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boygirlctommy · 1 year ago
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look how they massacred by babygirl... my snake boy.....
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deostyx · 5 months ago
I would love to know the story/context behind your “I bet on losing dogs” post?!
It would be my PLEASURE to give context
Strap in because i still think about this comic and how I Bet on Losing Dogs is SOOO roceit coded TO THIS DAY
The whole idea behind the comic is Janus can turn himself into anyone, and he knows Roman (around the aftermath of svsr) is extremely raw, but can’t actually comfort him as himself. So he lies.
And he wants to comfort him even THOUGH Roman hurt him first, even THOUGH Roman is literally is at a point where he WANTS to hurt him.
This is also a logince comic if you look at the details: Janus, as cunning as he is, isn’t omniscient in this story- he just chose to disguise as Logan as an instinct.
And to his dismay, it works. Roman hugs Logan, looking for the comfort in someone who has opposed him in the past but he still trusts. He feels remorse for hurting Logan. He apologizes to Logan.
Janus probably is my favorite just because he’s a walking contradiction, he’s selfish but in the name of selflessness, he lies to get to the truth, even in his design he’s a man but he’s also a monster.
He loves Roman because he hates him so so much. That’s just where my brain naturally saw their relationship going. Very villain falls for the hero. It’s not healthy, and Janus knows that
// Tell your baby that I’m your baby / I bet on losing dogs / I know they’re losing and I pay for my place
Janus knows Roman is floundering, he’s acting out, he’s the hero in his own eyes, but Thomas is starting to question it, which means everything to Roman.
Roman is having a fall from grace and Janus cannot look away, which I think is my reason for making the comic.
To get close to Roman, Janus has to get hurt
// By the ring / where I’ll be looking in their eyes while they’re down / I’ll be there on their side / I’m losing by their side
Anyway thank you for asking about the comic because sometimes i feel so cringe for posting it but i will never delete it because i know a lot of people like it, so im glad i was able to give my perspective on it :3 yap sesh over
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sanderssidesthehouse · 9 months ago
Name's Ace, He/They. I used to have a blog by the same name but I deleted it a few years ago. Regretting that now. Mostly I miss all my friends I got in this fandom RIP.
I take fic requests, no guarantee how quickly I'll get through them though, so fair warning. (You can send via ask or reply to this post or message me, I do not bite, I prommy.)
My tags (bc my original content gets buried by my queue lol) are: siding fic, siding post, siding meme, siding ranks, and siding ask. (These links only work on desktop.) I also have a tag specifically for You Haunt Me And I Like It.
The post with my spotify playlists for the sides and some ships.
I am an adult and sometimes I post mature stuff. It will be properly labelled, but if you do want to see it, make sure you have the option on in your settings. If anything is specifically 18+ (unlikely) it will be marked accordingly as well. I tend to err on the side of caution so sometimes I'll tag stuff that doesn't necessarily need it, but it makes me feel better.
Fics below cut (some have been updated with Janus's name, some have not):
Roman Has Two Hands- Rated T. What happens when your best friend and the guy you're in love with get together? Well hopefully the Earth swallows you whole. No such luck, Virgil. (Canon-verse) [Prinxiety, Royality, Anaroyality-ish] tumblr
And Then There Were Two- Rated G. What happens to Janus and Remus's relationship after Virgil leaves. (Canon-verse) [Dukeceit, past Anxceitmus] tumblr
Walking In Your Shoes- Rated T. Remus convinces Logan to let them switch roles for a day. What will they get up to? What will they learn? Anything worth knowing? (Canon-verse) [Intrulogical] tumblr
Once Again- Rated T. Virgil gets a hug he didn't expect to miss and Remus dares to hope. (Canon-verse) tumblr
Extinct Bananas Can Actually Be Something That Is So Personal- Rated T. The boys hang out and have varying degrees of a good time. (Canon-verse)
Love is for Liars- (Unfinished) Rated T. Janus sets about fixing everyone's relationships to keep things running. He doesn't bother fixing his own, but maybe this time someone will help him. He's not counting on it. (Canon-verse)
U R Still Fam- Rated G. Virgil makes Patton a card after SVSR. (Canon-verse) tumblr
What if... ?- Rated T. What happens when Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts work off of each other and are also besties and Janus just wants some peace. (Canon-verse) tumblr
Make Me- Rated T. Roman thinks he's in a shoujo and Virgil thinks he's in a shonen and neither of them are right. (Canon-verse)
Matter Dog- Rated G. Patton is trying his best to communicate his emotions. (Canon-verse) tumblr with comic
Dirty Little Secret (Unfinished)- Rated T. Bonding with Remus was harder than the others, until he learned Patton had a secret. Janus 'takes one for the team' and flirts with Roman so Remus and Patton can spend time together. Virgil and Logan are unfortunate witnesses to the nonsense. (Canon-verse) [Intruality, Roceit, Analogical]
Vacation (Unfinished)- Rated T. Six months after the start of their relationship, Remus takes Patton on a trip. Follow up to Reunion. (Human AU) [Intruality]
They're Definitely Not Getting Married- Rated T. Roman and Janus have a strange argument. (Canon-verse)[Roceit] tumblr
Why Do I- Rated T. Virgil reflects on past and current happenings, mostly his estranged relationship with Janus, a side he had once called a friend. POV Virgil experiencing angst. (Canon-verse) tumblr
Acquired Taste- Rated T. Logan is feeling a bit rejected and dejected, but he finds company in a similarly discouraged side. (Canon-verse)[Can be read as Intrulogical]
You Haunt Me And I Like It (Unfinished)- Rated M. Virgil has had a lot of roommates. The only thing, is they never really knew he was there. That's what happens when you've been stuck in the same apartment as a non corporeal being for nearly one hundred years. Recently two more moved in and one of them is a little more fun to play with, being the biggest skeptic he's ever known, that is, until he's presented with indisputable proof. (Human AU, Ghost AU)[Analogical, Royality, Demus]
Hat- Rated T. "Why do you like that hat so much?" Roman has a question and he's going to get answers. (Canon-verse)
Conceal, Don't Feel- Rated T. Hey, so uh, what if the whole Orange situation got bad? Like… real bad? Logan is struggling. Can he still save everyone? CW vague suicide attempt? (Canon-verse)
Coping- Rated T. "I just want an intruloceit fic where they decide to break out the wine and drunkenly karaoke billie eilish songs together in the dark sides common room, is that so much to ask?" ~ l0rd-0f-the-lies (Canon-verse)[Intruloceit]
Lights Out- Rated T. The power goes out and Logan is afraid of the dark but also Remus to the rescue so it's fine. Contrived situation is contrived. (Canon-verse)[Intrulogical]
It Took Me By Surprise- Rated T. Sometimes people who are sick and hurting (Virgil) hurt others (Logan) on accident, but it being an accident doesn't erase the pain. (Canon-verse, song fic)
Dissociate- Rated T. Logan can't duck out. So he does the next 'best' thing. (Canon-verse)[Intrulogical]
Heather- Rated T. Janus likes Virgil, Virgil likes Roman. (Human AU, High School AU)[Anxceit, Prinxiety]
The Floor Is Lava- Rated G. Remus is chaotic and Logan helps him be chaotic in less destructive ways. (Canon-verse)[Intrulogical]
Philosophically Cute- Rated G. Logan and Janus go clothes shopping. (Human AU) [Loceit]
Pride and Problem Solving- Rated G. Roman uses a nickname that causes Logan to reflect which then leads to a heart to heart. (Canon-verse)[Logince]
Trouble- Rated T. Virgil felt like he was going insane. And why? All because one side in particular wouldn't stop flaunting around in his new look. (Canon-verse, Song fic)[Prinxiety]
Valentine's Day- Rated T. Patton was just about vibrating with excitement for Valentine's Day. They were doing a secret Santa type thing with a theme. The theme was loosely collage. He came up with it all by himself. He made sure everyone was invited so they could be more like a real famILY. (Canon-verse)
The Prince And His Fish (unfinished)- Rated T. Prince Roman is half mermaid and falls hopelessly head over heels for a full mermaid (Logan). Very few in the kingdom know, but this secret may end up saving it. (Human AU, Mermaid AU)[Logince, Moxiety, Sleepceit]
Good Things Fall Apart- Rated T. Virgil self-sabotages and breaks up with Roman. (Human AU, song fic) [Prinxiety]
Obligatory Beach Episode- Rated T. Requested by mermaidgirl928 on instagram: "Maybe do something of the sides at the beach?" (Human AU)
Reunion- Rated T. The gang gets together every year, but this year is the first Remus will be joining them after his time travelling the country. He runs into a problem very quickly, he's alone in a cabin with his high school crush that he's not so over. (Human AU)[Intruality, Loceit, Prinxiety]
1 and 3/2 Men- Rated T. Human Roman moves into his own apartment and ends up meeting his… smaller roommates. Read the tags for warnings! (Human AU, Borrower AU)[Prinxiety, Logicality]
What is Love? (unfinished, dicontinued)- Rated T. Crack fic. (Canon-verse)[Logicality, Prinxiety]
8 Letters- Rated T. An song fic feat Remus and Roman being brothers who care about each other but happened to fall for the same person (Patton). (Human AU, Song fic)[Intruality]
Bonfire- Rated T. A small town high school tradition turns into yet another wild night. (Human AU, High School AU)[Logicality, Demus]
The Monster of Mental Illness- Rated M for suicidal thoughts. Virgil has a tough day but his friends help him out. (Human AU, College AU)
Monsters- Rated T. It was supposed to just be a normal night. A normal party on a normal night. Of course it was Halloween, but still fairly normal. So what changed on a night that should have been as normal as the rest? Well, Roman had pissed off a warlock, go figure. How’d he do that? He wouldn’t say, but knowing him it could have been a wide range of things. That was in the past anyway. Right now they had a serious problem. Said warlock had done them up Kalabar's Revenge style via potion. (Human AU, Magic AU) [Royality]
Trouble Makers (Series)- Rated G. Logan and Remus adopted a little cutie named Virgil. Patton and Dee adopted a little cutie named Roman. Good luck to them. (Human AU) [Intrulogical, Moceit]
Someone You Loved- Rated T. Virgil lashed out and he's not sure if anyone is coming back for him this time. (Canon-verse, song fic)
Happier- Rated T. The 'light' sides don't approve of Remus's and Logan's relationship, and Remus feels guilty. (Canon-verse, song fic) [Intrulogical]
OOC- Rated T. Logan asks Roman to take him to the Imagination for... reasons. (Canon-verse)[Logince]
An Invitation- Rated T. Patton seeks to make up for his mistakes with Deceit and Remus. (Canon-verse)
Liar, Liar, Tears of Fire- Rated M for Remus. Logan has heard it all one too many times and has had enough. That's it, he's moving to be with the people who consistently care about and respect him. (Canon-verse) [Loceit]
Villains- Rated M for violence and gore. Janus and Remus found each other in their rejection by and of society. They now use their powers to get even with corrupt officials, and they have definitely gone too far. (Supervillain AU) [Demus]
Dreams (series)- Rated T. Dee has a traumatic past, but is looking forward to the future. His match on Generic Dating App (Patton) is just the start. (Human AU)
Accidental Slumber Party- Rated G. Prompt based: “In the end no one took the couch.” by creativepromptsforwriting. Platonic with some mild flirting. (Human AU)
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intrulogical · 2 years ago
I love canon compliant whenever I think about it it makes me insane The wedding vs callback arc and all that came with it was my like category 5 autism moment
Especially if it's the blorbos I have this hc how Logan and creativitwins were like, childhood friends, they made friendship bracelets that they still keep to this day, despite everything
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sometimes-love-is-enough · 2 years ago
someone said in the tags of your ecuatastrophe art 'i thought the erlking was blue coded' and tbh so did i. why is he orange. is it because of the orange side?
I'm gonna level with you, I'm pretty sure Orange hadn't even been hinted at in canon when I posted Eucatastrophe. Off the top of my head, SvSR was the last episode to come out before I posted it.
The Erlking is dressed in orange because it's autumn (October) when the story starts. When the gang first meets him, he's all draped in autumn leaves - he's a very seasonal sort of dresser. Loves dressing up for a theme. If they'd encountered him in winter, he'd probably have looked a lot more Logan-esque in his appearance.
I guess I could have taken the more direct route for a Logan parallel (dressed him in blue butterfly wings or something) but mirrors aren't always perfect. And I really liked the visual of him so covered in orange leaves and feathers that it almost looks like he's on fire.
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whyiask · 4 years ago
it didn’t matter anyways
ships: platonic LAMP & platonic or romantic Princxiety WC: 2526 Summary: set post POF, Roman has a breakdown and Virgil is there to help him tw: crying, little bit of blood, self-deprecating thoughts, depressing thoughts(kinda), tell me if I missed any genre: HURT/COMFORT with mostly hurt and a tiny bit of comfort at the end
Roman wanted to be angry. He should’ve felt angry, but as he sunk out and popped up in his room, a cold iciness had settled in his chest, numbing him to the core. It didn’t matter anyways. He didn’t deserve to feel angry. He had no right to.
Inside Roman’s skull, his mind was turning, spinning, crashing around and turning upside down. What was right side up anymore? Had he ever been right before? It didn’t matter, nothing did. His chest had gone numb and his head had betrayed him, twirling dangerously on its axis as his entire world turned upside down.
Deceit was wrong… no, he was right now. Roman struggled to keep up with the others, he always had. J- Deceit has used him, manipulated him, tricked him, and it was Roman’s fault. Deceit wove one pretty speech and suddenly he was the good guy and Roman was still at fault.
Good guy, bad guy. Relative terms. Life wasn’t pure black and white, Roman knew that. It still hurt. With a gasp, Roman hit the ground with his fist. To feel something. Anything. He wondered vaguely when he had dropped to his knees, but it didn’t matter. It never mattered.
His head was swimming and his vision was blurring- it took all of his remaining strength to keep from falling over, curling up in a ball, and never standing up again. With a grunt of effort, Roman pushed himself off of the floor, clinging desperately to the wall as his knees shook below him, silent sobs wracking his body. He shuddered and sank back down, tucking his knees against his chest and burying his head in his arms. How pathetic was he? He couldn’t even stand.
It was not okay not okay not okay not ok- but did it really matter? Did it matter if he was okay? No, the answer was no, it was always no, because he was in the wrong here. Wrong, wrong wrong wrong wrong-
Roman didn’t know when the tears had started. He was heaving in great lungfuls of air and still couldn’t breathe. More moisture dripped down his face but he couldn’t bring himself to care. It didn’t matter anyways-
I wouldn’t be able to tell who the evil twin is.
Ja- Deceit’s voice echoed in his head, pounding through his skull. He curled tighter around himself, whimpering pathetically, as the voices grew louder, more persistent, stronger, changing the words, slapping his harshly across the face as the words became steadily crueler and crueler. Logically, Roman knew that Jan- Deceit- had never said the things he was hearing, neither had Patton, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Even if they hadn’t said them out loud, he knew they had been thinking it.
It’s hard to tell who the evil twin is.
Roman covered his ears fruitlessly. His breath was coming in increasingly shorter gasps and his fingernails dug into his skull. No no no no no no no-
I know who the evil twin is.
Roman pressed his hands harder, not noticing the blood starting to drip from his temples. He didn’t notice how his room shook and twisted, nor the way his clothes were slowly but surely fading in color.
The evil twin.
Pictures were falling off of the wall. Rain was pouring down in heavy waves. His mind was shaking and his room was shaking- he was shivering and crying and wasn’t breathing- but he didn’t notice. The only thing he could feel was Deceit’s words, twisting themselves round and round, stewing, bubbling in his head, warping reality and invading every thought. There was a steady pounding in Roman’s skull- or maybe that was the room, he couldn’t tell.
With a gasp of horror- or, he would’ve gasped if he had remembered how to breathe- he realized he couldn’t hear J- Deceit’s voice anymore. But the voice hadn’t stopped. It wasn’t Patton either, nor his brother. It was him. His own thoughts echoed back at him, reverberating around his buzzing skull and he tugged at his hair uselessly, desperate for the cruel voice of himself to stop, stop talking, stop yelling, stop-
It stopped. The room had stopped shaking- maybe Roman had a better grasp of his emotions, maybe he simply didn’t have the energy to feel any more. The world came to a stand still, and Roman nearly almost took a breath, allowed himself a moment of relief.
But it was not meant to be.
“Everything is gonna be okay, kiddo,” a vision of Patton flashed dangerously in Roman’s mind eye. “Don’t worry, I know who the evil twin is.”
That was all it took for Roman to double over himself, curling farther into himself and rocking back and forth with dry sobs. He didn’t have any tears left.
The pounding in his skull was getting louder, faster. With a sudden jolt, he sat up straight, staring at his door with glazed eyes. It wasn’t in his head. Someone was banging on his door.
“Kiddo, please open the door,” the real Patton’s voice begged.
Roman shrank in on himself. Normally, he would never allow anyone to see him like this, ever. But it didn’t matter anyways, did it? It did matter, it matters it matters it matters it… 
It was a good time for realization, as Roman had made many that day. About Deceit, Janus, about himself and about his twisted perspective of the world. It had been a big day of realization after horrifying realization. He could dwell on that later. At the moment, Roman made one more realization: he realized- and became acutely aware of- the fact that he had not breathed in a solid two minutes, and with his lungs compressing and his winded state, it seemed unlikely he could call out to Patton at all.
He sucked in a breath, but it wasn’t working.
Another voice joined Patton at the door. In his slightly delirious state, he could still recognize it instantly as Virgil. They conversed briefly- Roman was too tired to make out the words- and then Virgil called through the door.
“Roman?” A pause. “Roman, I know you’re in there. Can you come out? You’re starting to worry us. Your room was shaking just a minute ago?” It was phrased as a question, but Roman could hear the- well, the anxiety- behind his words. He almost could’ve laughed, but the whole air thing still wasn’t cooperating.
“Hey, I- we’re getting worried. Please say something back, or else I’m coming in.”
Roman tried again, breaths getting more frantic by the second. His pulse was speeding up again as he desperately took in shallow breaths, chest barely rising.
“Is Roman in there?” A new voice- Logan- called out. It was father away than the others, so Roman figured he was just now coming down the hallway, most likely to check out the shaking.
Not a second later, the door flew open. Virgil stepped inside, before jumping back out with a yelp of alarm.
“It’s raining in there,” Virgil sounded taken aback. “Is that even a thing?”
Was it? Roman thought the rain had stopped, but apparently not. It probably wasn’t a good thing he felt this numb, this out of touch with his own body.
Patton nudged Virgil aside and stepped into the room, fatherly concern written all over his face. He spotted Roman in the corner almost immediately, running over as fast as he could and kneeling beside him.
“Roman,” he gasped. “Are you okay?” He reached out but didn’t touch Roman, unsure of what to do.
At Patton’s gasp, Virgil and Logan came back into the room. Virgil’s face melted into one of horror and Logan took a mini step backwards. Roman laughed internally. He must’ve looked like a hot mess. Nay, not hot, cool. Nay, not cool, uncool. An uncool mess. He supposed that’s exactly what he was.
An uncool, pathetic mess. But it didn’t matter anyways.
He still couldn’t breathe.
Virgil noticed this almost instantly, rushing to the fallen prince’s side. “Can I touch you?” he asked quietly, and at Roman’s small nod, he placed a hand on Roman’s arm.
“Roman, Princey, you have to breathe- okay? You have to, come on. Breathe with me.” Virgil slowed his breathing, counting on his fingers, and slowly, Roman copied him, breathing in sync with Virgil. Logan crouched on Roman’s other side, reciting the counts with Virgil in a low, soothing tone.
It felt better. He could breathe again. The hand tightening around his chest began to loosen and he could breathe, it felt so good-
Patton pulled him into a hug. Roman stiffened at the contact, but relaxed into the strong arms, biting his lip to hold back another onslaught of tears.
“What happened?” Logan asked quietly after a moment of silence.
“It doesn’t matter anyways,” Roman muttered, pulling back from Patton and slumping against the wall again. Logan blinked in surprise and Patton made a small sad noise. Virgil stayed quiet.
“Kiddo, you know we’re here for you, right?”
“It doesn’t matter anyways.” He repeated the words like a mantra, the only thing keeping him from cracking open.
Virgil spoke up. “Ro, why do you keep saying that?”
Roman flinched back. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does,” Patton insisted. “We all made,” his eyes darkened as he spoke, “a lot of mistakes, but that doesn’t mean your feelings don’t matter!”
Logan coughed.
“Except for Logan, he hasn’t done anything wrong,” Patton amended.
“Yes, thank you,” Logan sniffed. “But I do have to agree with Patton on this one, Princey. We would like to listen to your problems and assist in brainstorming possible solutions.”
Roman gave a watery laugh. Nobody laughed with him.
Virgil was staring at him oddly.
Virgil took a deep breath. “Hey Pat, Lo?” he addressed them without taking his eyes off of Roman. “Can you give us the room for a moment? I promise we’ll be right out. Maybe go bake some cookies in preparation? For a movie night.” He added the last part as an afterthought, lower and darker than the rest of his statement. “I think we all need it.”
Patton looked uncertainly at Roman, who simply nodded his head. Logan grabbed Patton by the arm gently and led him from the room, closing the door behind them for privacy.
Virgil continued to stare at Roman with his deep, expressive eyes, and Ro started to fidget under the stare.
“Are you okay?” the words were spoken softly, a mere whisper off Virgil’s tongue, but Roman could hear them clearly.
“No,” he said honestly. It didn’t matter anyways. Virgil wasn’t going to care, and it was better than possibly catching the attention of a certain snake-scaled lie detector. Still the word felt foreign on his tongue.
Virgil frowned slightly. “You’re bleeding.”
Roman looked up in surprise. “I am?” It was the first genuine emotion he’d shown since the others had arrived, and a small smiled graced Virgil’s lips, even despite the situation at hand.
Virgil waved his hand and summoned a first aid kit. He offered it to Roman, who hesitated for a moment before declining. The prince was surprised at himself- he normally never let anyone else take care of him. However, he supposed, after his...  his breakdown, he needed it. Virgil worked in silence for the most part, taking Roman’s hands gently when he was done.
“I-” he hesitated, searching for the words. “I don’t know what happened, and I haven’t seen the video yet, but I am truly sorry for whatever they did to hurt you like this.”
“I’m sure you’ll think differently after watching it then,” Roman turned away, avoiding eye contact.
“Princey, what-”
“I’m the bad guy, okay?” he burst out. “I’m the bad guy, I’m the bad guy, I’m the bad guy and I always have been! I’ve been too blind to see it.” He punched the wall behind him. “Too blind, too stupid, too slow to keep pace with all of you, too loud when I’m stating my opinion, not helping enough when I try to keep quiet. The bad guy when I side with Deceit and-” he took a shuddering breath, fizzling out from his outburst.
“And…?” Virgil prompted.
“And still the bad guy when I side against him.”
Roman could see the gears turning in Virgil’s head.
“So…” he began slowly. “You sided against Deceit in this most recent video, and- and the others said you were on the wrong side? That seems awfully hypocritical of them.”
Roman looked down. “I was horrible.”
Virgil’s head snapped up to stare at Roman. “Don’t say that,” he said. “You are not horrible, you aren’t a bad person, maybe you made a mistake-”
“That’s the thing!” Roman shouted to the ceiling. “It’s not just ‘a mistake’ it’s not ‘one mistake.’ It’s not even two! It’s just mistake, after mistake, after mistake, after mistake. I say I’ll get better and then I don’t- you all move on to new things and I’m too slow to catch up. Apology after apology, mistake after mistake. I’m a mistake.” 
Roman uttered the last sentence so quietly, Virgil had to strain to hear him. His face hardened as the words registered in his mind.
“Roman,” Virgil said firmly. “You are not a mistake. You never have been. They’re wrong, they are in the wrong for making you feel this way. This is not okay. I’ll have a talk with the others later about this, I won’t share anything if you don’t want me to…?” Virgil trailed off uncertainly, a question lingering in the air.
“Please don’t tell them what I said.”
Virgil pursed his lips. “Alright, if that’s what you want.” He stood up, stretching his arms out, and offered a hand to Roman. The prince took it gratefully hauling himself up and taking a moment to steady himself. He shot an unsteady grin at Virgil, who smirked back.
Roman hesitated before stepping forward.
“Thank you, Vee.”
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “What, no witty nickname?”
Roman looked him straight in the eye. “Not today.”
“Well, then you are welcome, Roman. Ready to go talk to the others?” Virgil extended his hand and Roman took it, squeezing tightly before pulling Virgil into a full hug. It lasted a moment before he pulled away, slightly misty eyed.
Roman followed Virgil out the door, leaving behind as many insecurities, issues, and tears as he could. It wasn’t perfect, not by a long shot, but it was nice to have finally been allowed to say what was on his mind without repercussions. He took a deep breath, smoothing out the wrinkles of his prince costume, before changing his mind and snapping into a hoodie and sweatpants for something more comfortable.
And so what if nothing was fine? He might’ve been breaking down a few minutes ago, but now he was feeling lighter than he had in ages and was walking hand in hand with someone who loved him- just fo being him- they were family, after all.
Nothing was fine. Nothing was okay. Things were still going to be hard.
but what did that matter anyways?
Okay so- @queenofsassgard @arushahisatroll @introvertedtater-tot when you asked to be on the taglist, did you mean just the AU taglist or any sanders sides fic in general? because if it’s the first option, then i’m so sorry about the tag aha-
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smoozie · 5 years ago
Platonic Logince hurt/comfort bullet fic post SvS: Redux
Roman arrived back in his room, the familiar gold and red taunted him reminding him of when he Thomas's hero
Roman couldn't stand to look at it anymore and he left, he wasn't sure where to go, but he walked out of his room
Logan was in the hall, walking to his room, he looked defeated, but he regained his composure when he realized Roman was there
"Roman, I assumed you were still having your discussion with Patton and Janus"
"Yeah well, I'm not so I'm sure it's going well"
"That seems rather odd.. are you alright Roman"
Logan stepped closer to Roman aa if trying to decipher the look behind his eyes
"I'm fine, I mean it's not like my world has been flipped upside down or anything! One day De- Janus is bad and I'm horrible for agreeing with him, the next he's great~, and 'why can't you trust him?"' He's horrible, he manipulated me amd now he's proven that Patton is wrong do you know what that means?! If Patton is wrong about the wedding what else is he wrong about? Is he wrong about me? Maybe Janus is right? I AM the evil twin! I alway just-"
"Roman" Logan put his hand on Roman's shoulder, "I'm not one for feelings but I may have something that just my help"
Roman was quiet as Logan led him down the hall, towards his room
Logan's door was a plain wood door and Roman began to doubt him on his 'help'
But then Logan opened the door
It was gorgeous, there were galaxies on the ceiling, the floor was dark blue
Logan sat down on the floor and gestured for Roman to follow
Roman felt like he was floating, he could see shooting stars in the sky
"It's beautiful" Roman mumbled awestruck
"It is isn't it? It always calms me when I'm feeling particularly unpleasant, I could really use it after today"
"Why today? Did something happen?"
"It's more about what didn't happen. None of you ever listen to me"
Roman turned to look at Logan, he was going to object but Logan raised a hand to signal he shouldn't
Admittedly Roman realized Logan was right
"I'm sure you don't intend on ignoring me, but it happens nonetheless"
"I'm sorry.. I'll do better, I promise"
Roman smiled at Logan
They laid down on Logan's floor, content to just watch the stars
@sanders-sides-with-quinn I hope you like it, it's been forever since I've read Logince so it was nice to write it
If you like this you can always send in requests!
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starwarsdestroyedme · 5 years ago
This has been in my head for a while and I need to get it out of my system. 
I’m giving y’all a bullet-point ficlet, because if I start to fully write it down I will lose myself as per usual and end up with 10 pages, and I have a project due for uni. 
Is the entire concept an excuse to get Remus to cup Logan’s face? Yes. Will I make fanart of it? Who knows, anything is possible. 
Did Logan deserve better? Yes. Always. That should not be a question. Is this shameless fluff having Remus comfort him? Absolutely. Enjoy. 
(I will write this properly later, if you wanna be tagged just let me know)
Tw: mildly unsymp light-sides, swearing, Remus being graphic, sad Logan times, self-doubt. (if there’s anything else do tell)
So, it goes like this: 
Logan is not okay. Like, we all suspected it, but for the sake of the drama let’s pretend it comes as a surprise. 
He goes to his comfy place. Logan’s comfy place is a huge window frame reworked into a reading space with a bookshelf on one side and a bunch of pillows arranged in a way that ensures proper posture, because there’s nothing better than a healthy spine. This is where he keeps his favourite books. 
Logan goes straight (heh, sure) for some poetry. Because that’s what he does when he feels like crap. 
Thinks about everyone ignoring him as per usual during the last video and covers himself with a blanket. Conjuring some tea, rain outside the window and some Satie (we live in a society) as background music for thematic appropriateness. 
Suddenly, the ceiling cracks open and Remus falls next to him like on the “hey, Billy” vine. He is covered by rubble and has some blood trailing the side of his face. So everything is normal. 
“Hey, Jan Jan told me to check on you” - R. 
Logan just says how that’s not necessary, that he cannot fathom why Janus would think so.
Remus does not buy it, but lets it go and just crosses his legs and sits on the ground, still surrounded by bits of broken ceiling. He gives Logan a blank stare and smiles like the absolute idiot he is. 
Logan is almost about to smile but forces himself not to because he is serious, and those outbursts are precisely what get him ignored in the first place. 
Remus asks him to read to him, and Logan obliges, because he does really enjoy that and he low-key (high-key) would like to have Remus hugging him while doing so. But who cares? Not the other sides, they don’t care about anything pertaining him. 
The reading begins (I’ll get a thematically appropriate poem here). 
Remus cuts the crap and tells him he knows something’s up (not what, because, mind you, Janus was too busy to tell him and he wasn’t there) because what he read was depressing and he looks like he just ate a rotten toe. 
“Is anything I say worthwhile?” 
“Oh, wow. Which of the light sides was it this time? I’ll murder them in a heartbeat for you”. 
“Please refrain from doing so. Also, I don’t believe it matters which one, the message is clear, my input is not appreciated”. 
“Fuck them. You’re a quasar, Lo, and I can flirt using that word because you taught me what it was. Everytime I hear you talk about something I feel the way you do when looking through a telescope. I know I’m not them, but I care about what you have to say. Except for when you tell me not to throw a javelin inside the living room or stuff like that, you��re a buzzkill, that is all I’m saying”. 
“I want to assist them. A good frame and background information are essentials on problem solving, why can’t they see it?” 
“Because they suck more than I suck you, and that is a whole lot. You do help them though. That is, like, your whole thing. Even if they’re complete idiots who don’t appreciate it, but, honey, we knew that. There is a good reason why only one of them is a whale penis, because he’s the only one who deserves my cute nicknames. You’re the one that’s worth it, dork”. 
Logan hugs the book and starts to tear up. 
“Should I just keep quiet? Is it better if I don’t even appear?” 
Remus looks away because he’s too angry, and mentally swears to disembowel every light side. 
“But what about Thomas? I must help him, without my input his productivity will be reduced by… 39% per cent”. 
‘Those percentages are WAY too low’ Remus thinks to himself, ‘he’s the braincell, without him we’ll only have Janus and Virgil, and those two will argue’. 
Remus rushes up and cups Logan’s face. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Remember those breathing exercises you taught everyone? Do that. Look, I’m a fuck-up, Lo. So, from one fuck-up, to one that thinks he’s an aspiring one, you don’t make the cut. You’re the most important side. So the light sides don’t pay attention? Who needs them! Thomas listens to you. Hell, he even listens to you when you’re not there”. 
“The compliance of the rest is key for me to be persuasive to Thomas, if they don’t--” 
Remus gives him a long soft kiss. 
“Leave them”. 
“That’s not--”
“You can do it. Virgil left us. You can leave them. You don’t need to be a dark side if you don’t want to, Thomas could never hate you, look at you! Just… stay with us for a while. Janus loves to talk to you about your nerd philosophical stuff, whenever you come by he’s thrilled there’s finally intelligent life around. Stay, give him a boner with Kierkegaard! Besides… my bedroom’s always open” insert an eyebrow wiggle because Remus and timing cannot coexist. “We can do space simulations in the imagination and--!”. 
“Wait. Really!?!?!?!” 
“Why would you suggest it if you don’t mean for me to---”
“I thought you’d never accept. Oh, this is going to be great!!! I am going to make you an autopsy room and give you so many study subjects. Just you wait Lo, you’re going to be up to the elbow with the amount of dissections--” 
Logan was about to say something big. He felt really heavy in his chest. Happy by looking at Remus, who actually gave a damn. But saying that was perhaps too big yet. Timing and Logan coexisted at all times. 
“Thank you” he offered instead. 
Remus smiled like the Cheshire cat. 
Intrulogical taglist: (it’s not exactly a fic, but you might enjoy it)
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taxicabinmemphis · 4 years ago
"you were the only one I thought I could trust"
Post video pre end card SvSR where Patton checks on Roman
Patton sunk out and into Roman’s room. The creative side shot up from where he was kneeling on the floor and faced Patton. He brushed off his outfit, wiped at his eyes furiously, and straightened his posture. Roman had clearly been crying.
“Rude. Could you knock next time?”
“Sorry, Roman. I came to check on you?”
Roman nodded curtly. “I see. Now that you’ve done so, could you be so kind as to leave?”
Patton started to walk over to Roman. “I can’t do that...not when you’re like this.”
“Why not?” Roman asked angrily. “I’d prefer to be alone, especially when I’m like this.”
Patton shook his head, indicating a negative. “No. I won’t let you. You need comfort-”
“I need to process, that’s what. And I need to be away from you.”
“You were my constant, Patton!” Roman yelled. “My rock! When I didn’t know what to do, I looked to you. And now, the one time I need you, you don’t only not know, you’re not there for me emotionally either. When it came to this...these moral problems I have found myself suffering through recently, you were the only one I thought I could trust. And now...”
“You can trust me, Roman.”
“...I don’t know why I tried.”
Anything Patton was going to say caught in his throat. He bit his lip, glancing down and to his left.
“I think I should go.”
“I agree.”
“But you can’t be alone.”
“Just send Virgil or something. I don’t care.”
sorry? Hope you liked it, if you didn’t, feel free to ask for a redo!
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hteragram-x · 4 years ago
I know it’s been way too long since the last Sanders Sides episode when 1/3 of the blogs I followed change fandoms, change usernames and icons, become inactive, or disappear.
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noyin · 5 years ago
Virgil pops up into the Side Commons, his face livid with an indescribable emotion. Fear. Uncertainty. Rage.
In his white-knuckled hand, he clutches a garb adorn with gold detail and a deep red sash--only now the gold is chipped and dull, and the sash seedy and faded.
Shaking, crying, Virgil holds up the uniform, the one which had once symbolized dreams and heroes and all things good.
To the three white faces looking at him, Virgil growls,
"What have you done to him?"
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boygirlctommy · 3 months ago
"there isnt supposed to be anyone putting themselves before others"
Tumblr media
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cangrellesteponme · 3 years ago
is the renewed sanders sides hyperfixation fading? nope. would I absolutely love to give my focus to something else? yup, but can I? definitely not
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the-sanders-sides · 5 years ago
just imagine. roman going to logan after svs redux, with tears clinging to his eyes, roman not letting himself cry.
“i’m sorry for how i’ve been to you in the past. today, as well. i hope you don’t think i’m-”
“roman. you... you’re so good. i always fire back at you, but you always apologize. at least i’ve noticed you try to. i haven’t really been doing that. i think that’s why no one wants to hear me. to listen to me. that’s why it’s so easy for de- janus to impersonate me.”
roman sighs. he’s relieved logan needs to vent as well. at least he can focus on helping someone else, instead of needing to be helped.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about, lo. if anyone’s ‘good’ here, it’s you. you actually help thomas! even when he’s confused and lost, he can always rely on you.” oh no, roman thinks, my mouth is going faster than i can make it stop. “i just derail him. i’m bad for him.”
logan looks at roman. like really looks at him. roman squirms under the piercing gaze, but logan smiles softly.
“nah, i may help thomas, but no one really wants me around. i think we’re the same, as much as i hate to say it. no one really wants to listen to us, or acknowledge us more than necessary.” roman opens his mouth, about to counteract what logan says, but logan holds a hand up and continues. “i noticed roman. you needed to be encouraged to even be able to share your thoughts on the matter today. and even then, you kept qualifying your statements, trying to be agreeable. i apologize i didn’t see this sooner. how long has this been happening? how long have you been convinced, maybe even conditioned into believeing, that your opinions and thoughts don’t have weight and shouldn’t be listened to?” logan sighs. “i at least know that even if no one wants to listen to me, they have to. i’m still logic. as much as they want, i’m not as easily suppressed as someone’s hopes & dreams can be.”
roman presses his palms to his eyes, willing the tears to go back inside. logan reaches up and takes roman’s hands, and holds them. roman really can’t stop the tears now, and his face is a wet mess.
“let’s sit,” logan says. and they do. they’re sitting side by side, logan holding roman’s hands, and roman resting his head on logan’s shoulder.
“i think i know why we fight so much,” roman says after a while. logan hums.
“and why’s that?”
“we see ourselves in each other. and we really hate ourselves.” logan’s eyes widen. his breath hitches.
“falsehood. i don’t hate myself. i simply just-”
“logan, it’s okay. it’s okay to feel bad about yourself. hating yourself probably isn’t good, but it’s okay to feel. anyways, it takes one to know one.” roman shifts their hands around so he can stroke the back of logan’s hand with his thumb.
“it’s anyway. anyways is grammatically incorrect,” logan says, and a single tear slips out of his eyes. roman chuckles.
“thanks teach. just... thank you for being here. i’m not sure how to say this, but i really-”
“i understand, roman. you don’t have to say it. and i’d like to return the sentiment to you.”
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astronomical-bagel · 4 years ago
hey hey hey guys listen listen listennnn
so imagine--imaginnnnne,,,,,,, that in the next episode, Roman does the Big Thing-- ducking out, turning into a dark side, whatever his playlist was hinting at, and in the next episode (since I've heard it was a two parter?), and Virgil echoes the speech Ro told to him in AA and tells him that "you make us better" and and and basically I cry 🥺🥺
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killing-all-joy · 4 years ago
“I can’t do anything right.” *chanting* Patton angst! Patton angst! Patton angst! Patton angst!
cw: swearing, sexual innuendo, mentions of sex, Remus being Remus
Patton wiped at his eyes helplessly. No matter how hard he tried, the tears wouldn’t stop cascading down his face. The sobs wouldn’t stop racking his body, either. He was starting to think he would never stop crying.
He wished he could do everything right without any collateral damage. But when it came to the complex moral questions like the ones they had considered today, he couldn’t find a way for no one to get hurt.
Roman was upset because of him. Roman didn’t think he was loved because of him. He didn’t want him to think that, not at all, but Thomas needed to take care of himself.
He heard a knock at the door. His cries faltered as his attention was stolen so he could look up at the door.
“Please leave me alone,” he called to the person outside the door.
The door opened anyway. Patton made a confused noise when he saw Remus.
“What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here, Daddy-O?” repeated Remus, slamming the door shut behind him with his foot. “Three of you bitches needed comfort after the convo with the Jan-Man.” He shrugged. “I ain’t one of them. Thought I could provide some juicy-ass hugs.”
Patton bit his lip. He and Remus weren’t necessarily friendly. He was curious as to why Remus was helping him.
“Why are you with me right now?”
“We all thought you could use some relief,” Remus then wiggled his eyebrow, “I am willing to provide it...any way you wa-”
Patton interrupted him with an embarrassed shriek. He took a deep breath afterward so he could speak. “Why is no one else helping me?”
Remus frowned. “Don’t want me here?”
Patton shook his head, not wanting to harm anyone else. “It’s not that. I just thought someone like V—” he choked on a sob, “—Virgil would be more comfy with me.”
“Virgil’s comforting Roman,” said Remus, crossing his arms. “Janus is comforting Logan...and probably apologizing to him as well. I volunteered to help you out!”
Patton nodded. “Okay.”
Remus nodded in satisfaction and ran over to Patton. He sat in front of him. “Sooooo...what’s up?”
Patton sobbed.
“Right. I feel ya, Smash-ton.” Remus thought for a moment. “Worried about Roman?”
Patton nodded. “He- he wouldn’t let me see him...he seemed angry at me.” Patton tried to take a deep breath but it was interrupted by a sob. “I d-don’t really blame him, Virgil is probably better for him right now than me.”
“Virgil might be a better comfort person for him,” agreed Remus, “but you did what you thought was right.”
“Keyword: thought!” Patton exclaimed, covering his mouth so more cries wouldn’t come through. “Everyone always gets hurt when I do what I think is right.”
“Not always. But when people disagree...the party that loses almost always hurts.”
Patton didn’t reply, but his body started to shake.
“...And sometimes both parties get hurt.”
“Things...things should be better right now!” Patton protested. “I did what I thought was right...Thomas needs to take care of himself, but no one is okay! I can’t do anything right!”
Remus’s eyebrows raised in alarm. “That’s not true.”
“It is.”
“We can’t have that thinking, sexy side of mine. You definitely can do things right. Sure, you’ve made mistakes-”
Patton started crying more.
“-But everyone does! Everyone makes mistakes. All of us. Virgil can be too scary, Logan can be too harsh, Roman can be too...much, Janus manipulates people, I think I once fucked one of my monsters in the Imagination-”
“I get it,” Patton said, a laugh-like sob leaving his lips.
“You can do things right,” replied Remus. “Even if you don’t always. Your decision today was right too. Roman has just been...misled, and he needs help with that, but what you did was right. Janus deserves a seat at the table.”
“I know he does.”
“Today was a win.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.”
Remus sighed. He reached out and put his hand on Patton’s face, starting to dry his tears. Patton didn’t move away.
“No, no it doesn’t.”
Taglist: @somehow-i-got-an-account @justanotherhumanstuff @neo-neo-neo @fander-fic-recs
I hope you liked it! I thought that Remus comforting Patton would be cute.
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