#post 14x13
boy-kings-court · 4 days
I mean when I think about you, and I think about you a lot. I don't think about our -- our fights. I think about you... I think about you on the floor of that hospital. And I think about how I never got to say goodbye.
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that-barn-in-illinois · 2 months
so about 14x13 (lebanon) when sam and dean are saying goodbye to their father, john does say i love you to both of them. and there’s a moment where we’re not really sure if either of them are going to say it back. but that look on dean’s face, man….
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in that moment i know he was thinking that if sam didn’t say it back, he would. he waited. and sam didn’t say it. so dean had to. because as much as john put him through—as much as he put both of them through—he was not going to let his dad leave without hearing that his children love him back, even if he didn’t necessarily want to be the one to say it. if sam said it, i really think dean wouldn’t have. but the way sam feels about john is complicated in a different way, so of course it was going to be dean. and that’s so eldest child trauma of him.
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soullessjack · 1 year
pouring out a cold one for steve yockey for trying his best to make jack an actual person and nobody else in the writers room or the fandom picking up on it . I understand you girl
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Sam gets closure. He receives and grants forgiveness. I cry every time I re-watch this scene.
Jared hit this out of the park. His line reading at "And I think about you a lot" and at "I think about you...(hmm)...I think about you. On the floor of the hospital" is just heart wrenching and soul crushing.
The Yellow Draft of this scene from @spnscripthunt
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It's not the final version and there are some changes in Sam's final dialogue which are small but significant. I wish I knew who made those changes.
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babyblue-mind · 7 months
the john that dean’s “heart desires” or whatever (when he wishes with that magic pearl) being the john from 2003 is So Upsetting to me.
because. thats when sam was at stanford. and the Only Time in dean’s life post-mary’s death that john actually favoured, outwardly, and especially inwardly, dean over sam. because dean is the loyal son who stayed and sam is just gone. it was Always sam over dean, except for that key four year period. that was the time john showed the most love to dean. in his whole life. his whole life.
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disabled-dean · 1 year
I just think we should have been allowed to see how Mary reacted when she heard Dean call John Winchester, "Sir"
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billiewena · 2 years
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TWO YEARS SINCE NOV 5TH, 2020 as summed up by Supernatural (sequel to this)
⤷ bonus
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image ID & context below:
[image ID: screenshots of Supernatural paired with screenshots of various tweets, news headlines and Tumblr posts.
1. Castiel coming out of a closet in SPN 12x08 with screenshots of articles and videos called “Supernatural’s Misha Collins Appears to Come Out as Bisexual,” “Supernatural star Misha Collins appears to come out as Bisexual in the Best Way”, “Misha Collins Comes Out as Bisexual Footage”
2. Kevin Tran in SPN 8x01 saying “You know I’m not gay, right?” With screenshots of articles that read “Supernatural’s Misha Collins Apologizes for ‘Misspeaking’ After Appearing to Come Out As Bisexual,” “Misha Collins Is Getting Clowned About Being Bisexual Then Coming Out As Straight,” and a tweet by Misha Collins that reads, “This was not my intention so I need to correct the record: I am not bisexual. I happen to be straight, but I am also a fierce ally and the last thing I want to do is falsely co-opt the struggles of the LGBTQIA+ community 3/5”
3. Castiel telling a waitress in SPN 14x15, “And between various, steamy, erotic musings” with a screenshot of musician Perfume Genius tweet linking to the article “I have had sex with every actor from the TV show Supernatural” with the caption “I have had sex with every actor from the TV Supernatural. What follows is an account of each erotic event followed by a letter grade.”
4. Dean in SPN 10x10 saying, “And it ain’t gonna cost me a dime” with a screenshot of a tweet from @DiscussingFilm that says, “Nextstar will acquire 75% of The CW for $0. Instead, Nester will assume a significant portion of The CW’s current losses, which could exceed $100M.”
5. Dean in SPN 3x11 saying, “Come on. You love this song and you know it” with a screenshot of spnamvarchive and the 77 total videos in the #honeypie tag. There is also a screenshot of a text post by user iloveyoucas that says “OOH GIRL DONT YOU STOP DONT YOU STOP TIL YOU GET ENOUGH HONEY OH HONEY HONEYPIE HONEY HONEY HONEYPIE OOH GIRL DONT YOU STOP DON’T YOU STOP TIL YOU GET ENOUGH HONEY OH HONEY HONEYPIE HONEY HONEY HONEYPIE” with a gif of people dancing and a screenshot of a Honeypie AMV of Dean Winchester by afeelingsoweet.
6. Lilith in SPN 15x05 saying, “and his very weird, very perv-y obsession with you” with a headline that reads, “Jensen Ackles on his naked Soldier Boy intro on The Boys: ’Nothing on but a sock.”
7. Castiel in SPN 12x18 as he listens to a man say, “You know…like the Queen of England” with a screenshot of a post by whyissupernaturaltrending that says “Sept 8, 2022 - Supernatural trends because the Queen died” with a screenshot of Supernatural trending #1 on Tumblr.
8. Marie in SPN 10x05 saying, “But this is transformative fiction” with headlines that read: “Supernatural Prequel ‘The Winchesters’ Starts on The CW,” “The CW’s The Winchesters is a prequel to ‘Supernatural’”, “Jensen Ackles and The Winchesters Team Promise to carry on the Supernatural Legacy: ‘Trust us.”
9. Dean in SPN 10x05 responding to Marie saying, “You mean fan fiction” with headlines that read: “The Winchesters is a Soulless, Bland Attempt at Recapturing the Supernatural Magic”, “The Winchesters: 8 Biggest Retcons From Supernatural,” “Supernatural’s Spinoff Prequel ‘The Winchesters’ Offers Familiar Pleasures but Struggles building Its Own World: TV Review”
10. Dean in SPN 14x13 saying, “They always talk too much" with a tweet by nuttyforackles recapping a conventional panel that reads, “I should have said I love you too and hugged Cas… people will sexualize that but it’d doesn’t have to be, we were brothers in arms” - Jensen Ackles #spncon #vancon
Bonus: Lucifer talking to Dean in SPN 5x03, saying “Whatever you do, you will always end up here” with the Tumblr logo edited over Lucifer’s head.
/end ID]
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darkshrimpemotions · 1 year
People miss the point about Dean's interaction with Marta the post office lady in 14x13 so hard and it's FRUSTRATING.
No, it's not a reversal of the running gag about older women finding Sam attractive (which is gross anyway because it usually involves playing his obvious discomfort at being touched without consent for laughs). It is also not just Dean trading on his looks and flirting to get what he wants.
The point is to illustrate a significant difference between the brothers!
Specifically how they interact with the community of Lebanon, and what that says about their characters.
At this point in the show, Sam and Dean have now lived in Lebanon for like, six and a half years. And yet Sam approaches this woman like he would approach any stranger or witness in any random town in the country. And she reacts to him like any witness would to a strange man asking questions--with caution and some level of suspicion. It is incredibly clear that they don't know each other at all, despite how long they've been living in the same community.
But Dean knows her! And not just by sight and in passing. He's on a first name basis with her! He asks about her grandson and she readily answers! She knows his first name, too! They very clearly have an established report and have talked many times, enough times for her to have complained to him about her "spoiled little jerk" of a grandson!
This scene establishes that Dean is a known entity to at least some of the people of Lebanon. A known and LIKED entity. Trusted, even! He has truly put down roots there in a way that Sam has not, despite them living there for the same amount of time. He's bonded with people he sees regularly. He has little interactions with them offscreen all the time. That tells us something about Dean as a character!
And if it's a reversal or play off of anything, it's 1x11 (Scarecrow) when Dean fails to convince a couple who is in danger to let him fix their car so they can leave town sooner. Dean assumes (incorrectly IMO) that it's because HE specifically comes off to "normal people" as abnormal and dangerous, whereas Sam would be able to convince them with just a sincere look. In reality, of course, it probably has more to do with Dean being a total stranger, with no obvious credentials for car-fixing other than his word, in an unfamiliar place, than it does any inherent quality of Dean himself.
Because the key is, Dean isn't putting in any special effort in either scene. The way he approaches the couple is a contrast to how he usually handles cases. There's no costume, no subterfuge, and no alias. He isn't trying to fool either the couple in 1x11 or Marta in 14x13 into liking and trusting him. He's just being himself and telling the truth in both scenes (maybe not ALL the truth, but the essential basics). It works on Marta because she already knows and likes him. It doesn't work on the couple because he's a stranger to them.
So in 14x13 (and at other times in the show too) we see that Sam is not any better with people than Dean, especially when he makes no effort. He in fact gives off somewhat alarming vibes to strangers when he doesn't present with some kind of subterfuge that engenders immediate trust (i.e. being an FBI or insurance agent). (Think of Amelia's initial reaction to him in season 8 for example.) And this is true even for people who have almost certainly seen him around before, in the town he's lived in for over half a decade.
And the fact that he has made no effort to get to know his neighbors is telling in itself. Sam isn't any more automatically trustworthy to regular people than Dean unless he puts in specific effort to be. Costumes and aliases, fake credentials, even that specific face and voice he uses to talk to witnesses are all effort he has to put in. And that effort is not something that comes naturally to him or occurs to him outside of the context of a case. (I think we also see in season 6 exactly how much conscious effort those things require of him, given that without a soul he not only lacks personability but is downright impatient with and insulting to people.)
It's actually Dean who's good at building bonds, establishing casual report, and eliciting trust from people. And moreover, it's Dean who thinks to make the effort to do so. Sam is better at leading hunters specifically, but that's a whole different story and meta.
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dryaddean · 1 month
i have some thoughts about the finale. i don't hate it, i just find it hilariously stupid and nonsensical.
Cas helped. let's suppose Cas is out of the Empty and powerful enough to be working on restoring Heaven by the time Dean is dying on the rebar. Cas doesn't lift a finger to help him, in my opinion, selfishly because this is how he gets Dean to "come home" to him. i'm just trying to follow the writers' logic: Cas is around + Cas lets Dean die = Cas is fine with Dean dying. Dean is now literally in Cas' sandbox. yay?
let's suppose Jack had decreed that angels don't meddle in the affairs of humans, including Dean. when was the last time Cas, the indomitable Mr. Crack in His Chassis, was shown to be any good at following orders, especially where Dean is concerned?
Cas let Dean go on believing he was in the Empty, unreachable. ergo, i'm inclined to believe that that same Cas actively chose not to get involved in Dean's final death. it's very selfish but also very funny.
And your mom and dad... they got a place over yonder. omg let these people get away from each other. John and Mary-once-risen-twice-died are completely different people from who they were when they last were together (discounting 14x13). the fact that the line is delivered by Bobby when this Mary and AU-Bobby got it on close to her death is pretty rich.
and have we forgotten this (5x03)?
CASTIEL What about you? DEAN What about me? I don't know. Honestly, I'm good. I can't believe I'm saying that, but I am, I'm really good. CASTIEL Even without your brother? DEAN Especially without my brother. I mean, I spent so much time worrying about the son of a bitch. I mean, I've had more fun with you in the past twenty-four hours than I've had with Sam in years, and you're not that much fun. It's funny, you know, I've been so chained to my family, but now that I'm alone, hell, I'm happy.
he had just once let himself be unburdened of the duty to family drilled into him by his father. he had in Cas a shining example of defying conditioning and paving one's own way. It's been a long time since I've laughed that hard. It's been more that a long time. Years. are we supposed to believe he was happy post-15x18? over and over again, he kept falling into the same rut of carrying the weight of the whole world on his shoulders, of assuming the burden of responsibility, of familial duty. whose idea of heaven was it that the same man who had once expressed feeling chained to his family is now chained to his family for eternity? it's sickening.
lastly, considering that we know families are confined together, let's remember that Sam was married, with a son. i think this is something a lot of people who celebrate the brothers reuniting in Heaven tend to overlook, that soon enough Sam will be joined by his wife and son and perhaps his family too, and so it goes. who actually thinks Dean will care to stick around these virtual strangers?
i think he'd rather be off with his angel who has the power to carve out their own little piece of heaven. <3
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So… Since I saw once again "no one ever told Cas they loved him", I wondered if Sam and Dean heard the words "I love you" so often. I searched every "I love you" of Supernatural. Then noted who told it, to whom, and in which situations.
(Without much surprise, "I love you" mainly occurs for other people. Here will be only listed Sam's and Dean's, to make a Team Free Will post.)
Sam, hearing I love you
Jess: So come home soon, okay? I love you. (1x01)
Jess, on a note "Missed you! Love you!" (1x01)
Mary: I love you. (12x03)
Jack: I love you. I love all of you. (13x23)
Dean: I love you so much. My baby brother. (15x20)
Sam, saying I love you
Sam: I think, um …. I think Dad would have wanted you to have these. I love you, Mom. (1x09)
Sam: I love you, Jess. (5x03)
Sam, on the phone, to Mary: Yeah. Love you, too. (12x15)
I love you for both Winchester brothers
Bobby: I love you like my own. I do. But sometimes– (6x04)
Crazy!Cas: If someone was going to free the Word from the vault of the earth, it would end up being you two. Oh, I love you guys. (7x21)
Mary, to Sam: I love you. (Then looking at Dean) I love you both. (12x03)
Texts from Mary: Hey Dean. Phone died. Didn't have a charger. Things are good. I'll always be mom. Tell Sam I love you boys. (12x04)
Mary, before pulling the trigger: I love you. (12x09)
Mary: I just… I need to finish this. I miss you boys. I love you. (12x20)
Mary: I love you. (12x23)
John: I love you both so much. (14x13)
Kevin: I love you guys. (15x02)
Dean, saying I love you
Dean: It’s okay, Mom. Dad still loves you. I love you, too. I’ll never leave you.
Mary: You are my little angel. How 'bout some pie? Okay. (5x16)
Mary: Honey. Why are you up?
Dean: Look. I’m-I’m sorry. I love you but you’re not real and we don’t have time— (5x16)
Dean to Mary: I hate you. And I love you. (12x22)
John: I love you both so much.
Dean: I love you, too. (14x13)
Dean: I love you so much. My baby brother. (15x20)
Dean, hearing I love you
There are different categories.
False realities:
Mary: Get some rest. I love you.
Dean: Me too. (2x20)
Carmen We can have a future together. Have our own family. I love you, Dean. Please. (2x20)
Lisa: Dean. I love you. (3x10)
2. Doubtful sincerity under those circumstances:
Sam, stunned: It's okay…because you're my brother…and I still love ya. (5x11)
Mary, talking to the phone because Ketch told her to: Wow. I, uh… I'm actually still sort of resting up after that whole Ramiel thing. But if you need me… You sure? Okay, rain check. Hey, I love you. (12x13)
3. The little sister he never wanted *liar*
Charlie: I love you.
Dean: I know. (8x20)
4. CAS
Castiel: Thank you. Knowing you, it… it’s been the best part of my life. And the things that… the things we’ve shared together, they have changed me. You’re my family. I love you. I love all of you. (12x12)
Castiel: I love you. (15x18)
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m-artsoul · 2 years
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i told dad i'm queer. he said he really wanted grandchildren. once, i really wanted a father.
— anita jeffries, "my miracle now"
NOTE : this one is very much inspired by a post by enochianspells (link in the replies). the jackting joices in 14x13 are everything to me. 
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john’s “i guess i had hoped eventually you’d get yourself a normal life, a peaceful life, a family” being greeted by dean’s “i have a family” is so insane.
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soullessjack · 1 year
guys im literally jack irl (held a corn snake)
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tiktaalic · 11 months
post even more spn. it is slowly convincing me to finally watch the show despite it all
Okay :-) so in season 14 there’s a three episode run that’s the most BEAUITUFL triple feature
I love to watch them one after another and it’s 14x13 lebanon by Andrew dabb and Meredith Glynn. 14x14 ouroboros by Steve yockye. And 14x15 peace of mind also by Steve yockey. theyre fun because they're all saying things about dean winchester being gay. lebanon and ouroboros especially + a double hit of relationship with his father. peace of mind is an absence presence type thing. but lebanon ouroboros is like. whoa . god damn. i do believe that man has made his peace with the fact he is not who his father wants him to be and that this directly relates to him being in a relationship with a man. and he's fine with that because he loves his little gay family. its CRAZY stuff. star wars in truck stop america has gay murderous hitchhikers. season fourteen. 👍
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disabled-dean · 1 year
Random quote tag ♠️
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Share a random line of text from your current WIP or a line or two of dialogue from one of your characters. Do not give any explanation or context, and see what your followers think. Then, tag a few friends to keep the randomness going!
Thanks for the tag @ipromiseimawriter! (I do not have a ton of writing mutuals yet, so tag yourselves besties <3)
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spnfistfight · 1 year
Welcome to spnfistfight, round two, child edition!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
After a stunning victory by Ms. Eileen Leahy, we're following up with a second brawl. This time, with children. The rules are simple:
1. The character must be or have been under 18 during the course of the show. If they have aged over 18, the under 18 version of the character will be used. Possession does not count if the supernatural being is an adult.
2. No weapons or superpowers are permitted in the ring. Only their wits and their fists.
Submissions are to be sent through the ask box. I am looking for preferably 64, so we can go twice as long as last time, but 32 is the minimum. Submissions are closing on June 4, and Round One will begin shortly after.
The child fights will be tagged as both #spnfistfight and #spnchildfight. Personal posts are under jes.txt.
If you have any questions about submissions or rules, send me an ask, I'd love to help.
Participants are under the cut :)
Aiden (8x18)
Alex Jones
Allen (7x22)
Asher (1x18)
Barry (4x13)
Ben Braeden
Ben Colins (1x02)
Bela Talbot
Bobby Singer (7x10)
Bobby John (6x02)
Caitlin Johnson (15x16)
Callie Garrison (3x05)
Castiel, Gertie, and Sam Fitzgerald
Channing Ngo (7x21)
Claire Novak (10 Years Old)
Cyrus Styne (10x22)
Daphne Blake
Dean Winchester (9x07)
Dean Winchester II
Dirk (4x13)
Eileen Leahy (11x11)
Elliot (14x13, 14x16)
Emily (7x22)
Emma Winchester
Evan McKay (1x15)
Family Remains Girl (Unnamed) (4x11)
Fred Jones
Gary (5x12)
Jack Kline
Jacob Pond
Jesse (The Antichrist)
John Winchester (?) (8x12)
Jordy Pinsky (11x05)
Josephine Barnes (8x18)
Kate (8x04, 10x04)
Kevin Tran
Krissy Chambers
Lily Shoemaker (1x05)
Lizzy Gibson (4x11)
Lora (14x03)
Lucas Barr (1x03)
Magda Peterson (12x04)
Maggie Thompson (2x11)
Matt Pike (1x08)
May Sunder
Max (14x13, 14x16)
Melanie Merchant (1x19)
Michael (1x18)
Mick Davies
Missy Bender (1x15)
Oliver (8x16)
Owen Mills
Patience Turner
Peter Sweeny (1x03)
Sam Winchester (4x13)
Shaggy Rogers and Scooby-Doo
Stacy (14x13, 14x16)
The entire cast of Supernatural: The Musical (10x05)
The Gore Boys (5x09)
Timmy (9x07)
Toni Bevell's Son (11x23)
Tod (4x08)
Travis Johnson
Tyler Thompson (2x11)
Velma Dinkley
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Lebanon (14x13)
It's hilarious to me that the Lebanon, Kansas in Supernatural is like a big town when in the really real world it has a population of about 182.
Yeah, that's right.
That's it. It also looks like this...
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This is pretty much the town, btw. There's no movie theater, no fancy liquor store. There's a market, a post office, an American legion, a "city" hall, a bank, a visitor's center (because it's the geographic center of the 48 contiguous states), a grain elevator (because farming) and that's about it. SMALL town America.
I understand that the show was shot in BC, in and around Vancouver and whatnot, and that it makes narrative sense for the town to be big enough that Sam and Dean could blend in a bit and just, have places to go, but it's still funny to me.
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