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strassmann · 2 years ago
Four exciting postdocs in Ecology and Evolution at Washington University in St. Louis!
Looking for a postdoc? We have plenty!
Sometimes it isn’t just the project that attracts a postdo to a lab but it is the community. It isn’t easy to tell what that community is like sometimes, so here we share. Four of us are looking for postdocs in EEB at Wash U! We already have quite a few postdocs that this new cohort will be joining. It should be fun. Find what you love from the labs of Michael Landis, Rachel Penczykowski, Liz…
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aqeons · 2 years ago
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cha-melodius · 2 months ago
If possible, firstprince #20, please! 🫂
(Another extremely popular one, also requested by @miss-minnelli, @nowords-world, @miharaikko, and @ashesfromashes. And it's another grad students/academia AU, because I couldn't help myself. read all the hug ficlets)
20: The “woah, hey, hello, hi” hug.
Alex is exceptionally drunk. Probably more drunk than Henry’s ever seen him, and that’s saying something, since they spent the majority of their graduate school years together. Henry’s seen him silly drunk at holiday parties, and sad drunk after committee meetings, and angry drunk that one time when someone scooped him in a publication, but he’s never seen him quite this ecstatically happy drunk.
He’s certainly earned it. His dissertation defense had gone perfectly—Christ, but he’d looked incredible up there in a sharp suit purchased just for the occasion, confident and brilliant as he explained his research. Apparently, his committee didn’t even give him many revisions, the lucky bastard (luck has nothing to do with it—Alex is just that good).
So he’s got plenty of reasons to be happy, and Henry is happy for him. If Henry’s also achingly sad, that’s his own business. Ok, yes, Alex is sticking around for another semester to teach, but all too soon he’ll get some fabulous postdoc or faculty position, and god knows where it will be, but it’ll almost inevitably be far away from Henry.
Henry has managed to keep his maudlin thoughts at bay for most of Alex’s defense party, but the night is winding down and so is he. He’s withdrawn to the edges after an unsuccessful attempt at distracting himself by helping to clean up—Zahra had told him in no uncertain terms to cut it out, she was paying someone to do that—chatting with a few people but mostly sulking. Fortunately, Alex hasn’t noticed.
Or, that’s what he thought.
One moment Alex is bopping wildly along to some pop song on the makeshift dance floor they’ve cleared by shoving Zahra’s living room furniture out of the way, and the next he’s making a beeline toward Henry. Henry barely has a chance to prepare himself before Alex is throwing himself at him, and Henry has no choice but to quickly abandon his drink in order to catch him.
“Woah there, love,” he says, because he’s more than a little drunk himself and his filter is shot.
Alex grins brilliantly up at him and simply says, “Hi,” as he wraps his arms around Henry’s waist and pulls him into a crushing hug.
“Hello,” Henry replies, unable to keep himself from matching Alex’s smile. “Can I help you with something?”
“You can come dance with me.”
“Oh, I don’t think—”
“Puh-leeeease, H?” Alex interrupts, batting those offensively long eyelashes up at him. “You gotta.”
Henry’s always been terrible at saying no to him. Still, he tries, “Oh, do I?”
“Yeah, ‘cause it’s my party, and I want you.”
He doesn’t mean it like that, of course—he just wants Henry to join them—but Henry’s stomach turns over anyway. Helpless to resist, he lets Alex drag him out onto the dance floor. Then someone (it was definitely Pez; Henry’s going to murder him) puts on a slow song. To Henry’s surprise, Alex collapses into his arms like all the frenetic energy has drained out of him at once, his arms looped tightly around Henry’s waist and his head resting on Henry’s shoulder.
“Hey,” Alex says after they’ve swayed aimlessly for a little while, “why’re you sad?”
So he definitely noticed. Henry shouldn’t be surprised. “I’m not,” he tries anyway. Alex lifts his head up long enough to glare at him. “Fine, I’m a little sad. It’s just… the beginning of the end, isn’t it? I’ll be finishing this year—I will, hush you—and you’re applying for jobs and leaving me…”
He means to say us, but it doesn’t come out that way. Alex just hums, a low rumble Henry feels more than hears.
“Take you with me.”
“Y’know, like a spousal hire,” Alex says, yawning into Henry’s shirt. “Tell ‘em I need a position for you too. They’d be stupid not to.”
Henry’s head swims. The thing is, Alex is such a superstar that he probably could negotiate something like that. Except for, you know. The fact that they’re not married. Alex doesn’t even seem to realize the implications of what he’s just said, he’s too busy falling asleep on Henry’s shoulder.
“I think we need to get you home,” Henry manages eventually.
Alex rousts himself, blinking up at him. “Just think about it, ok?” he says, like this is a serious proposition.
“Okay,” Henry agrees.
What else is he going to do? Besides, it makes Alex smile at him again, and really, that’s all that matters.
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dreamerinsilico · 2 years ago
You’ve heard of the browser wars....
I just recently made a long-overdue defection in the search engine wars, and I’m entirely pleased with it. 
You know how shitty Google results are when you need some fairly niche information that won’t be in a Wikipedia article, mainstream news, or some shitty celebrity gossip outlet, these days?
DuckDuckGo has cleared my skin, watered my crops, etc.  I was kind of ambiently glad it existed for a long time, but was like “well, privacy good, but my infosec practices are already sketchy at best, and google’s been doing this for a long-ass time; they’re probably better at it, so why bother.”  But no, my friends, google is better at something but these days that something is delivering clickbait to your fucking eyeballs.
I was frustrated with a very specific science question the other day and getting absolutely fucking nowhere with google, swapped over to duckduckgo on a curious whim, and it... didn’t get me exactly what I needed immediately, but it did give MUCH more relevant search results than google did.  And that’s, well, because enshittification.  Maybe someday, duckduckgo will also live to see itself become the villain, but for right now, it’s fucking useful, and it is now my default search engine on every device I use (and also every work computer i have reason to touch).
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miss-biophys · 7 months ago
Work on a scientific article
What it actuallly entails:
Come up with an idea, define an interesting problem
Do thorough literature research. Maybe similar stuff was already done. Define the knowledge gap well.
Plan in detail, how we can solve the problem, design experiments
Reach out to potential collaborators, agree with them on a plan
Buy necessary equipment, chemicals
Do pilot experiment, optimize the conditions to get reliable data
Perform experiments, calculations, make everything multiple times so it's reliable
Analyze the data
Urge collaborators to deliver their parts
Coordinate your progress with the collaborators
Manage the collaborations, organize meetings
Be diplomatic, you don't want to make enemies in academia
Agree with direct colleagues, who worked on it, what will be the message of the article. Will it be a long story and we need to add some more data? Or will it be short and right to the point and we write a short "letter"?
Do literature research again. Maybe new stuff appeared, and for sure your data must be confronted and discussed with already known facts.
Write the first draft of the article
Send it around for feedback, first only to direct colleagues from your lab
Incorporate the feedback, maybe do more experiments and more analysis
Rewrite the manuscript
Send it around the second, third, fourth, fifth... time
Incorporate the feedback
Send the manuscript to all collaborators.
Wait for the feedback, urge everyone to give it, maybe you don't have all data from all the collaborators yet
Incorporate feedback
Prepare the manuscript for journal submission
Get approval from all co-authors
Submit the manuscript
Wait for editor response, hopefully they send it to reviewers. If not, you need to rewrite a bit the article to adhere to the new journal's format and send somewhere else.
Get reviewers' reports, deal with them, reply truthfully, make effort to explain everything even if you know that the reviewer's suggestion is just impossible or irrelevant. Be diplomatic.
Maybe you need to do an additional experiment, analysis, or rewrite a major part fo the manuscript. This can take months.
Submit revised manuscript with all the changes
Wait for editor's nad reviewers' comments in the second round. You can get many rounds of review and still get rejected.
Finally get a "Congratulations, your manuscript has been accepted for publication"
Pop a shampagne! You deserve it!
What part of this do you usually do in different career stages:
BSc. and MSc. students: Perform experiments and analyze data
PhD students: Do all the experimental and analysis parts, write the manuscript, discuss with their supervisor and direct colleagues, incorporate feedback. But does not have to come up with their own idea and manage collaborations and diplomacy.
Postdocs: Do literally everything on the list
Group leader/Professor: Do the thinking and managing parts, help with writing and feedback, provide discussions and insight. Do not perform actual experiments and analysis.
Being a postdoc is the transformation between the student and the group leader.
As such, we just have to do all these tasks. It's stressful. It's challenging. It's definitely not boring. I am taking every opportunity to get a student, who can help with the experimental repetitions so I have time for all the other stuff.
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librarycards · 3 months ago
im suffering in case anyone was wondering
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casbitchh · 8 days ago
a second successful grant has hit the towers
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lovesodeepandwideandwell · 3 months ago
My dad's fundamental distrust of my theological vocation and training is normally very well hidden, but it keeps popping out when I mention schools he feels like are "his people" and he says oh they probably wouldn't hire you there!
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tettine · 5 months ago
Stavo pensando che è davvero lungo finire il proprio percorso di studi a trent'anni ma poi mi sono ricordata che l'aspettativa di vita si aggira sui novant'anni quindi direi che altri sessant'anni di vita dopo il percorso accademico sono tantissimi comunque. Perché ci mettono tutta questa pressione per entrare nel mondo del lavoro??
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milkywayan · 6 months ago
had the delusion that a friend was into me (that I am slightly into too) but realised today that he is not huehuehue well ok
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aqeons · 2 years ago
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The University of Amsterdam, Netherlands is seeking online applications for various Postdoctoral Positions at their different Departments.
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hwaslayer · 5 months ago
For your consideration: the Professors Choi™️ in college vs now 🥵
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(Idk if they actually knew each other in college I'm just assuming they did lmao)
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im fucking sitting here at my desk blushing sooo HAWRDDDD I WANNA WALK INTO ONCOMING TRAFFIC DMKDKSKSKwjkwkw!!!!! this is SO PERFECT 😭😭😭
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screamingcrows · 11 days ago
Modern AU Celeste sends this to Dottore every time he asks her to grade assignments for him btw
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miss-biophys · 4 months ago
Feeling like a pro in Atomic Force Microscopy
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...to be honest I probably should really tell myself that at this point I really am the professional in this method. After 4 years of working with 2 different atomic force microscopes, now I started with a 3rd one, again a new type from a different company.
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Only after 2 hours of training on the new machine, I could observe membranes of resistant bacteria all by myself. The membranes are the yellow pancakes sitting flat on the dark support. They are less than 8 nm high (0.000000008 m), as is visible in the blue and red profile lines. So it's super tricky to actually see them. Atomic force microscope touches the surface of my membranes and surrounding support with a tiny tip like with a finger and reconstructs the surface topology. On top of the small size, the cellular membranes are super soft so also the touching finger must be super soft to see them without damaging them.
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quatregats · 1 month ago
Remembering how insane my college choice criteria was like literally it was (1) needs to be in a place with a climate similar to Boston (snow) but it can't be actual Boston because I want to try living somewhere else, (2) needs to have a good Catalan program, and (3) bonus points will be awarded for each language it has that is a language I want to take. Also preferably everyone there will be a little nerd freak but this is not necessary. And then somehow this process actually worked
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dakrisart · 16 days ago
I might be getting a job offer as a Postdoc 😭😭 Bruh I am trying sooo hard to run from academia but it is catching up to me!
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