baggygoose · 24 days
Bigger Run (Gem's Basement Edition)
[Note: The following came from discord]
Potato: *Gets GrizzCo Roller* "GAS, GAS GAS! I'M GONNA STEP ON THE GA-" *dies to smallfry.*
Goose: *Gets GrizzCo Roller* "The new Ford F150-" *dies to Drizzler.*
Potato, Tweetle, Goose: *In a game*
Tweedle's internet (for some reason): *dies*
Potato: *fighting for her goddamn life*
Goose: *has mad zoomies with Grizz Roller*
Tweedle: *actually playing the game*
Random (Spat tag said "Trevor"): *Locks the fuck in and cluches the game.*
[Last 30 min]
Goose: *laughing ass off/saying dumb shit*
Tweedle & Potato: *Doo-wopping "Now or Never!"*
Goose: *Joins Doo-wop, can't stop laughing.*
Gem: "I'm supposed to be on vacation..."
Goose: *Wheezes like a broken harmonica*
I hope everyone had as much fun with BIG big run as I and the rest of the Basement (et al) did. Was one egg short of getting gold, but I honestly don't care that much as I was having WAY too much of a blast with my buds @potato-wolf164, @tweetledeetle, @flamingskull28, @y3llowkiwi, and @geminired, and all the randoms we came across. It's always a fun and chaotic time when gaming with goobers, and I'm glad to have met them to begin with.
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cult-of-4 · 6 months
people mentioned
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serickswrites · 1 year
Just Exist III
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Days and days, or perhaps it was weeks and weeks later, Hero got up from their stool before Villain had risen. Got up and went to where Villain was. They stared down at the sleeping Villain, not sure how they wanted to go about this. 
“Jesus, Hero, gave me a fright,” Villain said as they startled. 
“S-S-Sorry,” Hero whispered, instantly regretting what they were doing. 
“It’s all good. We’ve all been there before. What time is it? Do you want breakfast?” Villain leapt out of bed, their energy already rising. 
Hero followed along behind Villain, not sure what to say. Or how to say it. 
It was only when Villain had a steaming mug of coffee in one hand, spatula in the other did Hero speak again. 
“What are my orders?” Hero said softly. 
“What?” Villain cocked an eyebrow as they stirred the eggs in the pan.
“My orders, what are they?” Hero tried not to duck their head too much. But they felt like disappearing. Not existing. Maybe they had worn out their welcome with Villain. 
“I gave them to you already.” Villain sipped their coffee. “Seems like you’re having a hard time with them though.”
“I don’t understand?” Hero tried to fight the tears that were filling their eyes. 
Villain set a plate full of eggs, toast, and bacon in front of Hero. They set another steaming mug of coffee down. They added cream and sugar. “Hero, I told you to exist here. Those are your orders. Just exist.”
Hero started to cry. They didn’t know how to exist without someone telling them what to do. Ordering them around. Giving them missions and objectives to accomplish. “I...I can’t.”
“You can. And you will. I’ll help you. And it will be no pressure. How does that sound?” 
Hero nodded, realizing that Villain wasn’t saying they couldn’t do anything. But that they could do anything. Such freedom was something Hero had only ever imagined. And now that it was within their grasp, they weren’t sure what to do. But they would try. Try to just exist. 
Tags: @percyjacksonstransbrother @blipblipbloop @mistythedritten
@stuffandatherstuff  @batdog102 @lilflowerwriter @tiny-daggers-up-to-heaven @bluebearcandy @otherwiseiamnotallowedtoscroll @severeblizzardsoul @the-blind-one-speaks @whump-dump @potato-wolf164 @omen-the-undying-kaizoku @a-place-to-put-poetry @yeahimobsessedwithencanto @whyamihereanyway25 @adalarovenor @lunenyx98 @wannarunawayfromhere @nightsshadow1 @psychomarine0311 @hugs4zhongli @qualityrabbitsoup @justalostshadeofblue @whatinteresthave @cafesho @wimbeldonsoot @moschinski @delightfulsoulalpaca @writingstation @itarobattemon  @bliss757 @d-cs @pic-star01 @st0rmm @shadowcatp269 @melancholic-bookworm @pigeonwhumps @wankusbonkus @whumppsychology @smuwfy-side-blog @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @random-writers-sideblog @jkl-uwu @coolstormyskies03-blog @stayasleepanddream @strawberry-seed28 @doublericenobeans @warpweft @thedeepvoidinmyheart @sweetpeathecat @valeexpris606 @dodo-docs @adalarovenor 
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littledemon55 · 3 months
My favorite Splatoon 3 weapons! :D (I like them all, but some more than others)
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@siryyeet @catcake24 @sploon-fic-fan @potato-wolf164 @milo-melon (no pressure of course)
Feel free to reblog this with your weapon tier list as well! :D
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y3llowkiwi · 7 months
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by choice of the dungeon of a discord server i’m in, it’s @potato-wolf164 being very happy about the new king salmanoid
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cult-of-8 · 4 months
The 4 cult is on the hunt for @potato-wolf164! Protect our fellow 8 follower at all costs!
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cult-of-4 · 6 months
If anyone sees @potato-wolf164 bring them to HQ immediately. They escaped during the commotion, in the name of our Cod find Them!
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baggygoose · 7 months
Link to possibly the best spin off blog of the Splat Chat, starring:
Goose, from @baggygoose (me)
Alex, from @flamingskull28
Potato, from @potato-wolf164
Paige, from @y3llowkiwi
Hell, from @just-a-lesbian-octoling
Tweetle, from @tweetledeetle
Yoshi, from @yoshi-sanchez , the absolute madlad who put all this together.
And most importantly,
Gem, from @geminired , author of The Splat Chat and Effervescent.
(Seriously, Red. All this wouldn't be possible without your work bringing us goobers together.)
Welcome to Gem's Basement, where we clownin' in this bitch!
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cult-of-4 · 6 months
Can I only be around for the sacrifices?
Sure, the schedule is pinned to the door. Next ones tomorrow night, it's @potato-wolf164 being sacrificed
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serickswrites · 1 year
Just Exist IV
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6
Hero felt like they had to do something. They couldn’t just sit around. They had done enough of that. “I want a mission,” Hero finally said as Villain sipped their tea. 
“Come again?”
“I...I...I need to be doing something, Villain. Please. Give me a job. Please.” Hero couldn’t look up from the ground. They couldn’t look up because they didn’t want to see Villain’s disappointment. See Villain decide that they didn’t want Hero around anymore either. 
Villain put their mug down. “Well, I don’t have a lot. But there is this one thing--”
“I’ll do it. Whatever it is. Just let me do it.”
Villain nodded. “Ok. But you have to promise me that you will take it easy. It’s a no pressure job.”
Hero nodded vigorously, already vowing that they would be perfect. That the job would be perfect. And they would make Villain happy and proud. 
Hero had been so wrong. Nothing had gone right. A building was destroyed, the artifact was lost, and to top it off, Hero had destroyed the vehicle that Villain had loaned them. They didn’t think they could go back to Lair. But they had to. They had to face Villain’s wrath. 
“Welcome back! I made some brownies, they’re on the counter if you want some. I think Sidekick has some milk in the fridge, too, that they wouldn’t mind sharing.”
Hero prostrated themself at Villain’s feet. “I’m sorry.” They hoped that Villain would make their end swift and painless. Though they deserved none of those things. 
“What are you sorry for?” Villain tried to get Hero to rise. 
Hero pulled their arms tighter to their body, bowed head touching the floor at Villain’s feet. “I failed you. I...I...I...” their words got choked up by tears. They had failed so miserably. After everything Villain had done for them. They had failed. 
“What? You didn’t fail me. it’s ok. Mistakes happen. Plans don’t always go as we think they will.” Villain ducked down to be on Hero’s level.
“You’re not mad at me?” Hero couldn’t believe what they were hearing. “You’re not going to cast me out, too?”
Villain put a hand on Hero’s back. “No. I’m not mad, Hero. Not even upset. And I said we aren’t like Organization here. We don’t throw our people away. We value them. Cherish them.”
“I don’t...understand.” Hero was sure they were hearing things. 
“There are no strings attached to you being here, Hero. Succeed at missions, don’t succeed, it doesn’t matter. You are always welcome here. No consequences. No judgment. Just acceptance. Existing is your mission. And you’re doing a great job.”
Tags: @percyjacksonstransbrother @blipblipbloop @mistythedritten
@stuffandatherstuff  @batdog102 @lilflowerwriter @tiny-daggers-up-to-heaven @bluebearcandy @otherwiseiamnotallowedtoscroll @severeblizzardsoul @the-blind-one-speaks @whump-dump @potato-wolf164 @omen-the-undying-kaizoku @a-place-to-put-poetry @yeahimobsessedwithencanto @whyamihereanyway25 @adalarovenor @lunenyx98 @wannarunawayfromhere @nightsshadow1 @psychomarine0311 @hugs4zhongli @qualityrabbitsoup @justalostshadeofblue @whatinteresthave @cafesho @wimbeldonsoot @moschinski @delightfulsoulalpaca @writingstation @itarobattemon  @bliss757 @d-cs @pic-star01 @st0rmm @shadowcatp269 @melancholic-bookworm @pigeonwhumps @wankusbonkus @whumppsychology @smuwfy-side-blog @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @random-writers-sideblog @jkl-uwu @coolstormyskies03-blog @stayasleepanddream @strawberry-seed28 @doublericenobeans @warpweft @thedeepvoidinmyheart @sweetpeathecat @valeexpris606 @dodo-docs @adalarovenor @heroes-villains-side-blog @subval01 
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serickswrites · 1 year
Just Exist II
By popular demand, this one shot became a series. There are four more parts after this one, fyi
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
“Exist here.” 
That’s what Villain had said. But Hero wasn’t very sure what that meant exactly. They still couldn’t wrap their brain around Organization not wanting them anymore. 
It wasn’t as if they had screwed up a recent mission. That massively. It wasn’t as if they had harmed innocents. It wasn’t as if they had been insubordinate. 
And so Hero could not figure out why Organization did not want them anymore. And that, that was the most heartbreaking thing for them. 
For days they barely moved. Barely ate. Barely slept. They were empty. Everything. They had devoted everything to Organization. And Organization had just cast them aside when they no longer served a purpose. 
“Don’t worry, Hero,” Villain said as they sat on their stool once more, this time a mug of steaming tea in hand. They had continued to set food and drink in front of Hero throughout Hero’s time existing. “You are wanted here. You will always be wanted here. As long as you want to be here. Just exist here.”
Tags: @percyjacksonstransbrother @blipblipbloop @mistythedritten
@stuffandatherstuff  @batdog102 @lilflowerwriter @tiny-daggers-up-to-heaven @bluebearcandy @otherwiseiamnotallowedtoscroll @severeblizzardsoul @the-blind-one-speaks @whump-dump @potato-wolf164 @omen-the-undying-kaizoku @a-place-to-put-poetry @yeahimobsessedwithencanto @whyamihereanyway25 @adalarovenor @lunenyx98 @wannarunawayfromhere @nightsshadow1 @psychomarine0311 @hugs4zhongli @qualityrabbitsoup @justalostshadeofblue @whatinteresthave @cafesho @wimbeldonsoot @moschinski @delightfulsoulalpaca @writingstation @itarobattemon  @bliss757 @d-cs @pic-star01 @st0rmm @shadowcatp269 @melancholic-bookworm @pigeonwhumps @wankusbonkus @whumppsychology @smuwfy-side-blog @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @random-writers-sideblog @jkl-uwu @coolstormyskies03-blog @stayasleepanddream @strawberry-seed28 @doublericenobeans @warpweft @thedeepvoidinmyheart 
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cult-of-4 · 4 months
Why were you on the hunt for potato-wolf164 that one time anyway?
- cult-of-8
I know them and am in a discord sever with them, they disrepected 4 so I made a hunt for her.
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serickswrites · 1 year
Just Exist VI
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Warnings: referenced injury
Hero couldn’t believe that Villain woke up after everything. That they lived despite the injuries they had received because Hero didn’t back them up. 
“Hero,” Villain said softly as their eyes fluttered open. 
“Are you ok? What do you need? What can I get you? I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. Please forgive me!” The words tumbled out of Hero’s mouth so quickly. They bowed their head low, dipping it below the side of the bed that Villain laid in. 
Hero felt Villain’s hand on the back of their head. There was a slight tremor in Villain’s hand, but their voice was clear. “You have nothing to apologize for, Hero. You saved me. I am alive because you didn’t listen to me. I’m the one who should be apologizing. And thanking you.”
Hero looked up. Villain was smiling. “Really?”
“Are you kidding? I was for sure a goner and you swooped in and saved the day. You beat Superhero!”
Hero began to smile. “I did, didn’t I?” Hero sobered instantly. “But I still defied your orders.”
Villain waffled their hand through the air. “Eh, I don’t really care about that. I care about you. Are you ok after that?”
Hero thought for a moment. It had been terrifying to walk into the facility. It had been terrifying to see Villain so broken beneath Superhero. But fighting Superhero? That felt right. Saving Villain? That felt even more right. They nodded slowly. 
“Good, I’m glad.” Villain lay back against the pillows once more. “How long am I supposed to stay in bed?”
“Another week or so.”
Villain groaned. They grimaced as they started to roll out of the bed. “What are you doing?” Hero couldn’t believe Villain wasn’t resting. 
“If I’m going to be stuck in a bed, I’m going to my own bed.” They stumbled as they started to walk, but Hero caught them. “Th-thanks,” Villain said breathlessly. 
Hero scooped Villain up into their arms. “Let me help you, Villain.”
Villain leaned into Hero, closing their eyes slowly. They let out a sigh. “I’m glad you’re here, Hero. I’m glad you decided to exist here.”
As Hero tucked the sleeping Villain into their own bed, Hero realized how glad they were to be there. How glad they had decided to follow the one order to a perfect T. They could just exist in Anti-Organization. They could just exist with Villain. Because that’s their most important job, to just exist.
Tags: @percyjacksonstransbrother @blipblipbloop @mistythedritten
@stuffandatherstuff  @batdog102 @lilflowerwriter @tiny-daggers-up-to-heaven @bluebearcandy @otherwiseiamnotallowedtoscroll @severeblizzardsoul @the-blind-one-speaks @whump-dump @potato-wolf164 @omen-the-undying-kaizoku @a-place-to-put-poetry @yeahimobsessedwithencanto @whyamihereanyway25 @adalarovenor @lunenyx98 @wannarunawayfromhere @nightsshadow1 @psychomarine0311 @hugs4zhongli @qualityrabbitsoup @justalostshadeofblue @whatinteresthave @cafesho @wimbeldonsoot @moschinski @delightfulsoulalpaca @writingstation @itarobattemon  @bliss757 @d-cs @pic-star01 @st0rmm @shadowcatp269 @melancholic-bookworm @pigeonwhumps @wankusbonkus @whumppsychology @smuwfy-side-blog @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @random-writers-sideblog @jkl-uwu @coolstormyskies03-blog @stayasleepanddream @strawberry-seed28 @doublericenobeans @warpweft @thedeepvoidinmyheart @sweetpeathecat @valeexpris606 @dodo-docs @adalarovenor @heroes-villains-side-blog @subval01 @hopefullywritingahit @electrafire15 @daemonvatis @worldsworstsupervillain 
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baggygoose · 7 months
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Thank you @potato-wolf164 and everyone who got me to 10 reblogs!
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