#popuri sos
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browniesnivy · 7 months ago
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Gift for @dunyun-rings for the @bokumonoexchange! Hope you like it <3
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gomoraly · 8 months ago
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Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town-Popuri
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alicenpai · 2 years ago
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was nostalgic for harvest moon a while back. i played a shit ton of hm64 until it started glitching so badly!!! i'm still sad over that!!! it was my childhood hm game!!!
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sharing a Lumina & grandma drawing from 2018 i think ? wasn't super big on this piece. for the Back to the Beginning zine hosted by catstealers
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nonalillie · 2 years ago
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bunhitwonder · 2 years ago
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Popuri my love 🐄💖🐓
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fkapple · 10 months ago
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Cosplayin’ again
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nooneassked · 2 months ago
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I was thinking about the marriage candidates that I married as a kid playing harvest moon.
Guess who grew up to be a genderfluid bisexual? 💁🏼‍♀️✨
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stardustswirldreams · 14 days ago
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More ol' Magma stuff, some Story of Seasons love
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pinsterwglasses · 1 year ago
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Popuri from Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
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amebunnie · 1 year ago
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pink waifu of the month,,,,
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joshseoh · 2 years ago
do you recognize this hair?
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I made Popuri's hair from Friends of Mineral Town! It's the SoS version, not the harvest moon version. I'll probably going to make that version too
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the before & after ✨
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lm-tomatito · 2 years ago
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Sharing this wip for now since I honestly don't know if I'll ever finish it or not :') I wanted to make a more elaborated background again so that's the only thing I finished here, supposedly, since I didn't add the light and filters I had planned yet.
I still like the idea of these two being close, they look cute together and I even had a small one-shot idea for them, although it's angst lol
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handsmotif · 11 months ago
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pelipper · 2 years ago
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Harvest Moon 64 remake confirmed!?
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pastelgrove · 5 months ago
first impressions matter | accepting.
@sunsweets asked: rain, sender and receiver both get stuck under the same awning when seeking shelter from sudden rain. / for popuri !
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Popuri's   nose   crinkled   when   a   raindrop   hit   it.   Her   crimson   gaze   glanced   up   at   the   grey   skies   above,   worry   gracing   her   ivory   features.   That   definitely   looked   like   it   would   be   more   than   just   a   drizzle.   With   it   mind,   she   dashed   to   the   nearest   shelter   she   could   find,   in   mineral   town   once   a   storm   started   it   took   a   LONG   time   for   it   to   stop.   No   doubt   she'd   be   stuck   under   this   awning   for   awhile   but   luckily,   not   alone!
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"What   bad   luck   ...."   her   attention   then   turned   to   the   other   girl,   friendly   smile   curving   upon   her   glossy   lips.   "Didn't   bring   an   umbrella   either,   huh?   The   weather   man   said   it   was   supposed   to   be   super   sunny   today,   I   wonder   what   happened?"   and   now   she   was   worried   about   the   poor   chickens,   unless   Rick   had   gotten   home   before   her   --   ...they   were   trapped   outside   ...   they'd   be   very   displeased   to   be   soaked   ....   she'd   have   to   give   them   extra   treats   as   an   apology   ...
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ranchstoryblog · 2 months ago
Fandom Memories: HMFarm
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Hmmm. So, nearly a quarter of you whippersnappers wanna hear about the good ol' days, huh? Well, back in the day, you wouldn't just hang out on one or two big websites to try to find people who shared your niche interests among a million random users. Everything had its own dedicated site, with its own special pack of weirdos that you probably wouldn't find anywhere else. Home grown fandom, sprouting from the cement sidewalks of the freshly paved internet like so many weeds with pretty little flowers on top. So, let's take a little stroll down memory lane and visit one of the oldest fan sites with Archive.org's "Wayback Machine."
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Ahh, just like I remember it. This here is "Harvest Moon Farm." 'course, we just called it HMFarm, like the URL did. This used to be the place to be. The prime progenitor of all farmin' fansites in the English speaking community. Maybe not the literal first, but up until around 2005, this was where you would go if you wanted to know anythin' about digital farmin'. It truly was a magical place to visit.
This screenshot isn't the oldest design, but it's the one I fondly remember. The majority of my time using the site was during the lead-up to A Wonderful Life, which was probably also when it was the most active as an information source. Seeing the screenshots, checking the forums, speculatin', wonderin', dreamin'... It's a warm feeling. I can't really describe how it felt to look at these shots for the first time. Granted, they were mostly sourced from various places like IGN or Newtechnix, but who wanted to go to THOSE messy sites when all the info I wanted was right here? IGN wasn't telling me how to revive the Vineyard in Harvest Moon 64 while I was waiting for AWL news either.
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Our first look at the character we would come to know as Muffy, the sheer novelty of being able to go into the townsfolk's glorious, 3D-rendered rooms, the apparent misidentification of flowering tomatoes... The webmaster, Gamergirl87, would caption each one as well. Some of the captions of those screenshots ended up not being exactly true, but it was the closest thing to on-going coverage we really had. Who else was there to trust?
It's a little off topic, but I think at one point after learning about the GBA connectivity, I must have dreamed about this very gallery and seeing a screenshot of a Gamecube-ized Popuri with the caption that Mineral Town villagers would visit after connecting the GC and GBA together. At least, I'm pretty sure it was a dream. I've met some people who claim they saw the same thing, but none of us have been able to find that screenshot or comment again.
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The one that would most catch my attention was the one on the left here. I didn't have a PlayStation 2, so I was coming fresh off of the GameBoy and Nintendo 64 when going into A Wonderful Life. The pond, the mysterious glowing plants, the mood and ambiance of their lighting, the little tree on the door... Naturally, I mirrored it on my first day the remake was available.
It's a real shame that the message boards are poorly preserved, since it doesn't look like there was a news post about the pre-order plush cow. I was hoping to find the name of whoever it was that convinced me to commit my first ever preorder. I still have the receipt, but without the forum post it's really only tangentially related to HM Farm.
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'course, just learning about existing games and upcoming games wasn't the only good thing HM Farm was for. As I alluded to, there was a whole community here! While it's a shame that the message boards aren't well preserved by the Wayback Machine, you know what is?
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The "ideas" list! This incredible time capsule was one of the first "interactive" parts of the site, starting in the year 2000. It's kind of fun to see how many of these ideas actually happened. Obviously, new characters and personalities were probably expected, but Animal Parade would eventually feature a honeymoon, several games have clothing and other customization, a mall, city, and pig would be added as soon as GBC 3, a goat would be in A Wonderful Life... It's actually amazing how prescient a lot of the suggestions are.
I'd share the whole thing, but the amount of e-mail addresses involved gives me pause. Still, there's a couple I wanna highlight:
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Considering how often I still hear about people wanting to marry the moms and people attributing it to just "the fans getting older," it's funny to see Laserion lay out that, no, we've always been like this. Right down to using Manna's unhappy marriage and Lillia's husband never returning as valid reasons they should be available.
Tuan145, on the other hand, I just find extremely amusing because of the specific "2002 Escalade" part. Yes, this is clearly the ideal vehicle for all farmers in the Story of Seasons universe. This is now accepted headcanon. The boat was added in GBC 3 too, so obviously a 2002 Escalade is going to be added any day now.
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Another thing that's amazingly well preserved is the site's fan art section. There's a few missing images here and there, but for the most part the entire thing is open to explore. People of basically all ages and skill levels happily submitted their creations, including original characters, digital art, traditional art, crossovers with popular series like Sailor Moon, a liiittle bit of drug use... Y'know, all the kinds of things you'd expect to see in a fan art gallery of the day.
Even better, some of the artists are still doing art today! Looking around, I quickly discovered one of my favorites, Rina Cat, is now on Blue Sky. I made sure to ask for permission to repost their art before including it here. Reaching out to everyone would be a bit much though, so I'll just encourage you to just browse the gallery using the Wayback Machine yourself. There's poetry and fanfics too!
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There's a lot more to the site, including useful bits of history like keeping track of release dates for games, pre-release screenshots, and information that was only available on Japanese websites at the time, but I'll leave it at that for now.
Unfortunately, though the site continued to be updated until 2010 and stayed online until 2021, it's no longer available on the regular internet and the URL doesn't seem safe to access anymore. I wanted to include an interview with the former webmaster as well, but all their readily available contact information was tied to the website and I haven't had any luck so far in finding other means of contact. If I have any success, I'll be sure to make a follow-up! If you have any memories of HMFarm, or other fan sites, I'd be happy to hear about it.
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