#postcreated greed
sysirauta · 11 months
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And here are all the guys [gender neutral].
Pride - Envy - Wrath - Greed - Sloth - Gluttony - Lust
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sysirauta · 2 years
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All my sin named creatures with monochromatic coloring and in weird funny poses - the collection.
It was kinda therapeutic just stretch their anatomy a bit and draw technically cool creatures in unflattering poses.
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sysirauta · 11 months
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Greed is a soda boy.
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sysirauta · 11 months
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I realized that Greed also turned ten years....almost three months ago.
Sorry Greed forgetting your creation day I like you but I might have another favorite character and it is not you.
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sysirauta · 2 years
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All my sin named creature in one place. In the size of an ACEO card. That is 64 × 89 mm (2.5 x 3.5 inches).
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I basically wanted to see if this can be done and also some use for all tiny brushes and 0.02 liner.
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sysirauta · 2 years
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Traditional painting portrait series of my sin named creatures from 2021. Took a long while to make but glad I did.
From top-left to bottom-right: Pride, Envy, Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Lust.
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sysirauta · 2 years
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The Things from a few years ago 2015 and 2017 I think.
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sysirauta · 2 years
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Whole Huevember 2022. During November, I made a little art thing of some of my characters every day and now here's everything together in color order.
Bone Chimera
a gureta
an aridmander
Purple Qilin
Veriki and Sympathy
a datyle
an unnamed dragon
Flying Frog
Guardian Frog
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sysirauta · 2 years
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Greed striking a pose.
He looks ridiculous and I love it.
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sysirauta · 2 years
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There are places long since abandoned and forgotten, times before even these centuries old creatures can remember. Time has eaten its way through walls, seemingly covered in metal. Good thing that many of the hallways are large enough for a creature like Greed to walk through. Even if there's dark and no sun has ever shined here, there's some life. Distant croaking echoes faintly. Bottom floor has made odd swamp of rusty old tools and mushy moss. Somewhere there is a small way outside, at least a few toads have made their home here.
Greed from a few years back.
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sysirauta · 2 years
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Cross things are and aren't part of them. Creatures can hide them or make a certain amount appear at will but not above their personal amount. By default they float in place, like fixed with really wonky magnetic field, but can be moved at will. What comes to controllability, it is like any tool or weapon - requires practice and it doesn't always go smoothly.
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What comes picking up things with them, it's easier to just grab the damn things and use them manually. They're not exactly tools for precise work.
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Gluttony's actual horns are small and shaped like crescent moons, and she can roll well without extensions.
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And yes, Greed does hide things into his mane. A lot of things.
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If he had nose and lungs, he's sneeze in the next moment.
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sysirauta · 2 years
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Yeah, that's totally proper way to sit. Way to go, Greed.
He looks content at least.
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sysirauta · 3 years
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I was looking at my sin creatures some other day and realized that about all need some tweaking, their reference art is getting old. Greed here might need most design tweaking, it is little things but he's a disaster to draw, mostly I was never happy to the torso and loins area so I'm trying to draw it to make more sense. I mean, it's a surreal metal skeleton creature, it's a disaster anyway but like, slightly more pleasant-to-draw disaster. (At least for myself.) At first there'll be a sketch disaster of course, as seen here.
Even if Greed is named Greed, he is most likely most harmless thing, I mean it may snatch your prized porcelain teacup that you got from your grandma, but otherwise Greed is utterly harmless weird copper cluster sheep.
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sysirauta · 2 years
A few questions. Do the characters of "Last Quarter" and "Wings Unfold" have proper names? Also, "Wings Unfold" is related in some way to Wrath? (Their crosses are very similar). Do Greed store/hide the stuff he steals inside his mane and/or his essence? And he can use his floating crosses to pick up things? Last one, how mobile are the crosses of the poscreated sins?(Since Greed's ones look like they can move around him freely, but Gluttonery ones look pretty fixed in place). Thanks in advance.
I'll split this question in two parts since here's a nice amount of things. Here are the old art pieces in questions:
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The thing with lots of purple parts is Shine. There was ever this one art of it, and never got any special character development. It sparkles a lot and looks mildy sad for no clear reason.
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The other thing is Promise. Promise got more art and more personality, and would need slight design retouch just because rusted iron crosses look out of place nowadays. The reason for them is simply that Promise is old character, made in 2009, it is two years older than any of the sins and was made before I had any established idea for postcreated creatures.
Promise, however, was the first one to had floaty cross things, I basically stole the idea from Promise later on, ha. Its design would stay mostly the same, I just need to figure out what to do with the wings and adjust details a bit.
Promise is pretty small, like a medium-big dog, and its behaving is similar too. It doesn't have enough intelligence to understand the concept of discussion, it just seems to say "erp" in creaky voice. It is a friendly creature, there's just lots of pointy bits. Sometimes it forgets the concept of walls and just phases through them like no big deal.
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Basically, it's the thing that one can call "what a weird dog" and be mostly correct.
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