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Make me work on my fics!
Rules: Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It’s fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count). Whichever WIP title gets the most votes, write 1 sentence for every vote received.
Ty for the tag @spices28! My real priority right now is a gift exchange fic, so I listed the options for what I'll work on next!
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#june speaks#im being irrationally upset ik just let me get it out of my system. why are you dissing me on my own post tho if it bothers you that much#then just keep scrolling we’re all fans of the same silly little game#moral of the story i do not take well to attention 😔
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[ F e v e r . ]
A Post-Calamity Zelink Oneshot
Rating: T
Word count: 2500
Zelda blew out a breath that puffed her cheeks. She felt flushed and uncomfortable, and frankly, quite over the whole situation if she was being honest with herself. It hadn’t taken her long to decide that the Eldin Region, in its entirety, was her least favorite amongst the whole kingdom. At least the Gerudo’s persistent hot weather was of a drier character; the climate closer to Death Mountain was dreadfully humid and the princess was not enjoying it at all.
Quickly, she changed out of her travelling clothes and into more comfortable clothing suitable for sleeping. She did not have the energy to walk to the bathhouses to change, and Link had gone not too long ago to bathe, so Zelda took the liberty to change within the current privacy of their room at the Foothill Stable Inn.
Afterwards she lay on her side of the bed (Following a week or two of debilitating nightmares, Link had agreed to sleep nearer to her, for both her protection and her comfort. She hadn’t had a nightmare since), focusing on doing as little as possible so as to avoid using the energy she felt she didn’t have due to the heat. Rather idly, she scrolled through the Hyrule Compendium on the Sheikah slate, making mental notes of the missing entries.
Even breathing felt like a chore. Zelda missed the comforts of more temperate climates and looked forward to leaving the next morning now that her and the knight’s work there with the Gorons was complete.
A half hour or so passed before Link returned. Zelda jumped when the door opened, having been so absorbed in her reading material. Her eyes met the knight’s as he entered. He nodded to her and offered a small smile before closing the door behind him and motioning towards the mirror by the dresser. He wore a clean white shirt and short pants. His wild hair was wet from his bath.
Zelda continued to read as Link brushed his hair into a duly ponytail. He approached the bed.
“Will you be up for a while longer?” he asked.
“Yes, I would like to finish this book. I am almost at the end. It is quite fascinating! Did you know that…” But Link had stopped listening, not out of any disrespect but because of sheer exhaustion; that fight with the hinox brute earlier had left him more tired than he realized. As Zelda discussed the contents of her book, Link moved the candle from the nightstand on his side of the bed to the one on Zelda’s.
“...Amazing. There are so many things to learn about this Goddess-forsaken region.” The princess finally took a break from talking.
Her knight chuckled. “Goddess-forsaken?”
“I must admit to you, Link, that I have been most uncomfortable since our arrival here.” she explained, sitting up and leaning against the headboard. “Tease me if you must, but I am not at all accustomed to this climate and it does not suit me in the slightest.”
The other refrained from the teasing. “Can I do anything to make you more comfortable, princess? I could fetch you a cooling elixir.”
Zelda wanted to accept the offer, but shook her head. “No, I will be alright. You need your rest. I will be quiet now.”
“Being of service to you is not a bother--”
“Thank you.”
“...Do you need anything else, princess?”
“No. Thank you, Link.”
He nodded and proceeded to lie down, on top of the covers. His left hand rested on his stomach and the other above his head on the pillow. His typical sleeping position.
“Goodnight, princess.” he muttered, his eyes already closed.
“Goodnight, Link.”
Sometime later, after Zelda had finished her book, she sat it down on the nightstand and lay down on her side, facing the candle. She watched the flickering flame for a long, long while.
It was too hot. Too humid. And for the life of her, the princess was unable to fall asleep. She turned over, facing her knight. A weird sense of desperation came over her that she would not sleep at all that night and that have a terrible day tomorrow, and she wanted to wake Link so he could go and acquire a sleep tonic for her. But she couldn’t. She wouldn't.
So she just stared at Link, half comforted by the sight of him sleeping so soundly, half incredibly envious of the fact that he had already been sleeping for two or three hours and she hadn’t slept a wink.
Then she felt awkward, watching him like that.
Was it proper that she and Link shared a bed, if only to sleep? It hadn’t even crossed her mind before. She had been so immensely relieved to be cured of her nightmares that she hadn’t considered anything else. Besides, most evenings, both Link and Zelda were too exhausted from the various activities of the day to let their minds wander where they, perhaps, should not be. Everything was mechanical. And if otherwise, the two merely went over the next day’s plan on the Sheikah slate until they were too tired to continue.
The princess shuddered at the thought of her father finding out about the bedsharing, although, surely he knew somehow, from his place in the afterlife. It was a somewhat harrowing thought that Zelda pushed from her mind immediately.
But tonight, on account of her sleeplessness, her thoughts went somewhere it had only dared to graze over before.
She watched the slow rise and fall of the knight’s chest as he breathed. He snored softly, which was followed by a sort of contented moan that caused something in Zelda’s insides to stir. She had no explanation for that strange feeling, at the time.
She sighed. He is enjoying his sleep. Blessed be the Goddesses.
Suddenly, Link woke, and stared at Zelda with a confused expression and sleep-smeared eyes.
“...Princess? Are you alright?”
Zelda hesitated.
“What is wrong?”
“The mere fact that I bathed just a few hours ago and I already feel that I need to bathe again.”
Link scratched at his hair. His cheeks were visibly flushed. “It is hot in here.” he agreed, “I’ll open a window. Maybe some air flow will help.” He got up and did so. Before returning he acquired a looser, short sleeve shirt from his pack to replace the one he was wearing. He quickly switched the shirts with his back facing Zelda. She hadn’t been looking until one of his shoulder blades glinted in the candlelight and she glanced over a mere second too late to see anything else.
Did she want to see anything else? The sudden notion puzzled her.
When he turned, the two locked eyes.
“I’m sorry that you’re so uncomfortable, princess.” he said, approaching again. “Are you sure there isn't anything else that I can do to help?” He couldn’t stop the yawn that followed his offer.
“I just can’t sleep. Perhaps I will just try again tomorrow night when we’re back in Necluda.” She meant for this to be a joke but it came out more bitter than she had intended.
Link stared at her for a moment, thinking, before sitting crossed-legged on the bed and reaching for the Sheikah slate. It had been resting against the footboard. The bed dipped as the knight sat down and the princess had to readjust her own sitting position.
“...What are you doing?” she asked, curiously.
“Making note of something I just thought of.” was his answer. Zelda didn’t feel like prodding him to tell her what that something was, so she laid back down instead, feeling no less irritated. Link typed on the slate for less than a minute before setting it back down where had been and then lying down. He finally noticed Zelda glaring at him.
He wasn’t convinced, and they didn’t break eye contact. Finally, the princess’ expression softened.
“I was just thinking, Link…” she said quietly. “...and, please, be honest with me--”
“I’m always honest with you, princess.”
She paused, taken aback that he had interrupted her. He had never done that before. “...Just for the sake of my curiosity… Have you ever thought about… I mean… Have you ever wondered what we… If we…”
“Of course I have, princess. I’m not dense.”
“I… I was not at all suggesting that you were! I’m just genuinely curious…” Zelda pressed her lips together. She hardly understood these words that were, frivolously, escaping her lips with her voice. And yet, somehow, Link understood? It couldn’t be a coincidence.
“Our questions will find their answers in due time, princess.”
“I know that. I have always been rather impatient, though, and I can’t help but wonder... But I apologize for this silly conversation. Please, go back to sleep. I have said too much.”
The moment of silence that followed, without any sort of closure from either party, proved to be far more uncomfortable than the hot weather.
The princess shut her eyes, feeling as if she had done something awful, and it took considerable effort on her part not to start crying. A line had been crossed and she wished that she could erase the past five minutes.
But Link moved beside her and before she had a chance to look at him and assess the situation, she felt his lips on hers.
It was soft.
Still, Zelda gasped from surprise. In doing so she opened her mouth slightly, which her knight took as an invitation.
Something was being set free. It was raw, unadulterated...wild. Something, perhaps, that had been waiting over a hundred years to come to the surface, having lay dormant all that time.
“Link, wait-- I-- There is so much more-- that I need to say--” But he was stealing away her breaths, and the words stopped materializing in her brain.
“Later.” he said. His lower lip dragged up her chin and briefly cupped hers before resuming the kiss.
“Oh-- I--”
He paused and they stared at each other for a few seconds. “...Do you want me to stop?”
“I… No--”
So he didn’t. Zelda sighed out the last bit of her resolve and allowed her mind to drift away amongst the sea of her inner consciousness.
His hands were on her; one on her hip and the other supporting her behind her back. She put her hands on either side of his face, daring to touch him for the first time. Their kisses became less tableau and more mindless; a feverish tangle of swollen lips and forceful breaths. They fell to the bed eventually and his mouth travelled from hers to along her jaw and then her ear.
She felt his warmth--impassionate and searing--seeping out from him, through his clothes and then through hers before entering her through the very pores of her skin.
...If she had been hot before, she was on fire now, having become one with the very pools of flame that flowed under the Great Eldin Bridge.
Link nuzzled against her neck, somehow finding new places to plant more kisses. Zelda felt that if this continued for much longer, she would surely implode.
“...We should stop…..” he said, his voice low near her ear. His breathing had syncopated with hers.
“Then stop...” was her response. It sounded like a dare.
“...Do you want me to stop, princess?”
The word princess made Zelda open her eyes. She stared at the textured beige ceiling above them as she tried to catch her breath. “...I’m afraid, Sir Link...that I simply don’t have the courage...to answer that question...as we are, now...”
At that, he retreated, removing his limbs from hers carefully. Zelda’s skin mourned the loss of his touch. She searched for his face but he refused to meet her eyes. She watched him swallow, hard. Her brain rebooted and had begun to replay what had just occurred over again in her mind like a slideshow. What...was happening? The princess tried to make logical sense of this new onset of feelings and emotions, but her body betrayed her with exhaustion and a yearning ache for more of his kisses.
“I’m sorry. That should not have happened.” Link said, finally, swallowing his breaths in vain attempt to calm himself down. “It is not my place to initiate such things. I’m ashamed of my behavior."
“But, Link--”
“I can’t share a bed with you anymore, princess. Please understand me. I… can’t.”
Zelda panicked, remembering the nightmares. “You can, and you must. Please! I need you to. You know this.”
He made no response. Instead, he got up with a vague gesture of distress.
“I just need a few minutes to myself, princess. Please excuse me.”
Zelda nodded her permission and Link put on his cloak and boots before heading out into the night alone.
“It’s fine.” she reassured, a bit later, after he had returned.
“No. You barely opened a door and I shoved myself across the threshold. That is not fine, princess.”
“Maybe I wanted--” Zelda began, but she stilled her tongue.
Link stared, not realizing that he was holding his breath.
The princess swallowed her previous sentence. “...It’s my fault, then. For opening the door.” she said instead, feeling her heart sink, meanwhile.
That was not what her knight wanted to hear, either, and it was obvious in his expression.
“At any rate, I’m sorry...” he said, too late.
The princess was exasperated. The lack of sleep was making her eye sockets hurt. “Please don’t apologize for--”
“..For disturbing the peace between us.”
“--something that I started.” They had both spoken at the same time. There was a long, pregnant pause. It was then that they both realized that neither would be the same from that night on. Later that became a terrifying though exciting prospect; a new adventure to embark upon and a new world to explore but in that moment, it felt like both of them had lost something very precious and they felt its sudden absence very, very keenly, in their own ways.
“Link, let’s forget about this for right now. I am so very tired and I know that you are, too.” She patted his vacant spot on the bed. “Come and sleep.”
“I shouldn’t--”
“Come and sleep.” she repeated. It wasn’t a request.
He swallowed again. “Yes, princess.” He rejoined her on the bed, maintaining distance. They both lay down on their backs, both staring at the ceiling.
Zelda reached out and took Link’s hand. “I trust you, you understand that, right?” she said quietly. Her eyes were closed. “It is myself whom I do not trust just yet.”
“I understand.”
“Goodnight, Link.”
“Goodnight, princess.”
The night finally consumed the two--the Princess of Hyrule and her appointed knight--and they slept peacefully, long into the morning.
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[BotW: Family and Legacy] - sketch dump
All of these are more like draft sketches of concepts and ideas I have been working on for a long time now.
Pic 1: Concept sketch of Link’s parents: Jun Satoru and Selene Satoru (nee Somerset)
Pic 2: Jun’s uniform as the Commander of the Royal Guard. And Grandpa Eishun Satoru
Pic 3: A moment of happier days, Link (9) and his sister, Aria (6) with Grandma Ayaka Satoru
Pic 4: Post-Calamity, Under your shadow. Aria survived the Calamity but alone in a new more dangerous world, she is constantly under her older brother’s shadow. Where he may be.
Pic 5: Wishful AU. Where the Calamity never happened and everyone is alive, happy and together. ;w;
#gonna dump out as much Pre-Calamity content as I could for Link/Wild's family because I doubt Nintendo will do so for AoC#let this boi be happy!! and have a wholesome family dammit#legend of zelda#breath of the wild#botw#hyrule warriors#Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity#age of calamity#botw family and legacy#link's family#wild's family#botw precalamity#botw postcalamity#botw wishful au#link#link's father#jun satoru#link's mother#selene somerset#link's sister#aria satoru#Link's grandfather#eishun satoru#link's grandmother#ayaka satoru
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gourd character arc: I want to stay here forever (early life) -> *dead silence* *occasional wildly reckless behavior* (post-Calamity pre-ARR) -> I have no problems whatsoever do you have a quest for me (ARR) -> I have problems (HW) -> I am working on my problems (SB) -> Sometimes shit turn out okay :] (ShB) -> life is good *leans harder into his living vices* (EW probably)
strike character arc: I am helpful and adorable and the village loves me (pre-Warder) -> I will suck it up and live up to the role I was born into because I have someone who is teaching me (training) -> life is a hellish purgatory and I'm going insane I'm so lonely I'm so lonely I'm so lonely (Warder) -> The world is my fucking oyster (escape & period of learning about the outer world) -> I'm so sexy and so so so lonely (post-Calamity, settled into mercenary life) -> I'm so sexy I don't need anyone and I don't care about anyone *burns and dies from the solitude* (ARR~SB) -> I think I made a "friend". I think it may worth considering "other people" have "feelings" (post-SB) -> I always had people who loved me? (ShB) -> I'm embarrassed. Don't mention it (EW)
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There’s a twist in his guts that warns him to be cautious. A mirror image of himself stands before him and something about it sets off alarms in his head. Something vaguely familiar that almost feels foreboding about seeing one’s own reflection right before them.
He inquires, but there’s no hiding how his muscles tense. Ready to react at a moment’s notice. Fingers curl with mild anxiety. His stance remains firm and unyielding.
“Who...are you...?”
Was this some harsh reminder of a past he couldn’t recall? A trial? A number of things from to mind but none answer his ever growing list of questions.
#embodiedhero#(VERSE.:.PostCalamity) The Hero Born of the Wilds#{{ If you're Link. And I'm Link. Who's flying the plane? }}
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Precalamity and postcalamity Zelda
Judge magazine, July 1926
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Hi! So I'm using your theme #39 and it's super lovely and it's probably my favorite theme I've found!!! I've been encountering a very minute problem though. The black border/backgrounds behind the posts are all merging into one sorta big post and I was wondering if you could possibly see if it could be fixed? It's okay though if you don't have the time!!! And if you do I super appreciate it! Thank you so much! Have a lovely day uvu
Hello, sweetie!! Oh my goodness, it looks like some things have gotten shuffled in the code! When this particular problem occurs the individual posts have somehow gotten switched the the post container code, and it means that when the code was copied from pastebin it didn’t copy correctly! It is a very easy problem to fix, though, so no worries!! You can simply re-copy and paste all of the code into your theme and voila! Problem solved. And no worries—all of your colors and images and stuff will stay the same!
Let me know if you’re still having trouble, sweetie! I’m always happy to help.
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WIP Ask Game
Thank you for tagging me @bahbahhh!
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Tag as many people as you have WIPs. People send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
Ashei/Ilia - my girls. my roman empire ship. I just finished a 5-chapter outline of their love story and have some scenes written but should really finish some of the stuff below before I really start working on this.
Fog of War - pre-OOT civil war era twoshot involving Nabooru, Ganondorf, and Impa.
Midnight assass attempt (so titled when this idea came to me in the middle of the night and I couldn't spell assassination) - precalamity oneshot I'm maybe halfway done with.
Never Forgotten - postcalamity multichap; 2 of 5 chapters written.
Riju & Link - TOTK oneshot taking place during and after the siege on Gerudo Town.
Shadows & Spectres - TP Canon Divergent AU. Midzelink. Not even outlined but will be written someday if it KILLS me
Skyward sword angst - a oneshot that's been sitting in my folder, MOCKING ME, since 2020
Unfinished post-TOTK oneshot - speaks for itself 😅
I'm going to tag.... @cetaseok, @linktheacehero, @nocturnalfandomartist (I'm scared to know how many WIPs you have lmao), and @embyrinitalics!
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