#possibly stolen from the president
seelix-blog · 9 months
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Happy New Year! I've decided to start 2024 out by making something deeply frivolous: Handwoven rainbow shoelaces.
Are they something I could buy? Absolutely. But the act of staring at the brightly colored yarn is making me happy while I practice keeping my selvedges pretty and my tension even.
Last night I finished up the first length of trim I'm making for my Regency Zelda costume, and pulling it off the loom really showed how much practice I need to keep everything even. Not surprising, given that I only started weaving two months ago and have mostly been using a rigid heddle loom! I'm thoroughly enjoying being new at a craft and giving myself the grace to make things even though they won't be perfect.
That's something I kind of lost sight of with cosplay and sewing. I was holding myself to the kind of standards that made every project just kind of stall out as I got in my own way, second guessing myself and my skull level. Getting past that feeling and back to the joy of making things is something I've been working on and something I hope to carry into the new year.
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deadpresidents · 5 months
"What emerged in two interviews with Trump, and conversations with more than a dozen of his closest advisers and confidants, were the outlines of an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world. To carry out a deportation operation designed to remove more than 11 millions people from the country, Trump told me, he would be willing to build migrant detention camps and deploy the U.S. military, both at the border and inland. He would let red states monitor women's pregnancies and prosecute those who violate abortion bans. He would, at his personal discretion, withhold funds appropriated by Congress, according to top advisers. He would be willing to fire a U.S. Attorney who doesn't carry out his order to prosecute someone, breaking with a tradition of independent law enforcement that dates from America's founding. He is weighing pardons for every one of his supporters accused of attacking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, more than 800 of whom have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury. He might not come to the aid of an attacked ally in Europe or Asia if he felt that country wasn't paying enough for its own defense. He would gut the U.S. civil service, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, close the White House pandemic-preparedness office, and staff his Administration with acolytes who back his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen."
-- "How Far Would He Go", TIME Magazine's interviews with Donald Trump, April 30, 2024.
I know we're saturated in coverage of Trump and it's easy (and probably better for our mental health) to usually ignore most of the articles when we see them, especially since he's so full of shit and infuriating. But it's also important to recognize that he is going to be the Republican nominee for President and he could absolutely be elected in November, and if you thought his first term was scary and dangerous, you need to understand that in a second term he's going to have people around him that are better prepared and VERY willing to do the crazy shit that he wants to do to this country. They aren't even hiding the fact that they are seeking vengeance against political opponents whom they feel have wronged them, and are ready to fundamentally dismantle the democratic foundations that are barely holding this country together after nearly 250 years.
Just look at what Trump says about the people who he incited to attack the United States Capitol in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election and halt the peaceful transfer of power that has happened every four years since 1789:
"Trump has sought to recast an insurrectionist riot as an act of patriotism. 'I call them the J-6 patriots,' he say. When I ask whether he would consider pardoning every one of them, he says, 'Yes, absolutely.' As Trump faces dozens of felony charges, including for election interference, conspiracy to defraud the United States, willful retention of national-security secrets, and falsifying business records to conceal hush-money payments, he has tried to turn legal peril into a badge of honor."
Oh, and please note that Trump -- a former President of the United States and possible future President of the United States -- said on the record in these interviews with TIME: "There is a definite antiwhite feeling in the country and that can't be allowed either." We are at a point where political leaders are outright saying that in this country again, and it's because of Donald Trump.
So, take the time to recognize that Trump is straight-up telling us the country we're going to be living in if he wins again in November. And understand that your vote matters -- and WHO you vote for matters -- because, as I've been saying for years now, ELECTIONS HAVE FUCKING CONSEQUENCES.
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robertreich · 1 year
5 Facts About Trump’s Indictments
Trump’s defenders are still lying about his indictments. Here are 5 crucial facts you can share with whoever in your life needs to hear them.
1. President Biden did not indict Trump.
Four different grand juries — made up of ordinary citizens — indicted Trump after being presented with evidence they found compelling enough to warrant criminal prosecution.
The reason we have grand juries is specifically to help make sure no one gets prosecuted out of a personal vendetta.
2. This isn’t about “free speech”
In all four cases, Trump has been indicted because of what he allegedly did, not what he said. Lots of crimes involve speech, but that doesn’t stop them from being crimes. Even Trump’s hand-picked attorney general, Bill Barr, recognizes this defense is nonsense.
3. It doesn’t matter whether Trump believed the election was stolen
There’s plenty of evidence that Trump knew he lost the election fair and square. His claims of massive fraud were rejected by his own campaign manager, White House lawyers, and his hand-picked Justice Department officials. 
And privately, Trump seemed to admit that he either knew or didn’t care that his claims were false, allegedly criticizing VP Pence for being “too honest,” and allegedly admitting to his Chief of Staff Mark Meadows that he lost and wanted to cover it up.
But even if Trump really did believe the election was stolen, that doesn’t give him the right to allegedly commit a criminal conspiracy to try to steal it back.
4. Trump has received preferential treatment because of who he is.
Trump’s defenders complain about a two-tiered justice system.
They’re right about that, but not in the way they claim. Trump has been given special privileges most criminal defendants would never get.
In all four criminal cases, he has been released without bail. He has repeatedly been spared the indignity of a mugshot. He has not had his passport suspended or had limits placed on his ability to travel — even though two of his criminal cases involve direct threats to national security, and even though he has used social media to issue insults and threats against potential witnesses, behavior that would cause many criminal defendants to be held without bail pending trial.
5. Trump was in legal trouble long before entering politics
Some of Trump’s defenders claim the sheer number of criminal charges and civil suits he’s now facing is proof that he’s being targeted for political reasons. But you have to remember that Trump was the subject of about 4,000 legal actions before ever running for president. From his fraudulent Trump University scam to federal lawsuits over racist housing discrimination, Trump has spent his life in court because of his own shady behavior.
Trump is being prosecuted now because, as four grand juries have found, the strength of the evidence against him merits it. If we fail to hold him fully accountable under the law, the precedent will embolden future presidents to break the law, jeopardize national security, incite insurrections, and possibly even overturn an election.
The principle that no one is above the law is only true if we make it so.
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sashaisready · 5 months
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 5 - I feel numb
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Bucky is a dick in this one. Angst! Jealousy! Idiots who don't communicate!! But I’m loving Steve...He’s moving in a different direction than planned but I’m enjoying it.
Surprise chapter drop! This came outta nowhere lol. Thanks again for all your reblogs and comments, I truly can’t emphasise enough how much they mean to me.
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You had whiplash after the kiss with Bucky in the office. It all happened so fast, so fast you didn’t even really think about it. Not that you needed to, your body thought and spoke for you. Every feeling you had for him was poured into that kiss. Every stolen glance, every secret second of pining. Kissing him felt like the most natural thing in the world. As if you were meant to be doing this. A tiny part of you had almost hoped that if you ever did manage to kiss him, that it would be bad…or worse - uneventful. Then maybe the mediocrity would snap you out of your infatuation and allow you to move forward, finally stop you crushing on a man who you knew would be no good for you.
Alas, no. It had only stoked the embers, the fire for him burning brighter than ever before.
That night you had driven home, Clint riding alongside you on his bike until you were safely behind the front door. That was sweet. You had insisted you were fine and apologised to him for the waste of gas, but he was nonplussed. A loyal soldier doing his duty.
You had laid awake in Granny’s old bed that night, wondering what exactly had led Bucky to make a move. Yes, there had been a bit of flirtation between you both, but you’d got the impression he was like that with women generally – especially if his interactions with Amber and co were anything to go by. You’d met many flirts in your time, and you knew better than to pin hopes and feelings on a bit of banter. Some flirts treated it like a sport, getting girls to fall for them with a few sweet words and well-timed winks just to see if they could. Others just did it to pass the time, enjoying the buzz of the exchanges but never really intending it to go further. You didn’t know which category Bucky fell into, but you were smart enough to keep your wits about you. Or at least try to...
He seemed genuinely shaken up by the incident with the customer, angry that he hadn’t been there to save the day and keep his employees out of harm’s way. Was he worried about you? Or was it a bit of a macho display to save face in front of the MC? Someone had caused trouble on his turf, after all. You didn’t know. Why had he even hired you? Did he like you, or were you just a bit of fun that he knew had an expiration date when you sold the house? Did he feel the same way you did, or just think you were a good time girl who would serve him beer and maybe let him into your pants for a few quickies after hours? You didn’t know. But a glimmer of optimism was blooming.
And just how far would the kiss have gone if Sam hadn’t interrupted? You definitely didn’t know that. All you knew was the dizzying feeling you’d felt when he’d kissed you…and just how down bad you were.
To your disappointment, and possibly helping to confirm where Bucky stood, you didn’t hear from him over the next few days. Only a cursory text from Steve to confirm your next shift. You weren’t sure what you expected, but making out with your boss in the back office wasn’t a regular work activity for you – you at least thought he’d text or something. But maybe that’s where you were going wrong. Maybe that was a typical Sunday night at the bar for him.
You pulled up into the parking lot of The Snake Pit on Wednesday evening to begin your shift. As you wandered in, various members of the MC greeted you and asked about your injuries. You smiled and amiably chatted back, reassuring them all was fine. Nat gave you a wave over by the jukebox before berating Sam about his song choice. Just another regular shift. If anyone knew about your little tryst with Bucky, nobody gave anything away to suggest it.
As you got to the bar, Steve was leaning across it and meticulously inspecting a CCTV camera he must’ve unscrewed from the ceiling. You said hi to Tom who was already working, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he acknowledged you while very carefully cutting up some lemons.
“Still playing up, huh?” you asked Steve as you started putting clean glasses away.  
“Yep,” he replied without looking up. “I thought the connection was loose, but I can’t see any problems with it – so I think it’s something with the individual cameras”.
A couple of the cameras had been on the blink for a week or so, leaving surveillance blindspots in the bar. Bucky was very blasé about it all, but Steve was clearly nervous.
“Want me to call the repair guy?” you asked as you worked around him.
Steve grimaced. “Not yet…I’m just gonna have a play around and see if I can figure it out”.
You poured him a beer as he pulled a screwdriver from his pocket and began opening up the camera’s case.
“Thanks,” he mumbled as you placed the glass in front of him. He hadn’t looked up at you the whole time you’d been there. It would’ve bothered you when you first started here, but you knew now that was just how he was.
“How’s the arm?” he asked suddenly, his eyes still locked on the task in front of him.
“All good, thanks. Bandage was off the next day”.
“Good. And the head?”
“Also good. Just had a bit of a fetching goose egg on my head for a few days”.
“Eh, a look you pulled off, I’m sure”.
You smiled. Steve may have been a man of few words, but he did listen. He did care.
“And don’t worry about that guy. He wouldn’t dream of coming back here. Trust me”.
“Thanks, Steve”.
“Mmm. Y‘welcome” he muttered.
He went quiet again, and you knew that meant the conversation was finished for now so you continued working.
You were just re-stocking the bottle fridges when you realised you hadn’t seen Bucky around yet. You did a quick scan of the room when the front door suddenly flew open.
You couldn’t help the wave of nausea that rushed through as you watched Bucky sweep into the bar, Amber glued to his side as she giggled hysterically at whatever he’d just said. He’d never been that funny, you thought.
Some of the MC members called out to him and he hollered back. Amber was clinging to him, grinning like a Cheshire cat. He dashed by the bar and his eyes caught yours as he walked. He seemed to give you a double take as he stopped.
“You’re working tonight?” he asked, pointing at you accusingly. “I thought you were in tomorrow”.
“Well, hello to you too,” you mumbled back, a little grouchier than planned. But you couldn’t deny that you were expecting a warmer reception.
“I scheduled her,” Steve replied gruffly. “You know those guys from the manufacturing plant are in here Wednesday nights after their shift. We need all hands on deck”.
As if on cue, Tom stumbled behind you and nearly dropped the liquor bottles he was holding.
“Yeah. Guess you’re right,” Bucky replied unconvincingly.
“Buuuucky,” wailed Amber as she tugged on his kutte. “C’moooon…”
Bucky huffed. “Alright…”
He looked at you for a split second, but then they moved over to the other side of the bar. You finally exhaled. You felt stupid. What did you expect? He was going to sweep you up and continue kissing you in front of everyone? You hadn’t even heard from him. God, you thought you’d grown out of this type of thing. Your embarrassment curdled into anger.
As you seethed silently, Steve spoke up again. Well, it was more like a growl than anything as you couldn’t make out what he said.
“Sorry, what did you say?” you asked.
“I said,” and his blue eyes flickered to finally look at you, “Don’t believe everything you see”.
You frowned. “Cryptic…”
“You heard me”.
You watched as he turned and pointedly looked over at Bucky and Amber. Bucky was chatting away to Nat as Amber held onto his metal arm with a vice grip, holding court with the other girls. She was showing Bucky off like a prize.
You felt your face flush. Did…he know? Did Bucky tell him about what happened between the two of you? And what was he inferring about Bucky and Amber?
You went to question him further, but he slipped off the bar stool without another word, zipping off across the room to reattach the CCTV camera.
The shift was a particularly painful one. You had to stand and watch as Amber was all over Bucky like a bad rash. He wasn’t necessarily reciprocating her attention – moving through the group drinking, chatting, but equally he wasn’t shaking her off, either. He seemed perfectly happy to have an Amber-shaped appendage, occasionally giving her breadcrumbs in the form of a smile or a wink which she happily devoured. He hadn’t acknowledged you since his admission of surprise that you were here.
Fortunately for you, Steve’s prediction about the plant guys keeping things busy was entirely correct. You and Tom would have bursts of activity as the group all seemed to go in for another round at once, then moments of quiet as they guzzled their drinks back at the tables. You were grateful for the distraction.
The hours clicked by towards the end of the night, and you were tired. Tired of being on your feet all evening. Tired of picking up the slack for Tom. Tired of keeping up with the plant guys who seemed to have bottomless pits inside them that no amount of beer could fill. Tired of how embarrassed you felt by Bucky’s rejection. Tired, tired. Your tank was empty.
The bar had emptied out with only a few stragglers left alongside the MC, so you started cleaning up and closing. You were just stacking some dirty glasses when the high-pitched giggle cut through the air.
You and Tom both turned to see Amber sitting rather unashamedly in Bucky’s lap, giggling as she ran her finger across his chin. He looked back at her with amusement, grinning like a fool.
You squeezed the glass you were holding so tightly that it was a miracle it didn’t break. All the feelings you’d been suppressing suddenly bubbled up, your stomach a nauseating soup of fatigue and hurt. And some rage thrown in for good measure.
“Oh man, she’s so hot…” Tom practically drooled.
That didn’t help.
“I’m just gonna change the Bud barrel,” you muttered in reply, your voice monotonous.
You slipped out through the door behind the bar and quickly rushed down the stairs to the quiet basement where the barrels and stock were kept. Grateful for the privacy, you threw your hands flat against the concrete wall and bent your head towards the floor, exhaling. It took you a moment, but you managed to compose yourself. God, you were stupid.
You unhooked the old barrel and got to work replacing it with the new one, relieved to be doing something with your hands. You berated yourself for getting to this point. A brief make-out session with your boss was hardly a binding contract. It didn’t mean anything. Nothing. Bucky probably got up to more mayhem before 10am most weekdays with his little harem of women. You were just another skirt to him. Jesus. How silly you’d been. You realised maybe you’d let yourself to be caught up in this crush to distract yourself from your Granny and the house. And it was a welcome distraction. But here you were, hiding in the basement at your job and feeling like a high schooler whose crush had invited someone else to prom.
You inhaled and finished the task, standing back up and wiping your hands on your jeans.
You straightened up your back and shook your limbs out as you climbed back up the stairs. Time to do what you did best. After all, the only way is through.
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mattzerella-sticks · 1 month
Okay Okay OKAY.
I knew Dave had to be there. I KNEW - he was in the shop when the tape started, of course he'd be inside the action world. But as what I couldn't guess. I was going to let myself enjoy the ride.
But now...
Given what we know, about the Shadow Falcon protocol, the Archimedes Files...
I think Dave will do either of these two things
Rob the world and remain inside as the President for all time but also the emperor of reality given the abilities we've seen in the preview
Rob the world and LEAVE with all that world's money
I think number 2 might be more plausible than number 1 given how St. Jude had the belief that there was a new world waiting for him even after his 'death'. However, is it likely Dave lied to all the members of the Shadow Falcon protocol that he could take them with them, just so he can use them to further his own schemes? Possibly.
We also have to ask if Dave was ALSO aware of the power of 'Never Stop Blowing Up'. Because - think about it - how was Dave able to gather together the resources for a criminal conspiracy if he had only been in the world for the same amount of time as the others from Elsinore?
In fact... how has Dave been able to maintain a video rental store in the town of Elsinore for so long?
What if this wasn't the first time he's run this scheme? And the only reason the video rental store has survived for so long is because he's been robbing 'Never Stop Blowing Up's' inhabitants blind every time he enters the world? It would explain why he keeps Usha around, whose reticence for technology would mean an easier and less traceable way to funnel stolen funds into his pocket.
But because of Barsimian holding onto the tape for so long, he wasn't able to plunder the world for cash in time to pay the rent and has been FORCED to close the store.
It would also explain why he was so insistent on getting the tape back, despite it not making a difference because - why put so much effort into one tape when you're going to be dumping all your inventory anyway?
And if Dave and Barsimian were using the tape at different times, of course Barsimian was never aware of the Shadowfalcon protocol. He was enjoying the world, never questioning why - never wondering who was behind the drugs and the capers. It was all Dave.
And I wonder if there's going to be a connection between Dave and Wolfman Anne?
All things to ponder and I hope are explained in the coming episode.
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huskynotwolf · 4 months
Convexian Hitman AU
Part 1 I guess
AU by @tibbycaps/ @tibby-art
Written by @thecrazyhusky
(I mixed in dsmp, it’s more fun with those swearing idiots :D )
Mission: Find and destroy target’s weapon supply (target’s name is Tubbo and Jack Manifold)
Cub’s PoV
“I want you to destroy his weapons.” Doc looked at us, dead serious.
We (me and Scar) were in the NHO’s conference room, listening to Bdubs rant about this new case we had to deal with. Scar had already yawned at least two times and I had grabbed every single one of their cans of carbonated drinks or whatever at the table and shook them so hard they looked like ticking bombs. Etho was also eyeing us with much suspicion, and I suspected he was up to something.
“All of them?” I asked.
“All of them.” The goat-creeper confirmed. “He was some sort of former president of a country. He’s got some ass-load of explosives. Specifically, bombs. Lots of those.”
“Ah.” Scar smiled. “Big boom.”
“Really?” I looked at him.
“And here are the conditions, since you three are definitely gonna loophole out of this.” Doc growled.
“You have to get this done by this week, which is three days. No eating anyone, and I mean anyone. You find those explosives, disable them, then leave. Nothing else. I don’t want those Snowchester people come fighting with nukes.”
I raised an eyebrow. “They got nukes?”
Scar sniggered. I kicked him.
Doc glared at my fellow Vex. “And bring Grian. He’ll be of use.”
“Grian? You sure?” I asked.
“Yes.” Doc grunted. “And you better get the job done. Go. Now.” He said.
I nodded, grabbed Scar’s wrist and dragged him out of the conference room, heading down to Grian’s “office”, while hearing Bdubs and Beef screech loudly along to the sounds of soda exploding. I allowed myself a slight smile.
“Dang it. Should’ve rigged ‘em better.” I said.
Scar gave me a look. “Don’t tell me you shook all of them.”
“I did. But I could’ve just fitted them with grenades instead.” I replied, taking a left turn down the hallway.
We found her studying a file about Tubbo.
“Hey.” She greeted us, not looking up.
“Hiya. You ready?” I asked.
Since Grian has her Watcher powers, she could technically see us coming, so I assumed she was already prepared.
“Let’s just go. Tango yelled at me earlier. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.” She stood up, then walked towards us.
“Tango? Why?” Scar asked.
“None of your concern.” She shrugged.
We headed out the door, taking the lift down, then exiting the building. As soon as we stepped out, Grian winced.
“You okay?” I asked her.
“Y-yeah,” she replied. “It’s just…overwhelming.”
“Hmm.” I shot a glance at Scar. “Scar, you got the map? Coords, at least?”
“Ask the all-seeing.” He pointed at Grian. Grian made a low growling sound.
“Wow, I though you prepped.” She muttered under her breath.
“Yes, I have the map. It’s in my head.” She raised her voice.
“Great!” Scar smiled. “Let’s go, then.”
I leaned closer to Grian. “You okay, dude?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I’m fine. It’s fine. Everything’s…” she exhaled. “Alright.”
“Good.” I said, then secretly kicked Scar. The man glared at me but I didn’t reply.
“Let’s go.”
“We gonna take a subway. Then a cross-country train. Then another high-speed railroad.” I said, laying down a drawn map.
“Snowchester’s all the way out there, so we probably need to either stop to eat on the way, or we have to bring food.” I rolled up the map and shoved it in my pack.
Scar rolled his eyes. “You’re concerned about eating?”
“Grian needs to eat as well.” I hissed.
I had shoved the three of us into a Seven Eleven’s, where my reason was, “we need substance.”
Grian nudged Scar. “Here’s the thing, bud. We don’t have money. How-“
I waved a five dollar bill I snatched from someone. “Steal.”
“Did you get his whole wallet?” Scar asked, his eyes glinting mischievously.
I gave a low chuckle. “Duh I did.” I held out the stolen wallet. Scar sniggered. “This guy’s got a hundred and fifty.”
Grian gave us a look of annoyance and frustration. “You know it’s illegal to steal, right?”
Scar materialised behind her, making her jump. “Nah. It’s fine.”
Grian narrowed his eyes at him but didn’t snap back a comment.
I handed Scar about thirty dollars worth of bills. “Grian, you can go with Scar to buy food.” She shot me a dirty look, got up and disappeared behind the aisles with the Vex.
I took out twenty and nabbed a sandwich and two bottles of water, in which to avoid getting yelled at by Grian, I payed for it instead of stealing it.
Though I will admit I stole a can of Sprite.
Yeah. Maybe.
Grian bought coffee and milk tea (where did she find that?) and Scar bought a bun and bottled Cola, though I could tell he didn’t intend to drink it, he’s just gonna prank me with it.
As we left that store, I searched for enough money to get us to the subway station. Six dollars to get in, then they needed eighteen. I decided not to give them the coins and bills yet, as Scar had a tendency to lose things.
Very, very often.
We headed to the subway station, while Grian kept cautiously looking around for signs of danger. However, despite this, Scar seemed extremely carefree.
“G, man, there’s nothing to worry ‘bout. It’s not like someone would just suddenly drop down and try and kill us, right?” He said to no one in particular.
“Don’t jinx it.” She huffed. “I see something. Though I can’t pinpoint where it is.”
I approached the subway tunnel, with the two nitwits trailing behind. “Yeah, something’s definitely wrong. I can feel it.”
I stepped down the stair, then halted when something whizzed past me and embedded itself into the wall with a thunk.
“Honestly, Foolish, how bad can your aim be!” I heard a yell. The three of us swivelled our heads towards the noise, and standing on the side of the street, armed with crossbows, were two deranged-looking people. At least that’s what the first word that came to my head when I saw them.
The one who shot the projectile, Foolish, looked suspiciously like a totem of undying, and it made me question whenever he’s an actual totem or not. His friend was a girl who wore dark sunglasses and had long streaks of hair running down both sides of her head. What she wore screamed pirate in every way.
Grian sighed. “Scar, you jinxed it.”
Scar glared at her. “No I didn’t!”
I slapped Scar before he could argue any further and hissed, “don’t make the situation worse, dumbass!” and marched towards the pair with crossbows. Scar gave me an offended look but I knew he was playing around for fun.
“What do you want?” I demanded.
Foolish looked at me. “You don’t have the authority to order me around.” He said.
“You just tried to kill me. Are you hitmen?” I snapped.
His friend glared at me. “You were trying to destroy our military.”
Grian and Scar came up from behind. “What do you know about that?” Grian challenged.
“I know for a fact that you were sent to destroy our nukes. We’re from Snowchester, mind you.” The girl growled.
Grian suddenly looked like he was lost in thought. Scar stared at her, then shook her to try snap her out of her trance, but did nothing except from earning a well-deserved smack in the face by her.
“Well, we don’t really care about who sent you. This is about our country’s safety. You back off, or we’ll make you.” Sunglasses Girl said, raising her crossbow.
I processed her words, then turned to Scar. “Wait, if we die, is our contract technically broken?”
He paused. “Wait…you know what? You’re right! We can just let ‘em kill us!”
“But do we like, reincarnate or something? What do you think we’d be-“
Sunglasses Girl facepalmed. “No-that’s not what I meant! I don’t want anyone dead!”
Foolish nudged her. “Whatever, Puffy. They’re not part of our nation.”
Grian shook her head. “You have your own problems. Deal with whoever the fuck Dream is first, then come back and kill us. Besides, Tubbo is a literal threat to society.” She said. “You shouldn’t be listening to that menace.”
Puffy, aka Sunglasses Girl, looked promptly taken aback by Grian’s comment. “How do you know about Dream?”
“Can we take this conversation somewhere else? We’re attracting quite a lot of unwanted attention.” Grian interrupted. “One dude who passed by thought you were a terrorist.”
Foolish and Puffy took a while to discuss, and as soon as they took their eyes off the us and Grian, I took out the stolen can of Sprite, shook it hard, opened it (but barely) then yeeted it at Foolish. It landed on the ground and the entire can burst like a grenade, spewing soda everywhere.
We bolted for it, making a beeline for the subway station, with Scar mainly being dragged all the way. By the time the pair from Snowchester realised what’s happening, we were already down the subway and had managed to get into the train already.
“Ok, that was…awkward.” Grian panted, slightly out of breath.
I grunted. “Whatever. You shouldn’t have told them about your powers.”
She shook her head. “I…sorry.” She muttered.
“Eh. We could go back and kill them both.” I shrugged.
Scar nodded. “Actually, yeah. I would love to do that.”
Grian paled. “No you don’t!” She cried. “Why must you always kill people left and right?”
Both of us Vexes turned their piercing gaze at her. She immediately shut up and sank into the seat.
“Can I kill Tubbo?” Scar asked.
“No,” Grian and I said almost simultaneously. I gave her a look but she said nothing.
“Aww.” He huffed. “I’m bored.”
“You won’t be when we reach the border.” Grian said.
“What?” I asked. “Are you talking about…the border between the city and Greater Dream SMP or whatever that place is called?”
She nodded. “You know we don’t have our IDs or passports. It’s gonna be a wild chase with the border guards there.”
“Ooo, what do they do?” Scat asked.
Grian groaned. “They would chase you down on horses and they never stop. Literally, they could hunt you continuously for days without stopping.”
“Sounds fun,” Scar said.
Grian bit her lip to prevent herself from snapping back at him.
I looked at her. “Listen, if you know about the border guards, do you think we can get past them?”
She nodded. “You can get past them, but it’s gonna be hard.”
I gave both of them a wide smile. “Alright. We have two hitmen on our trail, we don’t have IDs of any sort and we’re about to be chased down by a few border guards. What’s the worse that could happen?”
To be continued
(I did it on another platform and then tried to paste it on Tumblr but ended up with so much lag I can’t even type properly lol)
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opossumanon · 2 months
I was reading the reblogs of a post that basically said "Don't be a doomer about Kamala Harris being a black woman and worrying that racism and misogyny will lose her the vote, go out and campaign and vote and she'll win because we made her win" (Correct) and man...
The amount of people who get so obnoxious screaming about how voting for anybody in this election is morally horrible (No, it's our basic right and duty as Americans), how the rest of the world matters too (No shit Sherlock) and how "The leftism is leaving your bodies the second your rights are being threatened" and no????? Since when did being leftist mean shooting yourself in the foot to protest someone else being hurt????
To be clear, leftism is at the end of the day the belief that all people matter, all people deserve rights and happiness, housing is a human right, food and water is a human right, self-determination is a human right, war is bad, billionaires should never exist, etc. etc.
Leftism also means THINKING instead of just acting emotionally. Gaza doesn't benefit if we refuse to vote for Harris. The Democratic Party won't go "Oh no, the people are mad we didn't support Palestine :C" and even if they somehow did it wouldn't matter because Trump would be President and we'd all be fucked and he'd bomb Palestine anyways and then take a piss on their ashes.
Also it's important to note that Harris was part of the reason why Biden started to swing to the middle regarding Palestine and Israel. Harris pushed Biden into doing a lot of the leftist things he's done. Harris can be pushed too, we can elect her and say "Congrats on winning the office, now do these things for us" and she'll be more likely to follow through than fucking Donald "I can shoot a guy in the middle of the street and people would still vote for me" Trump.
I won't be able to vote in this election, but my goals/hopes for our future as a country are
Elect Harris
Bully Harris into cutting off support to Israel and pressuring them into returning the land stolen from the Palestinians
Make ranked voting a thing
Demolish the Electoral College with exploding car hammers
Get Trump tossed into prison for his countless felonies, plus treason
For fuck's sake people, please understand that the best way to help Palestine and the rest of the world, as well as ourselves, is to strategize, and voting for Harris is the best strategy we got right now, because "lol I'm gonna firebomb a Walmart" is never helpful. It's just talking the talk to sound all high and mighty while being a lazy shit and doing nothing of import.
Anyways before I dip remember that voting is harm reduction, especially make sure to vote in all your local elections, donate if possible, be an active member of your community, pick a particular cause you can fight for and fight for it, and you'll be way more helpful than any of the dumbasses screaming and crying about "boycotting" voting...Cuz that's totally how this works [insert facepalm emoji]
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victusinveritas · 1 month
Writing advice from Nick Mamatas.
Some science fiction/fantasy creative writing students I have encountered, a field guide
1. World-Savers: these are generally older students, have no real interest in SF/F, are writing a book to express political or metaphysical ideas they consider to be radical and necessary for the future of life on Earth. In reality, they're writing long Platonic dialogues about their ideas, and authority from various culture and pop culture tropes (aliens, noble savages, fairies, resurrected presidents)–to the extent that their work has a plot at all, it involves a Christ figure transforming the world via a sacrifice. The ideas aren't very radical either: "pollute less" and "love your neighbor, unless they're a dick" are common. Occasionally the message for the world has to do with something more prosaic: reverse budgeting, the evils of Affirmative Action, the importance of installing solar panels, how dare Eileen divorce me and fuck like three guys in the six months after she moved out, etc. These students are utterly confused by actually existing SF/F stories they read, and often interpret them in bizarrely sexual ways. They don't believe in numbering the pages of their manuscripts, and often attempt to submit work in PDF so it won't be stolen.
2. Children with Money: recent college grads, or drop-outs, these people have read Harry Potter, Twilight, and perhaps three or four other best-selling young adult series and nothing else. They are easily upset, especially when someone suggests reading more. Their main interests are YouTube personalities, video games, and a sort of Puritanical pansexuality that actually makes smut boring. They often "forget" to read the work of other students, and have no idea how to use a printer. They warn the other students that their story might be "too intense" because it contains, for example, a depiction of a car accident. Their stories are routinely awful, and always contain a character named "Aidan." Sometimes their parents come to class to make sure I am "not a serial killer", as though they could possibly tell from looking at me. (Oh, "Mamatas" IS a white person name...I guess?)
3. Anointed Ones: They contact me, or the people running the workshop, beforehand, to make sure that "the class is right" for them. They have file cabinets full of their stuff, and after many decades of toil, they are ready to reveal their work to the world. They just need a mentor, and an ally—could I be the one they've been searching for lo these many years? Prior workshops were full of callow teachers and jealous students. Why they were only allowed to submit ten pages a week! Some of them have actually read fairly widely, but you wouldn't know it from their work: three adjectives per noun, a fetish for speech tags other than the word "said" or no tags at all. Often these stories include as characters philosophical prostitutes with very sensitive nipples. They never miss a class and often show up more than thirty minutes early. One time, I had to hide in a closet to avoid an extensive pre-class conversation with one.
4. Frightened Proles: These have read Stephen King and Dean Koontz and sometimes even horror writers from this century. They generally have working-class jobs and write about working people who encounter the supernatural on the late shift. They really hope they can sell their novel soon, but they know it'll take a lot of work. (Ten more drafts oughta do it!) They wear baseball hats to class and look like enormous eight-year-olds. They get very excited when I mention professional wrestling or do a taiji move in class. Their significant others are often nameless—"my girlfriend" "my wife." They buy my books and bring them to class for autographs. Some of them get published after, especially flash fiction.
5. Repairables: decent writers, often involved in the SFF "scene", who need to be fixed after a bad experience with Clarion or another workshop or an overeager editor at a semipro magazine who told them some idiot nonsense they decided to believe because they were told it was "unprofessional" not to consider editorial feedback. These either get published...or lost to MFA programs, video game jobs, fandom, podcasts, or other writing-shaped pursuits. Most of them are ferocious name-droppers; the ones who heard of me beforehand know to keep quiet though.
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collapsedsquid · 6 months
One​ possible outcome of the next presidential election is that a Democratic candidate wins a dispute-proof victory and is straightforwardly inaugurated. Another – perfectly likely – is that Trump runs again and is unambiguously re-elected in line with the law, even if most Americans don’t vote for him. But what if he, or a candidate like him, were to cheat, and he and his party threaded the needle to a victory endorsed by the key national institutions? Instead of today’s situation, in which there is a Democratic president and – to use Walter’s terminology – a downgraded superfaction of Trump supporters convinced by the lie that he was defrauded and should have won, you would have a Trump base accepting their champion’s fraudulent victory, and a liberal superfaction aware that the Republican head of state had stolen the presidency, that politicians, bureaucrats and lawyers had seized the apparatus of the American state, and that democracy had been killed. One of the strange things about the reaction to the invasion of the Capitol was how few of those dismayed by it speculated that they might one day long for just such an assault to succeed. Might a different mob storm into Congress to save democracy, rather than attack it? If an autocrat who has stolen an election is about to have his trashing of American democracy hallowed by Congress, all other recourse having failed, shouldn’t Democrats – or democrats, at least – take direct action? Liberal opinion in North America and Western Europe has tended to be gung-ho about pro-democracy protesters storming ruling institutions in other countries, notably Ukraine in 2014. But it’s one thing to imagine, as Walter encourages her readers to do, the gradual spread of white supremacist, anti-government terrorism across America against a democratic framework, until one day the progressive left, and the people of colour she suggests are likely to be targets of violence, arm and organise for self-protection. It’s another to wake up one morning and find that without any bloodshed or violence, without any seeming change in the smooth running of traffic signals and ATMs and supermarkets, without, even, an immediate wave of arrests or a clampdown on free speech, your country is run by somebody who took power illegally. Something must be done! But what, apart from venting on social media? And by whom? Me? In Ukraine, students and the liberal middle class found fighting allies among football ultras, small farmers and extreme nationalists. Such an alliance would be hard to pull together in the Euro-American world. Describing liberal protests against government corruption and malfeasance in Bulgaria in 2013, Ivan Krastev spoke of ‘the frustration of the empowered’ and an urban middle class that ‘risks remaining politically isolated, incapable of reaching out to other social groups’.
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Stephen Robinson at Public Notice:
Donald Trump is down so bad that his campaign is bringing back Republican dirty tricks from 20 years ago. Kamala Harris is packing arenas and rising in the polls while Trump whines about crowd sizes during incoherent press conferences and in insane Truth Social posts. Harris’s running mate, Tim Walz, is a breakout star — a sharp contrast to Trump’s pick, JD Vance, who can’t shake the notion that he’s a creepy weirdo. Put it together and it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Trump team is targeting Walz with a sleazy smear campaign that recalls the infamous “swiftboating” attacks against John Kerry. The approach isn’t a coincidence, either: Chris LaCivita, Trump’s senior campaign adviser, coordinated the “swiftboating” smears back in 2004.
Last week, Vance claimed that Walz abandoned his National Guard unit just before it was deployed to Iraq in 2005. “When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did? He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him,” Vance said during a speech. He’s also accused Walz of exaggerating his record of service. Although the New York Times describes these charges as merely “provocative,” they’re actually repulsive lies. Walz retired from the National Guard after 24 of years of service. He put in his request months prior to the unit’s deployment, but Vance suggests Walz was asked to go to Iraq and he quit in response. Meanwhile, other equally shameless Republicans, including former Army officer Tom Cotton, pushed the false narrative that Walz callously ditched his unit to pursue a political career. “JDVance is right,” Cotton posted on X. “Tim Walz’s unit got orders to Iraq. He could’ve gone with them, but didn’t. He let his troops go to war without him instead.”
Here are the facts: Walz joined the Nebraska National Guard in 1981, two days after his 17th birthday. He was eligible for retirement after 20 years of service in 2001 but re-enlisted after 9/11, according to an interview he did for a Library of Congress oral history project. Walz officially launched his congressional campaign in February 2005, more than a month before the National Guard announced the possible partial mobilization of 2,000 troops. His last day with the Guard was May 16, 2005, and his unit received its official deployment orders on July 14.
Yes, Walz has stated in an interview that he “decided to retire to focus full time on running,” but he was 41 years old with a 4-year-old daughter. During an appearance on The Bulwark podcast, former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger, an Iraq War vet, pointed out that Walz already did what 99 percent of Americans don’t — willingly volunteer for service — and there’s nothing dishonorable about retiring. If Walz’s retirement would’ve compromised the unit, the military could have issued a stop-loss blocking his request. That didn’t happen. In addition to the swiftboat-style smears, Republicans have accused Walz of “stolen valor” for past remarks that suggested he served in active combat.
The origins of “swiftboating”
Unlike President George W. Bush, Kerry served in Vietnam and spent several months commanding a patrol craft called a “swift boat.” He was injured three times in the line of duty, including getting hit by a piece of shrapnel that remained in his thigh when he was on the campaign trail in 2004. Despite Kerry’s decorated service, the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT) was a right-wing political organization that formed in direct opposition to his presidential candidacy. The group financed the book “Unfit for Command” and released a series of ads that attacked Kerry’s service and questioned his military honors, including his three Purple Hearts. Delegates at the 2004 Republican National Convention sunk so low as to mockingly wear adhesive bandages with small purple hearts on their chins, cheeks, and backs of their hands — suggesting that the injuries Kerry received during the war were a joke.
Backed with money from Clarence Thomas’s billionaire buddy Harlan Crow, LaCivita rounded up right-wing veterans willing to trash Kerry’s service, often in direct contradiction to statements made prior to his presidential run. George Elliott, Kerry's former commanding officer, had previously praised Kerry’s combat performance and stated in June 2003 that his Silver Star medal was “well-deserved.” But after Kerry formally announced his candidacy, Elliott — now a member of SBVT — released an affidavit in June 2004 claiming that Kerry “lied about what occurred in Vietnam,” which he later retracted, as well as another affidavit in September 2004 claiming “had I known the facts, I would not have recommended Kerry for the Silver Star.”
Why it won’t work this time
With Iraq being a major political liability for Bush, Kerry centered his campaign around his military service. He began his DNC acceptance speech with the line, “I’m John Kerry, and I’m reporting for duty.” A decorated veteran as the Democratic nominee was intended to challenge the perception that the party was “soft” on defense, particularly during a time of war. The “swiftboating” smear leveled the foundation of Kerry’s pitch to voters. He’d supported the disastrous Iraq War, so the rationale for his candidacy was that he’d make a superior commander in chief to Bush. But with his service record in question, he was less able to draw the intended contrast. Kerry enjoyed a narrow lead in the polls for most of the summer, but it evaporated shortly after the swift boat smears began and he went on to narrowly lose to Bush in November. (It’s still the last time a Democratic presidential candidate lost the popular vote.)
Walz, however, is not at the top of the ticket, and his appeal extends far beyond his military service. Arizona voters may still describe Sen. Mark Kelly as a “former astronaut,” but Walz is seen as a former high school football coach and longtime congressman. Harris/Walz supporters hold up signs at rallies that state simply “COACH,” and Harris promotes that image by regularly using the term to refer to her running mate. Walz even concludes his stump speech with what feels like a motivational locker room pep talk. These attacks on Walz’s military record aren’t new, either. When Walz ran for governor in 2018, two retired command sergeant majors in the Minnesota National Guard, Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr, submitted a paid letter to the editor at the West Central Tribune that accused Walz of “conveniently retiring a year before his battalion was deployed to Iraq.” But these allegations don’t hold water for anyone who has bothered to look into the timeline of his service. The Kerry campaign avoided a direct response to the attacks for far too long, which is rightly considered a mistake. Democrats learned a hard lesson from “swiftboating” — don’t assume that voters will see through the GOP’s transparent lies. So this time around, the Harris campaign and its surrogates moved swiftly to counter the charges.
The Trumpists are launching desperate smears against Kamala Harris VP pick Tim Walz’s military service record to pull a Swift Boat 2.0.
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bewilderedbunny · 2 years
Objection! (Eddie x reader smut) 18+ only!
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Author's note and content warnings:
2.6k words of silly smut. minors DNI!
I thought that a meet cute between a court stenographer and defendant would be fun. Please keep in mind that I know nothing about the judicial system and my only point of references are Better Call Saul and Legally Blonde. (I also found out that the dancing inflatable tubeman wasn't invented until the mid-late 90s. Please forgive me for my ignorance.)
Fem!reader along with use of she/her pronouns. No use of Y/N, just honey, ma'am and sweetheart. Mechanic!Eddie (it isn't touched on much in the story but that is his job in this world) slightly sub!Eddie, vigilante!Eddie, Eddie has a little bit of a stocking fetish, Eddie is a thigh man in this fic, mentions of drugs, oral sex (f receiving) unprotected piv sex (don't do that IRL) strangers to lovers.
Credit to @firefly-graphics for the divider ❄️ not tagging anyone since this isn't my usual fluff 💗
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It's a gray, snowy morning as you step off the city bus and walk to Hawkins courthouse. You check your watch as you enter the building. The first case of the day is at 8am and you've got 45 minutes to get your coffee and set up your station.
Most days are pretty much the same with your work. Scribing every word spoken during a case, then later editing and finalizing the transcript. Every once in a while you speak when you need someone to repeat themselves or when you are called upon to read a portion of the transcripts. Other than those instances, your job is to turn off your brain and type as fast and accurately as you possibly can. It can be a monotonous, boring job but it works for you.
You hang up your coat, grab a paper cup of coffee and sit at your station as you wait for the first case of the day.
The prosecutor enters, you see it's Leonard Mitchell. He's one of the older DAs and he has a reputation for being stubborn and irritable.
Next to enter the room is the defendant accompanied by his attorney. The defendant is wearing a slightly wrinkled white button-up shirt, black jeans, and boots, and his long brown curls are tied back into a bun. He whispers something to his lawyer as they take a seat.
The defense attorney looks vaguely familiar to you, but you can't place his name. He's in his mid-forties and has the cadence of an overworked and under-resourced public defender.
The bailiff enters the room and announces,
All of you rise as the judge enters the room.
"Court is now in session. The honorable Judge Steward is presiding."
Judge Steward is one of your favorites. She's mastered the art of being patient yet firm and she's always been kind to you. You're scheduled to work beside her all day today.
"Good morning, everyone. Calling the case of the State of Indiana versus Edward Munson. The charge is petty theft. Mr. Munson, how do you plead?"
Eddie pleads not guilty and the proceedings begin.
The prosecutor starts his argument.
"On the evening of November 12th, an air dancer was stolen from Wheels and Deals car dealership. That air dancer was then seen at one of the defendants' rock shows."
Judge Steward interjects, "What is an "air dancer" exactly?"
"Your honor, an air dancer is an inflatable figure that, when attached to a fan, dances and flails around. They are mostly used for advertising, which was what Wheels and Deals Auto purchased this item for until it was stolen by Mr. Munson. The loss of potential profits from losing this item is substantial."
Eddie scoffs and his defense attorney rebuts with,
"They aren't exactly Superbowl commercials. They could bring in what, an extra sale or two?"
"Yes- of a car. Of which the average sale price for this establishment is for one single vehicle is $14,000."
Eddie's eyes go wide, he can't seriously be expected to pay 14 grand for a balloon, right?
The judge asks, "Mr. Mitchell, how much did Wheels & Deals purchase the air dancer for?"
The arguments continue for a while, once they are finalized, Judge Steward makes her ruling.
"On the charge of petty theft, I find Mr. Munson guilty. He is ordered to pay $20 in restitution and work 12 hours of community service. The court is now adjourned."
As everyone leaves the room, you're approached by Regina, Judge Steward's clerk.
"You're the court reporter today, right?"
"Yes, I am."
"You can go. Judge Steward had something come up so the rest of the cases today are being postponed."
You grab your coat and walk outside. The ground is covered in slushy snow and as you walk down the courthouse steps, you lose your footing and start to slip. Just as you do, a hand reaches out to hold your elbow and steady you.
You look up and see the balloon thief smiling down at you from a step above. Now he's added a hoodie, leather jacket, and a denim vest over his button-up.
"Careful there, sweetheart. You could've fallen and landed on your money makers." He nods to your hands as he says "money makers" which makes you laugh.
"That would have been awful. Thanks, Mr. Munson."
"No problem. Let's make sure you make it the rest of the way in one piece, 'kay?"
He holds onto you the rest of the way down the stairs. Once you're on the sidewalk, he lets go, you miss his touch instantly.
"Thanks again, Mr. Munson. Take care."
"You too, sweetheart."
He gives you a nod before walking to the parking garage. You wait at the bus stop and check the schedule. The next bus isn't due for another 15 minutes. You would normally head back inside to wait but you don't want to risk embarrassing yourself again with the stairs.
You're shivering and breathing into your hands as a beat-up van approaches. Eddie reaches over and rolls down his passenger window to talk to you.
"You're gonna freeze out here, y'know?"
"Oh, I'm fine Mr. Munson. Really, don't worry about it."
"C'mon, let me drive you home."
You take a moment before getting in the van. It smells like cigarettes and some type of woodsy air freshener or cologne.
You buckle your seatbelt and thank him.
"Of course. Can't leave a fair maiden such as yourself to freeze. Where to?"
You smile at him and give him your address.
There's a comfortable silence between the two of you as he drives.
You look over at him and say, "Can I ask you something?" He looks at you from the corner of his eye.
"Why did I steal the air dancer?"
"Why did you steal the air dancer?"
"I didn't, he just came to my show. Can't help it that he has great music taste. Nice guy, actually. Named him Ozzy.
You laugh and he then says,
"That dealership is the worst, scamming people into buying shitty used cars for well over what they're worth. I work at Thacher Tire and we have so many people come in after being scammed by that place. I just had enough."
God, he stole something so stupid for such a sweet reason.
"That makes sense. A little payback for the people."
He looks at you and smiles, a beautiful dimpled smile "Exactly."
"How do you feel about the verdict?"
"Well, I'm still disappointed that my original trial by combat request was denied."
Your laughter fills the van, delighting Eddie as he continues,
"I'm glad I only have to pay $20, wish it was $0 but it's much more ideal than 14k."
"Very true."
"And the community service is fine. I mean, I was doing service for the community by stealing the damn thing in the first place but whatever." You nod in agreement as he continues,
"I'll be honest, one of the reasons I stole Ozzy is that I thought he'd be fun for shows. And for business."
"At the tire shop?"
"No, I deal on the side."
"Deal… cars?"
He laughs, "No, uh, other stuff."
Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline and scold him,
"Eddie! Don't tell someone you met at the courthouse that you're a drug dealer!"
"Aw, I'm not Mr. Munson anymore? I liked when you called me that." You roll your eyes as he pulls up to your home. You're disappointed the drive was so short.
"I'm mostly just sad that I had to give Ozzy back to those dickheads. He belongs on stage with the real Ozzy, y'know?"
Your heart hurts at his personification of the inflatable man. You place your hand on his arm and say,
"Maybe they sent him to a farm where he can dance to Black Sabbath all day with others just like him."
He looks at your hand and bites his lip as he smiles.
"That's the dream. What, uh, what do you have going on the rest of the day?"
"Well, they sent me home early so I have no plans. I'm all free."
"Yeah? I'm kind of a free man too, in a way. Avoided some serious prison time today."
"Yeah? What are you gonna do with your newly found freedom, Mr. Munson?"
He looks at you for a moment before leaning in to kiss you. It's soft at first, your lips are barely touching as warm breath fans over you. He holds the back of your head with one hand and rubs your thigh with the other as he deepens the kiss. You give a tentative swipe at his lips with your tongue. He opens his mouth and repeats the action to you. You have your hands pressed against his chest as you lick into each other's mouths.
You pull back and invite him to come inside, he smiles a big toothy grin before jumping out of the van and sprinting (and sliding) to the passenger side to open your door. You giggle at him, he holds your waist as you walk up to your front door. You hesitate before opening it, realizing you should make sure he isn't some notorious drug kingpin.
"What do you deal?"
"Just weed. Sometimes other stuff but it's usually just weed."
"Other stuff? Like what?" Once the door is unlocked take off your shoes and he follows suit.
"Well, it's rare that anyone wants it, but every once in a while I sell ketamine."
"The horse tranquilizer?"
"What's a girl like you know about special k?" He asks.
You chuckle, "A girl like me spent 60 hours last week transcribing in drug court. Probably recording some of your clients, now that I think about it."
You lead him to your bedroom. Once you're inside, he slips off your coat and cardigan, then begins unbuttoning your shirt.
"Well with customer confidentiality I couldn't possibly say." He removes your shirt once it's unbuttoned and leans down to plant kisses along your breasts. You moan and tug at the many layers covering his torso, he takes the hint and removes them.
"Of course. You're a professional, after all." You kiss his neck and trace the tattoos that decorate his chest with your fingers.
"But, the next time one of my customers gets picked up, I may have to show up to their arraignment if it means I get to see you again."
You laugh and lay back on your bed before replying, "You think that would be good for their case? Their dealer showing up with a stolen air dancer?"
He climbs on top of you, a couple of loose curls hang by your face as he leans in.
"Who knows? I may just woo you into accidentally writing the transcript as not guilty."
You roll your eyes and kiss him.
He runs his hand up your stocking-covered leg. Once he reaches the top of your thigh where the fabric ends, he lets out a groan.
"Fuck, these don't go all the way up? You're killing me here. Let's get this skirt out of the way so I can get a better look."
He unzips your skirt and rolls it down your legs. Once it reaches your ankles, he stops and rests his head against your calf.
"Honey, you are something else." He kisses his way along your leg. He looks into your eyes as he lightly bites the fabric of your stockings and pulls. Your thighs go to close on instinct but he pulls them apart.
"Y-you tear those and you're buying me another pair."
"That's fine. Got a deal set up later today with Arod for some Ket."
"Arod? Legolas' horse in Lord of the Rings? He- y'know nevermind. It's not important right now. I'll tell you after."
You laugh at him and he returns his focus to kissing up your thigh. He lays smooches and licks in the area where your mound and thigh meet.
Your hips buck, he holds them down and says, "Woah, down girl."
"You're ridicu-"
He cuts you off by pressing his mouth to your clothed pussy.
You gasp and hold onto his hair.
He pulls back to slide off your panties and says, "Keep talking, sweetheart. Tell me how ridiculous I am while I lick you out." your face heats up as he uses his pointer and middle finger to spread your lips, inspecting you.
"Fuck. Isn't she pretty?"
He spits directly on your clit which makes you squirm. He licks a flat stripe up your folds before eagerly lapping at your clit. It sends little shocks through your whole body. His big hands keep your thighs spread as he devours you.
The slick, wet sounds combined with both of your moans is, quite frankly, obscene.
He moves down to your entrance and gives it a few licks before shoving his tongue in as far as it will go. You gasp and shudder as he presses in and out, fucking you with his tongue. He switches from keeping your thighs spread to squeezing them against his head. You're a bit worried about hurting him, but he's having the time of his life.
The vibration from the little pleasured noises he is making, the feeling of his tongue inside you, and his nose nudging against your clit has you nearly sobbing.
You feel his eyes bore into you and when you finally give in and look down at him, he's a mess. Red cheeks, ruffled hair, and a twinkle in his eyes as he watches you come undone.
He shakes his head back and forth desperately for a moment before moving up to focus on your clit. Having his pretty pink lips eagerly suck at your oversensitive clit is almost painful. As you feel the pressure in your belly build, you tug on his hair and whisper that you're close. He continues sucking, working for your orgasm like it's a prize to be won.
When your release hits, you're seeing stars. He doesn't stop sucking and lapping until you push him away, twitching and teary-eyed. He moves up your body and kisses you. He's more gentle with your mouth than he was with your cunt and the taste of him mixed with your own slick is mouthwatering.
You reach down and fumble with his belt. You tug down his pants and boxers just enough for his cock to spring out. It's a bit longer than average and thick with a reddened, leaky tip. You stroke it softly as he kisses your neck.
"Gotta be inside of you, honey. Please?" He practically whimpers.
"Mhmm, put in me."
You feel him smile against you before saying,
"Yes ma'am. Here, let me help." Reaching down, he covers your hand that's holding his cock with his own and guides your hands up and down your folds before prodding at your entrance.
He enters you slowly, inch by inch, until he's buried all the way in.
"Jesus Christ, I'm not gonna last long. She's squeezin' me so tight. I nearly creamed my pants from eating you out."
"It's okay, Eddie. Take your time."
He holds still for a moment before grinding into you. You moan and hold onto his shoulders. Once he has control over himself, he finds a rhythm. The patch of curly hair surrounding his cock tickles your clit with every thrust. He reaches down to grip your thighs as he fucks you. He lasts for a few moments before pulling back to look at you with a pained expression on his face.
"You okay?"
"Fuck, I'm so close. Where c-can I cum?"
"Wh-where do you want to cum?"
"Your thighs, fuck. Want to cum on your thighs so bad."
"Please, paint my stockings, Mr. Munson."
Your words send him over the edge, he curses and pulls out, covering your stocking and skin with his release. He lays down beside you and pulls you to his chest. You listen to his heartbeat while he takes a moment to catch his breath. Once he does, he says,
"So, as I was saying, Arod is Legolas' horse and-"
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tawus · 5 months
Do The Right Thing (1989) On the hottest day of the year on a street in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, everyone's hate and bigotry smolders and builds until it explodes into violence.
Goodbye Solo (2008) This film is touching and humorous. It is the story of an unlikely friendship between a struggling but happy cab driver from Senegal, and a tormented southern man with secrets.
Lincoln (2012) As the Civil War continues to rage, President struggles with continued fighting on the battlefield during the civil war but he also fights with many inside his own cabinet with his decision to emancipate the slaves.
Malcom X (1992) Biographical epic of the controversial and influential Black Nationalist leader, from his early life and career as a small-time gangster to his ministry as a member of the Nation of Islam.
Straight Outta Compton (2015) The group NWA emerges from the mean streets of Compton in Los Angeles, California, in the mid-1980s and revolutionizes Hip Hop culture with their music and tales about life in the hood.
The Color of Friendship (2000) Mahree Bok is a white South African teenager and a product of the Apartheid system raised to view dark-skinned people as second-class citizens. Piper Dellums is the daughter of an African-American U.S. Congressman living in Washington D.C. When Mahree is chosen to spend her time as an exchange student at the Dellums's house, she is shocked on her arrival to discover that the Dellums are black, and the Dellums are just as surprised when they realize that Mahree is a white South African.
The Color Purple (1985) Based on Alice Walker's Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Color Purple is a richly-textured, powerful film set in America's rural south. It is a brilliant drama about a black woman's struggles to take control of her life in a small Southern town in the early 20th century.
The Help (2011) This academy award winning movie takes place during the civil rights movements of the 1960’s, when an aspiring writer decides to write a book about the African-American maids' point of view on the white families they work for and the hardships they experience on a daily basis.
Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) A senior chef lives with his three grown daughters; the middle one finds her future plans affected by unexpected events and the life changes of the other household members.
Holly (2006) In Cambodia, Holly, a 12-year-old Vietnamese girl, encounters Patrick, an American stolen artifacts dealer. The story follows their strong connection and her unrelenting efforts to escape her fate.
Last Train Home (2009) A couple embarks on a journey home for Chinese new year along with 130 million other migrant workers, to reunite with their children and struggle for a future. Their unseen story plays out as China soars towards being a world superpower.
Lost in Paradise (2011) Khoi, naive twenty-year-old travels to Ho Chi Minh City from the countryside to begin a new life. It's his first time in the big city and he's looking for a place to live.
Raise the Red Lantern (1991) A young woman becomes the fourth wife of a wealthy lord and must learn to live with the strict rules and tensions within the household.
Sentenced Home (2007) This documentary follows three Cambodian-American men, brought to the U.S. as children by their refugee families. They were raised in the grim public housing of Seattle, among gangs and other realities of that life. Bad choices as teens altered their lives forever, when immigration laws after 9/11 provided no second changes for such children. Though they were raised in the U.S., speak to one another in English, even think in English, each is sentenced to return to Cambodia - separated from family here, possibly forever.
The Joy Luck Club (1993) The story of four Chinese women who immigrated to the U.S. and their first-generation daughters. When one of the women dies, her daughter plays Mahjong with the older women and begins to really learn what her mother endured in China and of her sisters who were left behind. Daughter from Danang (2002) Separated at the end of the Vietnam war, an "Americanized" woman and her Vietnamese mother are reunited after 22 years.
The Last Emperor (1987) The story of the final Emperor of China.
The Quiet American (2002) An older British reporter vies with a young U.S. doctor for the affections of a beautiful Vietnamese woman.
The Vertical Ray of the Sun (2000) The plot centres around three sisters, two of whom are happily married (or so it appears).
Three Seasons (1999) An American in Ho Chi Minh City looks for a daughter he fathered during the war. He meets Woody, a child who's a street vendor, and when Woody's case of wares disappears, he thinks the soldier took it. Woody hunts for him.
South Asian/Indian
Bhaji on the Beach (1998) Hashida, an 18-year old Asian woman, lives with her family in Birmingham. Her father wants her to become a doctor and next month her medical school is going to start. Secretly, she has a black boyfriend – which is an absolute faux pas in some Asian cultures – and has now discovered that she is pregnant. She joins a small South Asian women's group on a trip to Blackpool, a trip that holds life-changing experiences for all.
Bend It Like Beckham (2002) Teen-aged Londoner Jesminder Bhamra chases her dream of being a professional soccer player while dealing with the objections of her traditional Sikh family.
Gandhi (1982) A biography of Mohandas K. Gandhi, the lawyer who became the famed leader of the Indian revolts against the British rule through his philosophy of non-violent protest.
Slum Dog Millionaire (2008) A teen in Mumbai, India who grew up in the slums, becomes a contestant on the Indian version of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" When he is suspected of cheating, he is arrested. During his police interrogation, events from his life history are shown which explain why he knows the answers.
The Namesake (2006) A tale of a first-generation son of traditional, Indian immigrant parents. As he tries to make a place for himself, not always able to straddle two worlds gracefully, he is surprised by what he learns about his family and himself.
Disease/Mental Illness/Disability
My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown (1989) Christy Brown, born with cerebral palsy, learns to paint and write with his only controllable limb - his left foot.
The Theory of Everything (2014) A look at the relationship between the famous physicist Stephen Hawking and his wife.
Ray (2004) The story of the life and career of the legendary rhythm and blues musician Ray Charles, from his humble beginnings in the South, where he went blind at age seven, to his meteoric rise to stardom during the 1950s and 1960s.
Silver Linings Playbook (2012) After a stint in a mental institution, former teacher Pat Solitano moves back in with his parents and tries to reconcile with his ex-wife. Things get more challenging when Pat meets Tiffany, a mysterious girl with problems of her own.
Still Alice (2014) A linguistics professor and her family find their bonds tested when she is diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease.
A Single Man (2009) The story of an English professor, who one year after the sudden death of his boyfriend, is unable to cope with his typical days in 1960s Los Angeles. It is a powerful story of his grief and pain for the loss of someone he truly deeply loved.
Boys Don’t Cry(1999) This film is about the true life story of Brandon Teena, a young woman who is going through a sexual identity crisis. She cuts her hair and dresses like a man to see if she can pass as one. She lived life in a male identity until it was discovered he was born biologically female.
Brokeback Mountain (2005) This film tells the story of a forbidden and secretive relationship between two same-sex cowboys and their lives over the years.
Milk (2008) This film tells the story of American gay activist, Harvey Milk, and his struggles as he fights for gay rights and becomes California's first openly gay elected official.
Philadelphia (1993) In this movie, a lawyer, working for a conservative law firm, is diagnosed with AIDS. His employer fires him because of his condition. He tries to find someone to take his case but all refuse except one willing small time lawyer who advocates for a wrongful dismissal suit in spite of his own fears and homophobia.
The Danish Girl (2015) A fictitious love story loosely inspired by the lives of Danish artists Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener. Lili and Gerda's marriage and work evolve as they navigate Lili's groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer.
Transamerica (2005) A pre-operative male-to-female transgender takes an unexpected journey when she learns that she fathered a son, now a teenage runaway hustling on the streets of New York.
A Day Without a Mexican (2004) One-third of the population of California is Latinos, Hispanics, Mexicans. How would it change life for the state's other residents if this portion of the populous suddenly vanished? The film is a "mockumentary" designed to show the valuable contributions made every day by Latinos.
Babel (2006) Tragedy strikes a married couple on vacation in the Moroccan desert, touching off an interlocking story involving four different families.
El Norte (1983) The Guatemalan army discovers Mayan Indian peasants who have begun to organize, hoping to rise above their label of "brazos fuertes" or "strong arms" (manual laborers). The army massacres their families and destroys their village to give the new recruits no choice but to follow and obey. However, two teenage siblings survive and are determined to escape to the U.S. or El Norte. They make their way to L.A. - uneducated, illegal immigrants, alone.
Mi Familia (My Family) (1995) This epic film traces over three generations an immigrant family's trials, tribulations, tragedies, and triumphs. Jose and Maria, the first generation, come to Los Angeles, meet, marry, face deportation all in the 1930s. They establish their family in East L.A., and their children Chucho, Paco, Memo, Irene, Toni, and Jimmy deal with youth culture and the L.A. police in the 1950s. As the second generation become adults in the 1960s, the focus shifts to Jimmy, his marriage to Isabel (a Salvadorian refugee), their son, and Jimmy's journey to becoming a responsible parent.
Sin Nombre (2009) A Honduran young girl and a Mexican gangster are united in a journey across the American border.
Under the Same Moon (2007) Heartwarming story about a mother who leaves Mexico to make a home for herself and her son (Adrian Alonso). When the boy's grandmother dies, leaving him alone, he sets off on his own to find his mother.
Crossing Arizona (2006) With Americans on all sides of the issue up in arms and Congress in a policy battle over how to move forward, Crossing Arizona tells the story of how we got to where we are today. Heightened security in California and Texas has pushed illegal border-crossers into the Arizona desert in unprecedented numbers (estimated 4,500 a day). Most are Mexican men in search of work, but increasingly the border-crossers are women and children wanting to join their husbands and fathers. This influx of migrants crossing through Arizona and the attendant rising death toll has elicited complicated feelings about human rights, culture, class, labor, and national security.
Dancer in the Dark (2000) An east European girl goes to America with her young son, expecting it to be like a Hollywood film.
El Norte (1983) The Guatemalan army discovers Mayan Indian peasants who have begun to organize, hoping to rise above their label of "brazos fuertes" or "strong arms" (manual laborers). The army massacres their families and destroys their village to give the new recruits no choice but to follow and obey. However, two teenage siblings survive and are determined to escape to the U.S. or El Norte. They make their way to L.A. - uneducated, illegal immigrants, alone.
In America (2002) A family of Irish immigrants adjusts to life on the mean streets of Hell's Kitchen while also grieving the death of a child.
The Terminal (2004) When an Eastern European immigrant comes to American to fulfill a promise to his father he finds himself stranded inside JFK airport, making it his temporary residence when he cannot enter the USA nor return home.
The Visitor (2007) A lonely economics professor in Connecticut life is changed forever - and for the better - when he finds a couple of illegals, who happen to be living in his New York apartment.
Green Card (1990) A French man wanting to stay in the US enters into a “short-term” marriage to an American woman so he can get his green card. Complications result when he gets caught lying.
Avatar (2009) A paraplegic marine dispatched to the moon Pandora on a unique mission becomes torn between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his home.
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (2007) A chronicle of how American Indians were displaced as the U.S. expanded west. Based on the book by Dee Brown.
Once Were Warriors (1994) A family descended from Maori warriors is bedeviled by a violent father and the societal problems of being treated as outcasts.
Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002) In 1931 Australia, government policy includes taking half-caste children from their Aboriginal mothers and sending them a thousand miles away "to save them from themselves." Molly, Daisy, and Grace (two sisters and a cousin who are 14, 10, and 8) arrive at their “school” and promptly escape, under Molly's lead. For days they walk north, following a fence that keeps rabbits from settlements, eluding a native tracker and the regional constabulary. Their pursuers take orders from the government's "chief protector of Aborigines," A.O. Neville, blinded by Anglo-Christian certainty, evolutionary worldview and conventional wisdom.
Smoke Signals (1998) Young Indian man Thomas is a nerd in his reservation, wearing oversize glasses and telling everyone stories no-one wants to hear. His parents died in a fire in 1976, and Thomas was saved by Arnold. Arnold soon left his family (and his tough son Victor), and Victor hasn't seen his father for 10 years. When Victor hears Arnold has died, Thomas offers him funding for the trip to get Arnold's remains, but only if Thomas will also go with him. Thomas and Victor hit the road.
The Spirit of Crazy Horse (1990) One hundred years after the massacre at Wounded Knee, Milo Yellow Hair recounts the story of his people-from the lost battles for their land against the invading whites-to the bitter internal divisions and radicalization of the 1970's-to the present-day revival of Sioux cultural pride, which has become a unifying force as the Sioux try to define themselves and their future.
Whale Rider (2002) On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their History dates back a thousand years to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. Whangara chiefs have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand culture, believes she is destined to be the new chief. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. Pai must fight a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny.
Middle Eastern
Baran (2001) In a building site in present-day Tehran, Lateef, a 17-year-old Turkish worker is irresistibly drawn to Rahmat, a young Afghan worker. The revelation of Rahmat's secret changes both their lives.
Incendies (2010) Twins journey to the Middle East to discover their family history, and fulfill their mother's last wishes.
Schindler's List (1993) In German-occupied Poland during World War II, Oskar Schindler gradually becomes concerned for his Jewish workforce after witnessing their persecution by the Nazi Germans.
The Band’s Visit (2007) A band comprised of members of the Egyptian police force head to Israel to play at the inaugural ceremony of an Arab arts center, only to find themselves lost in the wrong town.
Turtles Can Fly (2004) Near the Iraqi-Turkish border on the eve of an American invasion, refugee children like 13-year-old Kak (Ebrahim), gauge and await their fate.
Wadjda (2012) An enterprising Saudi girl signs on for her school's Koran recitation competition as a way to raise the remaining funds she needs in order to buy the green bicycle that has captured her interest.
Pacific Islander/Polynesian
Balangiga: The Howling Wilderness (2017) 1901, Balangiga. Eight-year-old Kulas flees town with his grandfather and their carabao to escape General Smith's Kill and Burn order. He finds a toddler amid a sea of corpses and together, the two boys struggle to survive the American occupation.
Moana (2016) In Ancient Polynesia, when a terrible curse incurred by the Demigod Maui reaches an impetuous Chieftain's daughter's island, she answers the Ocean's call to seek out the Demigod to set things right.
Once Were Warriors (1994) A family descended from Maori warriors is bedeviled by a violent father and the societal problems of being treated as outcasts.
Princess Kaiulani (2009) The story of a Hawaiian princess' attempts to maintain the independence of the island against the threat of American colonization.
Whale Rider (2002) On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their History dates back a thousand years to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. Whangara chiefs have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand culture, believes she is destined to be the new chief. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. Pai must fight a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny.
Āfsāīd = Offside (2006) Struggle of Women in a country that excludes them from entering the stadiums.
The Help (2011) This academy award winning movie takes place during the civil rights movements of the 1960’s when an aspiring writer decides to write a book about the African-American maids' point of view on the white families they work for and the hardships they experience on a daily basis.
Suffragette (2015) The foot soldiers of the early feminist movement, women who were forced underground to pursue a dangerous game of cat and mouse with an increasingly brutal State.
Water (2005) The film examines the plight of a group of widows forced into poverty at a temple in the holy city of Varanasi. It focuses on a relationship between one of the widows, who wants to escape the social restrictions imposed on widows, and a man who is from the highest caste and a follower of Mahatma Gandhi.
Whale Rider (2002) On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their History dates back a thousand years to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. Whangara chiefs have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand culture, believes she is destined to be the new chief. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. Pai must fight a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny.
Ooh amazing, thank you for this! ❤️
I've watched Slumdog Millionaire, Brokeback Mountain, and Schindler's List. And read a Penguin Classics abridged version of Rabbit-Proof Fence as part of my English learning back in my teenage years. Some of the others I'm familiar with tho have yet to watch; and others are completely new to me
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plnkdemon · 2 years
imagine the shit diavolo would try to pull after you start sharing human world movies with him….
i’m not even a diavolo simp but it’d be so sweet to see him go absolutely all out, putting the king’s fortune to good use to make you feel like you’re in a fairytale or a cheesy romcom that you grew up with.
you can’t even finish dirty dancing before he’s standing and pulling you to your feet, demanding that you leap so he can catch you in the air.
you watch cinderella and he’s sending barbatos to scour the three realms for a pair of glass slippers that perfectly fit your feet. he doesn’t care if you wear them — glass slippers can’t be very comfortable after all — but he just wants you to have them. to know that he’s more than willing and able to bring your dreams to life.
you watch beauty and the beast and he surprises you with the castle’s main library, gently guiding you inside because you’re so gobsmacked at the sheer quantity of books in this one room. (he waits to tell you that this is only one of many, fearful that you might faint at the thought.)
you watch aladdin and he mumbles a spell under his breath, causing the rug that you both were sprawled across to levitate. it makes the pillows that surrounded you both to tumble to the floor but it’s more than worth it to see the wonder in your eyes as you hold tightly onto his arm.
you watch titanic and he has the sense to not call his navy to reserve a ship for him to take you on, but that doesn’t stop him from taking you to the balconies on the top floors of his castle to look out on the realm that he presides over. it takes everything in him to not ask you to rule beside him when you throw your arms wide and throw your head back with a smile that rivals the beauty of all the gems in his treasury.
you watch roman holiday and barbatos will find him daydreaming when he’s supposed to be working. he can’t help but lose himself in an alternate reality where the two of you have switched places: you, a royal, and him, not a prince but just a normal man and still in love with you. (he doesn’t say it but he thinks there must not be a single world where he isn’t madly in love with you. his love feels so pure and true that it transcends the laws of reality.)
you watch breakfast at tiffany’s and he begs barbatos and lucifer to have a tiffany store opened in the devildom so he can buy you pastries and bring you to it, only to end up buying the store’s entire inventory for you.
you watch the notebook and have to stay the night to comfort him because the thought of your mortality frightens him so deeply. eventually he’s convinced that it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all because he would give anything feel you hands holding his face so gently, kissing away his tears and not being scared off by the intensity of his emotions. he’s been isolated his entire life and finally feeling something other than boredom — let alone something so all-encompassing and soul-crushing as love — is so overwhelming, but you don’t shame him for it.
you watch the princess bride and he knows he would do anything and everything to get you back if somehow you were stolen away from him. it doesn’t matter how many movies the two of you watch, he feels the overwhelming urge to reenact them all because he’s scared that at the end of your life, he’ll be left with too much love for you that it’ll drown him. diavolo couldn’t keep living if he knew that when you moved on, he had failed to show you the depths and unconditionality of his love, so he has to show you in every possible way, even if they aren’t his original ideas. but he doesn’t think you mind when you laugh and cradle his face in your hands so gently as though he were porcelain. your love is so beautiful to him — a mere demon — he might over-compensate sometimes in his grand gestures but you always take the chance to assure him that the message is received, and reciprocated.
bonus: he cries the first times you use little human phrases like “i love you to the moon and back,” “i’m head over heels for you,” and “i get butterflies in my stomach whenever we’re together.” he doesn’t get them (at all) but it’s so inexplicably wonderful nonetheless.
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Hi! This is a fic rec of my favorite fics that take place in a small town. These fics are organized by word count from longest to shortest. You can view my other fic recs here. Enjoy!
Given A Chance by fabby / @fabby1d (173k)
Five years after One Direction took their last tour, the last thing Louis Tomlinson ever expected to happen while on a tea run at the local Piggly Wiggly was to run into his ex-boyfriend and ex-bandmate Harry Styles.
The odds of them ever running into each other again had to be super slim, right?
What happens when you mix ex-boyfriends with a large serving of Small Town America? Will Louis and Harry be able to set aside their differences, or will Louis be able to stay breezy as fuck in the wake of Harry’s arrival?
(or, the one where Louis and Harry run into each other five years after One Direction ends and learn how to love each other again. Featuring: Reggie as the overweight labrador, Niall as Louis’ last grip on reality, and Nowheresville, North Carolina as the setting for Louis’ worst nightmare to come true.)
Wild and Unruly by 100percentsassy, Gloria_Andrews / @100percentsassy, @gloriaandrews (123k)
Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
I'll Fly Away by juliusschmidt / @juliusschmidt (122k)
Harry and Louis grew up together in Lake County, Harry with his mom and stepdad in a tiny cottage on Edward’s Lake and Louis in his family’s farmhouse a few minutes down the road. But after high school, Louis stuck around and Harry did not; Harry went to Chicago where he found a boyfriend and couple of college degrees. Six years later, Harry ends up back in Edwardsville for the summer and he and Louis fall into old patterns and discover new ones.
ft. One Direction, the local boyband; Horan’s Bar and Grill; families, most especially children and babies; Officer Liam Payne; many local festivals and fireworks displays; and Anne Cox, PFLAG President.
Halfway Home by itsmotivatingcara / @itsmotivatingcara (103k)
Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson were improbable childhood friends, much to Harry’s dismay. They were thrown together each summer when Harry was forced to visit Louis’ grandfathers’ ranch in Black Hills, South Dakota. With each passing year their friendship blossomed into something more. When trail rides turned to stolen kisses, and tragedies turned to confessions, until they could no longer deny the inevitable draw they felt for one another.
Though life and their future plans soon set them on different paths.
Ten years later, Louis is the proud owner of Halfway Home Wildlife Refuge. Harry returns to the ranch to escape the perils of his past in London, and though their memories still haunt Louis, he won’t let that deter him from his goals. However, someone has been keeping a close eye on the refuge, and possibly Louis specifically, and Harry’s return may have unleashed more that just old passions. There’s a hunter lurking in the Hills, someone who’s decided they’ve bided their time long enough.
Apple Pie Baked Just Right by 28goldensfics / @28goldens (92k)
“You’re sweet, thank you.” Harry was speaking so quiet it was almost eerie, but his fingers squeezed against Louis’ hand again. “I already feel like I can pretty much be myself with you. I’m glad you moved here, I’ve needed a friend. I hope you keep getting that breath of fresh air you need here.”
 Louis’ heart felt like it could pound out of his chest and onto the floor in front of them.
 “I’m starting to think I will.”
Louis has to get away. The news of his father’s terminal diagnosis, the loss of his job, and the breakup with his girlfriend leads Louis to leave for a life of slower things in the small town of Cedar Hills.
His new neighbor is the Cox Family Apple Farm. Harry Styles, the oldest child of the Cox Family, might just teach him how to live life a little simpler, bake an apple pie, and breathe.
Here In The Afterglow by fondleeds / @fondleeds (88k)
“If you hadn’t noticed, I don’t have many friends,” Louis whispers, the blossom of insecurity in his stomach unfurling and clawing its way into his throat.
Harry is silent for a long time, and then he speaks; a soft, slow uncurl that makes Louis’ stomach shake. “I’ll be your friend.”
1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
(Take Me Home) Country Roads by Awriterwrites (86k)
“Sir, I can help you. Just let me — “ He tried moving closer but the eldest child blocked his way. He backed off, putting his hands out in a passive gesture. “I’m a physician. I can help,” he tried again.
The man shook his head vehemently, passing the cup back to his grandchild. “Tol’ ya. Don’t need ya.” All of the fire had gone out of his voice, leaving behind a frail, sick old man with barely any breath to talk.
“I have medicines...I could make you comfortable…” Louis’ voice was still small, but pleading.
“Mountain Mama cares for wha’s ailin’ me. Don’t need no fancy city doctors.”
Louis blinked at the man, still shaking from the coughing spell. Mountain — well, fuck. That backwoods, uneducated scam artist…
“Of course he is,” Louis said curtly. ***** OR a Northern Exposure AU featuring Louis as the big city doctor, Harry as a natural healer, Niall as a secretive barkeep, Liam and Zayn head over heels for each other but they don't know it and a lot of hurt, comfort and moonshine in between.
So Keep My Candle Bright by whisperdlullaby (78k)
Louis returns to his hometown after four years to find that the reverend’s son has done some growing up of his own.
That's What I'm Here For by taggiecb / @taggiecb (46k)
Louis Tomlinson is a dairy farmer on a tiny farm in eastern Canada. His wife of nearly thirty years has left him and his children are all grown up and out of the house. Louis needs help running his business but has no idea where to even start looking. Luckily for him his children know just the man for the job.
Home Calls the Heart by itsmotivatingcara / @itsmotivatingcara (44k)
A series of unfortunate events lands Louis Tomlinson in the heart of Texas. After running from his life in London and a performative marriage, he leaves a scandal in his wake. Home calls the heart, as his Nana always said. Though her words couldn’t be truer when he decides to take up her offer to watch over Hyacinth ranch while she travels abroad.
He figured the worst he’d have to deal with would be the meddlesome goats, some repairs and an errant spirit or two. That is, until the gorgeous Cowboy next door makes his presence known.
A romcom au.
The Best Kind of Bad by wildestdreams / @thelavendrhaze (40k)
Nobody really understood Harry and Louis. Not even Louis. But for Louis, the world began and ended with Harry, and there were certain things he just wasn’t capable of explaining.
or Louis is the town troublemaker and everyone hates him except for Harry.
Our Little Corner of the World by brownheadedstranger (29k)
AU. Louis is stuck in his mom's diner for the summer. Harry is the line cook with a pickup truck.
Not That Gone Series by abrighteryellow / @a-brighter-yellow
Hello My Name is Harry (2k) Louis’s 20-year high school reunion takes a turn when a celebrity classmate – who also happens to be Louis’s long unrequited crush – unexpectedly shows up. A famous/not-famous AU inspired by Chris Evans.
Not That Gone (60k)
Around four in the afternoon on day two, Harry was dropping kisses on Louis’ chest and heading downwards when he abruptly stopped. “I can move back here,” he said, propping himself up on the mattress with his hands. Louis’ eyes popped open and he looked up at him, totally lost. “What?” “For a while,” Harry continued, the idea taking hold. “Hang out with my mom. Work on my script. Be with you.” Louis had already resigned himself to the fact that this weekend was a crack in the space-time continuum that would soon close, sending him and Harry back to their respective, very different lives. It would be a memory that would keep him warm when he was an old, old man – that time one of People’s 50 Most Beautiful had kept him on his hands and knees for two days straight. He wasn’t so stupid as to hope for more. “You’re crazy,” Louis scoffed. Harry’s eyes shone. “Am I?” A few weeks after Louis and Harry, *ahem*, reconnect at their high school reunion, Harry temporarily moves back home. Louis isn’t sure he has the emotional fortitude for a prolonged fling with the man of the dreams. For Ten Minutes Straight (1k) Louis has a ritual for when Harry’s away – and a good reason for keeping it private.
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starlight-brainrot · 10 months
FFXIV - Academic Rival AU (x reader)
Characters: Aymeric, Alphinaud, Urianger, G'raha Tia, Y'shtola
Tags: fluff, high school AU, academic rival AU, gn reader, miscommunication (g'raha's)
Warnings: since it's a high school AU, it's assumed that wol/reader is the same age as Alphinaud.
Word Count: 1336
Mr. class president
Chess club leader as well?
You, meanwhile, are the captain of various sports teams
As well as boasting a more than stellar gpa
It ends up being a competition of who will have the better college application - him, or you?
Whenever the two of you meet, it feels as though sparks are flying
The two of you will share pleasantries, but make no mistake - the tension is thick.
For every competition he wins, you make sure to win a couple more. For every academic ribbon you earn, he’s right there behind you.
Haurchefant and Thancred secretly have an ongoing bet to see when the two of you will finally get together.
And as time goes on, more and more of your friends join in on this bet
It seems that the feelings between the two of you are obvious to everyone… but you.
Every stolen glance, every blush, every rant about the other - it was maddening to have to watch two idiots clearly in love avoid their feelings over an inconsequential rivalry.
It’s only after the two of you graduate and receive acceptance letters into the same college, both with full ride scholarships, that Aymeric nervously asks you out.
“I know that we were at odds in high school… but seeing as we’re both here and our rivalry has ended in a tie…”
“Would you like to grab coffee with me?”
Congrats to Alisaie, who won $20 from everyone in your friend group.
The two of you are fellow debate team members
…however, the two of you are constantly trying to one up each other.
Who will capture the attention of the audience?
Who will have a more airtight argument?
You were known for your iron logic. It was tough, if at all possible for others to oppose your arguments
Alphinaud was meanwhile known for capturing the hearts of his audience
Surely a formidable duo, if only the two of you could get along…
As the semester drags on, the big competition for your debate team inched nearer and nearer
With all your mock debates with Alphinaud, you felt like you had done all that you could for tomorrow’s event
But it felt like something was missing…
It was Alphinaud who approached you, wanting to go over strategies
Begrudgingly, the two of you recognized that the other could provide helpful tips
Alisaie gives her brother a knowing look as the two of you settle in with your laptops and coffee. He avoids her look with red cheeks.
He feels sick the morning of the competition. He’s so nervous!
But when he hears you say that he better not lose to anyone but you, he feels some semblance of peace, followed by determination for the day ahead of him.
To no one’s surprise, the two of you crush your competition, leaving your opponents floundering for words as you leave them behind in the dust
No, the real surprise is how loudly the two of you cheer for each other upon victory - how proud you are for Alphinaud and how proud he is of you.
You’re unsure of when or how the two of you started competing to see who could read more books in the library.
Perhaps it was that the two of you saw each other there everyday
Or the fact that Moenbryda and Y’shtola seem to constantly egg the two of you on
Little did the two of you know, the roegadyn and miqote were trying to get the two of you together, as they had been trying to do for the past four years.
Maybe this will be the year…
Urianger found himself exploring sections of the library he wouldn’t usually frequent in hopes of being in your presence just a little longer.
His puppy love felt silly to him, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop, especially if you kept looking at him with that soft smile of yours
If given the chance, he’d make a whole new library for you filled with poems and flower words detailing his feelings for you.
If someone were to find one of your names in a library book’s checkout card, it was near guaranteed that the other’s name would be just under it.
Your name became synonymous with his, and vice versa
But a competition that was never meant to be one in the first place will fall apart, have its lines blurred and crossed.
Moenbryda and Y’shtola receive their answer one day when they approach your usual reading spot, only to find the two of you lounging together in one of the library’s bean bags, books long forgotten in favor of sleep wrapped in each other’s embrace.
G’raha Tia
Could the two of you really call it a rivalry?
As far as anyone could see, the two of you just had a string of unusual coincidences.
The exact same schedule, lunch spots near each other, both being on the Tennis team - you saw him every hour of every school day.
So then, was it coincidence that his heart eventually began beating faster when you were around?
G’raha felt like he was going to explode, constantly in your presence
So, like any healthy and sane person does, he begins to (try to) avoid you.
Unfortunately for him, it’s almost impossible to avoid someone who shares your whole schedule
Oh, and you definitely noticed what he was doing.
Had you done something to offend the miqote?
Slowly, your friendship morphed into avoiding the other, both of you running from your feelings
When I say that everyone is tired of the two of you making puppy eyes at each other when you think no one is looking
It’s the twins who eventually get fed up and decide to act on it, forcing the two of you to put the tennis equipment away together, just to get the two of you to talk.
The silence is deafening as the two of you awkwardly clean up
It’s when the two of you brush fingertips and he recoils like he’d been burned that you snap.
“Am I really that disgusting to you?” You question, frowning.
Upon recognition of what he’s done, G’raha scrambles for an explanation, but eventually sighs and gives in, telling you the truth, he’d always had a crush on you, and hoped it’d fade away with time.
News flash, his feelings only got worse
He sincerely apologizes, not expecting any reciprocation or forgiveness
And is shocked when you give a relieved giggle.
“I’ve always liked you too, idiot.”
Y’shtola was going to destroy you.
Well, perhaps that’s a bit too strong.
There was an internship available for fresh graduates under a well known researcher, and both you and Y’shtola were competing for a recommendation for said internship
Anyone who witnessed the two of you would admit that it’s a bit scary to watch the two of you interact.
As they say, an immovable object met an unstoppable force.
Even your teacher is a bit intimidated by whatever’s going on between the two of you, but given that they’re receiving help from the two of you, they’ll keep quiet about the fact that they can give you both the recommendation.
Though the two of you were at odds, it didn’t stop you both from completing your work together swiftly and without complaint.
You couldn’t help but feel as though Y’shtola enjoyed riling you up - but even as you tried to resist the temptation to reply to her, you failed every time
Luckily for Y’shtola, out of everyone she could have this silly competitive streak with, it was you. Oh, how cute you look when you’re upset, lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed.
Upon the realization that both of you got the recommendation, an eerie silence entered the room.
All that competition for nothing?
How embarrassing.
And if anyone noticed the two of you walking to a coffee shop, hands entwined after this whole mess?
They’re better off not mentioning it.
a/n - I apologize if I wrote anyone ooc hehe... I'm not used to writing for many characters so I just took em and ran (shrug)
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I suppose we should start with why this strike is happening in the first place.
Here's a rundown of the historical background behind the Global Strike for Palestine.
(note: this is long but very oversimplified, please research the details for yourself! feel free to correct me)
By the way, the details before 1947 aren't relevant to this thread, please read the writeup by Decolonize Palestine about it!
In 1947, the UN split "Mandatory" Palestine into two states along ethnic lines - one controlled by Arab people and one controlled by Jewish people. The choice was controversial, since the border was forced upon Arabs in Palestine.
It brought in a political idea called Zionism. It's the belief that the home of Jewish people is Palestine - not IN Palestine, it IS Palestine. Problem is that Jews and Arabs were already living there together. Zionists believed that they were entitled to it, and so kicked Arab people out. In 1948, Zionists kicked 750k people out of their homes and killed thousands in an event called the "Nakba". They weren't allowed to come back to Palestine.
This process created "Israel", which slowly controlled more of Palestine over several decades, with no plans of stopping. They controlled Palestinian people's food and water, information, travel, job opportunities, etc.
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This ideology of Zionism was fed into the US too. Every President since the 40s has recognized Israel, and because of geopolitical interest, has supported it as a key player in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). The US gave it weapons and money, and they became besties.
Palestinians tried to resist their homes being stolen again multiple times, with protests ranging from diplomatic to very violent. They tried it all. Military and political organizations (like Hamas) formed to govern Palestine and fight (or make peace, if possible) with Israel. They failed every time, due to the weapons and intel Israel gets from the US, and the trust that it bargained from the rest of the world. All while Palestine had to make do living in an "open-air prison" inside their own country, invaded by Israel.
A lot of unhappiness with Israel and ineffective attacks culminated on October 7, 2023, when Hamas attacked a temporarily defenseless border and killed 1139 Israelis and keeping over 200 Israelis and foreigners hostage. Israel was VERY quick to respond.
Two disclaimers:
Israel already knew about the attack months ahead and let it happen.
What follows is far worse.
Starting October 7, Israel launched a full invasion of Gaza (which Hamas governs) as "revenge" for the hostages and deaths. But in reality, this was just their excuse to invade what they left over of Palestine to build more colonies and finish what they started. In the following 3 months, Israel would bomb Gaza relentlessly. It would cut off power, fire at phone towers, turn off the Internet, prevent anyone from making or bringing in food, wound or kill innocent people, bomb schools and hospitals, and far far more.
Israel also pretended to care about the Israeli hostages - however, when asked at the UN if they'll stop bombing Gaza in exchange for the hostages, Israel and the US said no. (Yes, the US said that. The US is also funding this, with YOUR taxpayer money)
The Israeli Defense Forces (pejoratively "Israeli Offense Forces") originally raised a campaign to convince the world what it was doing was fair and just, in the name of revenge. Countless protests across the world have shown them that most of civilization doesn't buy it. They HAVE, however, realized that those in power don't really give a shit and will be happy to cover them in any way, and thus have been bragging about their attacks in very sick and twisted ways through viral videos and propaganda. The United States is mostly the one taking the blame, since it's Israel's bestie and biggest donor. Its biggest businesses are also Israel's biggest profits (I will talk about this another day). Meanwhile Palestinians have had to prove to the world through tragic footage and live accounts of the genocide, that doesn't get mainstream media coverage. Most of the accurate coverage is from Al Jazeera, whose reporters and their families are getting killed in action.
As I'm writing this, 25,000+ people have been killed by Israeli strikes. 64,000+ are wounded. Most of them children.
Most of the population has gotten sick from unhealthy conditions and white phosphorus gas (illegal, no one is supposed to own that).
There are no hospitals left in Gaza because Israel bombed all of them one-by-one, to ensure Palestinians in Gaza can't get medical help and die as soon as possible. All schools and universities were bombed to dust.
Israel has also expanded their war on Gaza to other places, like the other part of Palestine (West Bank), as well as Yemen, Lebanon and Egypt who had nothing to do with it aside from opposing Israel's attacks. They started fighting them too.
And that brings us to today, January 21st, 2024.
One of the most prominent figures in this tragedy, a filmmaker from Palestine named Bisan Owda, who has led us through her reporting of the genocide, called upon the world to strike. Not just for one day, but an entire week. The intent is to halt businesses from funding Israel, divert the conversation to Palestine, and grab the attention of those with the power to stop this; instill fear in them so that they see the negative consequences of funding a war.
That's why this strike matters. That is why it is happening, and why I changed the entire gimmick for it. Because while all of this is due to some geopolitical and racist bullshit, to care for Palestine here is to care for humans. So many humans who are suffering for no reason.
Now that you are armed with this knowledge (hopefully you read this far), I hope you do your best with it and understand the power. I will provide you with more resources and information in the coming days.
Thank you for your understanding.
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