#posessive erik
blue-creations28 · 20 days
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the cherik brainrot is real - [possessive erik is the best erik]
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ghostsprettymama · 2 years
"All the time in the world"
Warning: mommy/daddy kink,bondage,blindfolding,knifeplay,slight degrading,edging,mentionings of murder, gang violence, weed , guns. situationships. posessive sex. MDNI 18+
Pairing: gang member! Shuri x reader, childhood crush shuri x childhood crush reader! wlw, dom and sub. fuckbuddies.
Word count: 4,939 words 26,120 characters
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part one. part two
A/N: the chapters late due to some technical issues but i still hope you like it
(f/f) = favourite flower
(y/f/c) = your favourite color
xhosa translations -
Nkosazana - my girl.
umntwana wam - my baby
Le intombazana izoba kukufa kwam-This girl will be the death of me
Y/n Pov
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She woke up with an aching headache, luckily it was the weekend. She turned on the tv taking her braids out letting her natural hair breathe.
soon she got up to washing n blow drying her hair, her mind full of thoughts. She styled her hair, cleaned up her room going back to rest in her room.
Damn. These two days were a lot she thought to herself running over the things that happened in two days. Am I just forgiving shuri for doing dumb shit to me? Im just letting her walk over me at this fucking point. you sighed, getting on her for being a playgirl and tryna control her from fucking people when we aren't together, fuck do I look like acting pussy crazed? you made a face while watching your favorite tv show.
You sat there thinking, lost in your thoughts deciding to get your shit together. You can't be out here in ATL crawling on all fours for shuri. You got dressed in a presentable fit, putting jewelry on, fuck I forgot to brush my teeth. You sighed brushing your teeth and putting makeup over the hickeys.
you left your phone at home going next door to the Udaku household you knocked once and T’challa answered, there were people in the back. And your brother. “Shuri isn't here,” T’challa said closing the door but you stopped it with your hand. “Not here for her. thank you.” you said staring up at him “Erik is- “not for him either nigga damn. Where is your mother?” you said getting annoyed with him.
“She's out back but aren't you too dolled up to be in a garden,” T’challa said raising an eyebrow and trying to get smart with you” boy I don't have the time or energy to deal with you today, either you move or im climbing that bigass fence out back, “ you said being deadass serious, they never took you seriously till you got pissy with them.
“ ight ight chill ma damn,” said T’challa letting you in. You see a woman with locs, she smiled and waved at you, a skin-bald woman focusing on talking to a man who looked like he lived breathed, and worshiped the gym, he made eye contact with you and you shivered walking faster to the back.
You opened the door to the garden seeing Ramonda drinking tea, she was waiting for you. “What's wrong umntwana wam?”(my baby) when you got to her table you sighed sitting down.
“I'm just so lost ever since we left Georgia.” You said holding her hand “well I'm here to listen, tell me everything, whatever you don't tell me I know already, honesty is key.” Said Ramonda smiling softly but being dead serious, ever since you were little she knew everything that happened as if she had eyes everywhere and you didn't know.
You took a deep breath and Ramonda nodded. “Well ever since we were moving here so fast without me being told this I've been so stressed. Because the day after I didn't go to school, T’challa and Erik cut connections with each other at 14, and for 3 years we kept fucking moving from school to school and then we came here??” you sounded so fucking confused “ And I was so happy to see shuri, I even ignored how I felt when I was with her because she made me feel so happy and good, then when I spent the night we did something, and I couldn't even wake up next to her I woke up in my room, no note no nothing just a text telling me to dress pretty for her like I'm some fucking doll” you expressed your frustrations while Ramonda watered her plants. She was listening, no matter what she did, she told you to continue either way.
“Then she smacked my butt? Idk why she keeps doing that I never understood the shit. And when I yelped because it hurt Erik and T’ just acted weird telling me not to scream or they're gonna make sure someone stops breathing?? Like and they were reaching for something too ?? Were normal highschoolers I don't get why it's like this Maam” you said face planting onto the glass table. “umntwana wam, don't do that it'll bruise your pretty face.” she went behind you taking care of your hair while you spoke to her about what happened.
“ And in school, these girls approached me at Gym trying to tell me to avoid shuri cause she's a playgirl, they call me fat like being fat is a bad thing? Then proceed to flirt with shuri in front of me and I guess shuri was ‘lost in the moment “ you said doing air quotes causing Ramonda to make an mm-mm sound . “and said hurtful shit and I didn't know what to do so I did what I did at other schools when I'm overwhelmed, I went to the bathroom but then ran there when the girl's friends ran after me to just give me a panic attack by yelling things and banging on my door” you said huffing you felt Ramonda braiding your hair but she was gentle and made sure not to hurt you.
“And then the girl I met when I was going to class with Shuri OH NO ABOUT THAt. Her name is Riri, right? She was so nice to me for some reason and we clicked instantly” you smiled at the memory “she helped me hide the gifts.. Shuri left” you rolled your eyes and Ramonda smacked your head, you hissed in pain “ow!” you say “ if you keep rolling those eyes you're gonna roll them to outer space,” she said, “ continue.”
You continued “ then this weir- I mean odd white boy” Ramonda never liked the word weird, she doesn't find people weird she finds them misguided. “he kept staring at me, then the teacher Ms. Romanoff was digging for information out of me, I was so confused because normal teachers don't fucking do that?? And Riri and Shuri already were shaking their heads no, even though I didn't know how to respond. nothing interesting about my family they are just farmers and accountants" she sighed " and then peter, that's the white boy's name btw, he was saying I don't know shit I should, Riri and shuri told him to shut up and just told me to hurry up to gym" you said confused as hell " Peter is right you don't" she said nearly finished with your hair, she was so relaxed while listening, a bird even landed on her shoulder.
"and that led to what I said at the gym, but I ended up crying so hard I threw up, and then Riri offered to help me fix my makeup or make it better, and she did." you smiled again at the bonding moment," she said she was gonna 'air this bitch out ' if they don't leave me alone whatever that means," you said shrugging, the motion made the bird leave.
"then yk the three musketeers came in looking like riri killed someone even though ik she wouldn't, that's illegal and only bad people do it.” you said confidently from what your “mother,” told you.
“ then they overwhelmed me, especially Erik trying to question me when I was already WAYY too overstimulated,” you said rubbing your temples while Ramonda did your edges. “I went to the library to fall asleep, I only wanted to skip through lunch, but I skipped 2 whole periods.” you said in a confused manner not knowing you were that tired “ Dont do that again, skipping is harmful to your grades.” she interrupted, showing care for you.
“and then shuri for some reason even if she was mad laid her head on my lap, and we ended up doing that. And I forgave her for some reason... That's all Maam” She nodded sitting down but yelled for Nakia, the girl with braided hair came out “ Yes ma'am? “ she had a nice voice, and she was pretty too..” could you take this set inside? We're done with our tea” Ramonda asked not breaking eye contact with you.
“Of course Ma'am" she nodded taking it inside not batting an eye at you. "so before I get into it and be honest with you, I want to meditate with you to make sure you're calm," Ramonda said, getting up placing two mats in the grass. you got on your mat sitting down crisscross applesauce style, Ramonda doing the same.
She guided you throughout the meditation with deep breaths and clearing your mind, you closed your eyes Repeating the steps and doing what you were told.
T’challa pov.
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I don't know what the fuck her problem was when she came but I kept my cool.
I locked the door closing the blinds, everyone's phone was in a basket with their locations off.
“Who was that? “ M’baku said, with a smile on his face”nunya damn business nigga leave my sister alone” Erik Gave a stank face to M’baku, that dude always was a straight up weirdo to him.
“or what ??? You ain’t touching me" M'Baku said knowing it was the truth. Erik rubbed his temples " NIGGA SHEES GAAAY." Erik said tired of this beefy ass man. "oh" M'Baku said adjusting himself. Okoye bursted out laughing as Nakia chimed in laughing their asses off. "HAAA HE WAS GONNA TRY TO FUCK ON A GAY GIRL" Nakia laughed wheezing so hard she sounded like she was on life support.
When the two were done laughing like hyenas, the tv turned on as T'challa was presenting " So wbk gang and plug business that's how we thrive here." Everyone nodded some going like mhm, yea. " Recently our shipments have been going missing when in manhattan"T'challa had shown photos of 8 people A Man that look like he was freshly 50, with brown hair and a small beard, a long mustache, at the first incident with the touch passing through Greensboro, North Carolina. the truck driver was shot and the goods were taken.
then a woman that looked like Y/n's teacher, in a black jumpsuit, skintight. The truck was just barely through Charlottesville, she appeared in front of it causing it to crash off the course and blow up.
another one played, this one was familiar to Erik, it was the silhouette of his classmate peter parker. “T’ where these people from?” Erik looked at T’challa who looked at Nakia, she came back from outside putting the tea sets on the counter. “ They're from manhattan New York, working with Stark industries under stark directly” she turned on her computer and connected it to the tv, clicking on google docs.
“These docs are 67 pages in the counting of the information I collected on them including employee information. and ally information" Nakia said, her voice sounding like candy.
“Get to the point,” M’baku said, growing impatient with this talk, okoye rolled her eyes tired of this sassy ass man.
“I messaged you all your targets as the district leaders, you know what to do, quick, clean quiet” Nakia ended her presentation sitting back down as the lights came back on T’challa came back to the center.
“Do not by any means involve bystanders that aren't mentioned. “ T’challa said “ T’challa I don't get it, if the Kid was born into this why isn't she involved,” Okoye asked leaning against the wall and staring at the 6-foot man, Okoye definitely wasn't for this babying nonsense, she's grown, time to put her work in. “ shes soft, she’d fuck up,” Said T’challa deflecting her statement.
“Like Erik hasn't fucked up? He fucked up taking territory, and shipment deals ain't that why you petty ass niggas ain't friends no more because of that? But * she mocked T’challa babying y/n* ‘oh she's just a baby’” Okoye rolled her eyes to mars and back “if it's too much on her then that's that but you need to see her as a grown ass woman, not a child” Okoye said clearing T’challa
He looked at Nakia for help and she shrugged him off “she's right, shuri literally controls a district” Nakia seconds Okoyes point “but you do need to stop.” Nakia and Okoye sighed in unison “ But as you said don't involve bystanders right? Don't involve her in this” Nakia said, it was a threat to T’challa, and she didn't wanna see that kid in the business they were in.
Y/N pov
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When You and Ramonda finished our meditation she sat me down explaining everything.
“you had to move from your last home because Erik had messed up a deal, he accidentally left the backpack full of the goods he was selling, and you know how that goes.” Y/n looked at Ramonda, not believing her, this shit sounded like the stuff that’d be in the movies. “You moved because it was trouble and would threaten your life since you hung around the customer, and they knew where you lived” she said "Don't believe it? read "
she tossed the newspaper to me and y/n read it. she couldn't believe it all when she got done reading she looked at Ramonda. "Is this gonna affect how you see us and your family?" Ramonda looked at her, hoping the girl wouldn't have said the wrong answer. “No. I know you guys aren't bad. But I have a question” Y/n said causing Ramonda to raise her eyebrow “ have any of you killed anyone?” Y/n said and Ramonda nodded.
“Justified in our eyes, they killed our members so we killed theirs.” Ramonda sipped her drink “ you won't be involved due to your heart being soft, and your little entanglement with shuri.”Ramonda said, wanting to avoid problems and issues in her business "oh, and about shu- "don't put all your peas in the pod, and shuri is just misguided and confused as are you, find your path." Ramonda interrupted "Oh and go to the store with The kids and their friends yeah? Here's the list. Use the car too" Ramonda handed me the list, wow that's a lot to unpack.
when I went in the house shuri was in the kitchen, she smiled at me, I wasn't gonna ignore her, I smiled back at her" Cmon Ramonda said we need to go to the grocery store" everyone turned their heads to me as I said that, T'Challa came over to me grabbing for the list but I smacked his hand. “I'm not a baby, don't baby me. I can get the stuff too, I'm a grown-ass woman T’challa” you snapped, stored anger coming out “She told me to drive too so cmon” you said walking through the living room and heading outside, the crew near the couch and shrugged not caring who drives. Everyone had come out with masks n hats on, shuri too.
You saw how good she looked, biting your lips and looking her up and down, but you shook your head not giving in to the temptations of that woman, Okoye, M'baku, and nakia hopped in their cars. you used the keys to unlock the car hopping in, shuri hopping in next to You, the two boys that were left sitting in the back.
“Ma, can you not crash this car ? We need it “ shuri said to you joking “before we drive im saying this to all of you” they looked at y/n confused as hell. “ Dont baby me. The shit is weird and im grown Aight?im not little anymore, babying me makes me uncomfortable, so treat me seriously" you said starting up the car , you drived infront of the other three, them following behind.
"What makes you think we baby you Y/n?" Erik said geniunely not noticing. " you treat me like i cannot handle my own situations, do everything for me and not let me do anything, when i want space you invade it and comfort me like im a child throwing a tantrum. dont do that shit anymore, this includes you shuri" you said with a monotone voice finally setting boundaries.
Erik nodded looking at T'challa, he also nodded accepting what y/n said. Shuri nodded slowly kissing her teeth.
You loved the sight of her being pissed off, she doesn't like being called off on shit she did as a mistake. you parked in front of nakia got out of the car taking the keys.
you hummed getting a cart, "wait get inside it" shuri said to me, with a smile on her face. "hmm.. alright ill go with your idea." You said hopping and sitting in the cart.
Shuri, pushed the cart with me inside, T'challa had split the list up for us to split up and get the items so they weren't in this store for long.
First me and shuri went down the dairy isle, we picked some things out , mainly eggs, then she span me around fast causing me to grip the cart tight. she giggled looking at me " stop taking everything seriously, have a little fun"
shuri said playing with my braids "mmmh my mom did this?" she tugged on it causing me to smack her hand.
"yeah she did and I look pretty." you took her advice and improved, you felt so free now, Shuri would grab seeds tossing them in. "I'm still mad at you though," you said, shuri kept going saying mhm “ because every time I'm upset you comfort me and we end up fucking, like I enjoy us fucking but when I need space I expect you to give it, and ill do the same." you looked back at her and she gave a kiss on your lips.
"im sorry my Nkosazana, ill take note of that to make your experience with me better." she gently strokes your face causing you to melt. "mmh hate when you just do that" you crossed tour arms pretending you weremt affected, you werent gonna let her she the affect she has on you. "what its just a kiss? am i not allowed to do that now mami?" Shuri smirked putting more stuff in the cart.
"Ah my legs are asleep, i wanna get out." you got out the cart with Shuri's help, wobbeling abit since your legs were asleep for 5 minutes. Shuri cackled at how you wobbled getting some ideas for later.
"Not today satan!" you said walking away from her as you heard her say so damn loud the entire store good hear almost " damn i love to see you go but hate to see you leavee.." she said without any shame in the world.
you walked faster bumping into Riri at the store, shuri was behind you but Riri wasnt paying no mind to her.
"Oh thanks for redoing my makeup i needed that yesterday" You said smiling at riri. "oh no problem, youre the world to me so id do anything to stop a friend crying" Riri smiled.
You gave her a hug, Riri's head laying in between your breasts, when you finished the hug she raised an eyebrow. "god damn i almost got suffocated between them bitches." Riri laughed causing you to laugh so hard you hold your stomach " god damn Ri your laugh is fucking contageous " you Sighed feeling eyes on you, you turned to shuri and man she wasnt happy, you dont know how but you wanted her to feel like how you felt yesterday.
"byee riri, oh wait! "you put on red lipstick, dark from your bag. "stay still f'me " you crouched, Riri taking offense to it, looking you up and down but her eyes wandering to your breast, then her eyes moving to shuri whose eyes were burning through her skull watching Y/n kiss her forehead.
“Damn Y/n thats all the love i get? I see now you js dont love your new bestie then.” Riri said, she was smart enough to know what you were doing, you planted kisses all over her face before going back to shuri, at this point your lipstick was off.
"okokay im done now lets check out!" you said with a smile,Shuri remained silent,moving to checkout. The cashieer didnt look at Shuri neither did the bagger. you hummed helping them , you looked at shuri seeing her text someone, you shrugged going outside.
You used the keys to T'challas car to unlock the trunk safely putting all the goods inside, closing the trunk.
You took a shower at shuri's, for some reason Ramonda told you to stay the night, out of curiousity, You sat on shuri's bed wearing a big T-shirt,no panties.
Shuri came in late, your eyes were on the tv hearing her close and lock the door,in this house when doors are locked no one goes upstairs, especially when its Shuri.
"Oh? how was your little buisness trip?"you looked at her with a innocent smile"buisness trip? ma i didnt go on no damn trip." Shuri said looking at you, she was already frustrated and upset yet you pushed further.
"oh dont lie to me i already know , your mother told me, so how was it." you looked back at the tv hearing shuri get close , her sweat going past the chains she waas wearing.
"do i need to teach you to mind your fucking buisness?" she gripped my jaw roughly turning me to face her,her eyes staring at me like i lost my damn mind " who are you talking to because it isnt m-" before you could even finish, her hand moved to your throat, turning your pussy into a pool. she was nearly choking you if she didnt have restraint.
"Say something smart and i will fuck you till you cant even think of some smart shit to say t'me, im most deffinently not the one bitch. you already pissed me off and im not in the moods for your games" She said, her accent coming out as she looked down at me as if i was a mere pet to her.
" takes a bitch to know o-" Again i couldnt get a word out, Shuri would let go of my throat and jaw flipping me over to where im on my stomach.
She got ontop of me whispering in my ear. "give me your verbal consent and ill pleasure you better then no woman can. ill have you wishing you were mine. ill even have you knowing who this pussy belongs to yeah?" She said in my ear, her accent turning me on. I'd nod and she yanked my hair back causing me to look up "Verbal.
I don't do that nodding shit." she said spitting venom at me “ Y-yes..” I whimpered out “yes what? Am i gonna have to teach you proper manners?” She said tilting her head, id only know this from the mirror she's forcing me to look at. “Yes mommy,” I said the shame leaving my body.
“atta girl. I wanna try somethin’ new” she unhooked my bra with one hand “sit up.im gonna get something right quick.” You sat up, your body acting against you once more.
You heard the Drawer open, looking at the stuff shuri pulled out, yet her back was blocking you from seeing, she left the room coming back with a clean strap on, rope and a blindfold.
“Shuri i dont thi- “i know you dont think, speak when youre told to.” She said
Tying you up making sure all you could move was your lower half.
Shuri blindfolded you tying it around you,you felt something graze against your skin, something sharp, you were scared yet aroused. "I dont get it Sthandwa.(my love) you know damn well im better than every bitch you could be with" she said, her eyes following your body. "You trying to make me jealous with Riri is crazy. You know damn well that girl cant do what i do." she kissed down your body, you felt the pretty marks she left.
"You aint catch what i said last time.." she whispered in your ear biting it gently, she left kisses and hickeys everywhere, every corner and area was covered.
she pulled me closer to her, flipping me onto my back facing her. i kicked her back putting up a challenge, she moved catching my leg. " i hope you dont fight this messy, you'd get your ass beat baby" she went to my wet pussy putting two fingers in, slowly thrusting them, I arched my back moaning, the way she thrusted and curled them made eyes roll back.
The squelching was heard causing Shuri to give a seductive 'mmh.' in response, she thrusted faster causing me to rock my hips with the thrusts my eyes watering , "ffuck im gonna cum soon Shurii.." Y/n moaned.
Shuri stopped towering over y/n, a frown over her face "Forget the name you know me by." Shuri demanded " when im pleasuring you, when im making love you, you will adress me as Ma'am, mommy, daddy wtv." She stared at me, you knew what she wants you to say, you dont wanna say it though. and yet my body yearns for her touch"Please Mommy . please can i cum from your fingers?" you whined out for her, soon enough she inserted her cold fingers back into your pussy abusing your G spot.
You arched your back to gour best abilities, unable to do it as well as you wanted due to the velvet ropes on your your body.
Your fluids went all over her fingers, you panted as your chest heaved up and down "mmh you look so pretty right now" shuri coo's tracing my figure with her knife.
" i dont 'preciate you kissin on other women baby." she frowned mocking me.
You were shaking, your fluids dripping down youd legs after youve been edged so much. you could barely even think about anything, your words slurred as you were a moaning mess.
Shuri turned off the vibrator as soon as you were so close to cumming.
"now who are you thinking of hm? is it me? Sthandwa" (my love) she smiled at you, gently caressing your face.
"My brain is only full of you Mommy, please,I wanna cum" you begged and whined grinding against nothing, your fluids leakinf on her silky white sheets.
Her strap teased your folds as you whined "say the magic words." She said with a chuckle. "please fuck me, I deserve it, I deserve it so much" you wanted to reach for her but you couldn't, maybe if you weren't bratting, you wouldn't be tied up.
Shuri entered you slowly causing you to bite your lips, “it hhurts dont mmove” you whinced in pain “ ‘s okay baby, tell me when i can. Ill be gentle with you , for a short amount if time of course” she said, after a while the pain was gone “ you can move now i promise” you said nodding .
She thrusted slowly inside of me. Keeping the Rythm, she knew what she was doing, You wiggled in your restraints wanting to touch and hold her desperately.
“ Aww y/n wanna touch? Too bad. Maybe if you kept your lips to yourself this wouldn't have happened” she hissed out, she thrusted faster pleasuring you, her fingers circling your clit.
Your stomach turned into a knot as you bit your lips moaning louder, your sweet moans echoing throughout the house.
“Gonna cum again baby? Go ahead, ill let you ride your high” she set faster turning your brain into mush, you squirted uncontrollably as you twitched, panting,your senses were so overstimulated yet so deprived.
Shuri untied you ,gently removing your blindfolds,she picked you up carying you to the bathroom sitting you in the bathtub, once the bath was full, and (y/f/c) with (f/f) petals in it thanks to shuri.
“mmh. That was... A new experience” Y/n said sinking into the tub,”why dont you get in shuri, its big enough for two of us.” You said with a tired smile.
“Mmm.. Nah im good, jus’ let me take care of you ma” Shuri said dismissing the idea of being taken care of. “Mmm please mommy?” you said smiling .
“ Le intombazana izoba kukufa kwam.” she said looking up to any god that was left to help her. (This girl will be the death of me ) she undressed what left she had on, getting in.
The two girls laid in bed together cuddled upon eachother, ofc y/n was the little spoon.
“Why cant i have you?” Y/n said looking up at shuri, she yawned trying to keep her eyes open. “ were both not ready yet. “ shuri said kissing my head. “Shit we havent had an actual kiss yet and you want us to- You interrupted her by kissing her passionately on her lips. Shuri kissed back moving y/n to ontop of her.
“Y/n if you want me take your time with yourself and me. Do you even know if you like me?” Shuri said, pulling y/n close and hugging her.
“I dont know... I dont even know what liking feels like.. Im too tired to think right now...” y/n said falling asleep.
shuri looked at her shaking her head.
“I'll give you all the time in the world.” shuri kissed her head before shutting her eyes.
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slashingdisneypasta · 8 months
Some Dark!Musical Villain x Reader AU Ideas I'm Fiddling With:
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️ for: DARK THEMES. Age difference galore, fucking your teacher for good grades, sexual assault, innapropriate propositioning, grooming, posessive behaviour, more grooming, adoptive guardian having innapropriate feelings for ward, etc. Quite possibly some murder, too.
Professor Callahan x Reader- (Moulin Rouge AU (Duke Monroth and Satine AU)) You're only getting through law school because you're fucking your teacher, practically selling yourself for a certification- so when a guy your age who's sweet and kind and interested in you comes along, you're forced to break his heart. For a posessive Professor Callahan, and your grades.
Judge Turpin x Reader- (Legally Blonde AU (Prof Callahan and Elle Woods AU)) You're an assistant working under Turpin, the first female to work in such a position in town and you are so proud of yourself and believe Turpin to be an honourable gentleman who believes in you, too!- until he gets you alone one night and all that comes crashing down around you with an expected kiss.
Duke Monroth x Reader- (Phantom of the Opera AU (Erik and Christine Dae AU)) The Duke has slowly imposed himself upon you since you were 18, becoming your tutor in many things in high society. You think he's kind, helping you like this, and so it doesn't occur to you at all that he may intend to shape you into a perfect wife for him. So, when you meet a gentleman at a ball who sweeps you off your feet and you fall in love, you're s h o c k e d at the Duke's furious responce.
The Phantom x Reader- (Sweeney Todd AU(Judge Turpin and Johanna Todd AU)) How you ended up the Phantom's young ward, not even you knew. You didnt remember that far back. But he raised you and so you grew up quite sheltered- but t a l e n t e d. When you eventually come out to society, a mysterious figure in the paris opera, you're the object of many crushes and desires. It's not until one particular boy catches your attention, though, that Erik shows his distaste in the matter of other men being in your life. 
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persnicketypomelo · 2 years
Hi Mr/Ms Kumquat!!! I hope you’re doing good! :)
I was wondering if I could request headcannons on what type of physical touch Musical!Erik, Leroux!Erik, and Charles Dance!Erik like to receive? Or if that’s too much you can just pick your favorite!! :D
Also, I want to let you know your work has me giggling and kicking my feet lololol.
Much love,
Thank you for sending me this; when I first saw this it made my day a bit better. :)❤️
Obsession, implied kidnap, posessiveness
Preferred Physical Touch
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Musical Erik
I see this rendition as being someone who prefers to be in control of the situation of all times, as I've mentioned in previous entries
For this reason, he would prefer to be the one who initiates contact with you, not that he would be averse to you touching him
Whereas the book version of Erik prefers sweeter, more comforting touches, I surmise that the musical version prefers to touch you in a more intimate way
He wishes to marry you, but unlike book Erik, he masks his true intentions until he is sure you are so far under his spell that you cannot leave him
Or until you discover his true intentions
But until then, he restrains his touch, only using it to seduce you
If he can worm his way into your mind so that you lean into his touch, it will please him immensely
To see you pliant and to his words and touches, he knows you are his
In mind, body, and soul, you are his
Leroux Erik
This Erik craves your approval
He has many more deep-seated issues than the musical version
Deprived of fundamental affection from his parents, hardened by the violence and callousness he witnessed, all he wishes for is comfort
If he can dare dream for it, he longs to be held by you, to be kissed on the head
Erik wishes for the comfort he never had growing up, and will most certainly project those wishes onto you
He does not see himself as worthy of vying for your affection, and as such will only fall at your feet, singing of how good and kind you are
This Phantom wishes to take you as bride as well, but the touch he craves from you is of a much more comforting, almost motherly, nature
Charles Dance Erik
I think this Erik has the best intentions when it comes to you
His feelings and protective instinct for you are just...a bit intense...
This Erik would generally refrain from touching you, preferring instead for you to do so of your own volition
He desires mutual love on your part for him, just as much as he loves you
Although not touch, singing is something very personal for him, and you would be the sole person he would trust with something so intimate
This Phantom would long for sweet moments together such as singing you to sleep
I think that he would, if anything, gently brush your face with his gloved fingertips
More than anything, he wishes for you to return the love he feels so deeply for you
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aviesims · 1 year
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Momo threw in the explosive cure into the heart of the Mother and when it blew up it worked. The Mother dropped dead at their feet and the posessed sims chasing him suddenly stopped and regained their senses. It went away as quickly as it came. Because of the huge monster he didn't have a view of his friends or their struggles. Momo could only hear and was terrified the whole time. All they could think about was Erik who came to his side while he was on his way to help Cordelia. Erik told Momo to keep going no matter what and that's exactly what Momo did.
Yet, when Momo reached his friends he was mortified. Cordelia dragged Erik to her side so he could sit and she was trying to get Leon back to his senses. She was doing CPR on him after he suddenly stopped breathing. Momo screamed Erik's name who was in complete shock and didn't answer.
Momo held him and Erik stopped all his efforts to stay up. Momo hugged him and told him it was over. The civilians who were no longer posessed fled the scene to find their families while some stayed to help everyone that was injured. Someone already called an ambulance.
Momo checked Erik and realized that he used his belt to put pressure on his wound and stop his bleeding. So at least he wouldn't bleed out here. Momo asked people for help to get them all out of the lab while he held Erik. Leon started breathing again after Cordelia's efforts. Cordelia hugged Leon tightly and started to sob. Leon told her that he was okay in an almost inaudible whisper.
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When the Longing Returns (Phantom of the Opera 2004 Fanfiction) || Erik x Christine
Ch. 2 Author's Notes
Read the Fic here on tumblr or read a spicier version on AO3
◇ I specifically refer to the carriage here as a barouche, because I was tired of using the word carriage. I couldn't call it a coach because a coach is fully enclosed so I went and did my research and it's definitely a barouche. Which is to say a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with a collapsible roof. They may have one or two rows of seating. The one used in the movie has only one.
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Fun fact, a barouche is specifically mentioned in Leroux's novel, though it's not the carriage that Erik actually takes Christine out in, which is a Brougham.
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◇ Let's talk about Gerik and the gloves. Has anyone else noticed the fact that movie!Erik has gloves and stage!Erik does not? So the whole first part of the First Lair he's touching her sexily WITH LEATHER GLOVES, and not actually making any skin contact. Of course there are the BDSM tones there, but more importantly this could be read as him keeping a barrier between them, either out of fear or respect for her or both?
The skin on skin occurring for the first time in the graveyard when he holds her hand to give her his ring is pretty significant, but it was overshadowed by the even more significant fact that he's just put his ring on her finger. So a bare-hand face touch registers even more for the both of them because he's touched her face before, but only with gloves on.
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My Reylo bitches out there will understand my love of a gloves-on-gloves-off runner, I'm sure. Once again, Joel Schumacher and Alexandra Byrne doing me a solid.
◇ I did say we'd be getting more of the ring, and you know what there's even more details forthcoming. The ring is my favorite character, I guess.
It's very, very important to me (as I said in the notes for chapter 1) that this ring be one of his own rings. I really wanted it to be personal to him, something that is part of his every day attire. This way, when he gives it to Christine, while it does stand in the conventional role of the wedding ring in 19th century France as a visible claim of ownership (bride bought and paid for--it was not uncommon for only brides to have wedding rings, so there was no indication of mutual belonging, either), but also subverts and transcends it.
This ring is not one he bought and paid for solely to stake his claim on her, but something he owned already, something that is his own posession, and symbolizes not just that she belongs to him, but that he is entrusting to her and giving her possession of himself and everything that is his, both emotionally and in terms of his worldly goods. In a time when good men of society (like Raoul) for all intents and purposes legally owned their wives, this extra-legal promise of spiritual marriage being sealed by the man giving his property to the woman to keep for her own seems particularly impactful and very stirring to me. It also seems like exactly the type of thing Erik would do, since everything about him exists outside of convention and the rules of society.
This all likely stems from my obsession with old fashioned Anglican wedding vows--which were ironic because in England, too, men legally absorbed all their wives' possessions and were capable of cutting off the wife's access to her own money if he chose to, but read:
"With this ring, I thee wed. This gold and silver I give to thee.
With my body, I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods, I thee endow."
And while I can slide that right into my Twilight OC fic where the OC in question was the daughter of an Anglican vicar, I can't do the same with my PotO fic, so I have to sneak in little homages wherever I can.
Also I just cannot get over the idea of Christine wearing what is obviously a man's ring as her wedding band. Every time she looks at it she's going to think first and foremost, not "Ooo, sparkly" but "Mm...dark sexy man..."
◇ "Christine hid the surge of indignation she felt at his use of the epithet, fighting to keep it from breaking into her face, but she couldn't prevent her grip from tightening, harder than she even thought possible of herself."
This is very reminiscent of the moment in the novel when Christine, in a moment of confrontation with Raoul, grips his arm with a strength "no one could have suspected in a creature so frail". This is demonstrative of the power and independence Erik has instilled in Christine by awakening her sexuality and maturity. Interestingly though, I did not write this as an homage to that moment, because I hadn't even read the book yet.
◇ I don't know about you guys, but I love historical fashion. So when I'm reading historical romances written in the modern day, it really gets up my nose when clothing descriptions are fumbled with or glossed over using terminology that sorta sounds old-timey. You might think you're being vague enough to get away with it, but not with me you're not.
   It really takes me out of the mood in historically set smut when it talks about the man just undoing the buttons on her dress and she's not wearing anything underneath. No corset, no stays--no chemise. Hate that shit. Unsexy. (Glares at Julia Quinn)
And on the off chance that she is wearing some foundation garments, they're usually handled all wrong.
So I'm gonna take a self-congratulatory moment to talk about the little clothing things here that I did to make sure we're feeling fully authentic.
Christine undresses in the dormitory and she's described as "loosening" her corset laces, not "unlacing" her corset because corsets of this period didn't need to be fully unlaced to get them off. Really, few corsets after the romantic era did.
Emmy Rossum's corset in the movie is *fine*, as Hollywood corsets go,
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but if you want a good idea of what a real, functional corset from the early 1870's would look like this is it.
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Note how the shape is slightly different.
Also worth noting is the fact that i have Christine crawling into bed in her chemise after undressing. The chemise, for anyone who doesn't know, is the basic undergarment throughout basically the whole of modern history, from the medieval period right up to the edwardians. They were a bit like a slip and were essential for keeping your nasty sweat and body oils OFF your good outer clothes and also your first line of defense against corset chafing. Madame Giry is seen in an excellent example of period correct corset and chemise. (And the corset even looks like it kind of fits her) They also doubled as your nightgown unless you were rich. Christine obviously has a proper nightgown, but I figured that she would probably not bother to put that back on for a morning snooze.
Now as an aside, the movie (which is my primary basis for this fic, though I'm bending some things and taking some liberties) begins in 1870. Christine's silhouettes are straight up mid- 1860's. About 1865, if we wanna get specific. Her gala dress is DIRECTLY inspired by this portrait of Empress Elisabeth "Sissi" of Austria, which was painted in 1865. So that's a problem in Canon.
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◇ Writing this chapter from Erik's POV for the first time was basically me with the Big Book of Insults for Young Men open beside me and it was so much fun. I loved letting him revel in Christine playing Raoul like
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And frankly that was me as well, and I hope all of you.
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mokonahapuuuuuu · 6 months
Inspired by Todrick Hall's 'Britney and the Beast', why not do a jukebox style to Phantom of the Opera, Britney Spears style. Since I only have three songs and my anemia is really killing me, and Iiiiiii must confess I still believe without my iron I loose my minddddd hehe xDD couldn't help it, you can snowball with me.
Now that I'm looking at Britney's songs on Google, I can imagine I'm Not a Girl Not Yet a Woman and Overprotected fitting Christine at the beginning of the musical.
And Circus for Love Never Dies fits the freak show.
When I mentioned I can only name three songs to fit POTO, I'm going to start at 'Pass the Point of No Return'.
The Phantom went too far with killing people and how posessive he was of Christine. Christine, too is feeling the effects of what Erik did.
The relationship is toxic.
(Kind of sliding into Love Never Dies.)
Despite how horrible everything turned out between him and Christine, he still can't get her out of his dreams, every time.
Though Erik is stronger and his loneliness isn't killing him anymore.
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flameontheotherside · 4 years
What is a "spirit spouse"?
A spirit spouse is a spirit with whom you have a spiritual contract with as your divine counterpart. There are a few layers to this so I'll break it down:
1. A twin flame (...Or soul mate. Honestly twin flame holds more weight) who is passed on or not incarnated. Like in my case my twin flame is dead. The danger for some is dependent on the skill level of the individual making contact. You'll see why. But basically this is the literally union between twin flames or for some would be soul mates. This isn't usually a sexual relationship. This is more like a teacher-student-friend kind of deal.
2. A literal late spouse. Say you marry your twin flame or soul mate and they die. "Till death do you part" is highly inaccurate. You are still connected while your bond is still strong. I've heard of instances where one still has a relationship with their late husband.
3. Demonic. Incubi/succubi --The danger in having a spirit spouse is if you aren't careful, you could be consorting with the type of spirit that rapes. The biggest difference between a true spirit spouse and demonic intervention is sex. They take and thrive on sexual energy. They feed off the stuff. Like other demons, they don't love or care about you. They seem nice but they move to distract and prevent you from excelling spiritually. It's important that you are skilled in protection and discernment.
😘❤ Take care!
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Don’t forget to take a look at Erik’s blog run by his amazing mom Dr Elisa Medhus. Lots of stuff about his afterlife and 💩 at channelingerik.com.
(◕‿◕)♡ Social: Twitter Tumblr Instagram
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mosswillow · 3 years
Try again, and again, and again - Maybe you’ll be free this time.
Dark!Charles Xavior x Reader (fem), Dark!Erik (Magneto) x Reader
Warnings: 18+ Adult content, Rape/noncon/dubcon, oral (male recieving), manipulation, abuse, mind control, posessive behavior, glove kink, blood, violence.  
Word count: 2222
A/N: Eek, I finally finished this. I hope ya’ll enjoy it. This is different from my original plan of multiple parts. I like how this came out though, it feels right with the vibe of part one. Hopefully it’s the right amount of confusing to make it fun and interesting but not stressful.
By clicking keep reading you confirm that you are an adult over the age of 18 and understand that this content is dark and potentially triggering.
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You’ve done this too many times, stood at this window remembering it all. It’s exhausting; you’re so tired, so worn down. It’s a lie, all of it. You never married him. He forced you into this, erased your memories and added his own. He stripped you of your agency, moulded you into what he wants. A happy wife, someone to control - to submit.  
“Are you ready to stop this now?” Charles hisses from behind you.
A tear runs down your cheek and you wipe it away with the back of your hand. You step back from the window and slowly force your body across the room to your “husband”.  
“Good girl,” he praises, pulling you down and kissing away your tears.
You close your eyes and let him kiss you. His tongue pushes in your mouth and you open for him, tasting the slight saltiness of your tears on his tongue.
“Let’s go back to bed,” he smiles.
You lie next to him and turn your body away, stiffening as he puts his arm over you protectively. Your life has always been like this since you were born, it was stupid to think you could ever find happiness in this fucked up world. You feel his hand snake down your body and take a deep breath before opening your legs for him.
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He was the first mutant you ever met, found you scared and starving in an alleyway and gave you food - love - family. He made you feel like you weren't alone for the first time in your life. For so long everyone around you made you feel like your power was bad but he didn’t think that. He thought that your power made you better than everyone else. He taught you to embrace it, to carry your mutation with pride. He told you to never take abuse, to throw everything they did to you right back at them.
Comical, really, how the one who brought you to a place of acceptance, who taught you not to take abuse, turned around and abused you. He had taught you well, too well. As soon as the first bruise showed up you chose to leave. You deserved better.
“What do you think you’re doing,” He said as you packed a bag. You should have left while he was gone but it was too late now.
“I just need space Erik, some time to think about what I want.”
“No,” his voice was quiet but serious, the tone more alarming than any of the times he had yelled. it made you stop packing and look at him. He took a small step forward and you noticed the disheveled appearance. His leather costume was torn in several places and sweat was beading on his forehead.
“This is what I’m talking about, I need to be able to have my own life. You dictate everything and won’t even tell me where you go. You… you hurt me,” you grabbed your arm gingerly, looking at it and frowning.  
The familiar sound of metal being manipulated came from Erik and you looked up just in time to see pieces of silver fly towards you. Your wrists were suddenly encased and you tried in vain to move against them.
“Let me go,” you said.
“No,” he replied almost too calmly.
“I’m leaving you Erik, you can’t do this,”
He walked to you and ran a gloved hand over your cheek.
“I can do anything I want, baby.”
Your wrists suddenly slammed into the floor and he was grabbing your head, tilting it back so that you looked up at him. He brought his other hand to your cheek, smoothing his thumb over your lips. “Anything,” he said as he pushed his thumb in your mouth. The earthy smell and taste of his glove overwhelmed your senses and you struggled against him. It was no use though. He was stronger than you would ever be. You relaxed your jaw and closed your eyes and he removed his hand, replacing it with his dick. He grunted as he pushed into your mouth, slowly pushing further into your throat with every thrust. When his cum finally filled your throat you swallowed and kept your eyes down. He crouched in front of you and kissed your cheek before leaving to shower. He left you there all night and by the time you were finally released from your chains you were too exhausted to fight. He carried you to the bed and fucked you gently and you let him.
You spent months alone in the prison he created for you. He said you would be let out once he was confident you wouldn’t try to run or use powers but you weren’t sure that would ever happen. Even when you followed all his rules, when you acted like you loved him. He would still find reasons to keep you isolated. Your life revolved around him, a cycle of trying to please him, eventually acting out and the inevitable punishment that came with your rebelion. It wasn’t a way to live.
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“You’re thinking about him.” Charles' voice has an edge to it, one you’re familiar with.
You nod and turn your face away.
“You’re not there anymore sweetheart, I’ll take care of you.”
Charles grabs your chin and forces your head towards him. He kisses you softly on the cheek and pulls you towards him until you’re settled against his warm body.
He’s the same though, it’s the exact same suffocating love you ran from almost two years ago.
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It took five years of trying to finally do it. Erik made a mistake, He left the back door open and you took your chance without hesitation. The first barefooted step onto the dirt was euphoric. Being kept away from the earth was like torture. Silent tears fell as you dug your hand into the ground and felt it move. It sucked away the fear, leaving you with a sense of peace. You had power again, could feel it like electricity move through your body.
Sounds of fighting came from nearby and you hid.
You could feel where people walked. The earth was talking to you, telling you when and where to hide. You made your way to a helicopter and crouched in the back, making yourself as small as you could and praying that whoever was attacking would get away and take you with them.
You held your breath as a group of mutants piled in quickly and the helicopter lifted from the ground. You stayed hidden for an hour before someone noticed you. A woman, red hair and drenched in sweat looked at you.  
“Who are you?” she asked. her bright green eyes widening in shock.
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“I’m not like him,” Charles says “You’re happy here,” The anger in his voice becomes more evident by the second.
“Stay out of my head!” you yell.
A headache starts burrowing into your brain and you cry out in pain.
“I’m not like him,” he reiterates.
You struggle in his arms, turning to your back and looking at him from inches away.
“You’re even worse. He always knew he was a monster, he wanted liberation at any cost, me at any cost. He was…” you search for the words to explain “a poisoned cup of water.”
You grit your teeth and stare in his eyes, bringing your face so that your noses almost touch. You don’t care, there’s nothing he can do to you that hasn’t already been done, no way he can hurt you more than he already has.
“You pretend like you’re a hero but you’re not. You're a glass of juice laced with the same exact pison as him. You look good and taste good but you’ll kill me the same way.”
He uses his power against you, reminding you who he is and what he can do. You scream as your body bursts into invisible flames. With Erik the bruises would remind you that it was real.  Charles doesn’t even afford you that. Everything with him is invisible, all in your head. They’re not the same, Charles is worse.
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“Is she ok?”
“She’s fine Jean, give her some space.”
You groaned as you returned to consciousness.
“She’s waking up!”
You jolted up, turning your head to stare at your surroundings. The last memory you had was crouching in the helicopter, now you were laying on a couch surrounded by mutants.
“I’m Jean,” a soft voice said.
“I’m sorry I… there were no other ways out,” you whispered.
“We know,” You looked over to see Charles pushing himself towards you. He stopped and looked you in the eyes.
“We’ll take care of you,” He smiled.
You smiled back, feeling safe and free for the first time in a long time. The X-Men, you had found a true family at last. Everything was going to be ok.
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You’re expecting him to knock you out again, for you to fall asleep and wake up his loving wife but The pain stops suddenly and you whip your head towards him in surprise.
“You didn’t take my memories?” you ask.
“I’m not like him,” Charles insists.
You sit up and pull your knees to your chest.
“Show me you aren't, let me go.”
He looks up at the ceiling and inhales.
“I can’t.”
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It started so slow with Charles. He gave you personal lessons, treated you kindly. You started to actually fall for him.
But then a new mutant came in and the chemistry was like nothing you had ever felt.
Charles got jealous almost immediately. You slowly started to see him the same way you saw Erik, recognizing the signs, there were so many red flags. You weren’t going to stick around, you had to leave while it was still an option.
You packed a bag and ran without a word, finding a job far away.
You should have known better. It was your hope that he would just let you go but of course he didn’t. Charles found you easily, and he was angry. You had never seen so much rage, it was like you were looking into Eriks eyes. You begged him not to do it, cried for help.
They stood there complacent as he forced you to your knees and rewrote your history, wiping your brain for the first time. They said they were your family, you loved them, and they betrayed you.
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“It would be easier if you just accepted this, I don’t like using my powers against you.” he says.
You roll your eyes. He does like using them, you see it behind his eyes every time he does it. He loves the power. You look at his face and see a slight twitch in his eye. The wheels start turning in your head, a theory forms.
“You’re losing your ability to control me,” you say.
He sets his jaw and you know you’re right. Your lips lift into a small smile as hope starts to bloom.
“What will you do once you can’t just erase memories?” you ask.
A headache starts again and you stare at him, fighting back. You’ve never fought back before like this, didn’t know you could.
“I’m going to leave you,” you say before the world goes black.
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Jean was the one who made the memories return for the first time. She unlocked them for you, cried and apologized as you sat there panicking.
Nobody said no to Charles. he wanted you and they were too afraid of him to stop it, she told you. The team was happier, Charles was happier. They sacrificed you, pushed the abuse onto you so that it wasn’t on them anymore.
It was all a show.
Your husband of three years had only kidnapped you a week prior. It was stressful and confusing, you ran to the bathroom and vomited. Charles called your name from the kitchen and you bolted out of the house. You made it halfway through the yard before you were tackled and held with your hands above your head. The only thing you could reach was a little bow from your hair. You took it and jammed it into the ground, letting the earth take it and hoping that one day it could somehow help you. You had to fight, keep trying no matter what.
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“Good morning my love,” Charles says.
“Good morning,” you smile back.
You give him a kiss on the cheek and stretch out before walking to the kitchen. You look out the window and your memories come back in a sudden burst.
You turn around to see him in the doorway. Fear washes over his face as he realizes how fast you escaped this time.
You smile and raise your middle finger at him. The window shatters into small pieces as your fist breaks through. Blood drips down your hand but you don’t care. You’re free.
“I’ll find you,” he calls.
Maybe he will. Maybe he’ll find you and bring you back, keep you locked up. Maybe he’ll add chains to your hands and feet like Erik did. He won’t chain your mind though, never again will he control you like that. He can try again, and again, and again but you’ll always break free.
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It doesn’t always look how you think. It can sneak up on you at any time and I’m sure people have wondered what to do if they or a loved one is possessed and how can they help? Well, I’m not an expert but I have been a victim of having my body taken for a ride for a hot minute.
From what I’ve experienced myself and heard/read a couple signs of possible possession
Sudden and/or extreme change in 
Extreme self-isolation and hopelessness
A sudden increase in aggressive behavior
Jumpiness from the person
Possible Depression or worsening depression
Losing memory and time (meaning they just have spans of time as blanks)
Sometimes talking to oneself, especially if this is out of the ordinary for them.
And a few more flags
Disclaimer: Please just don’t jump to the possessed conclusion when seeing these. A few flags can also be symptoms of mental health/medical issues. Possession should be the last thing you check for. Mental and medical checks first. Please. Thanks. 
My own Issue
His name was Erik and he’s actually a good muse for some of my more disturbed and frightening characters in my fictional stories. It was practically the only pro I have on him being here out of the volumes and volumes of cons. Well that and the fact I can still change my voice to be dark like when he was there and boy does that help in some situations.
Now, I can’t exactly pinpoint when Erik first showed up, but I do know he was here for a while. I mistook him for possibly an Alter (which is more for DID or Multiple Personality Disorder). But not armed with Psychological knowledge and no available therapist we had to play the guessing game. Only having a sign of another “person” there...and no other qualifications for DID or schizophrenia we had to bring up the idea of possible possession. 
When Erik was driving, my mannerisms changed of course and so did my diction and dialect, which alarmed close friends on the sudden shift in personality. Sure I’m an asshole at times, but Erik made almost everything I did worse when he could.  Where I try to fight as a last resort, he was quick to instigate one. to the point where I had to be yanked and pulled away from the situation; even once snatched up and carried before the situation got dangerous. Dead giveaways were calling my partner "Doll face"  or “doll” when I normally call them "love", "hun", "darling" etc when I was ready to fight (usually another guy), I was quick to address the other man as “Princess”. Whether Erik was running the show completely or not, if he wanted to play, my voice got darker and colder. Even when it was me being angry, he liked to amp it up to extreme levels where I started craving blood myself and would start to pick fights. At one point Erik didn’t need to be aggressive for me. I started to do it on my own. Terrifying threats came out of my mouth like they were nothing with a smile that definitely wasn’t mine. 
Hell, my own thoughts were changing. At some point I was agreeing with the thoughts that weren’t my own. “This person was a little bitch.” “Yeah, it would be funny to punch that person in the throat for no reason.” “You know what? Maybe beating someone into the pavement wouldn’t be as hard as people make it seem.” “Why not choke that girl that annoys the shit out of you? What gives her the right to breathe right now?”  (Think the Dark Kermit meme but I actually started doing the shit) my thoughts kept getting worse and all he was doing was encouraging it. 
Erik and my partner spoke a few times while I was sleeping as well I had no clue until they told me a few years after. (They didn’t want to say anything until everyone was 100% Erik was gone and I can accept that.)
How to solve this issue
Yeah, I didn't give you this story about Erik just to tell you about some spirit who was hitching a ride and fucking up my life at times. I'm gonna give you some advice to solve the issue.
Don't “fight”
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↑ This won’t do much for you honey, I’m sorry. 
Screaming for them to leave til your face is blue will not do shit for you especially if they just practically like “no♥”. What I mean by don’t fight them is do not antagonize constantly. All you’re going to do is make yourself tired and this is a battle of wits and stamina. Now you can make it clear this spirit isn’t wanted. Hell, be firm in it too. But don’t make it a battle of strength. You’re just going to get weaker and that’s just what it wants.
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Keep Yourself Busy/Embrace and Indulge in Hobbies
Often, they work to self isolate and make you feel hopeless, take enjoyment out of things that you do. Make you see your friends less and less. All to tighten their grip on you. This is where the stamina kicks in. Keep doing it. They’re bound to fuck it up. They’ll lash out while you do it. Keep doing it. They don’t want you draw/paint? Guess what you’re going to do? Paint like god damn Bob Ross. No singing? Looks like there’s going to be new songs to learn. No dancing? Tap that damn foot out of pure and sheer fucking spite. No writing? Write a story with a character like them and how they’re a fucking asshole. (That one made Erik pissed.)Do poetry, read about strength. But most importantly, show them that this is your life, your body and you’re going to do what the fuck you want. 
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They’ll lash hard, maybe even attack the body. And that’s okay. Scary. But okay. You keep going. Instead of screaming and kicking, do what you can for you. That’s what you need your strength for.
Keep positive emotions
They will make you seem hopeless, make everything seem so bleak. Tell you no one gives a fuck about you. Understand this. They’re just saying that so they dig their claws in you. Do not fall for it. Occupy your time. Do things that make you happy. Rewatch that show that makes you bust a damn gut. Watch something purely for nostalgia. Anything that keeps you happy. Just do it. I’m not saying be happy all the time. Crying is fine. Feeling pain is fine. They’re assholes and they’re going to make life worse. It’s only natural you’re not going to be happy about it but you can’t give into it. Keep hope. Keep hope in yourself. You’re going to get through it. 
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Find a support group and communicate
You don’t have to go through it alone. In fact, I encourage that  you don’t go through this alone. You need people you trust, people who will believe you to keep you going as well. Hell, look for someone experienced in getting rid of spirits like this inside of you! It’s exhausting going through this by yourself. Even if it’s online, find some people. Other people shutting down the entity in you as well will help. It isn’t just you fighting them now. It’s those who care for you, too. Will the spirit try and fuck up your support group? More than likely, yes. So all of you be prepared for what it might do but keep your goal on getting rid of this entity. 
Stay strong
Much easier said than done. This is exhausting to say the least. It’s like fighting yourself and another person all the time. They may come in dreams, may speak through you, try and drive you to do things you don’t want. Make you think things you don’t want to think about. Cast doubts in you. Control you. It’s hard and taxing. I understand. But you cannot give in. Because if you think getting rid of the spirit is hard when you’re trying fight back, imagine how hard and deep those things are going to dig once you give up. From day one, will it into existence that you will not be overtaken. You’re going to have bad days, you’re going to lose ground sometimes. But don’t you give in. You will regret it. Once that spirit is out of you, you will feel a relief and a weight lifted that you would’ve never thought you’d would’ve known.
I hope this helps any of you, even just a little bit. And I hope more that you never get exposed to a parasitic spirit (or worse) like I did. 
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thealmightyemprex · 4 years
10 Favorite Supervillains
Lex Luthor
My favorite supervillain.There have been many diffrent versions,some as a mad scientist,others a corrupt buisness man,sometimes a combination,but what I feel defines Lex is his great intellect,his hatred for superman (Be it either personal or just on principal ) and a massive ego .He wishes to prove the might of man by killing a god 
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The Kingpin/Wilson Fisk
Foe of Spiderman and archenemy of Daredevil,The Kingpin posesses great intellect,powerful connections  and monstrous strength ,a deadly opponent for any hero 
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The Joker
Joker has been interpreted many ways ,from a goofy trickster to a sadistic killer .I personally prefer the interpretation him as a villainous  ham ,who does murder and mayhem because he thinks it’s funny,often engaging in over the top schemes 
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Doctor Doom/Victor Von Doom
Fantastic design + an ego the size  of Jupiter=One entertaining villain 
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What I find interesting about Galactus is he isn’t evil.Sure he eats worlds but he isnt malicious ,more just appathetic about the destruction he causes in his quest to satisfy hia hunger 
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The Shredder/Oruku Saki
Another villain who has been interpreted a number of ways ,sometimes a deadly foe others a bit of a bufoon,butwhatever direction he is taken he is usually entertaining and helped by an amazing design  
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Vandal Savage
An immortal caveman who has also been many of the great conquerors across history.....Thats just an awesome premise for a villain
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Green Goblin/Norman Osborne
Spider-man  has had many villains who could claim to be his arch enemy but I feel his most personal enemy .Heck he was DEAD for a good portions of Spider-Mans history ,and yet he is the enemy who haunted him the most and has left the biggest impact 
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Magneto/Erik Lehnsherr
While technically a villain ,he is one with a understandable motive and has even been a hero a few times,MAgneto is a fascinating antagonist
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A god who litterally gets his power from how miserable he can make people .Most of my love is for his DCAU incarnation with Michel Ironsides cold eloquent delivery 
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@inevermetapenguinididntlike​ @filmcityworld1​ @cinefantastiquemitho​
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erikismybitch · 6 years
Havana : part two
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Naomi didn’t sleep well that night , she never slept well in foreign places . She could only rest in the comfort of her own bed . Even when she stayed over at Rains House, she tossed and turned all night .
The sun was up now, Naomi found herself in the sand and at peace with her yellow polka dot yoga mat .
Erik was up to, a practice he had mastered after years in the military. His eyes would automatically open at five am, no alarm needed . His room was the only room that overlooked the beach . Unknowingly he watched her, still laying in his bed.
Tree pose
Bridge pose
Child’s pose
Cobra pose
And one Erik liked very much , Downward dog.
In addition to her voluptuous body, he appreciated how flexible she was. He could see every curve she posessed, due to her light blue yoga pants and matching sports bra. When she was done, Erik found himself disappointed that the show was over. She came inside , he heard her footsteps in the kitchen . He knew it was her because his mother and sister slept late . He was yearning to talk to her before they got up .
Naomi rummaged through Eriks kitchen cabinets , in search for something to nibble on . She gave the fridge a try, no luck .
“This man has no food” she mumbled .
“I don’t eat” Erik walked into the kitchen, scaring her half to death . She placed her hand on her chest and turned to him . Erik stood there in all his glory, with nothing on but a pair of thin joggers. “I just drink my protein shakes , eggs , meat, I eat a lot of frozen shit”
“Aww Erik” Shame hiding being her voice . “Is there a store around here?” She asked .
“A store for what, you don’t want a shake?” He joked as he opened his cabinet and grabbed the container of chocolate whey.
“I need basic things, like fruit and vegetables“ she said sarcastically.
“It’s one that’s walking distance , want me to go with you ?”
“No, I can handle it if you tell me how to get there”
“Okay Dora. As soon as you leave the gates, walk left . Just keep walking you’ll see it”
Naomi set off to the store , the distance was longer than she expected . But nevertheless she got to see the beautiful neighborhood on the way . The group of uniformed children who walked to school and waved as they past . She met an old senile woman smoking a cigar that mistook her for her daughter . Then the slick heckler who tried to convince her to buy a fake gold bracelet .
“Hola’” Naomi greeted the old man who she assumed owned the small store . He was the only one behind the counter . He said Hi back . He was dark skinned and had dreadlocks that hung below his back . On his wrist was a bracelet with the lion of Zion.
“Como estas!” He shouted , reveling his missing front tooth.
She grabbed a small basket and got the things she needed . Fresh OJ, bread , mango, breakfast sausage and plantain. The market didn’t have much so she made due . She paid for the items and went back to Erik’s villa . It was humid , her body had become moist on the walk back . She placed the items on the counter , Erik was still there . The others were still sleeping .
“I need two skillets, help me...help me” she told Erik , he obliged and even turned on the stove for her .
Naomi placed her hair in a high bun, Erik admired her beautiful full face . She washed her hands too , that suggested that she was clean . She added a couple of sausages to the pan.
“I love plantain, you making it too?”Erik picked up the two ripe fruits .
“I thought you didn’t eat” she snatched them, pealed them and began to cut them .
“I eat that, that shit be good”
She laughed at little , adding oil to the empty skillet and turning on the fire . Naomi began cracking eggs into an empty bowl .
“You have no TV, how do you live like this?” The previous night, Naomi noticed that he didn’t . She was an advent TV watcher , it ran her life .
“The channels here are not regular channels. I watch stuff on my Mac, whenever the internet works” he sat across from her on a tall stool. He watched her cook . They talked and laughed more and more as she finished . Conversing about everything under the sun. From what cartoons they both hate , to what really happened to Tupac and Biggie . No topic was left untouched in the kitchen .
Rain and Ruby were both awaken by the laughs of Erik and Naomi . They peeked nosely at the two who were sitting next to eachother , fairly close . Ruby’s intuition had served her right , she knew her son would take a liking to Naomi . Rain on the other hand was disgusted, as any little sister would be .
“Did you make us some food too!?” Rain interrupted , walking into the kitchen with her big pink bonnet on her head .
“Good morning lil nigga” Erik scoffed at his sisters rude behavior.
“My bad, good morning y’all “ She retracted .
“It’s enough for everybody “
They came into the kitchen and helped themselves to the things Naomi cooked .
After everyone finished , Rain and Naomi got dressed for a day out . Ruby had been there and done that, she wanted to have a day of relaxation and decided to stay home . Erik said he didn’t want to third wheel. The truth was, he didn’t want to talk to Naomi around his pesky baby sister.
They left , hauling a classic car to escort them to El Capitolo. Naomi was highly interested in Fidel Castro . After they conquered that historical place , the two of them set out to Old Havana. They walked around the beautiful colorful buildings and brick passages .
The duo found themselves in the middle of an outside market , where locals and other tourist bargained with eachother on prices . Naomi was at a small booth, admiring a small bracelet . “How much?” She asked the salesman. He told her is was five Cuban Pesos. She willingly gave him the money . He politely took her hand and put the bracelet on her wrists. She smiled and thanked him .
“You’re too nice , these people are gonna take all your money “ Rain said, while she ignored the heckler fighting for her attention . “Pesos aren’t much, and it’s the least I can do . This country is so beautiful “
“Well, Erik told me not to be too nice . People take advantage of you “
Erik . Naomi thought about him. He had defiantly left a mark on her . Her mouth had curved into a smile , she didn’t even notice . She wanted to get back to the villa just to see him again.
“Bitch, are you smiling . Are you thinking about my brother !” She stuck her nose in the air and rolled her eyes .
Naomi laughed bashfully , trying her best to hide her smile . “I’m not” she lied .
“I know what kind of affect he has on women, be honest”
“I am, but I don’t want to talk about this with you !” Naomi quickly walked ahead of her in efforts to avoid her glare . “Let’s Just find dinner” she suggested . Lusting over her close friends brother was not something Naomi wanted to talk about .
They ate dinner at a tourist aimed restaurant . Naomi wanted more authentic food but Rain wasn’t a very open person . They settled for hamburgers and drinks . When they were good and full they took that long cab ride back to Eriks villa . Where Rain still pestered her about the crush she had on her brother . Naomi pled the fifth with each question . It was later than usual when they got back . The house was dark and silent . Rain was tipsy and wanted to lay down. Naomi noticed Erik outside on the patio , she was tipsy too . “I’ll come bother you later, I’m gonna go take a shower “
Naomi did take a shower, but she had no intentions on going to Rains room. She went out on the deck. As soon as she walked out , she was met with his voice . To her, he talked like a teen with a raspy voice . But somehow it was still masculine and manly . And when he spoke too fast, it sounded like he had food in his mouth . She started to laugh at the thought . You know, those small things people notice when they like someone .
“What’s funny ?” He quizzed , he took a puff of the huge cigar he was smoking.
“Just thinking about something funny “
He extended the cigar to her , offering it up. She shook her head. “You ever smoked one before ?” His body rocked back and forth on the hammock he was laying in .
“No, just weed”
“They catch you with weed out here, that’s ten years. Come try it “ she hesitated. “Girl if you don’t bring that ass over here !” Erik was adamant.
She ran her hands through her curls and walked to the hammock . She let out a breath of nervousness. He pulled her onto the hammock with him . She positioned herself on her side, facing Erik who was laying on his back . “You smell good, the bugs finna’ have a field day on you “ she felt dumb, her scent was only to entice Erik, not to get bit. He gave her the cigar . “Take it in twice , do it slow though”
She didn’t take his advice , she did it too fast . Her lungs filled up with smoke and she coughed it up . Tears started to build in her eyes . He laughed hard and encouraged her to try again . She did it correctly this time . “There you go, take it like a boss”
“I got it” her voice was high pitched with excitement. She beamed as she gave him the cigar back . He leaned down and ashed it on the ground . The hammock shifted and Naomi slid closer. She thought the cigar was disgusting, a one time experience.
“Did you and ugly have a good day?” He asked, referring to Rain as ugly .
“Yes, me and your sister had a good day”
He took a sip of something , it seemed to be alcohol . “What y’all do?”
“Went to a museum, bought some stuff at a market , then ate dinner”
“Yeah, was the food good?” He was genuinely interested in her day . That, and he just wanted to be close to her . He didn’t want her to go away . The sound of her small voice he liked .
“The food was okay, it was just burgers” she spoke slow, sleep was starting to catch up with her .
“Tomorrow, I’ll take you guys out to dinner . Somewhere nice too”
He opened his arm and wrapped it above her head. They made eye contact slowly . Erik wanted badly to place his lips on hers, but it was too early . He couldn’t deny that he felt a way. It was embarrassing to him, they just met. His emotions were far beyond his control . If he tried to kiss her, Naomi would oblige. She felt the exact same about him .
Her head rested under his arm and against his chest . Her nostrils filled with the sent of musk and his deodorant. Her bare legs rubbed gently against his . “It’s weird to me. I feel like I know you”
“That’s what your sister said when she first met me” her eyes closed, the loud tree frogs were chirping in the darkness. It was like a lullaby .
“We a lot alike people say . She likes you so you must be cool people” his voice was getting deeper, sleep was chasing him too.
“I’m alright” Naomi played coy.
“Nah, you more than just alright...”
He nuzzled her closer to him and they both drifted off asleep.
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sweetpeachjones · 6 years
My Bucket List
YMUB- drama, smut filled soap opera Erik x Reader
Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6 , 7
Ill take an Uber- funny oneshot between U n ERIK *wigs are being snatched*
Unfinished Business- Tcahlla is posessed, maybe a pt. 2 in waiting
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things I’m looking forward to/hoping for in Dark Phoenix
I would say: Let the characters fucking age but apparently that’s too drastic, characters looking slightly different after 30 fucking years? Unrealistic. 
Hank siding with Erik. It sounds weird, but I think it’s what’s going to happen- This shot where he’s standing with Erik when Charles tells them not to do ... whatever they’re apparently planning to do and this one scene that didn’t make the trailer where Hank is also standing behind Mags? maybe even Hank can’t continue to ignore Charles’ bullshit.
Maybe the movie can end with Rogue discovering her powers? Because that way they would just...close at the beginning of the original movies and it would just be...very satisfying for me.
More Kurt, Peter, Storm Jubilee. Scott and Jean if they get to have personalities in this movie.
Jubilee being allowed to do stuff?
Jennifer Lawrence dying and the return of the original Mystique. Can’t believe they are just going to bury Hunger Games right on screen.
Can you please credit Sophie Turner before Jennifer Lawrence, it’s her movie, she’s the fucking title of the movie.
Hopefully tying loose ends between the end of X Men Apolcalypse and the disappearance of Mutants and the X-Men and the Brotherhood in Logan and The Gifted.
Hopefully no more of the Hank-Raven-Erik love triangle but I think that already kinda died with XMA
Charles being morally dubious
Erik’s mutant anarchist commune on Genosha with Jean living there. Also please let him actually care about her and not just manipulate her for his own ends.
Peter telling Mags he’s his Dad? It’s the last movie, you have to settle that. 
This scene with Erik standing in front of that fireplace kinda doesn’t fit the aesthetic of the rest of the movie and I hope it’s a flashback to tie the loose ends between the end of First Class and JFK thing. Like whatever happened to the Hellfire Club? How did they all get killed? How did the coin and Shaw’s corpse end up in government posession and why did they keep the coin and what happened to Magneto’s original helmet because clearly that helmet is the first one except it’s not yet the pink spray-painted ugly one from the end of First Class when they free Emma and the actually kinda cool one in DofP that he stole from the Pentagon.
Bring back Nina. I don’t care how. Just bring her back. Ideally she was in the forest commune this entire time. After XMA Erik just went and picked her up from a Polish hospital
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aviesims · 1 year
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Jasper dropped to the ground, Erik was faster than him. He gasped and blood formed in his mouth, he was about to collapse to Leon's frame when Cordelia pushed his, now helpless, body out of the way. Jasper laid in his back and held his bleeding stomach. Erik was about to go and help him when someone grabbed him and pulled him back.
His posessed general was trying to kill him and possession did not erase his strength or his skills. Since Erik was caught off-guard he couldn't get out of the general's tight grip. He almost passed out from being choked but he managed to land a blow to the general's stomach with his elbow.
Erik started to breathe heavily, he was blinded for a second from almost passing out. Cordelia screamed for Erik to watch out. Before his vision cleared the general turned him around and punched him. Erik lost his balance.
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capeshqs · 4 years
Axel Xavier-Lehnsherr ( Child Of Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr ), Blaise Lebeau ( Child of Anna Marie and Remy Lebeau ), Cisco Ramon ( Vibe ), Harleen Quinzel ( Harley Quinn ), Hudson Parker-Wilson ( Child Of Peter Parker and Wade Wilson ), Lorina Dodson ( The White Rabbit ), and Warren Worthington IV ( Child of Warren Worthington ) have been accepted.
Anniek Kortleve, Carlos Valdes, Dylan O’Brien, Giaro Giarratana, Margot Robbie, Max Hamilton, and Tyler Posey are now taken.
《Anniek Kortleve, nonbinary trans woman, she/they/fae, 26 》⇢ Wow! I just saw [ Lorina Dodson ] the [ Villain] who goes by [ The White Rabbit ]. They had kids with [n/a] and I’ve heard they’re [ Single ]. They’re also a [ Psychologist Intern ] at [ New York Psychiatric ]. Some people say they're [ Impulsive and Emotional ] but I think they're actually really [ Kind and loyal ].
《Max Hamilton , cis male, he/him , 26》⇢ Hey! I just ran into [ BLAISE LEBEAU ], the [ BIOLOGICAL ] child of [ GAMBIT AND ROUGE] who's also a [ ANTI-HERO] that goes by [ ROUGE CAJUN ]. They said they’re a  [ PHOTOGRAPHER ] at [ THE DAILY BUGlE ] now. I know rumors say they’re [ HOT HEADED & STUBBORN ] but If you ask me they’re really [ CHARMING & FUN LOVING ].  They’re also a [ MUTANT ] with the ability of [ BIO-KINETIC ENERGY ].
《 giaro giarratana, male, he/him, 26》⇢ Hey! I just ran into [ Warren Worthington IV], the [ BIOLOGICAL ] child of [ WARREN WORTHINGTON ] who's also a [ HERO ] that goes by [ LORD MAGIK ]. They said they’re a  [ MAGIC TEACHER ] at [ X-INSTITUE ] now. I know rumors say they’re [ EMOTIONAL & POSESSIVE ] but If you ask me they’re really [ OPEN-MINDED & ENERGETIC ].  They’re also a [ MAGE - MUTANT HYBRID ] with the ability of [ SORCERY,WING MANIFESTATION, HEALING FACTOR, EMPATHY ].
《 margot robbie, cis female, she/her, 35 》⇢ Wow! I just saw [ HARLEEN QUINZEL ] the [ ANTI-HERO ] who goes by [ HARLEY QUINN ]. They had kids with [ WADE WILSON & PAMELA ISLEY ] and I’ve heard they’re [ MARRIED ( TO PAM ) ]. They’re also a [ WHATEVER SHE WANTS  ] at [ WHEREVER SHE WANTS ]. Some people say they're [ CARELESS & DESTRUCTIVE ] but I think they're actually really [ OUTGOING & CHARMING ].
《 Carlos Valdes, Male, He/Him, 22 》⇢ Wow! I just saw Cisco Ramon the Hero who goes by Vibe. They’re a Technician at STAR Labs. Some people say they're boring & a glorified sidekick, but I think they're really funny & powerful.
《 Dylan o'brien.  , Male, they/them, 20 》⇢ Hey! I just ran into [ Hudson Parker-Wilson ], the [ ADOPTED ] child of [ Peter Parker & Wade Wilson who's also a [ HERO. ] that goes by [ ALIAS ]. They said they’re a  [ Intern  ] at [  Stark Industries ] now. I know rumors say they’re [ STUBBORN & DISHONEST] but If you ask me they’re really [ BRAVE &  ORGANISED].  They’re also a [ MUTANT] with the ability of [ Spider-Abilities, Hand-Hand Combat.].
《Tyler Posey  , genderfluid, they/them , 25》⇢ Hey! I just ran into [ AXEL LEHNSHERR-XAVIER], the [ ADOPTED ] child of [ ERIK LEHNSHERR AND CHARLES XAVIER] who's also a [ VILLAIN ] that goes by [  M-2]. They said they’re a  [  N/A] at [ N/A ] now. I know rumors say they’re [ MANIPULATIVE &  COLD ] but If you ask me they’re really [ PRACTICAL & STRONG ].  They’re also a [ MUTANT ] with the ability of [ FERROKINESIS, TELEPATHY, ].
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