#android Lance
mrspasser · 8 months
This is the droid you're looking for
Voltron x Detroit Become Human AU
After the android revolution Lance ended up at Castle Bar. He likes it there a lot and he loves his friends. There's not much of a difference between working as a bartender and working as a nanny: you're taking care of people who are not always capable of speaking clearly and mopping up spills. Then this mysterious K. figure turns up. An old friend of Shiro and half-Galran to boot. Lance doesn't really know what to make of him, though his original programming quickly kicks in: he will take care of this K. person, whether the guy likes it or not!
This crossover between Voltron and Detroit Become Human has been in my WIPs since February 2019, growing slowly but steadily. I decided to put up the first chapter as an incentive for myself to finally finish the fic and to gauge your responses to this AU.
It's a self-indulgent thing that I'm really fond of. I hope you guys like it too!
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oldmanoftheday · 1 month
Old man of the day is Bishop from Aliens 1986!
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nearlydark · 5 months
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I thought you never miss, Bishop? Aliens (1986)
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rejected3 · 2 years
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I’m this old :D. Cringetober2022 day6   BOUQUET     ♡ ➥Patreon
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flowerprintundies · 1 year
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the milk boys
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axelmedellin · 1 year
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Daily drawing 28 mar 2023
March of robots 2023, day 28. Lance.
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Saw this post and it seemed like good meme material for my ocs
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
In order to put down a human uprising in the future, Skynet sent a robotic Terminator back to 1984 to kill the leader of the rebellion before he was even born by killing his mother. The humans however managed to send one of their own back in time to protect her. Though this protector died, he managed to sire said future rebel leader. ("The Terminator", flm)
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overlyimmersed · 2 years
It really is a shame that Arthur got Yamcha-ed and it didn't fuckin take -_-
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cyborg-lucariosart · 1 year
[GIFT] Armin's birthday planning
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A birthday gift for @masterge77!
Armin, the president and CEO of Arcanis Labs is holding a meeting with his employees regarding a party, but no matter how he tries to make it seem amazing, his reputation of being a stingy cheapskate far exceed him.
Something Jack and Lance are open about.
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funground21 · 5 months
Sea of Conquest # 35 Dragon Lance ship level 19
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icypantherwrites · 1 year
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Fanfiction: Made with Love (7 chapters total)
Summary:  [Sequel to What It Means to be Human] Pidge has come to terms with the fact she is an android, but she still has questions. And the only people that can answer them are the ones who have known her for her entire life. It’s time to find both Matt and her dad and learn the truth about what happened to her.
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rejected3 · 2 years
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Inktober2022 day14  :3  EMPTY     ♡ ➥Patreon
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penaltyboxboxbox · 6 months
i'm here for any breadcrumbs of ur android AU >:V
I ACTUALLY HAVE MORE THAN BREADCRUMBS......heres some backstory some lore its incomplete but yeah take what i have :)
Cars and Drivers essentially have a symbiotic relationship, the cars have been designed to require an android pilot, with their power units/batteries being linked into one another. While traditional safety concerns are not something to worry about, this link between the electronics of the car and the driver means that malfunctions and damage to the car can result in technical damage to the driver. For example, if the car's own power systems begin failing, it may begin leech too much power from its driver, spreading battery life too thinly and causing shutdown for them both. Plugging into the car essentially puts the driver into a hyper-powered state, the car becoming an extension of their body.
Drivers can accrue damage of course, and like with cars there is a limited amount of replacement parts allowed each season, with penalties being doled out if breached.
F100 models are the standard approved android for F1 Racing, replacing the previous F01 models in 2015. The androids themselves are developed by independent manufacturers, each offering specific strengths, focuses, and technologies- teams themselves are forbidden from android manufacturing, ensuring that there is still competition and markets for drivers. The main challenge for teams is to develop cars and software, and then finding android drivers most compatible with their teams systems.
When a team secures a driver, they are fitted with a new head component that visually denotes them as part of that team and also holds/runs any team specific programming, and is responsible for the main compatibility with the car. Android drivers physically cannot pilot other teams cars unless the corresponding head unit is installed.
Androids hold little personal autonomy in this world, and typically have lives very controlled by their teams, as they are as much of an asset as the cars. This may vary depending on manufacturer and team attitude/culture, with some allowing for more freedom of expression and relative "personhood" of their android drivers, but undoubtedly still will maintain a great deal of control.
Charles: F100-R18 Model by Leclerc Engineering, running CL16 / A charming and quick model, it is rumored that his core programming, processing, and body itself were secretly developed by Ferrari associates rather than fully by an independent manufacturer. This has led to a bit of drama surrounding him, with people questioning the team's involvement in building an android from scratch specifically to drive their cars, but his success has not been dominant enough for people to make too much of a fuss. There has been very little data showing if Charles is compatible with non-ferrari tech, one of the few things that would disprove the rumors around him, but the team shows no signs of trying to part with him any time soon.
Carlos: F100-R15 Model by Sainz Company running CS55 / A unique model of the F100, developed off of the Sainz Company's highly successful RA7-CS model, developed for Rally driving. The RA7 was re-engineered to match specs of the standard F100, while retaining durability and adaptability aspects the RA7 was made famous for. A unique model on the track, he has faced constant skepticism for not being as well optimized.
Lance: F100-R17 Model by Lawrence Stroll, running LS18 / In contrast to other racing androids, Lance was developed with many components more traditional to companion androids, and is treated like a son by his developer, Lawrence Stroll. When not driving, Lance lives a very human life, and is the apple of his creator's eye, garnering them both criticism over Lance's belonging in such a cutthroat sport. He also faces similar scrutiny to Charles, in that Stroll owns the racing team, as well as individually developing driving androids. He continues to state that Lance was developed first as a son, only second as a racing driver, and his model has shown compatibility with other teams cars.
Fernando: F01-R02.WDC Model by FA Alonso Kart & Sports, running FA14 / An otherwise defunct model, Fernando is still running despite it all. New softwares that he should not be compatible with, upgraded parts that should not fit, he somehow manages to make work, and deliver consistent results.
This can be credited to a massive electronic overload during a crash in 2015, in which he suffered a complete system malfunction. He appeared to just need a reboot and recalibration, but the incident unknowingly released previously encrypted team information into Fernando's memory and bypassed/disarmed a number of obsolescence measures that had been placed on his model, allowing his internal AI and adaptive systems to essentially run free.
Logan: F100-R23 Model by Sergeant Manufacturing, running LS2 / The only American made model on the grid, which has faced some scrutiny, as the crossover from American motorsports to International has not yet been the smoothest. A very new and untested model as well, approved for F1 in 2023, he has not proven to be the most compatible with the current Williams car, frequently facing technical issues.
Oscar: F100-R23 Model by Webber Technologies, running OP81 / Oscar's model was developed under the Australian manufacturer Webber Technologies, basing his internal systems off their previously successful F01-R02. He faced controversy when entering the Mclaren team, as Webber Technologies had a long term testing deal with Alpine while developing their F100 and his accompanying OP81 programming. While it is insisted that procedures were properly followed when erasing proprietary Alpine information from the OP81 program, some are suspicious due to his high level of success upon entering the Mclaren. Some theorize something else entirely, that Webber had been secretly testing Mclaren software in the OP81 system for much longer than anticipated, and optimizing the android for their car specifically prior to signing.
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i have impeccable taste and 29 bookmarks and i really recommend Poor Boys and Pilgrims by SirCumference on ao3. it's a gorgeous fic in which Keith sees him and Lance together in each of the three realities he gets glimpses of during his time in the whale.
dawg how did you know this is my exact niche of klance fanfic that i enjoy and i hope everyone else will enjoy
this is what im readin tonight !!!!!
poor boys and pilgrims by sircumference
rating: mature
published: 2019-03-03
completed: 2019-07-14
word count: 85,000
chapters as of may 22, 2024: [8/8]
summary: [ Keith doesn’t believe in fate. He doesn’t believe things happen for a reason, or that there is meaning to be found in every bad thing that’s happened to him. He also doesn’t believe he’ll ever be with Lance. But as he drifts through the abyss on the back of a space whale, he catches glimpses of other realities where he and his friend are inextricably tied despite forces beyond their control promising to tear them apart. 
Lance is sometimes a telepathic merman, sometimes a patron at a coffee shop, and sometimes an android serving a year-long sentence for pissing the wrong people off. Keith might be a sailor, or a barista, or a professional smuggler struggling to make ends meet. It’s fucking weird, honestly, but so is living in the Quantum Abyss. Keith tries not to let it get to him. It still does, though. He wonders how he could ever get over someone when he’s forced to watch himself fall in love with them over and over again. ]
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Cheese's 100 follower special part 1
(Thank you all for following me and sticking around to see what contents I post!!! For hitting triple digits I'm doing special posts. This one is all about the cut and unused content ideas/plans for RPs.)
(For the people who wanted to be tagged: @ilovefukuchi @myluckymoon @caffeiiine )
Each unplanned idea will be in character order of when I first created them.
There's a lot with Levi when I first made him. At first there wasn't a proper backstory for him other than that he was a traumatized guy.
Levi was already arrested in his backstory before, so my whole goal with him was to get him arrested again and sent back to prison.
This would have triggered a rescue mission, or a prison escape (in my head I made Sayaka and Oscar go save him)
On the same topic of rescuing Levi, I have this old idea I played in my head where Levi was supposed to be kidnapped by this ability user that had the power to trap people in this video game. Bro Levi would have been in a little cage like Princess Peach.
If Levi was ever brought back to prison I would have created a little headspace segment for him (kinda like omori)
At first, Ross wasn't supposed to be a military captain. Instead, he was going to be some doctor to kidnap Levi back for experiments. This was changed to fit the backstory more.
Ross and Levi were supposed to have this big fight at one point.
And Ross was supposed to die by Levi finally killing him but in a bitter sweet goodbye.
Dr. Ikari
He was supposed to be the more cold doctor, but instead, he gave a more "I don't give a crap attitude."
He was going to help capture Levi, only to calm him down.
Nothing much about him other than a potential death.
Oh boy, there is so much for Cooper.
At first, Cooper wasn't going to be brought back entirely. All because the og Cooper was dead and it would have ruined some of Levi's character development. So instead, I made this Cooper from a different universe.
At first, I was going to have him wander around and ask multiple people, "Are you my master?" But on the first one with Shibusawa, I had him settle with him for a long time.
He was almost gay or bi, but I gave him a female love interest. (Also his "love" for Shibusawa was more so a obsession than actual love.)
Big one‼️ Cooper at one point before he killed X, was going to go back to X. Either through by getting fired or just plain manipulation.
There were going to be multiple times in which he got kidnapped but those never happened.
At one point, he was going to snap, but that never happened as well.
Richard Connell
He was going to be more of an evil, bad guy with a god complex. Now he silly.
Fiona Delgado
She was created to flirt with an older version of Shibusawa. That never happened.
She was supposed to work at a normal boring job but I changed it to be the Port Mafia.
Was going to die, never happened.
He was going to be a cool priest, but now he works for the Special Operations Division.
Dr. Paul
Was supposed to hunt down every vampire and try to kill then all.
Perhaps give him a potential love interest in which the irony of it is that the love interest is a vampire.
He was supposed to be more angry and charming, but he's just some goofy guy who yells at his rival and is actually a lot more friendly.
He was supposed to be ability-less but him having a cool sword as his ability sounded cool.
At one point, Lance (from Prime Softwares) was going to change Felix's "programming" and make him go on a murder rampage. Possibly a really intense boss fight with X.
Prime Softwares
Lance was supposed to die (he's barely alive but he's alive)
Lance and Grian were supposed to have this discussion and Lance would have threaten to deactivate Grian.
At one point, Grian would have completed a mission, but Lance would deactivate him anyways for a more new and improved model.
So Grian was almost a box of scraps for anyone to take.
The whole thing with the androids was to learn how to fuse ability user's blood into androids so androids could have said ability from the user. Basically weapons.
Because Lance wanted to take over the world with these androids.
At one point Grian was going to turn on Lance and attack Lance instead.
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