#posting this after my last piece is kind of funny (crying) i think
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wrenkos · 2 years ago
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ckret2 · 9 months ago
So a while ago some friends were talking about fans who claim the Same Coin theory is canon. And I made the mistake of saying:
Do you know who also has tons in common with Bill? Mabel. Yet nobody claims Bill reincarnated as Mabel. …wait now I want a "same coin but it's Mabel" AU. Funniest Bill reincarnation option. The all-seeing arsonist is making macaroni glitter art. The omnipotent tyrant is crying because a unicorn called her a bad person.
And then I overthought it for two months.
So—AU where after death, Bill's soul shoots 13 years into the past and reincarnates as Mabel. I'll call it ✨ Sparkly Coin AU ✨
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Don't leave yet. Lemme show you why it works. Behold the eerie amount of parallels in their personalities, dialogue, behavior, mannerisms, tastes...
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I could have kept going but my attention span ran out. All right, we all on board now? Convinced we could segue from one personality into the other? Great. Now here's why you should be interested: the juicy post-Weirdmageddon angst potential.
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As long as a small fringe of the fandom still thinks Weirdmageddon is Mabel's fault, why not amp that up x100 and have some fun with it?
Is everyone sold now? Great. Let's get into the details. I've got 8 more pieces of art under the read more.
So the AU starts the instant Bill dies. Thanks to invoking his deal with the Axolotl—one way to absolve his crime, a different form, a different time—the Axolotl gives him a new shape and shoots him thirteen years into the past. Apparently, the Axolotl thought it would be very funny to stick Bill in the family that defeated him.
Which probably made for a jarring transition.
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(It's fine, she's like 10 minutes old, she probably can't even tell who she's looking at. Not being able to tell who she was looking at is what got her into this situation ayyyy)
When Dipper & Mabel come back from Gravity Falls complaining about this triangular jerk Bill, their parents mention that Dipper's name was nearly Bill. See, after they knew they were going to have a boy, one night their mom dreamed about a visitor—some kind of magic pink salamander??—calling her child "BILL." Then at the next sonogram they found out they were having twins, the girl must've been hidden at a weird angle the first time, and they wanted matching names, so they thought, Bill and Bell. But they didn't really like Bell; but eventually they stumbled on Mabel, so to keep the names matching they switched from Bill to Mason. Isn't that the darnedest thing?
(Of course, Mabel and Dipper assume Bill harassed their parents to try to trick them into naming a kid after him. To be a jerk.)
When Bill meets Mabel, he's unaware that she's his future self—Bill's notably bad at doing things like, say, double-checking to see whether he's going to die anytime soon—but like... he can tell something's up.
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Naturally, before visiting Gravity Falls, there were echoes of who Mabel used to be—but nothing anyone would be able to identify without context. All her Bill-ish quirks either smoothed out with time (see: how between second grade and fourth grade Mabel went from being the "freak" to the popular girl in class), or else they were accepted by her family as Mabel-ish quirks.
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After they meet (and kill) Bill, they have the context to understand some of Mabel's behaviors... and unfortunately, some of Mabel's latent Bill-ness starts surfacing after she's been directly exposed to her prior incarnation.
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The part of the Pines family familiar with Bill thinks the worst case scenario is that maybe Bill's survived and is slowly possessing Mabel; but far more likely, they think this is just some weird way of trying to subconsciously process last summer. Mabel doesn't think she's being weird, you guys are being weird, stop giving her weird looks. They get attacked by one triangle and now she can't wear yellow or pick up macrame as a hobby??
(It's not all red flags and uncomfortable triangle imagery, though. When Stan asks her what she'd like as a gift for some important event, she shyly admits that she thinks she's starting to outgrow her plastic gem jewelry and maybe she's old enough to get her first piece of real gold jewelry, if that's not too expensive? And Stan's never been so proud of her. Thirteen years old and already thinking about buying gold!)
But of course, the real fun starts when Mabel finds out.
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That's the face of a girl who's just discovered that she tortured her great uncle. Now imagine running into the brother she possessed.
But I've already spent a million words and thirteen images on this post. If enough folks are interested in the AU maybe I'll expand on it later. Let me know what y'all think.
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traveler-at-heart · 17 days ago
Doctor's In - Part 17
Summary: You're finally back in Westview.
It’s your last shift at Romanoff Medical Center and everyone’s trying to act normal.
But then Yelena is rushing past you into a conference room, and Lorne is nowhere to be found even though he always insists on greeting you with a song.
���Hey, Y/N, could you help me review some post ops over here?” Yelena asks at one point and you play dumb.
If they’re going to ignore your no party request, the least you can do is have fun with it.
“I haven’t had lunch. Let’s do it at the cafeteria”
“No, it will only take a minute” the blonde insists and you smile, pretending to think about it.
“Alright, then”
When everyone screams “Surprise!” you pretend to be, knowing Wanda would want you to be polite.
“Cut the cake, come on” Yelena insists and after the first bite your mood changes instantly.
“Holy crap, this is delicious. Thanks, guys”
“So predictable. I knew the way to you was through your stomach. Speaking of which”
She hands over a card that has an intestine drawn and the words “We’ll miss you, don’t forGUT about us”
“Get it? Gut, as in your insides…” Lorne explains and you nod, hoping he shuts up.
“Yeah, seemed obvious to me, thanks”
Everyone’s asking about your plans and you try to dodge the questions. Your plan is to get on a plane back to Westview and hope for the best. Carol’s wedding seems like a safe enough topic, as everyone loves a party.
“Hey, I thought it was someone’s birthday” Val greets you.
“You made it! You are here for my party, right?”
“Yelena mentioned it. But, could I talk to you for a minute?” she gestures towards the hall and you follow her, a plate full of cake in your hands. “So, I have good news. The program wants you”
“They’d like it more if you agreed to move right away, but two months this summer is a compromise they’re willing to take. Not a lot of people request to go to Sokovia specifically”
“Ok, that’s awesome. Can you send me the details? I need to organize everything” you begin to think about flights, accommodation…
“And tell your girlfriend” Val reminds you.
“Oh, yeah. That”
Hey, babe. Wanna move back to your home country for the summer?
“Take it one step at a time, Y/N. And it was lovely meeting you” Val says, surprising you with a hug. She didn’t seem like the type to hug at all.
“You don’t want any cake?”
“Eat a slice for me”
“I can definitely do that” you mutter as she walks away. By God, it’s delicious.
More people go in and out of the conference room to say goodbye and you appreciate all their kind words. It’s a little overwhelming, as you honestly didn’t think anyone even noticed you around.
“Natasha’s not coming?” you ask Yelena, and the blonde shrugs her shoulders.
“I’m sorry, I told her but you know how she is”
“No, I get it” you nod, trying to be casual about it.
The Romanoff that does stop by is Melina, who is on her way to a conference in Milan.
“Just wanted to wish you the best in your next adventure, whatever that is”
“I was considering stand up comedian” you joke, offering her cake. She turns it down with a polite gesture. “I’ve been told I have a funny bone…”
“Stick to medicine, darling” she cuts you off, making you laugh. “Before I leave, I need you to review your separation agreement and severance, just to make sure it’s all ok”
You nod, taking the piece of paper she’s offering.
“Uh, there’s definitely an extra zero there” you say, eyes open wide.
“I must insist. Save it for your time in Sokovia”
“You know about that, huh?” you chuckle.
“Of course. I’m part of the NGO’s board” Melina says, smiling. “Don’t be a stranger. You’ll always have a place here if you want to come back”
“Thank you” you say, and Melina nods. “I just… want to say I admire you, not just the research you do, but for giving back to the community. I see it and a lot of people in this hospital see it too, I hope you know that, Doctor Romanoff”
“Mama, it looks like you want to cry” Yelena chimes in and you roll your eyes. Melina laughs, asking her daughter to walk with her to the exit.
You’re left alone with Lorne, who is removing the decorations. You help him for a bit, working in silence until he sobs loudly.
“I’m gonna miss you so much, Doctor Y/L/N”
“Ah, jeez” you say, hoping he doesn’t hug you. “It’s alright. Sharon is great. You’ll love working with her. Go check on my post ops, that will cheer you up”
It’s a quiet shift, which you appreciate. Yelena spends the rest of the day glued to your side, until it’s time to go back and pack the last of your things.
“Don’t be a stranger” the blonde says, looking everywhere but you.
“Yel, we’re seeing each other for Carol’s wedding. You don’t think Kate already told Darcy you’re her plus one?”
“She’s so bad at keeping secrets”
“Come here” you pull her for a hug. You’re gonna miss her, truly. And you hope there was something you could do to stay here, but you made a choice and your family comes first. “Don’t wanna be corny, but I care a lot about you, kiddo”
“I know” she says against your shoulder, hugging you before letting go. Yelena wipes her eyes and smiles. “See ya soon”
The penthouse feels a little empty, and the view from the terrace is gloomy, the clouds making it seem sad. It’s not like you have a lot of stuff to pack, only the clothes you bought when you got here, some shoes and scrubs. Everything else is either at Wanda’s or it was already here.
With a final look at the place, you close the door and go down the elevator one last time. As you’re about to step out the building and ask for a cab, someone pulls over.
“Need a ride?” Natasha says, opening the door of her car for you.
“Hey, stranger”
“You didn’t think I’d let you go without saying goodbye, did you?”
“Well, honestly? I did. You missed my farewell party”
“That’s because I knew someone would cry and it makes me uncomfortable” she explains, driving straight to the airport. “Got everything you need?”
“I think so, yeah” you nod. “I’m excited and terrified. I feel like everything will be the same and at the same point, nothing will, ya know?”
“Yeah I get it. You’ll be fine, though” she assures you, smiling.
The conversation flows easily, and you briefly mention your summer plans. She smirks, and you slap her arm.
“What are you laughing at?”
“See? I was never the problem. You’re more than capable of finding ways to piss off Wanda by yourself”
“Is it so bad to travel across the world to help others?”
“I’m just teasing” she laughs, though you know there’s some truth behind it.
Honestly, you’re 50/50 regarding Wanda’s reaction. Maybe she’ll be excited, and maybe she’ll throw something at you, lecturing you about making big decisions together.
“Alright, we’re here” Natasha says, pulling over. She helps with your suitcase, lingering for a bit as you get everything ready. You confirm you have everything with a nod, and your eyes meet hers.
“I know” she says, pulling you in for a hug.
“Don’t be a stranger, please? At least text me once every month” you say.
“I’ll try my best. Take care, Y/N”
“You too” you wave one last time before walking to the airport.
When you’re finally on the plane, and you look out the window, the buildings of the city turn into nothing more than memories.
Time to go back home.
The air is cleaner, and so are the skies. That’s the first thing you notice as you step outside. The airport is so small compared to the one in Boston, and you don’t have to walk a lot to find Carol waiting for you.
“If it isn’t my runaway bridesmaid” she jokes and you smile, running to hug her.
“I’m back! I’m sorry. Do I still get to plan the bridal shower?”
“Maybe, we’re still wondering if it’s a good idea to get half the hospital drunk” she jokes. “Is that all you got?”
“Yeah” you hand over your suitcase, and you drive back to the hospital.
“So, how’s Wanda?” she gets right to it.
“Good. We’re working things out but taking it slow. I thought it might be a bit rushed to move right back in so I’ll stay with Darcy until I can find a place”
“Very mature and sensible” Carol nods. “I’m happy the time apart was good for you two. Like me and Maria”
“How’s the future Mrs. Danvers?”
“Stressed, but managing. Plus we’re thinking about trying for a kid so…” Carol mentions and you all but scream.
“A little troublemaker! They’re gonna be so cute”
You keep updating each other on things here and there, and when you finally get to the hospital, you stand outside for a minute to take it in.
It doesn’t feel wrong to be back. You’ve been through these doors more times than you can count. You know the people who work here; they’ve had your back and you have theirs.
Apart from the time you quit on the spot, of course.
With a sigh, you decide it’s time to face Fury. Carol wishes you luck and you agree to meet later for the final dress fitting.
His secretary does a doble take when you request to see him, and she hurries to his door.
“It’s Doctor Y/L/N”
“Well, it’s a miracle” Fury exclaims. You rub the back of your neck and walk in his office, smiling like an idiot.
“Hey… how’s it going?”
“Understaffed. Can I help you? Or did Romanoff send you to steal another head of department?”
“Uh, no… I came to request a job interview. Since you’re understaffed”
Fury leans back on his seat, crossing his arms.
“Well, the position of Head of Trauma is…”
You hear a commotion outside, and Darcy screaming for people to move out of the way.
“Hi, good morning” she straightens her glasses. “I quit” she turns around but comes back a second later. “Just to clarify. I’m still the Head of General Surgery. I quit as Head of Trauma. Thanks. See you in the cafeteria, Cujo”
“Nah, come here…” you pull her in for a hug, and are surprised to feel Darcy returning the gesture. “I missed you”
“Excuse me” she says, hiding her tears and walking away. You want to follow her but Fury clears his throat and you turn back to look at him.
“As I was saying… the position is currently open. But I’m looking for someone who will stay. And not quit on a whim, and leave her people high and dry. Can you be that person?”
“Yes, sir. Oh, except I’m going to Sokovia in the summer for a couple of months”
“If I wasn’t bald already… I’d definitely be thanks to you” he sighs, massaging his temples.
“Hey, I’ll find someone who can cover for me, that’s a promise” you raise your hand. “Scout’s honor”
“Fine. Go to HR and get the paperwork started. Welcome back, Doctor Y/L/N”
“Thanks, sir. It’s good to be home”
People greet you in the hallway and you smile, excited to catch up with everyone. Ana, the woman from HR is not so thrilled about you.
“Coming or going?” she asks, and you laugh awkwardly.
“Oh, coming back to my old position. Fury told me to get an updated ID”
“Uh-hu” the woman eyes you up and down.
After the paperwork hassle, you walk around the hospital. There’s a couple of signs in the board and you read them, taking an interest in one that’s looking for a roomate.
For more information, call James Barnes.
You take the ad and run to the ER, finding Bucky working on setting up an IV.
“Welcome back” he says with a smile you’ve only seen twice.
“Thanks. Now, about that room you’re renting”
“You’re gonna be roommates with my nemesis?” Darcy says as you drive to Wanda’s house.
Wanda was busy during the day but organized an early dinner with her family and some of your friends to welcome you back.
“Barnes is not your nemesis. You are coworkers, Darcy. Plus, you hate it when you have to share space with other people. I remember what it was like in college”
“Well, that’s true. I just don’t believe Wanda will let you sleep anywhere else”
“It’s for the best. I can’t go from living alone for the past three months to a full house again”
She’s about to say something when you cut off another driver, going faster while he honks at you.
“Damn, is she waiting for you naked? Why are you driving like a lunatic?” Darcy says, holding on to the dashboard.
“Oh, sorry” you immediately slow down. “Got used to driving in a bigger city”
Pietro is the one that opens the door when you knock (it feels weird to just walk in like you own the place). He stares at you and you think he’s getting ready for another shovel talk when he smiles, hugging you.
“Wow, careful” you say when he lifts you in the air.
“I’m a lot better now, sestra. Welcome back”
“It’s good to be back”
The minute you walk in, the kids run up to you and you lift them over your shoulders, Sparky running around and jumping up and down to make you notice him.
“My little velociraptors! Hey, Sparky!”
The party is bigger than you expected. The Bartons are there, as well as Agatha, Rio and Mrs. Davies. You walk into the backyard where there’s a large table and people begin to walk over to welcome you.
“Hey, hot stuff, you got buff. Rio, come over here, feel those muscles” Agatha says, squeezing your arm. Rio smirks, biting her lip as she joins her girlfriend. They share a look and you feel like this is a kink of theirs.
Clint comes over to save you.
“Looked like you could use some help”
“Uh, yeah. I feel dirty. Thanks, man”
“Good to have you back”
Laura joins you, asking about Lily, who happens to be a friend of hers from college and you also talk about Wendy.
When the kids call for her, you smile and walk in the direction of a woman who has interacted with everyone, but stays in the back.
“Hi, Mrs. Maximoff. It’s nice to finally meet you”
“How did you know?”
“Well, you have the same eyes as Wanda. And you scrunch up your nose the same way when you smile. That’s top of my head, I could mention like ten other things I noticed”
“Very observant”
“When it comes to Wanda, yes”
“I’ve heard a lot about you” the woman smiles.
“I’m afraid not all of it has been good. I wish I hadn’t cause so much trouble when I left” you sigh, knowing there’s no point in pretending you didn’t screw up.
“Relationships are complicated. What matters is how much work you want to put into it” she looks at you sternly and you nod. Her eyes divert to a spot over your shoulder and she smiles. “I believe my daughter’s waiting for you”
“What?” you turn to look behind you, forgetting everything as soon as your eyes meet Wanda’s.
She’s in a beautiful green dress that brings out her eyes, smiling at you as you walk up to her.
“Welcome ho…” she begins to say but your lips interrupt her. Your hands cup her face gently as you kiss her, and she covers them with hers, giving you a light squeeze. “As I was saying, welcome home”
“I missed you” you whisper against her lips. “I’m never leaving again, ever”
“Good to know” she smiles at you, taking you back to chat with everyone.
Pretty soon you all grab plates and help yourselves to the food. There’s chicken pie, meatloaf, and some cake.
“Mrs. Maximoff, the chkmeruli is amazing. Did you use adjika?” you say, enjoying the taste. It’s so damn good.
“Yes. How did you…?” she says, impressed.
“Well, I know Wanda had trouble finding a store that sold it here. But I found some of it in Boston and tried to cook with it. It makes all the difference”
“Ok, Barefoot Contessa” Darcy mutters and you elbow her side, chuckling.
“Well, this isn’t store bought. I made it from scratch” Wanda’s mother announces proudly.
“No way, would you teach me?” you ask. “I was thinking about using it with fried potatoes or some other stuff too”
“I’d be happy to” the woman nods, and then looks at her daughter. She speaks in Sokovian, and Wanda blushes.
“What? What did she say?” Darcy asks, and you look between Wanda and her mother.
“She said that Wanda better marry that girl”
Clint whistles, while Laura laughs and you blush.
“No, she didn’t, that’s a lie” Wanda throws a piece of bread to Pietro, but he catches it and puts it in his mouth, smiling proudly.
“Well, babe. I’d listen to your mother” you smile.
Wanda rolls her eyes, but everytime you lock eyes for the rest of the night, you can tell she’s happy that her mother liked you.
Well, maybe when you ask her blessing to propose to Wanda she’ll say yes.
Everyone’s gone, the twins are in bed and Ekaterina has also left for the day.
It’s just you and Wanda in the kitchen, saving stuff in the fridge and loading the dishwasher.
“Thanks for throwing a party. You didn’t have to, baby”
“Everyone was looking forward to seeing you. Now we got that out of the way and I can have you all to myself” she smiles, her hands going around your waist.
“Oh, and why would you want me for yourself only, Miss Maximoff? Anything comes to mind?”
“A couple of things” she smiles, kissing you.
You moan against her mouth when her teeth play with your bottom lip.
“Well, I’m down as long as there’s more of that”
“Then come to bed”
“I should go”
“Stay” she asks. “All your stuff is here, and I know you found that apartment already. I’ll help you take your stuff tomorrow”
“You sure?”
“If it were up to me, you would have moved back here already, detka”
“Well, if it were up to your mother we’d be married” you joke as you go up the stairs. Wanda laughs, pulling you inside her bedroom. You take off your clothes, deciding to sleep in your underwear.
Wanda comes out of the master bathroom wearing one of your t-shirts.
“What a view” you say, pulling her down to your lap. “Better than any penthouse in the world”
“Mhm. I missed you in our bed. I got so lonely, and I… well, someone else slept here for a while” she sighs, looking away. You frown, searching for her eyes. Wanda keeps talking, refusing to look at you. “He was fine, it was just weird with all his hair and a different smell. But nothing happened, we just cuddled, you have to believe me”
“You’re talking about that damn dog, aren’t ya?” you say, because if she isn’t, you’re going to find the bastard that slept with Wanda and kill him.
“Well, I…” Wanda turns to look at you, and her lip quivers. A second later, she’s laughing so loud she has to cover her mouth. “Yes. I’m sorry, you should have seen your face”
“You’ll pay for this” you say, flipping her on her back and tickling her sides. Wanda shrieks, laughing as she apologizes over and over again.
“Strip club”
“For a bridal shower? Groundbreaking” Darcy mocks you, without looking up from the charts she’s reading.
“Fine, you propose something!”
It’s not like there are a lot of things you can do. You know Maria and Carol love sports but you really can’t imagine going to a game and then calling it a great party.
It’s supposed to be fun and memorable and something that you wouldn’t normally do.
“I’m proposing we get drunk, that’s it”
“How about a drag show? That’s fun and very queer of us”
“Maybe. That would be fun” Darcy thinks about it for a moment. “I’ll run it by Carol and let you know”
“Hey, I’m the maid of honor, I should be the one asking her”
“You were demoted when you left” Darcy blows you a kiss, and slams the door behind her. That’s probably a lie, but she’ll make sure Carol hears her out before you can even mention the strip club idea.
Kate comes over to ask for some help, and by the time your shift ends, Wanda’s waiting at the front desk.
“Hey, baby” Wanda greets when you meet her. You kiss her and as you pull back, Darcy walks by, looking annoyed.
“Carol wants to go to the strip club, so your idea wins. Hope you’re happy”
“Strip club?” Wanda turns to look at you, tilting her head.
“You’re an ass, Lewis. It wasn’t my idea. I mean, it was, but I just mentioned it could be something to do” you stutter when your friend leaves and you’re left alone with Wanda.
“Mhm. Might have to go with you to make sure no one touches what’s mine”
“Considering what happened last time we were at a club, I’m not opposed to the idea” you say, remembering how hot it was to have Wanda all over you.
“We’ll see” she promises, kissing the spot in your jaw that always makes you agree to anything. “Now let’s go, the kids are waiting for us”
As soon as you had a free afternoon, you wanted to join soccer practice, mainly to make sure Bitchard knew you were back and he’d think it twice before messing with Wanda.
“There he is” you mutter when you get out of the car, walking to open the passenger door for your girlfriend. Wanda follows your eyes and then scoffs.
“So that’s why you wanted to come along. Honestly, I didn’t even pay attention when he asked me out”
“He did what?”
“I told you”
“You did not”
“Well, I… what are you doing?” she says when you corner her against the car, your hands on her waist. “We’re in public”
“Did he try anything else?” you say against her lips. “Answer me, Wanda”
“Well, good. Let’s hope after today he gets the message loud and clear”
“Trust me, I made sure of that” Wanda tries to push past you, but your hands keep her in place, your grip so strong it makes her knees weak.
“Who do you belong to, baby? Come on, be a good girl, I wanna hear you say it”
“You, I’m yours. You know it”
“I just like to remind you, that’s all. Now, let’s go” you finally set her free, and Wanda misses the feeling of your body pressed against her. She’s going to have trouble focusing on the game now.
“Hey, Y/N. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you” Sharon winks at you the minute you join the rest of the parents.
“Oh, yeah. I’m back for good, though. Missed me?” you joke, knowing it will upset your girlfriend.
“Yes, and those extra muscles suit you very well” she looks ready to squeeze your bicep, but Wanda clears her throat, standing by your side. You wave at Tommy and Billy, who finally agreed to go back to practice on the condition that you train together whenever you’re free.
“Hey, how about a friendly competition between parents? Losing team pays for ice cream” Coach Hill says when an ice cream truck approaches, making all the kids distracted. They’re definitely not playing when they could be having a sweet treat.
“Yeah, I’m in” you say, stepping into the field. Of course, Bitchard is next and you turn to Maria. “Not playing on his team, though”
“That’s fine. You’re both captains of your teams”
A couple of parents join you and Dickhead picks some other people for his team. You’re surprised when Sharon’s the last joining you.
“Let’s get their asses”
To your delight, Richard decides to be the goalie for his team, so you choose the forward position. With some luck you’ll manage to get the ball right in his fucking face.
Coach Hill starts the game with her whistle and the ball is quickly on your teammates side. To your surprise, Sharon is a master dribbler and she runs past most of the men, kicking the ball towards you.
You make it seem like you’ll aim for the left corner and when Dick falls into the trap, you easily kick the ball in the opposite direction.
“1-0. First to score three goals wins” Maria announces.
The game gets so good that even the truck driver parks to watch it. You have to work a bit harder to get to the second goal but by the time you do, you’re out of breath. You lift your t-shirt to wipe the sweat off your face, missing the way Wanda’s eyes darken at the sight before her.
“Sharon, the ball” you scream at her. Apparently, she got distracted too and now you have to run a bit faster to catch up and intercept it.
Still, you score, making it 2-0.
The last goal is super easy, except Bitchard slips and then looks at Hill, whining like a baby.
“That was definitely offside”
“No, it wasn’t” you challenge. “Might wanna have your eyesight checked”
“Yeah? Why don’t you tell your girlfriend to come over and check it for me?”
“I’m going to kill you” you announce, walking towards him.
“Hey, hey. Set an example for the kids” Hill says, standing between the two of you. “It was an offside, not that anyone cares because this is soccer practice for ten year olds… but if it makes you so upset”
“Yeah, that’s fine. Don’t want tiny dick’s to fall off for a technicality” you smile, turning back. “I’m getting that goal either way”
And you do, faster than expected. With a slide, you take control of the ball and then kick it so hard it lands on Richard’s stomach, pushing him against the net. He falls on his back, out of breath.
“Congrats, now how about a friendly handshake to finish this?” Hill proposes, hoping you don’t try to punch the man while he’s already down.
Instead you extend your hand to help him up and when he takes it, you pretend to hug him in a friendly manner, but squeezing his hand so hard he whines.
“If you ever mess with my family again, I will cut your tiny dick with a scalpel and make you choke on it, got it?” you whisper, changing your expression to a smile when you pull apart. You slap him playfully, smiling with a shit eating grin. “Good game, Dick. Now pay up”
The twins are talking non stop when you join them, giving them a thumbs up.
“Can you teach me to slide like that?” Tommy asks when you’re walking back to the car.
“Sure, kiddo. Some other time”
As they get in the car, Wanda stops you, smiling.
“So, all good? The murderous impulse is out of your system now?”
“Yeah, one last thing” you say, seeing as Richard’s arguing with the ice cream man. You approach them, handing over a 100 dollar bill.
“And you had the nerve to ask my girl out when you’re a cheap ass? Keep the change, man”
Wanda laughs as you walk back, pulling her in for a kiss.
“Now I’m done”
You’re in the kitchen, trying to write down everything Wanda’s mother tells you.
“It’s very salty” you comment when she offers you a taste of the adjika sauce.
“It should be, that’s what preserves it”
You nod, and keep following her instructions. Wanda walks around, trying to check what you’re doing, but her mother insists that you need your space to work.
“I wasn’t big on cooking before, guess she’s just curious if I’m making a mess in her kitchen” you explain, smiling.
“So, what do you provide to a household, if not cooking?” the woman says and you want to laugh at the formality of the question.
“Oh, I fix things. My dad taught me how to do a lot of stuff, since I was little. My stepdad too; whenever my mother was too tired to pretend she wanted me around she’d send me to work with him. But he was ok, he liked teaching me things”
“No child should feel like a burden to their parents” is all the woman says and you shrug your shoulders. “You have a sister, yes?”
“And a brother” you nod, smiling. “I was hoping to invite them over, Zach hasn’t met Wanda and the kids. Maybe before…”
You’re about to say before I go to Sokovia but you haven’t had the conversation with Wanda.
“Before…?” Ekaterina looks up, not missing a beat. Darcy was right, she’s very observant.
“Before Jenny goes to college” you half lie.
The two of you work in silence for a bit, but your mind keeps going back to their home country.
“So, can I ask about Sokovia? Wanda tells me some stuff about the food and the language but I’m wondering what is it like there now that the war is over”
“Well, the war is over. But there’s a lot of ruins and a lot to rebuild. No money to do it, and people who love their land. Most of them never left and the ones that did don’t really want to come back”
“Why did you? If I can ask”
“That’s where I met my husband, and where my kids were born, it’s the land that gave me everything I have ever loved. And no offense to you Americans but I could never understand some of your traditions”
“None taken. I don’t like some of them either. Especially from a doctor’s perspective, people get in the weirdest accidents when they’re lighting fireworks or carving pumpkins”
“Can I ask you something?” she says after a beat of silence. You nod, feeling nervous. “I know how you met my daughter and everything that happened between you two. Why do you think it’s different now?”
“Well. Let me start by saying I love your daughter very much. I love how kind and thoughtful she is, how much she loves the boys. I love how she knows exactly how to make someone feel welcomed and appreciated without even trying. I could go on and on for hours, Mrs. Maximoff”
“That’s very nice of you, but it’s not what I asked. I just want to make sure you won’t hurt her again”
You stop chopping vegetables and look at Ekaterina, sighing.
“I… I thought I wasn’t going to survive. She told me she was better off without me, and I took it to heart, leaving to try to move on. Boston was nice. I made friends, the work was very interesting. I could have built my life there. I realised I could survive, live a life without Wanda. But I just don’t want to. So that’s why I’m not leaving ever again. I choose to be here no matter what”
The woman stays silent for a moment, and then eyes you up and down.
“Very well” is all she says. You smile, knowing that’s the highest form of compliment you can get out of her.
Dinner is nice and the kids are eager to tell Pietro about the match between the parents.
“Maybe I’ll join next time” he says. “Now that my doctor has finally given his approval”
“That’s wonderful news” Ekaterina says.
“Good, it’s your turn to do my laundry for the next few months” Wanda says.
“I actually already found a place to stay. So I can give you two privacy. Yeah, you know the guy, Y/N. Barnes”
“Wait, I’m moving in with him”
“Ok, let’s cut the taking it slow bullshit” Pietro says, looking between you and Wanda.
“Language!” Wanda and her mother scold at the same time. You almost want to laugh at the identical frowns on their faces.
“Sorry, but Y/N, you’ve been back for a week and when you’re not working you sleep here” Pietro calls out, and he does have a point. “So, while I find a house of my own, you two can have some privacy”
“You’re staying in Westview?” Wanda asks.
“Yeah, I figured it’s time to settle” he shrugs his shoulders.
“That’s so cool! We can have sleepovers all the time” Tommy cheers and you smile as well.
“Yeah, sleepovers sound like a great idea” you mutter in Wanda’s direction. She elbows your side, knowing you’re thinking about all the alone time you could have if the boys stay with their uncle.
“Congratulations. A toast for new beginings” Ekaterina says.
You keep talking about Pietro’s plans and you agree to help him move his stuff. There’s also the subject of what to do now that his provisional room will be available again.
“Well, mom, you could move in there” Wanda proposes.
“I couldn't possibly leave Mrs. Davies. But now that you have a spare room, you could definitely consider turning it into a nursery” Ekaterina says casually, making you choke on your wine.
“Mom’s only teasing, detka” Wanda says, easing your nerves with a hand on your leg. “I already gave you two grandchildren, hassle Pietro about it”
“Well, unless he does it by mitosis, it might not happen anytime soon” you say, but no one laughs. “That joke would have killed in the hospital, just so ya’ll know”
“Here it only killed the mood” Pietro says.
“Ok, I take it back, I don’t want any more grandchildren, with the three of you I have enough kids to scold” Ekaterina says, making you laugh.
“Sorry” Pietro and you say at the same time.
“Three? What did I do? I’m just eating my dinner” Wanda protests, looking offended.
“Don’t get me started on all the things you did, malyshka”
“Oh, this is going to be good” you say, eager to learn more about teenage Wanda.
“Blasting her music, saying she wanted to be in an all girls band and tour the world instead of going to college”
“Stealing Papa’s car” Pietro chimes in and you gasp.
“Hey, you were there too!”
“Yeah, but it was your idea, remember? You wanted to go to that concert. Sneaked us in with fake IDs”
“You had fake IDs?” Ekaterina says, shocked.
“Children, how about you go get us ice cream?” Wanda interrupts her brother, looking ready to murder him.
“Even if we already had some today?”
“Yes, go crazy!” Wanda encourages them, breathing a sigh of relief when they’re gone. “Not fair, you guys. In front of Y/N too”
“No, I find you fascinating, my love” you laugh, taking her hand and kissing it.
“Blegh, I’m getting ice cream too” Pietro complains.
Ekaterina begins to pick up the dishes and Wanda helps her, insisting that you stay with the boys watching tv.
By the time it’s all done, Wanda calls the kids for bed.
“Detka, can you help mom set the dishwasher?”
“Yeah, sure thing”
You join Ekaterina in the kitchen, and she huffs and scoffs as you load it.
“Why can’t we just rinse them in the sink like normal people?”
“There. All done, Mrs. Maximoff” you smile at her, wiping your hands.
“You should call me Mom” she says, taking you by surprise.
“Uh, you sure? I mean, not even my own mother wanted me to call her that” you joke.
“Her loss. I insist”
“Alright. I’ll… try” you promise.
Ekaterina nods, looking at her watch.
“Oh, my. It’s time for The Price is Right. Mrs. Davies is waiting for me. Tell Wanda I’ll see her tomorrow”
“Yes, Mrs. Ma… Mom” you correct when the woman gives you a stern look. Another thing she shares with Wanda.
“Goodnight” you say, smiling as she kisses Pietro’s cheeks.
Looks like you just got adopted by the Maximoff matriarch.
“Where’s mom?” Wanda says as she goes down the stairs.
“Oh, she was late for The Price is Right with Mrs. Davies” you say, smiling at her.
“Well, come to bed. I have to give you your prize for winning that match” she says, biting her lip.
“I knew I was going to score more than goals today” you smile, picking her up. Pietro overhears, groaning.
“I can’t wait to move out”
“Wear headphones, Maximoff. We’re getting loud” you say, making Wanda laugh as you go upstairs.
“I hate you both!”
301 notes · View notes
velvetwyrme · 1 year ago
i eat up ur recs with a spoon and have almost gotten to the end of the list!!! do u have any other self insert recs? thank u! u have great taste
MWAH MWAH ILY !! THANK YOU and yes ofc I have more recs (not as many as last time, but it should still be a decent list to sink your teeth into <3)
Take care when reading, and always be sure to check the tags!
Same notation as last time, with STATUS of each fic labelled as such: Finished, Ongoing/Unfinished, Discontinued. (Unless the author specified that the fic is Discontinued or on Indefinite Hiatus, I will mark it as Ongoing/Unfinished. Oneshots are also marked as such.)
Spicy (Explicit) and/or Dark fics have also been labelled if relevant. (I won’t mark ones with just suggestive themes/moments, since I cant guarantee I’ll catch all of them. Similarly, unless there is consistent graphic death or gore I [probably] won’t mark it as dark.)
As always, tread carefully while reading and take care of yourselves <3
Edit: Fixed a missing link or two!
These Masks We Wear - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
TIME LOOPS BABEY!!!! This reader is a delight from the get go because they have been stuck in a time loop and are... rather impulsive because of it, which lands them in a bit of a mess, because these strange, dangerous monsters have just emerged from the mountain. (I'm screaming and yelling at this fic very intensely)
Resisting the Current - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
If you haven't read this yet please do yourself a favour and read it. The premise was enough to get me irrevocably hooked (anti-harem but the gf is ALSO into you. ALSO SHE'S YOUR EX) and the writing is just FANTASTIC. I'm obsessed with the dialogue and description at every turn. Also, I would very much like to kiss Quinn please and thank you. The plot is beginning to set in now, and it's so good??? I have to cut this short or else I'll talk forever <3
ALSO the same author recently posted the first chapter of Wishbone which has me in a vice grip!!! AHH
Comic Classifieds - Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
*kicks in the door* DID I HEAR... FAKE DATING? Very sweet VERY funny, with an extremely extraordinarily awkward reader. (Who is also "cute in an awkward, baby giraffe kind of way.") It's sooo good please please check it out.
Stolen with Friendship, Captured by Love - Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
2016... I still love this fic deeply <3 It's so SWEET and it reminds me of the good days of fic... Papyrus is. a Lot to deal with, but the reader takes it all in stride. He is SO full of energy and I want to sqUISH HIM.
Tough Choices, Tougher Consequences - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
I loooooove stories where soldiers get thrust into awful political matters. After you are forcefully removed from the battlefield, the Emperor gifts you his finest gladiator- Papyrus. He intends for the monster to be a toy to you as much as you are a toy to him, but you can't accept that and quickly broker a deal with Papyrus for his freedom.
Already There - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Finished
BURSTS INTO TEARS. Like for real though I adore this fic, it will break you into a hundred million pieces. My beloved son!!!!!!! I can't believe I didn't add this one to my last list it's such an influential piece of my existence like genuinely
There is also a sequel! Which hasn't updated since 2018 BUT STILL IS REALLY GOOD. If you want a slightly less heartbreaking story, the author also has another Sans/Reader; A Tale of Dog and Monster which makes me want to cry but in a happy emotional way instead.
Here's to You, Doll - Mafia!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Ah... this one is very fun. You're a scientist who gets accidentally isekai'd into a Mafiatale universe and becomes stranded there. Unfortunately for you, Don Gaster and his brothers think you are a spy, so you're kinda stuck with them. Also Sans is kinda a little freak in this one at times (/appreciative)
Soul Collector - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
The reader (the Soul Collector) gets transported into another universe and has to stay with their alternate, who is the skeleton's terrible neighbour. You look just like her, of course, resulting in a lot of VERY confusing interactions. I wasn't expecting to, but I actually really like Meyer.
Consequences - Papyrus(?)/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Anti harem, but the reader gets mcfreaking MURDERED (and so does classic Papyrus?!) so now they are both Ghosts. Focus is currently more on platonic relationships and REVENGE but I'm enjoying the twist on the typical anti-harem structure!!
My Soulmate is a Pastel Goth (And Other Concerns) - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Edge is very cute in this and I also feel really bad for him, he's trying so hard but the MC will not give him the time of day ;w;!! I looove me a good tumultuous soulmate fic. (Note: this fic also features Fem!Frisk as Sans’ soulmate in the bg, so if you’re not a fan, that’s something to note ^^! Fr//ans isn’t quite my thing, but tbh I’m really interested in seeing how things turn out here!)
ERROR: Not Found - Error!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Error, gets obsessed with the reader and kidnaps them! It's slice of life, so don't expect TOO much hard hitting angst here, it's more about being woo'd by the strange stalkerish entity who knows everything about you <3
When Death isn't an Option - Horror!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
I'm a sucker for immortal readers, especially ones that get stuck in HORRORTALE of all places. This fic is very fun and plays in the Horrortale sandbox in a fun way- I'm enjoying it a ton so far :]!!!
Additionally... if you liked that or if you're like me and love immortal readers forced to make decisions of extremely dubious morality and sense because of their immortal nature, you should also check out Cadarverous and 𝚎𝚊t. which are both very dark and very compelling.
Babysitting with Extra Morbid Steps - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
So the first thing you need to know is: Papyrus is dead.
... WAIT WAIT WAIT HEAR ME OUT- this is a really brilliantly written fic about like. SO much fucked up shit happening. The reader is Sans' friend, who he has hired/tasked with guarding the various alternates he has. just straight up imprisoned(?!?!). I avoided this for a while because of the aforementioned Papyrus Being Dead thing, but HOT DAMN I'm glad I read it in the end. Delightfully horrifying, but it gets sweet I swear!!! I would say read the tags but those are Spoilery ;)!
Additional note; the comments section often has Really Interesting dissections of characters and their motivations, which if you're into that (like me) then you should read those too!
All You Knead is Loaf - Sans/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
Super sweet, VERY punny fic that updated over the course of a month iirc. It's a cute food-centric Sans/Reader!
Like a moth to flame…or a lamp - Mothman Horror!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
BIG MOTHMAN HORROR!!! He's so sweet and sad this poor man. He has mistaken the reader for his mate and is trying to woo them again...
Those Times I Met His Brother - Sans/Reader - Finished
Essentially you befriend Papyrus and keep getting left with Sans, during which you grow closer. Love Papyrus' not-so-subtle attempts to get them together afjkdfjsf,,
Just Try and Help (Lil Old Hopeless Me) - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Skeleton reader! Very angy skeleton reader. They do not Want to be here (understandably, considering they were essentially kidnapped) but their former caretaker is gone, and they have nowhere to go.
Lovely House of Bones - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Six monsters get stranded in a snowstorm, and you help them not freeze to death by inviting them into the house you inherited. I'm really excited to see where this one goes :D!
Maybe In Time, You'll Want To Be Mine - Underfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
More!! Soulmate stuff!!!! SOULMARKS BABEY!! Love it when there are misunderstandings! Love it when there are cuuuuute background character kiddos!! AUGH it's cute! And angsty! But cute!!
No Good Deed - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
You volunteer at a local homeless shelter where you meet a strange, less-than-friendly volunteer. Short and sweet!
Nothing but Skin and Bone - Horror!Skelebros/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
MORE Horrortale content! This one only finished last month or so- it goes from angsty to sweet/cute and it's real good!!
If you read that and want EVEN MORE sadness and gore, the author's other work Vivid Blood, Pale Scars (DARK) is very tragic and very fucked up because you get saddled the Horrorfell boys this time. MUCH Hurt and No Comfort!! All the endings hurt me in different ways and none of them are happy. LUCKILY(?) the spinoff/AU where the skelebros and reader from VBPS get pulled into a multiversal skeleton house; Blurred Lines, Opened Wounds has just started!! Surely nothing can go wrong. Surely.
The Princes' Bride - Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
What if you got kidnapped by the king to marry his sons. "Why" is a good question. And an even MORE pressing question is: how do you get OUTTA here. (Papyrus is a sweetie, Sans is distrusting, and King Gaster is a mysterious weirdo who is a good dad and bad everything else.)
MorTificaTion - Bad Sanses/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Reader from Outertale gets yanked into Horrortale! They then have to masquerade as Sans' wife and Aliza's mother, all the while trying to just stay alive. Not to mention the other Sanses running around... really fun premise and I'm excited to see where it all goes >:0!! Also extra kudos to the name of the fic because YAY Murder Time Trio (MTT) mention!
So here's the plan... - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader/Underswap!Papyrus- Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
VERY CUTE!! Love them. Fake dating except there's a third conspirator involved. Each of them was also trying to set the other two up in a couple uwu. Chapter 1 is cute, and chapter 2 is spicy ;)!
Just a Cat - Swapfell!Skelebros/Reader - Finished
The reader is in fact, not just a cat. (He is a shapeshifter, and pretends to be a cat.) Shenanigans ensue.
An Apple a Day Keeps the Asshole Away - Swapfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Unhinged. When I say unhinged I mean it in the best possible way but it IS unhinged. They're all a bunch of little FREAKS. Please read it, if only to experience the absolute TERROR of Miss Bluebell and also Steve. What the hell (appreciative)
Honey Lemon Tea - ...?/Reader - Discontinued
RAGHHH I'm so sad this was discontinued :(( I loved the set up and the mystery so much... the author did leave an end note with how the plot would have played out though!
Shifting Morals - Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
You go stargazing and have an encounter with a mysterious stranger :0c?! (It's Sans. He's a cool beasty guy, and he is very very sadly Entirely alone.)
Additionally, this fic was suddenly revived 5 years after posting the first chapter which I have immense respect for.
The Key To Freedom - Yandere Buttontale!Papyrus/Reader - Finished
Yandere Papyrus! Not a common sight, but this fic does it particularly well. He mostly wants to eat your soul at first, but then he starts getting... attached. The bittersweet ending!!! AUGH.
Milky Tea and Souls - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
What if you could summon bitty versions of your soulmates!! And oh stars why are there so many- WHAT DO YOU MEAN MORE KEEP APPEARING??? The reader has a handful of skeletons and more to deal with!
The House on Lane 66 - Various/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
I feel like legally I have to include this (/lh /j). I finally finished it recently and went "WOAH..."
I stopped reading for a while (because of the length...) BUT I returned to it because I really really enjoy the world building (like holy SHIT!!!) but oh my god that sure is. a Million words now. It is TECHNICALLY finished, but that's only because the next part is in the works(?!?!?!)
Love Grows - Farmtale!Sans/Anomaly!Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
🎵 Love grows where my rosemary goes~
The reader doesn't have a physical body or a way to interact with the world while they watch over Saejun and the rest of the Farmtale characters. They inhabit a scarecrow to have some semblance of personhood, but they remain unable to talk...
Falling - Underswap!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
You are dying. You are dying and all of a sudden your dad is asking you to pick out a fucking slave of all things. The monster does not trust you (fair) and he thinks you are faking your illness for attention (less fair. what the fuck). Really interesting dynamics in this one!
Se Brûler - Grillby/Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
I reaaaally love this fic! Sweet fluff! Angst! THE DRAMA!!!!! AUAUUUUGH I have too much to say about it just go read it.
Early Bird Special - Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
Old fic that's still updating!!!! Really interesting plot that just keeps getting More Dramatic as time goes on (in a good way). It's a Slavetale AU, in which the reader ends up joining the resistance after a few chance encounters. The author also has a spinoff fic with the same premise but featuring Underfell instead, which results in quiiiiite a lot changing.
nemesis & nike - Various Horrorbros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
The reader essentially starts off in a zombie apocalypse and then gets transported into an alternate universe where they initially think that the various skeletons they meet are zombies. Turns out they are not in fact, zombies, but like most of them still want to kill the reader so...
Rules to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse - Swapfell!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes] [Warning: Contains Explicit Content.]
More zombie apocalypse stuff! Except this time you're stuck there with a pair of weird skeletons! You give them nicknames so you don't get attached, but of course you end up getting attached anyway.
To My Horror - Horror!Skelebros/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Post-surfacing Horrortale fic where the skelebros get to go live their farming dreams. With you! Slice of life with a dash of intimidation and angst.
If you enjoyed the Horrortale/Farmtale fusion, you'll be glad to hear there's also...
The Skeleton Stalks - Horrortale!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Another Horror-farm-tale fusion which has just begun recently! You live on a farm and all of a sudden there is this Big Intelligent Dog hanging around. Eventually, your new neighbors are sent to check in on you and your Great(er) Dog, which leads to some sweet interactions.
The Ruse - Swapfell!Sans/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
This is a rework! I read the original fic while it was being originally posted and I ADORED it, and the rework is superb <3 Sans is the Captain of the Royal Guard, who must fight valiantly against the villanous Eclipse, who exists only to spread terror... and you're just some human chilling on the sidelines, posting treasonous Soriel posts on the Undernet.
I'm so so so excited for it to return auauusgfhfhdj THE ORIGINAL FIC IS GONE SO I CAN'T EVEN READ IT TO SATIATE ME...
Almost Alone - Swapfell!Papyrus/Male!Reader - Finished
I love the sleepy, slow atmosphere this fic has- it's so befitting of both SF!Pap and the MC in this. It's soft and sweet and melancholic auauuauauuughgh I LOVE IT... *bursts into tears again*!!!! Also, there is a side fic which follows different POVs throughout the story, which is similarly well written!
Date night Purring - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
SUPER CUTE (and slightly suggestive)! Also Edge has a feminine body in this which is always fun. Booba <3
Scares and a Sudden Friendship - Horror!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
Reader's shitty boyfriend leaves them behind in the haunted house in which HT!Sans is working as a scare actor. Sweet little meet cute! (Meet spook?)
Fallen Star - Underfell!Gaster/Reader - Oneshot
An ooooold fic but one that never fails to break my heart. Written from the perspective of UF!Gaster recording experiment logs about the newest fallen human.
Birdy -Mafiafell!Sans/Reader - Oneshot
LET THE BIRD FUCK SHIT UP!! I love the way the Avian... siren(?) reader is characterised... there's also another oneshot in the same series which I enjoyed- love me some weird Creature Body Horror!!
I also really enjoyed the author's other fic: Moss & Mycelium, wherein the reader is a skeleton :]!!
Skeleton's Curiosity - FellswapGold!Skelebros/Reader - Oneshot
SUBNAUTICA AUUUUUUUUUUU YEAAHH BABEY!! I love mermaid AUs and I love Subnautica! Real cute!
Chance Encounter - Underfell!Papyrus/Reader - Oneshot
ANOTHER SUBNAUTICA AU :D!! Except it's just UF!Pap this time <33 !!!
Leaving A Mark - Sans/Reader - Oneshot
The twist(?) made me laugh so hard I almost cried. It's VERY cute also.
Nice to Scare You - Various/Reader - Oneshot Series
A fun series of oneshots of the spookier variety! Or more Halloween-y at least. All very good <3
The Escort - Lust!Sans/Reader || &Reader - Finished
[Warning: Contains Discussions of Explicit Content.]
No romance! (But lots of kind-of-onscreen fucking.) This fic feels like looking at a bunch of polaroids, seeing a snapshot of existence. Life out of context. And it works SO well. It makes me feel sad and existential and I really love it.
Rubble & Ramparts - (An R&R-Inspired AU Fic) - Various/OC || Various&OC - Ongoing/Unfinished
Not a reader insert, but it's like. An AU of a reader insert so I'm including it here!!! Rubble and Ramparts is of course, inspired by R&R (Rabble & Rampallians), which was on my previous list but is getting linked here again for ease of navigation
ALEXIS my beloved!!!!!!! I am in loooove with the way things are going in this fic. It's so COOL and Alexis is such a freaking DELIGHT. Also I just really love reading all the notes from the Cutting Room floor, which the author has kindly included in a separate fic for your reading pleasure!!
ALSO in writing this I also remembered there is Another Spinoff AU fic which IS a reader insert (that I'm enjoying)...
Perception & Patronage (An R&R Spinoff) - Various/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
Thank the stars I remembered this, it's really fun!! Also judging by the tags there is also plans for. not only Various Sanses/Reader, but also READER/READER, which is such an underrated thing I love it, but I digress. It's a really fun spin on a really fun fic <3
Teen Livin' - Various Skelebros & Reader + Frisk/Reader - Ongoing/Unfinished
[Warning: Contains Dark/Heavy Themes]
Cute and sad! Platonic reader insert. The reader is a troubled teen who befriends Frisk, and gets to meet a bunch of skeletal guardians. The skeletons have a familial/friend's cool cousin vibe with the reader, which is really sweet! The fic is currently going through a Halloween Special which I'm enjoying quite a bit (Haunted dolls! Ghosts! Blood!! Still very sad :[...)
Something Good - Fellswap Gold!Papyrus/Reader(?) || /OC(s) - Ongoing/Unfinished
Technically not a reader insert since Coffee is the MC, but I can forgive it because I'm really really invested in this and I really adore the character dynamics so far <3 Coffee striking it out on his own is always a fun thing to explore, and I'm excited to see more!!
I love writing up these rec lists- it's such a fun way for me to rediscover fics I've enjoyed, thank you for giving me another opportunity to reread some of my favourite fics and more importantly to share them with you! I hope you enjoy them as much as I did :D!!!
I'll probably leave it here for now or else I'll end up rereading fics forever lolol it's already like 3am I gotta sleep SOMETIME
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mairon-goth-minion · 5 months ago
time for James (this follows my Regulus post (which follows my Barty post (which follows my Evan post)))
James Potter who grew up surrounded with love and affection
James Potter who’d never known anything but kindness
James Potter who’d thought that everyone was just as happy as him
James Potter who felt physically sick when he learned about what all of his friends had had to endure in their childhood
James Potter who was most touched by his best friend’s story
James Potter who, the day he meant his best friend’s younger brother, at his friend’s house to retrieve the last of the belongings as he ran away, felt like he’d just seen the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen
James Potter who ever since couldn’t keep his friend’s brother out of his head
James Potter who nearly fell off of his broom at ever Gryffindor-Slytherin game because oh Merlin, that Seeker was goddamn magnificent
James Potter who wished he could just hold the object of his affection and tell him just how much he loved him
James Potter who thought that he’d just end up hurting both of them if ever he confessed, as everything seemed to want them apart
James Potter who tried his best to fall for that smart, pretty, stoic and funny girl who everyone thinks he likes
James Potter who hated himself for loving one he can’t have instead of the one he had
James Potter who simultaneously died inside and felt so alive whenever his crush passed near him in the hallways, though calling it a crush was now quite an understatement
James Potter who would have died thousands of time just for his ‘unrequited’ love to kiss him
James Potter who, when he read about the Heir of the House of Black’s death in the Daily Prophet, on a normal morning, felt his heart shatter into pieces, sinking to the ground, and screaming, and screaming, and screaming, and screaming, and crying, and crying, and crying, and crying, until his voice was gone, until there were no tears left inside of him to cry, until he was hollow and empty
James Potter who, when Voldemort came for him and his wife and his child, yelled at them to run, while not moving an inch himself because dying meant that he’d see Regulus Black again
“Regulus. Reggie. I wish I could’ve called you that. Maybe we’ll find each other, after all of this. Maybe there’s another universe where I wasn’t me and you weren’t you, and where I could have asked you out without facing society’s repercussions. Maybe, if I’d been just a little braver, we could be living together, and I could wake up next to you every morning, hold you tight and tell you that I love you more than the Sun loves the Moon. I would give the world to you, my Reggie, my north star, guiding my way, now gone and leaving me alone and lost. I’ll find you, Reggie. I’ll find you, my star. And I’ll love you more than what you believe you deserve, because you deserve all the love in the world. I love you. I love you. See you, angel”
part 1
part 2
part 3
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altschmerzes · 4 months ago
I'm going to be cheeky and give you a couple to chose from (or do them all if you're so incline) Cuddle - wriggle up Cry - wriggle up Break - wriggle up Weak - hold me like my mother made me just for you Strong - hold me like my mother made me just for you Moan -hold me like my mother made me just for you
please by all means i welcome cheekiness in my inbox especially with ask games thank you!!!! these were very fun
hold me like my mother made me just for you clips posted here
and for wriggle up!!!
cuddle (pretty far ahead, after 3x06 in the wriggle up timeline. jamie lives with ted, roy stays the night sometimes and it's to the point where he just crashes in ted's room with him when he does, they are. very much coparenting.)
When Jamie comes to Ted’s bedroom doorway that night, Roy has been expecting it. He doesn’t do this all that often, and it’s sometimes hard to predict when he will, but Roy had a feeling tonight was going to be one of those nights. It’s been a horrible, exhausting, heartbreaking day and frankly Roy himself is so relieved to see him standing there, shuffling from foot to foot and hesitating before coming inside even though he’s lived here for close to a year, that he feels a bit lightheaded with it. For any number of what he would call obvious reasons he hadn’t pushed it, hadn’t volunteered the offer directly, but Roy had wanted it — had thought, though he wouldn’t breathe a word of it for fear of putting some kind of pressure on Jamie, that he didn’t know if he would be able to sleep at all without Jamie there. This is not about him, as he keeps very firmly reminding himself, but Roy can’t imagine getting any kind of rest without his and Ted’s kid cuddled safely between them where nothing in the world could reach him.
the remainder under a cut for post length and also bc there's direct references to child abuse in the next clip
The man always hated it when Jamie cried — that or he found it funny. It was a coin-toss, depending on the day. If it’s a funny day then he’ll get laughed at, loud and amused right in his face, Aww, is ickle baby Jamie having a cry, did something hurt your wee feelings? If it’s an angry day then he probably won’t get smacked — not yet anyway. Not in public. James will grab his arm and his fingers will dig in tight enough to leave bruises and he’ll hiss, Gonna make a fool out of me in front of my mates and all these people, let them all know my son’s a pussy? Want them all to think I raised a pathetic little bitch and not a man, do you? And then as soon as they were alone he’d get it: a quick, sharp slap or a backhand across his mouth, blood blooming against his teeth, reprimanding him for the shame of it.
Ted hadn’t missed what she said last night. I’d never seen it that bad, Shannon had said to Jamie in her desperate attempt to justify why she had made that phone call when it was the last thing he wanted her to do. I’d never seen it that bad. She had seen it, though. Ted figured they all must have at some point seen something but having it confirmed is different and it breaks his heart. Somehow, he still has enough pieces of his heart left to break. The thought of this group of kids seeing their friend hurt and never quite knowing how much danger he was in when he went home, unable to help him until it got so bad that one of them had to betray the grave pact of adolescent friendship and tell his secret to an adult, does the job.
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sollucets · 1 year ago
beloveds @khaotunq, @pranink & @alexshenry tagged me to do:
every month of 2023! list your favorite/most popular gifset for each month.
i started making gifs in march this year, so january/february are off the table for this. it's funny that it hasn't even been a full year yet. it seems both somehow a lot longer and also like i remain some kind of photoshop baby at the same time. the images in this post will remain undescribed until i have some energy in my failing body, unfortunately
in any case:
march: midnight museum invades all 2 of my braincells. i download photoshop. the end is nigh
most popular: msp/eclipse pool parallel set
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favorite: the bams i made for sof
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(notes: it's hard to look back at these lmao. what is coloring and why don't i know her. why is everything so dark. who told me to use noise dithering and why did i ever think that was a good idea. anyway)
april: the eighth sense is airing! i meet many mutuals and friends. i figure out about the curves tool (thank god)
most popular: taehyung getting dunked on
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(very deserved dunk; very bad set. the coloring of this scene was extremely questionable and i did nothing to fix it it looks so dull and gray. augh)
favorite: feet lining up / jihyun & jaewon on the beach
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i really like this coloring actually. it's bright enough to actually see them, their skin doesn't look as weird, and i like the soft pink i made the beach. a win for baby photoshop user rowan
may: the purple is in full swing now
most popular: purple yok
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first set to cross 1k! the purple is still very good but in hindsight there are things i now know i couldve done to help his skin. in any case. a banger. beloved
favorite: pink our skyy 2 hands set
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[through tears] you're my space. also my first try at typography
june: i lose the will to gif some in the back half of this month, but i also learn to do a Lot of new things, like gradient maps & more complicated typography and transitions and such
most popular: puzzle piece hugs!
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deserved! hard to gif and fun to look at
favorite: i think it might be the heartliming i made for vi now! but i still like khathadome from eden too.
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july: i try giffing a few different shows. the only friends trailer comes out on the last day and i enter some kind of terrifying fugue state
most popular: sand and ray fighting / crying in the ofts trailer
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do you guys remember the trailer 1080p? life was so good
favorite: nobody appreciates my ride enough
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august: only friends airs, eclipse anniversary is concurrent, i lose my mind. i also learn to use the method of brightening that i still use & several other fundamental gif tricks
most popular: sandray car makeout
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good for them! i start using significant grain on my ofts gifs from here on out and can never decide how i feel about that
favorite: orange/blue eclipse episode seven set
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september: the madness continues
most popular: sand cooking for ray / special
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ive giffed this scene three times and this is my least favorite coloring but what can you do. this is my third post to cross 1k
favorite: new rules set! i had mixed feelings when i posted it but it's really grown on me.
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october: the madness is so much worse. only friends ends and i am left near-catatonic immediately, apparently. also, i learn to blend and use overlays and some other cool things. i join userdramas :'>
most popular: raysand afterglow. as it should be. cheek kissie
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favorite: space girl!! show me the stars!!!
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loved making this. purple and sparkly and gay. still super proud. that said other runner-up favorites in october are ray's o-face & the boyfriend shirt & akkaye's thumb thing collection
november: i am left cavernously empty after ofts ends and i fill the void with namtan
most popular: last twilight episode one porjai
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she <3
favorite: gaipa userdramas set
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again, i learned to use musescore for this set just so i could have those pretty notes. :')
december: i am punched in the face by seasonal depression. all is not well. i made just one gifset this month, but at least it was good? :')
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and here we are today !! it was very fun to look over everything; thanks so much for playing and have a happy new year everyone
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ryuichirou · 9 months ago
A couple of replies today.
Anonymous asked:
Hell yeah, I’d get a daki from you. Also, Edmund as a body pillow? I’d eat that right up! (You can take that literally or figuratively.) Also a Lilia daki would be sexy af. Hmmm, depending on my cash situation later, I’d love to get an Idia dakimakura. The thought of his over flustered face makes me positively FERAL.
Ahh thank you so much, Anon! <3 Of course, feel free to message me about an Idia dakimakura or anything else whenever you want. He is the most perfect fit when it comes to characters to be put on daki, to be honest…
I am also very happy to see you feel that way about the possibility of Edmund as a body pillow hehe I would also love to eat it up both literally and figuratively. This boy is very eatable.
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
I am sending this ask in super late but your guys piece with mountain Jade killed me. Like seeing the canon art was so cute and handsome and then the groovy had me on my knees clutching my heart and then your interpretation just KO'd me , just like he probably KO'd the poor soul who found him. I could see that one sketch (I think it was you two) where Jade and Rook pass each other in the woods with unidentified long black bags that suspiciously look like people.
But I was revived with the latest cute fucking Octo Trio in Isle of Lamentation and ASFGKJ I am so FERAL for that group of characters. (Not me up here crying in the club at Orthos HUMAN?! cute excited face omg 😭)
Is this Idia's dream and that's why he looks so shocked or is he super concerned because EELS are going to corrupt his baby bro!
Oh and how soft Azul looks at Idia, like they are group of highly disfunctional people who are a little (a lot) crazy for each other in all sorts of ways 🫠 but they are so pretty!!!! and WHY can't Floyd keep his clothes on ahahaha. He's just waltzing around half naked like a gladiator of old and everyone else is dressed appropriately. Orthos excitement over shoes is so cute! Is he looking at Floyd showing off his cool kicks (cause that eel is a certified sneaker head(?) Shoe fanatic?)
And as a last thing. Kalim is like an Asian parent in the way they show their affection through 'You vaguely like something? Here's a lifetime supply because I don't know how else to show my feelings'. Like I know it's just how Kalim is, very open with his affections for Jamil and he probably thinks money and gifts are the best ways to display that. Especially if Kalim can't get as touchy feely and handy as he would like but it just reminded me of that behavior.
No worries, thank you for sending asks!! I am always replying after like 4 months, so “late” doesn’t exist here; time is a flat circle lol
I am very happy you liked that Jade drawing, and YES it was me who drew that doodle of Jade and Rook lol We really love a forest as a creepy setting in general, so I just keep defaulting to something spooky whenever I draw anything related to it. And Jade’s new card was the perfect opportunity!
Jade really is a cryptid from the mountains… And apparently a very charming one 😭
Igni+Octa is such a good combination, I can’t get enough of them! I’m happy you also like them together!! <3 Ortho would always get along with Floyd lol The Tweels are bad influence on him.
It isn’t necessarily Idia’s dream, it’s kind of like an AU? We just wanted to put them in a setting that has vibes similar to Ancient Greece. But you are right: Idia is terrified because while he was talking to Azul, Ortho got completely enamoured by a pair of cool sandals… what else these creeps (fellow shoe fanatics!) are going to give him??
It’s so funny that you noted that Floyd just can’t keep his clothes on, we were wondering the same thing. I drew this sketch a while ago and coloured it the day we posted it, and the entire time I was unsure if I should dress him a little… I guess nah… he really is a gladiator at heart lol
You also completely nailed it about Kalim! I do think that he would love to shower Jamil with gifts, and to him it’s just like little ways to show appreciation and affection… when you are used to your family buying a whole-ass amusement park for one day just because you wanted to hang out there once, getting your beloved Jamil a lifetime supply of chocolate doesn’t feel too crazy at all!
Thank you as always for your kind review of everything that we post <3 I’ll reply to your other ask too!
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
ok sorry sorry but is Deuce going to get stuck again? Because that would be hilarious. Jack can't help himself when his Athletic rival is under him. Do you think they do this frequently? Working out does increase the blood flow and those running outfits are pretttttty tight.
Also yes, this is very likely lol It’s a bit difficult to say if it’s them getting too riled up because of them training together, or it’s because Jack would develop a Pavlovian reaction at some point… He sees Deuce in those shorts – things happen :”( <3
Anonymous asked:
If Deuce tugs on Jack's tail, will Jack-
1. Yelp
2. Growl
3. Moan
Anonymous asked:
Hi, I'm the "Deuce pulling on Jack's tail" anon. I forgot to add-
He does it at a random point during the day. Like, just walking behind him and just grabbed it and pulled.
(forgive me for forgetting to add this, I feel bad for sending in two asks for one question....)
I think it depends on what is on Jack’s mind at that time. It’s not entirely impossible for him to produce a sound that is too close to moaning… that would be embarrassing…
But in all honesty, I think he would yelp. Which would also be embarrassing because this is too much of a puppy-like reaction. He isn’t a kid anymore..!
If it’s someone else or Jack doesn’t see it’s Deuce who’s touching his tail, I think he’s going to growl though. The boy’s ready to attack lol
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cyberdragoninfinity · 5 months ago
Sora mayhap? 🍭
Why I like them/why I don’t: im a turbo sucker for "character effectively raised to be a weapon learning how to make friends and exist as like. a Person" so sora makes me bonkers yonkers. his character arc is so good in a show full of Kind of Fumbled Character Arcs. he's not just an impish Little Fucker™ but then he turns into a certified REAL ONE!! A RARE AND BEAUTIFUL GIFT. he loves his friends with his whole heart and his deck rules and it will never not be funny that every time he's in shot he has somehow acquired another piece of candy and/or dessert. I KNOW HE IS STICKY!!!
What I like about their appearance: i love that the aforementioned candy is like basically part of his design at this point. they need to make a sora figure that comes with the lollypop. also his color palette!! the polymerization colors!!! WAAUUGHH
Do I prefer their dub names or original names?: pretty neutral to both his last names.. I do love that they both have etymologies tied to the color purple!!
OTP: im an aro sora truther so i dont really have oneeee.... we were cooking some insane toxic middle school yaoi in dimensionswap AU with sora and yuya and im still fond of it though
NOTP: i see sora/shay a lot and i gotta say, not a huge fan. age/maturity gap that doesnt feel great and in general i just dont rly think shay would be interested in dating someone largely complicit in All That Shit That Happened to His Home even if they repented. shrugs
OT3: mentioned this when i talked about yuya but yuya/sora/zuzu is very sweet.....
Favourite card they use: GAAAH HARD TO PICK AGAIN. I LOVE FRIGHTFURS. i think i gotta give it to either Frightfur Tiger or Frightfur Sabretooth.... my two dear friends i always have so much fun with in tinks. i love Tiger's weird cackle they gave it in-show.
Favourite moment they were in: everyone and their mom is gonna say the sora-shay duel and i get it, it's a great duel, but im sooo so fond of a lot of Sora's smaller moments that show just how much he cares about yuya and zuzu especially. going out of his way to show Yuya zuzu's helmet and prove she's safe during the friendship cup. when he and zuzu beat the shit out of those cops. when sora duels zarc and he's FUCKING CRYING. OVER YUYA. AAHH. LITTLE BABYMAN
Least favourite moment: i think we actually did talk about this but it's so weird that just like. made sora go back to Fusion after the zarc battle and hes just hanging out there?!??! put him back in Paradise City right now HIS FRIENDS ARE THERE!!!
Something I associate with them: this genre of post
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maestro04yayyy · 1 year ago
So some times ago i posted here the start for my antivillain au fic, today I continued it a little, i am not sure if I will leave it like this when and if I post it on ao3, actually i think this is where i should stop the first chapter, i think it is a good point but I wanted to do longer chapters and this is kinda short(1268 words).
This aside please if you want read this and comment or give me tips or insult me I don't know
“remember to eat at least four times a day”.
“yes chloe”
“and to drink lot of water”
“yes chloe”
“and if roger says anything stupid to you just call me, i will give him a piece of my mind”
Sabrina smiled sadly, eyes blinking quickly to avoid shedding tears before throwing herself against Chloe to hug tightly her best friends,  “thanks Chloe” she hiccuped sometimes before stating,”I will be very lonely while you are away…”.
Chloe's heart clenched painfully hearing the sadness in her voice and once again cursed herself for not having been able to skip the family trip, but right now Sabrina was the priority.
She hugged her friend back and started drawing circles in her back to help calm her down, in other circumstances she wouldn't do that in public, especially where her family could see them, but now it wasn't important for her.
“Hey Brina, don't worry, it's just for a month and you can call me anytime, no matter the time or how many times a day” Chloe stated while kissing her friend's forehead, not caring that tears and snots were ruining her clothes.
Sabrina just continued to cry, not letting go of Chloe when Chloe had an idea.
“Hey Brina, why don't you try to hang out with our classmate while I'm gone? i am sure that adrien would be happy to do it if he is free, Alix too and ugh dupain-cheng would immediately throw you some kind of party with the whole class, this way you wont feels as lonely”
That made Sabrina pause a little, enough to stop the tears at least, as she moved her head slightly to look at her friend's face while still resting her chin against Chloe's chest.
“it wouldn't be the same, they aren't like you….” she said that but Chloe could see in her eyes that her friends were still thinking about it.
“Of course they aren't like me, nobody is even near my level of perfection, beauty, confidence and humility,” she said with a smile on her face.
It made Sabrina laugh, initially it was just a smile, then a chuckle but after that she had to use Chloe for support while she bends over laughing.
Chloe gave her a playful shove, “what's so funny? i am only saying the truth”
Sabrina pulled herself together after a good minute, still smiling widely and while clearing her face with her sleeves she simply said,”yes, you are”, and Chloe felt her eyes watering a little.
“CLAUDIA!!! what taking you so long! come here immediately or we are leaving you here!” audrey yelled from the base of the plane, a public one, andre didn't want to use a private jet so near to the next elections, something about complains about the environment or social classes, chloe doesn't really know, she didn't listened to his explanation just like she did not listened to audreys loud and useless complains.
Chloe frowned a little at the name but also rolled her eyes, “if only she could actually do it” she said with a sigh.
she kissed the red head one last time on the forehead, “give it a try Brina, you got nothing to lose” she then added with a soft smile,” i will be back before you say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”
Sabrina tried to repeat the word but fumbled on the second sillabe, she blushed a little but gave Chloe her goodbyes anyway.
Sabrina goes back to her father, who is waiting for her inside the airport while Chloe turns her back and hastily takes a few tissues from her bag to clean herself before Audrey can notice and complain about her getting dirty while she walk inside the plane.
Thankfully that woman didn’t seem to notice or care about Chloe's appearance once she got inside.
so she just get to her seat and put her violin case in its spot and sit, dropping her bag one her legs.
she rest her head against the seat while taking a deep sigh
“ehm…hi chloe” chloe just glances to her side, to the seat next to hers, and just sees the nervous and fidgeting figure of her step-sister or how she likes to call her “the liar”.
“hello” she deadpans
Her very unenthusiastic reply seemed to only increase Zoe's discomfort and nervousness until she went completely silent but kept fidgeting with her hands.
Chloe glared at her and she finally stopped moving.
A few minutes later the plane took off and Chloe was really really glad her parents were on the other side a few seats away, she doesn't think she can stand being near her mother for so long.
if only the liar would stop moving so much…..
“god zoe, why are you so fucking nervous!” she stated, pointing her index finger at her.
That seemed to do the trick since she went completely still. but Chloe just stared at her until she finally opened her mouth to answer.
“You and Sabrina are really close” she blurted out and Chloe had to take a moment to process what she said since she didn’t expect that answer.
she eyed her cautiously but agreed,” yeah we are, ever since we were three”
“oh” was all the damn liar said and Chloe could feel her blood rushing a little faster as she clenched her hands on the armrests of the chair.
she glared at her, “you are avoiding the question” she declared, already frustrated.
This made her look away and Chloe had half a mind to hit her but after a couple of deep breaths she looked back at her and said, “it’s….” She paused and looked away again, her eyes darting everywhere in the plane besides Chloe but finally she continued, still looking away from her and her eyes blinking rapidly, “it’s my father….i..i don’t know if i am ready to see him again….”
Chloe's eyes softened a little at that, “ how is he? Audrey's level of asshole or Andre's level?”
“Andre isn’t so bad” Zoe immediately defended him.
Chloe just rolled her eyes and prompted her to answer the question with a not so gentle elbow to her side.
“hey!” she complained but after seeing chloe’s glare answered the question, “ he isn’t as bad as audrey…..i think, i-i never really saw him very much” Chloe could relate to that but said nothing.
“ He just dropped me off at that boarding school. full of snob, rich brats as soon as he could…... .the only memories of him that i have are those of my childhood but…”
“ There isn't much even there right?” Chloe finished for her.
Zoe just looked up at her, “yes…”
Chloe took a long look at her…..sister and sighed, “you know you don’t have to see him right?”
the wide eyes she gave her made Chloe chuckle a little,” why are you so surprised? this trip is only because ANDRE wants to meet him, you or i can do whatever we want and just avoid him” she said smiling.
“Are you sure chloe?” she asked with such earnest and hopeful eyes that Chloe couldn’t resist the action to pet her head affectionately.
“yes, i am. and even if he shows i will just punch him in his shitty face” she said confidently, making her laugh.
Chloe smiled a little wider at the sounds, she looked just like Adrien a moment ago after all and Chloe would do everything to protect him.
but the moment passed and went away and Chloe spent the rest of the flight listening to music and ignoring The Liar.
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raintouchedstars · 10 months ago
The Window At The End of the Road
Summary: Years of survival and fighting for freedom, for a life of her own and all she was left was this. This place, this window, her curse...and him.
Author's Note: An enemies to lovers short piece from a story that I had long since abandoned, but wanted to post it anyway. The characters in this are both immortal adults, 10 years apart but well into their 100s. Though there is nothing too explicit in this story, reader discretion is still advised, mentions of war, trauma, violence, and survival.
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The clouds rolled over the city, drenching it in rain that made the buildings look shiny and new. Liana pressed her forehead against the thick floor to ceiling windows of the penthouse, looking down at the blurry lights far below. It should be beautiful, watching the cars move, creating colors like smears on a canvas. Not for her though. The war, the days spend slaughtering one crazed monster after another, the nights spent shivering in terror, unable to sleep for fear of being found. Vulnerable. Unprepared.
Thunder screamed across the sky, and Liana felt like crying with it. There was only one battle left. One fight, against the demon that started it all. The sun would rise tomorrow, and the humans would have no idea of the rage that would be unleashed with it. Would not even know that their entire existence hangs in the balance.
And here she was. She had run away from her family, her friends, all so that could follow him. He would be there at the battle tomorrow. He would not fight on either side. But no matter the victor, she knew he would walk away with prizes no one else would even consider.
He would come back here soon, to this penthouse, that he most likely stole. She wondered whom this house belonged to, and how he had tricked people into giving it to him. The receptionist on the first floor acted as though she knew Liana, and gave her a spare key, no questions asked.
He was waiting for her.
She thought about the last time she had willingly come to him. It had been raining that night too. She had remembered their shared past, and the pain of the truth had made her run to him, demanding to understand why he had chosen to be who he was.
How funny.
She understood it all now. It was so easy to fall below the ice once that barrier was cracked. She was no better than he was now. A monster.
She knew the moment he stepped into the penthouse. There was no grand entrance, no door rattling as the keys were turned. Nothing. Except the pressure of his presence. And his scent.
He always smelled like the clear sky after a rainstorm. How a man that dark would always smell that clean was a mystery to her.
She didn't turn. She saw his reflection in the window glass. A pleased smirk spread across his face.
"Well, well." He shed the outer layer of his suit, revealing the white dress shirt underneath. "I was wondering how long it would take before you came to find me."
Liana turned. Her heart was screaming, her mind did not agree with her eyes and ears, but there he was. Tall, relaxed, an easy smile hiding the cruelty behind his beautiful green eyes.
"I killed you," she whispered.
He pulled his hands out of his pockets, his smile fading, his steps relaxed and slow as he moved toward her.
"I wrung your neck. I can still feel the snapping in my hands. You were dead for three years! You can't be real!"
He came close, till his body pressed against hers, pinning her between himself and the window. "Do I not feel real?"
Liana sunk her claws into his shirt, ripping the white fabric, staining it with red.
So he was real.
"Then explain, Isak."
She hissed, curling her fingers, drawing more blood. He narrowed his eyes.
"Explain why I remember something that didn't happen. Did you make me think I murdered you in cold blood? Is that it? Did you want to make me into a monster just like you? To prove some kind of sick point? I was nothing like you! I never took pleasure in killing! I did what I had to-to survive! Did you put memories of me wanting to destroy and main in head? Did-" Her lungs seized, not letting her continue. Breathing burned as she tried to suck in air through the rising panic.
Looking up, into a set of calm, green eyes, the one physical attribute they shared, she tried to search for some form of confession.
Isak he grabbed her wrist, and pulled her claws out of his chest, the wounds already closing. He held her hands in his, pulling them over her head, looking down at her from between his own arms.
"It's flattering that you think I'm powerful enough to change someone's memories, but no. I did nothing to your mind, except put you back together after you escaped from Narcius the first time."
Isak squeezed Liana's hands. All the years she'd spent, running and hiding in the Second Plane, the world that existed alongside the human world, ran through her mind. He was telling the truth. And it did nothing to ease her pain.
"Why would I want you to believe you had killed me?"
He let go of her hands, and they feel limply to her sides.
"I have nothing to gain from it. But Narcius does. And now, I can see why."
She couldn't hold herself up anymore. She would have crumbled to the floor, if Isak hadn't wrapped his arms around her ribs. He held her up, her feet floating in the air.
Liana slammed her fists down on his shoulders and back. "I don't care why he did it! I was never cruel before that lie! I'm tainted now!"
"That's exactly what he wants. Cruelty makes the curse spread. Killing me wasn't what you were afraid of. You're afraid of becoming a monster like me. He reached into your darkest fears and made you believe the one thing that would push you over the edge."
Liana felt hollow. If Isak held her tight enough, she might just shatter like glass. All the people she had killed, it had been a game. Stuck in a nightmare world, in a war, where the only person she had known kindness from was the same man she despised, it had been so easy to rationalize her cruelty. She was once a Priestess of the Spring. And now...
"Well, Narcius won." Tears ran down her face now. "Before this, I killed only to protect myself and others, and never without the goddess' blessing. Look at me now."
She pulled down her shirt, revealing part of her chest. Her skin was as black as ink, as though oil ran through her veins instead of blood.
Isak cursed. He reached down with one hand and pulled her blouse over her head. From her heart, black thorns spread outward, covering part of her breasts, her ribcage.
"I knew I shouldn't have let you leave." He pressed a hand to her skin. The black patches were cold. "But you resented staying with me. So I let you go. I never would have let you free if I knew he could still reach your mind, spread the curse further."
"It doesn't matter anymore," Liana sobbed. "The corruption won't stop. Not after everything I've done. I don't deserve to go back to my family. I have nothing."
Isak wiped away a tear. "So why did you come here? What were you looking for?"
"The truth."
"Even if it causes you pain?"
"Maybe that's what I deserve."
He pressed a finger to her temple. "Do you want to forget? Should I lock away that which pains you?"
"I thought you said you couldn't do that."
He smiled. "Do you think I can't find a way to do it?"
"Even if you did, it wouldn't erase everything I've done."
"You're right. It won't."
"How do you live with yourself? How do you keep going, knowing what you've done to people?"
Isak tilted his head to the side. "You're asking the wrong person. I quite enjoy what I do." He leaned forward, his nose brushing against hers. "I can't heal a broken spirit. Or a broken heart."
"Like I expected you to bother trying." She turned her head to the side, away from his eyes.
"But I can cleanse the darkness."
Liana closed her eyes, not believing him, her body shaking in silent despair. She had already lost her family, her principles, and soon she herself would disappear, turned into a raging monster once the poison in her blood covered her completely. She had nothing left to lose, no shame in letting him hold her close now. Better than being alone, then being cold. Nothing concerned her anymore.
Until Isak's lips pressed gently into the curve of her neck. Liana wriggled, trying to pull back from him. There was no sly smile on his lips this time, no smirk remark.
"You hate me, I know. I like to tease you, pester your family, manipulate information to better suit my wishes, but there are lines even I won't cross without your permission."
Isak's palm was hot, and Liana couldn't help pressing her cheek into that warmth as he tilted her head back.
"Only one of us truly deserves to be corrupted," he said against her lips. "Let me gather up the darkness inside you. Let me fill you will pleasure instead."
Liana could see her frightened expression in his eyes. Her entire body trembled as his offer sank in. Thoughts came to a halt as her heart began hammering in her chest.
"Should I let you go?"
Liana panicked, throwing her arms around his shoulders. The only thing that was keeping her from the numbing freeze was his hot body against her own. "No."
"What do you want then?"
"I don't want to be cold anymore."
He pressed his forehead against hers. Lightning flashed for a moment, and he didn't even blink or flinch from it, eyes as intense as the first day she had met him.
"There is no going back if I cross this line," he warned. "I've spent decades longing for you. If you demand that I leave, I will, but if you give me permission to continue, I won't go back to waiting for the day that you'd be mine."
Liana closed her eyes, and pressed her lips to his. What did it matter if she resisted him anymore? She was going to fade away soon. Her body would still exist, but her mind, her spirit, her consciousness would fade away into nothing but rage and bloodlust. Now was all the time she had, now was all the time that mattered.
He crushed her to him, squeezing her between himself and the glass, waking her heart, bringing heat to her cheeks. His tongue slid over hers, kissing her deep. Electricity zipped along her skin, making her feel as though her limps were turned into putty. When he pulled away, she was breathless.
Yet some part of her mind awoke and rebelled, reminding her of all the times she had resisted his touch in the past. This was not the same boy that she had loved as a child.
"You'll burn me."
"You're right. I will." He leaned in so close, that his chest crushed hers, and his breath puffed against her ear. "I'm not gentle, I'm not soft, and once won't be enough."
His tongue traced the outer rim of her ear. Liana cried out.
"Mmm, what a beautiful sound." Isak slid his leg between hers. "So what will be?"
Liana's mind was dangerously close to shutting down, and letting nothing but touch take over. She had to press a hand to his chest, to ground herself.
"If I change my mind midway through, if I wake up from this dream you put me in-"
"I'll give you a word. Say it and I stop, no matter what I'm doing."
He moved lower, his tongue tracing from her ear to her neck, where he bit down gently, nibbling lightly on her skin. "I need an answer."
Isak looped his hands under her thighs, lifting her, positioning her legs around his waist.
"W-wait. Here? Against the glass?"
"Shush." He trailed kisses down to her collarbone, stopping just above her heart. "Relax now. Let me guide you through the fire."
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formayhem · 2 years ago
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @twig-tea! Thank you!
I've never really talked about my favorite BL/QL ever, and I'm definitely not able to write in depth analysis or think pieces. I do know what I like and appreciate, though. :)
Below the cut I'll say a lot of not profound and probably stupid stuff. Yay. 🥳
Favorite Thai QL:
I Told Sunset About You (special mention to My Only 12%, besides its last episode, and before I finally watched ITSAY)
This really is no surprise, for anyone that may have encountered my posts here and there. My journey in BL is still ongoing, but I watched this one early this year, after spending half a year during 2022 writing it off. In my defense, I wasn't on BL Tumblr back then, and I just took one look at the trailer, and said, "no".
Then ITSAY came to Viki. I distinctly recall texting my friend that I was starting it, telling them I hoped there was something in it for me because it "didn't look like what I like" (I had no idea what I liked in QL series for way too long).
ITSAY wrecked me and surprised me. My viewing was a visceral one that completely and irrevocable transplanted me back into my own youth, causing me to relive falling in love with my best friend in middle school/freshman year, our summers of a love so consequential that I'd think of it in 2023, while watching a series, crying on my couch, and resonating entirely with two boys I'll probably never forget about, either.
Funny how I almost never watched Teh and Oh-aew, because then what series would I write love letters in my head about? It's beautiful to look at, to watch unfold, to listen to, to hear, and to feel.
Favorite Pairing:
Pete & Kao. I think this pairing may always kind of be my favorite for sentimental reasons. And no one wants to read that novel.
Favorite Pairing That Never Came to Pass? Oh, you didn't ask? Well,
Kim & Way from The Shipper because I was so invested in what they had going on, and I will remain forever sad that That's It (even though I sincerely appreciate a bittersweet ending).
Most underrated actor:
Up until recently, I would have said Suar because his work in You're My Sky wounded me. Except La Pluie has happened now, and people really adored his character there.
I also would have said Gawin, but now we have Be My Favorite (which I have yet to start)...
Maybe Fluke Pusit. He's in a lot, but I'd like to see him take a lead in a QL. I just think he has the range, okay. I want to see it.
Favorite Character:
(a 2 part and this will be a trend, clearly)
Teh from ITSAY
Because I am a Teh, through and through. I love how deeply he loves, how brash and thoughtless he is while thinking so deeply almost ALL of the time that he is literally frozen in fear of his present and future. This character is for all the idiots out there with bleeding hearts and who want to make everyone happy and forget what being happy themselves feels like. Cheers.
Mork from My Ride
Mork is just so sincerely GOOD. From the first episode, I admired this character and the warmth and kindness he exhibits. He is just everything decent and sweet in the world, okay?
Favorite Side Character:
Instantly I will say MAE from 3 Will Be Free. I wanted so much more of her story and her time with Tur, and I want to see her HAPPY. I want to see her okay.
And then the 2-part (3, 4 part.. ) not asked for:
I really like all of Mark's side characters (Jedi especially). I like Chot from Step by Step so so very much. I love Cheep and Dej, the uncles from My Ride, and I want to know everything about them.
Favorite Scene in a QL:
I refuse to list an ITSAY scene again (but pretend I have listed every single scene from the series, because I have, mentally).
So, I'll say from You're My Sky, when Vee and Dome sit next to each other, and we get the moving closer, wanting to touch, knowing they shouldn't, to fingers brushing, to pinky holding, all framed from behind, without their faces and so full of ALL the feelings.
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Also basically every night scene that exists in Moonlight Chicken, especially thst first drunken night:
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And I lied, I will mention ITSAY: Teh and Oh on the floor, under the stairs, and floating on the water. The red bra scene.
The first two scenes have me in a chokehold for their depiction of desire and longing and confusion and shame, the wanting, the running. The floating scene has me in a chokehold because I love how much deeper their conversation in the surface is, when I became more than a casual listener and heard it. I love that it's about their feelings and how they handle them, and the first time I listened, I just really thought they liked floating and sinking, okay? And Oh-aew and the red bra is another 10 paragraphs no one asked for.
It's actually a goal/plan to go back and view my 5 & 4 star rated series because I have the memory of a goldfish and can't SOURCE MY FACTS OR FEELINGS, but it's all really real, and I know I'm overlooking everything and just listing basic memories here. Ugh.
Favorite Line in a QL:
That's sooooooooooo impossible!!!!
Pat's "it was so depressingly lonely for me" in Bad Buddy.
"Time flies, right?"/"It flies too fast for me to follow." SOTUS S
"You think you're sending out a certain frequency no one hears like that whale. But I hear you." 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
"In that moment, I realize if he's the bravery, I must be the fear." Not Me
and on and on and on, and this is Thai only, but there's also like 20 sad Korean/Tai quotes in my brain because I like SAD quotes.
oh, and shout out to Fluke as Army screaming "what the fuck" on loop in my head from The Warp Effect.
Most Anticipated QL (& why):
I think we are all very excited about Only Friends because it's going to look outstanding and be fun, and it's got an amazing cast. I'm most excited for Neo and Mark. And the wardrobes for every character.
Outside of OF, I'm excited for After Sundown, just for the supernatural/horror aspect and because it looked pretty in the trailer. I'm just mehhh on the actual pairing of the film.
annnnnnd Cherry Magic just because I have a Tay Tawan soft spot forever. 😅 I don't actually keep up with what's "coming soon" in BL/QL, so I'm sure there are amazing things in the works that I'm unaware of.
Healthiest relationship in a QL:
Wait, you guys watch healthy relationships??
Kidding... Heck, I don't know. I personally want whatever the gay uncles in My Ride have. And I am realizing the next series I need to watch is UWMA because it keeps being mentioned...
Most toxic relationship in a QL:
VegasPete and TharnType (although I guess one could argue they were both into how unhealthy it was, but not for my viewing pleasure)
Guilty pleasure series:
SOTUS. It was my first BL series back in 2018, and I feel like I've seen so much better series and films since then, but I get stupid comfort out of this show.
Also, Enchanté seems like a guilty pleasure because so many people dislike it, and I don't feel so strongly. I like to play it and make memes of every side eye and disgusted look Akk gives.
Most underrated series:
I still will say You're My Sky, even after seeing He's Coming to Me. Hell, I will say both of them, but for entirely different experiences.
They both are entirely made up of basically everything that almost all of my favs share, and they're sprinkled with helpings of what I look for in series now and going forward.
Personally, I want to say all of my Top Ten Loves are underrated, just so I can have more people to talk about them with. 😤
Thanks for reading!
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golbrockstar · 1 year ago
As we are now in the last month of the year, it's time to do a year roundup I think? (if you are willing) Of all their channels which is just their main one and reacts I guess.
Best Sam and Colby video of the year?
Worst Sam and Colby video of the year?
Saddest/most emotional Sam and Colby video of the year?
Happiest Sam and Colby video of the year?
Funniest Sam and Colby video of the year?
And what do we all hope for, with the upcoming year? (Like what do you want to see more or less of?)
(I sent this to a couple SnC blogs cos I'm super interested to see what peoples answers are)
I love this idea!
I actually had to go back and look at what they posted this year cause I forgot nearly everything besides the conjuring lmao. Anyway, I don't really watch the React channel (not my kind of content), so we're sticking to the good old Sam and Colby channel.
These are all my opinions and not really based on the stats of any video.
Best Sam and Colby video of the year: You know, a lot of my favorite SnC videos are actually from last year, not a lot of heavy hitters this year for me, but I mean Colby was battling cancer for much of this year so its completely understandable.
That being said, Hellfire Club was really fun for me and is probably the one I enjoyed the most. I also really liked the last video of the conjuring series. It was just really intense and it was the first time I was actively shouting at my screen in a while.
Worst Sam and Colby video of the year: I'd say the 3 Hotels in 50 Hours was my least favorite. I didn't rewatch it for this, but I remember just being very underwhelmed with it. Not much happened, and it felt like they were trying to squeeze in too much too fast.
The saddest/most emotional Sam and Colby video of the year: It's definitely the cancer video, for sure. You can't watch that and not get at least a little bit emotional.
As far as regular content, that conjuring video where Sam cries is really emotional. Like you hardly see the guys get that effected by something and seeing Sam really break down and cry was just gut wrenching.
Happiest Sam and Colby video of the year: I'm gonna throw the cancer video here to because it ends on a really high note and made me smile a lot seeing how much support Colby got from his friends and how happy they were at the end of it.
Funniest Sam and Colby video of the year: Gonna give this one to the video with tommyinnit and Jack Manifold just because that dynamic was hilarious. Like those streamers have a level of chaotic energy that is so different from SnC's that it's just funny to see how they react.
I'm a bit of a fan of Tommy outside of this video so I didn't find him as annoying as I know he came across for some of the other SnC fans, but I can't say I'd want them to collab again lmao.
What am I hoping for?: Honestly? For both of the boys to be happy, healthy, and at peace with themselves. This year has been a struggle for them both and I hope 2024 brings them that sense of normalcy this year has lacked for them.
Content-wise, though, I'd like less collabs and more solo SnC because they never do that anymore. Now that they're officially done with the conjuring house, I'd like for them to stay away from the "demon-infested" places for a while and just stick to the average ghost stories. I like when they go to lesser-known places as well and tell their stories.
I'd also like them to do more post-research as well. Like if they get a name from a piece of equipment that doesn't line up with someone they'd heard about, research that name in connection with the place they're at. It may turn up nothing, but you never know.
It's nice that they try to connect the dots in the moment, but I think them going back and connecting dots after the fact would be a better way to make connections.
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goldeneyedgirl · 2 years ago
Your babyverse lives rent free in my head. Since your last snippet I only think about Alice and Jasper living in a cozy house with baby Ollie. Alice picking him up at school and Jasper helping him to write his name and his parents names in that cute childish handwriting. All healthy and happy and loving each other forever and a day. And the way Jasper thinks about Ollie as "his boy" 😭😭😭 Sorry about it, you created a monster when you gave me that fic
I still think it's funny you guys love this fic so much. Especially the version I posted when there are six existing variations of how all this went down.
I think my favourite aspect is writing how fatherhood has shaped everyone - as a fandom, there's a lot of discourse on womanhood, feminism, and motherhood because of how emphasized it is in the books, but I haven't seen a lot on fatherhood outside of Carlisle, and Carlisle and Edward's relationship (doesn't mean it isn't out there, it just hasn't come across my dash). But I could waffle on about that for ages; I won't.
I live for the little moments like Jasper getting to introduce Ollie to Peter and Charlotte, and Peter kind of gets this moment of ... closure, almost? That after every single thing that Jasper has gone through and deals with, he's here with a girl who loves him, and their son. And Jasper might be terrified of fucking parenthood up or that Ollie might get sick or hurt, but he's also so, so happy.
Or Alice mathematically working out where Jasper can stand at the local fair so that he can watch Ollie ride a pony for the first time without scaring the poor animal to death because that's one of the memories that Jasper's managed to hold onto all this time - the joy he had around horses when he was a child, and learning to ride.
And then there's all the drama and bullshit - the Volturi, Maria just being extra, Whatever The Fuck Alice and Cynthia's Mother is up to, Ollie having to pretend Alice and Jasper are his cousins when he's too old to look like their son. But that's what makes the happy moments more special.
Have a snippet from an Ollie piece I started before I wrote the 'Daddy' piece. Jasper's a good dad.
In a million years, Jasper never would have guessed he’d end up in this position. 
It’s just before six am and the house is quiet, finally. Ollie’s head was against his shoulder, still sniffling around his pacifier as Jasper began the process to make his bottle. Alice and Esme had made up a guide for making Ollie’s bottles to make sure he could feed his son without the risk of burning him, involving three different thermometers and a chart of acceptable temperatures. 
He really did prefer when Alice pumped; mixing formula still made him nervous. 
Ollie let out a huff of annoyance, but didn’t cry. And he’d been crying since midnight, when he’d woken up and hadn’t been at home. 
Alice had dropped him off late the night before, masked up and looking exhausted. 
“Cynthia and I both tested positive for strep,” she had explained hoarsely. “I really don’t want Ollie to catch it - can you…?”
He’d taken his sleepy son immediately, and reassured Alice Ollie would be fine; Esme kept the house well stocked for when Alice brought Ollie over. 
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bl3dwh1te · 28 days ago
how can i be loved again. i’m not small anymore. i’m not happy anymore. i was never pretty, not even the way an ugly piece of nature is. i used to be such a good listener, such a good advice giver, maybe a good friend. i was a little smarter. i worked harder. i was limited as a child, and i guess making the best of what i could do made me glow. i don’t know where it all went wrong. i haven’t felt similar to this since middle school. this is the world, and i’m scared. i spent the last hour or so jumpstarting emotions that aren’t there, watching videos of grown men crying, glad their friend had survived the wipeout. i guess its selfish, but i wish someone would feel that way about me. i don’t need to be in love, i just miss caring love. the kind you get from your parents and closest friends. something like the jolt in my lungs when i see my best friend again. i’m not alone. i’m around so many people that i really do love. my people are the only things that can make me happy in this moggy feeling of mine. i just feel further from them than they are to me. not by choice. i don’t feel like anyone cares to know me, but it’d be selfish to think they’d have a reason to want to. i’m not as interesting or funny or caring or beautiful as the people i’ve found love for. not nearly. i hope someday somebody’s first instinct would be to hug me if they saw me down. i got near a back pat after an hour of dreading out loud. that made me happy enough for the next couple of minutes. i cry near every time i see my friend post me when asked about their best friends. i didn’t know i could be seen that way. i’m so sorry. my head and stomach turn so often now. i experienced something funny today. i went on a field trip involuntarily, and the sun and wind were great. i was alone, but i didn’t feel sad or lonely. i hadn’t spoke in 2 hours and it felt great. i don’t know why i have to open my mouth so much around others. most of the stuff that comes out is shit anyways. i wish i made sense. i wish i had a higher tap out limit. i wish i could still be acknowledged when i’m sad or don’t speak. i guess i’m more boring this way. i’ve noticed if i’m not bouncing off of the walls heads are usually turned away from me. i don’t mind i guess, i just cant help notice the difference. i wish anything i said was taken seriously. or at least thought over? i don’t know what i want. i can wish all i want, but where will that get me. i need to learn to be content. i was really good at it for a while. i just don’t want to hurt so often. i don’t want to feel sick everyday. i don’t want to feel hopeless when i’m sick. i don’t know what has me glued here. i wish i didnt think about disappearing so often. i guess there was only one time in my life where i made a plan, so its fair that it’s nothing to worry about. i just wish it wasn’t on my mind all the time. it gets tiring. i guess if i did have a plan, its really elongated. really far off. i made a joke today but didn’t say it. something about, “do you think it’ll happen during high school, or collage?” i thought it was funny. but thats not the kind of thing to share i guess. probably long after both. maybe just stop thinking about it. i cried hard thinking about it on the way home from school. i wanted to talk to someone, but not for them to hear my cries. i just wanted to say the things i say on here, but i know i never can. the only reason i write on here is because i cant get it past my lips. it leaves the fingertips much easier. i’m just anxious i guess, lonely. i’m sad and scared. i just want someone to talk to sometime.
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awesomeapricote · 1 month ago
blog post twooo. electric bungaloo!
hiya, 99.9% of readers won't make it this far, congrats! you have a commendable attention span for reading a 5 min article / blog post and waiting a week for the next and not forgetting!
starting of the week by listening to the sound track of girls band cry... because i well... downloaded the wrong torrent and it was the only music i had downloaded that i wasn't sick and tired of listening to haha. aside from that, i've decided i will actually commit to duoling (lmao let's see how long ts lasts), gohna try do russian, greek (like, advanced to reinforce it) and i'm still deciding on the third language.
why you ask?? awwweee (thas me!) thanks for asking! so kind of my 0.1% oomf to do. gotta find a name to dall you, the reader... still haven't settled on one.
well reinforcing my greek is really a no brainer. i can read, write, understand and converse since little but i've never been really fluent. i wanna change that😝😝😝 apart from duolingo, i guess i have my phone in greek (i do have to switch it to english sometimes if i'm doing something tho... between the really horrendus translations and my sort of limited vocab i have to😞), i am more hesitant to put my laptop in greek tho... since i do like,,, actual important shiz there. anyhow, also read the news 👀
russian is more interesting. greek ih like, real wolrd applications is only really useful for like, well knowing the meanings of scientific words you don't know by their greek roots. sadly, that's about it; truth be said. i guess also since some phrases come out naturally for me in it. anyways, russian! that's more useful.
let's compare populations. russia: 140M, ukraine: 40M, bielorussia: 9M(thought it would be bigger), then all of them (there's A LOT) living abroad. well that culture is lodked behind a translation barrier. if not that, also all the researchQ also think of how well, russia is sort of a global power (in decline) so there's value in it there. apart from culture and literature etc, i guess just general information, forums maybe articles? also obviously chances of finding a friend.
also just, online lot of things are in russian, some just, like, things have russiam text just because they think it looks coond well yeah it'd be nvie tlso know what it means (notable ecamples i can think of: train and cache from cs2, the metro games, and stalker)
not really about learning russian, but a funny thing i'd do with a ukranian friend of mine was, well i tried writing to him in english, but using greek letters and... that sort of failed. then vice versa the same thing happened. butttt we got it working by just implementing a fewnletters from eadh alphwbet and boom we were like, texting by writing on a shared piece of paper in class😝😝 it'd go sort of like this:
if you don't know either greek alphabet or cyrillic, well... idrk how you can translate that it needs that humnan touch 👉✨👈
anyways, moving onto university. university is lowk stressing me the fuck out. like bro. my ass is gonna be in uni in no time. i was using claude to give me lists of universities that i more than surpass the requirements to with my scores atm, and ngl i thought i'd have to settle but hell nah i guess i had gaslit myself to thinking requirements would be more strict.but looks like things might end uell after all.
i'm probably going to do computer science, from what i've heard ?robably regret it but idk, seems like it could be usefull, hopefully i don't regret it. i'm only really intetested in any uni inside of europe, and had my eyes set on denmark but helsinki and some others in sweeden / germany look interesting👀👀👀
university-wise that's it!
it's monday 02:00 am, just finished your name. lowk underwhelming anime, the beginning was awesome tho. can't fucken stand my face agh i shaved so bad and in a rush yesterday.
oh god. writing this Tuesday 1700H and well. yeah i'm having surgery friday. jeepers creepers i'm low? nervous ash. but it's okay!
hello. you, yes you. you've made it to the technical article-style part. go on, read it, suck all that knowledge inq you've earned it.
okay. what are your thoughts on coronal mass ejections (CME)? they cause geomagnetic storm- FUCK THAT SHIT. i ain't gonna use bs words. coronal mass ejections = solar flare. yes just solar flare. well where i'm going with the solar flares is that, well i'm fascinated by them. weird to think that a solar flare (i might use CME to not be repeating "solar flare" too much but i swear just to avoid repetitiveness) could like, destroy all of our electronics, and essentially send us back to the middle ages. frankly, worse off since we have now become reliant on electronics; even if not directly, indirectly as we rely on civilization law and order. okay, well lemme briefly explain the science behind this just because it's actually pretty cool and interesting soooo here goes nothing!
the sun; this beautiful orb in the sky that makes the world go round. we orbit it like a little duckling, and something crazy like 99% of all ENERGY in our planet, well, comes from the sun! how? well in forms of radiation. for heat to transfer conventionally, there needs to be a conduction medium. when i turn on my radiator in my room (which i love very much) it heats up, and in turn heats up the air around it which heat up the air around the air and so on. the air conducts it poorly (gas) so if i touch the radiator (solid finger --> solid ceramic) there is a faster and more efficient transfer of heat and well; i burn myself! the air around it isn't burning tho. basic thermodynamics yes we all know it trust this'll help you understand this. the sun heats everything up in our planet, that's great! but how?
what is there in space. no actually what is there in space? so we have stars, planets, mooons, asteroids comets which form solar systems, galaxies and ✨the universe💫. now that's phenominal, how they go at break-neck speeds since there's no air for friction. no gas medium for friction. it's just so great since there's NO AIR, NO GAS and NOTHING in between all of these objects so they are completely isolated from each other but wait. hold up. how do we get the heat? well there are two ways heat can transfer, there's conduction (my radiator) and there's radiation (maybe radiator wasn't the best analogy the word might lead to confusion... fuck it yolo). well there's more like convection but you don't need to know about that now (or ever really who tf cares about convection). okay radiation.
//air: 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% (carbon dioxide, Argon, water vapour (humidity) and other bullshit gasses)
the sun well, is emmitting loads of radiation, really really strong radiation with a lot of energy. the radiation comes from the nuclear fusion happening inside, now nuclear fusion is a cool topic since it well, we know loads about it but can't for the life of us recreate it. okay well our nukes, our big bombs that are super powerful for their size? they work by... well breaking apart atoms, which releases A LOT of energy, in many ways (radiation (different types), light, heat, kinetic, etc) and this is really cool and all but it's less powerfull than nuclear fusion. nuclear fusion is, instead of breaking apart an atom, you merge two hydrogen atoms for example and form one helium atom. now THAT releases a lot of energy. but to do that, you need insanely high temperatures and crazy high pressure so that's what's happening at the very center of the sun; that's why it's this big hot flaming ball in constant explosions being held in by it's massive gravity, which leads to higher temperatures and pressure and more nuclear fusion. OMG IT'S NEARLY 2AM, and i've only writen the boring part :( i wanna write the fun one :)
okay radiation yada yada, hits us and sun is constantly exploding. sometimes it explodes more than we want it to! that is a solar flare. okay so normally, our magnetic poles will protect us from this terrible radiation, but if it's a big enough solar flare, then there will be a geomagnetic storm (it would also be √ery unlucky if it hits our planet) and it will sort of linger for a while. think greenhouse gasses yk? well yeah and this very strong radiation would:
- make radios useless
- breaks big electronics connected to the grid
this basically happens because the radiation will interact with the earths magnetic field, and, as you should know; where there's an electromagnetic field, there's a current (and vice versa), that's how motors work for example! it'll also probably fuck up all satelites (bye GPS) and uh, probably won't break laptops, phones, or disconnected computers. unless it's a really strong one (like unfathomably strong) and well, then we're sorta fucked.
okay, finaly finally finally. i've been like, sort of obsessed with this for a while. the whole solar flare scenario and - to a lesser degree - other Shit Hits The Fan (SHTF) scenarios. now look i swear i'm not a prepper, but idk i just find it so fun to fantasize and imagine a scenario like this. what would i do? first hour? first 10? first night? first week? long run, months years?
/* writing this next part in the morning of... i'm lowk very tired and lost the train of thought i had last night bear with me :c */
well, i guess the first bit i would be preparing contraptions and packing a bag :'c, there's all the boring stuff like food, water and simple tools or weapons like knives etc but i think i won't go into that. i'm probably gonna go into things that are a bit less conventional. take for example the potassium nitrate in my garden shed. 2kg. potassium nitrate (KNO3) is a very useful fertilizer, but also a strong oxidizer. mix it with sugar at a 60/40 ratio and mix the powder finely and you got little explosives!
the way i see it, there are many things you can't have / make because they're well... illegal as fuck, and for a good reason! but in this scenario those rules no longer really apply. I'd also opt in for some retarded but lowk smart things like i made this pepper spray once well i could just do that again, or put something like bleach in a water gun for :star: self defence :glitter:
okay so i was with some friends, i was young and dumb and lowk very fucking retarded; then we went to like, an abandoned house we would frequently go to hang out at. and there were these tables and i had some bullshit i brought in my bag (ingredients!). okay well with a mixture of like, some bullshit concentrated capsaicin from these real spicy peppers i made the night before, a little bit of bleach, and other real dumbass disinfectants and vinegar i think? made this faux-pepper spray. and put it in a little spray bottle that used to have disinfectant once upon a time in the covid days. okay well we were like okay this should work, and well, how do we know? we had to test it.
naturally, i volunteer, after cooking this shit up at night in a random countertop at an abandoned like, whole ass building on top floor. we made it with a mix of candle light (i bring candles to most of my hangouts, i just got that swag) and phone flashlights. vibey ash. okay so i spray a big ass spray to my left eye. holy fucking god. i went into it thinking, okay i'm gonna play it cool and be all like damn that was nothing but i just instantly was in fucking AGONY. so fucking painful, tears started fucking squirting the fuck out, and i started mumbling or something? this is what they told me and then i like, fell / collapsed (not violently but like, slowly and in pain yk?) and was like wattererrereererer plesaseseseses watererere and we had water so they were pouring water on my eye and i was like i CAN NOT OPEN IT and they were prying it open but that was very fucking painful. anyhow after 5 minutes it was just a moderate sting that lasted for 30. no eye damage! (made sure the recipe was safe-ish) all in all, very effective, would love to see this in a water gun, actually wait no i take that back.
also i have a few broken (well old enough to not hold any significant charge) car batteries, i'd remove the sulphuric acid (you should know how usefull that is for.. well anything you can do in chemistry that's usefull (okay no everything but most) will need a strong aci'd like sulphuric. also fuck you i'm writin it with "ph" it's accepted. outfit? probably this full military uniform my uncle gave me, like full overals and shit and idk i think it looks dope, plus the fabric is really thick in a way that like, you feel protected. like a dog could attack and the fabric would break the dogs teeth; but in a way that's still comfortable as shit? idk how to explain it. well, i will most definitely write much more on this whole SHTF apocalipse scenario because i absolutely love it, just it's FRIDAY, i've got to do a bunch of workkkk and i don't want to start the big next section (electricity and electronics) without being able to finish it (or rushing it and not ending up going in depth.
so, i think this is gonna wrap it up for today. sorry i'm late in posting this, i've been stuck ash and couldn't really come up with nothing, maybe next week i will go more into depth on the electronics side because that is real cool. like trust, whole wave length modulation, because it's not as easy as plugging solar panels in and boom you have electricity. most inverters rely on the grid for wavelength modulation. then things like setting up mini internets (meshnets?) and radio, telegraphs, hopefully communities, having that technological advantage. i keep more prepper archives than i'd like to admit :( hahah good night. thanks for reading. frankly (is that a frank reference?) this is so fun to write i will be consistent !!!.
ps. the topics i write about, and the topics i've begun writing about for future articles are all sourced from fun, long, and studious DM conversations, where i link up with someone (oomf or irl) and we start fucking ranting and yapping for hours and talk about super interesting shit. i honestly live for that.
what if the lights go out?
i can't stop thihking what i'd do
how i'd reach out to you
keep you safe during the blackout
what if we ate saurkraut?
never had it
sounds germanic
Anne, you're so romantic
let's rp, i'll be the attic
what if the stars fade out?
we'd only get to lay under the moon
the sparks at night won't flicker
we'd be left alone outside with just the liquor
what if our flame dies out?
i guess that would be okay
five and a half liters just gotta spill three
129 bpm, chest aches
40mmHg, fading fast
hypovolemic shock bring me peace.
//photodump of da week (lacks a little mb)
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