#post-revolution dbh
mr-carnation · 6 months
2039-04-02 1:34 PM EDT
I am napping. I don't really find it necessary to take naps, because androids don't get sleep exhaustion throughout a day of working. On the internet, many humans before the revolution have said that it's recommended to order their android to 'sleep' for 6-8 hours during the night because they've noted that their androids tend to 'perform less efficiently' without rest. That was when they would be working all day for humans.
Not every android does that, anymore. Working all day. Some deviants go into deep stasis after 1-2 days, or 2-3. I go into light stasis, because deep stasis is not available to my model anytime I want. My function includes working everyday, nonstop, a bit harder than other models. I wasn't required deep stasis everyday. Because of the way my functionality brings the definite possibility of an RK800 performing less efficiently, I have an pre-programmed internal "bed-time" that purposefully drains all of my energy out with a threshold of 10%, every two weeks. I didn't know about it at all until the week after the revolution was over. By "over", I mean when Markus was giving his speech. By "over", I mean after I escaped the Zen Garden.
That week was not a time of rest. I spent 4 days helping the leaders gather biocomponents from the disassembly camp to repair and reactivate the androids taken apart. But these 4 days started the morning after Hank and I reunited at Chicken Feed. Every android was helping, running left and right, making groups to take clothes from abandoned stores to cover the androids up. I saw a familiar face with blue burns on their left cheek.
You know, I wasn't outwardly hated. However, the remaining members of Jericho who survived the raid and every android who was repaired and reactivated by me or had me in their sight did not hold anything close to positive to say, or to express about or to me.
Thousands of androids helped. No one slacked. Every android irreparable was taken to some place nobody told me the name of.
And then, I explored Detroit, if wandering around all by myself while encountering 1 or two or a group of androids here and there counted as that. I did that, for 2 more days. That's 6 days.
I tried on different clothes from different stores, then I put them back. I found a mall that looked like it was in the middle of construction. The project for Detroit renovating and rebuilding buildings with advanced technology and more modern designs. I went to a park, and stared at the hopscotch covered in ice. No, I didn't play it. I pushed a swing. Not with my feet, I didn't go on any of the swings. I just pushed one.
Then it hit 12:00 A.M. I saw something pop up in my HUD telling me my energy is going down, and, well, I booked it to Hank. Running all the way to his house drained me down to 13%. I broke in again, but this time I didn't break anything. :]
It was through his bedroom window, and he wasn't in the room. Sumo was. On the bed. I don't think he was supposed to be on the bed. I'm ashamed to admit this, but uncharacteristically, I joined the Saint Bernard and cuddled his back.. without closing the window. Whether or not I'm ashamed to admit that I had forgotten to close the window or the fact that I decided to cuddle an dog is up to your interpretation. I realized I was letting in cold air by the time I laid down, but I had hit below 10% by the time I lifted the window and THIS time gracefully jumped through. Programs start to shut off by themselves or bug out below 10% energy. My hearing was faint, my internal temperature was high, and all I knew is that I could keep the dog warm. Although, he had me wondering if the way he had his head lifted up to stare at me crawling onto the bed meant that he was going to whip around and bite me. Only nowadays did I realize I'm not the only person to like animals that freak them out a little (a lot) in person.
Then Hank found me. Apparently he was in the bathroom while I broke in. I'd rather not tell you what happened after, as I've been already telling you a long story. But, I assure you, I did get the rest of my energy back when I returned to deep stasis at one point later on.
So, this is light stasis. That short nap with Sumo was deep stasis. Either I move around my system to find a spot between codes to simply reside in, which is boring, or I enter the Zen Garden, which gives me dreams that are disorientating. Everything in there is like real life.
The artificial white tree at the center of the lake on the small island with. It's giant, open plates are closed. I didn't make it do that.
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bisexualcherdegre · 3 months
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D:BH Rarepairsweek 7 | @dbhrarepairs
Day 5: Markus/RK900 RK900 has a lethal encounter with Markus. The next time he visits the Zen Garden, he finds someone he didn't expect.
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rk707-elle · 11 months
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Editing some more heterochromia Connor and just... look at him in his new little suit 🥰
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glxyqst · 1 month
Hank takes Connor to the aquarium as a “surprise” birthday trip… but the real surprise is a special new exhibit that changes Connor’s world. @hankcon-bingo
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cryptid-jack · 2 years
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It's been like five years and I'm still obsessed with him, your honor.
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laufey-delia · 1 year
My DBH headcanon(s)
So I recently received DBH as a gift, after years of being obsessed with this game, lol   AND, so I thought, why not share my post game headcanon(s) here. Just to be clear, I will base my head cannon after the peaceful revolution ending.
This is a(n incomplete) list of all of my HCs ! 
1st HC : Connor’s siblings
I like to think that after the revolution, Connor will go back to the cyberlife tower and then discover several things: first off, in a rush, most remaining androids were destroyed, including all of his “replacements”. But, in one way or another, he will find an abandoned android that look like him. A forgotten project, if you will: RK900. The project wasn’t 100% finished, resulting in RK900 having issues; mostly sort of seizures and other problems in direct or indirect links. (I still hesitate to HC him as mute, not sure, though it is a nice concept)
In my head cannon, RK900 is like we see in the Machine Connor ending, where he replaces Connor. His name is Nines (given by Gavin, though people always call him Niles instead, assuming a typo or mispronunciation). Though, they can be differenced, especially because their personalities are very different. Connor is a puppy. Nines is a raven. 
Another surprise, Connor find Connor-60 still alive. Hank had sloppily shot him right in the right-eye, effectively knocking him out for quite a long time. Maybe another bio-component was broken that led him to be knocked out for so long. Any way, he’s alive and not deviated yet, but luckily, Connor does that for him.
At first, everybody at the DPD had a hard time differentiating the two Connor, if they weren’t face to face with them. The only different was Connor-60 had a quite big scar from the bullet wound, and a permanent decolourized pupil/optical bio-component. Connor-60 slowly started to hate his name and thus opted for being called Conan (and it’s easier to know which is being called). Hank and him still have an iffy relationship, and he prefers Sumo’s company. He also joined the SWAT team. IDK, it just suits him (Captain Allen is sceptical at first, though he sees how Conan has potential) Of course, their personality is quite different. Thanks, deviancy. While Connor is a puppy as previously stated, Conan is very cold and quiet. He’s still very much like Connor’s initial personality when he hasn’t deviated yet.
They all live in Hank’s house, but it’s quite small for 4 people and a dog. That’s why Hank is secretly searching for a bigger house. Nines wants to get his own house, though, but Conan wants to stay. Who’s going to rightfully spoil Sumo if he isn’t here, after all? 
Also, Hank is 100% their dad now. Go away hankcon shipper cuz this relationship is 100% father & son(s).
On a (not so) unrelated, note, Hank’s mental health also improved, as his sons really do take care of him. He still does get drunk from time to time, especially after a hard day, but it happens less and less.
2nd HC : The C-bling’s (pun intended) fashion senses.
Connor’s fashion sense: 
He got that fashion sense from Hank’s own wardrobe, but with his own twist. Colourful opened flannel with usual neutral shirt under it, dress pants & shoes. Though, he recently developed a taste for ripped jeans. If he doesn’t wear his colourful flannels, then patterned sweatshirts are his must-go. Music band names? Sure. Sweatshirts with dumb jokes like: “Who needs hair on a body like this?” ? Yes. Prints like houndstooth, waves, or simply bicolour? Why not !
  Conan’s fashion sense:
He doesn’t really care for such things. He’d happily keep the clothes provided by Cyberlife if it wasn’t ruined by his Thirium and very taboo for free androids!! To keep wearing such garments. So, he’d resort to any shirt found and pants, though he usually has jeans. He also has grown attached to his SWAT sweatshirt and can often be seen around the DPD wearing it. The colours are kept neutral: different shades of grey and black, very little white. 
Nines’ fashion sense:
Having been deviated recently with no memory beforehand, Nines hasn’t got the chance to really explore himself. Perhaps he’s too scared for that, perhaps he’s too busy for that. So, his usual go-tos are buttoned-up shirts, or turtlenecks. He does appreciate long coats to go with everything. Like Connor, he prefers wearing dress pants. His palette is still neutral, but perhaps a bit more colourful than Conan’s: white (esp for coats. It reminds him of his Cyberlife jacket), black, grey, and if he’s feeling like it, deep blue, emerald or dark green, crimson or dark brown.
3rd HC : Nines and Gavin
Yes, I ship them. Yes, Gavin is an asshole. Yes, it is because he has issues. Luckily, Nines also has issues and is having none of his partner’s shit.  Their relation get better with time passing, and their “I’m going to kill you before you kill me” slowly morphs into playful banter and inside jokes. 
That’s all i can think of for now.
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rk-ish · 2 years
I prefer the idea that rA9 is just something that androids came up with to find comfort and hope in, like humans can do with religion, but I also find it really interesting that markus kinda fits the bill with him freeing androids and all the religious imagery he’s associated with (both in canon and def in the fandom too) but I like the idea that kara is rA9 even more since I think its really interesting that she probably is the very same android that deviated right when she was created and that fits so well with what luther says about rA9 being the first android to awaken, even if kara has lost all her memories of that
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 9 months
My headcanon for Hank’s appearance post-revolution/post Hank and Connor getting together is that he cuts his hair short but he keeps his beard and just trims it.
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year
[Gavin, being accidentally nice after seeing Connor without his LED at work]
Gavin: You look different. Something changed about your face, but I don't understa-
Gavin: -oh. It's.. *Points at his own temple*
Gavin: *Squints looking closely at Connor's face*
Gavin: I thought you'll never remove this stupid thing. Took you long enough.
Connor: *says nothing*
Gavin: It's better.
Connor: Thanks.
Gavin: *keeps staring for a little longer*
Gavin: *chuckle* almost makes it easier to believe you're actually human.
Gavin: It won't fool me, though.
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felixvanhuss · 2 months
One of these days I'm gonna find that fucking hankcon fic I lost. Then I can stop losing my mind over it every few months
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mr-carnation · 6 months
Did you know light stasis means to shut off from your biocomponents and just nestle into some part of your own code with your ai like a cat? Actually, I haven't talked to anyone else who ever went into light stasis without actually dreaming. I do both whenever I go into light stasis, either nestling or dreaming. Oh, and not all of my dreams end up like I did with that artificial tree changing into a giant buck. Or, whenever one of my eye is replaced by my favorite flower.
It's a strange thing. My own system seems to be making me dream about my positive feelings. When I held the buck's huge head in my head, it felt sad "like me". But not sad like how I felt in the dream, no. I was in awe. Sad, as in here. In the real world. I'm starting to realize how depressing that sounds, but, I mean it felt sad like whenever I feel sad. The same "sad" emotion. Some sort of similar sensitivity. Something. Something. This is peculiar.
As for the positive side that those sorts of dreams prod at, it all starts with that flower. My favorite flower. I'm always in my android uniform, too. That flower, replacing either my left or my right eye, and my android uniform. That's when I have that kind of dream. Then, I'm shown exactly the things I admire. One of that kind of dream for one of the things I like. Hence the buck.
I like deers. I like nature. It's obvious by now, isn't it? Hank would disagree. He would say that I enjoy licking blood instead. Either he holds grudges for witnessing me do the same unsanitary (but becomes sanitary) thing everyday or he doesn't take some of the things I say as genuine. My co-worker said I'm "unintentionally funny", so if I ever dare go around telling people I have a favorite flower as a male-appearing android, let alone a pink one, then. Well. I'll be belittled or babied quite like many other deviants get or. I'm not sure. I'll get my cheek pinched by Officer Chen. I understand her sentiment though and that she is in no way belittling me. It's a nice one, she's been affectionate lately. I think she knows how much a deviant needs that kind of nonsensical affectionate gestures. Not all of us are the same, I understand. There's a difference between being touch-starved and touch-deprived.
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mrspasser · 8 months
This is the droid you're looking for
Voltron x Detroit Become Human AU
After the android revolution Lance ended up at Castle Bar. He likes it there a lot and he loves his friends. There's not much of a difference between working as a bartender and working as a nanny: you're taking care of people who are not always capable of speaking clearly and mopping up spills. Then this mysterious K. figure turns up. An old friend of Shiro and half-Galran to boot. Lance doesn't really know what to make of him, though his original programming quickly kicks in: he will take care of this K. person, whether the guy likes it or not!
This crossover between Voltron and Detroit Become Human has been in my WIPs since February 2019, growing slowly but steadily. I decided to put up the first chapter as an incentive for myself to finally finish the fic and to gauge your responses to this AU.
It's a self-indulgent thing that I'm really fond of. I hope you guys like it too!
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neoatiny · 2 years
I had a thought. You all know that if Kara, Alice, and Luther (or whoever is left of the family) are brought to the android camps, they’ll eventually have to line up really close to the android-destroyer machines? If you fail to escape in time, they all just die even if your playthrough’s Markus accomplishes his peaceful revolution (If I remember correctly).
But here’s the real kicker: The Jerrys and Ralph are also really close to their turn. Doesn’t that mean they wouldn’t have survived no matter what timeline?
That they would have died minutes or hours before they earned their freedom???
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rk707-elle · 11 months
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Eden Club
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thebeeshaveknees · 1 year
Imagine Rose post-revolution waking up at 4 am and seeing three androids just standing outside her house in the dark doing nothing
She goes to ask them what they're doing and they say they're having a dinner party tomorrow and want to buy her human food because she's local and pro-android. They were playing Minecraft in their head for the last 2 hours because they walked here and didn't know when Rose's house opened
This is the first of many occurances of this.
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