#pop rox dreams
monty-glasses-roxy · 1 month
Had another one of those dreams and this time I was meant to be writing a novel for FNaF that was meant to be published the next day or something?? And there was some event going on or something???
Anyway, the IMPORTANT part of this, is that the story I was meant to be writing was about DJ and Old Man Consequences at a party. Like they were meant to be the party hosts. There were no other details, just some shots of DJ on a stage doing DJ stuff and sometimes Old Man Consequences was there with him I dunno man but ya know what?
If any of the FNaF cast deserve to host a party together, it's probably those to. I feel like that'd be a wild party too?? I've no idea what it would entail but it feels like it'd be cool, ya know?
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"(mentions of suicide) grelle is a trans woman in victorian england! you can imagine how wonderful her life must be! shes a reaper, and in the kuro universe, a reaper is made when a human kills themselves. its punishment for throwing away your life; you have to forever live in this purgatory of reaping souls, knowing that you can never truly have the satisfaction of death. grelle constantly calls herself a lady and uses feminine terms for herself (ie actress, as well as comparing herself to juliet from romeo and juliet), and in response, everyone around her calls her a perverted man (of course, she isnt perfect—she can be pushy with her flirtatiousness, but always backs off after enough rebukes). with that factoring in with the fact that she will be "alive" forever, shes constantly reminded that she'll never be a woman in the eyes of the world. the poor girl dreams of transitioning, claiming that the thing she wants most is a sex change, and that she thinks god made a mistake in creating her to be a man." - @pop-roxs
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jknerd · 1 year
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Full Name: Peter Pete Jr “PJ”
Other Names: PJ, Peej, Peter Jr.
Schools: Spoonerville Elementary School (graduated), Mike Jay Middle School (graduated), Spooner Public High School (graduated), Oswald College of Arts/Music/Sports 
Occuaption(s): Child actor (former), X-Game Competitor (Maxine’s team), Student
Residence: Spoonerville, Ohio
Family: Peter Pete (father), Peg Pete (mother), Pistol Pete (younger sister)
Relationships: Maxine Goof (best friend), Barby Zimmeruski (best friend), Rox Hatchback (friend), Stanley Ampledexter (friend), Fabrette Lewis (girlfriend), The Gammas (rivaling team)
Likes: Extreme sports, skateboarding, snowboarding, video games, pop/rock/R&B/K-pop music, movies, drawing, painting
Dislikes: His father’s antics ad schemes, Pistol’s spoiled attitude, bullies
Abilities/Talents: Acting, Skateboarding skills, fair sportsmanship, artistic skills, drumming, video editing
Peter Pete Jr., aka PJ, is a firstborn of Pete and Peg, older brother of Pistol, and one of Maxine’s best friends. Warm-hearted and friendly, but his passive nature makes him a frequent pawn in the schemes and shenanigans of his domineering father Pete. Through childhood to young adulthood, he has been close friend to Maxine and usually hang out with her. Although he occasionally feared his father, he is actually scared of his mother the most and often seen horrified when his mother angrily scold her husband. Then again, he and Pete are caring towards one another as just as Goofy and Maxine are. Currently, he has a girl friend Fabrette, who was usually known as the Beret Girl. 
Formerly, PJ was a child actor who often star in a show his father was in, usually portrayed as Donald’s neighbor’s son in a sitcom, portrayed as bright but cynical child. In fact, he was labeled as “acting prodigy” for being able to acting from range to a spoiled brat, terminally ill kind-hearted child, and even voice acting. Pete held great pride in his son’s talent at first, but when the attention gets too far (from entire school students giving him unwanted attention to fans stalking the house of Pete’s), young PJ was traumatized and refused to go to school. Upset with the entertainment’s lack of concern for his mental health, PJ suddenly announce his retirement and decided work in a car scale. Although PJ still have lingering dreams in acting career, his father would forbid him from being in any drama classes or acting activities. So, PJ turned his interest in artistic hobbies and casual sports. At one point, his mother Peg visited Goofy who had lost his wife from car accident as she was also Glory B’s besets friend. When PJ turned 12, Goof family moved next door and he quickly befriended tomboyish girl Maxine. At first, Pete didn’t like the idea of his son befriending another celebrity’s child. However, he agreed to let PJ becoming friends with Maxine when he heard of her defending his son from bullies in school, finding her “revenge” on them dangerous but borderline satisfying. If his son and Maxine were in danger, Pete and Goofy work together to get them out of trouble. In some occasions, PJ and Maxine babysit his little sister Pistol. In teen years, PJ also befriended Barby Zimmeruski, the girl with enormous love for cheeses. Both her and PJ were aware of Maxine’s popularity with girls due to her image as “handsome girl” and Rox’s romantic feelings for her. Seeing Maxine also share same feelings to him, PJ reluctantly decided to help Maxine impressing him and was seen delighted when hearing of their blooming relationship. During summer vacation, PJ was seen having a camping trip with his entire family and was surprised to see Maxine on a stage with her father and their favorite singer Powerline.
Years later as high school graduate bound for college, PJ and his friends were preparing to leave, excited for their upcoming debut in college X-Game. At the same time, he was hoping to approach the way back to acting career by taking courses necessary for this chance, slowly overcoming his childhood trauma. Although he would be in separate dormitory, he would still hang out with Maxine and Barby during campus hours. During the first day of college skating around the campus, he and his friends grabbed the attention of the X-Games champion team/Fraternity; “the Gammas”. Although, their leader Bradley was more interested in recruiting Maxine. At some point, PJ was surprised to see Goofy as their instructor in “Entertainment Business” and “Performing Arts”, but very invested in his classes. During fierce confrontation between Maxine and Bradley, PJ was seen frowning when Bradley insulted Goofy, but shocked when Maxine retaliated with aggression causing to destroy Bradley’s shirt, and confusion when Bradley escaped the scene with fear. At first encounter in the cafe Bean Scene, and at the night club, he become the love interest of a beret girl named Fabrette who was attracted to him due to his love for performing arts and sharing much in common wit her. He and Barby were seen witnessing when Rox and Stanley started attending their college, but concerned more of Maxine. In the X-Game competition, PJ’s best event was shown to be bike riding as he managed to pass the semi-finals. However, PJ was abruptly removed by the scheme of team Gammas and Bradley’s father as his inline-skating shoes were secretly attached with rockets. Luckily, he was in the infirmary with support of his girlfriend Fabrette, unharmed at the middle of triathlon. Later, he was horrified witnessing his friend Maxine and remaining Gamma teammates blasted to the X-Games wired fabric logo and decided to go to help them. When finding all the incidents and cheats were made by Bradley’s father, PJ and his friends were seen glaring at them as Goofy angrily called him out for choosing his ambition over his son and others’ safety. Days after, PJ watched the social medias making hate comments on Bradley due to alleged “doping” and “cheating”, he was one of the people to express sympathy towards Bradley’s psychological condition. Noticing something off from his behavior, he quickly informed Maxine about it, which led to her saving Bradley from attempt suicide. As Bradley broke down in tears, Maxine, the other Gammas, and PJ proceeded to reassure him.
According to Donald and Goofy, PJ is still a great actor and currently with Maxine, he became a frequent guest star of variety show “Exit Man”. No longer feeling fright of public’s opinion, PJ was open to restart the acting career with support of his friends and his girlfriend Fabrette. At this point, Pete finally conceded and allowed his son’s return in acting, feeling proud of his son’s progress. Along with Barby, PJ becomes a regular witness in observing Maxine, her popularity and growing relationship problems.
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I don't even know what day it is
(It's day 20)
(Specifically of reading homestuck)
Point and click with John wahoo
What are we just going to the crashed car and moving on?
Oh it just wouldn't let me click the arrow for a bit I see
Hi Roxy!
Elevatorstuck, with Meows
I so very badly want to know what their options actually were 👀👀👀
So "something something loss" was the other option great to know x)
Not to be a filthy little Legend of zelda fan in the honestuck live react but this is such "fanon idea Link of link's awakening waking up from the dream and having to battle with himself over whether it was even real" vibes
Off we go, into the blank ass yonder x)
"Rumble royal with mangaka dudebro, lord of the shitwanks" gotta love roxy
John this is very much not the right place or time
I also can't believe that worked
Vriska and Meenah's friendship is very cute
Slowly rotating horse cylinder
Hi dead Jane!
Making OCs at the drop of a hat is self care you can't change my mind because I'm right
Oh fuck you Terezi, I do have to remember the numbers in the passwords >:/
"Ooh, look! Another space tragedy."
Popped into a girl's bedroom, stole a stuffed dragon, nbd
"you don't need him." Well that's vague
Oho? This Jane's story is different than I remember
Oh yeah this is way different
Oh damn funeral time
That I'd such a shallow grave, Rox
The witness has been deployed
John your extra notes are worrying me
Uh oh the girlies tripped off a cliff
They rollin
I swear if they do the cheesy "whu oh we fell on top of eachother guess we gotta kiss" thing
Oh gosh Terezi stop trying to grab the scarf
Karkat is here
Everything is falling apart again aw beans
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Ah how I miss when Karkat could be angry about stupid things instead of life threatening things 😌
Awww John and Roxy are holding hands
Aw fuck, bye bye everything I guess
shes8ack, whatever that means
Dang we got the monument valley music and everything
Oh they're not dead?
Okay I guess it has been a while since Caliborn's Fuck Around and Find Out Hour
Homosuck Swan Song
I don't appreciate that Caliborn has apparently drawn pictures of Callies supposed safe space
Shit, this is actually good stop motion! Congrats on developing your style Caliborn (but also fuck u)
Okay fine Vriska you're off my shitlist since you've been being a good girl
Help this is too cute
I find it funny how Vriska was so important to shit not going sideways but I still do not appreciate her self-centeredness lol
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Lalonde reunionnnn
I just want to mention that we have yet to see Dave bleat like a goat unless I'm stupid and missed it
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magicalara · 2 years
Discography tag
rules: pick an artist or band and share your favorite song/s from each of their albums, then tag some mutuals
Tagged by @pinktea99 my new mom hello mother thank you for the tag ily
Tagging @eemoo1o @pop-roxs @whereismybiryani and anyone else who wants to do it :)
The artist: NCT Dream and Lovejoy (they only have 1.5 albums and i wanna do them deal with it I'm doing two)
Lovejoy first:
Are You Alright?- Sex Sells and One Day which I know is basic but wtv they're peak songs to yell out a window while driving down an empty highway
Pebble Brain- Concrete which again is basic but idc bc ALL THIS OVER A KISS YOU WEREN'T THERE SO WHY YOU PRESSED BY THIS
Okay Dreamies now they have more:
The First- The 1st Single Album- Chewing Gum I can never get it out of my head
We Young- The 1st Mini Album- TRIGGER THE FEVER MY BELOVED and also Walk You Home bc of how Haechan changed the lyrics during The Dream Show 1
We Go Up- Dear Dream nothing comes even close
We Boom- 119 and Dream Run I have nothing to say about 119 except they're hot and Dream Run is just really cute and I like all the throwback references
Reload- Puzzle Piece and Ridin' I still know the choreo to Ridin' and we were scammed out of Puzzle Piece eng version
Hot Sauce- The 1st Album- Hot Sauce and Rainbow HOWEVER the whole album is amazing and I don't usually just listen to one song more than I put the whole album on. This is also my favorite album of theirs
Hello Future- The 1st Album Repackage- Life is Still Going On it's adorable and the MV is amazing I rest my case
Glitch Mode- The 2nd Album- Better Than Gold it was one of my top songs and is genuinely one of their best songs period
Beatbox- The 2nd Album Repackage- Beatbox and On the Way ik the choreo to beatbox and on the way is a really chill late night driving song
Candy Winter Special Mini Album- Graduation it made me sob oh and Candy too they're reboot of it is really good
Special Inclusion for the Single Albums that didn't make the cut my favorites are Don't Need Your Love and Candlelight (someone get Hrvy back with the Dreamies they're collab was so cute and he got a tattoo for them like pls)
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m-etzengerstein · 2 years
17 people, 17 questions
thank u @thistyrannosaur 💕 i don’t think i’ve ever posted a lot of personal things and this feels very old tumblr so here it goes:
Nickname: ro, roci, rox or literally any variation of "Rocío" my friends can come up with.
Sign: pisces baby ♓
Height: 1,67 m.
Last thing I googled: "primavera sound argentina" because i'm not going so i'll be watching the stream 💔
Song stuck in my head: gibson girl, by ethel cain.
# of followers: 130 (been off tumblr for ages and it shows).
Amount of sleep: ideally, 8 hours. realistically, probably 5 to 6 hours.
Lucky number: 3 ✨
Dream job: translator, or really working with the english language in any capacity except for teaching, which is what i'm currently in college for.
Wearing: sundress, summer is approaching mercilessly.
Favorite song: hope is dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it, by lana del rey. (just to choose something because it'd be impossible to just pick one song as my favourite)
Movies/books that summarize you: fargo, melancholia, kill bill, drive, gone girl. jane eyre, the woodlanders, lord of the flies, empire of the sun.
Fave Instrument: piano/keyboard.
Aesthetic: anything black, hard to stick to one style in particular but generally and ideally a little bit grungey, a little bit hippie.
Fave author(s): edgar allan poe, sylvia plath, horacio quiroga, jorge luis borges, thomas hardy, charlotte brontë.
Fave animal noise: puppies and their little high pitched yawns 🥺
Random: had iced coffee today for the first time in months and i'm feeling like life has a meaning.
not tagging anyone specifically, if this pops up on your dash and you want to do it, feel free to consider yourself tagged 💖
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bunsystem · 1 month
Fictive tag
Radio deer[alastor]
Spider slut[angel dust]
Twirl girl[ballora]
Real bear[bear Henry]
Beautiful bun[bianca]
Giant purple bunny[Bonnie]
Mess of tangled wires[blob]
Ol black magic[bunny Afton]
Crispy peepaw[burn]
Dead in and out[b bear]
Pink menace[candy]
Sweet girl[cassie]
It’s her[cassidy]
Lets eat[chica]
Not cool dudes[c McLean]
Scream for ice cream[c baby]
Girl power[coco]
It’s cash banooca[crash]
littlest one[cub]
Trickster bun[cuddles]
Lifes a party[c pinkie]
Rat boy[dave]
disco dan[disco bear]
Dancing spider(djmm)
We’ll be friends forever[d twilight]
Hippity hoppity[e bonnie]
Daddy’s little girl[elizabeth]
Spaghetti clown[ennard]
Crybaby sweetie[evan]
In the rainbow factory[f dash]
Gremlin Demon[finley]
Shy sweetie[flaky]
Burned again[flametrap]
Sweet bear[flippy]
Edge Soldier[fliqpy]
Edge bear[flip/fliq]
Yar har[foxy]
Og bear[fredbear]
big bear[freddy]
hook hand[fritz]
Corrupted mess[fritzny]
Me me me[ft chica]
Radio star[ft foxy]
The birthday bear[ft freddy]
Let’s rock [g Bonnie]
Party girl[g chica]
Superstar[g freddy]
Fox rox[g foxy]
Four armed drummer[g mangle]
Deranged hare[glitch]
Deranged bear[g bear]
It’s me[golden fred]
Houdini bear[great escape golden freddy]
Fiery Fox[grim foxy]
Gloomy girl[gwen]
Broken heart[heart sick baby]
Crispy man[h burn]
Blonde chomper[h fredbear]
Pretty boy[h glitch]
Mouth tummy[h n Fredbear]
Zombie peanut[h scrap]
Posh bun[h spring]
Hose Beast[izzy]
Hey hey hey[jeremy]
Innocent façade[killer henry]
sweet sheep[lammy]
Look inside[lefty]
One half of an idiot[lifty]
King of hell[Lucifer]
Pick a card[magician mangle]
Beautiful fox[mangle]
silence is golden[mime]
Spaghetti bear[m freddy]
Rock and roll[mont]
Death itself[nightmare]
Scary bun[n Bonnie]
Cupcake toss[n chica]
Monster in your closet[n foxy]
Big chomp[n Fredbear]
Papa bear[n Freddy]
Rocket nut[n gin]
Dangling nightmare[n mangle]
Theatric bun[novel spring]
Sugary screwball[nutty]
Watermelon nightmare[p chica]
Illusion nightmare[p foxy]
Ghost walker[p freddy]
Still me[p golden]
Illusion auditory nightmare[p mangle]
Bear dad[pop]
Dead inside[post scoop Michael]
Let me out[princess quest glitch]
Cmon it’ll be fun[pre sl Michael]
Grumpy bun[bunny Steve]
Im radioactive[radioactive foxy]
Best in show[ringmaster foxy]
Reach for the stars[r Bonnie]
Rip rip rip[ripper roo]
Wet floor sign[r chica]
Me bird likes you[r foxy]
Please deposit 5 coins[r freddy]
Follow your dreams [rodney Copperbottom]
The best[roxanne]
Melted chicken[ruined g chica]
Angry chihuahua[ruined mont]
Besties[ruined rox]
Rollerbladin[s baby]
Peanut boy[scrap]
One armed[s bear]
Gay bun[second chance spring]
Slippery fox[serpent mangle]
I have no mouth[shattered g chica]
Legless beast[shattered mont]
still beautiful[shattered rox]
Fiesty roo[shelia]
Other half of an idiot[shifty]
A complete idiot[lifty/shifty]
Hyper fan girl[sierra]
Fail hero[splendid]
The og[s bonnie]
Bastard bun[spring]
Deceptive bun[steve]
Email check[s bad]
Simon the door[Spyro]
Open up your eyes[tempest shadow]
Man of science [tfc William]
Crybaby beaver[toothy]
With a taste of your lips[toxtrap]
Rockstar bun[t Bonnie]
Party girl[t chica]
gamer bear[t freddy]
Creature of the night[vamp Dave]
white woman jumpscare[van]
follow the white rabbit[vann]
Purple guy???[william]
Face the facts[w Bonnie]
T pose[w chica]
Turn off that light [w foxy]
Always me[w golden]
Anything for yuki[yuno]
B bear s bear g bear are burn bear glitch bear and scrap bear part of the killer Henry canon where beartrap is also from
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miniaturemoonheart · 2 years
Harvey Mason Jr. On How MusiCares Helps Musicians, Teases History Being Made At The Grammys, His Favorite Motown Song & More | MusiCares Persons of the Year Gala 2023
"Enemy" lyrics
Imagine Dragons & Jid Lyrics
Play "Enemy"
on Amazon Music Unlimited (ad)
(originally by Imagine Dragons)
I wake up to the sounds of the silence that allows
For my mind to run around, with my ear up to the ground
I'm searching to behold the stories that are told
When my back is to the world that was smiling when I turned
Tell you you're the greatest
But once you turn, they hate us
Oh, the misery
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be my enemy-y-y-y-y
(Look out for yourself)
My enemy-y-y-y-y
(Look out for yourself)
But I'm ready
Your words up on the wall as you're prayin' for my fall
And the laughter in the halls and the names that I've been called
I stack it in my mind, and I'm waiting for the time
When I show you what it's like to be words spit in a mic
Tell you you're the greatest
But once you turn, they hate us
Oh, the misery
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be my enemy-y-y-y-y
(Look out for yourself)
My enemy-y-y-y-y
(Look out for yourself)
Uh, look, okay
I'm hopin' that somebody pray for me
I'm prayin' that somebody hope for me
I'm stayin' where nobody 'posed to be p-p-posted
Being a wreck of emotions
Ready to go whenever, just let me know
The road is long, so put the pedal into the floor
The enemy on my trail, my energy unavailable
I'ma tell 'em, "Hasta luego"
They wanna plot on my trot to the top
I been outta shape, thinkin' out the box, I'm an astronaut
I blasted off the planet rock to cause catastrophe
And it matters more because I had it not
Had I thought about wreaking havoc
On an opposition, kinda shockin' they wanted static
With precision, I'm automatic quarterback
I ain't talkin' sackin', pack it
Pack it up, I don't panic, batter-batter up
Who the baddest? It don't matter 'cause we at your throat
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Oh, the misery
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Spare the sympathy
Everybody wants to be my enemy
Pray it away, I swear I'll never be a saint, no way
My enemy
Pray it away, I swear I'll never be a saint
(Look out for yourself)
Play "Enemy"
on Amazon Music Unlimited (ad)
Writer(s): Matthew Ryan Wentworth
AZLyrics O Our Last Night Lyrics
EP: "Enemy" (2022)
Imagine Dragons & Jid - Enemy EP cover
Surface Pressure
Heat Waves
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monty-glasses-roxy · 3 months
Had a dream of the Plex again! It's funny how consistent the dream version of it is and just how drastically different it is is to canon lmao
But anyway, I'm a little fuzzy on the earlier details but for a while I was Gregory on... I think the second floor in a far corner of the Plex. I was hiding behind a booth in like a side area after just losing someone and checked the time to find it was now day and I could leave. I knew something was watching or coming closer, but Gregory, who's POV I'm just watching I guess, goes to the lift to go down to the ground floor.
The attraction directly beneath where he was hiding is a typical seaside arcade layout (in my country anyway, I'm aware they look different in America) that's apparently meant to be based on the classic pizzerias. It hosts puppet shows and something called the Puppet King lives there. Gregory enters this attraction, sees the sunlight through the glass fire exit door and runs for it.
I then get to see the Puppet King which is like an altered version of Scraptrap I guess. However, I am also now Scraptrap so it's not clear what exactly is going on here. I'm in the shadows by the door and Gregory is running for it, Puppet King/Scraptrap chasing after him. I jump out of the shadows and stop Gregory from being caught and apparently Afton is Gregory's dad now so I'm shouting at him like "run, son! Run!" He gets out and it's a bit fuzzy again, but I remember he comes back to the door abd doesn't really know what to do.
Anyway, cut to the next morning I guess! I'm now in the POV of a new employee who's greeted by Vanessa the night guard. She's optimistic about showing me around staff areas that are kinda dreary and remind me of some of the stable buildings and tack rooms from when I went to pony clubs as a kid. At some point, she's eagerly showing me some things eating wotsits and her hands are now pretty orange from that.
We pass a collection of bridles on the wall and I ask if the Plex has horses. She's like "of COURSE the Plex has horses!" though apparently not anymore so I'm wondering why these are still here until she very proudly shows me a blueish velvety bridle on the opposite wall. It's a double noseband with this flimsy little patch with a gold horse silhouette on over where the bands meet over the face and she said she was awarded it. She flips the patch other and it reads in gold, "Awarded to: Mrs. Vanessa Bernstein" with a little explanation that I can't remember. Apparently she was rider of the year and that's what this was for and I also woke up wondering why her last name ended up as Bernstein
Anyway, I asked her if it was cheating that she won it since she literally works here and she says "no of course not!" and we carry on. She takes me down a corridor where some tech folders are on shelves and she tells me I probably won't ever need them but it's good to know where they are. I think that part of the corridor was looking but I don't remember, and I didn't get much more of a look because something woke me up
Yeah it wasn't the most exciting dream but I dunno I think that was kinda interesting. Vanessa is great at horse riding now I guess and was very enthusiastic about a new hire at the end of her shift lmao. I think my brain told me that this was set before anything bad happened and that's why she's so chipper with her cheesy wotsits lmao
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carbonateddelusion · 2 years
being around someone who exclusively listens to rock and metal has reminded me why I like 'em
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th3-0bjectivist · 3 years
      Perhaps one of the most dazzling, rare musical jewels I’ve discovered in my time on this planet is material by Jakalope, an industrial-pop project started by Dave “Rave” Ogilvie (former Skinny Puppy member and one of the primary sound engineers behind the legendary album Antichrist Superstar). This was an open-concept experiment which was supposed to bridge the gap between dulcet pop and blistering rock. Although the group only released three total albums over a seven-year period I would attest that the product most certainly succeeded in meeting with its lofty goals. Ostensibly a Canadian act, originally reinforced by the curiously nasal but very pleasant voice of vocalist Katie Rox, Jakalope went on to achieve a moderate amount of mainstream success before quietly dropping off the face of the Earth in 2011 or so. This was a venture that even caught the interest of Nine Inch Nail’s Trent Reznor, who went on to help song-write and produce their first and second album. This is one of those bands that I wish had stayed together and perhaps tried even harder to keep the content coming, as their overall sound was especially sensual, brilliant, and haunting. This is Feel It from their 2004 album It Dreams. This track is far and away my personal favorite of their individual works. I don’t know what I like more; the sexy lyrics and uniquely delivered vocals or the industrial rock elements that I’ve enjoyed since I was a moody teen. It represents a very special kind of pop-rock endeavor to me as it was touched upon by some of my personal heroes in the music industry. Smash play and enjoy, as their group name indicate, a mythical hybrid of noise that will leave you rapt with allure… craving even more!
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
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similar to the last fankids i made a batch for my uh...universes i’ve been making. these kiddos are from an alternate. i’ll make the post in a bit but lets intriduce these kiddos first, including a returning face.
your name is lellek vantis. your the child of three of the founders of your world. your described as a crybaby and not good at making friends except for your moirail canope. your like watching ghilbi movies, sewing with your ‘auntie’ jade (not really sewing you just take a leftover felt and pierce the needle through it but it’s a nice destresser) or listening to lo-fi tunes with ‘uncle’ dave.
your name is july (jewel-ee) crocker. your the future president...of the crocker company. you have a facination in making sweets just like your mama and dad-uh-you mean ‘uncle’ gam gam, least that’s what they want you to call him...for now. when your not in your first grade class’s poking your sarcastic fun at misume your either dressing up with your cousin dandy and casey, at your mama’s bakery or seromoning gam gam’s church events whilst eating goldfish crackers and 7up...don’t tell gam gam he uses it for his converting events.
your name is misume serket and you wish to become an adventurer! your lussus gave you a couple stories of the famous mindfang, along with your auntsus (aunt lussus) when she’s back from her space adventurers to encourage your determination to get out by her own stories! you can’t now, but you hope to find her in your dream bubbles, cause hey dead people are there so that means she has to be too! meanwhile your busy doing boring first grade class’s and messing with july and your weird ass friendgroup that you only know cause of meetups.
your name is canope. you have a facination for the magics thanks to your auntie rox and mumsie reading your auntie’s books to you. your also a fan of all the wizard of oz movies, your not sure how some fear the second movie it seems fine to you. your the moirail of lellek and do your best as the older moirail to get her into nice situations to have some fun in!
your name is eonape leijon. you love to fly, which is funny cause your olive bloods aren’t known for flying unless their falling, but falling you do not want you feel the urge to fly! so your busy learning to become a mechanic with your unsus (uncle lussus) equius to help you out while your lussus is out and about on her job. your flying love goes all the way back to the troll show jayjay the jet and movie plane’s 2 which you’ll still watch from time to time. your the moirail of hosani and rather energetic in her antics.
your name is hosani nitram. your the school bully of earcth’s elementary and like to torment good ol lellek just to get a reaction...unless her creepy af moirail or she screams happens but thankfully she’s too dumb to remember to use it. sides your trying to show a message that you won’t give a fuck who mess’s with you, no god’s child no highbloods, you got shit to pay to those higher ups despite your pops and uncle telling you not to. but in your meantime your busy hanging with your bud playing fiduspawn in your treehouse for the coolest of low trolls and checking in on your neighborhood critters, mostly the squeakrrles.
your name is dandy egbert and your one fashionable dude. your well known in your class for coming in with different outfits everyday. somedays your a cowboy, others your sporting the sombrero, or feeling spicy you put in your trollsona’s cosplay. your a fan of many genre’s but you like the specific times they were shot like the 70′s and 80′s now THOSE had some sweet cinematography. your considered an ‘old timer’ despite almost being 10 but your pop’s kinda likes it, he says it’s a better hobby then clown figurine collecting...sounds familiar. your sister also gets in on it too dressing in attire related to the theme, she’s the true MVP as kids call it these days.
==> be the male seadweller. your name is eiseel english ampora and no before you ask their not together you just have a very weird family tree where mister ampora considers himself your ‘legal lussus’ but you spend most your time with mister jake and your matesprit’s ‘legal lussus’ aradia in the outdoors traveling and getting many injuries that makes ampora’s reactions humorous. you like the outdoor’s but your more of a tech guy if anything, carrying around a small electric line so you can chat with your bud’s and play match 3 puzzle rpg games. you wish you could live with your matesprit and his totally cool other guardian sol. you also have a weird facination for neon green, but ampora through a fit once so your sticking with an almost jade green, maybe mister jake’s fashion sense was getting to ya.
==> be the female seadweller. your name is reefay peixes. your a selectively mute girl who does fanfiction commissions...least for your moirail eiseel of his gold-blood self insert falling for his matesprit’s DnD sea mage character. you hope to become an author someday as your art skills aren’t up to snuff yet. your a fan of romcom’s and magical girl series bout friendship and subtle but obvious gayness, or maybe your glass’s count as shipping goggles who knows.
your name is anneck captor megaido and no your lussus’s aren’t together either...least you think? it’s simple but complicated just like mister captor who, despite being your caretaker your busy making sure he take his medication and help himself health wise as the pressing leader of earcth’s electrical unit of the whole world. thankfully not the universe otherwise you’d have bigger issues. despite some raising a brow at how you live in a humid basement full of electric units and one king bee (hehe) sized mattress you don’t mind really. your not one to go out for long which is why your not in the outdoors 24/7 with your actual lussus guardian, despite your matesprit wishing you would but most likely so you can bandage his reckless behind up.
your name is haileq strider. your usually on a husktop in your dad’s workshop when he’s busy constructing the new mechanical machinery he and miss harley work on. you don’t have a hobby other then scrolling social media’s boredly with your inability to make a friend without being awkward bout it, even worse try to confess your flushed feelings for yal-...wait she shouldn’t say it oh fuck don’t send-
your name is yale H attahock. your from an adopted carapacious family with two doting mom’s who have a habit of scratching your ears. your the ‘mom friend’ of your semi-blood family’s group of kids but it doesn’t help they keep running around town getting into mischief while the others watch from the sky, someone has to be eyes on the ground! otherwise you like to play soccorfoot in your school’s team the ‘hot dogs’ (funny your the leader but they made that decision to name it that.) or playing joystick games with your...’cousin’ who loves to banter in your playful family-esque relationship.
your name is jaspjoir also called JJ or ‘jasper jr’ on accident in some papers. your also from a carapacious family of your silly sweet pops’. your one for fashion thanks to your old mans and love for a good firework display and a hint of magic performances. you also like to have a good ol time teasing your cous with how lone of a wolf he is after certain events but you do have a soft spot for the kiddos he watches, especially lil ol july. you hope to play a game soon with your dear ol cousin and some of his lil friends sometime, sooner then later you hope ;3.
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versatilewindow · 4 years
Reflections From The Eye of The North
Find it on Ao3
Summary: The Commander reflects on the shift in the relationship between themselves and their close friends
A/N: im reposting this bc i hated the format it was in before lol
It was hard staying away from home for so long, I never really get to see my family, my friends back home, but it's been manageable. Creating, being a part of Dragon’s Watch, has maybe been my greatest accomplishment to date. Ok, raising a dragon is pretty cool, saving Tyria from certain destruction is something most adventurers and warriors only dream about, but along with that came a roller coaster of emotions. Losing good soldiers, people I had seen as friends, that was hard, making me wonder if this campaign against the dragons was even worth it. But on these adventures I met my closest friends, people that are now my family.
It always kinda pissed me off how Rytlock started to dote on me after I died. Ok that's understandable. Coming back from the dead is not something a lot of people do, but Rytlock always seemed to be part of the group just for the fights, never really joining us in meals, always having a snarky reply to whatever someone said. But after the incident, he would suggest taking breaks to rest more often, something he would never do when we were in Maguuma, a time where he would berate us for stopping to catch our breath even for a second. He was reminding me of basic self care. Like eating or sleeping. Which at times was called for, particularly in the days leading up to the fight with Balthazar, or later when we were rescuing Taimi.
Despite all this parental behavior, I didn’t make too much of it until Aurene also… passed. The days following were honestly a blur, sleeping, only being awake long enough to acknowledge the presence of my friends and the food they left nearby my bed. As much as it pissed me off then, Rytlock would wake me up and basically pull me out of bed to make me walk around and take a bath. Sitting on the bathroom floor, listening to the water run into the tub, listening to Rytlock talk at me about what was going on that day, if there were any updates on Kralkatorrik, him checking the temperature of the tub from time to time. Him giving me time to sit in the tub for what felt like hours on end while he tidied up my room, opening the curtains, leaving a peaceful silence between us, other than the occasional, “Hey kid, you still alive in there?” when he would quickly pop his head in the door of the bathroom to make sure I was ok.
I never did thank him for that.
With the other members of Dragon’s Watch, they didn’t really find the best way to express their grief to me. Rox was sweet, leaving me a piece of cake or pie in my room, but mostly left me alone. Braham, who has been through this sort of grief with Eir, really just spent his time hunting, bringing some kind of animal back for that night’s dinner. And Taimi, I didn’t see too much of her, but she would come to my room and talk to me about her research while she thought I was asleep. Caithe basically fell off the face of Tyria until she called everyone together to see Aurene again.
Watching Rytlock interact with Crecia was… to put this.... Interesting. It was like watching an old married couple bicker about the dumbest thing, but also like watching two strangers get to know each other.
It was not a surprise to me that Rytlock was a dad. Yes Charr culture puts more emphasis on your found families in the farhar and warbands, but fathering a child, changes people, changes the way they see and protect their loved ones. Meeting Ryland made the recent shift in behavior make sense. I imagine that when Rytlock was young and rising up, he had a similar view on how to approach a problem (that is to just cut it down and fight until there is no more problems).
The fight with Drakkar, like most big fights, was honestly a blur. When I look back on it, all I really remember is seeing the inky black avatar for the Whisper of Jormag, the incomprehensible yelling from Crecia and Rytlock, and the moment of numbness before the burning in my chest started and wouldn’t stop. This was what dying felt like.
As someone who most would consider to be well versed in the art of passing out from injury. It was hard to stay out. I would think that the pain would keep me sleeping, but all it did was wake me up for just a few seconds of white, hot pain before feeling faint and going limp in whosoevers arms I was in. I vaguely remember furry, soft arms, and bigger, more sturdy ones. I remember Braham whispering to me, “It’s going to be alright Commander, we’re gonna get you to safety.” Although those words seemed more to reassure himself than me. I remember more bickering from Crecia and Rytlock, him berating himself for being distracted while Bangar shot me, and then Crecia reminding him in not the most polite tone that they couldn’t do anything until they got me to safety.
Waking up to see Aurene was one of the greatest feelings ever, only to be struck back down from the exhaustion and the weight in my chest. The following conversations were hard to follow from the pain in my head and chest, the burning had not gone away.
The very first few days of recovery, Rytlock never left my side, helping me in and out of bed, running the bath and even staying in the room to make sure I didn’t reopen any wounds. His claws would delicately lower me down into the bed, petting my head to lull me to sleep through the soreness and tightness in my chest.
I was never left alone, whether I was sleeping, eating, or bathing. It was usually Rytlock or Braham who stayed with me, helping me up out of bed or helping me dress. Which was so terribly embarrassing for everyone involved. I really appreciated the company, but Braham wouldn’t stop talking about how sorry he was, how it was his bow, and how irresponsible he was to lose it in the first place. With Rytlock, we both kept to ourselves, enjoying each other’s company, speaking only when needed.
That's when I realized it, Rytlock reminded me of my dad, who always reminded me that actions speak louder than words. It’s hard being away from home, where I grew up, but a home is not always a place, it’s where your heart lies. Home is with my friends who I consider my family. We can travel the world, fight with each other, but it’s still home.
A/N: my original title was rytlock be like: i am ur father anyway lmk if u love it or hate it bc i cant get better at writing without feedback also I may or may not do this with other characters depending on what yall think
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ask-the-party-god · 4 years
Ask The Party God - Timeline
the pre-terezi-gang timeline post is here
height references over here
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hi, im jade! everyones favorite party goddess and trans doggy girl~ but you already know that! if youre reading this, it means youre interested in learning more about my reality, because paradox space is fucking weird like that and you cant really be sure all the time
as far as im aware, everything up to the point where we beat the game happened without deviations from the alpha timeline? so this is what rose has talked about as a ‘terminal timeline’, or ‘post-canon’, or whatever the hell that is supposed to mean
we got to earth-c, and i settled in the troll kingdom because trolls are cool, dave and karkat were in the neighborhood, and the caverns are close by so i can visit rose and kanaya speedily as well! i still do have my old tower out on an island, with my workshop and garden, but i almost never sleep in it, too far away and isolated from everyone...
then one day i found this old active server in the furthest ring keeping tumblr active and i thought, hey, why not have some fun? ;D
as for the others...
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my darling sis june egbert! she lives in the consort kingdom, but has been thinking about relocating elsewhere lately! she went through a rough patch right after the game, unsure of what to do and full of all sorts of doubts and questions, but shes doing a lot better nowadays! specially now that terezi is back, shes been a lot more peppy and hanging around with the lalondes particularly!
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rose rose rose rose~ happily married to her wife kanaya, duh, but that doesnt make her any less of a flirty cutie! a while back she got really sick for a bit, and weve been keeping an eye on her just in case it happened again, but its been all good ever since! she helps kanaya at the caverns a bunch, which makes her schedule busy busy... and you didnt hear this from me, buuuut words out on the street that she and kanaya may be warming to the idea of having a kid! <3 well see how that goes!
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one cool dude~ daves a little bit of a shut-in honestly! and honestly i dont blame him? he must be tired after all the timeline and time travel shenanigans, so he spends a good chunk of his time hanging out in his and karkats house! hes kind of awkward about opening up with feelings and stuff, and ive been trying to nudge him to be more open for a while! but with all the craziness thats been going down lately, and more people coming and going and getting together, hes starting to consider things he hadnt before~ hopefully, some specific someones? ;)
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janey! my uh... ecto-mom, technically, although we see each other more like cousins than anything else! she still owns crockercorp, but ever since jasprose has been around, she has been spending a lot more time at home and just hanging out with her friends, which really, sounds a lot healthier than the big business thing she had going on a while back! she enjoys teaching me baking stuff, but doesnt have much patience for my decorating skills ;p
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grandpa! and grandson technically, hehe, jakes kind of a weird case, hes a mixture of a shut-in, a celebrity and an adventurer! he can spend up to weeks at a time without leaving his manor, but then hell have full weeks of interviews and hiking, and thats not to say anything of when he and dirk put out another episode or two of their dumb comedy talkshow... hes often busy with stuff, but hes still a good pal and can clear his schedule in seconds if we need him for something!
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one sweet nb dude! rox really is... something else, really! fun to tag along at a party, fun to chill at home playing games, fun to talk about more serious stuff and open up with him, he really is just solid as they come! hes been hanging out a lot more with june since she got out of her depressive slump, but sometimes i wonder if junebug finds weird to get flirty with roxy, considering im pretty sure we made out in front of her at some point or two... hehehe
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dirk! if daves a bit of a shut-in, hes a shut-in times two, which is weird because youd think someone stuck in post-apocalyptic earth for so long would want to hang out more? not to say he DOESNT, though! hes around jake often enough, and keeps close to jane, roxy and dave specially! we dont see each other too often, but we HAVE been messing around with robots and planning out to upgrade our respective self-bots for funsies!
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aradia! we only met briefly in dreams for the longest time, but i knew already that she was a riot! she came with terezis group after she finally found vriska, and seems pretty happy just... kind of... being around and watching shenanigans ensue! i actually dont know where she lives, but she drops by occasionally, because im apparently pretty ‘fun’... cant say i disagree ;)
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sollux is blind, and not dead, and WILL kick you in the shins if you keep prying about how exactly he ended up like that, which is fair enough! he spends a good chunk of his time with aradia, and im not sure if theyre dating or not...? but hes been around the other trolls a bunch! specially kanaya, apparently theyre good friends that go way back! i guess they both DO style their hair similarly, with the side spike thingies...
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the other half of the dave-kat duo! swooooon~ really though, i cant remember the last time i said “dave” or “karkat” without talking about the other shortly after... buuut theyre just roomies, and hell get awkward and grumpy if you even so slightly IMPLY otherwise, despite the fact everyone knows they fall asleep leaning against each other during friday movie night! roooolling my eyes~ with the rest of the living trolls having arrived, hes been a lot more willing to go outside, which im glad for! its healthy to get some fresh air from time to time, and specially hang out with friends!
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oh-la-la, miss maryam-lalonde herself! kanayas the matriarch of the caverns, and quite the busy gal, having taken it upon herself to supervise her entire species reproduction and well-being... in my opinion, she needs a good vacation from time to time, and to be less of a workaholic! >:o ive been helping her occasionally in the caverns, and as of late weve begun trying to mess around with ectobiology for some troll-human crossing experiments with... not good results so far... but hey, rome wasnt built in a day!
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terezis back, yes! after spending YEARS out there looking for vriska, she managed to find her and come back, the madwoman! personally im not sure why anyone would go to such lengths for... her... but also, its not my bond, not my place to speak, she obviously really loves her a bunch! with vriska no longer lost in the middle of the furthest ring, shes started to catch up with everything going on with earth-c, and i think shes really going to like being around! specially with how much june and the rest have missed her ;)
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troublemaker extraordinaire herself! shes... well, shes vriska, im pretty sure she stole that eyepatch from sollux? so you just know she up to no good already >:/ speaking of her eyepatch, im not sure WHY shes wearing it? whatever kinda wound she got, she doesnt like mentioning it, despite bragging about defeating english at every chance she gets! terezi says they found her popping in and out of consciousness in the furthest ring with some messy wounds, and that shed probably been hovering out there after the fight for years... doesnt seem to have humbled her in the slightest <.<
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callieeeee! theyre super sweet and wonderful but also really shy and awkward! they live with roxy but manage to outdo dirk in terms of shut-in-ness... they also totally like roxy but is unsure about approaching those feelings considering the whole species thing and whatever, ive been trying to get them to open up for a while now! weve written fanfic together and drawn grids, so i can definitely tell theres some attraction there, even if theyre afraid of acting upon it just yet <3
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jaspie is roses bane, and the one cat that made me get used to their smell enough that i dont bark at them instantly anymore! im pretty sure she crashes at janes often, and is just as outgoing and flirty as i am around earth-c parties and bars, which is saying something honestly! i wont let her dethrone me as the party god, though >:)
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and finally davepeta! theyre staying with june for the time being until they can get settled around and see what they want to do here! theyve also dropped by dave and karkats a bunch, which i most certainly dont mind! i definitely appreciate some help in bringing a romantic vibe into those twos lives~ ;o
and thats about it! theres also the nannasprites and tavrosprite and arquius, but they pop by so sporadically and rarely that i dont know what theyre doing a majority of the time... we lost track of gamzee after the session so hopefully hes totally gone, and we havent heard any message from caliborn in years... and with the furthest ring broken and the black hole sealed, leaving a weird white empty space right in the middle of reality, im not sure what our chances of bringing back the other trolls are :( but still, we keep living on happily over here and having our fun slice of life ending together!
id say after everything weve gone through, we deserve a big break, dont we? hehehe <3
also, particularly important events that happen and are recorded in this blog will be tagged as timeline shenanigans!
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mentosmorii · 5 years
Some sapphic films that don’t totally suck and that you probably-maybe haven’t seen
I’ll try to list rating/content warnings and what kind of story to expect going in (without giving away the entire movie, of course). I’ll also say what I personally liked and disliked, but I highly recommend checking out the movies on your own if the summaries pique your interest! 
1) Rafiki
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Summary: Kena and Ziki live very different lives in Nairobi. Kena works in her father's shop and awaits the start of nursing school, while Ziki passes the days hanging out with her friends and making up dance routines. Their paths cross when their fathers run against each other for seats in the County Assembly, and they find themselves drawn to each other. Soon their interest grows to affection and the girls find ways to love each other despite the ever-watching gaze of the neighborhood.
Content warnings: homophobia (verbal and physical violence), brief sex scene
Ending: Bittersweet (although they are separated for some time due to their families finding out, they reconcile in the end. The future of their relationship is unknown — disclosing this as I know this alone would make this a film some might not want to watch!)
How to watch: With the streaming service Kanopy, you can use your local library card to watch this film!
Personal thoughts: It has a beautiful soundtrack and gorgeous purple-and-pink fairytale sequences. I loved the development of the relationship between Kena and Ziki, but if you’re someone who really doesn’t want to watch depictions of homophobia on screen, I’d give this one a pass.
2) Ek ladki ko dekha toh aisa laga 
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Summary: Some love stories are not simple, Sweety's is one such story. She has to contend with her over-enthusiastic family that wants to get her married, a young writer who is completely smitten by her, a secret that she harbours close to her heart and ultimately the truth that her true love might not find acceptance in her family and society. Resolving these issues proves hilarious, touching and life-changing.
Content warnings: homophobia, abuse, and islamophobia
Ending: Heartwarming
How to watch: Netflix
Personal thoughts: The visuals are beautiful, the soundtrack is super fun, and the acting is great. The dancing at the opening scene tells you the upbeat energy this film is going to have, and the plot surrounding a play that is being put on about love culminates in is adorable. It’s a very sweet romantic comedy that tackles themes surrounding social acceptance.
3) Signature Move
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Summary: Zaynab, a thirty-something Pakistani, Muslim, lesbian in Chicago takes care of her sweet and TV-obsessed mother. As Zaynab falls for Alma, a bold and very bright Mexican woman, she searches for her identity in life, love and wrestling.
Content warnings: There are brief non-explicit sex scenes, and one of the sources of conflict is Alma’s frustration that Zaynab wants to keep their relationship a secret due to being in the closet.  
Ending: Heartwarming
How to watch: Itunes or youtube (or amazon prime if you have it). 
Personal thoughts: Although Zaynab and Alma’s character can sometimes fall flat, the relationship both women have with their mothers is one of the best parts of the film, and I would say the film is worth watching if only for the final scene where Alma takes both her mother and Zaynab’s mother to watch Zaynab compete in her first wrestling match. It’s a very corny film, so if you’re not one for cheesy movies, this will not be your jam.
4) Yes or No (Yak Rak Ko Rak Loei)
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Summary: Pie is a sweet girl who moves into a new college dorm room where she finds out that her new roommate Kim, is a tomboy who looks and dresses like a boy. As their friendship develops, Pie and Kim begin to wonder if the feeling they feel for one another is just an ordinary friendship or true love.
Content warnings: Homophobia (specifically Pie’s initial feelings towards Kim + various side-characters’ attitudes, including those of Pie’s mother). Also, there is a brief moment where a side character considers self-harm following romantic rejection.   
Ending: Heartwarming
How to watch: Netflix
Personal thoughts: This movie has SO much relationship drama. There is essentially a romance quadrangle between all the characters (Jane, Van, Kim, and Pie) on the cover. The development of the relationship between Kim and Pie is adorable, and I’ll also say that I love the aunt of Kim! However, the romantic conflict ranges from realistic to soap-opera (there’s one scene where Kim thinks she is cuddling her girlfriend but she is actually with Jane, and then Pie comes back to the dorm and assumes Kim was cheating on her). 
5) Rose-Colored Girl [short film]
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Summary: Using Dodie’s song She, this short-film follows the rose-colored dream world of a young woman in love with her best friend. It’s less than ten minutes long, and the “what-ifs?” that she dreams of leave you hoping she’ll wind up the courage to confess.
Content warnings: n/a
Ending: Ambiguous/bittersweet
How to watch: Youtube
Personal thoughts: This is a super impressive short film — the lighting and use of sound make it just so beautiful to watch.
6) Pop Rox [short film]
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Summary: Jesse decides to profess her love to her best friend Roxanne with a grand gesture. What could possibly go wrong?
Content warnings: n/a
Ending: Bittersweet/funny
How to watch: Youtube
Personal thoughts: Disclaimer: Jesse’s feelings are unrequited. However, this is a hilarious look at the messiness of lgbtq+ friend groups — the relationship drama between sapphic ladies can be just as complicated as it is in high school for straight teens. Also, I loved the fact both Roxanne and Jesse encapsulate this dirtbag/music scene vibe that so many gay women have going on.
7) The Last Blue Cup [short film]
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Summary: Jesse is moving. Phel isn't. But when an unexpected Target rendezvous brings them together, things change. Is it enough to keep them together or will the distance between them end things before they begin?
Content warnings: n/a
Ending: Happy
How to watch: Youtube
Personal thoughts: It has a 90s romcom vibe, characters I loved, and a neat, self-contained narrative. Also, it’s a love story that takes place for the most part in a Target. (If you watch this, please watch until the end — there’s a “post-credits” scene that makes it clear it is a happy ending, and if you don’t watch until then, you will come away from it with a totally different message).
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