#posting this early when no one is awake but me but w/e lmao
sunsafewriting · 1 year
favourable conditions - chapter 4 (3.9k)
chapter excerpt:
Beatrice doesn’t sleep that night, but still, there are routines that can’t be broken. 
She slips out of bed, dresses, and runs.
She runs too far and too fast to pretend it’s only exercise for the sake of conditioning. She runs until she can’t breathe, until the muscles in her left side cinch tight and burn, and still, she runs. 
This time, she changes her route and heads for the beach, keeping the Governor’s manor safely out of view. 
It doesn’t matter if Ava is awake. It doesn’t matter if there’s a light on. A candle isn’t a signal, only a flicker in the dark. 
Beatrice knows that; she knows better .
And yet. 
There is still the impulse to find Ava and demand something of her, to tug her close by both her hands, to hold her the way she has always held Beatrice, even without touching. 
But there would be no use in any of it.  
This was always going to happen. 
(Beatrice remembers the first parade of suitors, when they were eighteen — remembers hearing about it second-hand from one of the other officers, and then sparring with Lilith until even Lilith’s usually inexhaustible fury was wrung out, and only Beatrice stood to go again. 
“What has got into you?” Lilith demanded, with something almost like approval. Lilith, the only person to ever like Beatrice more after Beatrice split her lip. 
And later, at the manor — Ava carrying on as she always had, barely waiting for Beatrice to take up her post in the foyer before abandoning her latest art project in favour of other pursuits. “I was informed by one of the guards that you speak Dahulean fluently.”
“Yes, Miss Silva.” 
“I have been teaching myself. Perhaps you might permit me to practise with you?” 
And then, in a lapse of restraint, unexpected and unstoppable, perhaps among the first things she ever said to Ava that she desperately desired to take back: “Wasn’t one of the young men here today from the Dahulea Isles? Surely he would’ve been the better candidate for this revision.” 
Ava fixed Beatrice with a delighted smile. “Are you keeping track of my suitors, Officer?” she asked, twirling her paintbrush to tap Beatrice’s chest with the wooden end, and smearing a streak of blue over her own wrist.
“No, Miss Silva. One merely hears things.” 
Untrue, and Ava might’ve known it, as she seemed to easily know all of Beatrice's secrets. 
“Regrettably, as I had to inform my uncle, they were each exceedingly ill-fitting as matches, although many of them were quite lovely.” 
“Your uncle heeds you on this matter?” 
Something passed across Ava’s face, then — not anger, exactly, but not unlike it. “For now,” she said. And then the unease was gone, replaced by the kind of amusement that Beatrice feared and longed for in equal measure, that was invariably the prelude to head-swimming dizziness. “Have you forgotten my request?”
“No, Miss Silva. I will practise with you.” 
It had not taken especially long for Beatrice to realise that the verbs Ava kept mixing up were very particular verbs with very particular meanings that did not, in fact, sound alike at all. Beatrice gently corrected her as often as she could, flushed and stammering herself, but Ava proved to have an inexhaustible number of mistakes ready to be made.)
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Idk if you have already gotten a ask like this but i feel like Zack uses a 5 in one soap + says marinara sauce is basicly a smoothie cause tomato is a fruit technically. I dont know why but he just gives me the himbo vibes. Also for agszc(?) Who do you Think would be a morning person and who likes to sleep in? I mean technically they are in the military so they would all be up early,but i also think that genesis would be very dramatic about waking up at like 6am. Also, i love ur Blog and hc's!
Thank you!! 🥺🥺 I’m so sorry I’ve been so slow responding to longer messages and haven’t been finishing up prompts; it’s been a bizarre like. Month? -ish? I keep having the weirdest shit happen to me that like... ripple effects into something even weirder, and I don’t want to post anything I’d consider half-assed or unfinished because just bc I’m tired or crunched or something.
I absolutely haven’t like jumped ship outta the fandom or anything. Just so it’s out there.
And Zack totally gives me the same vibes lmao. His personality is described as “flirty” from more than once source. He also gives me “I’ve totally chugged marinara sauce/pasta sauce/something related while doing a handstand because Reno disagreed with me about this” vibes, but that’s another story.
Aside from the obvious “they all have to be used to it to some degree, it’s the military”:
Angeal — Totally a morning person and will hide any grouchiness if he didn’t get enough sleep for one reason or another (👀). Sure no one loves getting up early in morning (especially before the sun is even up), but ‘Geal does it with grace. Doesn’t even need caffeine most of the time. Treats sleeping in as a rare treat and makes the most of it if he’s able to, especially if he’s curled up next to someone. It’s more special, that way.
Genesis — Of course he hates it. And not only does he hate it, he’s going to let you know he hates being awake this early many times. He’s the master of finding ways to sleep in and/or not be in his office before 12:30 PM.
And yes, he will show up to a mandatory morning meeting meeting 10 minutes late with a cup of coffee from that overpriced place down Loveless Ave and won’t take his designer blackout shades off.
Sephiroth — Does He Even Sleep? Local Midgar man seen ‘seizing the day and getting a head start on his paperwork’ at 4:47 AM; Still Looks Like That™ At All Times.
[Genesis can be heard in the distance yelling ‘absolutely fucking disgusting’ and booing in the background.]
Zack — Very hard sleeper and even harder to wake up a lot of the time, it’s almost like watching someone slip into a miniature coma. Cloud thought something was seriously wrong the first time he ever tried to wake Zack up in person and ended up getting headlocked and treated like a living stuffed animal for 45 minutes when he tried to snatch the blankets off of Zack once.
Angeal has had to practically drag him, bedding and all, to the training room. If this were a camping trip, he’s totally be that guy pushed out into the middle of a pond/lake on an air mattress.
However, once he is awake, he is a w a k e. He is all bounce and energy without any need for caffeine whatsoever.
Cloud — Not a morning person, but used to it. There was always something that needed to be done in Nibelheim and there weren’t enough hours in the day for him and his ma to do it all, most of the time. Plus, barracks life isn’t fun and he’s a light sleeper with really shitty bunkmates, so he’s always tired. He’s also surly as a default, so no one really knows if he hasn’t slept much.
The best sleep he can get is when he can crash at Zack’s and feel like he doesn’t have to sleep with one eye open. He doesn’t do it often, though, because he doesn’t want to feel like he’s freeloading.
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Heyyyy my bbs, time to write about GREECE 🇬🇷 w our fav boys.
- first Brigid it is so cool that you have a greek friend can she please take me w her lol.
Airports in the morning just have that vibe, lmao I just excited. I usually have pretty early flights and I get there early, like my mom is always anxious for missing flights so we’d be at the airport at like 2:30 am for a 5:30 flight. And I always ask why? I could still sleep.
Ya let’s just say our flight is at 5:30 so we are there at like 3:45 lol idk times. Everybody is groggy or passed out in the car before getting to the airport so they’re just barely awake, other than Ryan, quinton, Dylan me and Kirby? Once we pass security which I will most definitely get beeped on, and find our gate, Ryan and quinton set off to get snacks for the flight. We might send Braden w them to keep Ryan in check lol. Also brigid lucky w the tsa pre check.
Jamie and Brigid just collapse on the chairs and just hold each other, and look a d o r a b l e. I’ll take some photos hehe. You two are just cocooned together.
Kirbs and kesh also cuddle up with each other, Kirby just chilling and playing w kesh’s hair. And kesh just sleeping. I can just see it. Some of the other boys just pull their hoods down and pass out on the chairs as well.
Meanwhile: I need a drink so I go to Starbucks w Quinner and dyl. I’ll get you coffee:) and kesh a stuffed pretzel cuz Ily . Maybe we can get Tims oooo.
I come back and see you passed out w Jamie 🥺 and I just give you your coffee and kesh her pretzel and go find the rest of the boys, because I need some snackssss for the flight. dyl is a bit jealous so he’ll just join us hehe. After that video of quinner I want his beanie so I steal it.
Let’s fast forward to boarding and everyone has gathered. Ryan and quinton have a mountain of snacks, and Brigid and Jamie are still passed out lol.
When they call our seat section all of us are just chaotic and getting our passports. The tickets are random lol so you’ll see who you sit with. Going through the tunnel and into the plane is so fun!!.
Ok on plane pt1.
Seating: Brigid gets lucky and is in a row with both Dylan and Jamie so she’s sandwich’d between them, but that depends on what part of the row you like, aisle, middle or window. Orrr maybe for the plane ride brigid is sitting w dyl this time and w Dylan c or something and Jamie’s trying to get Dylan c to switch seats w him so that he can sit w Brigid as well. Jealous boy....
Kesh and Kirby are automatically sitting together even if they have different assigned seats lol. Idk kesh can you sleep on planes, i never can. Wbu Brigid? So if you can you are still sleeping on Kirby and he’s making sure that you have good leg room and are comfortable.
Hehe maybe to spare Quinners feeling we will sit together in the same row. Maybe Ryan can sit w us and behind brigids row cuz the chirps never stop y’all. Since i never sleep on planes maybe Quinner falls asleep on me and I can play w his hair 🥺
The rest of boys are just asleep before take off
Still this flight is chaotic lol.
Pt 1. Is before take off. So pt 2 is the flight and getting to Greece 😍
Hope you enjoy:))
hehe sorry for the late response, i had a big history assignment i had to finish last night. anyways, long post ahead
ok i want to go to greece so bad bc it’s sooooo pretty, so going with the canada boys is like a dream. whenever my friend goes i try to convince her to let me come with but she won’t lol
yesss the airports in the early morning have the best vibes, bc there’s barely anyone there and you can do basically whatever you want. haha my dad’s the same, we have to be to the airport like 3 hours before our flight and our flights are usually at like 5:30 am. and i’m just like why? there’s barely anyone there, plus we have pre-check so we can get through really fast
anywayssss yes we’d get to the airport at like 3:30 so pretty much everyone is super tired and like about to fall asleep. and then we have to go through security and a bunch of us would get beeped lol. and i won’t have precheck bc my dad wouldn’t be there lol so i have to go through normal security with all of you guys, which i haven’t done in ages so i don’t even remember what to do lmao. don’t you have to like take your shoes off?
so once we all finally get through, we have to go find our gate so we can put all our stuff down. side note: do you guys check you bags? i never do bc both times my siblings have checked bags stuff got broken so now i just bring a carry-on suitcase and a duffel that i can put under the seat. anywayssss once all our stuff is set down ryan and quinton have to go get snacks and then braden decides to go with. honestly i feel like quinton would be the one keeping them in check lol while the other two are just going crazy with the food
meanwhile, me and jamie are just sleeping over by our gate. like usually i’m the one who’s super hyper for the morning flights, but since my swim practice keep getting pushed back later i probably wouldn’t go to bed til like 1 am the night before so i would be really tired lol. plus jamie would be wearing one of his hoodies and i would also be wearing one of his that i stole and he would be so warm that i would just fall asleep with him and we’re just cocooned together 🥺 also yes please take pictures i need a new phone background
and then kesh and kirby are just chilling together, kesh is passed out on kirby and kirby’s just playing with her hair while she sleeps bc he’s responsible so he actually went to bed early the night before lol. and some of the other guys just pull their hoods over their eyes so they can sleep 
then there’s you and quinner and dyl who are still tired but not enough to sleep, so you guys go to get coffee, either tims or starbucks depending on if we’re in canada or the states. and then you can get kesh her stuffed pretzel and then coffee for me, haha unpopular opinion i usually drink my coffee black. so then you can leave the pretzel and coffee for kesh and i and then you quinner and dyl go leave to find the other guys bc you want food lmao. good thing ryan isn’t there or else the two of you would be waking me and jamie up just to chirp us lol. anywayssss then while you guys are going to catch up with the other you steal quinner’s beanie and he spends a good 10 min trying to get it back before he just gives in and lets you keep it 😂
hehe then when it’s finally time to board it’s just chaos like trying to wake everyone up and get all your stuff and making sure everyone has passports. and then we’re all trying to carry all the snacks onto the plane bc there are so many, and everyone else is just staring at us lmao
so then once we get on the plane it’s even more chaos all trying to find our seats and everyone’s switching seats so they can sit with who they want to lol. and then i’m in a row with dyl but jamie’s not in our row, so he’s begging cozens to switch seats with him and ends up paying him like $50 just to switch lmao. so then i’m between dyl and jamie bc i really don’t care which seat i have and i’d probably be watching a movie (if we have them, idk my dad has a tonnnn of points saved up from traveling for work so we usually can get first class tickets free) bc i can never sleep on planes. and then kesh and kirby are automatically together, everyone would switch seats if they needed to have the two of them together bc they’re literally #couplegoals. and kirby’s just trying to make sure kesh is comfy and that she can sleep if she wants to. and then we have lexi in a row with quinner and ryan, and ofc they have to sit behind me for the sole purpose of lexi and ryan chirping me the entire fucking flight. but then quinner’s still tired even tho he drank like 3 coffees, so he falls asleep on lexi and lexi plays with his hair 🥺 and then half the other boys are already asleep again, like i don’t understand how they sleep sm? i could never
so anywayssss that’s all for part one, i love it and i’m so excited for part two. and i’m sorry i really didn’t add much but i’m braindead from the math test i just took
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babymyharry · 8 years
the morning after
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about five of my friends and i were just casually chilling around the coffee table @ 3 am last night (morning) talking about what we would do if any of us ever hooked up with harry. don't ask, idk either. but that’s how this got thrown together. i should be doing homework right now btw. i hate harry styles a lot (jk i love that bitch) 
WARNINGS :: a lot of this is literally just “texts” but you know i like to think i have a sense of humor so :-) like i said this is what i, ME PERSONALLY, would do if i ever hooked up with harold (lol) soooooo keep that in mind lmfao. 
don’t know how i feel about this one (questions my entire thought process) but hey! it’s something and i haven't posted in a while :) enjoy (;
O V E R V I E W 
“Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets or summat like tha’?”
He gets a playful shove and the roll of her eyes as she tries not to laugh at that. What a fuckin’ dork (which, in truth, just makes him all the more perfect to Y/N.)
“You’re a comedic lad, aren’t ya?”
She didn’t get crushes very easily, but it seems Harry was just the right amount of charming to have her falling faster than Alice did chasing after that damn rabbit.
Y/N doesn’t do one night stands and Harry truly and honestly believes she’s a proper angel or something. 
It was the light streaming in through the enormous glass window that woke Y/N up from her slumber. She felt completely at peace, the atmosphere she was in creating the perfect ambiance for her restless early morning thoughts. 
That is, until she realized where she was. Well, not that she really knew exactly where the fuck she was. Because this house is definitely not her tiny studio apartment and there’s no baby Siberian husky at her feet that usually kept her company during the night and made sure to wake her with a slobbery kiss and there was no (annoying) roommate to wake her with the sounds of God knows what. 
Needless to say, Y/N had no idea what she was doing here. 
She vaguely remembers what even happened last night, if she’s being quite honest. Something about an award show her boss (whom she was an assistant for) dragged her to and a whole lot of famous people. 
And that’s exactly what makes her eyes widen and her eyes dart over to the sleeping man next to her. His bare back was facing her but she knows those tattoos from anywhere and - oh shit, he’s rolling over! 
Y/N doesn't mean for her mouth to drop in pure shock when her guess of who was next to her turns out to be accurate. 
Holy fuck, I hooked up with Harry Styles. 
His eyes were still shut tight and she really doesn't think she’s ever seen any boy look so peaceful in her whole damn life. He looks beautifully fucked out and Y/N smiles a sly smile with the remembrance that she’s the one that did that to him. 
Yet, that doesn't stop the adrenaline coursing through her and her mind raising a mile a minute. She really hopes he’s a deep sleeper when she tip toes over to her forgotten purse. She rolls her eyes when she spots her undies quite literally hanging from the lamp sitting in the corner of his bedroom. 
Y/N wasn’t always one for one night stands. She had always gone with the boyfriend route. Any boy who was ever interested in her knew you had to make her feel like a princess much before any clothes would be coming off. And so they did that. She’s had over 5 boyfriends in the past 2 years and maybe it was her fault she kept falling for assholes but Y/N really think she has the words “hurt me” and “break my heart” tattooed on her damn forehead or summat. Because none of them ever worked out. The longest relationship she’s ever been in was three months and that ended about 2 weeks ago when Y/N caught him cheating on her with her roommate (she also needed to seriously look for a new roommate). 
Her best friend Celeste told her the easiest way to forget about a dude was by getting another dudes attention. 
Maybe that’s exactly what Y/N was doing. 
She peers back at the bed with, sure enough, a knocked out Harry Styles still very much asleep. She grabs her phone out of the small clutch she had brought to the event with her last night and texts Celeste with emotions she doesn't know how to describe raising through her. 
to Celeste girl, please tell me you're awake!!!! need some girl help asap
from Celeste what's shakin??
to Celeste okay no time to explain but i took your advice and ventured out and kinda hooked up with a guy??? and he's sound asleep next to me and idk what to do i've neVER BEEN IN THIS SITUATION?? should i like leave or is that bad or will he be annoyed if i stay GIRL HELP ME
from Celeste okok so he's sleeping right??
to Celeste like a baby
from Celeste yeah plz stay omg
to Celeste stay? should i act like i'm sleeping or something when he wakes up or?????
from Celeste i mean sure but regardless DONT LEAVE THAT HOUSE
to Celeste OK GOTCHA see this is why we're friends
from Celeste so i can give you hoe advice?
to Celeste precisely.
from Celeste yo is he hot lmao
to Celeste girl he's a dream. not only that he's such a gentleman
from Celeste MARRY HIM
to Celeste stfu i'm still freaking out
from Celeste what is this boy's name i need details
to Celeste you wouldn't believe me if i told you
from Celeste wait so i know him??
to Celeste uhm!! kinda ig omg
to Celeste my lips are sealed
from Celeste ugh you whore Y/N's finally got some dick after lame ass dude from film school and he's so hot she can't even name him. will we ever find out mr dreamy's name?? we'll just have to wait and see. you know i'm always watching. xoxo, gossip girl
to Celeste LMFAO STOPP IT ADKJSF srsly Celeste i'm freaking out i don't know how he's gonna react when he wakes up
from Celeste i'm going to be so honest bc we're best friends. he may be a rly nice ass dude and i'm hoping to God but if he's an ass and asks you to leave i don't want your lil heart to hurt okay? some guys are like that and i don't want you to get your hopes up
to Celeste i won't i won't he was just a hot hookup, yeah?
from Celeste for now at least yeah but hey maybe mr dreamy is rly who you say he is and you end up dating or some shit that would be rad as hell but for now UNLEASH THE INNER HOE
And so with the roll of her eyes and a smile on her lips, Y/N swiftly makes her way back over to the bed, so quietly you might question if she was supposed to be some sort of spy in a different life. 
It’s about three minutes later when his eyes start fluttering that she puts on her best acting impression of someone who totally didn't just text her best friend asking about hook up advice. 
Harry’s hands go to his eyes and he’s blinking and wiping the sleep away when he gets a glimpse of the mile long legs next to his. There’s a brief flashback of last night where those same legs were wrapped around his hips in the car on the way to his flat after - fuck, what event even was that? Her tantalizing physique making it nearly impossible for him to wait to just fucking rip the fabric of the dress off. 
He shakes his head of the memory, glancing to the right angel next to him. 
Her hair was draped perfectly around her face resembling a halo or summat and Harry really doesn’t know what to call the emotions coursing through him. 
She’s beautiful, he decides. Completely and irrevocably beautiful. Harry’s heart does a weird twist and he has no fucking idea what it means but he can’t find a reason to dislike whatever was happening. He quite likes the feeling, actually. 
He doesn't know what the fuck to do, though. Wake her? Let her sleep? 
If only Harry knew she was in the exact same situation minutes ago. 
He opts for leaning over and cuddling into her with a lingering kiss to her cheek. (Y/N was quite the actress, wasn't she?) 
Her eyes slowly blink open as if she’s been asleep for a decade and then they meet with his. 
Her eyes roam from his eyes to his lips, from his eyes to his lips, from his eyes to his lips....
The next thing Harry knows is that they’re kissing. Much less fervent than last night but the drive is still there and he was over the moon about it. Her giggle causes the dimples to shine through as she broke the kiss. 
They probably just stared at each other for a good couple of seconds before he muttered the first sober words, “Mornin’, love.” 
Maybe they were both dissociating the fact they were proper strangers. Proper giggling like they’d been dating or something - how absurd. But neither Harry or Y/N really seem to have a care in the world about that. 
His voice was thick and raspy and Y/N never knew British accents were her thing till now. She could get used to this. 
But then realty sunk in. 
He’s Harry Styles. He’s a multi-milonaire with enough female attention to have a one night stand every night for the rest of his life and then some, if it did fancy him. Y/N couldn't be anything special to him. Right? 
“I should.. I should probably go, right?” 
His eyebrows furrow and those dimples are no where to be found when her question is asked. Maybe Harry was wrong, maybe she didn't feel the same way. 
But God. He doesn't think anyone has ever successfully made him feel this fucked out in a long time and the fact her beauty had him proper stuttering over the next thing he said to her was proof enough of how he felt. 
“What’s the rush?” The way his words come out so very somber (replicating a wounded little puppy dog, and Y/N’s heart almost breaks) causes Y/N to put a hand to his cheek as her eyes go wild in panic. 
“Didn't- didn’t mean it like tha’! Swear. Sorry, I’m just.. not really used to this kinda thing.” 
Harry’s eyes shine at that as lips turn upwards, “Whatcha mean by tha’?” 
“Like,” she motions between the two of them, “I don't hook up.” 
Harry wouldn't admit that actually makes him all the more attracted to her. She definitely wasn’t inexperienced, that he already knew. Far from that, if he’s being frank. But it might've tickled his tulips a bit too much with the information that she hadn’t accompanied too many blokes in their bedroom affairs and he’s seriously relieved about that. Not that he has any room to be jealous of her past lovers... but he is. 
“Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets or summat like tha’?” 
He gets a playful shove and the roll of her eyes as she tries not to laugh at that. What a fuckin’ dork (which, in truth, just makes him all the more perfect to Y/N.)
“You’re a comedic lad, aren’t ya?” 
Y/N really wants to kiss those dimples and stay wrapped in his arms forever. She didn’t get crushes very easily, but it seems Harry was just the right amount of charming to have her falling faster than Alice did chasing after that damn rabbit. 
The hand that was resting on her hip squeezes playfully as he chuckles a very boyish laugh that makes him look years younger. Y/N is a bit too enamored with how pretty she thinks he is. How long ago did they meet again? 
“I try, my darling,” There’s a flash in his eyes and it seems he wants to say so much but settles with holding his hand out for her to shake and she’s confused till he speaks. 
She grins with realization and Harry decides every time she smiles an angel defiently gets their wings. “Y/N.” 
And so they shake hands with eyes full of a lustful kind of love and hearts full of gold. 
“Nice to meet yeh, love.” 
hope you enjoyed :) 
send me feedback 
my other writings 
all the fucking love,
- amanda xx
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