#I’m gonna go reblog her post about jack rn
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soullessjack · 1 year ago
pouring out a cold one for steve yockey for trying his best to make jack an actual person and nobody else in the writers room or the fandom picking up on it . I understand you girl
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tmae3114 · 4 years ago
Ro Infodumping
Okay, so, on the one hand, I am not yet actually free the way I thought I would be today on Monday bc I had to get an extension and will be working on the coursework through the weekend
On the other hand, I Have Worked Very Hard This Week And I Think I Deserve To Treat Myself By Infodumping About My OC
(@cyraen-ae, you mentioned wanting to hear about Ro and @df-thoughts, you’ve talked about wanting to hear about hero ocs in general)
This post is gonna be for her Dragonfable incarnation (which, irl, is her original version) and then I’ll do another one for her Mechquest incarnation and none of this is going to be comprehensive bc I’m just doing whatever comes to mind as important. feel absolutely free to ask questions
So! Hero Eibhleann “Ro” Bhaltair! She’s got a slightly different origin to most people’s hero ocs bc she’s... not... actually my player character? I’m the kind of person who’s default game avatar is “my name/username and Whatever Equipment I Think Looks Cool” so I didn’t have an oc for the Hero of Falconreach bc, like, That Was Just Me. And then, in late 2013, I started getting involved with the DF fandom on here, and everyone else had hero ocs and by mid-2014 I decided that I wanted one too!! I didn’t want to be left out, I wanted to join it!! And that is how Ro came to be. I actually basically liveblogged a bunch of it way back when and you can see that if you check out the ‘chronicles of making a hero’ tag on my blog. It’s kinda hilarious to read back for me. Also you will 100% find lore in there that is contradicted in this infodump bc TIME AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT MARCH ON
Ro starts off as Baby Girl Baby bc fifteen year old me went “fourteen is a decent age to do this stuff, right? I was fourteen not that long ago so Yeah Fourteen Is Fine” and that is Locked In now
she’s twenty by the point Book 3 is at rn though
base class warrior but she’s a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, having trained in a bunch of other subclasses beyond just the canon dragonlord/dragon base class/soulweaver
ranger was immediately shelved upon her and Zhoom discovering that she becomes a comical threat to herself and others when a bow is put in her hands though
she’s a selkie! I’ve played around a bit with how selkies work but she’s got a sealskin and also her human form has seal teeth bc Yes
said teeth are the reason she wears that mask all the time! she’s had people react Poorly in the past
(ask me about how the mask is an accidental autism metaphor sometime, it’s hilarious)
selkies aren’t the only magical creatures up her family tree. the whole thing is a mess. that’s why she’s got blue hair! I’ve got a whole worldbuilding thing going with her family and other people where they’re from being kinda... malleable, when they’re children, because there’s been so much intermingling of so many magical creatures and since I drew a lot of it from Scottish folklore, there’s a lot of shapeshifters involved. Ro herself is only a selkie bc she stumbled on a heriditary pelt!
she’s extremely aroace and semi-frequently forgets that romance is, like, a thing that exists
Local Hero Is Also Local Autistic Disaster, Please Ask Her About Her Special Interests, “Bladed Weapons” and “Adventuring”, Also How Do People?
absolute hoarder of weapons and armour. she has so much of both
like, you know the Comically Long Disarming Sequence trope? Ro is very specifically the version of that from the Sinbad movie where the other characters go in, handle business, and the disarming character is still disarming when they come back out
she’s got a grasp of, like, utility magic but not a mage’s level grasp of battle magic
oh shoot I just got called for dinner I’m gonna post this as it is and come back to update it in a reblog later
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sp-ud · 4 years ago
Forgot to post my bullet point list of liveblogs/thoughts while I was in post limit jail yesterday, so under the keep reading it is if anyone wonders
• Girl help, it's 2pm and I have till 11pm till post limit resets
• I'm not liking any art because I don't like without reblogging
• When did Phil switch to dsmp? I swear he was doing he?
• Also is he spawn proofing ranboks house? Pog!
• But back to tubbo for now
• Is this the earliest I've hit post limit? Makes sense cuz I didn't sleep.
• Wtf happened on Phil's stream? Oh wait did he find the vault? And then the prime room?
• Apparently he found Carl.
• Just saw someone in Phil's chat say "wdym not ur son"... what do you think???
• Ranboos gonna come online to see his house been snowed.
• Might be using Twitter more than notes because it's such a long time
• Tubbo and rnaboo are still shooting stuff? Brub
• Uh oh "let's talk about the dream smp" sounds so onimous...
• It's not serious thank god
• Sdlgkekfnnsa he added that :) knowing what he doing
• The indirects? Uhoh
• I wonder if he's going to address the clashes of certain lore bits
• Hmm gonna lie down because sleepy
• Kinds sleeby but heart go Nyoom
• Hope someone posts fundys lore stuff because I watching jack
• Tired in beddddd
• "We haven't had a sympathetic villain yet" almost true! I'd say wilbur was semi-sympathetic
• Ajfjrkgjsndnv did bad show up just to tell him to join the egg
• I'm getting deja vu
• Also heheh melamine doofensmirtz
• Based on the liveblogs I'm seeing, fundy is trying to move into the arctic. Okay
• Fundys actually on the smp, sorry Jack but I follow one manifoldtwt person so I see all of jack stuff
• I open Phil's stream to see tubbo stream sniping. How cannon is tub o being here? Also when did rnabok and tubbo join phil
• "How is Michael doing"
• Ranboo and tubbo also being in the call while Phil is dunking on fundy for butcher army
• And tubbo killed him
• Tubbo just hit and run fundy
• I am out of bed I got interested in other stuff to quickly
• Go see Michael Phil please
• Ranboo is such an enabler
• Tubbo villain arc that's just his normal self let's go
• This is so cruel, Tubbo why
• 'Aa batteries?'
• Poor fundy flkvkthmdna
• Among us role play time again but now it's town of Salem
• Tubbo just said 'platonic marriage'
• "Your what?"
• Hes definitely adopted rigkrjgnenca
• "Cake time you little shit"
• "Theres not a thought behind those eyes"
• 'Unbiological'
• Please don't free the child fundy
• Phil boutta snoop?
• Fundy just got murdered in michaels room
• Fundy don't threaten the helicopter parents
• Aite tubbo that was a joke too far
• Phil has shclatt
• awww fundy being excited Phil said "runs in the family"
• wh. How bad was my delay on Phil's stream? Totally different point when I switch to fundy
• I just can't bring myself to do school work rn I can't explain it, probably because a lot of it is tests
• Chat o7-ing with no context for c!fundy
• Fundy always accidentally screening himself over damn
• I know foxes are considered sneaky but man calm down
• Just woke up. Tanbkk live.
• Tubbo I think that is called fanfic. No tubbo it is. Tubbo you can't deny it that's still fanfic.
• Bless ranboo for trying to help stop the belief that fanfics are all nsfw
• "Is tubbo drunk" have yall never seen a tired/chaotic person
• Tubbo thought Thomas sanders created vine???
• Going thru that big dream merch post and just blocking so many of them, cuz I don't want those people ever looking at my stuff
• Also so many of them are just... saying straight up misinfo
• "*sigh* are we being overprotective?" "...protection 4"
• "Prot 4 parents"
• Techno just vibing on the server eyes emoji
• Golddigger tubbo returns
• Techno just staring out the window
• He left rkgkrkgjsja
• Yet? ... ramboo???
• Chat stop being weirdchamp :)
• I think I should just not read chat rn
• I saw a dono mention ramboo maybe having EDS, ehlers-danlos syndrome and like... I lowkey been wondering similar stuff?
• I had EDS btw
• My doctor said there's something similar to EDS but involves growing... a lot. *looks at ranboos 6'6 self*
• Why do I suddenly feel really sad about something? Uh oh
• "LORE?" Chat asks while puffy describes how her toilet broke
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the-canine-king · 6 years ago
i answered all 50 questions in that oc question post
note: i'm only talking about the ones i made lol i was gonna link them all the character’s names to their profiles but that shit’s way too much work so: https://toyhou.se/CanineKing/characters/folder:all/tags:1/tagged:Original
1. Your first OC ever? hmm, there's probably two answers 1) an unnamed character who was basically a fantasy dressed fox kemono boy. do you remember playing a game as a kid where you look out the window in a car and you imagine someone doing sick parkour beside your car? he was the character i imagined (there was also a whole other story i dreamt up where i was some long lost princess from other world and he was gonna save me from this one but that's a whole other thing) he's technically a character i thought of but never thought of anything beyond that, i don't think i ever drew him either 2) 4 (maybe 5) characters i made in middle school where it was about these characters that come from families that can bend one particular element, and they're all friends on school trying to get used to their passed down powers and also be basically kid superheroes. i drew them out and gave them names, but i never wrote anything beyond that, but they were definitely ones that i would call my first actual written ocs 2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? -looks at ace, eliott, and mel- no 3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? yup! before i wasn't so big on the adopt thing, but i turned into a fan w/ collecting designs and writing a lil story for them! i adopted 38 characters, and one other that's currently still in the process of trade :P (and unfortunately trying to purge some away) 4. A character you rarely talk about? unfortunately that'd be a lot of characters bc i'm super focused on drawing ace/ mel smooching for the 548787th time 5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? i'd probably make it eliott bc who else doesn't love a cute, shy, goat boy on the internet 6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related? ...... i can't think of any lmao 7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories? i literally only make ocs to make stories so 8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here! nah i can't do rp stuff :'D 9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else? honestly, not really if i made them lol but i guess i can if i'm not attatched to them and such, so if i just made a design and offered them up then yeah i can trade them (unless i love their design lol) 10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? even thought i haven't fully drawn my plans for his outfit, azazel would be the most complicated in my standards 11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? me personally, i'd say eliott bc that baby boy is trying his best story wise, either thorne or lucas (but totally lucas since thorne is a liar at heart) 12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot TOO MANY AUGH the very first oc i fell in love with but was forever homes was like a fantasy setting character that was an adventurer and had eagle legs/ other features w/ banging colours but other than that too many others 13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? again, a lot, i guess. bc they mostly fall into that trope? aiden (even though he's trying to be a better person), damien, eve, hugh (in a way), jack, ollie, ricky, roman, and wyatt 14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory uhhhh, hard to choose, i don't have any more bc i haven't written their backstories yet lol - growing up as a theif his whole life to support him and his mother, accidentally kills someone after an awakening of powers and is had to run from his hometown - growing up being shadowed over and forced to be someone that they're not, only to get their hubris get to them, causing themselves and others get hurt and can't even remember the person they loved - growing up w/ betrayal after betrayal she closed herself off, but they met someone and slowly opened up and accidentally fell in love w/ them, only later getting caught and fell from grce, then only to find the person they trusted before not remember them - after being caught on what seemed to be a fatal accident, gets rescured from a miraculous surgery, but he's slowly forgetting what he looks like and who he was every passing second - two people close to each other, only to end up w/ betrayal and lies 15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people? absolutely but if they ask me something i haven't planned yet i'm just "UHHH" 16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? 17. Any OC OTPs? nah ace/ mel is my notp :/ anyways if it's couples in general then: - ace/ mel - lucas/ darla - kaiko/ caspian - + a bunch of the parents in the monster family story - damon/ ollie (okay i'm really not planning for them to be together, but they cute u.u) - jebediah/ demon boyfriend - gunther/ harem - nadiya/ her girlfriend which i still haven't decided if i want her to be like a princess or a traveling swordsman of sorts) - the chimera girl i designed/ her human girlfriend - the fallen god/ mercenary 18. Any OC crackships? uhh i actually don't know :V anyone of the people listed  being w/ someone else would be a crackship? idk every other pairing i know i wouldn't like lol 19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) i guess eliott! i guess also catherine, ricky, comet, and/ or captain since they were my fist group of ocs i wrote a bit about, but i think eliott means a lot more bc he was the one that got me thinking more about ocs  :> 20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)? for some reason i feel like rosa would be a singer? va hc would be someone w/ a strong husky voice and she would probably sing really well in kind of old slow songs you hear in old bars i also thought maybe lillie could sing too, but they’d usually be softer songs or lullabies to calm herself down it’d be nice/ cool to write for fallen god to be able to sing as well, and maybe the mercenary too so they can have nights signing together. maybe fallen god can sing songs that are in their own god language or whatever, and mercenary can watch in awe there may be others but i can’t think of them rn/ they might be charas i haven’t fully made yet 21. Your most artistic OC lmao it’s a bunch of ocs that i haven’t developed my ocs enough for me to know so let’s skip i guess 22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? i mean, people get some stuff wrong about my ocs sometimes but they’re usually so small that i really don’t care about it lol 23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like? hmm they relatively stayed the same personality wise but i assure you everyone’s changed from their initial drawing of them 24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why? that's. a really hard choice actually lol bc i wanna be hugged by one of the parents in the monster family story i made, but i also wanna hang out w/ the characters that i can comfortably hang out w/ lol 25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) everyone’s got a bit of shared piece of themselves w/ their ocs don’t they? 26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? against my will? i can’t think of anything that i changed against my will so no :V 27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? the only two i can come up rn are: alistair (devil wears a suit and tie) and rosa (o, raven) 28. Your most dangerous OC? i guess the chimera girl i made since she’s trying to fit in the modern life? i mean i still haven’t thought of her story yet but i know she Angery 29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? ace, aiden, maybe keaton 30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? mel, eva, roy 31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) eliott: landscape stuff, muted colours, mystical content here and there ace: default theme, memes, probably has a side blog that’s more of an aesthetic blog mel: super aesthetic blog, romance themed 32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? literally anyone in the renegade group i could’ve said anyone in the hunters group but they’re all fucking idiots (lee would be more closer to the renegade’s level tho) 33. Your shyest OC? eliott, roy, audrey, fallen god 34. Do you have any twin characters? i literally want to design twin ocs just to have twin ocs jdshfkjsdf 35. Any sibling characters? audrey, dylan, and elle + eve and juno + ace and jack 36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? nah not really lol 37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human ?? i barely have human characters in the first place, unless this one means humanoid :V 38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? iiiii can’t think of anyone other than the two parents i thought of that i’m planning to be dance teachers lmao 39. Introduce any character you want i haven’t drawn them yet but fallen god and mercenary are two unnamed characters that i recently started thinking of where fallen god falls from the heavens and looses their sight, and the merc runs from their past meet and they team up together w/ the merc being fallen god’s eyes and the fallen go being their protector 40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! i guess it;s just sentimental ones like, first ocs, first compliments, first art/ fic of them, etc. 41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!) YEAH AND EVERYONE DRAWS THEM CUTER THAN I DO (well i mean these were from freebies, art trades/ games, and gifts but still) please check out ace’s other’s art gallery and eliott’s other’s art gallery, bc they have the most of them (bc i ask for them a lot lol) 42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? whoever in middle school age i guess 43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess big n beefy, jokesters, heart of gold 44. Something you like about your OCs in general that i made them all (well of course not the adopted kids) 45. A character you no longer use? everyone every time i don’t focus on their story anymore than i used to ;;;; 46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly? fortunately no, and i hope no one does and it’d stop to others bc wow that’s rude as hell 47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? okay literally the first time i made eliott, everyone i knew wanted to adopt him as their kid lol 48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure eliott, parker, elle (i love all of them tho :’D) 49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes ace, roman, ricky, aiden, dylan, eva, ollie 50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want i love all of my babes okay good night
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SoS 22 Replies
First of all, that post I just reblogged before this? That’s what our Discord chat looked like this past long weekend. There was a LOT of talk about SoS 22, which I am so so so so pleased about, and I’ll embed some of the best parts into this replies post as we go. So, without further ado:
@tiny-tany-thaanos​ replied to your photo “An extended cantata on a sacred subject.”
Three emphatic words of terror! An excellent start
@harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
/Oh shit/
I KNOW! I’m so pleased with how the shot came out, I was trying to replicate the other title ca-- oh, you mean oh shit they’re tied to chairs
@toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
exsqueeze me?
Well, we all know it’s not exactly an ex squeezing them now,
@autistichatkid replied to the same: 
....... ah
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Lissa said on Discord in reference to “Lethe: “I’m SO glad you’re awake. We’ve only got a little of tonight...”
Lethe: Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there 
autistichatkid said in reference to the same or thereabouts:
lethe: who wants to play a game
Show of hands, who wants The Jigsaw Killer vs The Dragonborn
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Now, what’s this game you’re talking about?” Lethe: *back to...”
Lethe you /motherfucker/
autistichatkid said in reference to “Lethe: “Two more people die tonight - but who isn’t up to me anymore....”
whoa im WHAT lethe you cant DO THAT lethe u cant make them choose,,,,, lethe stop murder maybe
Like I said, this Sadistic Choice is one I’ve relished putting into partial play since the beginning so I’m glad it had the Desired Audience Effect. and the desired In Universe effect too, of course
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Let me.” Lorelei: “–w-what?” Lethe: “What?” Lyra: *slightly...”
That sure is the face Lyra is making
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lorelei: *comprehension dawning* “…want you to go…” *leans back in her...”
That sure is the face Lorelei is mak--*bricked*
@bountifulberries replied to the same: 
ooooooh shit
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same: 
Mesh the two together and you get “ooooooh SHIIIIIIIIT”, and that sounds like a barbershop quartet rendition
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “I can’t lose Felicity either!!” Felicity: 60.73 Percy: 46.23”
Holy shit Feli!! (Also I'm still ?? if it's her so I can't really react one way or the other rn so I'm just :eyes:)
Feli won!! If she hadn’t had so much murderous baggage attached to that victory, it would be incredible. ...as it is, it’s still incredible, just with extra murderous baggage
Also, this is your second victory, right? After that - one project? 
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lethe: “…” Lorelei: *hand outstretched, waiting for another sound*...”
I'm??? Feeling things here??? (God if it really does end up being Feli my heart's gonna b r e a k)
@melien​ replied to the same:
As usual I'm in awe because of your writing
??!!?! I’m so pleased!!
autistichatkid said in reference to the same:
okay so im leaning toward lethe being percy still but its gonna be Weird if lyra is like "yeah uhhhhh kill feli" and. lethe Is feli. i dont think it's feli but honestly idk i also dont think lyra is coming to a "decision", just killing time, but yknow weird hypotheticals
Me, literally, to Jack, when you said that hours after the fact: 😬
Jack: If this is about Kasper's current reactions I'm just like "Oh honey, you've got a big storm coming" 
autistichatkid said in reference to “Lyra: “…Okay. Okay. I - ” *sighs, part in dread and part from...”
They’re not the only ones getting free tonight........
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: *louder, to be heard over the crying* “Lethe? Something happen...”
*Vibrating with suspense*
@simstrations replied to the same:
Fortunately it’s only a very shallow cliff... with a pretty deep pit at the bottom, so win/win
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Felicity.”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
autistichatkid said in reference to the same:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: *sobbing too hard to even speak* ”
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to the same:
Jeez, I guessed it right
simstrations replied to the same:
I thought so. This is good
Well, it was her or Percy at this point. Not like y’all had a lot of options :P
melien replied to the same:
This is sooooo intense
Interesting thing about Lethe compared to my other murderers, as you may or may not have picked up on: the murders are a lot simpler in scope. No convoluted set-ups with electromagnetic bombs, no risin poisoning or hypnosis - not even a Wounded Gazelle Gambit. They’re all just things that anybody, with a disability of any stripe or without, can do - partly to make things less painful for the victims, partly to make it easier for Feli to believe she was being kind, partly so that it looks like anyone could’ve done it
...wait, did I already explain this? I’m flying home today and it’s kind of been long so forgive me if I’m repeating myself
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: *voice breaking as she stumbles over* “Feli- you’ve been - it’s...”
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “W- why’d you come in here? Yo- I - I was being Lethe. Had...”
Jack is NOT even exaggerating here. Per Discord: “Y’all I’m starting to get tipsy and I’m Big Sad as this is sinking in [...] I had the first MMBC where the murderer won and now my contestant is the murderer who won. This is incredibly fitting tbh. Still gonna have a billion crying emojis on the posts tho”
Let’s put that to the test, in fact. Crying count: 4
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Felicity: “Hey! How-” “Felicity! Thank god, you’re awake. I’ve–”...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Did y’all doubt Elias
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Elias: “You, you’ve got to send someone up! I don’t even know if it’s...”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Elias: “O-ow–!” Felicity: “Who-?!” Cathy Baines: “Don’t push your...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
autistichatkid said in reference to the same: 
oh hi cathy
Lisa, Lisa, you’re tearing me apAAAart!
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Felicity! Hi! So great to finally chat to you in person! I’ve...”
Holy fucking shit
yeah that about sums it up
Jack in Discord: I can only imagine reading this sober bc reading this tipsy is a trip
Clover: im sober but losing my mind so whats the difference
I’m teetotal and I was freaking out all days so here’s my stance on that
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “You see… how do I put this delicately…? Oh! Have you ever...”
Oh my /god/. Oh my /*god*/
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(Also may this just be the essence of Cathy, you are absolutely nailing her character here and I am Living for it)
I’ve already thanked you for thinking so, but thank you again for thinking so!! 
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Anywayyy, I didn’t just call to let you know how things’re...”
Oh Cathy you conniving little despair being you
Well done, Cathybot, have a biscuit
Jack: Also I reread a bit and her saying Riverview isn't a swing state? Classic Cathy right there
Fun fact: took me a while when writing to remember what a swing state was called. I think I initially wanted to call it a ‘stem state’ or some shit like that?
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “…s-so… so - if I do this… if I… you’ll let Elias go?” ...”
Crying count: 7
Jack: Catch me get emotional rn like I’m trying not to cry like poor Feli and fucking Cathy being That Despair Btich
Doesn’t seem to me like you’re trying very hard /TEASING
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “Y… you are, Elias. You are. You’re my brother, you’re -...”
I only wish my brother and I had that kinda relationship
autistichatkid said in reference to “Felicity: “I t- I tried - I tried to pr- protect you as much as I...”
oh god....... oh god
I didn’t even ‘learn’ that Chadrick used his teeth until the actual writing process; I was operating under the assumption he’d used a knife too. Fuck you for giving me the worst ideas at the best times, Brain
oh jesus the first time i read thru that i read "im sorry for LIVING" instead of "im sorry for lying" and i. didnt even question it. jesus fuck
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “–y- h- huh?” *realizes the hand in hers, looks up* “W…...”
Crying count: 8 (single tears count)
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity, stumbling to her feet: “W- we are? You’re… really–?”...”
Lyra is? So good? I love her so much. And Feli (and Lor and her side)
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “A- any luck?” Lyra: *through the door* “Yeah, there’s one...”
eden lee: you're all talking at once! / lorelei, lavandar, percy: *all talk at once again*
See, the difference is that that time they were all saying the same thing, which makes them much easier to be understood, and furthermore,
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “Lavandar!!” *grabs her hand* “We gotta go!”  Lavandar:...”
autistichatkid replied to the same:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “B-but what go- good will I-” Lyra, from inside the car: “A...”
Crying count: 9
melien replied to the same:
It's heartbreaking and I want to give them a big hug but I had a feeling it would happen
I’M NOT GOING TO LIE THOUGH MELIEN IT WAS A VERY CLOSE CALL WITHIN THE LAST  CHANCE ROOM FOR A SEC THERE. Eden Lee went first and their two Rant About Dark Rooms in a row bumped them up by six points per, and Lavandar did less interactions in the same amount of time but fortunately she was just ahead enough at the start of the day that a well placed Discuss SLR Cameras was enough to get her ahead, and I would’ve been happy whichever one of the two won but 
but come on having the one Lorelei confided her Melody backstory to win was A GREAT BONUS
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “-so that’s about the size of that.” Lavandar: “G- god… fuck, no...”
1) I’m feeling the suspense of this 2) The driver is a mood
I’ve been getting a lot of Lyfts over the course of this holiday, and in fact I was up here when they had that strike - I feel worse for Lyft and Uber drivers now than I ever have before, and I already felt pretty bad
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “–it over to Safehouse F!  “…no, I don’t care how, break it in...”
give her HELL lyra
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
KICK 👏🏼 HER 👏🏼 ASS 👏🏼
Lyra: *kangaroo kicks down Cathy Baines with her leg, falls flat on her ass* CALLBACK HOLY FUCK
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “I’ll be damned. Melody Buonarroti, back at last…” Lorelei: “C-...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh shit!!
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Enough!! Leave everyone else out of this!! If you’re gonna fuck...”
Cathy what does that mean...
Cathy: you heard what I said little boy
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Are you so atrociously naive that you think it’s possible to...”
hey "cathy" go *be a good girl* and spontaneously combust please :)
Would that I could make her, Clover, would that I could make her
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Teeth Grits
Jack in Discord: Again, you nailed her characterization. It perfectly illustrated how Junko influenced my writing on her and I was living for it It was a tone shift, but like I said, perfectly in-character and I loved
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “*crunch* Lorelei: *gasp* Lavandar: “Oh god-!!”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
autistichatkid replied to the same:
Lyra picked a fight with the wrong arch enemy
@tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Cathy: “…fine.” *Lyra drops to the ground, wheezing, taking in as...”
go eat cottage cheese and saltines in the dark, you triscuit looking bitch
I should note that Vidcund was coming back from Greece for much of this rigmarole. It’s, perhaps, very telling that her first and only “on-site” reply to this was the kind of threat that an angry Zeus would make.
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lyra: “…alive.” Felicity: *burying her head in Elias’s shoulder,...”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
1. 😭😭😭 2. my poses!
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Other people’s crying counts too! Crying count: 15
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Hey, Lor, new plan. Can you guys go on without me for a bit?” ...”
flower, gleam, and gl
Lavandar is Rapunzel under UV Light
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “…Feli?” Felicity: *covers face to hide a fresh wave of tears,...”
I mean Felicity’s concern isn’t? Invalid?
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “You… you didn’t have to do a- any of this. Not for me....”
Fuck 😭
Crying count: 16
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Lyra: “C’mere.”  Felicity: *stiffens at her touch* “Lyra-?” ...”
theres somethign in my eye
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh fuck 💔😭
Hm. Do I count things being in Clover’s eye? ... eh, let’s do it. Crying count: 18
(I keep count, but I can’t talk - while writing this part I was fucking bawling)
Clover: im going to die because of this
Jack: Also Catch Troye Francis in the club obstructing Justice (But again, Cathy)  I know I say that but Dub I’m living for this finale. It’s so good
Honestly if Troye HAD obstructed Justice and they had won the Francis MMBC a whole lot of shit might not have gone down and it’d be a worse universe
autistichatkid reblogged your photoset and tagged:
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autistichatkid reblogged your photoset and tagged:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Lorelei, I’m home!! I’m home, y- you’re home, we’re -...”
autistichatkid reblogged the same and added:
Crying count: 25
melien replied to the same:
This is freaking cute ;_;
melien replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Hey, lovebirds, heh - Eden Lee’s still here.” Lavandar:...”
Thanks for being so understanding about this, melien 
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Oooh, l- look at that one! It’s all sparkly, like your...”
Crying count: 26. BRB building an ark
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Lyra, as sirens rise in the distance: “You… sure did.” – End of...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh shit 👀
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
melien-simspiration (so basically melien) reblogged your photoset and tagged:
#yay birthmarks! #they look great and I love the naming choice
harmoniouspixels replied to your post “Murderers, Expectations, and the Unintended Benefits”
I’ve just finished reading this and?? Holy shit??? I’m so impressed with all that you put into this and the fact you were able to guide me into doing things (releasing Elias, asking about Veronica’s exes), without me being suspicious at all. Granted Elias was asked via a disguised anon, but the exes question (at least back then) I didn’t bat an eye at, and just figured it would be a good point of Veronica’s backstory. I’m just still so shook, and you deserve all the praise for this!
Part of me still feels like I don’t, but I’m trying to shut it up because?? AAA??? All this reception???!!!
Jack: Also if I’m remembering the post right, I do agree with Cathy’s death in Baines being... lackluster, unfitting for one of her caliber. I think it was part to do with my mental state at the time and wanting to leave simblr, so squashing a loose end like that felt right at the time. However, as I re-evaluated my stance and stuck around, that decision still haunts me, and I so desperately wish she was still alive on the surface for me to do stuff with. (Especially given my political interests and my quasi-real world events interlaced with the MMBC-verse, I would’ve had a field day writing for Cathy had she lived and won the congressional seat she was running for)
However, the continued existence of her robots have given me some... ideas, to say the least >:)
I have already evil grinned back at you, but here’s one more for the road: >:)
autistichatkid said of the same: 
finale / analysis thoughts: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA im. i loved that so fucking much oh my god
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teskarot · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @maple-fox, thanks Maple, real sorry for the wait bud~
Rules: tag 20 people you wanna see do this too ( or how many you know)
Nickname: Jas, Jassy, (Jasu on Discord) (Jerrito by my co-worker, much to my chagrin) 
Gender: Male
Star sign: Libra
Height: 5′10 (180cm)
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Time: 2:07am
Birthday: October 4th
Favorite band: Daughtry
Favorite solo artist: Elton John
Song stuck in your head: Young Turks by Rod Stewart 
Last movie seen: The Fox and the Hound
Movie I want to see: You are Umasou
Last TV show watched: PJ Masks (I had came downstairs to make coffee at the time, it was already on so i was like “why not”. it’s really not bad~)
Why did you create your blog: Because someone i used to be friends with introduced me to the good on Tumblr and at the time it was enough to interest me
What do you post/reblog: If i post something, it’s usually Monster Hunter, or when i think i’m funny/ I normally reblog stuff that’s funny, JJBA (Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure), or Monster Hunter
Last thing you googled: Boob Slider (cause i wasn’t thinking on what it actually meant and i thought it was a meme cause of the Xenoblade Controversy where people whined about a character’s chest being too big, which i admit does look kinda weird when the main character standin right beside her looks like he’s 12 and is what i assume his love interest. Now a character in particular in that game which is a white haired girl, they try to pass it sayin she’s not human but jesus christ they look like balloons. I get it, sleaze sells, but chill the fuck out lol)
Other blogs: Only one, cause there’s nothing that i have to say that i need to be sneaky about lol
Why url: It’s based on a Demon from the first SMT game i ever played, which was my absolute favorite cause it looked cool. Tezcatlipoca, an Aztec god, but cause of what i believe were letter constraints and like, 8yr olds aren’t gonna remember that name, shortened and changed to Teskarot.
I follow: 33. Lately i heard that’s definitely not enough and i need to follow more people, but then i’ll miss out in case someone’s in a bad spot and needs someone to be there for them
Followers: about 65
Average hours of sleep: 6 (10 on sundays~)
Lucky number: 4
Instrument: been about 5 years but i think i can still work a Tenor Saxaphone~
What are you wearing: Mmmm...Sweatpants and my work shirt cause i got home from work an hour ago
Dream job: Nothin really. Just wanna provide for the people that dealt with me for the past 24 years.
Dream trip: I’d love to go on an island. A mostly vacant island, so the only thing i hear is the waves and the trees and fauna. The crisp blue waves when the sun hits it. Pop out a chair and just enjoy the luscious sea breeze. Exotic drinks galore, what a good time.
Favorite food: Mmm...Sesame Chicken 
Favorite song rn: Jus Jack and Speed Limits - All falls down
Top three universes: JJBA, OP, and BNHA
Last book i read: Uh...Redwall? it was awhile ago.
i’m tagging @temnuka-hub @bubblybikerides @nuclear-brachy @krazy-fool @jefferson-ft @crotakuknowsbest @chickenpower1 @cloudsofteeth @dylanajane @flamboyant-king @hydrias @whyiseveryusernametaken @wolfablaze @pastatoast @radpenguinpenguin @thecuriousinquisitor @ultravioletreyes @xanthous-hoe 
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darling-blurbs · 6 years ago
Angel Of Hogwarts  Information
(This has been an idea forever and I want to write it. Expect sh*t posts)
You have heard the story of Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the lightning boy, the boy who had everything but his parents and a stable home life. You heard about his adventures in his perspective, what he saw, what he thought he saw, and what he heard. But in the Point of View of an outsider, an outcast, a Slytherin QUEEN. Everything is not as it seems. Even if you were known as the Angel of Hogwarts, the Queen of everything pure about the magic. A girl who watched so many lives leave before her own eyes. The love and life of Hogwarts is back after so many years. And when the angel is there, something big must be happening. 
(Swearing is a common thing. You have been warned.)
My Characters (As we all know what the other HP Characters look like. I might Reblog this if I don’t have enough pictures. All FC’s are aged up versions of them as it is difficult to find a 12 year old boy with white hair. >.>)
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♝Thomas Sunnie Death is a 7th year Hufflepuff at the beginning of the story. He is the only Hufflepuff in his family which makes him a little annoyed at the constant teasing of his younger brothers.
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♝Jack Darhk Death is a 6th year Slytherin with the love of silent trouble, unlike his younger brother Killian. He is as sneaky as he is manipulative.
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(His gif isn’t working for me and idk why and I’m worried it won’t ever work rn) ♝Archie Kinder Death is the eldest Ravenclaw, but not the smartest, of the family. Archie is only good in the history department of things. Did I mention he is a 5th year dumb boi who is a Ravenclaw.
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♜Oliver Orion Death is the most intelligent of the family. Being a fourth year Ravenclaw as well as the person in the family who knows the entire pi formula and more. Despite living in 1991, he has the intelligence of someone in 2030. (If we are gonna be that intelligent) He is someone to go to if you need help, but for a price. He knows everyone’s secrets yet his cost is your darkest one. He is the blackmailer of your nightmares. People tend to avoid him and go to his younger twin for help.
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♜George Lavender Death is the only Gryffindor of the family. You must be truly desperate to go to him for help with anything other than the art of flirting. The more... emotional twin, he is known to help with other’s emotions and sometimes ‘fixing them’ as people hear. If you are sad, talk to him and you will be happy in a few moments. Odd that the least Gryffindor is a Gryffindor but the hat knows things that we don’t even know.
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♞Killian Killer Crow Death is a third year Slytherin. To an outsider, he might just seem like a hothead who doesn’t know anything. A Gryffindor if you didn’t see his robes. Sadly, that is not the case if your the newest victim meat. He is more cunning. Using his elder brothers for source of blackmail for being he actually hates, not the people he starts fights with, those people are just pawns in the game. 
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♜Mikey Adam Death is a second year Slytherin. Being over protective of the angel of the family is his thing. You learn very quickly that angry silence is an awful thing. 
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♛/♚Esther Angel Death is the Angel as well as Queen of Hogwarts. She is a Slytherin which makes up for her kindness. Many people think she was misplaced but her mind is more evil than you think. She lived to see the Salem Witch Trials. To see Dumbledore go to school. To see Salazar Slytherin see his sister die in his arms because she was stupid. Esther is a different being all together. A Fallen Angel. A wanderer. Whatever she is, she is strong. Tom Riddle knew her before he became Voldemort. He thought she was stupid which was his mistake. Esther vowed to end him. But not until her assignment said she could sadly. Through every life, she discovered life is too quick. Life is to short. Being numb to the feelings in her heart made it turn black in hate and vengeance for so many wizards and muggles alike. Tom Riddle fears her, the Minister is terrified of her, and Dumbledore sees her as an old friend, which she is. Your Queen is back with anger as well as a cunning mind.
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♞Teresa Occisor Death is the mother of the Death Children. Brought up in an assassin loving family makes you a bit protective. Raised to be a killer a witch in a pureblood family makes you feel things. Her family, which were called the Seikatsu Family, are filled of killers loving people. 
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♜Damien Kirā Death is the father of the Death Children. Loving his children equally was not something to describe him. Instead he loves his daughter a lot more than his sons. Maybe it’s because she is the only girl, or maybe because she is the youngest. Whatever the reason, Damien is very protective of his daughter. He feels at ease whenever he knows that she has her brothers with her.
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About the Death and Seikatsu families: Known to be trained very young, all of the Seikatsu and Death Children must either be trained to be info broker, murderers, or Animagus. From birth, they are tested to see what they will become. If they don’t have the guts to kill, aren’t smart enough to be an info broker, or aren’t patient enough to be an Animagus, then they are either trained to become something useful or they are killed by the killers for target practice. If, somehow, A Death or Seikatsu child has the guts to kill, the intelligence to be an info broker, the patience to be an Animagus, and show powers unimaginable, they are called the Queen of the family. The Queen is the call shooter from birth. The most powerful piece as well as the most dangerous. Of course the king is also important but the Queen is the most important in the family. 
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The Children of the Death and Seikatsu Families information: Children of the Queen of the Seikatsu family and the King of the Death Family? Be scared. They are trained harder but at the same time, they are the product of two famous beings who have powers and patience as well as intelligence. Being Wizards are powerful enough but also being children of two of the most powerful people in the muggle world, can give you so much patience. The children of the Death and Seikatsu families became Animagus at the age of 7. Early it might seem but the two families have always been known to be able to become Animagus early. Each of the children have roles in the game. With the Queen also being the King of the family. The most important as well as the most powerful. 
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Angel of Hogwarts Information: Born to the first witch and Wizard, a young girl that was named Angel for her kindness hid her powers. Her parents were the first on the chopping block. The first to be killed. So many other wizards and witches were born after that. Like the heavens above wanted that. Angel was enraged. She screamed when her parents died. She died some time after to the chopping block. She opened her eyes to see a gray room. Being born in the time of a date never recorded, she never saw something so clean. Two tables were in front of her, both with a piece of paper. A man with black eyes and black hair in a red suit to her left and a man with pure white eyes and white hair in a white and gold suit to her right sat down in chairs. They offered her another chance at life. Both with a job with her to do. The man on the right said that he would give her angel wings which would turn black depending on the assignment. All she had to do was what he asked. The man on the left scoffed and said that he would give her the power of flames that could come out of her hands if she did what he asked. The man on the right countered that saying that he would also give her a chance of protective care. The man on the left said he would give her the power of Fear. Angel put up her hand to make the two pause. She asked if she could take both offers if they kept their promise of powers and wings. The both agreed. Then on, Angel got reborn, again and again. She would only parish if she asked the man on the right and the man on the left. Whom she called Brother. She would also parish if something killed her that was as supernatural as her, let’s say a demon or angel blade. Her Brother said that her name would be Esther, after a Queen.
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The Power of Fear and what it can do: Like Fear Manipulation, it can create illusions of someone’s fear. Unlike it, they don’t have to be that person’s fear nor an illusion. Let’s take Orion above, Orion is a winged panther. Winged Panther’s are not real in the world Esther lives in. Winged Panther are people’s fear. It’s like the fear of a monster in the closet. She created Orion by accident. He was a child’s fear. From a book they read. She created him just testing out her new abilities when she was first reborn. Orion has his own personality and his own powers. One being invisibility as that child’s fear was being alone and being invisible can make you be alone. Fears have minds of their owns and develop personalities the longer they are out to play. Fears also are very protective of the user. No matter what their personality is they will kill people if their user is threatened or harmed. 
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Orion’s other form ^^ Since you can’t have an invisible panther that could probably bump into everything, following you everything.
Onwards onto the story
0 notes
becausebutt-thatswhy · 8 years ago
Tagged by @nilukka
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people you’d like to know more about!
Yeah sorry, I’ll probs only tag like 4 people because I don’t particularly like these things but @nilukka said they wanted to know more because we seem similar, so....
1. Nicknames: Jazz, Jack
2. Gender: Bigender
3. Sign: Aries
4. Height: 5′7″ (I’m sorry I’m too tired to figure out how to convert it to cm)
5. Time: 22:22 (aaaayyyyeeeee)
6. Birthday: April 7th
7. Favorite Bands: The Talking Heads (I don’t really do the whole my fav band or artist stuff, I’m too lazy to keep up with it)
8. Favorite Solo Artist: Ummmm??? Idk, I don’t do this kinda stuff. I just listen to music and if I like it I won’t change it lol
9. Song Stuck in My Head: This Old Man has been stuck in my head since 2012 when I had to play it over and over again as trombone practice way back in middle school
10, Last Movie I Watched: Good question, I have no idea what it was called because I missed the first 20 minutes or so, but it was a slave movie and was really sad and I hate the south
11. Last Show I Watched: AFV, seriously, the reruns with Tom Bergeron are on Netflix and I was binging last night
12. When Did I Create My Blog: 2013 I think??? Idk but it was 7th grade and it was because the girl I liked made it for me, lol
13. What Do I Post: Lol you mean reblog because I never actually post anything I do. But mostly Overwatch rn cuz I got sucked into it by my sister and friends. However, it’ll probs die down soon and go back to literally anything that I like
14. Last Thing You Googled: Sage flowers because my bestfriend and I are gonna get matching tats with her a sage flower and me a jasmine flower
15. Do You Have Any Other Blog: Yep @becausenails-thatswhy. It’s so empty but its where I post my nail art if i feel like it. I haven’t done it recently but theres some stuff
16. Do You Get Asks: I get nothing. lol that’s ok. I would probs never reply anyways
17. Why Did You Choose Your URL: Honestly couldn’t tell you, just thought it was fun I guess. Though for about a month after I changed it I got a lot of porn blogs following me. Not the bots, but like people who actually post their porn, which is cool I’m not judging, it’s just funny that they have been fooled
18. Following: 485. I’m still following people from when I first started my blog even though they don’t post anything that I’m interested in lol
19. Followers: I think 130 something. I’m too lazy to actually look again. It’s not like I care about my follower count because my blog is for me and has nothing to do with other people which is why I suggest people who need me to tag to just not follow me because I find tagging annoying and I constantly forget and really it’s not like I’m forcing you to follow me, so I’m not really gonna try too hard on catering to your needs
20. Favorite Color: Blue, any shade or hue. I just really like blue
21. Average Hours Of Sleep: Oh about 4 in the past month. I’m fucking exhausted, please someone just pay me all the money I need to live without having to work 10 hour works days. 
22. Lucky Number: 7, because I feel like it
23. Instruments: I played trombone for 5 years so yes I know how to read music Brent, we were in band together for 5 fucking years. just because I was smart enough to quit doesn’t mean I can’t suddenly read music anymore. Eat my dick Brent
24. What Am I Wearing: My GSA club shirt and gym shorts
25. How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: Umm depends really. If it’s a sleepover then I pull out every blanket in my house, but if it’s just me then one blanket that I shape into the basic form of a human being and completely engulf with my entire body
26. Dream Job: Archaeologist which I’m actually gonna be studying in college!!!! I’m super excited to finally get out of retail. I can’t even explain, I’m crying
27. Dream Trip: To the Amazon or Scotland!!!!! I’m big on my family history, even though as vikings we were pretty brutal. But hey, we had cool ass weapons at least
28. Favorite Food: I’m really digging tamales rn, but last week I really wanted mac and cheese with meatballs, so I guess it changes a lot
29. Nationality: American. You can’t tell but I’m mumbling this because I’m so ashamed of my country rn and I can’t wait until all the bad people die. I will throw a party, legit dinner on me when idiot in office dies
30. Favorite Song: Ummm, Redbone by Childish Gambino I guess because that’s what I currently have on repeat
I guess I’ll tag: @hipsterraven because Maxx is amazing. @choking-on-roses because we had a conversation once and my awkward ass won’t let it go that someone actually talked to me. same with @introvertedlionprince. and I guess @poniezx7 because they were the last person who reblogged something from me. yikes bye
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Episode 15 Replies
All SoS reply posts have spoiler caveats on them, but here it applies more than ever. Proceed with caution.
@sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “No, it’s nothing to do with–” … “N-no - no. It’s just a weird...”
@tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Percy: “Hello? Anyone–?”  Cornelia: “Hello yourself, Percy. What are...”
eyeballs at both of them
@jackssims replied to your photoset “Percy: “Look, let’s say Lyra hits the final two. Or the killer, let’s...”
A good speech from Felicity but that content is making me a little sus 👀 (granted my suspicion has drifted to her, so...)
IMO a good MMBC makes a Sim sufficiently suspicious, and a great MMBC makes every eligible party sufficiently suspicious. I’m aiming to make a great MMBC today. Well, all days.
(Also specifically to Jack: I won’t confirm or deny, but I will say it’s not like she’s not telling the truth. Trans people do know more how to survive than most...)
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset ““said anything yet.” Felicity: “-w- what was that? Listen.” ...”
She’s still Ron’s Delano’s sister!
@cafesimming reblogged your photoset and added:
i have the purest daughter #what an absolute sweetheart
tosimornottosim replied to the same: 
thats so pure...........
Not to put too fine a point on it, but I love Lavandar so, so, so, so so so much. I love all three of- I loved all four of them, but to see the enthusiasm you have for Lavandar makes my heart warm
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “M-morning, Kira. Hi, Toby.” Toby: “Hey. So, another last...”
I thought Toby said 'baby' instead of 'today' for a second I was like WOAH SLOW THE ROLL
I bet now you wish he hadn’t slowed the roll huh
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Kira: “Okay, if I’m guessing right here, we’ve got enough time that I...”
😊 !!
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Are you sure? You look distracted. Everything definitely...”
😭 this is pure
With all the tension between Percy and Kira since that incident in Episodes 5 through 7, I figured the latter could use some more bonding to cheer her up!
cafesimming replied to the same:
broke: intracontestant fighting woke: intracontestant friendship
There’s a time and a place for both; it just depends on what potential you can spot and what happens in game organically!
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Right, okay, okay, okay. How much do you know about snakes...”
it makes me very happy that "lavandar infodumps about lizards" is a tag
It’s mostly to contrast how worried she is that Lorelei doesn’t care about what she’s saying at all at the first, and how she’s more sure that she does later on. believe it or not I do try and include character growth every now and again
cafesimming reblogged your photoset and added:
😭😭 #baby
everyone is crying all over the place today and we haven’t even got to the real heart-hurt yet
cafesimming replied to your photoset “STOP IT!” *THUD* … *thud* “…” *shallow breath* “Nn… nn.”
Lorelei will never be able to play that brand of guitar again
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “I guess- I guess it’s your turn now, Lavandar?” ...”
*lets out held breath* ohthankgod
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Kira: “It’s funny, y’know. When you put it like that. ‘We’re...”
toby is fucking dead
Process of Elimination Strikes Again, in more ways than one
cafesimming replied to the same:
oh i am Not looking forward to this fallout. this isnt gonna be pretty on anyone
it wasn’t
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “˜Found Toby.’”
FUCK i mean i knew this was coming and i CALLED it that the lorelei contestant murder was gonna be this round but STILL FUCK
I mean To Be Fair you were warned it could be the case, as the end credits explain
tosimornottosim replied to the same:
jackssims replied to the same:
And it's too late, for me now Will not learn never know how Voided colours bleeding out My monochrome
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Victim: Toby Hale Cause of death: Blunt Force Trauma...”
cafesimming replied to the same:
@bountifulberries replied to the same:
I’m SO sad
And my thoughts are falling out Brain is splattered on the ground Hanging five feet in the air I figured out There's no way out
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Toby?!”  “–oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck–” “He’s… he’s...”
i'm so sorry lor
jackssims replied to the same:
This is. Upsetting
cafesimming replied to the same:
i want to help her. i wish i could help her
her heart is breaking so much. so so much
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “¦ Toby: “…n…” … Toby: “Wh… L- Lorelei? Lorelei, got- g-tta…...”
how dare you
What I think Vid is referring to is this insightful bit I clarified on Discord: 
ALSO SO okay okay: okay: one of toby's lines in the latest post "w-why can't I see?" that line keeps flopping back and forth between two different interpretations for me the first that it's part of my HC that ghosts see things differently to how mortal Sims do - which admittedly is something I haven't incorporated in some time the second? that lethe hit him so hard that he's become blind BELIEVE ME I DO NOT WANT THIS I DONT KNOW WHY IT KEEPS TELLING ME THAT 
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Toby: “Oh.” Oʜ? Toby: “…it’s my time, isn’t it?” Iᴛ ɪs. Sᴀᴅʟʏ,...”
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “¦ Lorelei: *almost a whisper* “I… d-didn’t want you to go either,...”
No More the Het Shit to Hit people with
jackssims replied to your photoset “Percy: “…t-this is my fault.” Lilith: “Pe- Per - Percy?”  Percy: “I, I...”
Lyra... Lyra! Lyra~
cafesimming replied to the same:
someone pls get my daughter out of the pool of blood
things you don’t want to hear at a police station
jackssims replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “Lyra. Got- gotta call - ” *wipes eyes* “- gotta call Lyra.” ...”
Oh, okay. I dunno why I thought Lyra was just going to waltz into the BC house, but I did. Calling her makes a lot more sense
Lyra: *kangaroo kicks down the door with her leg, falls flat on her ass* LOR HOLY FUCK
jackssims replied to your photoset “¦ Percy: “So? W-what’s it say?” … Percy: “Lorelei? What does–”...”
Poor Lorelei 😭
you sympathized even when you Did Not Know the extent
cafesimming replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “…Kira? … Kira.” Kira: “Yeah?” Lavandar: “Where’s Lorelei...”
watch your fucking language
sevenleafsimblr replied to the same:
poor Clover
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Lyra: “How did you find out?!” Percy: “I- I can’t, I-”  Lyra:...”
sevenleafsimblr replied to your photoset “Lyra: “How did you find out?!” Percy: “I- I can’t, I-”  Lyra:...”
At one point Kaspar liked up to this point then stopped cold and I was like “oh shit I killed them. reveal game too strong”
tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “this wasn’t supposed to happen. none of tthis was supposed to HAPPEN....”
M e l o d y???????? M E L O D Y????????????????????????????????
M e l o d y
Jack said elsewhere: 
In all honesty my head is reeling from all of this I'm just very 👀 and 🤔 rn 
👀 I can see, but what’s 🤔 represent? Speculation?
Lissa said elsewhere: 
You've done some Good Shit Kara Get some good rest, you've more than earned it
Nope! Now I’m not queueing and any image I add won’t interfere with it, I’m gonna go double hard and double time on the installment subsequent. And hopefully it’ll be revealing enough to really make Lavandar sit up! ...from the pool of blood. 
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