#portland row 35
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vryfmi · 2 years ago
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[id from alt text: digital drawing of TV series' version of Portland Row, 35 from a low angle looking up. it is nighttime, sky is heavy with clouds. on the right side there's a row of residential buildings down Portland Row, number 35 is closest to the viewer. the center piece of picture is a ghost-lamp on the side of pavement. it casts a bright-green neon light on the street and houses. there are three silhouettes downt the street resembling main characters of Lockwood and Co./end id]
the light will be on for when you come back
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persephone411 · 2 years ago
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I love how similar the interiors from the Portland Row (Lockwood & co) and the baker Street (Sherlock ) are.
(Also their houses probably have a similar floodplan)
Maybe I just love this very British/London Style
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bbflowers21 · 2 years ago
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I build Portland Row 35 in Sims 4 and it isn’t perfect but I tried to make it as cosy as possible and I honestly love the vibe. Also George in his pyjamas cooking breakfast lmao
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emma-rose-loves · 3 months ago
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haunted-ihop · 6 months ago
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Void Lucy
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hisnamesdylan · 2 months ago
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killerfrostisme · 2 years ago
Not to be dramatic but Jonathan Stroud's letter announcing Lockwood and Co's cancelation literally broke me.
Like "Portland Row is always open for business"? "Drop by any time"? "It's your home too, after all"?
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book--brackets · 8 months ago
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krash-and-co · 11 months ago
stating the obvious here but 35 portland row is so beautiful as a whole.
i mean theres death and misery and reminders of what's lost soaked into the very floorboards, stained carpets and horror stacking up, tragedy you can touch and something you can't look in the eyes waiting with your blood under its nails. but there is also sugar on the table.
there are pictures on the wall and dishes in the sink and beds with extra blankets and laughing you can hear from the stairwell, and i mean you know who it is because you've heard it enough and you know hes throwing his head back because that's how he sounds when he laughs that hard, and I mean sometimes youll still take a blanket from your bed and sit under it with her because it feels even more like home that way. sometimes youll find your clean laundry on your bed and it's still warm.
I mean it is so so so cold outside and its cold inside here too, but ours is a different cold. cold like a hand in yours right before you grab it with your other to bring warmth. it's a gentle kind of thawing when you feel boiling waters steam on your cheeks and it's a gentle kind of thawing when you start to hear the house creaking as a contented sigh, and then you'll sigh too, and i mean theres death and misery and reminders of what's lost soaked into the very floorboards, but when its spring again we'll do spring cleaning together like those happy families on tv. there is sugar on the table for you because someone remembered how you like your tea.
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hollcwboy · 5 months ago
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35 portland row: the haunting is the home ☕️🗞️
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maraschinomerry · 1 year ago
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Not a 100% match but I got this teapot today and I'm so thrilled - shoutout to @oblivious-idiot for giving me the idea to check marketplace 🫶
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wellgoslowly · 1 year ago
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personinthepalace · 2 years ago
I am totally not thinking about the fact that ali, cameron, and ruby wanted to have a sleepover at 35 portland row on their last day (but didn’t get to), and now they'll never see the set again 😭
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neverendinglabyrinth · 2 years ago
Analyzing 35 Portland Row:
Back at it with my set decoration posts, but lets overanalyze 35 Portland Row, shall we?
I love the way most of the house seems untouched, like it was frozen in time. Presumably, Lockwood never really "redesigned" the home from its original state, maybe a couple of changes here and there (which are more noticeable as we move on to other rooms) I say this, because of the contrast between pristine and messy in the areas.
The entryway:
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I assume that the perspective pictures were taken as a way to assess how the set was going to look, in perspective 1 you can see the pillows on the bench missing, and in perspective 2 the clothing rack/hanger are completely missing.
On screen, we see that contrast I was talking about, you can see the way the clothes are almost stacked on that clothing rack (we can see George's coat, for example) I regard this as the kids respecting the space, since it is Lockwood's house they, most likely, don't want to trash it with their personal mess (or maybe George is the one that sets the 'mess-boundaries' to lighten the cleaning work).
On the other side of the spectrum we see the neat decorations and respected vases (respected as in, not using them as holders or trash bins) and the well cleaned masks and antiques hanging on the wall.
The Living Room:
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This room is the "look how professional and neat we are" room, it is (by far) the cleanest one of them all, here is where they receive people and it is evident that they don't use it much by themselves, I know this because of the alarming lack of books laying around. I promise you, in Portland Row there are books EVERYWHERE.
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(these are just from the first couple episodes)
The Library:
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I would argue that this is the "let's talk" room of the house, because it's the place where all of the information is. This is the room with the most "Lockwood flare", plus it's the perfect place for me to talk more about the messiness contrast.
In the scene where Lucy goes to talk to Lockwood, she has an apple core in her hand and this madwoman sets it ON THE TABLE (outrageous) but she looks for a spot where she wont ruin the table OR the books beside it. THE SELECTIVE MESS, PEOPLE! And Lockwood doesn't care, he just smiles, thankful.
Also there's a piano on the corner. (Hey! Locky, play Piano Man!)
The Kitchen:
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Lockwood & Co's kitchen my beloved <3
By far my favorite room of the house, it is so cozy! From the spice rack, to the pot holders, to the kitchen utensils, the DETAILS. I'm in love, I love it.
And of course, the thinking cloth. The kitchen is the heart of Portland Row 35. And the crumbs on the table mean the world to me. LIKE DO YOU GET IT? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE SIMBOLYSM OF CRUMBS ON THE TABLE?
I love kitchens, and I love set decor. That's all I have to say.
The Rooms:
Last sections of me nerding out about set decor, I promise!
Lockwood's Room:
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It's safe to assume that Lockwood doesn't spend much time in his room, so it stays mostly neat. Probably only in use when he's sleeping or getting changed, and most of his time is spent in the library or in the kitchen with the others.
Lucy's Room:
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Okay, this room is a set decor work of art. Why? Well, because it is a prime example of a characters personality shining through in a new space.
Not only does it show what it was before (a storage attic) but it also shows what it is now (a personal room) AT THE SAME TIME! You can see the way Lucy organizes everything contrasted with the way it was laid out before.
(look at the shopping bags she was carrying when talking to Kipps beside the bed, CONTINUITY!)
George's Room:
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One thing about George is that he is way too excited about The Problem to care about actually cleaning and organizing his own room.
I think that his room is a physical representation of how his brain works. Books on the floor, papers stacked over anything, post it notes on the wall. You can just see the way his brain jumps from one thought to the other by the way his room is laid out!
The set decorator credits: JUDE FARR
So that's it! Im sure i missed a couple of things so if you want to add your observations, please do! And if i made any mistakes or incorrect assumptions I apologize, i am by no means and expert, I just like the subject.
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hauntingthenarrativepod · 3 months ago
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Happy New Year, babes!!
In lieu of actual resolutions:
(You can also find our currently released episodes on our tumblr with the tag #HTNEpisodes The notes are worth reading.)
Text Version below, with extra details:
8th Jan - Ghost Economics 101 (a macro look at the economy in the Problem universe)
22nd Jan - What the **** is Ezekiel? (three theories are presented for you to vote on (mine's the best))
Late Jan or Early Feb - The Notorious Scarlett & Browne, babes (BONUS EP because the whole fandom is sleeping on this series)
5th Feb - Locklyle, my heart (let's talk about how to write a romance without the kiss)
Thank you all for humouring us over the last month -- watching the numbers tick up and reading your comments has been the absolute highlight of our December. We've had a blast working on this project and so far and we can't wait to see what 2025 will hold for it!
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sixinchesdeepinmud · 2 years ago
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Everyone, go and admire this stunning piece of art on Instagram 🖤💙🤩
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