chocolatechipkraken · 2 years
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Artfight 2022 dump! These are just a few of the attacks I did this year! Check out the rest here! Characters under cut:
mmm's lovely character Feld!
junebuggery's character Roxanne Gonchorova
kysouth's character Tanzanite
Synthaphone's character Hlah and dsadragon's Donette
poplyst's character Marina
Seagullzz's Bazinga; as well as a few others (all characters listed here!)
Birdology's character Viridi
Fern_frog's character Sazom
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weirdnwild91 · 5 years
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Though this art was really cute, so I made a(home screen) iPhone wallpaper from it, which I think came out all right~
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daikenkki · 5 years
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flora by poplyst
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eljopo1blog · 5 years
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17#reto #challenge Este mes de #abril #april #ilustraciones #mujeresquecambiaronelmundo #women #world #👩‍🦰 #🌍 #art #culture #cultura #ilustracion #fanmaximo #ilustración #illustration #arte #happy #hedylamarr by #poplyst “Actriz e inventora estadounidense de origen austriaco, cautivó al público con sus interpretaciones y realizó el novedoso invento del wi-fi. “American actress and inventor of Austrian origin, captive to the public with her interpretations and made the novel invention of wi-fi.” https://www.instagram.com/p/BwWQI5HgJNc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=172ulc09u8nw8
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