#post canon tpn my beloved
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emmaspolaroid · 1 year ago
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What if, when everyone’s become adults, we wore all sorts of clothing like this …
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fullscoreshenanigans · 9 months ago
#RAYBERT?!?! oh they really love him #and Ray loves them if he accepts this XD #they so have to love it ruining *the mood*™ calling him like this... (via @officersnickers)
kljlkflsd Emma knows she's only going to get away with that one once for full effect so she's got to make it count.
NE does favor Raymond for their playful full-name ultimatums, but ultimately this is them playing the long game to make him open to the usage of Sunray and Chief, which eventually come to be used for more sincere emotional exchanges just as often as thrown into lighthearted banter.
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This is key, though. While Ray can be very easy to rile up (and he very much allows himself to be, when it comes to them 🧡🖤🤍), if they pick up on the subtle fluctuations in mood/conversation, they're quick to drop it as they become even more familiar with each other's tells.
#Norman the laundry king! yes yes I so see him putting away stuff and letting his mind wander while doing so #he just loves the smell of fresh and clean laundry... reminds him of old innocent days putting up laundry in his childhood home
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Yeeessss I've talked about this before, but after listening to the "Sister Krone's Welcome to Grace Field House" sound drama, specifically this bit:
Krone: When doing laundry, different types of personalities come out…I wonder how [Norman] dries clothes…ah~ so gentle, he dries the clothes very neatly~ The style of drying, the spacing between the clothes, it looks beautiful! This way, the wind flows into clothes properly, and the sunlight is shared uniformly. An efficient way of drying clothes. Good job! Gilda: Norman's way of doing laundry is also perfect. Don: A genius is a is a genius no matter what he does, huh? Norman: It's nothing like that! I just like doing laundry. The snowy white clothes being blown by the breeze is a sight I really love. That's why I try to be gentle when hanging the laundry.
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(S1 Episode 6 | S1 Episode 11)
It adds an extra soft layer of intimacy to these scenes for me that I like to think he would carry with him into adulthood to help himself relax and decompress. In the similar way to how Ray falls into being the chef of the trio, Norman falls into handling the bulk of the laundry (and ofc just like NE help Ray out in the kitchen, RE assist Norman with this)
#also love how Emma takes her time realizing the 🤍🖤🧡 #but is the first to initiate it with the boys
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Sometimes I go back and forth with this with Emma realizing it earlier but keeping it to herself so the boys have more time to digest and put a name to their feelings so as not to pressure them. She has a very acute emotional awareness.
…except maybe when it comes to herself, lol. Feel like the comparative obliviousness on the matter is the final roadblock for most of her ships with her Type A personality. If she’s aware of it and knows it’s mutual, it’s so hard to see her not just going for it, especially with these two with how badly they can get stuck in their own heads.
(I'm always dropping @salsae fic snippets but ough do I adore this exchange in to have and to hold)
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As someone who's made the impossible happen multiple times over, it's all just so unfathomable to Emma when everything is so starkly clear in her mind. She's gonna go for it, unabashed and unwavering.
(But also, "I don't understand how two geniuses could be so stupid," said with the utmost affection lol)
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Stealing @just-like-playing-tag's ship chart with a few tweaks but my general leanings for the trio
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emmaspolaroid · 10 months ago
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make it up as we go along (noremma sketch dump)
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emmaspolaroid · 2 years ago
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I give all I am I’m a hologram but as long as you’ll have me I’ll stay
|| cleaned up a little doodle from yesterday! ☀️🌙
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emmaspolaroid · 2 years ago
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all eyes on you
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shot-tothestars · 5 years ago
Ahhh I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but... Welp here we go!! 😂💖
Thanks so much to @modern-oedipus for the tag!!! 💖💖💖
So!! I got an au idea a few weeks ago and decided to make a quick... Wip/pilot chapter?? To see if I was comfortable with it?? 😂 It may sound weird but welp😂😂
The main idea of this was to make it a tpn Canon divergence "chat story"?? And Canon divergence in how do they get to the human world and mostly them living "normal lives" but having to deal with the trauma the demon world left them (cause welp they are still kids and the things they had to go through must have done something to them)
English is not my first language and there must be tons of mistakes in here but since it's a wip... I decided to say, why not? And post it😂😂
(curious note: the "for now" title is "The (my kids need therapy and Momma Isabella is alive au)" 😂😂😂)
Emma loved her siblings. They were mostly the reason why she had kept fighting to survive. The reason why they were finally in the human world. 
When the social services told her that, in order to assure the mental health of her siblings and hers, she had to get away from them and be adopted by a family she had panicked for a bit and quickly regained her composure,smiled brightly and accepted the project. 
The project itself made a lot of sense, or at least that's what she wanted to believe. Different tests and psychologists had shown her how dependable she was from her siblings and vice-versa … In that way they would never be able to grow up and she wanted the best for her family. If the only thing she had to do for the wellbeing of her most beloved ones was to stay away from them on a weekly basis then so be it. She could do it! 
That's what she said 4 days ago to the therapist that was treating her. She really though she could spend five days without her family by her side. 3 days later on the week and she was proved wrong when she woke up terrified and screaming their names, hoping that the nightmare she just had wasn't reality itself and that everyone she cared for was safe and sound. That night she didn't mean to disturb anyone but the woman that was taking care of her gently tried calm her with words and called Mama when she noticed she wouldn't be able to ease her nerves. She ended up wishing good nights to all of her siblings and laughed at Ray's remark of how he would even wake Norman, Gilda and Don up and take them away from their different houses to hers if she still needed a reminder that all of them were alive and safe. After that she proceeded to sleep for 12 hours straight, her body trying to compensate all the stress she had been under without knowing. 
The next morning she woke up to a delicious small. Her mind screamed pancakes and tired and excited at the same time, rushed to the kitchen. Her care taker was waiting for her with her breakfast and a gentle smile. 
"Good morning, Emma. How are you feeling?" 
She almost forgot what had happened that night. She answered trying to put her best smile on her lips to calm the woman. 
"I'm feeling better, thanks for asking Ms. (I need to think in a name sorry). May I.." 
Ms (...), who must had been in her fortys, smiled amused and nodded. 
"Yeah, Emma. I didn't made this for the ghost of this house" 
She laughed a bit while starting eating her breakfast. Pancakes really made her feel better, probably, she guessed, Ms (..) asked Mama for a way to cheer her up. It was really kind and sweet from her. 
She was enjoying her glass of orange juice when the other decided to put out from her pocket a strange device. It was plane and dark, really thin and with a tiny but flat box appearance. She asked about it, curiousity getting the best of her. 
"Well you see Emma, this is a mobile phone" She explained " You'll be able to call or even chat with your siblings thanks to this" Emma could feel the amazement and excitement after listening to those words "But you'll only be able to chat on a daily basis with your other siblings that are in a shelter house, so you won't feel alone" 
That let her down a bit but she still was pretty much excited to know how that device worked. She had seen phones but all of them were from different eras and with extremely different designs. 
"That's great Ms (...)!!" 
They spent the morning exploring the new possession. 
                  6 of August of 2047
Hey, Emma, is this you? 
Gilda!! How have you been?? Yeah it's me!! 
Ohhh what a relief… Well answering to your question, I've been good, my new family is really kind and sweet to me, what about you? 
Aww that's amazing Gilda!! And yeah same, they are really nice and amazing!! 
Are you sure? I heard you were down last night, are they really treating you right? Emma, you know you can always tell us everything… 
Ahhh please don't be mad!! You are scary when mad… And yeah don't worry they are really good with me it's just… II rreally miss all of you… But now we have phones to contact each other!! 
Ohh about that, I've been thinking we can make a group chat to check on all of us? I've been talking separately with all of you but it will be nice to talk at the same time?? What do you think?? 
Oh Gilda that's a great idea!!! 
Ahhh!! I still have to change some things and fix plot holes and stuff but welp😂😂💖
(also @spaceoceania this was the fic I was talking about😂😂💖)
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Work in Progress Wednesday
Creators: work on or post something from your WIP. This is your weekly reminder to get something down on paper (real or virtual). It’s also a chance to share your progress with your followers and give them a sneak peek of what’s to come!
Fans: leave a comment on an unfinished fic and let the writer know how much you love it. Reblog an artist’s sketch and let them know you can’t wait to see the final product. Send someone an ask cheering them on!
Feel free to repost this image!
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emmaspolaroid · 2 years ago
NIKKIII i need post canon emma hcs or ill DIE and i feel you are the mutual that can provide (absolutely no obligation to try and come up w something if you just dont have any tho BKAJSDB)
Oh my god Ash you have no idea how excited I am to receive this, I have so many
Her memories don’t come *back* but she experiences really intense deja vu. The best way I can describe the experience is the sense of being “within and without”.
Dreams are really intense, whether they’re good or bad. And even though she forgets as soon as she wakes up, her body remembers.
She grows close with Norman and Ray again pretty much overnight, though it takes a little more time for her to get used to everyone else. It’s probably super overwhelming, but Emma’s cheerful disposition never changes so she does her best to take it all in stride.
Being a stranger to herself, then learning who she used to be deeply shakes her confidence. How can she live up to the stories about this hero who tore her way through dimensions and faced down a god? She’s scared of letting everyone down.
I imagine she develops a lot of anxiety, which of course Norman and Ray would help her work through (in my perfect post-canon world they all have amazing therapists and are on the road to healing lmao). I think post-canon Emma would struggle with being lonely despite being surrounded by people who love her - which was confirmed by that little moment in the bonus chapter. This comes to pass, though! It just takes some time, and a lot of honest communication.
She takes online classes and accidentally graduates with her high school diploma and an associates degree in like two weeks because she hyperfixated on it, like as a fun computer game. She likes every subject but she’s probably most interested in topics surrounding psychology, communications, and early childhood development.
I imagine a handful of the demon world kids will end up being involved in the human world’s politics in some way and while I don’t see any of the trio as politicians, I can see them being ambassadors in some form. Don’t ask me for details because I don’t have any lol I just know they all attend world peace meetings and are held in very high regard. Emma in particular would be concerned with making sure everyone in the world is taken care of and would spearhead humanitarian efforts.
She’s both different and somehow exactly the same. She’s still stubborn, cheerful and caring. She still loves games and is curious about everything. She doesn’t remember them, yet she’ll surprise them by saying the same exact things she’s said before, or coming to the same Only-Emma kind of conclusion.
Norman and Ray now really struggle against her in chess. She used to be so much easier to beat. Now she’s a terror.
I could honestly go on and on, but here’s a few! 🥰
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