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rootbeermilktm · 15 hours ago
finally live blogging it.
(watching @BlueberryTV on YouTube. she has MASTERFULLY cut together the dsmp streams into like episode long videos. i am a psychotic purist when it comes to watching all content in order and Blueberry TV has SAVED MY LIFE with this channel. out here doing the lords work i tell you. she’s got everything sorted into seasons, even fluff vs plot playlists if you don’t want to watch all the filler. (i’m most definitely watching all the filler.) i’m currently on what she’s got down as season 2, which starts post- manburg/pogtopia war. hog hunt just barely happened before my most recent binge under the cut.)
^fr check out this channel if you want to get into the dsmp. or honestly if you want to revisit or watch from perspectives you haven’t seen yet.
from my most recent binge:
The prison is so scary it’s giving me a sinking crimson dread feeling in my gut.
Dream calling the dsmp family when recruiting punz, saying before lmanburg there were no wars cause no one to have wars with everyone one unit one family, speaks to his motivation/values. As things have progressed he’s grown more and more alone and he’s trying to force everyone to be his family bc that’s what he craves. The way he’s trying to force things tho pushes them away more and more. He feels like azula to me in that moment, “what choice to I have? Trust is for fools. Fear is the only reliable way”. Not to compare mcyt improve to the greatest piece of media ever created but yk food for thought lol. He’s self destructing trying to force everyone to be his family bc he wants power and to feel in control but ultimately he does not want to be alone.
What tf is dream planning????!!!
Omfg dream is hunting down Tommy!!!!! Ahhhhh!!!!
Omg that is so scary dream was only an HOUR behind Tommy when he left exile!! Imagine that in an animated show. A few episodes ago we have Tommy leaving, trekking his way through the forest. Maybe we see how his trail gets messed up but we don’t really know that it matters yet. And then he finds technoblade. Then in this episode dream tells punz he had come back an hour later and we see short flashbacks to dream finding the place in a distorted dark/yellowy lighting with a quick, deep, minor string instrument sound all horror movie like and the music is all scary. And as Dream keeps describing it we see him talking and keep flashing back to the previous episode with Tommy leaving and flashes of dream tracking him like a hound. Shots of Tommy are from behind, further away and shots of dream tracking are close up on his hands/what he’s tracking and also his face/mask. Until we get to where the trail is lost. Fucking terrifying.
Techno and Tommy are so brothers. They bicker relentlessly but immediately when he logs on techno says “let’s go check on Tommy” and I’m delusional and am saying it’s not just check that he’s not causing trouble but also check on him emotionally and shit. <3
Again I am delusional but hear me out. Tommy and techno go back to logstedshire to get dogs and bamboo. Tommy is disassociating wandering off, sometimes he comes to and calls out for technoblade who is looking for dogs. We know techno is more hands off. He’s not great at comforting, my hc emotions make him uncomfy but he still cares yk. Tommy says “I’m alone” SOMEBODY SAVE ME GOOD GODS HES ALONE AGAIN NOOOOOOO. Okay but then techno spots dream (I hc he’s like actively looking for clues as to where Tommy’s gone), Tommy is still all confused and fucked up about his dependent relationship with dream and is like do I go see him do I stay away, and here’s where I’m (more) delusional. Techno knows dream is looking for Tommy. He. Does. Not. Want. Him. To. Find. Him. He knows he’s an abuser but Tommy is lost and having a panic attack so canonically techno is asking Tommy what he sees to try and find him before dream gets to him but I hc that he’s also doing the grounding thing where you name things you see/hear/feel/etc. Techno is intentionally calming Tommy down from a panic attack by helping him ground himself. Im crying.
Again delulu but techno is trying his best to help his brother but he’s way in over his head. Tommy has a hard time making his own choices without dream so techno is trying to let him decide not to see dream on his own until it’s clear Tommy can’t make that decision and techno has to take it away from him and make him hide. And also take away his armor so he’ll be invisible but the thought of being invisible/no one can see him/alone is so triggering for Tommy so he keeps his boots even tho it’s risky!!
Tommy panicking and spilling invis all over trying to hide from dream rip.
W hiding spot where Tommy could SEE dream.
And Tommy finding out lmanburg thinks he’s dead! I MUST know how he feels about that.
i am this close to live blogging my experience with the dsmp. this is my first time watching it and let me tell you avoiding spoilers whilst still engaging in fandom is harrowing. i am also this close to watching everything i’ve already seen just for the fun of it. i am having the time of my life out here with these damn mcyt role players from the year 2020. the thoughts i have, the way my brain is consumed every time i watch a new bit of lore.
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postmanlinksbootyshorts · 1 year ago
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ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 𝕍𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖'𝕤 𝔻𝕒𝕪🍫🤎❤️
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solplease · 2 months ago
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meet cassian :]
close ups and more info under the cut!
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gloomiest guy you’ll ever meet
pathetic loser
he’s an artist 
comes from a rich family
he barely leaves his house, he stays inside a LOOOOOT
insane attachment issues
clingy and dependant yandere
he guilt trips a lot (isn’t really aware of it lmao) can be really manipulative without trying unfortunately
texts you constantly but if you don’t answer back in like 5 minutes he starts freaking out 
sometimes he’s normal enough but if you take too long he WILL lose it
doesn't like it when you talk to other people, why can't you just talk to him? is he not good enough for you? what's so interesting about other people anyway?
he hates stairs (he's fallen down and up the stairs WAYYY too many times)
shy (lmao ok) and introverted (has a really hard time talking to people)
has a mascot! (his name is PopUp :] he made him for a school project and just ended up liking him a lot lol)
sopping wet cat
don’t be mean to him, he doesn’t like it, even as a joke
doesn’t get much social interaction cause he stays inside a lot
WAYYYY more comfortable texting, he’s like a totally different person when you’re texting him
spams a lot. like a lot
used to be a lot more outgoing and social
wishes you could be by his side 24/7
he’s sad a lot of the time
feels unloved, please shower him in love
really pessimistic when it comes to himself
he’s really passionate about art
you and art are the two things that make him extremely happy
if you thought nox was tired, meet cassian! he has an even worse sleeping schedule than nox
he’ll do ANYTHING to keep you by his side
so he can and will kidnap you! lol!
is also a stalker… great..!
has probably installed a camera somewhere in your room (um??)
you’re probably one of the only people that can convince him to leave his room
really loves shoujo manga, has fantasized about being the perfect male lead for you (he really wants a romance like that, only with you) 
he's a huge romantic, he wants the two of you to have a happy life together
so please don’t leave him. please
takes a lot of walks at night, don’t worry he doesn’t spend ALL of his time inside (he wishes he could tho.)
he wants to have his happy ending with you <3
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causenessus · 1 month ago
hi! i'll keep this short
i came to the realization everytime i've disappeared from tumblr to "take a break" i never really have because of other things going on in my life (which, duh, this isn't my whole life) but! i also realized that if i never actually take the time to recover and rest and think about things i should be writing i'll never feel better. so! i'm (once again)(but now more formally) going on hiatus until maybe may! i might pop in for spring break or earlier if i feel like it, but until then, not really any writing from me! with that being said, i'll still be around, doting on my moots (i.e. like, dorothea <3 wyr <3 and bug <3) because i love them so much and i will probably also post chapters of present ever so often! the reason being (i'm going to try to make this make sense but it may only make sense to me but i'm aware of how contradicting i am to me five seconds ago when i said i need to take a break from writing) present is a very personal fic for me that i've worked on for years at this point. what i'm posting now are chapters i wrote months ago after I've read over and edited them (or in the case of the upcoming chapter, i did randomly add it in and had to write it from the ground up last week lmao) but if it isn't obvious, present is a work i'm very passionate about and am just posting in case anyone else enjoys it but it feels like it's a work that is very individualized just for me and it doesn't cause me any stress or anxiety. on the topic of individualization, although i am of course so so thankful for all of the support and people that follow me, i do sort of miss when my blog and world were a lot smaller. it's something i feel like i only get when i get to reply to people in comments, but other than that, all the numbers and people on my feed give me a lot of anxiety. the hq (smau fandom especially) fandom or at least how much i'm (was) involved in it has grown exponentially and of course i'm happy about that but it's a bit too much for me. i'll be taking a huge step back from the fandom and any hq works i've written at least in the meantime, but that's not to say they'll never be finished! but i either need to grow to handle the bigger audience that now reads my works or wait for things to grow a little smaller again :) i hope to still be able to read my moots works but forgive me if it takes me a bit or i never get to them! i think at the least i'll still like them to show my support <3 thank you if you read my long ramble! i love you all <3
oh also i'll probably post self ship moodboards and the beginning of my reading list (thank you again dorothea for the idea <3)! but again, I think you get the idea by now; I want to go back to doing this for me! so this is a tiny little goodbye now i'm leaving for you all with forehead kisses and flowers and love notes and mwah <3 i'll see you around!
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sillyfreakx5 · 3 months ago
every time i see nonhumans+ complaining about "tiktok therians", i get reminded of how "tumblrkin" used to be a derogatory term for those not taking their identity seriously and only doing it "for the aesthetic", or even earlier, in the early 2000s, how the weres/therians on the alt.horror.werewolves forum were complaining about the new community members not taking it seriously. XD
i suppose us complaining about the youth doing nonhumanity wrong is a tradition lol. Like of course kids aren't posting philosophical essays about nonhumanity, of course misinformation amongst them is rampant (especially considering the medium of tiktok), of course some of them aren't taking this very seriously or might "grow out of it". It's ok!!
Obviously, we should lend them a helping hand in clearing up misinformation and teaching them about the full variety and wonder of the nonhuman or alterhuman experience. But we shouldn't look down on them, and treat them as if they're bad somehow. As well as that, sometimes we should just accept the generational and platform based differences between us. It's ok. We've been through this before, and we'll be through this again when the next wave of newbies rolls around.
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ironicsoap · 4 months ago
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you are expendable, you are not expected to return
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roseworth · 3 months ago
very funny to me that tumblr did blog wrapped for like two years and it was so glitchy and barely worked so they just stopped doing it and no one noticed or cared
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crystallizsch · 3 months ago
ughghg hi i hate to be serious or be such a downer but i really need to put this out there because some people are getting too comfortable.
but then again it's partially my fault because i let it happen --
this is more pointed towards strangers, so if you know we're friends/mutuals you're cool 🫶
anyways just want to point out that if we're not close especially, it doesn't give you an excuse to treat me like i'll be fine with everything that you'll say.
i can handle jokes, i love joking unseriously with anyone, and i just love talking with people in general and usually the interactions aren't that deep.
but there's a line between genuine playfulness and thinly-veiled insults/mockery. saying "sorry" or anything like "/j" doesnt change that.
and yeah i'm aware this is especially hard to discern because people's actual tone over the internet can be perceived differently. and sometimes people aren't aware that they're being rude. so that's why i usually give people another chance.
it's just to the point that when it happens over and over again where it stops being coincidental. plus i usually just try to trust my gut whenever i feel uncomfortable with people from the get-go.
idk what else to say but please remember i'm also just another person. and that applies to everyone else here. you're free to say whatever you want but that doesn't mean you're free from any pushback.
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symphonybracket · 1 year ago
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blossoms-phan · 14 hours ago
if y’all see me checking in here at 5am for the next month mind yo business
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solar-halos · 2 months ago
i’m gonna see you alligators later
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literaryvein-reblogs · 4 months ago
hello; i just wanted to say i respect you immensely for the resources you publish on a daily basis. i'm sure you have your own motivations for doing so, but if it ever becomes hard for you to manage, please take some time to care for yourself and your health. you are far more important than i feel you give yourself credit for.
You are so sweet, dear Anon. No worries, though! About +90% of my posts on this blog are now queued. It seems like I'm always on here, but I'm not. Usually you can tell I'm here when I answer replies on posts, or messages like this. But sometimes these are queued too. Or is it.
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epiaphany · 4 months ago
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cuteniarose · 1 year ago
Personally I find it really funny that based on what the twins said in the Book 2 finale re: having to tell their mom about what happened to Unalaq, it's literally canon that Unalaq's wife a) exists, b) is alive, and c) is just chilling in the Northern Water Tribe
She took one look at all the spirit fuckery her husband was getting up to and went "Well that's none of my business" and honestly I respect that
#oh and when I say spirit fuckery I mean it in both the literal and metaphorical sense. blame kat's latest raava and vaatu fic#yeah I'm just gonna start posting random LoK opinions on here now. this blog's been dead long enough#not really an incorrect quotes girly anymore sorry#not even a girl anymore. but you know#most of my red lotus and oc posting will remain on my personal blog though bc no one wants to see that#anyway. yes. Unalaq's wife. when I say the avatar franchise has a mom problem this is exactly what I mean#80% of characters don't have a mom. the moms that are alive either have little to no screen time or mentions#or they're basically Schroedinger's mom in the sense that they exist but not really#the exceptions being like. pema and suyin. and maybe senna though she also has very little screentime#my point is. the twins are younger than korra. I know avatarverse has a precedent for putting kids on the throne. looking at you zuko#but really we should have gotten unalaq's wife as chief of the nwt#introduced her in book 3 during the lead up to p'li's prison break#but that's just my objectively correct opinion#northern water tribe chief raspberry when#(according to avatar wiki her name is malina so I've been calling her raspberry in my head ever since I found out#malina means raspberry in russian that's why. probably in a bunch of other slavic languages too idk I'm not an expert#and she shares a name with katara and sokka's weird white stepmom from the comics which no sane person considers canon. so that's fun)#the legend of korra#unalaq
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watery-melon-baller · 4 months ago
What's King up to in your myosotis AU?
king actually hasn't changed a whole bunch!!! originally i considered swapping him with the collector but... i didn't really like that idea so king is still being raised by Luz! his childhood was definitely different from canon kings tho: for one Luz realized oh this is a Child and treated him as such, unlike eda who thought of him as a pet and then a ""roommate"". this does mean their dynamic is a bit different to the show, although canon eda and myosotis Luz don't take king seriously it's for different reasons. Luz is more of like oh he's just a BABY he's so young i gotta take care of him and a bit more infantalizing i guess?? where king feels like he's not being treated like the mature person he is (which like. sorry man you are 8.) it's like the relationship gets less one sided yk. does what im saying make sense. i just don't really know what ie could/should change from canon so ive kept it pretty similar bc like with Luz and eda I can mirror them but king is just. the outlier. he's just a little guy
he's a bit less dictatory/power hungry (as power hungry as an 8yr can be lmao) and a bit more chill compared to his canon counterpart. he also shares Luz's love for storytelling/reading! i think Luz would still like stories and escapism but im unsure if she would want like. fantasy even tho she lives in a fantasy world or just let regular human stuff Gus style. but king and luz both Love 2 read! this comes into play in S3 w/ collector where instead of... whatever S3 did the BI gets turned into a DnD game! bc of king. it's fun. i love rewriting S3. he's also used to being kinda independent bc sometimes luz has bad days (re: depression + bile sack exhaustion) and she just. can't get out of bed sometimes and take care of him. which is fun
im still working out what i wanna do for his backstory bc like. I Could see Luz realizing oh he's not playing pretend he actually believes this and just... Not stopping it bc she doesn't know how to handle it and it makes him happy (tying into her love of using stories as escapism). Or she could tell him and he knows he isn't actually a king of demons but Luz just refuses to share more of his backstory with him (reasons why she would do this are unclear) which causes king to take Eda + Gus (Gus takes S2 Lilith's place) to his home and then yk how the rest of the ep plays ou. the first one seems to make more sense but I'm also worried with making shit Too identical to canon yk???anyways. have some King drawing attempts
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i don't talk abt myosotis king very often mainly,,, because,,,, im so bad at drawing him it's AWFUL. I struggle a lot with like. Nonhuman characters/animals those are my weakness </3 i draw out alot of myosotis stuff so like.. If I can't draw it I usually just don't do much with it?. i do have like. I have this MASSIVE timeline detailing episodes for plots and character arcs and it's a whole thing. Very large project. yeah but king actually has clothes here bc Luz is like well this is a Child i can't let him be naked. Still trying to figure out the whole putting clothes over fur thing and if that's an issue but ya whatever. im terrible at designing outfits sighh. also instead of having the collar with his dad's symbol he and eda make matching friendship bracelets! and then those come into play in S3 bc i didn't forget about that unlike the show lmao. I have a Lot Of Content going on in this au and I looooove talking about it :]
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theloveinc · 4 months ago
i don't really want to bc like. there's many reasons for me to stay but. i don't think this tumblr life is for me anymore
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