#popuri x farmer
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bunhitwonder · 2 years ago
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Popuri my love 🐄💖🐓
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rayneberyl · 6 months ago
Burning Gold
Harvest moon\Story of seasons story
Main pairing : Gray x Claire
Side paring pairing Rick x Claire
Rating Mature
Burning Gold - Chapter 1 - AppleBeryll - Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town [Archive of Our Own]
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love-bokumono-fics · 4 months ago
Fresh Crops! October 21 - October 27, 2024
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Like Real People Do - by NonbinaryCookie; WIP, 2/4, 2.8k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, M/M, Other Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Gustafa/Reader; Characters: Gustafa, Takakura, Farmer Additional Tags: Marriage, newlyweds, Wedding, Wedding Night, Forget-Me-Not Valley, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Domestic, farming, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Sex, x Reader, why is there not more content for Gustafa???, Or more content for story of seasons as a whole????, no beta reader we die like Nina, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, no smut but god I wish i knew how to write it so there was, the second i learn how to write smut it is ALL over for you bitches, Hozier, Like Real People Do by Hozier, Song: Like Real People Do, this man reminds me of Hozier so much, please tell me y'all see it too, Gustafa is Story of Seasons' Hozier confirmed Summary: In between Chapter 1: Beginnings and Chapter 2: Blessings you and Gustafa have to solidify your relationship and find a routine between the two of you. Lots of fluff, romance, and sweet sweet music.
More Than Just Fragile - by MasterZsword; WIP, 1/2, 1.4k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationships: Farmer/Marlin | Matthew, Vesta & Marlin | Matthew; Characters: Female Farmer, Marlin | Matthew, Vesta Additional Tags: Post-Chapter One: Beginnings (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life), Pre-Chapter Two: Branching (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life), Sickfic, Common Cold, Matthew Has a Chronic Illness (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life), Self-Esteem Issues, Married Couple, Protective Female Farmer (Harvest Moon), Self-Worth Issues, Hurt/Comfort, Angst Summary: Only a couple of months have passed since Matthew accepted his wife's marriage proposal, and for the first time since relocating to Forgotten Valley, he believes his life is taking a turn for the better. However, with the arrival of Winter comes the inevitable arrival of sickness, which hits him hard due to his chronic illness. Stuck in bed with a cold, he is reminded of how frail and helpless he is. How frail and helpless he has always been and always will be. At the mercy of his wife's doting care and affection, he begins to wonder if his relationship with his wife, like his body, is doomed by frailty.
All I Have Is A Flower For You - by ulupi; WIP, 1/?, <1k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationship: Claire the Farmer/Popuri; Characters: Claire the Farmer, Popuri Additional Tags: Autistic Crush, Neurodivergent Relationship, ADHD Maybe, Romance, Slow Romance, healthy relationship, Developing Relationship, sapphic relationship, nerd love Summary: Claire has left everything behind for an impulsive, fresh, and exciting start at life. Love was the last thing on her mind, especially with the local chicken nerd.
Farm Stories - by Reiz16; WIP, 2/?, 3.4k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Tree of Tranquility, Animal Parade Relationships: Takeru/Akira, Jin/Anissa; Characters: Takeru, Akira, Jin, Anissa, Van the Child, Hamilton, Gill, Taylor, Elli | Elly, Ruth, Craig, Toby, Irene, Perry, Luna, Candace, Shelly, OC Summary: Stories of the characters from, "Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility", and, "Harvest Moon: Animal Parade", getting married and having children.
And one Not Safe For Tumblr fic by Thefallen1986.
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hmlegacy · 2 years ago
So we won’t fully address how long ago I was tagged in this, but shout out to @friendofbats.
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four Ships
So I try to be balanced in all things but, most of my ships, I’m either all in or all out once they don’t happen, lol. I cannot say I have a Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons ride or die ship, unfortunately (the farmer and my wifey, Popuri). But bring back rival marriage, damn it.
It’ll be tough to dwindle it to four, honestly, I have a lot of genres I enjoy.
Zelda/Link (Legend of Zelda): Yea, I know, BASIC, but man--the fact that their destinies bring them together through even like ancestry. That type of gig is my jam.
Takeru “T.K”/Hikari “Kari” (Digimon): This one...this is the ‘you just had to be there’ era. The wars between Dakari and Takari fans were the things of legend. People had WHOLE SITES dedicated to this and would list the reasons why one coupling worked and why the other wouldn’t--it’s epically crazy to even think about. Alas, Takari...before I got deeply involved in my long-ass Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, I was writing a series for them that kind of shaped how I wrote for Legacy. I don’t instantly go for the ‘old friends’ relationships but I loved them together and, while I thought I got ‘meh’, I was excited to see all the small hints in what I did watch of Tri.
Tommy/Kimberly (Power Rangers): It’s so silly to even talk about but it’s so funny since I can’t deny this is my first ship--imagine it’s 1994, I’m four-years-old, in kindergarten, with no grasp on anything remotely...and these two were my ride or die.  I was six and PISSED they replaced Kimberly with Kat. I’ll even roll my eyes now that they suggest those two married and have kids. RIP Jason David Frank.
Jay Halstead/Erin Lindsay (Chicago PD): See the trend? None of my ships work out! But this is probably the only modern one i have, lol. These two though, I just loved how they worked together and had each other’s back. I think it’s super tragic how both of their story lines ended given how strong their histories were but that’s how live-actions have to go, I reckon.
Look, I’m too indecisive to not have honorable mentions. Chrom x Robin, Stahl x Panne, Kellam x Olivia, Lissa x Lon’qu, Frederick x Nowi, Tharja x Libra, Lucina x Gerome (Fire Emblem Awakening, meaning the marriages I would struggle to deviate from), Dimitri x Byleth (Fire Emblem Three Houses), Yor x Loid (Spy x Family), Ichigo x Rukia (Screw you, BLEACH)
Last Song: Lol, oh, “Bodies” by Drowning Pool. I was just listening to a 2000s metal playlist on Spotify, that’s where I left off.
Currently Reading: I need to get better at reading...anything. I write and edit my writing by reading it?
Last Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 3. Bittersweet but definitely good compared to where the MCU is now.
Craving: Hu Tieu Tom Thit (Pork and Shrimp Clear Noodle Soup) and a Sea Angel Roll would be awesome!
Tagging: My infinite anxiety over the strangest of things will keep me from tagging, lol. But please tag me if you do this, I love reading these.
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occult-octoling · 4 years ago
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durotoswrites · 3 years ago
Character breakdown!! How about Gray?
I knew it wasn't going to be a proper breakdown of characters without the ever-famous Gray! I have a lot of opinions on him, and I'm happy to share. I have broken down his HM64 and Mineral Town incarnations below, including my feelings on his appearance in HM for Girl, because I do feel that he is pretty different here than in the Mineral Town games.
How I feel about this character
Gray is a very interesting character, no matter which incarnation you are looking at. He's popular for a reason – there's a lot of hinted at baggage and past family drama that makes for good writing and sympathy for his character. How each game goes about presenting him is a little different, and I have my preferences.
I do feel that HM64 is my favorite version of Gray. He's a ranch hand that has gone through a traumatic injury, keeping him from riding the horses he love so much. He can come off as a bit reclusive, but I really get through the events he has with his sister and with Popuri he used to be more outgoing before his injury. I find that really heartbreaking, and you know I love a good tragic character who I can sympathize with. His social anxiety keeps him from speaking much, but he still has his friends at the bar that drinks with regularly. Ann refers to the poor guy as “a social disaster”, and she's not completely wrong. When given items he enjoys, or if he is shown your dog, he doesn't react verbally, but he'll smile for a brief moment (perhaps a glitch) as the screen quickly switches to the farmer's dialogue stating “he seems happy” or something along those lines. I find it really sweet that the farmer can pick up on those cues despite Ann's harsh judgment of her brother.
He also seems quite smitten with Popuri and despite his affection for her, he still is a bit insecure – telling her that he doesn't smell the best after cleaning the horse stalls. Popuri is undeterred, and honestly, it's really cute – she works with fertilizer and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. I really feel that these versions of the characters have good chemistry.
Mineral Town Gray is quite different. He still has that standoffish demeanor, but it quickly goes away after the first heart event or two. Gray is quick to open up about his problems and frustrations about working under Saibara. It's an interesting contrast to HM64 Gray, where he's not the one to tell us about his riding injury – I believe Rick mentions it during the horse races (someone let me know if I'm wrong here). But this Gray seems much more willing to talk about his problems and vent to others. I have some unpopular opinions on this that I'll share a little later.
HM for Girl Gray also has a shift in behavior. He is much warmer to Claire in this version of the game, finding her “cute” during their first event. And who could forget that great expression he makes when he sees her?
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(A little Valentine's Day preview, hehe <3)
FoMT Gray had kind of given me mixed feelings about the character, and as I was playing HM for Girl, I was shocked to find that he was easily one of my favorite bachelors. The event where you find him a piece of silver and he keeps it in his pocket as a good luck charm while working is so dang cute. This version of Gray seems little more openly sensitive, and I really like that. He's a good mix of awkward and well-meaning. Kinda bumbling, but still endearing.
In all, I have found myself liking more as a character, especially after giving him a closer focus in my writings. So, yeah, I get why Gray is so popular.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
HM64 Gray:
Gray x Pete – Ah, my OTP that was never meant to be. I really feel like there are some moments where Gray seems a little flustered around Pete, and it's really cute. I feel like Pete could help Gray open up and Gray would be able to give invaluable advice on caring for his animals. I just think they make a really cute pair.
Gray x Popuri – This is a really dang cute canon couple. I really like the more mature version of Popuri in HM64, and she plays off of Gray very well. We're able to view a softer side of him that even his sister isn't used to seeing. The event with him planting all those flowers hits me in the heart every single time. The thought of him going through a traumatic injury and finding catharsis in nurturing something fragile and helping it grow is really sweet, and I love how Popuri is so encouraging about it. Plus, seeing a flustered Gray leave the flower shop is too dang cute.
Gray x Elli – I never really thought about this one before writing it right now, but these two would have really interesting chemistry. They both go through their own losses, and I feel like they'd be solid supports for one another. Elli has an interest in the outdoors, and I think she'd love to spend some time at the ranch.
Mineral Town Gray:
Gray x Mary – As I stated in my Mary ask, I really like these two together. Their events are really cute, and they're a good source of inspiration for each other. I like to imagine them spending a lot of time quietly reading books together. I can see Mary's face just lighting up as she talks about the things she's learned from the books and him just watching her like she's the most beautiful thing in the world. I love them so much!
Gray x Cliff – As I mentioned in the Cliff ask, I feel like these two have such great chemistry. Both are a bit withdrawn, but I think they have stories they can share with each other, and think that they'd be able to expose each other's soft spot.
Gray x Kai – Cute as friends, cute as lovers. I feel like they'd always have fun and be laughing while they are together. Maybe Gray would give Kai enough business to stay in town year round <3
HM for Girl Gray:
All of the above for Mineral Town Gray plus Gray x Farmer:
I feel like his events in this game are honestly so much sweeter. He has a better balance of sweet and sour. I mean, honestly this depends on however you imagine your farmer's personality, though. Regardless, I really like his character in HM for Girl a lot. I feel like the remake tried to channel a little bit of that.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Honestly, I'm going to mix different versions of these characters together. ^-^;
Gray/Kai – It's so easy to see these two as drinking buddies and spending time just relaxing. This version of Kai is especially chill, so I feel like he'd be a great escape from the stress Gray deals with at work. I feel like summers would be Gray's favorite season, as for him, having Kai in town is like a mini vacation. I can see them fishing on the pier and sharing snowcones, skipping rocks, and going for a swim in the hot weather.
Gray/Ann – As I mentioned before, I will always see these two as siblings. I feel like they'd have a playful banter about them and argue over silly things but never really be mad at each other. When either of them had a real problem, though, they'd be the first to run to the other's side. Ann's cheery brightness is a nice complement to Gray's more quiet, aloof manner. I feel like Ann could make Gray smile when no one else could.
Gray/Cliff – For me, this is just a headcanon requirement. As I had him state in my longfic, to share a room with someone, you have to at least get along with someone. I feel like a lot of their time together could be quiet, each doing their own thing – parallel play. Conversations over dinners and any meals they eat at the inn together would probably be forced small talk at first, but I could imagine these two growing really close, especially as Cliff begins to open up. Perhaps he can provide a listening ear to Gray.
Gray/Rick – Rick stops by the blacksmith weekly to get his tools checked on. I like to carry over Rick's tinkering into a hobby he does in Mineral Town and the two of them might talk about different projects they've got going on. I can see Gray helping with the electronic elements of the maker machines, and Rick customizing his own, so there would be a friendly rivalry going on there.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I started playing MFoMT first, and fic and fan art was at the absolute height of Graire (Gray x Claire) fever. Almost every single story featured the couple. It might have been a simple over saturation of the character, but I found myself really turned off by Graire, and Gray by extension. The Shy Newcomer waaay back in the day during its creation back in 2008 was originally a bit of an anti-Graire story, showing what can happen if you try to woo Gray using standard HM wooing mechanics. But honestly,the more I wrote him, the more I enjoyed his character. I might marry him on one of my files someday, but I find him a more interesting character than a love interest.
That being said, I do know that good Graire exists, as I am a fan of several works featuring the character and pairing. There is great fic and there is great art, so please don't get the idea that I dislike works with Gray/Graire in them by principle.
So, I'd have to say FoMT Gray is probably my least favorite version of him. As soon as you befriend him, even a little, his dialogue is often focused on complaints about his grandfather. I do like characters that talk about their problems and are open with their emotions, and it's possible it's just that the game didn't give the characters enough dialogue/I usually visited him at his room in the inn, so that was the line I saw most often. I just associated him as that guy who did nothing but grumbled about his job. To me, he came off as kind of whiny, without making a real effort to change. Again, I'm aware this is an unpopular opinion.
I do think that this version of Gray does really well with Mary because she pulls him out of that rut he's stuck in. I mean, we've all been there – you get to this point in life where you feel like you've hit a wall and life just sucks. I feel like that's where Gray is when you meet him in this game. He does become more motivated by his work and finds his inspiration – seeing Mary craft her own novel spurs him on to work harder at the smithy. Likewise, Gray can see how hard the farmer is working on their property and being able to create tools to help them do their job is also inspiring to him. So, the more I've played the games, my opinion on him has improved a little. That version of him is probably ranked #4 of the 5 standard bachelors.
I think it's a crime that we weren't given the option to woo HM64 Gray. I think that he is a whole other character that has a lot of interesting facets to his personality. This is a general gripe about the guys in HM64 in general – it's a shame we never get heart events for those characters, and most of them are preferred versions of them, or at the very least, they're pretty interesting (sorry, Kai, you're not included there. You do your thing in FoMT).
My last opinion will be either popular or unpopular depending on who you ask, I suppose. I really miss Gray's hat in the remake. Having his face shielded a bit played well with his character, and I thought it was a neat little that he'd tug on the bill of his cap when he preferred to keep his facial expressions hidden to the player. The new design is alright, but the hat really felt like part of him, in a way. And as I mentioned in previous asks, I feel like the remake tried really hard to cute-sify a lot of things, including the marriage candidates. I liked that some of Gray's (and several other character's) older expressions weren't all conventionally attractive, and some of Gray's even emanated a hostile vibe – it was a great combination with his character. With his whole face on display, we don't get that ominous shadow anymore.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I already mentioned my wishes to marry Gray in HM64. Again, I feel like it's a real shame we don't get to see heart events with that incarnation.
For Mineral Town Gray, I think it would've been really cool to have his schedule change a bit once he becomes a full-fledged blacksmith. Maybe longer hours and shuffle where he spends his time, and give him updated dialogue. I also really wish he could finish his apprenticeship if you married him.
This is another thing I wish had happened in more games in the series in general – that he'd be able to help around the farm, and there would be a little bonus depending on who you married. For example, it could be something as simple as a shop discount, but I think it would be really sweet if Gray talked to your horse and brushed it every day. I know some games implemented that feature, but I wish it was something that was added to the remake.
Again for Mineral Town Gray, it would be nice to get a little more backstory on him and his family. We know that his father left him, but we don't know anything else about his family. What side of the family is Saibara on? I have my own headcanons, but I always love finding little bits of lore in the games.
Thank you so much for the ask and giving me the chance to ramble about these characters. I have so much fun doing it, and I always love to hear what y'all have to say. Have a great day! ^-^
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emeraldhazeart · 3 years ago
For the Character Breakdown, I'd love to see your thoughts on Kai. <3
Thank you for asking ❤️
●How I feel about this character
Again, I'm going to go with FOMT Kai, since I've got no experience with the HM64 or BTN versions.
I've always enjoyed his character. I love the fact that he's racially diverse from everyone else in town, and I think characters like Kai (and Greg) pioneered the way for other non-white characters to appear in later games. I wish there were more BIPOC characters in Bokumono titles, but at least that is an area Marvelous are improving in.
As for his personality, he is such a fun character! I love his laid back attitude, his wholehearted support of his friends and the fact that he's actually a really hard worker, despite the fact that many people think he's lazy.
    ●All the people I ship romantically with this character
Kai x Popuri is a given. They're so happy together, and adding in Rick as the 3rd wheel just makes the whole dynamic so entertaining.
I also really like Kai x the farmer. The fact that he's willing to move to Mineral Town permanently for them, despite his intense dislike for the cold, is just so sweet. Plus he totally respects and supports the farmer from the moment they meet.
    ●My non-romantic OTP for this character
Kai x Gray. These two strike me as the ultimate bros. They've got each other's backs, come what may. Also, Gray's one of the only guys in town that is willing to openly befriend Kai, and I don't get the feeling that it's just to go against his Grandpa/the other men.
    ●My unpopular opinion about this character
Kai is totally a pineapple-on-pizza person (oh wait, that's his unpopular opinion...)
    ●One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
MORE EVENTS! I'll probably scream that for every single character, but I want more interactions between Kai and other townsfolk. We're told the other men in town dislike him, but we really only see that with Rick. Manna tells the player about how Kai painted his Snack Shack bright white, much to Gotz chagrin, but I wish there were more events like that.
Have Zack be wary of Kai spending time with Popuri, because he doesn't want Lillia to get hurt.   Have Thomas worry that this 'cool dude' might encourage all the young people to leave town in search of adventure. Have Jeff fretting himself sick that Karen will elope with Kai, even though she's never shown any interest in him.
Thank you so much again for playing ❤️
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love-bokumono-fics · 8 months ago
Fresh Crops! July 1 - July 7, 2024
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
A Wonderful Life - by Aqueird; WIP, 1/?, 1.4k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, DS Cute Relationships: Cody | Gordy/Chris, Cody | Gordy/ Original Character(s), Pony | Aya | Jill/Rock, Pony | Aya/ | Cody | Gordy, Chris/Wally | Suarii; Characters: Pony | Aya | Jill, Original Characters, Cody | Gordy, Chris, Hugh, Wally | Suarii Additional Tags: Cheating, Implied Sexual Content, Established Relationship Summary: Chris needed a distraction: “Something to cope. Life can hit you unexpectedly, so you either let it lay you down or you hit the ground running. And if you can’t run, you find something to lean on” Gordy eyed her for a long moment without moving from his position on the bed. “So, you’re leaning on me?” He asks more like a statement. Chris fastens her buckle tightly, “I’m walking with you.” Chris and Gordy have a conversation about an upcoming gallery opening.
Her Voice Within - by syavwits; WIP, 11/?, 23k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Back To Nature Relationship: Claire the Farmer/Gray; Characters: Claire the Farmer, Pete the Farmer, Gray, Rick, Kai, Cliff, Doctor | Trent, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Karen, Popuri, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Elli | Elly, Manna, Duke, Doug | Dudley, Old Ellen, May | Mei, Stu | Yu, Zack, Won | Huang, Anna, Basil the Writer, Saibara, Harris, Gotz | Gotts, Kano, Louis the Entomologist | Chuu, Greg, Barley | Mugi, Aja | Adge Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Romantic Soulmates, Soul-Searching, Mystery, Mute Protagonist, Found Family Summary: It's not that Claire can't talk, she sometimes speaks yes, but only when she really put all her energies to do it. Then there's Gray, the stoic guy with the famous resting b*tch face, he doesn't want anything to do with anyone, everyone, even the new girl although she's… cute. While Pete tries to save his farm, he also confides in Claire and asks her help to search for his unknown childhood friend, his first love, who apparently is one of the girls in Mineral town?!? Will Claire manage to find Pete's long-lost Best friend? Will Claire find what she truly desires in her second chance at life?
Tumblr Posts for A Wonderful Life Characters - by actaeoncross; WIP, 54/?, 62k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Multiple Characters x Reader; Characters: Celia | Seperia | Cecilia, Cody | Gordy, Daryl, Flora, Gustafa, Lumina, Marlin | Mash | Matthew, Muffy | Molly, Nami, Rock, Reader Summary: A collection of Tumblr posts for A Wonderful Life Characters x Reader prompts.
Sugar and Spice - by Chibimiie; WIP, 64/?, 173k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade Relationships: Chase/Molly the Farmer, Angela/Luke; Characters: Molly | Hikari, Angela the Farmer, Chase, Luke, Kasey the Farmer Additional Tags: Slow Burn, oh god how do you tag fics, mentions of eating disorders, alternating povs, Friends to Lovers, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, bumped up the rating because i honestly should have a little bit ago, burn so slow it's honestly a simmer, Mutual Pining Summary: Wanting to get away from past hurts of the city, sisters Molly and Angela decide to respond to a flyer advertising an abandoned farm on the faraway island of Castanet. Leaving behind their closest friends and brother Kasey, the two take a chance and move to the tiny island hoping for a new chance at life.
And two Not Safe For Tumblr stories by Thefallen1986, with NSFT Titles.
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love-bokumono-fics · 1 year ago
Fresh Crops! December 18 - December 31, 2023
That last of 2023's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Her Voice Within - by syavwits; Complete, 7/7, 15k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Back To Nature Relationship: Claire the Farmer/Gray; Characters: Claire the Farmer, Pete the Farmer, Gray, Rick, Kai, Cliff, Doctor | Trent, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Karen, Popuri, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Elli | Elly, Manna, Duke, Doug | Dudley, Old Ellen, May | Mei, Stu | Yu, Zack, Won | Huang, Anna, Basil the Writer, Saibara, Harris, Gotz | Gotts, Kano, Louis the Entomologist | Chuu, Greg, Barley | Mugi, Aja | Adge Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Romantic Soulmates, Soul-Searching, Mystery, Mute Protagonist, Found Family Summary: It's not that Claire can't talk, she sometimes speaks yes, but only when she really put all her energies to do it. Then there's Gray, the stoic guy with the famous resting b*tch face, he doesn't want anything to do with anyone, everyone, even the new girl although she's… cute. While Pete tries to save his farm, he also confides in Claire and asks her help to search for his unknown childhood friend, his first love, who apparently is one of the girls in Mineral town?!? Will Claire manage to find Pete's long-lost Best friend? Will Claire find what she truly desires in her second chance at life?
Cooking Lessons Part II - by blushroomx; Complete, 1/1, 3.5k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandom: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Flora / Vesta; Characters: Flora, Vesta Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst Summary: The sequel to "Cooking Lessons", Flora's POV.
Restraint - by MidnightArrow; Complete, 1/1, 4k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, DS Cute Relationship: Celia| Cecilia / Marlin | Matthew / Pony; Characters: Marlin | Matthew, Celia | Cecilia Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Tragic Romance Summary: Cecilia studied the area where his fingers met her wrist. The farmer's face flashed through her mind. She thought of the long afternoons they spent analyzing Matthew's stray touches and unexpected smiles, the farmer gushing over his every move. She thought of Matthew beaming at the end of the aisle on his wedding day. She thought that she couldn't love Matthew if he went any further.
We're Friends - by dicelady20; Complete, 1/1, <1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, Kill la Kill Characters: Matoi Ryuuko, Gray Additional Tags: POV Third Person, Double Drabble, One Shot, Friendship, Gray, ryuuko Summary: This drabble is an aftermath of an incident, where Gray (Harvest Moon) saves Ryuko (Kill la Kill). Now she returns the favor and drags him to a closed mini-mart.
Rainbow Curry - by Anonymous; Complete, 1/1, 2k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Multi Fandoms: Grand Bazaar Characters: Hansel, Gretel, Daisy, Ivan, Freya Summary: Oliver sold Anita's peculiar grass collection, and now she's upset because she needed them for the rainbow curry she always prepares during the holidays. Oliver ventures into the city with Daisy and Ivan to find new ones for her.
Sex for Christmas - by Daryls_Favourite; Complete, 1/1, 1.5k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Daryl /reader; Characters: Daryl, Reader Additional Tags: Sex, Fucking, Oral Sex, its just a mature one shot x reader, Unprotected Sex Summary: It’s Christmas time in the valley, and this more demanding reader-chan is gonna get what she wants
Out of Reach - by MidnightArrow; WIP, 5/11, 2.6k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Sunshine Islands, Island of Happiness Relationships: Chelsea/Vaughn | Waltz, Sabrina | Sefiina/Vaughn | Valts, Chelsea/Mark, Mark/Sabrina | Sefiina; Characters: Vaughn | Waltz, Chelsea, Mark, Sabrina Additional Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Friends to Lovers Summary: "What's it like to be in love?" Chelsea and Vaughn share a bittersweet moment in the meadow that slowly unravels their friendship. Will something new take its place?
Live a little, love a lot - by IslandsOfAvalon; Complete, 1/1, 7.5k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: Trio of Towns Relationship: Female Farmer/Wayne; Characters: Wayne, Female Farmer, Original Female Character(s), Ludus, Ethan, Yuzuki, Lisette, Siluka, Stephanie Additional Tags: Stephanie doesn't speak but I mention her enough that she counts, and a good few others who're mentioned but don't speak!, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Rodeo, That's right folks this is a Rodeo AU, I call it "the Trio Rodeo", Fluff, Country & Western, Rodeo Competitions, Cowboys & Cowgirls, Alternate Universe - Western, Horses, Horse Racing, I spent so long doing research for this please let it pay off, I sneaked in a little bit of Lisette x Ludus because I'm soft, Dancing, Love at First Sight, because he is and I will repeat a dork, Not Beta Read, no beta we die like my crops the second the season changes, I spent way too many hours listening to country music while writing this Summary: There used to be magic in their world, once upon a time, and it’s widely accepted that magic is still very much present even if humans no longer have the ability to use it. Wayne blames magic on the way Hinata falls off his horse, boldly wrestles a steer to the ground as fast as he can manage while the animal struggles valiantly against his hold, and somehow makes it away completely unscathed.
Twice Shy - by JillOfAllTrades__x; WIP, 1/2, 6.7k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationships: Molly/Matthew, Mark/Cecilia mentioned; Characters: Muffy | Molly, Marlin | Matthew Additional Tags: Unrequited Love, Hurt/Comfort, Heartbreak, Drunken Confessions, Christmas Party Summary: Last Winter Forgotten Valley bore witness to Mark and Cecilia’s nuptials, leaving two residents reeling from the ceremony. A year later, Rock’s impulsive Secret Santa holiday party gifts them the potential for closure.
Home For The Holidays - by TheBeckster; Complete, 1/1, 2k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Gen Fandom: Grand Bazaar Character: Lloyd Additional Tags: Ranch Story Secret Santa 2023, cozy vibes, coming home, home is where people love you Summary: After a long time away from Zephyr Town, Lloyd returns just before Starry Night.
deja vu - by FountainOfDreams, pinkfrogsndaylilies; WIP, 2/?, 3.4k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade, Tree of Tranquility Relationships: Angela the Farmer & Kevin the Farmer, Candace/Kevin the Farmer, Angela the Farmer/Chase, Everyone & Everyone; Characters: Angela the Farmer, Kevin the Farmer, Hamilton, Gill, Chase, Candace, Wizard Gale, Witch Vivi, Harvest Goddess Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Cross-Posted on Wattpad, Sibling Bonding, Past Lives, Alternate Universe, Crossover, kind of, Evil Plans, replaying the games and felt motivated to repost this, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard, Slow To Update, Older Sister Angela the Farmer, Brother-Sister Relationships, Chatty Cain, being revamped as we speak Summary: Siblings Angela and Kevin move to Castanet, a faraway island in the middle of nowhere, to start their new lives on a farm. Their days passed peacefully, everything the same as the last; wake up, water the plants, care for the animals, give Chase his marmalade, visit the town, repeat. It was all very...familiar. One day, a strange small fairy showed up in their kitchen in the middle of the night looking anxious, and scared? Something wasn't right about this town, and Angela and Kevin now feel obliged to get to the bottom of it.
The Princess and the Carpenter - by SymphonicFantasia; Complete, 50/50, 7.5k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Magical Melody, Save the Homeland, Hero of Leaf Valley Relationship: Dia/Kurt | Hayato; Characters: Dia, Kurt Summary: They weren't so different from one another although others may not think so. Just because she was a "princess" didn't mean that the carpenter didn't belong with her. It just took a bit of chiseling to see who they really were deep down. And even then, they would only show those halves to one another.
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love-bokumono-fics · 1 year ago
Fresh Crops! October 30 - November 5, 2023
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓿𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓜𝓸𝓸𝓷 | 𝐻𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒮𝒽𝑒 - by HarvestMoonTales; WIP, 1/4, <1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, Multi Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Gray, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran/Cliff, Kai/Popuri; Characters: Kai, Claire, Popuri, Gray, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Cliff, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Rick, Karen, Harvest Goddess, The Kappa Additional Tags: Fanfiction, YouTube, Slice of Life, Drama, Eventual Romance, Angst, Fluff, Near Death Experiences, Minor Character Death, Time Travel, Mystery, Fantasy, Embedded Video Summary: Awkward misunderstandings stir feelings of unrest between Claire and Gray. Ann has a huge crush on Cliff but he's running out of money to stay in town. And Kai made a huge mistake with Popuri, and circumstances prevent him from righting his wrongs. Soon disaster strikes Mineral Town, but there might be a way to fix it, perhaps in the least likely way thought possible...
Our Story of Seasons: Pete x Claire - by Ry2_Sinheart; WIP, 24/30, 25k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer & Pete | Jack, Claire the Farmer/Pete | Jack; Characters: Pete | Jack, Claire, Thomas, Zack, Dog, Harvest Goddess, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Karen Additional Tags: Romance, Slow Burn, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Slice of Life, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Developing Relationship, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, Childhood Memories, Video Game Mechanics, Game Logic, Male-Female Friendship, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Relationships, Slow Romance, Digital Art Summary: A story that revolves around the protagonists of Mineral Town. After a series of unfortunate events, Pete and Claire agree they'll have to raise the farm together, whether they like it or not. Through their farming-ventures, they realize that maybe farming together… isn't so bad.
The Egg Thief - by dicelady20; WIP, 16/19, 64k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Category: F/M Fandoms: Dragon Ball GT/Z, Friends of Mineral Town Characters: Trunks Briefs, Claire the Farmer Additional Tags: Harvest Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Romance, Slow Burn, Martial Arts, Cussing, Crossover, Healing, city vibes, dark scenes, POV Multiple, POV Third Person Limited, Mild Gore, Supernatural Elements, First Meetings, story of seasons, Alternative Perspective, Don't copy to another website, Don't Have to Know Canon Summary: Claire decides to give the city life another chance, but as she does, she is haunted by her nightmares & her past. Mr. CEO of Capsule Corp., Trunks, is haunted by something else in his life; juggling between his CEO work & saving Earth from vindictive dragons. As their two worlds collide, what could possibly go wrong?
Degausser - by JillOfAllTrades__x; WIP, 12/?, 67k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, Multi Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Characters: Pete | Jack, Claire the Farmer, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Gray, Cliff, Jennifer, Popuri, Karen, Kai, Mineral Town Residents Additional Tags: Redemption, Fresh Start, Loneliness, Angst, Self-Acceptance, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Drug Use, Self-Harm, Multiple Pairings, Slice of Life, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort Summary: Those that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones – but that’s all Jack and Claire ever knew up until a series of half-lit cruel intentions landed them on the ferry to the desolate island of Mineral Town. After all, it was certainly easier to cast judgment unto others than it was to face the skeletons in your own closet. And surely no one would have an ill word to say about a brooding playboy and an immature party girl taking over the once-great farm that founded and funded their small town, right?
Under the Name - by ModernTsunami; WIP , 13/63. 124k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: Major Character Death; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Relationships: Elli/Doctor Trent | Torre, Elli | Elly & Stu | Yu, Elli | Elly & Old Ellen, Elli | Elly/Rick; Characters: Doctor | Trent, Elli | Elly, Old Ellen, Stu | Yu, Rick, Mary the Librarian | Marie Additional Tags: Character Development, Slice of Life, Slow Burn, Co-workers, Roommates, Grief/Mourning, Smoking, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Strangers to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Medical, Implied Sexual Content, Illness, Injury Summary: When Trent accepted the offer to run a rural health clinic, he didn't realize he was taking on the part of small-town doctor and neighbor. The dual relationships he develops with the residents of Mineral Town begin to shape his ideas of who he is and who he wants to be. But growing closer to others always runs the risk of clouding one's judgment. While small-town life is nothing new to Elli, being caretaker to her younger brother and homebound grandmother is. There’s nothing she wants more than the confidence that what she’s doing for them is right, but as she strives to fulfill her growing obligations to her family, she finds it harder to hold on to what she wants for herself. Together they work in the clinic and learn the difference between what you do and who you are.
I'll Be My Own Hero - by PrinceErose; WIP, 5/?, 25k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Other Fandom: Tree of Tranquility Relationships: Gill/Owen, Luke/Owen | Ose, Kathy/Owen, Luke/Gill, Gill/Selena; Characters: Gill, Owen, Barbara, Hamilton, Elli | Elly, Jin, Irene, Mira, Ramsay, Luke the Carpenter, Renee, Kathy, Toby, Bo, Yolanda, Craig, Selena, Anissa, Simon, Daren the Harvest Sprite Additional Tags: Idiots, Gill is a bisexual mess, i'll update the characters and tags as the story progresses, My First Work in This Fandom, Work In Progress, Drinking, Bar Buddies, can you tell how much i don't like hamilton, finally i can reveal my ship, I Will Go Down With This Ship, Gill x Selena has been living in my head rent free for like 12 years, AU Summary: No one was going to fall from the sky and come save their island. Gill felt like he was the only one who thought that way, and he was determined to change things. alternatively: Gill has to use the power of friendship to band everyone together and work to restore the island to its former glory. alternatively alternatively: What if the player character never arrived on Waffle Island? How would things have gone had they not stepped in when they did to restore the rainbows and save the Harvest Goddess and Mother Tree? The challenges and hardships that a single rancher had to conquer is now an entire town's responsibility.
Blue Bird - by viridian_house; Complete, 4/4, 21k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, M/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, DS Cute Relationship: Pony | Aya | Jill/Takakura; Characters: Takakura, Pony | Aya | Jill Additional Tags: Angst, Pining, Bisexual Male Character, Age Difference, Angst with a Happy Ending, Bisexual Female Character, Smoking, Implied/Referenced Homophobia Summary: Takakura never had much luck in matters of the heart (until Aya came along, that is).
What We Know, What We Show - by copernicusjones; Complete, 1/1, 2.3k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Gen Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationships: Romana & Lumina, Romana & Rock, Romana & Sebastian, Rock & Lumina; Characters: Romana, Rock, Lumina, Sebastian Additional Tags: Reminiscing, Lunch, Family Feels, Fluff and Humor, Advice, Rock/Lumina and Romana/Sebastian can be platonic or shippy, you the reader may decide! Summary: Romana spends a Summer afternoon having a lovely meal outdoors with those she cares for most, and Rock.
The Heart of a Westown Cowboy - by Mya_Stone; WIP, 31/?, 43k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Trio of Towns Relationships: Female Farmer/Wayne, Farmer & Wayne, Wayne & Ford; Characters: Frank, Ford, Carrie, Brad, Megan, Hector, Colin, Daryl | Darius, Marlena, Lynn, Wayne, Miranda Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Romantic Friendship, Guy Falls First, famiy drama, I Wrote This For Me But I'll Share It With You Summary: Wayne is Westown's perpetually single lady's man. He'd like to settle down but he just hasn't found The One and he's fairly certain he's met everyone in town. Then Melody moves in, taking a plot of her uncle's ranch to fulfill her dream of being a rancher. A college-educated business woman, Melody doesn't accept failure - especially not her own. As Wayne falls hard for her, she struggles to return his affections until she has what she came for - and when she continually comes up short at the cow competitions, she begins to wonder if Westown is really the place for her.
It's Good in the Dark - by copernicusjones; Complete, 1/1, 11k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: M/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationship: Carter/Doctor | Trent; Characters: Doctor | Trent, Carter the Pastor, Claire Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Porn with Feelings, Trust Kink, Relationship Study, Sensory Deprivation, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Kink Negotiation, Choking Kink is mentioned but nothing comes from it?, Service Top, Post-Coital Cuddling, Dirty Talk (but in a Goddess-honoring way :)), Blackouts, Background Claire/Kappa Summary: After a late Winter blizzard knocks Mineral Town into a blackout, Trent takes it upon himself to check in on the residents and verify they're safe and unharmed, as well as properly prepared for any future incidents. His final stop is the church, where his partner, Carter, resides. He stays much longer than intended.
Someone Else's Shame - by blushroomx; Complete, 1/1, 1.7k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandom: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Nami/Samantha; Characters: Nami, Samantha, Kate, Gustafa Additional Tags: Rare Pairings Summary: Nami and Samantha's secret romance runs its course.
And one Not Safe For Tumblr fic written by Thefallen1986.
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love-bokumono-fics · 2 years ago
Fresh Crops! March 6 - March 12, 2023
This week's newest fics and chapter updated for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons
The Heart of a Westown Cowboy - by Mya_Stone; WIP, 11/?, 16k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Trio of Towns Relationship: Female Farmer/Wayne; Characters: Frank, Ford, Carrie, Brad, Megan, Hector, Colin, Daryl | Darius, Marlena, Lynn, Wayne Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Romantic Friendship, Guy Falls First, I Wrote This For Me But I'll Share It With You Summary: Wayne is Westown's perpetually single lady's man. He'd like to settle down but he just hasn't found The One and he's fairly certain he's met everyone in town. Then Melody moves in, taking a plot of her uncle's ranch to fulfill her dream of being a rancher. A college-educated business woman, Melody doesn't accept failure - especially not her own. As Wayne falls hard for her, she struggles to return his affections until she has what she came for - and when she continually comes up short at the cow competitions, she begins to wonder if Westown is really the place for her.
Anonymous Love Letter - by SymphonicFantasia; Complete, 1/1, 2.7k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandoms: Save the Homeland, Hero of Leaf Valley Relationship: Dia/Gina; Characters: Dia, Gina Additional Tags: Post Saved Valley, Unrequited Love, Lesbians, Heartbreak Summary: Dia has loved Gina for a very long time. She had thought such feelings would disappear when she grew older but they didn't. It was time to do something about it.
Barriers - by krose13; WIP, 27/?, 210k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, DS Cute Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Gray, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran/Cliff; Characters: Claire, Gray, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Cliff, Kai, Karen, Popuri, Mary the Librarian, Rick, Basically the whole Mineral Town cast, plus Forget-Me-Not Valley Additional Tags: Drama & Romance, Complicated Relationships, Sexual Content, Slow Burn, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Not for the kiddos, Fluff and Angst, Jealousy, Unplanned Pregnancy, trying to fit a realistic pregnancy in hm time is a challenge but we doin it, POV First Person, Mutual Pining, Drug Use, Dreams and Nightmares, Drowning, I’ll probably have to add more tags as we go along but Summary: Unlike everyone else in town, Gray wants nothing to do with the new farmer. He can't stand Claire, despite all her attempts to befriend him. But when one small mistake leads to an even bigger problem, he might be seeing a lot more of her than they both had planned.
Living in Color - by rockyroadster95; WIP, 14/?, 27k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Canon Universe, Light Angst, Slow Build Summary: At her father's funeral, Aya was given an offer that would take her far from her stale and directionless life to a place she hoped would give her something to live for.
Good Morning, Sunshine - by SaturdayPeople; Complete, 1/1, 1.5k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, Tree of Tranquility Relationships: Mary/Jin, Past Jin/Sabrina; Characters: Mary the Librarian | Marie, Jin Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff, Literal Sleeping Together, Sunsets, Sunrises Summary: A beginning to hopefully more beginnings.
Remaster: Step Toward the Future - by darkryuu; WIP, 31/41, 569k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: Major Character Death; Category: F/M Fandom: Back To Nature Characters: Cliff, Popuri, Kai, Doctor | Trent, Gray Summary: Jill ("Claire") is struggling to find a goal in life after high school. After her parents boot her off to her late grandfather's farm, everything around her is never quite the same as she struggles to find herself and her future.
Our Story of Seasons: Pete x Claire - by Ry2_Sinheart; WIP, 18/20, 28k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer & Pete | Jack, Claire the Farmer/Pete | Jack Characters: Pete | Jack, Claire, Thomas, Zack, Dog, Harvest Goddess, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Karen Additional Tags: Romance, Slow Burn, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Slice of Life, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Developing Relationship, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, Childhood Memories, Video Game Mechanics, Game Logic, Male-Female Friendship, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Relationships, Slow Romance, Digital Art Summary: A story that revolves around the protagonists of Mineral Town. After a series of unfortunate events, Pete and Claire agree they'll have to raise the farm together, whether they like it or not. Through their farming-ventures, they realize that maybe farming together… isn't so bad.
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love-bokumono-fics · 2 years ago
Fresh Crops! August 21 - August 27, 2023
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Cause and Effect - by sylarcookie; Complete, 1/1, 3k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandom: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Flora/Daryl Additional Tags: One Shot, Explicit Sexual Content, Aphrodisiacs, what if the characters designers weren't evil and Daryl was hot, Daryl deserves to be hot, science is hot, Gone for Her, Shyness, STEM nerds getting it on Summary: On a hot summer's day, Flora goes to Daryl's lab to show him a specimen from the dig site. She drinks a jar of what she thinks is water while waiting outside. It's not water. It's a cow aphrodisiac.
Umami - by Chibimiie; WIP, 1/1, 1.3k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Animal Parade, Story of Seasons (2014) Characters: Molly the Farmer, Chase, Raeger, Fritz Additional Tags: Childhood Friends, yes this is another au of my fic, no the other one is not abandoned i still have ideas for that one too, this is just what happens when one little line from a chapter gets stuck in your head Summary: A silly little AU of my main fic, Sugar and Spice, based around the idea of Molly and Chase meeting each other as kids over the summer. Just a fun little look into what could have been.
The Egg Thief - by dicelady20; WIP, 5/19, 23k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, Dragon Ball GT/Z Characters: Trunks Briefs (DB), Claire the Farmer Additional Tags: Harvest Moon, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Romance, Slow Burn, Martial Arts, Cussing, Crossover, Healing, city vibes, dark scenes, POV Multiple, POV Third Person Limited, Mild Gore, References to Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons Games, Suspense, Supernatural Elements, First Meetings, story of seasons Summary: Claire decides to give the city life another chance, but as she does, she is haunted by her nightmares. Mr. CEO of Capsule Corp., Trunks, needs to keep a secret. He is bound by the oath of an unsealed dragon. What happens when their two worlds collide? And what is lurking in the shadows of West City as these two learn to show vulnerability? Is it something that could shake up the dragons emotions?
Tumblr Posts for A Wonderful Life Characters - by actaeoncross; WIP, 17/?, 24k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Multiple Characters x Reader; Characters: Celia | Seperia | Cecilia, Cody | Gordy, Daryl, Flora, Gustafa, Lumina, Marlin | Mash | Matthew, Muffy | Molly, Nami, Rock, Reader Summary: A collection of Tumblr posts for A Wonderful Life Characters x Reader prompts. The blog is an offshoot of my main and should be found under AWL Imagines.
Blue Bird - by viridian_house; WIP, 3/4, 12k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, M/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, DS Cute Relationship: Pony | Aya | Jill/Takakura; Characters: Takakura, Pony | Aya | Jill Additional Tags: Angst, Pining, Bisexual Male Character, Age Difference, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Takakura never had much luck in matters of the heart. Until Aya came along, that is.
Degausser - by JillOfAllTrades__x; WIP, 10/?, 56k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, Multi Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Characters: Pete | Jack, Claire the Farmer, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Gray, Cliff, Jennifer, Popuri, Karen, Kai, Mineral Town Residents Additional Tags: Redemption, Fresh Start, Loneliness, Angst, Self-Loathing, Self-Acceptance, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Drug Use, Self-Harm, Multiple Pairings Summary: Those that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones – but that’s all Jack and Claire ever knew up until a series of half-lit cruel intentions landed them on the ferry to the desolate island of Mineral Town. After all, it was certainly easier to cast judgment unto others than it was to face the skeletons in your own closet. And surely no one would have an ill word to say about a brooding playboy and an immature party girl taking over the once-great farm that founded and funded their small town, right?
Don't Eat Flowers - by Maymist; Complete, 3/3, 7k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Nami/Pony | Aya | Jill; Characters: Nami, Pony | Aya | Jill, Rock, Reader Additional Tags: Lesbian Character, Inspired by Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Mentions of Other Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons Games, Blue Feather, Romance, LGBTQ Character, POV Lesbian Character, Canon Lesbian Relationship Summary: The new farmer girl in Forgotten Valley attempts to give Nami some flowers to, er… totally give the hint that she's romantically interested in the very much reserved tomboyish red-head. Nami completely jumps to conclusions and misunderstands though, and that's where this silly romance begins. What kind of other madness will ensue?
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love-bokumono-fics · 2 years ago
Fresh Crops! March 27 - April 2, 2023
This week’s newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
*NOTE* Fics for the 2023 Bokumono Reverse Big Bang will not be included in this week’s update list. I am putting all submissions in their own post when all the stories are up 💜
The Heart of a Westown Cowboy - by Mya_Stone; WIP, 14/?, 19k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Trio of Towns Relationship: Female Farmer/Wayne; Characters: Frank, Ford, Carrie, Brad, Megan, Hector, Colin, Daryl | Darius, Marlena, Lynn, Wayne Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Romantic Friendship, Guy Falls First, I Wrote This For Me But I'll Share It With You Summary: Wayne is Westown's perpetually single lady's man. He'd like to settle down but he just hasn't found The One and he's fairly certain he's met everyone in town. Then Melody moves in, taking a plot of her uncle's ranch to fulfill her dream of being a rancher. A college-educated business woman, Melody doesn't accept failure - especially not her own. As Wayne falls hard for her, she struggles to return his affections until she has what she came for - and when she continually comes up short at the cow competitions, she begins to wonder if Westown is really the place for her.
Our Story of Seasons: Pete x Claire - by Ry2_Sinheart; WIP, 20/?, 30k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer & Pete | Jack, Claire the Farmer/Pete | Jack; Characters: Pete | Jack, Claire, Thomas, Zack, Dog, Harvest Goddess, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Karen Additional Tags: Romance, Slow Burn, Eventual Happy Ending, Eventual Romance, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Slice of Life, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Developing Relationship, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, Childhood Memories, Video Game Mechanics, Game Logic, Male-Female Friendship, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Relationships, Slow Romance, Digital Art Summary: A story that revolves around the protagonists of Mineral Town. After a series of unfortunate events, Pete and Claire agree they'll have to raise the farm together, whether they like it or not. Through their farming-ventures, they realize that maybe farming together… isn't so bad.
Casual Prompt March 2023 - Sunrise - by Avendesoraa; Complete, 1/1, 1.6k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandoms: Harvest Moon 64 Relationship: Gray/Popuri; Characters: Gray, Popuri Additional Tags: Fluff Summary: Gray brings Popuri somewhere at sunrise for a surprise.
Over The River - by forgetfulfarmer; Complete, 1/1, <1k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warnings: Major Character Death; Category: F/M Fandoms: A Wonderful Life, Harvest Moon: DS Relationship: Nina/Galen; Characters: Old Nina, Galen | Guri, Pete | Jack, Mark the Farmer Additional Tags: Angst, Friendship Summary: Galen was always open to friends, but no one made the effort. But when his beloved wife passes, suddenly they try, and he just won't.
Sugar and Spice - by Chibimiie; WIP, 54/?, 143k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade Relationships: Chase/Molly the Farmer, Angela/Luke; Characters: Molly | Hikari, Angela the Farmer, Chase, Luke, Kasey the Farmer Additional Tags: Slow Burn, oh god how do you tag fics, mentions of eating disorders, alternating povs, Friends to Lovers, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, bumped up the rating because i honestly should have a little bit ago, burn so slow it's honestly a simmer Summary: Wanting to get away from past hurts of the city, sisters Molly and Angela decide to respond to a flyer advertising an abandoned farm on the faraway island of Castanet. Leaving behind their closest friends and brother Kasey, the two take a chance and move to the tiny island hoping for a new chance at life.
It's a New Day - by durotos; Complete, 1/1, <1k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Gen Fandoms: Harvest Moon 64 Characters: Cliff, Cain/Kane the falcon Summary: "I’ve got to get this on my own. I can’t have a repeat of yesterday." After embarrassing himself on his first day in town by begging for food, Cliff contemplates his and Cain's future at Moon Mountain.
Lady Of Grasstrail Farms - by FromADenOfBeasts; WIP, 39/?, 50k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Pioneers of Olive Town Relationship: Female Farmer/Lars; Characters: Original Female Character(s), Female Farmer, Lars, Laura, Angela, Clemens, Damon, Jack, Emilio, Reina, Victor, Gloria, Simon, Jesse Additional Tags: My First AO3 Post, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, Supportive Big Brother, honestly the best big brother ever, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Wish Fulfillment, Mysterious Origins Summary: A young woman named Vallon quits her job and follows her heart to Olive Town, where her family has roots deeper than she ever thought. Now she has to contend with new neighbors, ancient magic, and getting the hang of farming a wild land. Can she cope on her own, or can she at least find someone to share it with?
Remaster: Step Toward the Future - by darkryuu; Complete, 44/44, 846k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: Major Character Death; Category: F/M Fandom: Back To Nature Characters: Cliff, Popuri, Kai, Doctor | Trent, Gray Summary: Jill ("Claire") is struggling to find a goal in life after high school. After her parents boot her off to her late grandfather's farm, everything around her is never quite the same as she struggles to find herself and her future.
Seedlings and Sprouts - by TheBeckster; WIP, 30/?, 24k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: Gen, Multi Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, Story of Seasons (2014), Star Wars - All Media Types, Trio of Towns, The Tale of Two Towns, Harvest Moon 2 GBC, Animal Parade Relationships: Carter/Doctor | Trent, Claire the Farmer/Cliff, Fritz/Raeger, Gotz/Vesta, Female Farmer/Ludus, Holly/Hector, Female Farmer/Ford, Farmer/Hinata, Sara/Will, Sara/Bill, Gill/Angela, Perry/Molly, Rick/Elli, Perry & Gill, Claire the Farmer/Doctor Trent | Torre; Characters: Cliff, Claire, Doctor | Trent, Carter the Pastor, Fritz, Raeger, Gotz | Gotts, Georgia, Iluka, Hector, Holly, Ludus, Henry the Farmer | Haruto, Hinata, Ford, Sara, Will, Bill, Molly the Farmer, Perry, Rick, Elli | Elly Additional Tags: yes this collection includes a star wars crossover, Tumblr Prompt, prompt collection, kiss prompts, Fluff, Angst, Drama, oneshots, Ficlets Summary: A collection of tumblr prompts I've filled over the last couple years based on Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games.
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love-bokumono-fics · 3 months ago
Fresh Crops! November 25 - December 1, 2024
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Like Real People Do - by NonbinaryCookie; Complete, 4/4, 5.3k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Categories: F/M, M/M, Other Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Gustafa/Reader; Characters: Gustafa, Takakura, Farmer Additional Tags: Marriage, newlyweds, Wedding, Wedding Night, Forget-Me-Not Valley, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Domestic, farming, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Sex, x Reader, why is there not more content for Gustafa???, Or more content for story of seasons as a whole????, no beta reader we die like Nina, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, no smut but god I wish i knew how to write it so there was, the second i learn how to write smut it is ALL over for you bitches, Hozier, Like Real People Do by Hozier, Song: Like Real People Do, this man reminds me of Hozier so much, please tell me y'all see it too, Gustafa is Story of Seasons' Hozier confirmed Summary: In between Chapter 1: Beginnings and Chapter 2: Blessings you and Gustafa have to solidify your relationship and find a routine between the two of you. Lots of fluff, romance, and sweet sweet music.
Dear Popuri - by basikilos; Complete, 5/5, 5.3k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Category: F/M Fandom: Friends of Mineral Town Relationship: Kai/Popuri; Characters: Popuri, Kai Summary: Popuri and Kai's relationship, as seen from the letters that they send to one another.
Chronology: Eternity - by darkryuu; WIP, 40/?, 522k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: Underage Sex; Category: Multi Fandoms: Harvest Moon, Rune Factory Character: Multiple Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe Summary: Chronology is a collection of stories from Darkryuu's longstanding series, Legacy, which is a large conglomeration of characters from Story of Seasons, Harvest Moon, and Rune Factory interacting with my generational characters/original characters.
All I Have Is A Flower For You - by ulupi; WIP , 5/?, 6.6k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/F Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Popuri, Gray/Kai, Karen/Rick, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran/Cliff; Characters: Claire the Farmer, Popuri, Gray, Kai, Karen, Rick, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Cliff, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Jennifer Additional Tags: Autistic Crush, Neurodivergent Relationship, ADHD Maybe, Romance, Slow Romance, healthy relationship, Developing Relationship, sapphic romance, Mary is AroAce, Gary/Kai Is A Cute Ship Summary: Claire has left everything behind for an exciting start at life. Love was the last thing on her mind, especially with the local chicken nerd.
The Heart of a Westown Cowboy - by Mya_Stone; WIP, 45/?, 63k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Trio of Towns Relationships: Female Farmer/Wayne, Farmer & Wayne, Wayne & Ford; Characters: Frank, Ford, Carrie, Brad, Megan, Hector, Colin, Daryl | Darius, Marlena, Wayne, Miranda Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Romantic Friendship, Guy Falls First, I Wrote This For Me But I'll Share It With You, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Family Drama, Disappointed dad, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Wayne is Westown's perpetually single lady's man. He'd like to settle down but he just hasn't found The One and he's fairly certain he's met everyone in town. Then Melody moves in, taking a plot of her uncle's ranch to fulfill her dream of being a rancher. A college-educated business woman, Melody doesn't accept failure - especially not her own. As Wayne falls hard for her, she struggles to return his affections until she has what she came for - and when she continually comes up short at the cow competitions, she begins to wonder if Westown is really the place for her.
Mineral Stories - by Reiz16; WIP, 3/?, 4.3k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Riku/Kyaren, Kai/Popuri; Characters: Pete the Farmer, Claire the Farmer, Male Farmer | Yuto, Female Farmer | Naomi, Thomas, Jeff, Sasha, Popuri, Lillia the Shopkeeper, Rod from Mineral Town, Riku, Kyaren, Kai, May | Mei, Stu | Yu, Carter the Pastor Summary: Characters from mostly, "Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town", and, "Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town", falling in love and getting married!
But Who Takes Care of You? - by Writingnerd291; Complete, 1/1, 2.4k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: A New Beginning Relationship: Neil/Rachel | Rio; Characters: Neil, Rachel the Farmer | Rio Additional Tags: grumpy neil, Winter Year 1, Rachel's farmhouse is uninhabitable, begrudgingly helping your neighbor, begrudgingly accepting help from your neighbor, Grumpy Rachel, It's just two exhausted people being grumpy together Summary: While wandering through Echo Village one late night in winter, Neil finds himself at the farmer's doorstep. He doesn't usually like to bother Rachel, since everyone is always bothering her for some crisis or another. But given the state of her farmhouse and the severe weather outside, he can't help but intervene. And it's only because she's his best customer, of course. It's only good business.
[ART] Quiet Afternoon - by Agnidus; Complete, 1/1, 0
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: M/M Fandom: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Cody | Gordy/Mark the Farmer | Sion; Characters: Cody | Gordy, Mark the Farmer | Sion Additional Tags: Top Cody | Gordy, Bottom Mark the Farmer | Sion, Fanart
[ART] Gaze - by Agnidus; Complete, 1/1, 0
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: M/M Fandom: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Cody | Gordy/Mark the Farmer | Sion; Characters: Cody | Gordy, Mark the Farmer | Sion Additional Tags: Fanart, Fluff
Wonderful Stories - by Reiz16; Complete, 1/1 , <1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: A Wonderful Life Characters: Mark the Farmer | Sion, Pony | Aya | Jill Summary: Stories of "Harvest Moon: It's a Wonderful Life", and "Story of Seasons: It's a Wonderful Life", couples who fall in love.
The Clubs - by Reiz16; Complete, 1/1, <1k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: Gen Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town, Sunshine Islands, Fae Farm Characters: Sabrina, Vaughn | Waltz, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Gray, Alaric (Fae Farm), Pyria (Fae Farm) Summary: Clubs by a number of farming games characters.
Two works by Thefallen1986 with Not Safe For Tumblr Titles.
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love-bokumono-fics · 6 months ago
Fresh Crops! September 9 - 15, 2024
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
Runaway - by almakazam; WIP, 11/?, 100k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, Gen, Other Fandoms: Back To Nature, Friends of Mineral Town, DS Cute Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Kai, Claire the Farmer & Kai; Characters: Claire the Farmer, Kai, Pete | Jack, Marlin | Matthew, Pony | Aya | Jill, Popuri, Gray, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Cliff, Karen, Rick, Elli | Elly, Doctor | Trent Additional Tags: Runaway, Drama & Romance, Romance, Family Drama, Family Issues, Slow Burn, Double Life, Heir & Heiress, Childhood Trauma, Past Character Death, Based On Original Harvest Moon Games, Arranged Marriage, Forced Marriage, Near Death Experiences, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Character Development, Slice of Life, 1990s, Light Angst, Friendship, Developing Friendships, Character Study, Smoking, Cruise Ships, Shipwrecks, tags will be added as I go, im sorry i cant decide on the proper tags, harvest moon for girls Summary: Claire has always played the part of the perfect daughter, but behind the façade lies years of control and frustration. It all finally comes to a head when her father ends her engagement and arranges a new marriage to a man she doesn't know, ultimately pushing her to run away. Little did she know that her new groom-to-be is also planning his own escape.
A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: Summer - by Celeste_Adia; WIP, 19/22, 122k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: DS Cute, Friends of Mineral Town, A Wonderful Life Characters: Pony | Aya | Jill, Takakura, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Kai, Witch Princess, Harvest Sprites, Cliff, Gray, Popuri, Pete | Jack, Lumina, Muffy | Molly, Harvest Goddess Gaia Additional Tags: I'm Bad At Tagging, Grief/Mourning, Past Character Death, Friends to Lovers, Falling In Love, First Love, Five Stages of Grief, Family Issues, Family Fluff, Past Relationship(s), Best Friends, Summer Romance, Slow Burn, Bad Parenting, Loss of Parent(s), Parent-Child Relationship, Death in Childbirth Summary: Months have passed since Jill began her new life in Forget-Me-Not Valley. Summer is here, and residents are preparing for festivals and the return of familiar faces from Mineral Town, including the arrival of Kai, an easygoing traveler who plans to stay for the season. Caught up in the festivities, Jill entangles herself with him and other Mineral Town folk, which can be quite a distraction from farm work. Meanwhile, the third anniversary of Jack's passing looms near, forcing his loved ones, especially his widowed wife Juliet, to reminisce on their past with him and continue to find reasons to move forward. Drought plagues the valley, causing farming to become more strenuous… And dangerous. Despite the hauntings of the past and the increasing intensity of the summer heat, Jill is determined to keep her head up and endure through her least favorite time of the year, no matter what it takes.
Tumblr Posts for A Wonderful Life Characters - by actaeoncross; WIP, 56/?, 70k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Multiple Characters x Reader; Characters: Celia | Seperia | Cecilia, Cody | Gordy, Daryl, Flora, Gustafa, Lumina, Marlin | Mash | Matthew, Muffy | Molly, Nami, Rock, Reader Summary: A collection of Tumblr posts for A Wonderful Life Characters x Reader prompts.
Burning Gold - by AppleBeryll; WIP, 13/?, 33k
Rating: Mature; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandom: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Gray, Gray/Mary the Librarian | Marie, Claire the Farmer/Rick, Karen/Rick, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran/Cliff, Kai/Popuri; Characters: Kai, Claire, Cliff, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Doug | Dudley, Rick, Popuri, Saibara, Karen, Mineral Town Residents, Gray Additional Tags: Slow Burn Summary: Claire seeks a new life, will mineral town be what she's hoping for?
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love-bokumono-fics · 7 months ago
Fresh Crops! August 12 - August 18, 2024
This week's newest fics and chapter updates for Harvest Moon and Story of Seasons on AO3!
*NOTE* Fics for the Bokumono Summer Exchange will not be included in the weekly post. They will have their own post when all stories are completed. 💜
The Village’s Flower - by WonderBun; WIP, 3/13, 7.1k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply' Category: F/M Fandom: Magical Melody Relationships: Amanda/All the bachelors, Amanda/Alex, Amanda/Basil, Amanda/Blue, Amanda/Bob, Amanda/Carl, Amanda/Dan, Amanda/Jamie, Amanda/Joe, Amanda/Kurt, Amanda/Louis, Amanda/Ray; Characters: Amanda, Alex, Basil, Blue, Bob, Carl, Dan, Jamie, Joe, Kurt, Louis, Ray Additional Tags: nurse outfit, Spanking Summary: Amanda sees Flower Bud Village’s Exciting New Ranch Plan as a chance at a new life. But the village has some strange customs, and all the men are so dashing…..
Tumblr Posts for A Wonderful Life Characters - by actaeoncross; WIP, 55/?, 64k
Rating: Not Rated; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Fandoms: A Wonderful Life Relationship: Multiple Characters x Reader; Characters: Celia | Seperia, Cody, Daryl, Flora, Gustafa, Lumina, Marlin | Mash, Matthew, Gordy, Cecilia, Muffy, Molly, Nami, Rock, Reade Summary: A collection of Tumblr posts for A Wonderful Life Characters x Reader prompts.
Cafe Castanet - by strawberrylemonwedge; Complete, 2/2, 6.3k
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade Relationship: Chase/Molly the Farmer; Characters: Molly the Farmer, Chase, Maya, Luke the Carpenter, Owen, Luna, Wizard Gale Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Romance, Fluff, Originally Posted on FanFiction.Net, Ten Years Ago Summary: High School seniors Molly and Chase have been friends for years. Now they're working together at the city's newest coffee shop, Café Castanet. Things can get pretty dull during the slow night shift but familiar faces, strange guests, and maybe a little romance will help spice up the night.
A Story of Seasons: The Story of Jill | Volume II: Summer - by Celeste_Adia; WIP, 18/21, 115k
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, Gen Fandoms: DS Cute, Friends of Mineral Town, A Wonderful Life Characters: Pony | Aya | Jill, Takakura, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Kai, Witch Princess, Harvest Sprites, Cliff, Gray, Popuri, Pete | Jack, Lumina, Muffy | Molly, Harvest Goddess Gaia Summary: Months have passed since Jill began her new life in Forget-Me-Not Valley. Summer is here, and residents are preparing for festivals and the return of familiar faces from Mineral Town, including the arrival of Kai, an easygoing traveler who plans to stay for the season. Caught up in the festivities, Jill entangles herself with him and other Mineral Town folk, which can be quite a distraction from farm work. Meanwhile, the third anniversary of Jack's passing looms near, forcing his loved ones, especially his widowed wife Juliet, to reminisce on their past with him and continue to find reasons to move forward. Drought plagues the valley, causing farming to become more strenuous... And dangerous. Despite the hauntings of the past and the increasing intensity of the summer heat, Jill is determined to keep her head up and endure through her least favorite time of the year, no matter what it takes.
Applejack Rabbit - by Tomocum; Complete, 1/1, 1.9k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade Relationship: Angela the Farmer/Harvest King Ignis; Characters: Angela the Farmer, Harvest King Ignis, Gill Additional Tags: **NOTE: Some NSFT tags have been removed. Please see AO3 for complete list** Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Cheating, Infidelity, Adultery, NTR | Netorare, Giants, Size Difference, Size Kink, Cuckolding, Belly Bulge, humiliation Summary: Angela is a little too happy whenever she comes back from the mines. Her husband, Gill, has his suspicions realized in the worst way.
He and She - by Rune_Tales (Feudal_Faerie_Tales); WIP, 9/?, <100
Rating: General Audiences; Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Categories: F/M, M/M Fandoms: Friends of Mineral Town Relationships: Claire the Farmer/Gray, Karen/Rick, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran/Cliff, Kai/Popuri, Elli/Doctor Trent | Torre; Characters: Claire, Gray, Kai, Ann the Innkeeper | Ran, Cliff, Popuri, Karen, Elli | Elly, Doctor | Trent, Mary the Librarian | Marie, Rick, The Kappa, Harvest Goddess Additional Tags: Fanfiction, YouTube, Embedded Video, Eventual Romance, Drama, Drama & Romance, Mystery, Mild Language, Friendship, Falling In Love, Time Travel, Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Marriage, Suffering, Sad and Happy, Happy Ending Summary: A group of friends in Mineral Town experience strained relationships due to romantic misunderstandings. Gray is interested in Claire, Ann has a crush on Cliff, and Popuri wants to distance herself from Kai. As the year progresses, financial troubles and personal challenges intensify, leading to near tragedy. Kai attempts to reconcile, but a mysterious Goddess may hold the key to resolving the turmoil after the New Year.
Sing Like A Bee - by Tomocum; Complete, 1/1, 1.7k
Rating: Explicit; Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply; Category: F/M Fandoms: Animal Parade Relationship: Harvest Goddess Sephia | Megami-sama/Kasey | Yuukil; Characters: Harvest Goddess Sephia, Kasey the Farmer Additional Tags: **NOTE: Some NSFT tags have been removed. Please see complete list on AO3** Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Giantess, Size Difference, Size Kink, Giants, Impregnation, Breeding Summary: Kasey wants a child.
One Not Safe For Tumble fic by fandomrper titled Trent's Bathroom Adventure
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