humans think. We were not human when we died. Their afterlife isn’t ours”.
“So then it’s an afterlife then? One designed specifically for us?”
“Our own creation. An amalgamation of all we have ever been, whether together or not”.
“Pieces of our lives all together in one place. But why?”.
“Some things we hold on to far too tightly we carry them in death. They follow us into this world. It’s how it is created. For example, your wedding bouquet is downstairs on my dining room table. I’ve tried to burn it countless times. And it keeps…coming…back” Orlok growled, saying it through gritted teeth.
“Wait it’s downstairs? My actual-”
“And you’ve tried to destroy it?!”
“Also yes”.
Ellen glared. “Seriously?! Why?!”
“Because I don’t want any trace of your marriage to that useless mouse anywhere near me!”
“He wasn’t a mouse, he loved me! Thomas LOVED me!”
Orlok growled and shook his head. “You may think he did, and perhaps to an extent it’s true. But he didn’t love you the way you wanted. The way you needed, Micul Suflet…”
He leaned in closer, their heads almost touching. Ellen felt his long fingered hand caress her cheek. The texture was rough, but not in a painful way. Rather in a way that just simply made her senses writhe beneath the surface, like a ball of unsettled serpents. Despite that, Ellen couldn’t help but lean into his touch, cool and oddly comforting. It felt like he was touching not her face but her very soul, as though he could sink his claws in and rake them down the very fabric of her being.
But he didn’t.
No. That wasn’t who he was with her. Not with her. Ellen knew that. His claws didn’t even break skin. In fact, they never did. Sure she had a few scratch marks after their otherworldly encounters, but he never made her bleed until the last. For a moment, she remembered that. He never, ever made her bleed.
That wasn’t to say he didn’t hurt her. He was always a bit of a rough lover. He always was. Even more so just before…
“You abandoned me” Ellen said feeling his lips come closer to hers, “Why did you abandon me? I needed you and you-”.
Orlok cut her off with a passionate kiss, not wanting to focus on that right now. So many questions his little sylph had…none of which he wanted to answer at the moment. All he wanted was for her to rest and leave his own troubles to him. No matter what, he would not burden her. His pain was not hers to bear…
He released her, leaving Ellen soft, like she was floating back into Chaos. Her mind clouded a little and all she could think of was him. His eyes on hers, his hands on her. Ellen gently ran her hands down on his chest, feeling the ever so faint beat of his heart where once there wasn’t even a single one. How maddening was it that he was more alive in death than he was in life, at least when she knew him?
“I’m sorry…I did this to you. I turned you into this…this thing” she told him, her eyes sad.
“No, No it wasn’t all you-”.
“You said so yourself. I was your affliction…and it appears I still am. I always will be…” she slid her hands away from him and turned away, “Perhaps that’s why you left me…”.
“No…No little sylph. That wasn’t-”.
“Then why?” She asked, “You could’ve stolen me away any time. Anytime after my papa died and you…you didn’t. You let me marry Thomas”.
A flash of hurt reflected in his eyes at that. It was true, he could’ve had her years ago, and avoided all of this mess. He could’ve had her repledge her vow at any point after her father’s passing. But he didn’t. He knew why…And he was surprised she didn’t realize why.
He didn’t want to say it. Didn’t want to admit it out loud…but for her sake, he had to….
“I am what I am. And you could not love me for all I was, nor was I willing to curse you like I was. My anger was my greatest fault, and you were falling victim to it as well. You don’t hurt someone you love…”.
Ellen turned to face him again at that only to find he was gone, vanished as if he was never there. Left alone with the dogs and her thoughts, all Ellen could do was shake her head.
If you guys enjoyed this please like, comment, and reblog! Your support is very much appreciated!!!! Thank you all so very much! ^-^ if you want to be added to the taglist please let me know!
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fuckyeahlabynight · 3 years ago
Vampire the Masquerade FANG FEST 2022
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(Please ignore the previous post that was made. THIS is the real one.)
Hello Vamily and welcome to the Vampire the Masquerade Fang Fest! This year’s prompt theme is “Clan Compulsions.” These prompts are intended to inspire fanart, fanfic, and other pieces of fanwork. Anything you wish to create and share with the vamily is very greatly appreciated!
The Fang Fest will run from May 16 - 25 2022, in anticipation of New York by Night.
Each day, starting with Brujah on May 16 and finishing with Thin-Bloods on the 25th, post whatever fan work you've made inspired by the clan compulsion prompt (eg. art, fic, gifs, poetry, playlists, mood boards, whatever) with the hashtag #vtmfangfest22 so we can collect them all. All the things will also be shared on The Fang Discord (found HERE: https://discord.gg/embH382) If you can't think of anything for a particular prompt, it's perfectly fine to skip it.
Those who are not taking part in making fan work are encouraged to like, comment on, give kudos, and share their favourites! Collaboration is encouraged, so reach out to your fellow kindred and see what you can come up with!
1. Brujah ~ Rebellion May 16 The vampire takes a stand against whatever or whomever they see as the status quo in the situation, whether that’s their leader, a viewpoint expressed by a potential vessel, or just the task they were supposed to do at the moment.
2. Gangrel ~ Feral Impulses May 17 Returning to an animalistic state, the vampire regresses to a point where speech is hard, clothes are uncomfortable, and arguments are best settled with teeth and claws.
3. Lasombra ~ Ruthlessness May 18 To the Lasombra, failure is not an option. Their Blood will urge them to any act conceivable to reach their goals, whether in the moment or in Byzantine plots lasting centuries.
4. Malkavian ~ Delusion May 19 Their extrasensory gifts running wild, the vampire experiences what might be truths or portents, but what others call figments of imagination, dredged up by Hunger.
5. Ministry ~ Transgression May 20 Set teaches that everyone’s mind and spirit are bound by invisible chains of their own making. Their Blood chafing at these bindings, the Minister suffers a burning need to break them.
6. Nosferatu ~ Cryptophilia May 21 The need to know permeates the vampire. They become consumed with a hunger for secrets, to know that which few or no one knows, almost as strong as that for blood. They also refuse to share secrets with others, except in strict trade for greater ones.
7. Toreador ~ Obsession May 22 Enraptured by beauty, the vampire becomes temporarily obsessed with a singular gorgeous thing, able to think of nothing else.
8. Tremere ~ Perfectionism May 23 Nothing but the best satisfies the vampire. Anything less than exceptional performance instills a profound sense of failure, and they often repeat tasks obsessively to get them “just right.”
9. Ventrue ~ Arrogance May 24 The need to rule rears its head in the vampire. They stop at nothing to assume command of a situation.
10. Thin-Blood May 25 Thin-Bloods do not suffer from clan compulsions, but can still be haunted in other ways…
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nastyboker · 3 years ago
For fandom - "School for vampires", for a ship - Leechy/Gothetta, for a character - Ashley (потому что я неожиданная). Полагаю, ты выберешь что-то одно, но мне интересно всё :ДД
Для друзей всё что угодно! :D
001 | Fandom – School for Vampires
Favorite character: I can't pick just one, so... Oskar and Leechy. Also, I like to theorise about Stoker.
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Least Favorite character: Sometimes Polidory and Bruno annoy the shit out of me.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): - Any type of Oskar/Sunshine/Stoker; - Leechy/Gothetta; - Oxblood/Cryptina; - or V-type Alarich/Cryptina/Oxblood (Cryptina tops obvy); - Alarich/Lenny.
Character I find most attractive: Alarich, I guess. But if I watched the show as a kid, I would probably have a crush on Oskar.
Character I would marry: Nobody. x)
Character I would be best friends with: Oskar.
A random thought: What if Oskar is a half-vampire?
An unpopular opinion: Russian dub is better than English dub.
My Canon OTP: Oskar/Sunshine. I believe that Oskar won't be able to date a vampire and building a normal vampire family will be too stressful for him.
My Non-canon OTP: Leechy/Gothetta (more about them down below).
Most Badass Character: Alarich. Sometimes he is just the worst.
Most Epic Villain: The vampire dentist. He is not actually a villain, but he is really epic and terrifying.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Ashley/Buck. I don't like ships without any canon justification or a good headcanon. Canonically Buck is a minor and Ashley is 360 y.o. adult (comparing to Alarich who's around 430, Oxblood who's 800 and Lenny who's 200-something and haven't changed a bit since he got bitten). There's absolutely no reason to give Ashley his child body back just to ship him with a kid he doesn't know.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Sunshine is too dull. I expected her to get to know the truth about Oskar being a vampire and to learn how to deal with it, to build friendship with other vampires and to have enemies-to-friends dynamic with Gothetta. Unfortunately, the writers didn't develop Sunshine's character in all 4 seasons. The writers also ruined Alarich when he was too cruel to Klot.
Favourite Friendship: Ashley/Klot. Their friendship is just the purest.
Character I most identify with: Oskar. I am also a sensitive people pleaser and picky about food.
Character I wish I could be: Actually I don't know. X)
002 | Ship – Leechy/Gothetta
When I started shipping them: Quite recently, while I was watching the series for the first time. Unfortunately, I don't remember what episode gave me the idea to ship them.
My thoughts: Firstly, Leechy is Gothetta's second best friend after Oscar. They often work together as class partners and teammates. They also like hanging out together without the others, for instance, dancing at a rock concert or swimming in the swamp. So, Leechy and Gothetta seem to enjoy each other's company. Secondly, they share some interests: they both like to learn vampire chemistry and history. Gothetta loves plants and Leechy once mentioned that he had a Venus fly trap but Stoker cut it with Leechy's army knife. Thus, Gothetta and Leechy have something in common but they are quite different characters and that gives potential for an interesting dynamic.
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What makes me happy about them: Just seeing them together makes me happy. X) Sometimes they give me an impression of parent-friends that take care of the rest of the gang.
What makes me sad about them: I wish there was more of their dynamic. It is also sad that when Leechy saves the night or makes a significant contribution for the good of the school, Gothetta praises and kisses Oskar, which is unfair.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: The fact that there's no fanfic about them.
Things I look for in fanfic: IDK, anything! X)
My wishlist: I don't have much to add here except that Gothetta needs to realize that she likes Nosferatu-in-shorts kind of guys and nerds with whom she has something to talk about. :^)
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Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: It's hard to tell, 'cos I think they are perfect for each other. Like I said, I think Oskar should date a human or at least a human and a vampire, so Gothetta/Oskar/Sunshine could work, I guess? The show clearly hints that Stoker has feelings for Gothetta. He even got jealous when he saw her dancing with Leechy. Stoker tried to manhandle her and force her to dance with him, which is why I'm not really sure if they should be together. Maybe someday when Stoker becomes a better person. As for Leechy, he got a gf Ravena in one episode, but all we know about her is that she is all nice and interested in inventions as well as Leechy. Basically, she is an invention herself that was made just for the cliché. So, I don't really mind the Leechy/Ravena ship to exist but I'd like Ravena to have more personality so I could understand their dynamic better and be happy for them.
My happily ever after for them: Okay that's extra corny, but I think of Leechy and Gothetta growing up and becoming new teachers of the school, getting married and maybe having kids in a century or two. c:
003 | Character – Ashley
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How I feel about this character: I was mad at first 'cos Ashley was more of an object than a person – nobody paid much attention to him and he almost never participated in everyone's adventures. Things got better when Leechy made that little robocar for him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Nobody, I guess. X)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Ashley/Klot. I even thought they were brothers at first but it turned out they were just friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Like I said, since he is 360, I see him as an adult. Plus, his voice from English dub doesn't sound childish at all.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: It would make more sense if Ashley was either a teacher or a child student that turned into a pile of ash not so long ago. Also, it would be interesting if he was a wheelchair kid who lost his legs on the sun. Maybe I should draw this AU idea later. :D
Favorite friendship for this character: Ashley/Klot. Like I said, PURE!
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My crossover ship: Pff, Ashley/His Highness (A Kind of Magic) 'cos they are totally soulmates! xD
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howtofightwrite · 4 years ago
Q&A: Originality, Plagurism, and Standing on Referential Shoulders
Why do people claim writers copy others simply for having tropes or similar plots, then claim 50 Shades of Grey is original because the names where changed from literal fanfiction? That writer can’t even be sued, although she should be, and yet we have squabbles over copying because of biblical quotes and references to myths and common tropes. I don’t want to worry about originality ever again.
Because there are many idiots and trolls in the world. That might sound dismissive, but it is the real answer to your question. Some individuals latch onto the idea that they can discredit a work by claiming it’s a copy (or “ripoff”) of another.
Here’s the thing about that point: It’s fundamentally impossible to be 100% original. Saying, “someone copied from another source,” without any further qualifications is meaningless, because every author will be influenced by the world around them. What you read, what you learn, what you know, influences you. It is impossible to divorce yourself from everything that has shaped you as an artist.
The way tropes are used (by fans) is incredibly reductive. The problem is, “tropes,” encompasses everything from functional plot elements to highly specific character quirks. Saying two different stories share the same trope is (mostly) meaningless, when you remember that entire genres are codified as tropes.
There is a lot of value in tropes for new writers. Tropes are an excellent tool for disassembling a narrative into component parts. This can help you take something you enjoyed, and learn how to use it, without simply copying what you saw somewhere else.
Within that context, TVTropes is an excellent resource to get started on a lit review. If you want to look at a trope, it will provide you with a mountain of potential examples. The downside is that it’s still very easy to lose days on that site, if you’re just wandering aimlessly and don’t have anything in mind. (So, my recommendation is, never, ever, go to that site for recreation. Only if you’re looking for something specific. But, that choice is in your hands.)
The problem comes in when you have people who only see in tropes. They no longer see the synthesis of the story as a whole, they’re looking at the individual parts and trying to break it down into even more fragmentary bits. They’ll start trying to kludge in every possible trope, whether they fit or not, like they’re trying to pad a score.
When they try to write their own stories, they’re more interested in how many tropes they can use (or subvert) than in telling a coherent story. It’s never, “I want to tell a story,” and always, “I want to subvert this trope.”
It should be no surprise when someone who’s more interested in tallying tropes looks at Star Wars and Power Rangers and concludes the later is just a ripoff of the former. (I really wish I could find the infamous “Lord of the Rings ripped off Dragonball Z,” 4chan shitpost, but it’s been nearly twenty years, and I could not find a copy. It is a brilliant illustration of Poe’s Law in full effect.)
The thing about 50 Shades is that it’s more than just a word replace swap of the fanfic. It no longer resembles Twilight, in any meaningful way. (Also, it’s not like E. L. James is going to sue herself, as she wrote the fanfic that would become 50 Shades.) She reworked 50 Shades it so that it was distinct from Twilight. 50 Shades is not the story of a vampire dating a teenager devoid of any personality. Twilight is not a story that violates every tenet of the BDSM community. Meyers can’t sue James for the existence of 50 Shades. There might be some grounds to go after the original fanfiction, but that would be a difficult case. (Fanfiction as a whole is a legally complicated situation.)
Simply replacing character names is not enough to protect you from copyright infringement. The famous example here is the film Nosferatu (1922), which was a shameless adaptation of Dracula, with the names changed. This did not go well for the film’s director, and only a few (or one) copies of the film survived the resulting court ordered destruction.
At the same time, actually proving infringement generally requires that you copied the story in detail. It’s not like someone can write a road trip story and then sue everyone else who uses that basic structure. Now, if you have characters who are suspiciously similar, making most of the same stops, undergoing the same character arcs, and the only changes are minor details, things get much more questionable.
When someone claims that their, “idea was stolen,” that’s not covered under copyright. Using the same premise or character archetypes is not plagiarism. Plagiarism is where you copy another writer.
If you want a more detailed discussion, we’ve talked about fair use and copyright infringement in the past.
The other element worth remembering are the magical words, “public domain.” Public domain means that the work has passed from the hands of its author into the culture. Myths, folklore, the bible, and most religious texts, are all public domain. You can do whatever you want with them.
“Originality,” is a “No True Scotsman,” fallacy. Nothing can ever be entirely original. We are all products of our world, and things we write are products of our experience with it. It only becomes a legitimate concern when you’re actually copying from another source. (There is a fine line between quoting and copying. This has to do with whether you’re referencing another work, or trying to simply replicate it.)
I get the impression you can already see the difference between someone copying another work, and someone attacking a work for being “a ripoff,” because of tenuous similarities. The important thing to remember is that these are different.
We’re influenced by the media we’ve consumed. What you want to do is be creative with your influence. Say something new. Mix things together in ways you’ve never seen. Find something interesting, and tell that story. And when someone accuses you of ripping off an anime from 2003, you can safely ignore them.
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Q&A: Originality, Plagurism, and Standing on Referential Shoulders was originally published on How to Fight Write.
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devoniandollarmeal · 3 years ago
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Evelyn the Vampire
(uncensored version on Deviantart because exposed Female Nipnop)
I thought the bedding background would be easier to do, but in all actuality I found it was far harder to make it look good.
So this character is kinda an OC that was born from the first time I played Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines.  (Basically I wrote a fanfic in my head about a nameless background npc so she's sorta a oc sorta not??? I guess???????) As I played and needed to refill on my blood reserves, I had a habit of frequenting this one specific prostitute with pigtails and a low resolution shirt texture that almost looked painted on, as I found her easy to bring to a secluded place and feed off of.  Because my brain is constantly in "Story Mode" I ended up creating a story and narrative around this one prostitute in a world were vampires exist. The story would open on Evelyn getting ready for another hard night at work.  She's not the curviest girl around, so to make herself stand out she wears nothing but a thong and pasties, with the rest of her clothes being a painted on art piece.  She has the news running on the tv in the background with a section talking about how women have been attacked recently or a large spike of women with anemia or something.  Evelyn doesn't care though as she's only waiting to hear the weather which luckily for her is going to be a cloudless night.  She is excited, stating out loud to nobody in particular that it sounds like a perfect night for "Fantasia" (Her work name) to take to the streets! --Hard cut to an establishing shot of of the night sky pouring with rain and Evelyn taking shelter in a nearby parking garage mourning the fact that she'll get no business in there and if she tries to make a run back to her apartment her painted attire will be washed off.  As she mourns the fact that the weatherman lied to her, as all weathermen are apt to do, a man crouching down in a dark corner wearing concealing clothing begins making small talk with her... mostly on the topic of "Is she a hooker" and "What are her rates?"  throwing in some innuendo about how he's waiting for his ride but waiting is boring, and he likes to boredom eat.  She takes this as her one potential customer for the night so she accepts the man's payment and begins to do her job. They bang atop the hood of a nearby car, occasionally having some nice conversation revealing Evelyn's backstory: She moved out to the city with her boyfriend who claimed to have connections in the art industry.  She moved out with him, but then he dumped her and left her with the lease on the crappy apartment she lives in.  Now having almost no skills outside of art she prostitute's herself while wearing body paint. The Banging is fun until she realizes beyond the hood of her customer that he is in fact a Nosferatu vampire.  This is terrifying to her, as she is being fucked by a monster.  Inevitably he bites her, as was his plan all along to get a quick meal, but as he is both banging and fanging her her body begins to change, hips widening and breasts growing more voluptuous. He eventually leaves as his ride comes, abandoning her in the parking garage, not telling his ride about her. She eventually finds her way home after the rain stops. Time skip forward she is back in her apartment.  It's been a few weeks since the incident with the Vampire.  She finds what has become of her body very discerning, but also that she has begun showing signs of vampire traits herself, luckily no urge to kill yet.  The changes to her figure has at least made her a bit popular from a working perspective, as now it's not just the paint that makes her stand out on the streets. While pondering what has happened to her, the Vampire tracks her down and confronts her in her home.  She wants answers from him and he gives them.   Vampires reproduce by biting someone and turning them into a vampire, this we all know.  But on extremely almost impossibly rare occurrences, maybe only once a millennia, a woman may become an incredibly rare fertile female vampire who is capable of giving birth to Dhampir which in this story are considered superior to pure blood vampires as their human lineage counteracts some of the vampires weaknesses.  These Dhampir will only be born though to a specific father depending on who the female Vampire is mated to. Evelyn is currently in a half form stage, a transitional phase for the vampire transformation, so she is not currently mated to anyone yet and won't be until she fully becomes a vampire at the next blood moon.  The Vampire Lord intends to keep her as his bride and future matriarch to his Dhampir offspring clan.  He's not the only Vampire lord in this city though, and most if not all of them, if they knew of Evelyn's rare condition, would do about anything to take her for themselves. I figure after that it would be a NSFW comic series of Evelyn trying to escape her fate as a vampire and avoid being detected by any other Vampire Lords. Dunno the details.  Might fall in love somewhere down the line. who knows?------------------------ It wasn't until after I finished this that I remembered the prostitute in the game didn't have pigtails... she had one side ponytail... oops.
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canadiankazz · 6 years ago
The Thirteenth Time - An L.A. By Night Fanfic
Annabelle's Beast frenzies during a feeding session. In the aftermath, she and Jasper seek help from a mortal friend.
This fic is part of an AU series where Jasper has been feeding from Annabelle and they now have a Blood Bond and a slow burn romantic relationship.
SPOILERS for the end of Campaign 1, the one-shots, and up to and including Episode 4 of Season 2. This was written before the author saw Episode 7 of Season 2. 
It’s obviously worth reading the rest of the "Feeds From" series before this part.
The Entire ‘Feeds From’ Master List Can be Found Here
Special thanks to @cravatfiend and @gokaiyellow for helping me with ideas, writing and editing. Enjoy the tasty, tasty angst.
As always, I lay no claim to owning any of the characters involved, and my eternal thanks to everyone who has read and enjoyed my fic.
Also posted to the author’s Ao3.
First posted March 16, 2019.
Author’s Note: In coming up with ideas for this fanfic series, the thought of what might happen if Annabelle frenzied while Jasper was feeding from her was something I always had on the back burner. I decided for part thirteen (because unlucky 13) this would be what I would write.
The Thirteenth Time Jasper Fed From Annabelle
Annabelle hummed to herself on her way to Jasper's haven, her bag slung over her shoulder. She was eager to get there. It had been a few nights since they were last together and she was anticipating a night of fun and sexy times ahead. Recently, Annabelle had managed to help Jasper learn Blush of Life. It had opened up a whole new range of possibilities for fun with him. It reminded Annabelle of her teenage dating days, both fending off and chasing horny young men and women. The final step in helping Jasper unlock a part of himself that he had thought long since dead had been achieved, and it had been like waking a sleeping dragon. Maybe it was the threat of danger looming over their heads from the Ivory Tower that made them pine for each other like long lost lovers. In any case, Annabelle cherished their times together and she knew he did as well.
For Jasper, it had indeed been an awakening, in more ways than one. Until now, he had always been more or less content to play into Nosferatu stereotypes. Well, he kind of had to. Most - not all but most - people still balked at his appearance. He was a walking, talking potential Masquerade violation. He also still delighted in being able to creep others out with his ability to Obfuscate, and yes, he did live underground and often travelled through the sewers.
But, as their friend X had described, Annabelle was a tomato. She defied many Brujah stereotypes like how a tomato defied the stereotypes of its fellow fruit, and if Annabelle could be a rebel to her clan, so too could Jasper. There were stranger things out there than a Nosferatu who could still get himself laid if he wanted to.
Annabelle held the privilege of being allowed to let herself into Jasper's sanctum. She pulled open his hatch and made sure it was firmly shut behind her again. She made some noise on her way down to his inner haven, as a courtesy to announce her presence. Jasper didn't exactly have a doorbell. It wasn't all that long ago when Annabelle was sure she would get lost down in these tunnels without a guide. While she still didn't feel a hundred percent sure about them, she knew she could at least get from Jasper's front door, down to his rooms, and back again without issue.
Jasper had been studying when she arrived. They greeted each other with a hug.
“How have you been?” she asked.
“I've been laying low, keeping an eye out for Camarilla, and rats. You? Have you been keeping out of trouble?”
“I've been hanging out with Kyoko,” Annabelle smiled.
Jasper looked worried. “Uh-oh.”
Annabelle giggled.
“She hasn't taught you how to throw fireballs yet, has she?” he joked.
Annabelle gasped. “No, but you think she could? Can you imagine?”
“Yes, I can, and no, I don't think it's a good idea,” Jasper cringed. He had been burned by Tremere fire before and had no desire to repeat the experience.
“Yeah... that might be fair. So... do you have any plans for tonight?” she smiled at him, flirting.
He smiled at her wide enough to show fangs. “I do indeed. Are you hungry?”
“Well...” Annabelle hesitated. Usually, she fed before seeing Jasper, but she had neglected that on this occasion. She hadn't fed the night prior either, but she felt mostly okay. “Yeah, because, you know... I do a little always, but I'm good.”
Jasper gave her a calculated look, but he trusted her. “Shall we, then?”
“Yes, let's shall.”
He gestured with a long arm towards the bedroom. “After you.”
Annabelle strolled in, perhaps adding a little extra roll to her hips as she did so to tease Jasper. She left her bag by the door and removed her jacket.
Annabelle felt rather than heard Jasper move behind her. He shut the door and embraced her from behind, already nuzzling at her neck and shoulder.
“Someone's missed me,” she giggled.
Jasper snarled happily in reply. “I have so few joys left in life.”
“Oh, don't be dramatic,” Annabelle scolded.
“It's true! There's you, annoying Victor and Nelli and solving the labyrinth. That's about it.”
Annabelle laughed. “In that order?”
She was letting Jasper steer them towards the bed. He chuckled, deliberately trying to bait her. “Well, maybe... labyrinth, then you, then being annoying.”
The bating worked. Annabelle pushed back against him, resisting suddenly. “Wrong answer!”
“Well, it's just an opinion...” he teased.
“Still wrong!”
“I've known the labyrinth longer than I've known you. Technically, it came first.”
She twisted playfully out of his grasp and turned around to face him. “Yes, but does the labyrinth do this for you?” She slowly and deliberately stroked the front of his pants. There was no Blush of Life active at the moment, so there was no physical movement down there, but Jasper snarled. “And please don't say 'yes,'” Annabelle said.
“No,” he growled softly, “It doesn't. That's just you.”
“Ah, so does that change your priorities?”
“It does,” he growled again. “Get on the bed and Blush for me.”
Annabelle's eyes lit up. She liked it when he got like this. She felt a very familiar coil of desire spring in her abdomen. She backed onto the bed and activated her Blush of Life. Her Beast growled in warning inside her, but she ignored it.
Jasper followed, moving like a hungry, inhuman creature. He had been looking forward to this for a while now. He didn't undress her, nor did he activate his own Blush. He wanted to taste her first. They had hours still yet to play, after all. He loomed over her, his body long and lean above her. Annabelle's skin got warm as she gazed up at him. He settled himself over her hips, one knee on either side of her ribs.
Annabelle placed her hands on his knees and trailed them up his legs as he leaned down over her. She smiled. “Did you use to fool around like this, back in the day?”
For once, bringing up his past didn't seem like a total mood killer. Jasper was entirely focused on her body and the unique and intoxicating taste of her warm Vitae he would soon have. “Yeah, I had my moments,” he said vaguely. He stroked a long, cold finger along the right side of her neck and shoulder. He liked to build up her anticipation. Annabelle shivered.
“I think I may have a serious kink for this kind of thing,” she said softly.
“It's apparently fairly common,” Jasper smirked. He studied her skin and licked his teeth. “Would you like to indulge?”
“Oh, yes, go for it, please...” Annabelle tensed slightly, waiting for the sharp pain of the bite.
Jasper growled in hunger and placed his mouth to her skin. She felt his fangs against her as he opened his jaw, and then he sunk his teeth into her.
Annabelle gasped and sighed, melting as the pain passed and the ecstasy began. Jasper drank greedily, his eyes closed. Her warm blood flowed into him and down his throat. His Beast urged him on, as always. It loved the taste of her, her strength and desire. The fact she kept coming back to him, time and again, that she wanted him to do this, was just the cherry on top.
Annabelle moaned gently, feeling her arousal rising. Her Beast clawed at her insides in alarm, but she fought to ignore it. Later, she told herself, later they would go out and she would feed. Later. She just had to wait a little bit. Right now, all she wanted was for Jasper to continue working his magic against her.
Everything was going so well.
And then Annabelle's Beast decided it had finally had enough.
It had given her plenty of warnings. She hadn’t listened.
Something inside Annabelle snapped.
Everything went red.
Jasper's only indications that something was wrong were a faint but angry hiss in his right ear, a sudden bitterness to her blood, and feeling all of Annabelle's muscles suddenly tense in rage instead of imminent orgasm. He wanted to move, but he was too slow. Annabelle's left fist came around and with a brief, raw moment of blinding speed and fiery anger, she punched him hard in the side of the head. Jasper sprawled next to her, his fangs ripped out of her skin. Vitae started to ooze everywhere. It quickly stopped bleeding on its own as Annabelle's body, again acting on pure instinct, halted the flow, but not before her shirt and bra were stained red.
Jasper was seeing stars. She had hit him right in the cheekbone with all the Brujah strength and anger her body could muster in the circumstance. He could feel himself bruise. He'd have a black eye for sure. He groaned and snarled, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. Then he saw the look in Annabelle's eyes and he knew that her Beast had taken over. He wasn't dealing with Annabelle right now. He was dealing with a monster, and that monster was irate at him and him alone.
Annabelle hissed like an angry cat, wounded and cornered. Her fangs were wide and threatening. Jasper could feel his own Beast wanting to rise to the challenge and stamped down hard on that instinct.
Her eyes blazed with untamed fury. Her enemy, her attacker, was right there. The Beast wanted to rip him apart to get her Vitae back, and then some.
She lunged for him and he dodged, leaping back up off the bed. “Annabelle!”
She pounced again, but he was ready. Like a matador, he pivoted at the last second and grabbed Annabelle by the scruff of her neck and the waistband of her jeans. He pinned her face-first to the wall. She growled and thrashed and he had to use all his strength, vampiric and otherwise, to hold her. Jasper risked getting his face in close to lick her wound closed and managed to dodge another fierce blow, though she scraped his ear. He winced.
“Annabelle,” Jasper growled, hoping that perhaps showing her Beast that he was a superior opponent might help him get through, back to her humanity. “Calm. Down.”
Annabelle stilled, still growling softly. She blinked. Slowly, she came back to herself. He heard her whimper ever so quietly, “Jasper?”
Jasper relaxed his hold on her and let her turn around. He took a step back.
Annabelle couldn't clearly remember the last minute to so. All she recalled was a raw, primal anger, wanting to destroy something, and hunger. She could feel that hunger still. Her Beast wasn't just rattling the bars of its cage, it was making the whole jail quake. Her hands were shaking. She looked at Jasper's face. He had a massive red and black bruise on the side of his head, over his eye. He looked worried and in pain.
“Jasper what just happened?” she asked.
“I think you had a little Frenzy,” he said quietly.
Annabelle gasped and put her hands to her face.
Jasper was watching her closely, both for signs of further imminent attack, and also because he could feel Annabelle's instant regret and sadness over what she had done.
“Did I hit you?” she asked through her fingers over her mouth.
He nodded silently.
“Oh, my God! Oh, I'm so sorry!”
Her body quivered. Jasper was worried she might fall or collapse to the floor. Very gently, he reached to her and guided her back to the bed. They sat down and he put his arms around her.
“I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry,” Annabelle said over and over.
“Annabelle, it's not your fault. It's mine.”
“What?” she looked up at him, her eyes red with tears. “But-”
“I took too much,” Jasper said, hating himself for it. It was the one thing he had been so careful of every other time they had done this. “I triggered some kind of Frenzy in you, made your Beast freak out and it acted in self defence.” He pulled away from her and sighed. He ran a hand over his head and winced at the bruise. She had gotten him good. It hurt to move his face. She probably broke a few bones in his cheek or eye socket.
“But you're always so careful...”
“I know,” he snarled.
“No, Jasper... I don't think it's your fault.”
“How can it not be?”
“I shouldn't have...” Annabelle sniffled. Tears were on their way. She had lost control again, had hurt someone whom she cared deeply about and now he was wrongly blaming himself for it. “I was too hungry to start with. I said I was okay, but I probably... I shouldn’t have...”
Jasper looked at her as she wiped away a tear. It left a red stain on her cheek.
“I didn't feed at all before I came here,” Annabelle said. Her voice shook. “I thought it would be okay because nothing bad had happened before, but...”
But something bad did happen this time.
Jasper sighed. He put an arm around her again and Annabelle leaned into him, starting to weep. His mind raced. If Annabelle had been hungry enough to attack him like that, then they were in trouble. He could get emotional later, maybe. Right now, this was a problem that needed to be fixed, but as carefully as possible and without anyone else getting hurt, or finding out something they shouldn't.
“It's okay. I think... we both fucked up a little bit. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you're starving now,” he said softly.
Annabelle nodded, trying not to sob. Her Beast was roaring at her such like she had rarely heard it before. Her fangs itched. Her throat felt bone dry.
“Right. First things first, you need to feed. Now. If we wait, you might attack someone, and if you fall asleep like this... you might not wake up.”
Annabelle looked at him, afraid. “W-what do you mean?”
“That's another way a vampire can fall into torpor, through starvation.”
Annabelle whimpered.
“Don't worry. I'm going to help you,” Jasper assured. “You're going to be okay. We need to go somewhere you can feed though.” Jasper did his level best to keep his voice calm for her. He was treating this a little like a ticking time bomb. “Get your phone... see if you can make a last-minute date with someone.”
With shaking hands, Annabelle found her phone. She sniffled, trying to stop crying as she scrolled through her contacts. As she did so, Jasper noticed gouge marks in his wall where he had pinned her and she had clawed at it in her efforts to escape.
“Um... there's Lisa,” Annabelle said. “She'd be down for a last minute date.”
Jasper nodded. They had visited Lisa together a few times before. She ran a vampire themed bar and had a blood kink. She assumed that both Annabelle and himself were also into the same kink and they were just playing pretend vampires. It was a potential Masquerade risk, but it had worked out well so far. “Call her.”
Annabelle swallowed. “I can't...”
“Why not?”
“I don't want to kill her. Oh, God...” Annabelle had a mental image of herself over Lisa's dead body, her Beast quiet but her soul in pieces. She started to try again. “Please, Jasper, don't let me kill her!”
“You won't kill her,” he assured her. “I'll make sure you don't. I'll be right there with you.” He knew what fear Annabelle had. It would be so very easy for her to lose control. Hell, Nelli G, a Toreador normally so poised and composed, had recently lost control while feeding on one of Victor Temple's security guards. That had been a big mess for them to clean up.
Annabelle took a deep breath to try to calm down. She didn't have a lot of options available to her. They could ask for Victor's help, but that might mean explaining how and why she had lost control in the first place. No way she was going to put her partners at risk, and trying to grab anyone else at this time of night was going to be hard.
“Okay,” Annabelle sighed, reassured by Jasper. She pulled herself together and clicked on Lisa's contact number. She still felt wretched with guilt, but she could worry about that later. Her Beast was howling.
It didn't take Lisa long to answer her phone. Annabelle could hear the music of the goth bar in the background. “Hi! I knew you'd use this number eventually,” Lisa said.
“H-hi Lisa,” Annabelle said with a shake in her voice.
In the meantime, Jasper was trying to heal his face. He winced at the pain in his facial bones as they knitted themselves. He went until his Beast rumbled. He could tell it wasn't enough to heal it all. His flesh was still a little tender with a black eye.
Lisa had picked up on Annabelle's anxiety. “You okay, hun? Another bad night?”
In the background, Annabelle could hear Lisa's co-workers mocking her for using her phone while on shift at work, and Lisa's voice muffled telling them to shut up. It would have amused Annabelle in different circumstances. “Um, kind of? Are... are you busy?”
“Just closing,” Lisa said. “Should be free soon.”
Annabelle took a deep breath to try to steady herself. “I'd like to see you, if that's okay.”
“Sure! Where should I meet you?”
“Um...” Annabelle glanced briefly at Jasper. She felt another pang of guilt at the lingering bruise around his eye. “...Somewhere private?”
“My place?” Lisa offered.
Annabelle moved the phone away to speak to Jasper. “She's inviting us over to her place.”
“Good,” he said.
“Sure,” Annabelle told Lisa. “Can Jasper come too?”
“Of course!”
“Okay. It's going to take us a little while to get there, so we'll meet you there soon.”
“No problem, that gives me time to close. See you soon, hun.”
“Yeah, see you.” Annabelle hung up. She sighed, hugging her phone to her chest. She had let Blush of Life drop and she was cold again. “Lisa is expecting us at her place after she closes up the bar for the night.”
Jasper nodded. “Okay. We should get you cleaned up. You've got blood on you.”
Annabelle was well aware of that. She could smell and feel the stain. It made her uncomfortable with how tempting it was. “Good thing I brought a change of clothes,” she muttered. She got up and went to her bag to start to dig through it. Jasper found a clean cloth for Annabelle to wipe the blood tears off her face with. She changed her shirt and bra, and couldn’t help but sniff the soiled ones. Jasper gently took them away from her.
“I'll get these cleaned,” he said. He disappeared into another little room where he left them to soak in a container with laundry soap and water. When he came back, Annabelle had finished dressing and her jacket back on. She looked stressed, her eyes dark and hungry.
“Ready to go?” Jasper asked.
She nodded. “Yeah.”
He held out his hand to her and she took it. They headed up the tunnel to the streets above.
When they eventually reached Lisa's apartment door and knocked, Annabelle was in physical pain from the abuse her Beast was putting her though. They had passed a few sleeping homeless people on the way there and she made Jasper walk between her and them just to be safe. It was an awful feeling in every way. Jasper held her hand tightly the whole time. Lisa answered the door in a simple black tank top and jeans, looking very casual. She had known Annabelle’s call wasn't for a typical romantic date night.
“Hello, Lisa,” Jasper said.
Annabelle gave a tiny wave. “Hi.”
“Hey, come in, come in,” Lisa stood held the door open as they crossed the threshold. She noticed Annabelle's unhappy appearance and Jasper's black eye. It was obvious something bad had happened. “Sit down. You guys okay? You look a little freaked.”
Annabelle sat on the edge of the bed in Lisa's tiny two-room apartment. The bed was the largest piece of furniture in there, aside from bookshelves which were heavy with horror, fantasy and romantic literature. Jasper stood next to the bed, keeping close to Annabelle. He kept a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
“Yeah, um...” Annabelle sighed, “just had a bad night and wanted to see you.”
“I'm glad to help,” Lisa said as she sat on the bed next to her and gave Annabelle a hug.
Annabelle hugged her back. Lisa felt so warm compared to her. It brought back painful memories of that first night fleeing that dark room Carver had put her in and coming home to Elleanore. She had thought about reactivating her Blush of Life before getting there, but she didn't have the Vitae to spare.
Annabelle’s Beast growled. It had tasted Lisa’s blood before. Annabelle thought she could hear Lisa’s pulse pumping in her neck. She pulled back sharply out of the hug.
“I'm really, really sorry,” Annabelle stammered. She didn't know how to bring up the real reason why there were there. “Um... but would it be okay if... I...?”
“You just want to do things and forget about it?” Lisa offered.
Annabelle's eyebrows rose in surprise at how close Lisa had come to the truth.
Lisa shook her head with a knowing little smile. “I've been there,” she shuffled back on the bed and gave them a sly, flirtatious look. “Come and get me.”
Without thinking, Annabelle leaned towards her. It was just pure, predatory instinct driven by her Beast's need to feed. She realised what she was doing and hesitated. Her Beast was hissing in her brain to bite, to drink, to drain every last drop, to slake her hunger. It terrified her. She looked back at Jasper with wide, pleading eyes, shaking her head a little. He felt her fear, and knew from their earlier conversation of what she was afraid of. If Lisa died tonight, Annabelle would never forgive herself.
Jasper kept his hand on her and sat down next to and slightly behind her on the bed. He was ready to grab Annabelle if he had to. “Go on,” he urged softly.
Annabelle looked back to Lisa, laying there passively, tantalising and vulnerable. “I don't want to hurt you,” she whispered.
“I trust you,” Lisa said.
Annabelle bit her lip. She looked at Lisa's neck, but didn't trust herself to go for it. It would be too easy to let the mortal bartender just bleed out. She took Lisa's hand instead, bringing her pale wrist up. Lisa's skin felt very warm. Annabelle held her gently, though Lisa flinched a little and frowned at the touch. Lisa glanced between Annabelle, with her icy hands, and Jasper, with his black eye. She didn't say anything, but Jasper could tell she was trying to guess what had happened to them that night.
“I'm sorry if this doesn't feel very good,” Annabelle muttered. She could feel Lisa's strong pulse. It was slightly elevated. Her Beast snarled and clawed painfully in her chest, begging, threatening, pleading with her to just get on with it, already. She tried to hide the desperation in her voice as she asked for permission. “Can I taste you? Please?”
Lisa nodded. “Yes, if you like.” She looked curious and a little excited, thinking they were about to try something new and a little risky.
Annabelle sniffled back one last tear from falling. Lisa was so experienced, but so naive at the same time. As gently as she could, with every muscle in her body under tension, Annabelle bit into Lisa's wrist. She was careful, but she knew it would still hurt. Fresh, warm blood filled Annabelle's mouth and she very quickly lost herself in the taste. She swallowed and licked and swallowed again. She was distantly aware of Jasper's presence, of his hand on her shoulder. Lisa sighed as the pleasure took over from the pain.
Jasper was watching them like a hawk. He saw the expressions of bliss on both of their faces. Annabelle's Beast was getting what it wanted. Her grip on Lisa's hand and arm tightened. Jasper was counting quietly to himself, second by second. He had a rough idea of how long it took a thirsty vampire to kill someone of the average age and size Lisa was.
...five-one-thousand, six-one-thousand, seven-one-thousand, eight-one-thousand...
Lisa's eyes fluttered closed. Her body started to go limp.
“Annabelle,” Jasper said in warning. He pulled back a little on her shoulder. It was time to stop.
Annabelle was not stopping.
Jasper growled in another, stronger warning. His grip on her tightened.
Annabelle had been lost in the bliss of the blood. Her Beast protested. She was nowhere near full! This was nowhere near done! NO! It was too soon!
With extreme reluctance, Annabelle pulled back. She gave Lisa's skin one last long lick and let her go. There was no visible blood or wound when Lisa pulled her hand back and looked at it. She stared in wonder at her wrist.
Annabelle sighed. She felt a little better. Her Beast was a little quieter, but nowhere near fully satisfied. It would do, for now. She found Jasper's hand and gave it a grateful little squeeze. Jasper's thumb found the home made bracelet he had given her not all that long ago. “Thank you,” Annabelle said softly, to the both of them.
“H-how are you feeling now?” Lisa asked. She sounded dizzy.
“I'm bett- um... I'm okay,” Annabelle answered hesitantly.
“Good. You guys really look like you've been put through the ringer tonight,” Lisa said slowly as she collected her thoughts through her blood-deprived brain. “I don't mean to pry, but... people don't usually come beating down my door to urgently engage in my fetishes in the middle of the night, at least not without some preamble.”
Annabelle gulped. Jasper stared at her. Both were worried about this line of questioning.
“I'm sorry,” Annabelle said softly.
“Is it... do you need a place to stay? Are you eating alright?” Lisa asked, worried. “I'm sorry. No judgement if that's what's going on. There's a lot of people sleeping rough near the bar and I know it can get dangerous.” She made eye contact with Jasper at this last statement.
Jasper went out on a mental limb and made an assumption about what Lisa thought had happened. She thought he and Annabelle were sleeping rough and had many gotten into a fight. Perhaps he had stepped in to protect her and gotten hit, or maybe, if Annabelle had told her about her partners, it had been one of them. Whatever it was Lisa thought, Jasper wasn't going to correct her on it, so long as she didn't guess they were real vampires. Then they would have to do something unpleasant.
“Oh, um... that, well... that's very kind of you, Lisa, but no, no that's not it,” Annabelle mumbled.
“Is it anything I can help you with?”
“You already have,” Annabelle assured her.
Lisa smiled. “That's good, but I'd really rather you two not end up in punch ups in the first place if you can help it.”
“Oh, that...” Annabelle gave an awkward chuckle and glanced at Jasper's face. “That was an accident.
Jasper nodded, agreeing with this story. “I'm alright,” he smirked. “I've had... far worse.”
“That sucks, but I'm glad you're relatively unscathed,” Lisa said with a small smile. “So...” she regarded Annabelle again. “What exactly was that you were doing there?” She motioned to the wrist Annabelle had been feeding from. “It hurt more than usual, but it looks fine!”
“Um...” Annabelle ran a nervous hand through her hair. “It's hard to explain...”
Jasper looked pensive. If Lisa asked the wrong questions, they were going to have to do something, and she was dangerously close. He licked his fangs.
“Was it like a skin pinch thing?” Lisa guessed. “I guess stuff really is sensitive there. Seriously, you have to teach me some techniques sometimes, girl, because you have skills.”
Annabelle shook her head, upset that she was going to have to lie more than she had already to maintain the Masquerade.
Jasper didn't want to give Lisa the chance to ask any more questions. “We should go,” he told Annabelle.
“Okay, fine, keep your secrets,” Lisa said, disapproving. She gave them a little smile, one Annabelle had seen on her face several times before. “Just come back and see me for a bit longer, sometime.”
Annabelle bit her lip, thinking of the escalating conflict between the Anarchs and Ivory Tower. Her voice shook, just a little. “Um, sure... hopefully.”
Jasper stood and pulled Annabelle gently to her feet.
“Please, Lisa,” Annabelle begged, “please don't tell anyone about this.”
“Of course,” Lisa assured. “I never do. What happens in here is private.”
“So you swear ?” Annabelle pressed.
“I swear. It's really important to you. I see that.”
Annabelle was relieved, but Jasper was not convinced. Annabelle pulled out her wallet to give Lisa some money. She felt guilty about inconveniencing her and taking her blood, even with permission. “I feel bad just... leaving like this,” Annabelle muttered. She dug through her wallet, looking for bills to give her.
“Don't. You don't pay here either, okay?” Lisa insisted.
Lisa then looked at Jasper with a glare that seemed almost maternal. She had seen the expression on his face. “Look, Jasper... I can tell you don't trust me, but I hope you can trust that I don't want to run afoul of whatever business it is leading you two to bruises and panic attacks. If that means not running my mouth, you can be sure that I won't.” Her glance moved to take in both of them. “Whatever it is, just be careful, okay? You two are too cute to get into trouble.”
Jasper chuckled dryly, trying not to snarl as he did so. “Trouble seems to find us no matter what we do, and I really hope that same trouble doesn't find you.” On top of not wanting an innocent person to die, Jasper knew that Annabelle would be very upset if anything happened to Lisa because of their involvement in their un-lives.
Annabelle put her wallet away and went back over to Lisa to hug her. “The streets aren't safe,” she said, her anxiety about the war with the Ivory Tower rising again. She dreaded what they would do to Lisa if they found her. “You don't think you might be able to leave town for a little while, could you?”
“You're serious?” Lisa asked. She studied both of their faces and saw no joking there. “I mean, I'm due for a holiday, but how long is a little while?”
Annabelle really wasn't sure. “A few weeks?”
Jasper was thinking about much much Lisa should know about the current situation. Of course, the answer was next to nothing. “The, uh, trouble that's after us might find out we know you, and you might become a target.”
Lisa saw how stern their expressions were and swallowed. “Okay. I'd been planning a trip soon, but I can move it up if I arrange things right. That puts me out of town for about a month.”
A degree of relief washed over Annabelle. “If you could arrange it, that would be good. We'd worry about you.”
“You're sweet,” Lisa touched Annabelle's cold cheek. “Annoyingly dangerous, but sweet.”
Annabelle tried to laugh, but it just sounded sad.
“I'm going to start getting organised as soon as you leave, don't worry,” Lisa assured her. “And... can you try to let me know when it's safe to come back?”
Jasper came back over to Annabelle and put his hand on her back again. He could feel her emotions welling up inside, and he was attempting to soothe her, but also encourage her to get up again so they could leave.
Annabelle nodded to Lisa. “I will. I promise.”
Lisa put her hands on either side of Annabelle's face and looked into her eyes. She gave her a reassuring smile. “Stay safe,” she told Annabelle. She looked at Jasper. “I trust you'll help with that.”
“I take protecting Annabelle very seriously,” Jasper said with sincere honesty.
“You stay safe too,” Annabelle told Lisa. She gave her a little kiss, then allowed Jasper to lead her out of the apartment. They shared one last goodbye wave with Lisa on the way out.
They didn't see anyone as they made it out onto the street and away from Lisa's building.
“What now?” Annabelle asked.
“Let's get home first, then we'll talk.”
“Are you mad?” Annabelle asked Jasper in a small voice.
“No, why would I be mad?”
Annabelle shrugged. “I hit you, and Lisa almost found out about us, and I can't read your mind so...”
“No, I'm not mad,” Jasper sighed. “But I don't want to talk about it out here. Let's get home.”
Annabelle nodded. Although she didn't say anything about it, she did notice that Jasper referred to his sanctum as 'home' and not 'my place' or anything singular like that. A home for the two of them, maybe.
It started to drizzle as they arrived back to the sanctum. It was cold underground. Annabelle suspected she'd be able to see her breath were she not dead. In the relative privacy of the tunnels, Jasper resumed their conversation.
“As I said earlier, so far as I'm concerned, Annabelle, you acted in self defence when you fought against me. Your Beast thought it was under attack, and, strictly speaking, it wasn't wrong. I know you're always hungry after our... dates.”
“Well... yeah,” she admitted. “I'm still sorry though.”
“And I forgive you.”
“I hope Lisa is going to be okay,” Annabelle sighed.
“I think she will be.”
Annabelle nodded. “Yeah, she's smart.”
Jasper grinned in sarcastic amusement. “Sure, I mean she only invites random vampiric strangers into her home to suck her blood. Nothing not smart about that.”
Annabelle glared at him, but didn't argue. “She saw how serious we were though.”
“She did,” Jasper relented. He could still feel Annabelle's anxiety. It was making him anxious too. He had to keep trying to reassure her, even if it ended up not being true. “She'll be okay.”
They arrived in Jasper's rooms and checked on her bloody clothes he had left to soak. Annabelle gave them some hand scrubbing to get the last of the stains out. After rinsing them and hanging them up, she changed into the black woolly labradoodle hoodie Jasper had given to her a long time ago. She loved this hoodie, and slept in it often when she stayed at his place. It seemed to bring her a lot of comfort. Jasper thought it suited her a lot better than it ever did him.
Annabelle put gentle acoustic music on and sat on the bed. She tried not to look at the marks she had left on the wall in her Frenzy, but her eye was still drawn to them.
“Tomorrow, I think it would be a good idea for you to feed again,” Jasper suggested. He sat down beside her.
She chuckled, her voice day with sarcasm. “Yeah, you think?”
“I'll take you to Victor's the back way,” Jasper laid a hand on her back, stroking her shoulder blades gently. “You can feed there and hang out with Kyoko for a little while.”
Annabelle leaned back into his touch. He increased the pressure a little and it became a light massage. “Can I come back here after?”
“Yes, you can. I want to put in a new rule though - only offer your blood to me if you are sure that it won't make you too hungry after.”
Annabelle nodded. That had been her fault. “I was just so eager to... you know.”
Jasper smirked, flattered. “Well... that doesn’t mean we can lapse on safety,” he said. He rubbed her back a little more, then relaxed back onto the mattress. “We can pick up tomorrow night where we left off though... if you want.”
She looked at him with a hopeful little smile. “Yeah?”
He smiled with fangs, knowing what it would make her feel. “Yeah.”
Annabelle curled up next to him.”I'd like that.”
“Yeah, I know,” Jasper said. He put a long arm around her, snugly. “I had ideas I wanted to use.”
“Oh, yeah?” Annabelle was happy to be distracted by this kind of teasing talk. Jasper wasn't flirty very often, but it was effective when he was. “Such as...?”
“There are certain things I want to test,” he said, being deliberately coy.
She poked him, playing with a buckle on his hoodie. “Such as?” she repeated.
"Your endurance... my endurance...” he smiled a little. “I have a lot of cobwebs to still shake off, as it were.”
She smiled and stroked his chest. “We'll get there. I have every confidence in you.”
“I have some ideas myself.”
“Oh, yeah?” he said, deliberately echoing her.
“Yeah... You've explored my body plenty. I've only just gotten to see yours.”
Jasper gave a tiny shrug. “Yeah, well...”
“No, I get why, and I love that you trust me with, you know… seeing you naked.” The words 'I love you,' were there in Annabelle's throat, on the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed them down.
Through the Blood Bond, he still felt them.
“Well, maybe I trust you slightly less now,” he joked, touching his bruise.
Annabelle scrunched up her face in an annoyed frown. “I'm going to earn back your trust. I'm gonna do something real nice for you.”
“Like what?”
“You'll see.”
He smirked. “I guess I will.”
“How about… you meet me at my place and we’ll shower together,” Annabelle suggested.
Jasper remembered the last time he had tried to shower at Annabelle’s. It had not ended well for him. He started to say something but Annabelle stopped him.
“We will be home alone. Complete privacy. I promise,” she said with emphasis. She was worried that he wouldn't trust her on this, not after what had happened this night, even though he had forgiven her.
“Alright,” he said softly. Jasper stroked her back some more.
“It will be fun. I promise,” she assured again.
“Okay,” Jasper gave her a little smile. “I’m looking forward to it.”
By the time the acoustic music was finished, dawn had arrived and both Kindred were asleep. They lay still, dead and peaceful, safe in each other's arms.
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