pastelgrove · 4 hours
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Giving Celine a birthday present she loves 🌸
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pastelgrove · 4 hours
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by odwyer_sio9
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pastelgrove · 4 hours
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pastelgrove · 4 hours
@vigilantdesert s.c
"Hi   there!"   The   gardener   smiled   warmly,   head   canting   to   the   side.   "You   look   a   little   lost,   do   you   need   some   help?"
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It   was   rare   to   see   a   new   face   in   town,   so   naturally   Celine   was   quite   intrigued   by   this   uniquely   dressed   woman.
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pastelgrove · 1 day
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A really quick nervous frey because I miss drawing her 🥺🥺
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pastelgrove · 1 day
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....I wanna add more harvest moon characters so ......tomorrow I'll likely do that hehe.
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pastelgrove · 1 day
hey could you hold these for a sec
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pastelgrove · 1 day
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pastelgrove · 1 day
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muffy from harvest moon! she was my fave as a kid. <3 
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pastelgrove · 1 day
Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma, I'm still hyped about it but .... it almost gives me genshin vibes, rune factory genshin AU???
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pastelgrove · 1 day
@waelkyrja (lenneth ) s.c
A   polite   smile   curved   upon   the   man's   lips,   ever   the   gentlemen   in   front   of   a   lovely   maiden.
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"I   take   it   you've   traveled   far   -   Rigbarth   isn't   a   place   many   seek   out,   though   it   is   a   pleasure   to   have   you   here.   If   there's   anything   you   need   -   please   don't   hesitate   to   ask"
His   first   priority   was   always   Beatrice,   but   that   didn't   mean   he   wouldn't   help   anyone   else   in   need!   He   was   after   all,   a   knight   ...   sworn   to   protect!
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pastelgrove · 1 day
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Do   you   like   cozy   games?   Harvest   Moon?   Rune   Factory?   Fields   of   Mistria?   If   yes   ....   then   why   not   give   this   post   a   reblog   to   interact   with   varying   muses   from   the   coziest   games   out   there?
written   by   Flora.
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pastelgrove · 2 days
first impressions matter a collection of meet cutes and meet uglys from yours truly. (add a “swap” to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)
ankle, sender twists their ankle and stumbles forward, coincidentally falling into receiver's arms.
bark, a dog barks loudly, making sender jump and send their phone flying into receiver's face.
chips, sender and receiver both reach for the last bag of chips in the grocery store, their fingers touching by accident.
drink, sender chokes on their drink and ends up spitting it out all over receiver as they walk past.
emergency, in the middle of an awkward blind date, sender pretends to be receiver's friend and helps them get out of the date by faking an emergency.
french, sender pretends they can only speak french to get out of giving a stranger directions. receiver is a witness.
gift, sender is about to get scammed into overpaying for something before receiver steps in to help (and haggle).
hair, sender gets something they're wearing caught in receiver's hair and ends up yanking a chunk of it out when attempting to separate.
ice, sender is ice skating for the first time and skates uncontrollably in receiver's direction.
jail, sender and receiver are both thrown into the same holding cell at a police station.
kid, sender loses a child that they're caring for, only to end up finding them in receiver's company.
lock, sender crashes their ex's wedding, and receiver, a bridesmaid / groomsman, locks them both in the bathroom to prevent sender making a scene.
match, sender and receiver both end up being sat at the same table in a full restaurant.
nauseous, sender is drunk, and while receiver is attempting to help them, ends up throwing up all over receiver's shoes.
oops, sender is carrying a bag full of groceries that ends up breaking. receiver helps them pick their groceries back up.
plug, receiver walks into the bathroom to find sender stuffing tissues up their nose in an attempt to plug up a nosebleed.
quarter, sender doesn't have enough coins for the vending machine, so they stick their hand up the flap and gets their arm stuck just as receiver approaches.
rain, sender and receiver both get stuck under the same awning when seeking shelter from sudden rain.
shh, sender and receiver are both sitting beside each other at the movies. sender keeps whispering to themself every few minutes.
tooth, sender accidentally bites down too hard on their food, resulting in a tooth falling out and skittering across the floor to land at receiver's feet.
undone, the laces on sender's shoes ends up coming undone and they trip and fall, bringing receiver down with them and into the fountain beside them.
vacation, there's a problem with the booking of sender and receiver's hotel rooms and they end up having to share one. thankfully there are two beds.
woods, sender and receiver bump into each other in the woods. one of them is holding a shovel.
x-rated, in a bookstore, sender accidentally drops a few of the erotic books they were planning on purchasing on the floor, which receiver picks up.
yawn, sender, who is dressed down and has not yet slept, bumps into receiver, who is dressed up and just woken up, in line for coffee.
zap, sender calls out to receiver to ask for directions, but as it's late receiver mistakes sender for a creep and tases them.
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pastelgrove · 2 days
@staruin s.c
"Are   you   by   chance   from   the   city?"   the   farmgirl   asked   with   a   cant   of   her   head.   Due   to   her   illness   Celia   didn't   often   get   to   travel,   so   whenever   she   saw   someone   stylish,   much   like   Muffy!   Her   curiosity   was   always   piqued.
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"I've   never   seen   you   around   before   and   this   little   town   isn't   much   of   a   tourist   attraction   ....   hehe,   that's   why   I   asked!   New   faces   are   quite   rare   around   here."
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pastelgrove · 2 days
LIKE   for   a   small   starter.
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(Please specify (1) muse. and multis ... please ALSO specify haha. )
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pastelgrove · 2 days
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writing Micah mostly because...wooly...
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pastelgrove · 2 days
Roster update
Adding chivalrous knight Reinhard (rf5) andddd
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Wooly boy, Micah (rf3)
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