#postales limbo
diegomiragro · 2 years
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Mundos Abstractos 🪐🚀🌟
Mi aportación para Postales desde el Limbo 2022 (una expo anual en Zaragoza de dibujos originales de artistas de todas partes que se venden para fines benéficos) Hecho con rotuladores, lápices, y un poco de collage ✨
Abstract Worlds 🪐🚀🌟
My work for Postales desde el Limbo 2022 (an annual expo in Spain in which artists from all over make original pieces to be sold for charity) Made with pens, pencils, and a bit of collage ✨
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loversys-x3 · 1 year
I'm shitting my jorts. How tf did Sun ship first when Moon was ordered before him. 😭
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osmanthusoolong · 6 days
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“Saint John-area carrier Shannon Aitchison says she was suspended for five days without pay for taking a stand against the latest material from Campaign Life Coalition, a registered national lobbyist who has sent out three postcards across New Brunswick ahead of the province’s Oct. 21 election.
These postcards have accused teachers of “pushing transgenderism” and described gender-affirming medical care as “chemical and surgical mutilation.” The third and latest postcard states that “no child is ‘born in the wrong body,’” and that “God doesn’t make mistakes.”
“The third flyer was straight-up nonsense,” said Aitchison, who is the mother of a transgender child. “‘God doesn’t make mistakes,’ so you’re telling me my child is a mistake? “
“Canada Post has maintained the content of the postcards doesn’t meet the criteria to be “non-mailable matter.” As a result, the Crown corporation has said it’s required to deliver the postcards even if their contents are objectionable to the organization itself, its employees or its other customers.
Five Saint John-area Canada Post carriers decided not to deliver the coalition’s latest postcard over the last week, according to Aitchison, who is the recording secretary for the local postal workers’ union.
Two of the carriers – one of those was Aitchison – were suspended, she said, while the status of another carrier remains in limbo. She told Brunswick News another two carriers used paid personal days, as recommended by management, to avoid working the window where the postcards were to be delivered.”
“In August, Campaign Life Coalition threatened legal action against Canada Post after the national postal workers’ union claimed some of its New Brunswick carriers had been given the “option” to not deliver the first postcard.
Canada Post never confirmed nor denied it gave that option to workers, while the union maintained that it didn’t give workers that “direction.””
“Aitchison claims the latest flyer violates Canada Post’s own Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Charter. All Canada Post employees and customers are required to adhere to the zero-tolerance policy.
“Whoever vet this (postcard) did not do a good job,” said Aitchison, who has since returned to work and has been told she’ll be paid for her days off but is still grieving her suspension. “
“Campaign Life Coalition has already registered as a third-party advertiser with Elections New Brunswick ahead of the Oct. 21 race, previously telling Brunswick News it plans to issue a voters’ guide and other materials.
Under third-party advertising rules, individuals and groups are entitled to each spend up to $17,600 province-wide on election advertising during the official campaign period.
However, Elections New Brunswick has acknowledged it doesn’t have the power to investigate complaints of collusion between groups, political parties and candidates to get around spending-limit rules. It also doesn’t have the power to levy administrative fines if parties are found to be in violation of the rules.”
So the Albertan astroturf christofascists can freely interfere with the election, very cool
I really hope CUPW stand up for the workers with a conscience. I was visiting family in New Brunswick when we got one of their propaganda mailers, and it was so vile
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hi i just found your account and i want to read the slowpoke series but it feels a little daunting. would you be willing to make a masterlist thats chronological order? if you have already could you direct me to it?
Hi new friend, welcome to the (still a work-in-progress) Slowpoke Series!
Some of the stories are meant to be read out of order due to references, in which case starting from the top of the Masterlist and working your way on down would be the way to go because those are listed in order of publishing. The includes the first story 'Slowpoke' and second story 'Deal' that take place some time apart.
Non linear isn't everyone's cup of tea, though :)
Here's the list in order of when stuff happens chronologically so far in what's been published:
Quarter! S01, GN
How’s your head? Part 1 S01, F
How’s your head? Part 2 S01, F
The Chicken Swim S01, FI
“Deserved” Part 1 S01, GN
“Deserved” Part 2 S01, GN
It’s not the end of the wor - oh. S01, FI/GN
That mangy hick!   S01, GN
Southern Comfort, a Wii, and a big bowl of spaghetti.  S01, GN
Dead-end?   S01, GN
There’s also a bar.  S01, GN
Like a traditional Sunday dinner  S01, GN
Too much thinking before bed, Part 1  S01, GN
Too much thinking before bed, Part 2  S01, GN
Ain’t nothing...   S01, GN
Hell of a day  S01, GN
douche car.  Pre-S02, F
...but 'dirtbag car’ if the kids are listening  Pre-S02, F
Two idiots   Pre-S02, GN
What’s worth going postal  Pre-S02, GN
Bad things happen*  S02, GN
*in threes   S02, GN
Just one scrap, Part 1  S02, GN
Just one scrap, Part 2  S02, GN
Yesterday was rough S02, GN
White lies. S02, GN
It was a pragmatic cigarette   S02, GN
What were your nightmares about?  S02, FI
Better with a friend  S02, F/GN
Picking a flower = saving the day S02, F/GN
A cause for concern  S02, GN  
Oh my.  S02,  GN/FI
A mighty good team  S02, GN/FI 
A measure of reverence, Part 1   S02, F
A measure of reverence, Part 2  S02, F
souls stripped bare  S02, F
Invisible, tugging strings, Part 1 S02, GN
Invisible, tugging strings, Part 2 S02, GN
Spell your last name, please. S02, GN
He hasn't been himself S02, GN
Scary as a sleepy kitten S02, GN
"fondness" LOL S02, GN
Thank you, angel... S02, GN
Redemption Arcs S02, GN
That was it. S02, F
Stuck in a damn bed. S02, F
Shame on a plate S02, GN
Penance + (knock-off) Ambrosia S02, GN
Keep this dog asleep S02, GN <- new one!
Slowpoke  Pre-S03, GN
A fu---n’ great Christmas  Pre-S03, GN
The first Christmas “without,” Part 1  Pre S03, GN
The first Christmas “without,” Part 2  Pre S03, GN
I don't hate you Pre S03, GN
Deal  S03, GN
Happy 8th of July!  Pre-S04, GN
Every step.  S05, F
The Interview (story line no longer in limbo)   S05, F
After the interview   S05, F
Still beating Pre S09, F
The best kind of damn weird   Pre-S09, F
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yangjeongin · 1 month
you guys..........i rly feel like i need to share this with more people cause it's so ? weird.
but basically +4 years ago my ex gifted me a bloomiz album but naively she decided to use regular postal service and i was like don't do that it will never get here cause the postal service here sucks. that was back in feb 2020. oneiric diary comes out june 2020 and i'm like well clearly that bloomiz album is Lost. a year goes by and i have already lost all hope and at that point kind of forgotten about it. yesterday at 8am i am woken up by a call from guess who? THE POST OFFICE. telling me i have a package from korea waiting for me. i am completely weirded out by the fact that that package somehow got lost in limbo and then found it's way back here but i end up going there and the woman at the reception is like were u not expecting something? and i'm like yeah FOUR YEARS AGO 😭😭😭😭😭 she laughs and says she's been working there for 32 years and she's never seen anything like it. at the end i leave because i had to do other things before i could get the package. so i go back today after doing the other things they asked me to and the guy there looks at me weirded out when i point out that the date on the package says 05.03.2020 LMAO he wanted to check in the system the package number to see the tracking and when it rly entered the country but the program kept shutting down and now i will be forever curious. he said he's seen late packages arriving which end up being rocks 😭 the weird thing is that it has that date which i assume is the date it got shipped cause it has a stamp with my country's name, it has another date that says 30.05.2024 and then 08.08.2024 which is when the package arrived to my city. like yeah i'm happy it finally came but what the fuck 😭 i knew the postal service was bad but not this bad. they will forever remember that package from korea that took 4 years to arrive.
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jelliclekay · 5 months
The way I have 3 packages, all cosplay related, that are just completely lost in limbo and are at the mercy of the US postal service
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dollsonmain · 5 months
Ok.... I have 2 items at the Buyee warehouse, now (excite), two items in postal limbo between seller and Buyee, and one more item bidding that ends today (one of the Intro to Super Dollfie Makeup books).
I don't think I'm going to learn anything from either book, I just think they'd be neat to have.
I am also still tempted by the SD boy.
This is dangerous and partly why I had avoided it for so long >.>
Still deciding on my Bad Idea.
Oh, yeah I'll bid on that Licca....
Fuck it, that, too....
I'd bid on THAT but there's lots of furniture and that would make the package huge.......
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writing-for-the-gays · 6 months
it can be more vague !!! I'm completely fine with that :) if you wanted to put some interests for the reader you could do art and illustration stuff !! something like the reader drawing Evan and stuff they do in their relationship if that's okay !!
SFW and fluffy! Two nerds in love bc I know Evan is a dweeb nerd. Writers block was up my ass on this one ✊😔
Deer coded Evan supremacy
Snail of seperation so you know where the fic starts
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- you two were Internet friends for a long while before you ever met in person.
- you chatted casually on postal forums when the first game started picking up fans, and realized you were on a few other forums too, mainly music related ones, and slowly became friends.
- You began to message regularly on Myspace. Mostly about gaming and piracy.
- you two meet in person before the end of the year in 2008, at a new Year's Eve party both of you had been invited to.
-You kiss at that same party, right as the clock struck midnight.
- You both were really drunk, mind you, and honestly it was nothing more than a peck, but to the both of you it was crazy intense.
-you two go quite a bit after that, not messaging each other. Not for any particular reason (Evans overwhelming fear of fucking it up)
-but when you start talking again it's like nothing happened and you're stuck in a weird limbo of maybe being together for a bit.
- then he confesses.
Your fingers tap lightly on the table, staring out the window into the drizzling rain outside makes you wonder if Evan is ever going to show up.
It's been 15 minutes since the meet up time and for a normally punctual person this was odd. It made you worried; but everything did recently, no shocker.
Taking a sip of the sweet drink you'd ordered didn't help calm your nerves, you weren't sure if it was because you didn't know what he wanted to talk about (you know very, very, well what he wants to talk about) or because he wasn't here yet but you didn't want to be seen, sinking into the plush chair.
The 'ding' of the coffee shop door opening makes you perk right back up, and lo and behold there he is, stoic and strong to like a stag in the forest, the light catches his eyes and they go from an earthy brown to a honey gold.
He squints against the sun, and scans the room looking for you, when he spots you, a hand goes up and he waves limply; in what feels like slow motion he moves over to your table and sits down.
You sit with him for a moment, an uncomfortable tension filling the space between the two of you. You inhale softly through your nose before begging to talk.
"Look I'm sorry about the new years party-"
"I'm sorry that I kissed you at the-"
Just at the same time he did. It makes you jump a bit and he blushes bright red. "ah go ahead-." He says quietly, gesturing at you.
"I'm sorry about the party... I'm... Ugh I'm sure you can guess I was drunk... I...." You stumble for what to say for A moment before Evan speaks suddenly
"I think I want to explore whatever... This is." He says, tapping a knuckle on the wooden top of the table. "It's... Understandable if you don't and I'm not going to force you into anything but I enjoyed that night, and if you're willing I'd like to-"
You damn near throw yourself onto him in a hug "Fuck- i was so worried i fucked it up-" you muttered softly into the crook of his neck, letting out a soft and crackly chuckle, his arms come up and wrap around you.
You look up from your spot in his neck and he smiles. You gently peck his lips and pull away.
"we've gotta order something doe eyes, I don't know if they'd appreciate us coming in here just to kiss and make up."
- you two date casually starting from then, most people don't know you're in a relationship for about 4 months until you finally feel comfortable being out with him.
- homophobia is still pretty strong around this time but you and Evan have a conversation about what to do in situations like that (shooting them execution style is not a solution he is ok with, you've learned.)
- you both go pretty hard in the arts, he's more of a photography guy though, you spend time watching him from the porch as he marches around the tree line for stuff to picture, and sketching him when you think hes not looking.
- you have a small studio that you share with him from time to time, he mostly uses it to print digital photos because you have a fancy printer ✊😔. (You're only like 98% sure it's not the reason he's dating you)
- you 🤝 Ev = being wildly unprepared for habit
- you and habit are... On neutral terms. He's somehow gained a small amount of respect for you so he leaves you alone. You're more there to support Evan, while occasionally handling habit like a spider in a pacifist household (putting him outside. In the woods.) and evan eventually comes back fine, so you're not too worried.
- there's been a few times where you've found a deer carcass or two but. Yeah you can handle that.
- you think everything's ok? Evan seems at least content and you are perfectly happy.
-you and Evan do get married at some point, it's a low-key ceremony and reception, it would've been an elopement if you had any say, but Evan wanted the experience and honestly it was kind of nice.
- you full force throw a slice of cake in his face though, that was what you two wanted. (You break his nose but it's fine y'all laugh it off)
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upthewitchypunx · 8 months
Oh boy! I thought USPS was getting back to me about the insurance claim I put in for an order that looked like it was dumped in a river and the books were ruined, but apparently they had other questions for me. I made them email them because I hate talking on the phone:
What is your biggest need with the USPS?
How many packages do you ship per day?
What are the average weights of those packages?
I see you ship Polybags- What are the sizes?
Help me understand where you get your orders from?
How are you currently printing your shipping labels?
Do any of the items you ship contain anything liquid, fragile, perishable, or potentially hazardous such as lithium batteries, perfume, mercury, or aerosols?
I had fun with these. The answer to the fist went something like this:
-To not have my packages mangled in transit.
-To not have packages from our orders from the button parts factory in Wisconsin sit in limbo for a week at a distribution center.
-For your order pick up system to actually work and send me confirmation emails in a timely manner so I'm not left wondering if the carrier will pick up our orders that day or if I need to take them to the post office.
-For the price of shipping not to go up so frequently that the items we ship are worth less than the shipping cost. It's ridiculous. It's frustrating and a 1.25" pinback button has to be shipped as a package, which costs at least $4 to ship when the button is worth $2.50 or an indie zine (self-published magazines) costs $3 but costs $4 to ship. This is the biggest gripe from our customers, don't get me started on International shipping.
-Replace Louis DeJoy with someone who understands the spirit of our postal system is intended to be a national service, not a capitalist enterprise.
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poupeesdecirque · 4 months
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WiP - Crown Clown, Crown Ornaments & Redoing the glove
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As I started working on the Innocence Arms I wanted to work on Crown Clown as well and coated the Ornaments (my parcel with Flexbond still in postal limbo q_q ) but the whole thing didn't work.
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The paint flaked off several times and I wasn't happy with the magnets and somehow... I decided to redo the whole thing. And then postponed working on it until I had figured out something better.
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Plus with the Innocence I made a better pattern for gloves and learned new ways to attach things, I decided to improve the whole glove, good thing I started early enough.
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I'm not sure how to add the parts by now, I'm torn between several methods. But for now I have to put this aside.
As you know this stuff is queued up and this was how I needed to leave everything behind as I had to pack for the bookfair (... and in hinsight I should have paid more attention while packing things, would have helped greatly to pack in EVERYTHING).
Aside that I have choosen the variant I will wear underneath Crown Clown for the Dokomi, it's the prisoner outfit, shouldn't be too complicated to sew.
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I already bought some shoes and figure out the closure. The pattern is pretty basic though.
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While I was at it I got new boots for the third Uniform, as I will attend a smaller (more local) con in May I decided to wear the third one again, I repaired it and a tiny upgrade is nice I guess C:
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cluemily · 8 months
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For anyone having issues getting their Life Series merch still, there's a big message in Scar's Discord about it and what steps to take if you've still not received it.
Text version below cut:
Hi everyone!
If you are on this thread it's likely you ordered some Life Merch and it's taking its sweet time to get to you. In an effort to be as transparent as possible, I am going to personally write about the issues that have occurred behind the scenes and the options you have.
First of all, I want to say and enormous thank you for the overwhelming support on this merch drop and my sincere apologies about the delays and handling of the issues and my delay in writing something like this. I've never has to handle issues like this before so it's a bit of a new one for me.
The company we used are a small family run business using products made in the USA. There was a huge amount of orders made before the 5th of November cut-off, but should have been doable - Unfortunately there was a 3 week delay on getting the stock in to embroider on, and since most orders included hoodies, that pushed back an already tight production. This is why many Christmas delivery orders were not met on time and instead were up to 3 weeks late, overwhelming demand meets time constraints. The biggest mistake here on their part was not being good with communication about the situation. I myself ended up writing Christmas cards and emails to parents who were a Christmas present short (It was quite stressful). I have a lot of personal guilt about the missed Christmas orders, as creators we live and die by these promises and I was disappointed that a proportion of orders (It wasn't all of them by any means) didn't meet the deadline. It truly was out of my hands though.
Post-Christmas, the catch up continued on getting orders out and reports of support emails being unanswered started to pile up. I can't speak for the company's support team but I am so sorry that these emails went unanswered, that is incredibly frustrating. I am assured now that there are people answering emails within 24 hours. I got a few sent to my business email, and passed those along to be dealt with, which they were.
The most recent issue is actually one that is affecting most people now as the pre-Christmas order date orders have all been sent out, but as some people have reported have been stuck on "Label created" and no shipping tracking has progressed. It seems that orders (Specifically sent on the 13th January) have not been scanned properly by the postal service and seem to be in postal Limbo with no signs of moving.
So, after talking extensively with GlassEmbroidery, here is what to do:
"I ordered after the 5th of November and my order hasn't shipped"
Don't worry - your order is being worked on and is on track to be shipped this month. With all the orders made after November the 5th, they were always going to be due around this time in Q1.
"I ordered before the cut off and my order hasn't been shipped"
I am SO sorry that this has happened. If you can email [email protected] directly with your order number, I have been assured that it will be handled as a matter of priority.
"My shipment has been dispatched, but it's stuck on "Label generated" (most likely happened if your order was sent on 13th January)
These are the orders that seem to have been mishandled by the postal service. If nothing has arrived after 2+ weeks, a new package will have to be sent to you and the company will file insurance on the original. This is really frustrating, but again the only thing to do will be to check your tracking and if you are affected, email [email protected] directly with your order number and they will get another sent out priority.
"I don't want my order anymore."
I totally understand, and don't blame you if this is something you want to do. Please email support and request a refund on your order, no questions asked.
I think that's everything and hopefully provides everyone with enough info on the issues we had and ongoing issues with delivery.
As a final note I can only apologise one last time for the lack of communication and the delays, but please be assured that all orders will be fulfilled and when you get them I hope that you love them!
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super-sootica · 8 months
If you're from the UK and looking to vote please remember you need photo ID now:
So I'll be paying to get photo ID to vote, probably for Labour who I don't even like. But I'll take their right of centre nonsense over Tory full right wing, 100% for the rich and fuck the poor, at least for now.
Damage limitation. And a faint hope they (Labour) may actually be left wing on a few policies when in office. The bar is so low ants are limboing under it.
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eunwolie · 9 months
closed starter w. @styxch
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤenfermaria, tarde.
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Eunwol recebeu a notícia que mais esperava: Styx Seon estava acordado e bem. A semideusa estava aliviada, não só porque precisava falar com ele, mas também porque um deles estava bem.
A situação entre ela e os gêmeos era das piores. Eunwol atacou Lynx pensando que era Styx. O que os semideuses que estavam próximos ao acontecido narraram para ela foi que Eunwol vociferava que precisava matar Styx — enquanto o confundia e atacava Lynx —, porque ele era o responsável pela morte de seu pai. Aquilo não fazia sentido algum, ela sabia, mas cega pela magia de Amara, que afetava as pessoas ao seu redor, ela não conseguiu pensar ou raciocinar.
Porém, quando foi atingida pela espada de Lynx foi como se alguém a puxasse brutalmente do limbo da alucinação e a jogasse em terra firme com força. Ela não sabia dizer, mas suspeitava que a ligação mágica da espada do filho de Ares podia ter algo a ver com isso.
No instante em que entrou no local, sentiu certo alívio de já não estar tão cheio. Os Curandeiros, seus auxiliares e aprendizes ainda andavam em passos largos e rápidos, atendendo a todos que precisavam. Mais ao canto, ela viu Styx sentado em uma maca que estava próxima ao leito fechado por cortinas do semideus desconhecido — No mínimo Styx não tinha paz com todos os curiosos e estudiosos ali.
Se aproximou de forma lenta, o nervosismo comendo suas entranhas e a hesitação quase dando lugar para que ela virasse as costas e desistisse. Talvez mandasse uma carta. Um postal, quem sabe? Qualquer coisa parecia melhor do que encará-lo de perto — principalmente pelas semelhanças com o irmão. Mas que se fodesse se ela ainda tinha pesadelos com Lynx a cortando no meio, Eunwol tinha um dever a cumprir e o mínimo que podia fazer era explicar o que tinha acontecido, pelo seu ponto de vista, e deixar bem claro que não passou de pensamentos desenfreados pela alucinação.
"Oi, Styx...", o chamou e foi nesse instante que pensou: e se ele não quiser uma justificativa? E se ele não quiser me ouvir? Nunca trocamos uma mísera palavra em todos esses anos, por que ele falaria comigo agora? Mas, era tarde demais, ela já o tinha cumprimentado. "Bom te ver acordado...", disse e imediatamente se arrependeu, foi a pior escolha de palavras para ela que, dias atrás, o jurou de morte. Era sincera, no entanto. "Você tá se sentindo bem? Se não for um bom momento, posso voltar depois...", disse e colocou as mãos nos bolsos da calça jeans em uma tentativa de esconder seu nervosismo. "Eu só... eu só queria conversar sobre o que aconteceu no dia do ataque", falou. Era melhor ser direta, assim ele também seria a mandaria para a puta que pariu se assim quisesse.
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uspslatemail · 10 months
Steps to take when USPS Package gets Delayed
USPS handles millions of packages daily, and it is a very complex system. Unfortunately, things can sometimes go wrong in the process. That is why it is very important to give yourself some "lead time" in order to ensure that you receive your package when you expect to receive it. This is especially important when shipping internationally - international packages tend to have more friction in the USPS system due to customs delays and other environmental forces that are outside of the control of the Postal Service.
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The first thing to do when you receive in transit arriving late update from USPS is to check the status update on the tracking website. This will tell you what the current status is, and whether or not there is an estimated delivery date on there.
If your package has this status, then it is likely just stuck in a pile that needs to be sorted out or is somewhere in limbo at a facility. This can happen for a variety of reasons - Covid-19 and holiday volume can put a lot of stress on facilities, for example.
In addition, if the package is heavier than what the label indicates it may get sent back to the sender for extra postage or be slowed down by transportation-related issues, such as truck breakdowns, traffic congestion, or road closures. This can be frustrating to deal with, but there isn't much you can do beyond waiting a bit longer. If this happens, then it is best to go to your local post office and ask for help - they can usually be helpful in figuring out what's going on.
Documents and Mail Forwarding Services – Wordpress
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annaflorsdefum · 2 years
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ES|| Esta ilustración original formara parte de la exposición solidaria “Postales des del Limbo” @postaleslimbo que se inaugura mañana en Zaragoza. La exposición esta formada por postales de diferentes artistas. Todas la postales son de 13x18 cm y solo están firmadas por el reverso, de manera que el comprador no podrá saber de quien es la obra que está comprando hasta que ya esté en sus manos. Otra de las singularidades de esta exposición es que el precio de las obras irá disminuyendo des del primer día de la exposición, es decir mañana viernes 25 al ultimo día, la mañana del lunes 28. Aunque cada día habrá menos obras expuestas, ya que las obras irán abandonando las paredes a medida que los visitantes las vayan comprando. Todos los beneficios serán donados de manera integra a la fundación Centro de Solidaridad de Zaragoza – Proyecto hombre. Esta rosa canina está dibujada con portaminas de colores y pintada con acuarelas, gouache y anilinas, también tiene texturas de lápices de colores acuareables y polychromos. EN|| This original illustration will be part of the charity exhibition "Postcards from Limbo" that opens tomorrow in Zaragoza. The exhibition shows postcards from different artists. All the postcards are 13x18cm and have the artist signature on the back, so the buyer will not be able to know whose work he’s buying until it’s in his hands. Another singularity of this exhibition is the price of the works, it’ll be decreasing from the first day of the exhibition (Friday 25th) to the last day (Monday 28th). Although every day there’ll be fewer works on display, since the works will leave the walls as visitors buy them. All profits will be donated in full to Zaragoza Solidarity Center Foundation. This wild rose is made with colored mechanical pencils, watercolors, gouache, anilines, watercolor colored pencils and polychromos.
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splendidsneb · 1 year
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So this piece is a long time coming. Back in November of 2022, a friend of mine in the States expressed sadness over the fact that his tablet had broken. I just so happened to still have my old Wacom Intuos Draw after I had upgraded to my screen tablet. While older now, it was still in very good condition so I offered to mail to him. My friend was delighted and offered to send a gift back in return as a thank you/Christmas gift Eventually the whole idea morphed into a gift exchange for the both of us, and off we went collecting little goodies and local trinkets to send to one another. His gift arrived no problem, however, my package (despite having the correct address) was marked as 'unable to deliver recipient does not live at address' and we trapped in limbo for over 6 months, the American postal service keeping it on hold for a reason that they would not tell me. Eventually, after many months frustration it was returned to me, and I mailed it off a second time, and it was successfully delivered! We opened our respective packages and were both delighted at everything inside, including this card I had made! So now I can finally post it!
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