jms-viriato · 4 months
Retrato de familia post mortem
La fotografía post mortem (también conocido como retrato conmemorativo o retrato de luto) es la práctica de fotografiar al recientemente fallecido.
Varias culturas usan y han usado esta práctica, aunque el área mejor estudiada de la fotografía post mortem es la de Europa y América.
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slavsquatting-rat · 1 year
Super messy in progress pic but I recently had an idea seeing all those crochetin butterfly tops tutorials on YouTube
(and watching one artist being obsessed by moths)
Crochet moth top (harness?), creepy edition because that allows me to pretend all the mistakes coming from this experiment are intentional to add on the creepy factor
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(I combined the Postmorten doily pattern with a modified random butterfly pattern I found after a quick google search, I believe it was scanned from a 2007 Ukrainian magazine)
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zauddu · 2 years
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Hugo Troschel 1850 ritratto postmorten di un annegato
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acapulcopress · 1 year
Congreso entregará presea 'Sentimientos de la Nación' en grado postmorten a Benita Galeana
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CHILPANCINGO * Septiembre 7, 2023. ) Congreso de Guerrero Diputados de la LXIII Legislatura aprobaron entregar la Presea “Sentimientos de la Nación”, en grado postmortem, a Benita Galeana Lacunza, reconocida activista por los derechos de las mujeres y los trabajadores, En el dictamen suscrito por la Junta de Coordinación Política (Jucopo) se menciona que dicho reconocimiento, como cada año, se entregará en la sesión solemne del próximo 13 de septiembre en la Catedral de La Asunción de María de Chilpancingo, en el marco del 210 Aniversario de la Instalación del Primer Congreso de Anáhuac. Precisa que para designar al recipiendario se nombró a las diputadas y diputados integrantes de la Jucopo como Comisión Especial, mismos que, tras la emisión de la convocatoria, hicieron el registro de los candidatos Carlos Marx Barbosa Guzmán, Familia Villanueva Castro, Baltazar Brito Guadarrama, Luis Rodolfo Nájera Ramírez, Félix Bautista Matías y Benita Galeana Lacunza. De estas propuestas, abunda el documento, se consideró procedente otorgar el reconocimiento postmorten a Benita Galeana Lacunza, por su trayectoria de vida, trabajo, promoción y aportación o los derechos de las mujeres, de los trabajadores, la cultura, la libertad, la paz y la democracia, méritos suficientes para considerarla una digna merecedora de lo Presea "Sentimientos de la Nación". Benita Galeana Lacunza nació en San Jerónimo, y a la muerte de sus padres emigró al puerto de Acapulco, para posteriormente residir en la Ciudad de México, siempre en un entorno complicado, dada su condición de pobreza y analfabetismo, ya que aprendió a leer a los 29 años, situación a la que se sobrepuso para convertirse en una activista de izquierda y precursora en la lucha de los derechos de las trabajadoras. “Fue una mujer de su tiempo que desafió las costumbres patriarcales y defendió en todo momento su derecho a elegir, un gran mérito para que nuestra paisana saliera adelante sola, desafiando y venciendo a la sociedad machista de principios de siglo, saturado de prejuicios que negaban espacios de crecimientos a las mujeres”, apunta el dictamen. Iniciativas El diputado Marco Tulio Sánchez Alarcón presentó una iniciativa de Ley que Regula el Uso de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación para la Seguridad Pública del Estado de Guerrero, estableciendo las bases de coordinación en la materia entre las instituciones de seguridad pública de la entidad, los municipios y prestadores de servicios de seguridad privada. La propuesta se turnó a la Comisión de Seguridad Pública para su análisis y emisión de dictamen. El diputado Carlos Cruz López propuso reformar la Ley Orgánica del Municipio Libre del Estado para que en caso de ausencia del secretario del Ayuntamiento, se nombre a un secretario interino por un periodo máximo de 30 días, tiempo durante el cual el cabildo deberá ratificar o designar a otro servidor público. Esta iniciativa fue turnada a la Comisión de Asuntos Políticos y Gobernación. Informe La diputada Yannely Hernández Martínez rindió el informe de los trabajos legislativos del segundo periodo de receso correspondiente al segundo año de ejercicio constitucional de la LXIII Legislatura. ] Síguenos en Facebook.com/acapulcopress ] Síguenos en Facebook.com/angelblanco.press Read the full article
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genderqueer-miharu · 2 years
Recently i read this theory post about Mu and what really happened in after pain, and it really does make a lot of sense and puts everything that was shown in that mv under a different light. I won't talk about that because it's really long, but something i've noticed after reading it is that, during the squence near the end of the mv when mu says "Let's meet up inside the pain..." we see a sequence with many different scenes shown for 1 second, all of which seem to be insonsistencies and contradictions to what happens in after pain, and this sequence also has the lyric "postmorten make-up to hide my heart, how to solve it is a secret", this sequence shows the stuff we have to pay attention to, in order to solve it. We have:
The socks
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[ID: Screencaps showing two pairs of legs walking and running, one has white socks and the other one has black socks. /End ID]
The water
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[ID: A hose with water running out of it. /End ID]
The hourglass
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[ID: A hourglass with green goo inside laid horizonatally on a floor with stairs. /End ID]
The victim's route
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[ID: Mu's victim walking out of school. /End ID]
And Mu's sweat
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[ID: Mu running with sweat running down her face, which can't be clearly seen. /End ID]
All of these are things that don't fit with what Mu has been able to change in her mv, and when you closely look at these elements in after pain and it's not my fault, you start to realize what these inconsistecies are and what actually happened
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ryuto0822 · 4 years
Week13 - Attack of the Manic Slimes Postmorten
After spending these few week developing, playtesting and improving our game, we were able to get close to what our original ideas reflected. We were able to do the following:
Add Slimes with special abilities
Red ones that divide into two smaller versions when shot (except small)
Blue ones that are small and faster than regular small ones
Green ones that are medium-sized and shoot back at the player
Yellow ones that are large-sized and require multiple shots to kill
Add sound effects such as:
When shooting the gun
When killing a slime
Improve the art so it fits the original theme better (pixelated)
Re-worked other pieces of art for certain menus
Add animations when:
The Space Man fires his weapon
Slimes get killed (some work, some don’t)
Slimes move towards the player
Add different abilities for the player
A fire rate ability that increases the fire rate of the gun temporarily
Add a difficulty system that changes how hard the game is
Add a help menu
Let the player navigate to the main menu once they Win/Lose/Pause the game
I am satisfied that result and I proud of my team mate. We did really good jobs, but unfortunately we missed some features. There is list below
A bomb that kills all of the slimes on screen
A laser ability that shoots a constant laser temporarily
A shield ability that grants the player invincibility for a short amount of time
Fast-paced background music to immerse the player better
Gameplay Screenshots
Show screen shot below is the title of this game.
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Final Thought
In conclusion, our team's done a lot of things with GDevelop in this a few weeks. We were in good communication with each other and functioned as a group. I worked on this game as a programmer in this team. It was a useful experience for the future. Faslty, I was really confused about how to use GDevelop, but when I get used to using it, it was really easy to use and simple way to make game. When join this class, I do not like to learn GDevelop, because I did never listened about GDevelop before, but currently I am happy to learne GDevelop. Overall, it was a great semester making video games, and I’m satisfied with the amount that I’ve learned so far.
I appreciate everyone in my team and all tuter in IGB220.
Final Game Link
Gameplay Video
Sprite Acknowledgement
This link is for space background
Zink, H. (2019). 10 Websites With Stellar Space Background Photos. DigitalAddicts.https://digitaladdictsblog.com/stellar-space-background-photos/
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occhiolysm · 5 years
scary or not scary?
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intelsought · 6 years
I’m only allowed one youtube video when I get home from work bc I have like 8 starters to get out and I really don’t wanna go to bed with shit still to do. Will be home within the hour!
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mangleschmidt · 3 years
“Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware” but it’s Danganronpa V3 but the AI is Self-Aware AU
An AU I had talked about with @carlitagt on Discord like 8-9 months ago. And now I will share whatever we were talking about.
Short explanation of the au, Gonta breaks the game.
Spoilers for Danganronpa V3 and it gets rambly:
Long explanation. I find it more comical if Gonta is the Dr Coomer of the group, pretty much the self-aware ai and has stupid amounts of power, as if his strength isn’t enough. But his intelligence and personality remains so Shuichi/Kaede would treat Gonta like how Gordon Freeman would treat Tommy.
I also like to imagine Gonta just takes down an exisal with the glock he finds in Maki’s lab and the power of his fists, all in Half-life/tf2 style just to make it look more funnier. Maki just lets him, cuz he’s not Kokichi.
For the others? Not entirely sure but they follow the game script and then goes rogue because Gonta fucked everything up and everyone is alive. The supposedly dead students just do whatever and Rantaro/Kaede sometimes brute forcing their way like they’re a player in a fps game, kinda like Dr. Bubby.
Other than Kaede, Tsumugi, Rantaro and Shuichi having some form of self-awareness due to their status (the most self-aware in the class are the protagonists ofc), Kokichi is also self-aware because that’s canon but doesn’t have the same level.
Kokichi: *something along the lines of nobody likes me bc i cant write kokichi*
Gonta: Dont worry, Ouma-kun, you place 2nd on MyNavi poll and first on the electronic poll of on the gaming magazine Dengeki, so you're the most popular out of all us :)
Shuichi: *tries not to laugh* So where do you placed Gonta-kun?
Gonta: 12th and on the post cards, Gonta is at 14th. On the electronic poll, Gonta is 3rd. Drastic differences but Gonta is not as popular as Ouma-kun
Kokichi: ...
(This is from a real poll held in Japan btw)
More quotes
Shuichi/Kaede with Gonta in this au: Oh dear, oh dear, gorgeous
Shuichi/Kaede with others: You fucking donkey
Gonta, putting the gun at Shuichi: Saihara-kun, Gonta has found a gun
Shuichi: Gonta-kun! Dont point it at me- wait where did you get that?
Gonta: Gonta found it in Maki's lab, it's at her front door
Shuichi: Maki's what?! You shouldn't play with that
Gonta: turns and points the gun at Monokuma Gonta believes this is how you use a gun
Monokuma: H-hey! It's against the rules to fight against the Headmaster
Gonta: turns the safety off It doesn't say about the Exisals
Also, Gonta gets a lot of screentime just because of how chaotic he became. Gonta also tries to connect with Shuichi like he did with Kaede in the first fte, just cuz i feel like it would be really interesting and Shuichi just let’s him.
Gonta, sits on the grass: Saihara-kun, do you know forensics?
Shuichi: Well yeah, but I usually don't solve murder though it can be useful in other cases
Gonta: Gonta also know forensics. Forensics entomology in fact. It can help solve murders. Usually to know when the body starts decaying and also know more about the location of the place. Unless the body has been tampered with, say, stored in a fridge or cold area, you can tell when the person died by the development of the maggots in their body. It's postmorten.
Shuichi: ...
Gonta: Hello Saihara-kun
What happens in Chapter 4, you may ask? Welp. Kokichi doesn’t rely on Gonta in chapter 4 but instead relies on Shuichi. But when they all got in the murder part, Kokichi stops in the middle of his speech and looks to his right. Miu and Shuichi look at their left and Gonta is just fucking standing there. No one knew how he got there but he got there.
Gonta: Saihara-kun, Iruma-san murder is bad ):
Miu: Wh- how- what are you doing here?! Stay back! People outside need me
Gonta: But Iruma-san ):
Kokichi: How the fuck did you got here?
Gonta: Trimping
Kokichi: You’re not even playing Demoknight tf2 wtf
Then everything get a bit dark in that bit. Gonta would just straight up tell Miu that there’s nothing beyond the walls of the school. (Similar when like Dr Coomer flew off out of the mountains, came back and said “there’s nothing there”, indicating that there’s no map beyond what they’re supposed to see. Self-aware ai)
Gonta would off-handedly mentions that he’s supposed to be on Saihara’s place and he’s supposed to see the flashback light and kill Miu. Shuichi is just so surprised but doesn’t know what to comment and Gonta almost never mentions it again. Until he “mentions” it after surviving and Gonta told Shuichi that he doesn’t know what to do after surviving for no reason.
Yeah it did get a bit dark but it got comical afterwards
Gonta: Saihara-kun, Gonta doesn’t know what to do after surviving ):
Shuichi: Just.... do whatever you pal. You saved our butts afterall
Gonta: :D Weee crashes on an exisal and beats it up with a crowbar
Kokichi would still go by the mastermind plan despite it being out of character now since they still gotta go with the actual game script. But fortunately for him, Gonta got even more stronger in Chapter 5.
Chapter 6 is probs gonna be like:
Gonta: *does some trippy shit and kicks ass*
Miu: *joins in kicks some Exisal ass*
Kaito: *joins in* Don’t fuck with the Science teaaammmm!!!!!
Tsumugi: Crying
Everyone would be looking for clues while Gonta just disappeared and comes back with the dead student he wasn’t able to save while messing around.
Someone like Kirumi but I have like two outcomes where he either trimps his way to Ryoma’s room with Shuichi from the pool area since that’s technically not against the rules and caught Kirumi doing the murder plan or in the class trial where he was blamed for the murder of Ryoma he straight up spits with facts
Kirumi: You’re one of the only ones who could possibly do this murder
Gonta, pulls out his own truth glock: Says the culprit
Kokichi: Can you like nerf Gonta?
Monokuma: That’s the problem, I don’t know and I can’t. Well this sucks, now the fun is ruined
Kaede: Good
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comunidaddeidris · 5 years
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La autopsia clínica es el procedimiento postmorten que estudia las alteraciones morfológicas de los órganos y tejidos. DENTRO DE LAS FINALIDADES DE LA AUTOPSIA ESTÁN LAS SIGUIENTES: ▪ Determina o corrobora la naturaleza de la enfermedad (causa básica, inicial o fundamental), así como su extensión. ▪ Aunque hoy día muchas enfermedades son diagnosticadas en vida por diferentes medios, algunos muy sofisticados (tomografía axial computerizada, resonancia magnética, biopsias estereotáxicas, isótopos radioactivos, etc.), la autopsia corrobora, complementa o, en ocasiones, modifica los diagnósticos iniciales. ▪ Investiga la causa inmediata e intermedia de muerte y aquellos procesos contribuyentes. La causa inmediata de defunción es la enfermedad o condición que causó finalmente la muerte. La causa intermedia de defunción es la enfermedad o condición, si hay alguna, que ha contribuido a la causa inmediata. Pueden existir otros procesos que contribuyan a la muerte, no relacionados ni desencadenantes de la causa inicial o fundamental. ▪ En la autopsia, por otra parte, es habitual encontrar pequeñas lesiones que no han dado lugar a ningún tipo de manifestación clínica. En todas las autopsias, si se estudian cuidadosamente, aparecen varias lesiones de este tipo. Constituyen hallazgos accesorios, en tanto en cuanto no han repercutido en la evolución del paciente ni han modificado la historia natural de su enfermedad, pero muchas veces sí que tienen una extraordinaria importancia desde el punto de vista epidemiológico o patobiológico. Si no fuera por la autopsia, pasarían totalmente desapercibidos. ▪ Correlaciona signos y síntomas clínicos de la enfermedad con los hallazgos morfológicos terminales. ▪ Comprueba los resultados de la terapéutica médica o quirúrgica. ▪ Investiga, en su caso, aquellas enfermedades contagiosas, hereditarias o transmisibles. Los beneficios de la autopsia son, pues, múltiples: determina la causa de muerte, detecta posibles errores diagnósticos, asegura la rentabilidad y validez de los nuevos procedimientos diagnósticos y terapéuticos, aporta información de las enfermedades nuevas y de las ya conocidas, y clarifica aspectos médico-legales en torno a la muerte, además de constituir una herramienta docente de vanguardia y una fuente inagotable de investigación.
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by SkeletalConstellation
Jonathan Sims is the groundskeeper of a local cemetery who, due to unfortunate past circumstances, has the ability to see ghosts, much to his own chagrin.
When songs start echoing from the nearby potter's field, Jon makes the resolution not to go investigate.
Which is why he definitely does not break in to confront the lonesome creature within.
That would be ridiculous.
Words: 778, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jonathan Sims, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Martin Blackwood, Georgie Barker, Melanie King, Elias Bouchard, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan Sims, Jonathan Sims & Other(s)
Additional Tags: Everyone is Dead, except Jon and a select few others, Alternate Universe - Ghosts, Ghosts, Ghouls, Zombies, oh my!, ghost Martin, Talking To Dead People, Jon needs a raise, REALLY BADLY, is it technically major character death if everyone's already dead?, Character Death, Past Character Death, Martin is a lonesome poltergeist off in a potter's field, death doesn't stop Tim from being a little shit at times, brief vampire mentions, Near Death Experiences, Jon has The Sight and wishes he didn't, all my friends are dead, Sad with a Happy Ending, Well - Freeform, Sad-ish, I mean, oh hey I wrote a jonmartin fic that WASN'T monster!jon
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/22238608
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bholenathvalsan · 5 years
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Excuse me for the disappearance, but I needed a break. I still need to manage my rest time, but decided to return before two months pass since the last time I wrote. Where was I? Oh, yes, the coverage of my treatments. I'm working on it, maybe in a week or a fortnight, I'll post it. Back on the thread of my posts. In late 2019 when I unearthed the Blood: The Prelude files, I had lost the thread of my plan of action about it. I didn’t remember that I had pitched it to Jason Hall through the internet.! That was in mid-2014. He replied to me. I don’t remember if I sent him a chat over Facebook or an email, probably the former. The question is that I don’t have proof of what Jace Hall replied, but it was something along the lines of I needed to contact Atari about it. That they owned the IP. It all boils down to: Atari has the rights... Devolver Digital tried to license rights to create a game and they said the figure to pay was exorbitant. https://twitter.com/devolverdigital/status/410867780443836416 Nightdive Nightdive made a remake of Blood, which tells me they got some rights from Atari to do it. I still can’t find the story about how this happened on the web. Maybe they consider this deal a trade secret and don’t care to share. I wrote to Nightdive Studios about six weeks ago, and I’m still waiting for an answer. I wrote to the press department, and nobody replied. Now I’ve found a form on their website, and I’m going to ask them if they care to share how did they obtain licensing to do Fresh Supply. ^This is a lot of beating around the bush, though^ What I should probably be doing is immersing myself in that work again, and at the very least rewrite both treatments as to let them in a shipshape form. Just in case, to have them when I pitch it to somebody at Atari who asks to see one or both of the treatments right away. I doubt this could work because it seems Atari doesn’t develop but subsists on making money out of licensing IP they own. To build a crowdfunded outfit that rises the money to license it from Atari, even if that’s achieved, that would be just the first step towards a Blood movie or series. But to pick up where I left is a lot of work to do, and I’m not up to do it on spec. It’s not as easy as re-reading both and fixing their errors. To pick up something that enthusiasms me, like this, five-six years later would be a hell of a ride. It not only overwhelms me to see everything I created for the story, and to see it implemented. It’s kind of overwhelming to feel that I would love to develop those elements and themes further. Where I left is precisely there, getting a power player (Jace) related to those who own the IP interested in it. The point in case, almost half a decade and half a year ago, I had lower standards. I thought that if I pitched Jace Hall, and he said, send it to me, that I could negotiate the when of that transaction, and get to work right away and let both treatments industry-ready 100% in one or two days. Read, in one week. Today I don’t think that’s okay. Today I think that’s my responsibility to provide perfect content right away when I pitch them if they ask me to see it. Not let them hanging until I fix the mess, no sir. I changed so much in these years, that I know that if I pick up the blood story again, I’m going to create a ton of additional background work, like for example organizational sheets where I register every element I added. If I were greenlighted to work on this, I’d love to develop all the elements that have potential, that I think are a lot. This is what I don’t want to do on spec, because I have a trilogy of Mississippian horror movies to develop, and another horror movie feature treatment to start after that, that I’m working with you to create, and of which I still haven’t decided anything. I guess the best course of action for me then would be to get a production house interested, instead of going directly to Atari. Be it for a movie or a series based on Monolith’s 1997 Blood. Image Credit: Either Blood Wiki or The Postmorten, can't remember right now. # BLOOD1997
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drmetalhead72 · 5 years
Love Me Forever (Postmorten)
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ryuto0822 · 4 years
Week 8 - Driving under the airport Postmortem
Firstly, form development list last week, finally I decided the name of game. It is Driving under the airport!!
Goals Accomplished
I implemented some staff in this game last week. The list below is what I was able to implement thing.
Fancy Start Menu and End Menu
Score system
There are two mode which are easy and hard
The speed increased system
Fancy characters image
Suit background
Add animation when player hit the enemy
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Final Thoughts
Overall, I’m pleased with the final outcome of this game. Especially, I really like the speed increased system. However, I did not have much time to improve this game. So if I have more time, I might make better game and better game system. In addition, I should have implemented explanation of this game, because I got some feedback from my friends and they all say they want to know how to control and what is goal, but they like my increase my speed system. This system is might be useful for other game. Next time, when I make game, I’ll make use of experience. I’ll keep working this game, when I am free.
This was really useful web site when I made this game
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gbtx6-blog · 8 years
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Jumping sprite for the spider in my game (8th Sense)
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johnsparker · 6 years
Our Postmorten Existence       I think that our postmortem existence will be a subjective and objective co-created reality, or more accurately, that it will be a reality in which the subject/object dichotomy itself will be transcended even more completely and obviously than is currently possible on this level of reality.
Living Consciousness by  G. William Barnard
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