disco-wocky · 4 months
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my takes on DSDKV fashion
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wonderfull-star · 3 months
Many in the fandom be like:
Oh no, Oskar is being bullied. Poor boy 😢
Also Oskar with Stoker and others:
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catfoodzminmo · 1 year
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school for vampires art 🙏🙏🙏🙏 love this show sm + i was laughing my ass off while drawing stoker and leechy as goofy emojis
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ryukabv · 9 months
Me ando viciando con esta serie primer aviso
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cryptic-loser · 1 year
SLV Reboot, anyone??
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Gonna be adding more characters, of course, tis just the main group~ [+Ellie cause yeah-]
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prisoned-bear · 2 years
i have so many unposted leechy fics but i feel like they would give y'all a heart attack
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sfv-funnies · 2 years
TSLV characters using ironic emojis
Stoker: 😀🥳🤭🥴🐖🌚🗿📸🎊🔇
Gothetta: 🥲😊🫡🤢🤌🤏🤺🪤
Leechy: 🙂😵‍💫💀🙌👀🔥🏅📆💔
Ashley: 🤣🥰🫠🤠🫦🕺🧍🏻‍♀️🚑🖤
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If you need context, just tap or click on this word!
And now on with the show:
Characterdynamics between my OC (Wyrm) and the main cast of SflV
Gothetta/Gruftine: Since the kids are now in their worst teen years (between 14 and 16) Gruftine is now ofc in her experimental phase and also where she’s looking for more female role models than whatever Kryptina is for her.
So once she spots the mysterious young Tatzelwoman, who gives out drinks and uses small amounts of magic in a creepy cave, while wearing a nieche mix of erololita and steampunk with a carnival touch, she’s of course intrigued. And since Ivané isn’t that far past from puberty yet and can recall her own feelings during that time pretty well, she manages to relate to Gruftine pretty well and give her advice (especially with her romantic interests), help out (like having her back when Gruftine knows she fucked up), goes on adventures with her and overall becoming an unconventional older–sister character to her.
Overall their relationship in my head is pretty wholesome.
Oskar: Oh, Boy! If you found this account via my little comics, you know exactly how the poor guy learned about Ivané!XD
At first he’s traumatized by her and his uncles relationship, but eventually he accepts her and her shenanigans and warms up to her, but not as close as Grusfine is with her.
He still takes her advice from time to time and sometimes she has to be a mediator between him and his uncle, when they got beef again.
And they share a similar taste for music, so she sometimes takes him and whoever else is coming to a party or rave that’s not too age restricted. So she’s at some point more of a step–in–Guardian than a surrogate parent.
Klot: To clarify: Ivané is NOT good with really young children! Infact, she’s pure shit at babysitting and she knows it. So good for Klot that he’s already between 11 and 13 in this AU!
They met because the count just one day spawned at her place, dropped him off and their conversation went somewhat like this:
„Hold this for a sec, gurl, I‘m busy rn!“
„But I–„
„I know, you’re abysmal dogshit at this but I believe in you!“ *Drops Klot, turns into a fruitbat and despawns*
And after staring at each other for minutes, she resumes to work at the bar, playing some cardgames with him, when conveniently nobody is around, with a sign at the entrance that read „Please only come in when: badly injured, hiding from armed pursuers or threats or looking for an non +18 conversations! I was randomly forced to babysit!“
Most of their conversations where Klot asking questions about her experiences like „What does it feel like to die“ and then she either answers it or takes off into storytelling about one of her adventures, manifesting as a flashback to the viewer.
She also does her best to hold back her vulgar language around him, but she does slip up sometimes and he picks up on it quickly!XD
So yeah, she‘s more of an awkward guardian around him.
Leechy: Wyrm might be using technology and can build or fix simpler mechanisms when she needs to, but she’s really got more of the art–autism while Leechy (at least according to many headcannons) is more of the science–autistic.
The only thing they really connect over is their shared social struggles (her teaching him social skills while he helps her with fixing a more complex machine) he’s also more interested of her stories about times where she worked at more sci–fi esque settings or the one time she flew to space.
Otherwise she just drops him off with her more sciency friends or is his guardian when no one else is in the mood to go with him to nerdy places like a museum or a science fair.
Fletscher/Stoker: Most of the time she despises him and his bullying of Oskar and kicks his arse from now and then (and the count lets it slide since he caught on to the mistreatment of his nephew by now and that’s the only way he can punish him without looking like a jerk himself) he despises her too and tries to provoke her (especially infront of Oxblood).
They do have sincere but short conversations from time to time where they have to begrudgingly admit that they are both eccentric little gremlins to different degrees who‘re both really bad at math.
So their relationship isn’t so beneath the belt like with Oxblood but more rooted in her sense for justice and him being somewhat put in his place when she’s around.
Okay, that‘s it for now
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💋 Oskar-back-from-break follow
hey guys you might of seen that I took a 2 week break and I took that time to do a little soul searching and I uh would like to tell you all :) (I prefer to use he/she/they)
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🏳️‍⚧️ dr-Leechy follow
wow Oskar I’m so happy you felt comfortable enough to tell us all! How did sunshine react when you told HER? She is your girlfriend after all I would expect that she’d support you through thick and thin just as we would!
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💋 Oskar-back-from-break follow
welllll- I broke up with her a couple days ago. During the soul searching I realized she’s kind of a horrible person…and tbh she probably likes stoker better than me
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🏳️‍⚧️ dr-Leechy follow
oh! Well I’m glad you realized she’s toxic and all- and pardon my ask but, does this mean you’re single now 👀?
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💋 Oskar-back-from-break follow
haha yeah, so…would you like to go on a date?
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🏳️‍⚧️ dr-Leechy follow
I- uh y-yes 😳🥴
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💋 Oskar-back-from-break follow
yippe :D
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⚱️Ashley-former-great-vampire follow
daaamn that was fuckin’ smooth
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🌸 Klot follow
Oskar what do those colors mean?
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🔮 goth-lesbian-gf follow
KLOT??? It’s like 11 am you should have been asleep 4 hours ago! Also who let you have tumblr-
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🩸greatest-vampire-of-all-time follow
what’s it matter gothetta? We’re up too
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⚱️Ashley-former-great-vampire follow
Stoker it’s not that he’s up it’s that he’s up using the gay transgender sex website/hj
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💋 Oskar-back-from-break follow
Ashley and gothetta are right klot you need to get to sleep little one, also I’d suggest not using tumblr anymore it’s not for little kids, we just want you to be safe.
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⚙️ bisexual-nerd-gf follow
if you want I could put some child lock on his tablet for you!
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🔮 goth-lesbian-gf follow
that would be so helpful honey-bat ❤️
#isn’t raveena the sweetest? #klot we just want to keep you safe #gothposting
15 notes 💬🔁❤️
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wonderfull-star · 7 months
ok guys
What if Oskar didn't always have hemophobia? No, and I don’t mean about childhood trauma. What if I say that someone did this to him by deliberately casting a spell on him? And probably you will say who it could be and why they did this to Oskar? My theory: It was his parents. They realized that something was wrong with their son. He had more bloodthirstiness than others of his age. And for the safety of both the others and himself, they put a magical seal on him. Soon rumors spread around the town about a family with a bloodthirsty child, after which vampire hunters began searching for them. Oskar’s parents knew that they could no longer take care of him and so they sent him to his closest relative - his uncle.
Why did such a thought even come into my head? As many might have already guessed from some episodes, bloodthirstiness has a strong influence on the personality of a vampire. For some(like Gothette,Leechy,Klot,Ashley) it is at a normal level without particularly affecting their personality, while for others... Yes, it is at too high a level. And most often they are selfish, rude and consider themselves stronger than others. What about Oskar? In addition to his hemophobia, sometimes it seems that something is wrong. Unlike other classmates, he is the quietest and most diligent (although sometimes he can also break the rules). It’s immediately clear what sets him apart from the rest.
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Remember the episode where Oskar and Stoker swapped bloodthirstiness? As the episode progressed, it became clear that they also changed personalities. But what if I told you that this is exactly what their personalities would look like if they switched bloodthirstiness? It felt like Oskar was still himself, but less restrained and more “wild”, while Stoker looked all the time anxious and filled with disgust at the idea of ​​​​biting someone. He even protested against the shedding of blood. Doesn’t really look like what Oskar would do, don’t you agree? And not only because it would ruin his uncle's reputation but also because he never had an ardent hatred of blood, but rather just fear. This perhaps proves that Stoker secretly contains quite a lot of the empathy that is sometimes characteristic of children with attention deficits. If you also consider that when Klot almost left school, Stoker cried more than the others(while Oskar didn’t even shed a single tear..).
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Another oddity of it is the effect of its bite. Unlike the usual turning into a vampire (like Lenny), turning after Oskar’s bite acts like a virus that completely changes the personality of the victim. In this case, it is Sunshine . And after turning into a vampire, she even changed her name to Moonbeam. Yes, of course, Lenny was not bitten by the vampire himself, but only by the jaws that were left of him, but still, I don’t think that turning into a vampire should completely change the personality of the victim, right?
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This proves a little that Oskar really could have caused a serious threat if he didn’t have hemophobia...
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d0rky-0utfits · 1 year
Why school for vampires is an allegory for queerness
Oskar represents queer people who have not yet accepted that they are in fact queer and sunshine represents straight homophobic people that queer people date to try and prove to themselves that they aren’t queer but inevitably it’s not very healthy because Oscar’s heart isn’t really in it and sunshine sucks, Gothetta represents people who think they can “change” or “fix” queer people, stoker represents homophobia in general, klot represents those who are not yet questioning, Ashley represents older queer people who accepted long ago that they are queer and just want to guide younger queer people away from hate and fascism, and Leechy represents trans people
the end
(I’m so sorry if this makes 0 sense)
Is polidori also homophobic 💀
Edit: I find it a bit funny that leechy is just kinda there yuh know 💀
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celestevampire · 1 year
Who Will You Choose? The Final Round
Alright, Vladimir, Victoria, Walburg the Wicked and, Leechy are out. Now here's our final round. Who do you think is gonna win?
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multifandomplushie · 2 years
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Here’s a chart for the relationships of my younger brother's OC, Carol.
Sunshine Polidori
Bruno (met with him through Paulus)
Best Friends:
Count Alarich von Horrificus
Professor Oxblood
Lady Kryptina
Big T and Lefty (after they started living with Hardy in the castle)
Crushing On:
Paulus Polidori
Dr. Ironfang (sees him during his visits to the castle but spends little time in his company)
Vampello (knows about him through Rosering but has never met him)
Cout Frakula (same as Vampello)
Walpurg (same as Vampello and Frakula)
The Feratus (wasn't around when they visited)
Sunshine Polidori (they haven't actually met in person yet, but Paulus told Carol everything about Sunshine and told Sunshine everything about Carol, though the girl, as expected, didn't believe that the lady her grandpa met is a ghost; also, Carol and Sunshine wrote notes and letters to each other and talked on the phone)
Link: Relationship Chart Extended Meme
Meme by Ninilene
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cryptic-loser · 1 year
They should let me make the official SFLV reboot /hj
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... Tbh I might actually make a fan made reboot- Could be fun heehoo
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prisoned-bear · 1 year
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i'm on my 'note passing headcannons' duty stoker is blue leechy is gold gothetta is maroon
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