#poor woozi he was really going through it
master-tonberry · 2 months
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Woozi reacting to Mingyu doing the Sticky choreo
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seventeenreasonswhy · 12 days
SVT's Partner Asks for Some Space
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OT13!Seventeen x GN!Reader
SFW / Light angst ❤️‍🩹
You had a fight with your partner <SVT Member> and need some space to cool off before you talk again. Here’s how they take it:
s.coups: petty lol. he’s like “two can play this game.” and goes on an unannounced trip with his friends or something. it’s ultimately giving you what you want but he wants you to miss him as much as he misses you. you’re a little annoyed that he’s not being more mature, but you guys work it out after a while.
jeonghan: jeonghan is good at conflict resolution once he gets over his initial annoyance/fear about you not talking to him. though he often behaves like a menace, he’s a naturally fair-minded person, so he understands when you ask for some space and he comes around eventually to be impressed with you putting up a boundary. he’s still a little miffed, but he comes out of it admiring and respecting you even more.
joshua: he understands but he is saaaddd haha. he is nervous about what’s going through your mind. he ends up leaning on his friends a lot and going out drinking to distract himself. he doesn’t do anything irresponsible, but he has to work hard to restrain himself from texting you for reassurance.
jun: he struggles with this, but he will always respect your wishes. your needs are very important to him, and when he thinks more about it, it’s a wise idea to take some time to cool off. he’s sad without you for a bit but he knows that it will make the next time you see each other and talk things out much more constructive.
hoshi: stressed, miserable, hates this lol. he feels so bad about getting in a fight with you in the first place. he blames himself for making you feel this way and spends your time apart planning how to make it up to you. he respects your wishes, but he is very sad to not see you every day!!
wonwoo: he understands, and he’s honestly still lowkey pissed himself, so you both know space is a good idea. he’ll get really sad after a couple of days, though. he won’t be able to resist texting you after a few days to check in haha.
woozi: forever the suffer-in-silence type, he’ll pretend that it’s no big deal to give you your space but on the inside he’ll be really torn up. he’ll miss you like crazy and be so worried that this might mean the end for you two. it wasn’t that big of a fight, but his anxiety will amplify it in his mind. he’d never cross a boundary that you set, though. it’ll be a really nice make-up between you two just from all the relief that he will feel!
the8: thinks that taking some space after a fight is a very smart and reasonable idea, even though he will miss you. he spends his days meditating and breathing through all of his feelings so that when you see each other again you are both calm and collected. he really loves you, so he wants to give you what you need.
mingyu: mingyu is really good at giving you what you need, even when it makes him sad! poor puppy haha. he hates being away from you. he would pout and whine to his friends about your fight, and you would feel bad picturing him all sad and lonely without you. you wouldn’t go very long without talking, and he would be sooooo apologetic and affectionate when he saw you again.
DK: oh man, he hates this haha. he can’t concentrate, he’s got such low energy, he’s snapping at the other members... he’s so distracted by your request. he honors it completely, never wanting to upset you even more, but he is dramatic when you guys reunite. He gets all pouty and sad, saying you abandoned him. You find this childishness lowkey endearing though.
seungkwan: pissed lmao. What do you mean space? Fine! he’ll give you space! ends up getting competitive and ignoring you, even when you tell him that you’re ready to talk. “Well, I’m not!” he says lol. Big brat. You send him the eye-roll emoji and tell him to grow up lol. This cycle will continue for a few rounds until one of you caves and then you will have a very sweet reunion.
vernon: totally understands, he’s similar after a fight. he does think back to the fight and replays it in his head a lot while you’re taking some space from each other, which makes him end up feeling kind of nervous. He’s really glad when you text him a few days later and say that you miss him.
dino: aww, babyyyy haha. he understands but he is so saaadddd lol. He hates being apart! Especially when you might still be mad at him! There’s nothing he hates more than when you’re upset, especially if he caused it. he would be worrying the whole time you were taking space. You would know this, and wouldn’t wait too long to get in touch with him because you don’t want him to suffer suffer.
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prentissluvr · 9 days
cabin, 3:17 a.m. — sam winchester
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cw : gn!reader, hurt/comfort, injury, mention of stitches, 658 words. requested ! for my 800 followers event [ closed ] .
summary : a hunt goes badly, but sam patches you up and loves on you until you can finally get some good rest.
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sam can barely open the cabin door with one hand. the lock is temperamental, and the key likes to pretend it doesn’t fit. but his other arm is keeping you from collapsing right then and there, so he has to manage like this.
finally, the door swings open with a frantic push from sam, the hinges of the old place in the woods protesting the movement with loud squeaks and groans. but he couldn’t care less about the poor state of the structure; it’s a damn miracle you were so close to one of his safehouses after getting injured like this.
“we’re here, we’re here. i got you, okay. alright, honey. you’re alright,” sam’s voice is steady and sure, but the way that assurances tumble out of his mouth tells you that he’s worried. he’s scared.
he thinks you’ll be fine. he really does, but he can’t help but feel so terrified that you won’t. it’s just that you have such a high pain tolerance after years of getting hurt all the time, but the gash in your side is pulling pained grunts and whimpers from your mouth. your head lolls on his shoulder, and there’s not a hospital close enough. he has to treat you first.
part of him prefers it; to be the one that takes care of you, the one that fixes it for you. but he knows he’s not nearly as good as a trained doctor, and that worries him.
that can’t matter now, though, as he shuts the door and locks it, then leads your stumbling form to the couch. strong arms settle you into the cushions, which kicks up a little bit of dust and makes you cough weakly.
“god, sorry, love,” he mumbles worriedly, voice plainly guilty and always so sincere. the coughing makes you wince in pain, and sam’s distress over your injury is raw and intense. all you do is grab his hand and squeeze it. he looks to your face, gaze landing on your eyes like he knows you want. all he finds is love there, a silent plea for him not to feel so sorry. your furrowed brows and downturned lips show the pain you’re in. but the look in your eyes spells out the words i love you.
“i love you, too,” he says, the words slipping from his lips without him intending it. one side of your lips quirks up. 
talking is tiring. you’re so tired, and you’re not sure why this cut is different from all the other injuries you’ve received to get you so vulnerable and weak. but to you, it’s fine, because sam is taking care of it. you know that sam will take care of it, you just hate how much this pains and scares him. so that’s why you push through the effort of speaking.
“it’s okay, sam,” you grunt out. god, it really hurts. it hurts to breathe, even. sam can see that. and he can see that you don’t like to watch him feel so worried. he puts on his brave face again.
“yeah, it’s okay,” he assures you. “i’m gonna take care of this. gonna take care of you, so you just stay awake for me, alright, honey?”
it works. his comforting words work. you relax a little, you believe in the brave front. you keep your eyes on him, and you nod. you squeeze his bicep when the antiseptic burns, you grunt in pain and grip his shoulder when the stitches make you feel woozy. you let go and lose your own brave face, because sam is there. 
because he hushes you sweetly, he murmurs soft assurances, and he holds your hand with tender love. because he dabs sweat from your brow and bandages you up, then carries you to bed. because he kisses your cheek and your lips and your forehead and fixes you right up. or most simply put, because he loves you.
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wonijinjin · 9 months
seventeen members when their introverted s/o feels socially exhausted
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author’s note: i am a very extroverted person so it was a bit difficult to write this but i hope i could still make it comforting for my introvert darlings. enjoy!
synopsis: what the title says
word count: 1.0k | genre: fluff, comfort | pairings: seventeen x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of food, mental health
seungcheol would be a little bit taken aback at first since his nature makes him an absolute worrier; he would be asking you if you were feeling okay. if you were out in the city he would definitely suggest going home so you could recharge your energy in peace, next to his comforting presence. you could also expect him to be extra clingy after you gave him the green light of being in your more extroverted mood again.
now jeonghan is known to get drained eventually in social situations aswell, so he would be no stranger to helping you feel comfortable. he would make sure you had a little bit of quiet, leaving you for a bit with your thoughts to really think about what you wanted, and whatever that might be he would be sure to give it to you; cuddles or alone time, sleeping or just the two of you talking mindlessly about various topics.
joshua is very observant so he would notice the signs of you getting pretty tired, that is why he would make an excuse to get the pair of you home from the friendly gathering you were attending at that time, since he wouldn’t want to make you uncomfortable by asking directly. after stepping inside your bedroom he would surely ask if you wanted to talk about it with him, and do as you decide to proceed.
jun is one of the more silent lovers, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be the most attentive partner to ever exist. he is quick witted so he would always have advice for you if you needed it regarding getting through a difficult time, guiding you through the ways he had solved this problem in the past. you could also expect him to buy you your comfort foods aswell, because he wants you to take care of yourself.
hoshi is a very extroverted person so he may have trouble with helping you if you got socially exhausted, but he would do everything in his power to be a fast learner. he would want you tell him whenever you needed a break from him and his friends since you hung out a lot on a daily basis, and he would gladly bomb you with long voice messages saying during you recharge period so you wouldn’t feel alone even then.
wonwoo has a very quiet way of caring for you, usually many silent acts of service included in it; the moment he saw your energy levels drop he would absolutely ask if you wanted to spend some time away from people, whispering into your ear lowly as he stroked your hair in an encouraging and comforting manner to let him know what you wanted to do next to which he would happily adjust his schedule too.
woozi doesn’t go out often so he might be a little bit confused about your feelings, but he would be desperate to understand what you mean. he would just take you to his studio where the two of you could easily lay on the couch, calming muic playing in the background while he patiently listened to your worries, cooing at how exhausted you probably looked and felt, trying to get you to sleep beside him to get the rest you deserved.
dk can be a very loud person sometimes so it would probably take some time for him to notice your change in behaviour, after you constantly going to social events, having to surround yourself with people frequently. he would be all over you (actually kind of making the situation even worse lmao) trying to figure out a way to help, to which you would gladly accept the cuddles offered by him, needing his touch only.
mingyu is also a very hyped man so he would definitely be sulking upon hearing you say that you were very drained and wanted some peace and quiet since this puppy cannot shut up. poor boy would be so careful around you, being afraid of upsetting you by making noise every minute, and you would have to tell him that he was always welcomed in your space, to which he would happily smother you in kisses.
minghao can be very understanding about your feelings, he himself likes to spend some time to take care of his mental health and well-being, this is why when you confided in him and talked about how you felt he would suggest trying meditation with him. he would also encourage you to openly say no to people when you don’t feel like letting them into your personal space or not wanting to hang out with them.
your mental health may be one of the most important things for seungkwan, since he knows how badly it can affect your mood if you are not feeling comfortable. he would baby you a lot, letting you come to him with your worries and thoughts so he won’t overwhelm you with his constant questions. he would also make sure you eat and drink enough since he no how you tend to neglect your own needs from time to time.
vernon is the perfect example of a person who can be left alone and enjoy his time without others’ presence so if you ever felt burnt out from people but still wanted to be active in some kind of way he would have many ideas offered to you about how to get that much needed recharge from the world; trying a new hobby which doesn’t include other individuals and can make you relax while doing it.
dino knew something was up with you the moment he looked into you direction, he knew you exceeded your limits and wished to rest a bit, to turn your mind off. he would take you dancing with him (even if you were just watching) to make you focus on the beatsof the music and move to it, shaking the stres away off your tired form and to physically exhaust yourself to then get into bed and sleep easily like a baby.
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odxrilove · 10 months
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genre: highschool!au/uni!au
warnings: none
a/n: is this my official tumblr comeback ?? 😮
back to masterlist!
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the leader of the “jocks”. he's the guy you see walking around school with his varsity jacket on– even if it’s in the middle of the summer. he’s the literal definition of the hallway crush, whispers and giggles being a regular thing he hears when he walks through the school hallways, hand swiping through his pretty hair. he often sits on the wooden tables outside instead of the benches whenever he and his friends have their little weekly hangout-meeting. always has a lollipop in his mouth and says it’s for the girls but really, he just likes sweets.
the king of debates. if you sign up for debate class, don’t think you’re ever going to win if you’re up against jeonghan. he’s the reason why so many people left debate class mid year but the teacher is so impressed by him that she can’t force herself to kick him out. he’s also widely known for being the mastermind behind his high school’s senior prank. besides his maniac pranks and his broad knowledge of law, he’s actually pretty fun to be around and some girls who have had the pleasure to go on dates with him describe him as an angel– even after getting ghosted.
the class president. he’s a close friend of jeonghan and thus, winning the class pres’ election was easy peasy. he only presented himself as a joke but started taking it seriously 7 months in when the school planned to cancel the annual pajama day. he acts normal but he’s truly just as insane as his large group of friends. the grumpy math teacher is his next door neighbor and he once gave her leftover cookies and since then, he’s been her favorite student– and the only student she smiles at.
the cat defender. falls easily asleep in class and is often woken up by his classmates after the bell rang. someone once drew a cat on a wall in the gym hall with a marker a few years back and when jun transferred to the school, his name mysteriously appeared under the cat drawing. in his second year, he got detention for a whole month after bringing a kitten to school and hiding it in his bag every day for two weeks straight– he was only caught because the cat meowed during a test and none of his classmates wanted to fake meow to help the poor guy out.
the school’s dance machine. when the school speakers play music, you’ll always find him bobbing his head to the beat. he gets his notebook confiscated weekly because he prefers to write down possible dance movements and new choreography ideas than math equations and english vocabulary. he has a pretty big following on social media after a video of him freestyling at the school’s talent show blew up. he now uses his popularity to freely make dance covers at school, students avoiding him in the hallways when he’s swinging his legs and arms around.
the school library’s only visitor. ok, maybe that’s a bit exaggerated but he’s definitely the only one going there willingly! the library stinks and there’s no wifi, plus some rumors are going around saying that the room at the back the of the library is the go-to place to fuck, and lastly, the librarian is a bitch– except towards wonwoo, of course. besides him being the librarian’s favorite, he once got asked to prom by a senior when he was a junior and every two months or so, someone brings it up and everyone goes crazy over it again. to be honest, if he wasn't so focused on his video games and books he would see how many people stare at him with heart eyes.
the normal kid. what else can i say, he's just a regular guy. he goes to school wearing his silly baggy outfits and doesn't leave the house without his headphones on. he meets up with his friends and has lunch with them. he isn’t quiet but he isn’t talkative either, only partaking in his friends’ silly little conversations when he deems necessary. he gets normal grades and enjoys his silly music class the most. he’s on the school’s swimming team and won a few silly prizes during competitions. he’s been the subject of affection from a few girls since the start of school and he’s been on a date once. really, he’s just a silly little guy living his silly little life– what’s there to hate?
the theatre kid. you either hate him or love him, there’s no in between– fortunately, no one really hates seokmin. he’s a loud student, his laugh often resonating through the entire cafeteria. he’s always been part of the cast for the school musicals, landing the lead role in his first year, something that had never ever happened before. the only kisses he’s had were during rehearsals or actual performances but he knows he has a large group of fans so nobody can really tease him for it. one of the school’s old students still has one-sided beef with him because seokmin ‘stole’ his role.
the popular kid. he’s part of every club on campus, and has a hard time juggling football practice with the weekly sessions of the photography club. in his second year he decided he wanted to be an architect and since then he always complains about the school’s awful floor plan. people in the art club always go to him when they need a model because he has the Looks and actually knows how to pose. he’s actually very fun and the epitome of your rich friendly student who deserves to be crowned prom king. he’s known around school for mowing the lawns of his neighbors for free, shirtless.
the fashion police. there’s no better way to define minghao, as his judgmental faces have become an obsession for people on campus. he loves clothes and the fact he’s hoarding a drawer in his roommate’s closet further proves it. there's’ not one day that goes by where minghao doesn’t eat with his outfit, nails painted and sunglasses on his head– even in the winter. if you have to dress up for something, going to minghao’s dorm for help is the best solution. he’s rather honest, not hiding his disgust or love for people’s outfits. he was actually voted prom king (mingyu ending second) and was happy the crown fit the aesthetic of his suit. besides being an absolute bitch when it comes to clothing, his soft laugh does ease people’s nerves more often than not.
the gossiper. or in better words, the head of the journalism club who’s in charge of the weekly school newspaper and news forum on the school’s official website. seungkwan is, with no doubt, respected by all. truthfully, he’s a good student, so teachers often let him write in his journal for new articles during class. there’s one unofficial rule though– you have secrets? do not share them with him. you can, however, ask him about other people’s business, and as long as you give him something in return, he’s glad to talk your ears off. you’re safe if you’re his friend though, because there isn’t someone as loyal as seungkwan walking down the school hallways.
the skater enthusiast. he always walks around wearing big weird hoodies, holding onto his skate and if it's one of those days, a beanie and some funky shoes complete the outfit. his skate is like an extension of his hand but does he know how to skate though? absolutely not. his friends now have multiple bandaid and first aid kits in their lockers because vernon never bothers to buy any but spends most of his lunch breaks trying to learn new tricks– and subsequently failing. he’s a sweet kid but a bit of an airhead, often bumping into people and staring at the people talking at him until he realizes the reason he couldn’t hear them was because he still had his headphones on.
the school’s unofficial cheerleader’s cheerleader. it was truly a tragic day when the cheerleading squad’s manager got fired for fraud– not because of the money (duh) but because of the now lost cheerleaders. dino used to do gymnastics when he was young so in his eyes, he was their last hope. he was a god at planning cheerleading practices and events and in less than a year, the squad managed to win back their spot as number one during the cheerleading season. the school’s reputation was restored and suddenly all the teachers loved him. dying his hair blonde during a celebration party was the last straw for many– his locker would be full of confession letters the weeks following.
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taglist: @0x1lovebot @fairybinie @blaqpinksthetic @odetoyeonjun @pockyandme @soobin-chois @soobisms @junityy @kaimal @laylasbunbunny @jaeyunverse @enhacolor @honglynights @starry-mins @bibinnieposts @yoonzin0 @raevyng @hoeforcheol @pearlygraysky @4xiaojun @viscade @amxlia-stars
please do not copy, repost or steal any of my work. all content belongs to @odxrilove
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fairyhaos · 1 year
seventeen and monopoly
how seventeen would play monopoly w/ each other
notes: im woozi. every single game i play, i always end up being woozi.
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most competitive when it comes to monopoly. calls out jeonghan's cheating whenever possible, can never figure out how or when shua cheats, but is also totally down to cheating himself to win. has once engaged poor dokyeom in a bid for a train station that he raised way too high before suddenly pulling out, leaving dokyeom with -769 when he originally had 980. poor thing looked at his leader with the utmost betrayal in his eyes for over a week. also has totally owned almost the whole board before, calls it one of his biggest achievements in life
the Biggest cheater (1). steals everyone's 50s when they're not looking. somehow manages to empty the bank of all the 500s, even though dino's been watching it like a hawk the entire time. has also definitely upturned the board during a game when it wasn't going the way he wanted, and has also definitely been nearly strangled by seungkwan because of it. asks if he can do aegyo or offers to do a dare instead of paying rent when he lands on someone's property, succeeds in making a deal 50% of the time
the Biggest cheater (2). takes the little hotel buildings and puts them over properties that he doesn't even own, demands that people pay him anyway. has mastered the skill of looking all innocent while lying through his teeth and pinning the blame on a totally different member (jihoon or mingyu). gets extremely competitive when it looks like he has the slightest chance of winning and starts bending the rules like crazy, but if he's losing then he loses interest really quickly and gives up all his money and property to whoever looks like they're most likely to drop out any second
makes up rules that sound really weird but also really plausible so the members don't know if they should trust him or not. has managed to convince mingyu that landing on the jail square when you roll means that you're in jail permanently unless you let the other players give you a dare to do. is somehow also passing Go every other turn of his. never wins, but never loses either: is always one of the last players still playing the game
attempts to be a cheater, is terrible at it. wants to win so badly, but he has such bad luck that he always lands on other people's properties and has to pay up. once spent the majority of the game in jail, bc he kept paying to get out only to end up back in there again, and didn't have money left to bail himself out or the 'get out of jail free' card. was the most upset when he had to play using a pawn from a chess set they had lying around somewhere (monopoly never comes with enough pieces for all 13 of them to play. weird, right? you'd think they'd make 13 pieces) and complained that even being the hat would be better than this. was then hit on the head by seungkwan, who was playing with the hat piece
before they start playing he's constantly preaching that monopoly is basically based on luck and luck alone but as soon as it looks even the littlest like he's winning, he's telling them that monopoly is all about strategizing and budgeting and really the members could learn a thing or two from him—. only plays if he's in the mood to deal with all of their yelling tho, n normally says no thanks to the game when offered
loses the most terribly all the time. 70% of the time, is the first one to give up on the game bc he's basically 100,000,000 in debt and he doesn't even know why. gets so angry this one time that he steals all of mingyu's money bc the dumb fool was stupid enough not to take it with him when he went to the bathroom. ended up losing all of it before mingyu even came back from peeing. tells them after every game that he'll never play monopoly with them ever, always ends up joining in the next time someone busts it out during game night
always starts the game looking like -__- but as the game goes on and he keeps on gaining money, he slowly gets more and more excited and soon he's giggling every other minute bc people keep landing on his properties or he keeps getting good chance cards. the fates love him. has never gone into debt before. was so close to winning that one time that jeonghan flipped the playing board, wouldn't talk to him for five whole days after that. once owned both of the 'get out of jail free' cards in one round, refused to give them out to the people in jail unless they promised to do him any favour he asked for
never loses, but still loses. had jihoon steal all his money from him when he needed the bathroom one time, and came back to find out he'd pathetically lost it all. somehow always ends up playing the ship. doesn't know why he needs to mortgage his property, or how he even does it. asks the bank for loans, and chan refuses, saying he won't give him a loan unless he does aegyo. ends up still not getting the loan. has knocked over people's houses dozens of times while moving his ship round the board. ends up dropping out of the game halfway through bc jihan keep cheating too much for him to keep up and besides, seungcheol owns half the board and he doesn't even have any money left :(
managed to almost win out of pure luck one time. has no idea what he's doing, asks his hyungs for help on every go. wants jeonghan to give him advice on whether he should buy a property or not: jeonghan either advises him genuinely or says the complete opposite of what would benefit dokyeom, depending on how he feels at that moment. has lost all his money bidding for a property before. finds it super unfair when jihan cheat him, starts whining and pouting so badly and throws his cards down in frustration. rarely sticks around till the end of the game, giving up and just watching the others battle it out across the board
competitive. could almost be as competitive as seungcheol, but since he's competitive about every game they play it kind of cancels out so he's placed under him. fights any member who so much as looks at the dog piece, because that is his thank you very much. spent the entire game in a foul mood one time when he lost the dog piece to joshua. always ends up throwing something at someone during the game. never lasts until the end, throws his money in the air in exasperation and dramatically flings himself down onto the couch to watch the rest of them fight over the game
monopoly is one of the few things that vernon can get truly competitive at. loves yelling at jeonghan every time he cheats, has also had to dodge flying pawns before as seungkwan threw them at him in anger when he landed on his ridiculously expensive property. always owns only a few streets, but manages to upgrade them so high that he's raking in money if ever anyone lands on them. almost lasted a whole game one time, before hoshi physically wrestled his cards out of his hands. he still doesn't know why he did that, or even why he let his hyung do that. 
is the banker. knows that he's terrible at games involving money, especially if it's against yoon jeonghan, so decides, for his sanity and his mental health, he'll never play a monopoly game against him. is also a great banker, apart from the times that money mysteriously disappears from the box. likes to sit back and enjoy the chaos that happens, knowing full well that their entire game could descend into even further catastrophe if he decided to withdraw the bank from them. 
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reactions tags: @jeonghanis ,, @magicaltonaru ,, @milkbreadnotmilkcoffee ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @minhui896 ,, @turningcarat ,, @nakedgrapes ,, @bunnyiix ,, @slytherinshua ,, @haowrld ,, @belladaises ,, @iheartyujin ,, @summery-bat ,, @newgirlygirl ,, @moonlitskiiies ,, @interludezjk ,, @ejspencer14 ,, @cinnamoroxie ,, @wonranghaeee ,, @saythename-chess ,, @yonabutnotyuna ,, @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou ,, @crackedpumpkin ,, @wqnwoos ,, @butiluvu ,, @sunshinekyeom-sang ,, @ocyeanicc ,, @uramarica ,, @zozojella ,, @thesmellofcoffeeandrain ,, @kthstrawberryshortcake-main ,, @kawennote09 ,, @a-wandering-stay
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seventeenytiny · 10 months
MTL - Pass out While their Partner is in Labor
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Word count: 546 Warning: Tiniest mention of blood in Changbin's Author's Note: Still have raging baby fever. Didn't really proofread this heh. Also, if anyone (18+) wants to be friends feel free to message me :)
Most likely
Changbin - Okay so I think Changbin would just pass out with no warning, like he won't even realize he's about to pass out. He'd be a great partner, holding your hand while you're pushing and then suddenly he sees a bit of blood and just passes out. He'd wake up pretty quickly and just go back to doing his best to comfort you. Seeing you in so much discomfort knowing he can't do anything would have him a bit distressed.
Han - He's not going to pass out because it's graphic, he's going to pass out because it's too anxiety-inducing for him. He's just feeling too many emotions all at once. He's excited because he gets to see his child soon, but he is miserable seeing his partner in pain. He hates seeing you connected to all these machines, all the nurses going in and out of the room, your face scrunched up in pain. It's just too much for him.
Hyunjin - I think he might pass out once it starts to become a bit graphic. If he were to stay by the bedside the whole time and just help you focus on your breathing he'd be great. Although, if he takes a peak at what's going on down there I think he might start to feel a bit woozy. Understandable honestly.
Felix - I think he'd actually handle this situation pretty well. He will definitely be feeling a lot of anxiety overall though. I could see him holding your hand trying to comfort you while he is zoned out and staring at the wall. He'd be feeling random waves of anxiety the whole time you're in labor, once he realizes it, he will regain his composure quickly. Poor guy is just thinking of every possible outcome and is freaking out about it.
Bang Chan - Now I think Bang Chan would be a pretty solid partner to have with you in the delivery room. He'd hold your hand, help you with breathing, and even cut the umbilical cord. I feel like after the baby comes though he might experience a pretty serious adrenaline crash. We all know he isn't the best at sleeping as much as he should, this could catch up to him after the baby has arrived.
I.N - He's feeling too much joy and excitement to be freaking out. He's so excited to meet his future child, but he's also good at helping comfort his partner. He'd talk you through your contractions to help distract your mind from the pain as well as rub your arm.
Lee Know - He's a tough guy, at least good at looking like one. Honestly, I feel like he'd want to be pretty involved in the birth process. I could see him as the type to want to catch the baby once it comes out. He wants the first hands on his baby to be either you or him, not a doctor or nurse.
Seungmin - He acts super tough because he feels someone has to. He doesn't want to stress you out more than you already are so he just does literally everything you tell him. Even if he is freaking out on the inside he won't show it, he wants you to know you can count on him.
Least likely
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
Feeling angsty here ;) 
For context: You and your s/o have the biggest fight you’ve ever had since you know each other (even before getting married). You’re tired and want to go out to clear up your mind, taking off your ring in the process. He sees it and...reactions below :))
He’d get more angry than anything. Visibly upset as well, he’d point at the ring while staring straight into your soul with a callous tone. 
“What do you think you’re doing right now? Why did you take it off?? I’m not done right now, you’re not leaving. Put it back on.”
As angry as Seungcheol, clearly. But doesn’t show it as much. His stare would be neutral, so you’d have no idea of what hes thinking about. Maybe a bit whinier than Seungcheol? But overall he’d say similar things.
“What are you doing this? Huh? Take it back, you have to wear it.”
You taking off your ring would make all his anger vanish INSTANTLY. He’d stare in shock and not say anything for a few seconds, his face visibly paler than before. Then he’d get close to you, his head moving from left to right as a no motion, taking the ring and puttin it back on you. His voice shakes a bit, and is way softer.
“Don’t do this, please. Let’s talk through this calmly, I’m sorry.”
It would take him some time to realize what you had done, you were already putting your shoes on when he woke up from his trance. He’d block the door with his body, ring in hand. He wouldn’t know what to say yet, it would take some time for him to arrange his thoughts correctly. But he knew that he wouldn’t let you leave, not like that.
“You forgot this, please stay..”
It’s kinda hard to guess how he’d react tbh. On one hand he could get angrier, screaming at you and pursuing you to put the ring back on your finger himself. On the other hand he’d be like Joshua, cooling down instantly, and begging you to stay with him to think about this together. You chose which one seems the best to you.
“Please please please wait- don’t go, i swear i’ll do better!”
Probably the first one to leave the room, he’d lock himself up in your shared bedroom, and would most likely cry because he simply doesn’t know how to handle things. After some time he’d go back to the living room, and would see your ring, set on the table. He’d automatically call you, fidgeting the ring in his hand, completely stressed out.
“Y/n? Where are you?? Should I come pick you up? Please come back, we should try to talk about it, please.”
He would act as if he didn’t care, but deep inside hes so scared. He’d let you leave so you get some time to cool down, but when he saw you take off your ring he automatically felt tears blur his vision. You get no news from him while you’re out, he’d lock himself in his studio, occupying his mind while producing music. You see each other once he gets back home from the studio.
“Hey,, I think we should talk, don’t you?”
Wouldn’t let you take the damn ring off. He’d rush over to you and grab your hands to provide you from it. He’ll look at your straight in the eyes -and that’s when you notice that he started crying- and apologize, so SO many times. His voice is shaky and he caresses the back of your hands while begging for you to stay with him.
“I am so, so sorry for my behavior, please forgive me, i’m so sorry, i love you so much, please stay, i’m sorry.”
He’d react a bit like Woozi; he’d give you time to cool down, for him as well. It’s very rare that you get into bit arguments, you normally just talk things out but here it heated up quickly. In contrary to Woozi, he’d text you, maybe after an hour or so, to know where you are and if you’re safe. Once you get back home you actually have a calm talk as you did in the past.
"I’m glad you came back, I was really worried”
Dokyeomie would cry his eyes out. This poor man was conflicted between anger, sadness, and fear. He wanted to prevent you from leaving, so bad, but his ego and bitter anger wanted to make him ignore you, and give you the silent treatment. Out of all the members he’d be the hardest one to make up with, he thinks ignoring you and sulking is the better solution because time will calm everything down. You’re the one who will come up to him to talk, but if you don’t have your ring on then he refuses to talk.
He automatically takes your hands in his to prevent you from taking your ring off, looking at you straight in the eyes. Any trace of anger has disappeared, and he looks sincere, calm, almost soothing. He’ll bring you to the sofa so you both sit down and let the tension disappear. He won’t force you to talk, you both can stay silent, as long as you’re both here and you cool down.
“I’m sorry for everything. Let’s just calm down and not do anything we might regret, okay?”
He’d continue his angry speech even when you took your ring off, setting it on the kitchen counter. He’d take the ring and follow you closely, putting himself between you and the door. He’d stare at you, his eyes dark and visibly fuming with rage. He’d take you hand and forcebly put the ring back on your finger. Then he’d talk, his voice a bit calmer, but still showing irritation.
“Don’t take it off. You annoy me very much right now but not enough to divorce. I still love you a lot.”
Would stop talking and his face would get pale, worry taking place on his face. He’d run to you at the entrance of the appartment, and trap you against him. His arms placed around your waist and his face in the crook of your neck. He’d cry a bit, and whisper apologies.
“I’m sorry, please don’t leave me, i love you, please stay”
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edosianorchids901 · 4 months
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The Ways of Love
@flashfictionfridayofficial prompt - "in the heart"
Cw: blood and injury
As Crowley fell back, arrow sticking out of his chest, he vaguely thought it was a prime opportunity for a joke. Something something, shot in the heart, fall in love? Was that how it went? Eros, Cupid, whatever?
He crashed into the ground and laid there, staring at the blue sky. Fluffy white clouds danced along, herded by a gentle breeze. It was a nice view.
Nice place, honestly. Meadow with flowers and everything. Or at least, it had been a nice place before he started bleeding all over it.
Woozy, he turned to look at the grass. Yep. That was a lot of blood. And that sure was an arrow sticking out of his chest.
“Crowley! Oh dear!” Aziraphale wavered into view above him, eyes wide. He was carrying a bow. “Are you quite all right?”
“Yeah. Yeah.” Crowley trudged through the pain-hazed bog of his mind in search of a proper joke. “Cupid.”
“What?” Frowning, Aziraphale bent over him. “What about Cupid?”
“You make a bloody awful one,” Crowley complained, and then passed out.
Well, more or less passed out. He was vaguely aware of being moved, of being in loads of pain, and of someone holding his hand.
The hand holding was nice. He liked it. Or at least, he would have liked it if he was conscious enough to appreciate it, and also if Aziraphale hadn’t just shot him.
For that matter, why had Aziraphale shot him? It was very unusual. Sure, he and Aziraphale were technically enemies, but they didn’t generally go around shooting each other. What was that about? Why would he do that?
Getting more offended as he thought about it, Crowley opened his eyes. He was on a boat or something, based on the gentle motion and the sails blocking the sun. Aziraphale sat beside him, holding his hand.
Crowley blinked a few times, then squinted at Aziraphale. “Well? Well?”
“Well what?” Aziraphale asked.
“Well, why did you shoot me?”
“I did not shoot you!”
Crowley cast a very deliberate look at his chest. There wasn’t an arrow sticking out of it anymore, which was nice, but bloody bandages covered the area. “Someone did. And you had a bow.”
“Yes, well. I-I’m afraid I was with a hunting party. You know, of noblemen and such. I was attempting to convince them to be more charitable to the poor.” Looking embarrassed, Aziraphale patted his hand. “One of the humans in my party shot you.”
That did make more sense. “On purpose, was it?”
“I’m afraid so. They thought you were a poacher.”
“Why would they think that? I didn’t have a bloody bow or anything, did I?”
“You might have set snares.”
“Right. Right.” Crowley glanced around. “So. Boat?”
“Mhm. It’s quite a nice boat, really. I think you’ll appreciate it much more, once you feel better. We’re going up the Thames to a very nice hall.” Aziraphale gazed at him for a moment. “What did you mean earlier?”
Considering the frequency with which he and Aziraphale resumed conversations that they’d started years prior, Crowley had no idea what that meant. “You’re gonna have to be a little more specific than that, angel.”
“Oh. Um. Yes.” Aziraphale blushed. “What did you mean about Cupid, just before you fainted?”
Oh, that. “I was trying to make a joke.”
“About what?”
“About you shooting me in the heart.”
Aziraphale gave him an indignant look. “But I didn’t shoot you!”
“Right. Right. But… joke.” Gosh, Crowley still felt awful. “Anyway, being shot with Cupid’s arrow is supposed to make you fall in love or whatever, right?”
“Right,” Aziraphale said cautiously. “Are you flirting with me, Crowley?”
“No! Definitely not.” For a moment, Crowley stared at him. “Unless you want me to.”
At that, Aziraphale smiled. “I am deeply flattered, my dear, but I’m afraid I don’t really, um… I don’t have much of an interest in romance outside of stories.”
“Perfect. Me neither.” Crowley grinned and tried to sit up. He quickly stopped grinning and laid back, breathless with pain. “Ow. Okay, no moving.”
“I do think not moving is a better idea. Actually, now that you’re not so weak, I ought to try to heal that up.”
“Ngh.” Crowley laid there, thinking. “What if I flirt with you non-romantically? I mean. I mean. We are sort of partners or whatever, right? Arrangement and everything?”
Aziraphale’s expression went very soft, and he nodded as he fussed over the wound. He peeled the bandages back and bent, studying it. “Yes, I suppose we are. As much as an angel and a demon can be partners, anyway.”
“Yeah.” As far as Crowley was concerned, their individual sides really weren’t turning out to matter all that much. “So. Flirting? Non-romantically?”
“One moment.” Aziraphale pressed his hand to Crowley’s chest, right over his heart. “No more hole.”
Angelic power flooded through the wound, and Crowley hissed at the slight burn. But then, the overall pain dropped, and he relaxed. “Gosh. Thanks, that helps.”
“Of course. Quite happy to help. Since my attempts to encourage kindness and such among the humans seem to have failed, I suppose I’ll have to do it myself.” Smiling again, Aziraphale took his hand and squeezed. “Anyway. Flirt away.”
Crowley opened his mouth, then closed it. He frowned.
“Well?” Aziraphale prompted.
“Er.” Crowley sighed. “I have absolutely no idea how to flirt. Do you?”
“Not in the slightest.” Aziraphale patted his hand. “Why don’t we get some wine and have a nice argument about human charity instead?”
Crowley grinned. He already loved Aziraphale, in his own way, and he didn’t need to be shot with an arrow for that love to kick in. “Perfect. You start.”
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Unexpected Delivery- Kabal x F!Reader
So I had an idea of a reader who gets unexpectedly pregnant by Kabal and potential interactions the reader might have with other kombatants as a result of them finding out they're pregnant.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, bodily functions, abortion thoughts.
Y/n is a kombatant, morally grey. Grew up in the south side of Chicago, living vagrantly and poor. Pick your own skills/abilities. Y/n is sometimes on the side of good, sometimes not. Y/n interacts with the Black Dragon faction every now and then for quick missions for quick pay, although she is not a dedicated member (merc; she doesn't like killing unnecessarily). Y/n and Kabal have been dating and getting busy for the past 10 months (and its poorly kept secret, everyone knows). Also (b/c this is my story, fight me) you are really close to Mileena. Y/n realizes Mileena is just misunderstood and just wants to be accepted and loved :) (this is relevant later).
"Fuck, fuck!" y/n paced in her bathroom what seemed like an eternity before shakily picking up the third and final pregnancy test off the side of their bathtub.
The two lines flipped Y/n's denial back on its head. Y/n was pregnant, and she had suspected so for a couple of weeks. Frequent urination, body aches, sore nips- all the alarms went off for Y/n, but those parallel pink lines struck like a ton of bricks. Was it worth telling Kabal? Should she just terminate? How far along was she? Y/n had to lean against the sink as these thoughts made her woozy.
Y/n unlocked her phone and began to type a long message to the speedster, but selected it all and deleted it. Y/n was lost in infinite possibilities. She would have to stop doing runs for the Black Dragon. What about Kabal? Y/n did not want their child to be exposed to any of the criminal syndicate, especially...Kano.
The words though, their child rung in Y/n's head, immediately spurring a flurry of butterflies in her stomach. She imagined Kabal with a goofy grin, speeding around with their child. She knew from the few times he's spoke on it, he values family and wants a big family of his own. She imagined their little family watching nerdy movies like Star Wars or Ninja Mime...
Y/n swattted at the air as to physically dismiss her thoughts. She had a mission today and that came first. She decided if she was going to tell Kabal, it would be after she completed this mission.
Y/n had to pick up some packages for the Black Dragon. Minus an excessive amount of stealth, this should have been a straight-forward and easy mission. All Y/n had to do was bust open the back of the truck and steal the two smallest boxes. Y/n drew a ragged breath before engaging. Looking through the poorly lit truck, she found the two smallest boxes surrounded by piles of larger boxes keeping those two in place. What are in the boxes? Who knows, Y/n does not ask, as she likes to keep some emotional investment apart from her despicable position. She does this for money, not for shits and giggles.
Reminiscing on her days homeless on the streets of Chicago, Y/n quickly moved the larger boxes before snatching the two and taking off. Despite her speedy pace, Y/n was not as fast as she normally would be, knowing damn well why. This cost her, however, as gunfire began to ring out. Y/n dashed off as fast as she could, but took a bullet near her lower abdomen. Y/n screeched in pain, but also fear- what about her baby?
Y/n gritted her teeth and kept running as fast she could, bleeding out in the process. Y/n reached the Black Dragon compound after 10 minutes of running. As she pushed the doors open, she drew a ragged breath, and the floor began to speed towards her. Everything went black.
Y/n groaned and winced, perceiving the bright lights of the infirmary through her eyelids. Realization hit Y/n like a ton of bricks, however, and she sat quickly and violently upright. Y/n let out a grunt before taking in her surroundings. As she quickly surveyed the room, her eyes met with a mask all too familiar. In a millisecond he was at her bedside, speaking 100 miles per hour. All Y/n could make out is "what the fuck happened?" "I'll never let you go on a mission alone again." "Those fuckers are going to pay..." Y/n drowned out Kabal's stammering once she saw a medic.
Staring at y/n, y/n asked the head medic, in merely a whimper, "how is my baby?" Dumbfounded, but lightly amused, Kabal said "I'm fine but what the hell happened to you? Are you okay?" Y/n would have laughed had not the situation been dire.
"The bullet just barely missed the babies. We ran some tests, from we can tell, the babies are healthy for three months." Holy shit, three months? BABIES? PLURAL?
Although he had a mask on, you knew Kabal was blank. For what felt like years, he did not say a word. Then, merely a pained whisper, Kabal asked, "why didn't you tell me?"
"I planned to tell you right after my mission. I legitimately found out this morning. I was still processing it myself."
Kabal sat quietly, before walking away. "Kabal, wai-," he was already gone. Tears began to form in the corners of your eyes. Was he just going to throw everything away? Just leave just like that? All the crying and the morphine began to takeover, and Y/n began to unwillingly drift off.
When she awoke, she was at her apartment, in her bed. Pacing in the living room, was the speedster. As rare as it could be, he was unmasked and in a plain white tee and black sweatpants. Besides intimate moments, Y/n did not see this casual side often. Kabal was known to be ashamed of his disfigurement. To Y/n, however, the burns meant nothing at all. You loved that man with every fiber of your being.
Kabal heard the sheets slightly ruffle and looked to see Y/n awake and dashed over. Staring down for a moment, is soft brown eyes met yours, vulnerability painted over them. "The doctor said its twins, said we'd know the gender in two more months." Kabal saying "we" was a relief, calming your heart rate and the warmth running up your throat. Y/n swallowed back the potential nervous vomit before stating, "I thought you were going to leave me."
Kabal flinched slightly, as though you'd physically punched him. "Why would I ever do that? Y/n...although sooner than expected, this is always wanted. A peaceful life, loving kids, loving wife..if you are offering me that, I would never pass it up."
Y/n was about to reply before you stopped. Wife? You involuntarily smiled and blushed at the idea before verbalizing that exact question, "Wife?"
Kabal smiled before getting up and speeding around to your side of the bed, digging in his pocket.
"I know I am bottom-feeder, a nobody." His brows furrowed for a moment, but then his face softened. "But you make me feel like I am somebody, Y/n. I forget the monster I see in the mirror every morning. You love me like no one has ever loved me, Y/n. There is nothing I want more to spend the rest of my life with you and this family we're making. Will you marry me, Y/n?" The beautiful black and diamond ring sparkled brightly.
Of course you said yes.
Kano: "Don't think just cause Kabal knocked ya up I am givin either of ya a break."
Y/N: "Wouldn't expect anything less, cue ball."
Kano: "Just for that, I am goin to make sure ya suffer."
Kano: "I gotta ask, is Kabal too fast in bed?"
Y/n: "Drop it."
Kano: "Ill take that as a yes."
Kano: "Don't think I am giving you paternity leave."
Kabal: "I'm taking permanent leave."
Kano: "In a body bag. Shame ya kids will be without a daddy."
Sindel: "So you let that bottom-feeder weaken you with a child."
Y/n: "Here I was, going to ask you for any pregnancy tips."
Sindel (disheartened): "Edenian pregnancies are different than Earthrealmers but, make the speedster give you backrubs."
Y/n: "Noted."
Y/n: "I gotta ask, any pregnancy tips?"
Sonya (face softens): "You're not going to like it but, low-strain exercise will actually help."
Y/n: "You're right, I didn't like that."
Sonya: "You better treat Y/n like a damn princess."
Kabal: "Yes, madam bootlicker." *sarcastically salutes*
Sonya: *sigh* "I tried, Y/n."
Sonya: "I don't know what Y/n sees in you."
Kabal: "At least Y/n didn't bang Johnny."
Sonya: "Now ya done it."
Cassie Cage: "Please tell me you're having a gender reveal party."
Y/n: "Maybe...."
Cassie Cage: "PLEASE let me plan it. Please."
Kabal: *regretfully* "Any advice on being a father?"
Johnny Cage: "Oh my god so first....When I first...you gotta be prepared for...'"*endless rambling*
Kabal: "I shouldn't have asked."
Johnny Cage: "So, finally settling down, eh?"
Kabal: "Choose your words carefully, Cage."
Johnny Cage: "Congrats."
Kabal: "That was surprisingly..genuine."
Kabal: "I am not going to make my kids watch your trash movies, Cage."
Johnny Cage: "C'mon, they're fun for the whole family!"
Kabal: "I don't want to fry their brains that early."
Y/n: "Look, I can pick anyone for Godmother, you can pick anyone for Godfather."
Kabal: "Deal. No quips about who I pick though."
Y/n: "Same goes for me."
Mileena: "Dearest Y/n."
Y/n: "I have to ask you something." *explains what a Godmother is* "Would you like to be the Godmother of my twins?"
Mileena: *tearfully runs and hugs you, no fight ensues, match ends in immediate friendship*
Kabal: "MILEENA? Are you serious?"
Y/n: "Like Erron is any better?"
Kabal: "She will eat them!"
Y/n: "You said no quips."
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sigmalonso · 3 months
untitled strollonso drabble
tags: alternate universe - non-drivers, tattoo artist! fernando alonso
notes: i love strollonso? kinda? i'm very normal about them? i hope?
"Done. I get this wrapped up and⸺Lance, you okay?"
Lance blinked owlishly at the mention of his name. The steady buzz of the tattoo machine had ceased, but he could still feel the vibration all the way to his teeth. His head felt light but in an odd way and he couldn't feel the tip of his fingers. He should have taken the offer for a break.
"Lance? Oh, poor boy." There was a rustle before a warm palm gently cupped his face. Lance nudged back against the touch pitifully. "How are you doing, chico? Do you need time?"
Yes, time is good, Lance nodded his head, squinting his eyes to fight against the haze in his vision, what he needs is some time alone with his ultra-attractive tattoo artist. Nothing else matters in this world.
He heard a choked-out laugh before the touch withdrew. "Nooo," Lance whined, long limbs flailing to get that hand on him again. "Where're you goin'?"
The owner of the hand didn't return, which left Lance extremely dejected. He sat slumped in his chair and, through his woozy head, he wondered where went wrong. Perhaps he was being too much. But it wasn't his fault that he found his tattoo artist attractive. He was an adult man, a bisexual man, with fully functioning eyes. And his tattoo artist kept calling him 'baby', which did nothing to appease said attraction.
He was so not getting another tattoo, lest he would do something stupid like fall in love with his tattoo artist.
"Fernandooo," Lance called out, half-whining again. His chest ached, but that was probably because he just had needles poking his skin.
"Lance," Fernando said from somewhere nearby, and Lance perked up at the sound of his voice, "I'm wrapping your tattoo up, baby. I don't want this to get infected."
At the explanation, Lance let out a sigh before leaning back against the chair. Fernando probably gives amazing aftercare, if this is how he treats his customers, Lance thought dreamily.
"Oh, Dios⸺adrenaline got you badly, eh," Fernando murmured from above his head and Lance felt himself go crosseyed in his attempt to stare at Fernando. "Here, drink this." Something was poking his lips before Lance dutifully latched on it. "Can you do it, baby?"
Lance nodded his head despite the odd way his neck was bent in an odd way. Fernando had given him juice. It was something that came in a tiny box children had but clearly, Fernando didn't trust him to hold it properly because he put the box on the table next to his chair.
Surprisingly, the juice seemed to clear his head.
His vision was no longer hazy and, to his joy, he could now see Fernando's beautiful hazel eyes. Lance smiled at him, a little goofy around the edge
Thank you, Fernando, Lance said inside his head, but what came out was, "You're so hot."
"Yeah," Fernando said through a laugh, "adrenaline really got you badly, baby." He pat Lance's cheek, whose eyes widened in a mix of surprise and terror. "Don't act so surprised. You said a lot of things when I worked on your tattoo. It was very flattering."
"What else did I say, Fernando?" Lance called out, but Fernando only flashed him a cheeky grin and a wink before he disappeared into the backroom. "Fernando!"
Lance fell back into his chair with a groan. He was so not getting another tattoo, lest he embarrassed himself like this again.
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notoverjoyed · 1 year
Blame the Cat
I'm not late, I swear. Anyway here's the last of my Phic Phight fics, for the honorable @five-rivers
Prompt: For centuries, the cult has anticipated the glorious rise and return of Lord Phantom. That time is at hand. All they need to bring him fully into the mortal world is the perfect sacrifice: Danny Fenton.
Summary: A story in which Danny really needs to stop getting in trouble on purpose.
Ivan Petrovitch wouldn’t normally field calls from mayors of small American towns, even those as wealthy as Vlad Masters. After all, an individual like that is unlikely to have a legitimate interest in his own illegitimate business. Facilitating the sale of endangered fish is a rather niche profession. None the less, he did a cursory internet search of the man. Nothing caught his eye until he saw an image of the man.
It wasn’t Vlad himself that caught his eye, however. The photo depicted the Mayor, a man in a suit with long grey hair in a low ponytail, standing in front of a large building. Ivan wasn’t looking at the mayor, his eye was instead drawn to the boy whose shoulders Vlad had his arm around in a fatherly fashion. The boy looked uncomfortable, and familiar.
He had to check to be sure, but his soul was certain; This boy was the key.
You see, selling endangered fish was just Ivan’s profession. It was how he made a living, not his calling. It was his more esoteric interests that gained that honor. Ivan was a member of an international group of individuals dedicated to the study an veneration of a figure most thought mythical, if they knew he existed at all. And this boy looked almost exactly like him. A change in hair and eye color, and the boy would be identical.
In the past decades, this group had toyed with the idea of summoning this being, a god really, to the mortal plane. This would serve the purpose of bringing the being closer to his disciples so that they may worship him more closely, and make requests of him more directly. He was told to have incredible powers, and many sought to be rewarded for their faith.
With that goal in mind, many of the groups members began to develop various strategies to summon their god. The ritual and material needed in each plan varied wildly, but most agreed that one thing was essential. A sacrifice.
Ivan read the caption to the photo. ‘Mayor Vlad Masters (left) accompanied by his godson Daniel Fenton (right) celebrating the renovation of Amity Park’s historic City Hall building on Wednesday.’
“Daniel Fenton,” Ivan murmured. Yes, he’d have to send a message to the group. They would see if there were any members in this ‘Amity Park’ that could investigate further. In the meantime, perhaps he should give Mr. Master’s a call. Far greater things than money could come of working with him.
. . .
Okay, so Danny probably shouldn’t be letting this guy lead him away from the main crowd at Vlad’s party to. He also shouldn’t have accepted the drink of sparking juice the guy handed him. He was pretty sure that he was all but immune to most poisons at this point, but it was still bad practice.
And he definitely shouldn’t have played along with this guy’s attempt to get him out of the ballroom by acting woozy and disoriented. Sue him, he wanted to see where this was going.
“It looks like the poor boy must have gotten the sparkling wine rather than the juice, it’s a bit strong isn’t it,” he heard the man say as he led him Danny toward one of the doors near the kitchen. He pulled out a key and unlocked it before dragging Danny through.
If this Ivan dude was interested in him in that way, then Danny could easily kick they guys ass, get him arrested, and ruin Vlad’s party in the process. If he interested in Danny in some other way, then Danny would still take the option to get away from the fruitloop’s flirting with his mom.
On the other side of the was a short hallway with only two doors: an all gender restroom, and an elevator. Ivan tugged a staggering Danny toward the elevator.
‘Door number two it is,’ He thought to himself, almost sad about losing the opportunity to make Vlad look bad.
Once he got Danny in the elevator and leaning against one wall, Ivan pressed the button marked B. The doors closed, and the elevator went down.
. . .
“Danny?” Tucker said again. “Danny! Sam, where’s Danny.”
“I’m sorry, I have to go to the restroom,” he heard Sam say through the Fenton phones. She must be extricating herself from her parent’s friends. He waited a few minutes to give her time to get away, then Sam responded.”
“Last I saw he was talking to Vlad and Vlad’s shady business partner.”
“Is he still with Vlad?”
“Vlad’s hitting on Mrs. Fenton again. Alone though. Danny and the other guy are . . .” She paused, and he guessed she was looking around the ballroom. “Nowhere,” she finally said.
Tucker took a moment to activate the tracker function he’d added to the Fenton phones. Sam’s had her firmly in the North corner of the ballroom, while Danny’s had him outside it entirely.
“Not nowhere, actually. Tracker has him in what I think is a staff passage. Can you take a look.”
“And miss this wonderful party?” She said sarcastically. “Yeah, give me a couple minutes.”
She made her way across the ballroom at Tucker’s direction and found the staff exit he was talking about. The door was unlocked, so she just walked through.
“Is Danny in the bathroom?” she said, mostly to herself. There were nicer bathrooms in the main hallway, so unless he needed to transform there’d be no reason for him to go this out of the way.
“You can check, but I don’t think so. Danny’s tracker went offline. What else is over there?”
“An elevator,” she said, then realized what that meant. “So he’s underground?”
“That would explain the Fenton phones cutting out,” he said. Despite being made to withstand unholy amounts of radiation, a few feet of concrete could block the Fenton phones’ signal entirely.
Tucker was about to suggest that she follow him down, when Sam spoke.
“Where are the stairs?” she asked.
“Why not just follow him down?”
“Because he was probably taken down by that Ivan guy. Who knows what this elevator opens up to? I need a back way.”
“Point. There should be a staircase near the front entrance. That should lead to the parking garage in the basement.”
“This place has a parking garage?” Sam asked, and Tucker could hear the noise of the party resume as she walked through the ballroom.
“I know, right?”
. . .
He could hardly contain his excitement. Weeks of planning had let to this moment. First, convincing the other higher ups of his theory, then sucking up to that insipid mayor, and finally getting local members in place to perform the ritual. And now here Ivan was, sacrifice in tow, ready to usher the being he has so long venerated into the mortal world. And perhaps, gain his favor.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened. What was normally an inky expanse of darkness was lit by dozens of candles. They might normally have lit the underground parking garage with bright LEDs, but the designers of this particular ritual insisted on keeping things traditional.
“Here he is, the man of the hour!” a voice said excitedly. It was one of the locals. Apparently this town had the fasted growing group membership in North America. In the world really.
“I’m Nolan,” the local man said as he began to usher Ivan and the boy further into the garage.
“A pleasure.” Ivan said.
Nolan gestured toward a large circle drawn on the ground with a smaller circle inside of it. Intricate symbols were drawn between the two circles. Several other people meandered about, setting up candles, talking in hushed tones, or just gawking at Ivan and the boy.
“Just put him right here.” Nolan said, indicating the inner circle. Ivan set the boy, now fully unconscious, carefully on the concrete floor.
“Oh lord he is perfect,” Nolan said. Before Ivan could respond, he continued.
“When Phantom first came to our town I knew we had been blessed by our god to see his form in this world. But he always disappeared before we could speak with him.”
Ivan stood stoically, but scoffed inwardly. He’d heard about this heretic offshoot of the group claiming to see their god in the mortal world. They would have been barred from the international group if they weren’t the single largest source of new members.
“And to think, someone from outside the country would discover what we had overlooked this whole time. The perfect sacrifice for our god. A mortal, human, host.”
For a moment, Ivan thought he heard a muffled snort coming from the boy, but when he looked down at him the boy was a still as ever. He dismissed the thought, then walked over to one of the supporting pillars of the garage and leaned against it. Just a little while longer until his god arrived, and Ivan planned to become his most favored disciple.
. . .
Sam’s phone lit the way as she took the stairs in twos and threes going down to the basement. It was hard with the shoes her mother had made her wear for this party, but she couldn’t waste the breath to curse. It had been mere minutes since Danny’s tracker went offline, but she was almost down to the basement.
‘There,’ she thought, and stumbled to a stop in front of the door. Panting a little, she checked in one last time.
“Tucker, can you hear me?”
His response came laced with static, but was still understandable.
“Yeah, but not for long. You got what you need.”
Sam pulled a Fenton wrist-ray from the pocket of her dress.
“Always,” she said, and she opened the door.
She turned off her phone’s flashlight and lit her path by the light of the screen. It was harder to see, but less noticeable as she walked into the basement. It looks like Tucker was right. The floor, ceiling, and supporting pillars were all the same gray concrete you’d find in a parking garage. You could even see the lines marking out parking spots, faint as they were through the dust.
There were footprints in the dust, two pairs. Sam sucked in a breath then slowly followed the footsteps, keeping an ear out for anything suspicious. Soon she started to hear the faint noise of people moving around and talking, and see two figures silhouetted against a faint light.
She drew up close to the pair and was about to do something violent when she heard a voice gasp out.
“Jazz?” Sam hissed out. What was she doing here?
. . .
It was all Danny could do not to bust out laughing. This group didn’t seem to really know what they wanted. They wanted to sacrifice him, to summon himself. Or to have him possess himself, it was hard to tell.
He kinda wanted to see what else they wanted, but he didn’t like the look of those symbols. Just because they didn’t seem to know what they were doing doesn’t mean they wouldn’t do something. He was just about to make himself invisible the moment everyone looked away and hang out to see everyone panic, when he heard a familiar voice. Two voices, actually.
‘Jazz? And Sam? What are they doing here?’ He opened his eyes just enough to see.
Apparently he wasn’t the only one that had heard them. Vlad’s creepy business partner shouted, “Who’s there,” and someone make a high pitched squeak. A flashlight shined at the noise and illuminated three figures.
He could see Sam, Jazz, and Jazz’s friend Spike. Spike had his hands clasped over his mouth, making it obvious where the squeak had come from.
‘Crap,’ Danny thought,’So much for ghosting out of here.’ Spike was looking right at him.
Everyone froze for a moment. Danny held his breath, ready to intervene if necessary, secret identity be damned.
Then Jazz looked at Danny, and seemed to come to a decision. She bolted back toward the stairs, dragging the other two with her. Danny felt a little betrayed for a moment. Was she going to leave him to be sacrificed! Then he realized; she was drawing their attention and giving him an opportunity to go ghost in private.
Everyone started chasing the three teens, so Danny took his chance. He went invisible and changed into phantom, leaving the magic summoning circle. He didn’t go after everyone else though. Instead he went to the elevator he came down in and broke a few important looking wires and cables. He didn’t want anyone to think of beating the three teens by taking the fast way up.
. . .
Sam, Danny, and Jazz met on the steps of the ballroom. Spike had gone home. Apparently he managed to snap a picture of Danny lying in the summoning circle with the old-school film camera he had on him and wanted to develop it tonight. Something about how it was perfect for his project.
Jazz had just finished lecturing Danny on his stupid decision to play along with the guy about to sacrifice him, and Sam had Tucker on speakerphone ready to talk about what just happened.
“So you and Jazz barricaded the door to the stairs,” Tucker said.
“Yep,” Sam replied.
“And Danny killed the elevator?”
“Yep,” Sam said again.
“So Vlad’s creepy business partner is trapped with his creepy cult in the creepy basement of City Hall.”
“You’re three for three.”
“Well that’s convenient,” Tucker says. Danny frowns.
“Why?” he says.
“Because those FBI guys are coming to investigate him.”
As if on cue, a black sedan pulls up to the curb in front of City Hall. Three men come out and start up the steps. The first two are unfamiliar, but Sam seems to recognize them.
“Its the FBI,” she whispers. “You can tell by the shoes.”
All three of them continue up the stairs, and the third one glares a Danny before following the others. The third guy is a GIW agent working under cover at the regional FBI office. They’ve had dealings.
Besides the last guy, none of them spare the three teens a glance as they disappear into City Hall.
“Ooookay,” Jazz says as the door shut behind the men.
“I almost feel sorry for him,” Tucker says
“Who, that Ivan guy? I don’t,” Danny says.
“Did we ever learn why Vlad was working with him?” Sam asked.
“Oh yeah, remember how this guy’s deal is that rare fish?’ Tucker said.
“And remember how you told Vlad to get a cat?”
“Ugh, yeah, and he named it after my mom.” Danny made a gagging noise in the back of his throat.
“Well I checked his google history and it was all searches about how to get your picky eater of a cat to eat, then searches of this rare fish . . .,” Tucker trailed of meaningfully.
“You’re serious?” Sam asked with raised eyebrows.
“So it’s all the cat’s fault?” Danny said.
Sam scoffed. “Not the cat’s fault Vlad’s crazy” Neither Danny nor Tucker could refute that.
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asterrrific · 1 year
How I think SVT would react if you were having a nightmare. (Hyung line)
- would be startled
- "Oh no... y/n, hey, wake up love, you're having a bad dream."
- Will gently shake you awake
- "Hey, it's okay, I'm here, I got you..."
- Will pull you close and stroke your hair and console and assure you that everything will be alright.
- Will lull you back to sleep by giving you lots of head kisses.
- Never ending "don't worry love, I'm here, you can go back to sleep."
- Would actually be chill about it
- He'd wake up when you start stirring in your sleep, but he just sits there to observe your reactions first.
- Will only move when he's sure that you're not gonna wake up anytime soon.
- "Hey bunbun, wake up. You're having a bad dream again."
- Will caress your back as he tries to wake you
- "It's okay, it's just a bad dream. It won't harm you..."
- Will help you sit up and encourage you to talk about it. The next thing you know, he's cracking up jokes and nonsense to get your mind off the bad dream.
- Will wake with a jolt when he feels you keep stirring in your sleep.
- "Oh no, I think it's another nightmare..."
- Will hold your one hand with his, and caress your cheek with the other as he tries to wake you up.
- "Baby, please wake up, you're having another bad dream..." in the softest freaking voice ever
- Will lean in to kiss you on the cheek and whisper the same thing closer to your ear
- "Hi... you were having a bad dream." as an intro when u finally wake up. His face is just inches away from you.
- All traces of the nightmare you had just vanishes the moment your eyes focus on him smiling at you softly in the dark.
- Will silently get up when he feels you being restless.
- Will silently tap your shoulders to wake you up.
- "Baby, wake up please. You're having another nightmare..."
- Will let you speak on your own first after you wake before he could ask further questions.
- "Maybe you were just tired today. It's just a dream, my love. I'm here."
- Will open his arms for you to crash into and fall back to sleep in.
- Will whisper sweet nothings as he starts to caress your hair, making you fall back to sleep.
- Yes, he will wake up with horangi hands at the ready in case he needs to claw at someone.
- "Oh, it's y/n... oh wait, it's y/n!"
- Feels your forehead for your temperature, then gets even more worried when you still don't bother waking up after that touch.
- "Honey, hey, hey, wake up, you're having a nightmare."
- Let's out a huge dramatic sigh of relief when you finally wake up huffing and puffing.
- "Who do I need to fight? Were they chasing you? Don't worry honeycakes, I'm here for you now."
- You stare at him and wonder how his unseriousness could really solve your worries most of the time.
- Isn't even asleep yet because he's still in game but the moment you start stirring, his eyes dart towards you.
- Immediately leaves his game to kneel beside your shared bed. He reaches out to cup your cheek with one hand as he holds your one hand with the other.
- "Hey, hey, y/n... wake up my love, you're having another bad dream." While he gently squeezes your hand
- Let's out a sigh of relief the moment you come to your senses, then he proceeds to cup your face with both hands as he leans in to kiss your forehead.
- "What's it about this time?" He asks as soon as he breaks off the kiss, his hands still on your cheeks, his eyes filled with nothing but love and concern.
- Listens intently as you tell your story. His hands reach out for yours this time, squeezing them gently every time you share a scary detail.
- "My poor baby had to go through that... don't worry love, I'm here now. Will you move a bit then, so I can sleep with you now? Do you want to cuddle? I'll ward the bad dreams off..."
- chill about it 22
- Will actually zone out for a bit while you continue stirring in your sleep
- Will come back to his senses when you start to sob so he panics
- "Oh shit, no, no... hey, babe, wake up. I'm here, I'm here..."
- Will pull you closer to him the moment you open your eyes. His hand rub soothing circles on your back.
- "It's just a bad dream, babe. You're okay. I'm here. You'll be okay."
- Will hum your favorite songs as he continues rubbing circles on your back, as you find yourself drifting back to sleep.
It's been a while since i last wrote something here🥹
Here's a little something for my comeback stunt. I'll post the remaining members soons🫡
As always, thanks for your continuous support to my past works. Again, if you have requests, you can just tell meee~
Thank youuuu night nighttt
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rinsuniverse · 1 year
Hiiii I keep reading your work like everyday, I just love it and hope you’re doing well!! I absolutely live for a flushed woozi, could you do a thing on what you think would make him flustered???
Thanks a million for making my day better just with your little posts, you deserve all the praise! ❤️
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how you make woozi flustered! ✧˖°.
lots of things make our brilliant producer, woozi, flustered!
but here are some things his s/o will do that'll make him blush uncontrollably
when you're at the gym with him and you spot him
as he does a weight that's typically heavier than his usual, you say things like
"you got this! just breathe through this set!"
and "come on, just do one more rep for me"
he's already flushed, his ears a bright red
but it isn't until you say something along the lines of "you looked really good doing that rep. like hot." while you're taking a water break with him
that he spits out his water and is hiding his face in his hands
if you compliment him in public, he can't help but feel flustered
the best way to make him flustered is to do physical contact
like literally any physical contact
if you're at his studio
and you walk over to his desk and peer over his shoulder to see his work
and you smile and pat his head because
he's gonna stop everything and turn to you as you walk away nonchalantly like
"what the-" "what was that for-" "pff what the heck-"
and his cheeks are turning a bright shade of pink
if you're out in public with seventeen and they all want to separate into pairs to do groceries
you might grab jihoon's hand and put your hands in the air saying "i'll go with woozi!"
and jihoon is staring between your interlocked fingers and your happy face
and he can't help his ears turning red
he's trying to play it cool, but the fact that all of his members are looking at the two of you holding hands has him so flustered
poor baby's ears and cheeks are burning
endless praise will make our rice bowl super flustered, too
one time when you were personally invited to seventeen's concert by him
and you're sitting in the front row
you have your carat bong and you're bopping your head to the music
when woozi is in the center of the stage singing his lines
and he literally has to fight all of his might to not break character
you're sitting there laughing at yourself because you see him trying to hide his smile
or maybe he's hiding his cringe?
but it's still hilarious
as he's performing the rest of the song, his whole face is red, istg
but when the members ask, he brushes it off as the spotlights were too hot while he is dancing
when you quietly sneak backstage to see him
the blush returns to his face and he can't even face you for a few minutes
"wow, that was so cool," you say, nudging him. "i can't believe you're mine."
he's clenching his heart. kicking his feet. punching the air.
just kidding, he's sitting there with a stale face, making sure you can't tell how embarrassed he is right now
but you notice
because his ears are bright red
he's literally yours, though
so yeah! thank you so much for requesting, and i'm so sorry it took so long! i forgot i started working on this and put it in my drafts tbh. but here you go! feel free to request many, many more things! ✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧
(p.s. requests are still open! i specialize in woozi stuff, but i don't mind writing about other svt members! i can also do some nsfw if you want! so request whatever and as much as you want! ς(>‿<.))
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fairyhaos · 1 year
seventeen and being cafe workers
requested by anon: "hi! i really liked your take of svt having a cold! what are your thoughts on svt as cafe workers? thank you for your hard work! "
notes: LMAO this was actually sm fun
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he doesn't know why he's working in a cafe tbh. he doesn't even know how it happened. jeonghan brought him to the cafe he worked at one day and the next thing he knew, he was being hired as a barista at that very same place. oh well, he supposes it's kind of fun (?) to work alongside such chipper people, and it encourages him to talk to a vast range of people while he works
assistant manager, sleeps in the back room half the time, only ever gets called out for it by chan. somehow a master at handling orders during rush hour, though? gets through coffees in a flash, taking orders and yelling at minghao to get on with it and also packaging pastries and working the cashier and still smiling and greeting people nicely. but don't call for his help until it's rush hour again okay he needs another nap now
doesn't actually do, like . anything. he's out there on the floor chatting to people and (sometimes) taking orders and (not really) clearing the tables and smiling and doing nothing whatsoever. gets away with it bc he's pretty and good at talking to people so it gains them more customers anyway. works in a cafe, but doesn't like coffee. asks people if they want a cake instead when they ask what coffee he recommends
bright and sweet and has the weirdest recommendations when customers ask him how he normally takes his coffee. either looks like he's buzzed up on way too much caffeine or looking like he's about to doze off any second. has probably slept during a lull in his shift before. whizzes around the shop with his broom going "wheee!!" while he's cleaning up when they're closing up the coffee shop for the day
bids all the customers goodbye with a wave and his signature move (his horanghae hands), gets slapped on the head with a tea towel by woozi every time he catches him. is always stealing the pastries from inside the display during the lazy times of the day, swears he's innocent and pins the blame on poor seungkwan who was on the other side of the cafe at that time
has literally every customer in their early 20s giving him their phone numbers/ asking him if he wants to go grab something to eat with them. typically hides behind the coffee machines and doing the barista work bc ngl he's kinda terrified because one time this lady just Kept Coming Back to talk to him and his social battery was just not up for dealing with her level of bright chatter. 
he gives me manager vibes. he's the one who scolds mingyu whenever he gets within a three foot radius of the coffee machines, who hits hoshi over the head for his excessive tiger agenda, who lets jeonghan sleep in the back room but denies that it's because he's lowkey scared of him. very very good at manager-ing and can also barista when it gets too busy. the cafe would fall to pieces without him tbh. 
one of the best baristas ever. memorises complicated orders in the blink of an eye. rattles off the order back to the customer when they claim that he made their drink wrong and then raises an eyebrow and goes "isn't that what you wanted, sir?". grins almost sadistically whenever someone orders an insanely caffeine-loaded drink. is in horror at junhui's coffee preferences. 
isn't allowed near the coffee machines after that one time he almost broke one of them while pulling the lever too hard. is great at doing cashier work because he's such eye candy, pulls in the greatest amount of tips because of it. sometimes works the floor, but that's also risky bc there have been times where he's gotten in the way of his colleagues as they hand out coffee and spilt it all down his uniform
brighest sunshine smile ever. asked to work mainly morning shifts, and woozi agreed because putting seokmin and his sunshine brightness in an evening shift would probably make their tired customers feel even more exhausted while talking to his unending brightness. has gotten the second most amount of numbers given to him after wonwoo, but the clueless boy doesn't even understand why
that one chatty barista who talks about anything and everything to anyone who looks at him too long while he's working. hates the opening shift. always complains long and loud at how sloppily the shop was cleaned up by the people on the closing shift of the day before. scolds hoshi when he snatches a cake pop when he thinks no one is looking. 
Good And Honest Worker™. nothing to say tbh, he's just actually genuinely good at the job. everyone wants to be put on the same shift as him. gives customers song recommendations too whenever they ask him what drink he recommends they have. once tried to write the prop-up sign for the cafe, was laughed at by woozi bc it looked like it was written by a child
newbie. doesn't know how to work the coffee machines, isn't allowed to figure them out in case he becomes the next mingyu and destroys the machine that was almost killed by the guy's hands. is in charge of drawing smiley faces on the coffee cups. writes everyone's name wrongly on the cup, and yet calls it out flawlessly every time as he hands them their coffee with a beam and a chipper "have a nice day!"
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request guidelines
reactions tags: @jeonginssa @hanranghae17 @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @iheartyujin @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt @butiluvu
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winniemaywebber · 3 months
Knuckles from the kiss prompts for Jean and Shush for Olive?
hi friend! thanks so much <3
from this prompt list (drop em in my inbox!)
knuckles (a kiss on the hand)
Jean Crosby stands at the kitchen counter, chopping vegetables for the forthcoming dinner party. With Bing upstairs tending to the baby's bed time, she's finally able to - and excited - to start. Their dear friends Rosie and Josephine were finally back from their honeymoon, and Jean had jumped at the chance to invite the newlyweds for dinner as soon as their car had pulled up outside their dainty, cozy house just a few blocks from hers and Harry's.
Completely lost in her task, she begins to hum along to the faint tune spinning on the record player in the living room, completely unaware of the presence in the doorway.
“You sound beautiful, Mrs Cros–”
“OUCH!” she shrieks, the knife slicing through the fingertip and nail of her index finger. “Bing, you scared me!”
“Oh, darling. I'm so, so sorry. Here, let me see to it.”
He takes her over to the kitchen sink, running cool water from the faucet and squeezing out a washcloth to staunch the flow of blood, the red liquid trickling into the sink causing Jean to get a little woozy.
“Oh, my poor little wife,” he coos, seeing her face grow paler. “Sweetheart, sit down. That's it, take it easy. Deep breaths.”
She breathes shakily as her husband runs upstairs to the bathroom cabinet and retrieves the first aid box. He returns in a flash, pulling the wet cloth from her hand and drying her hand with an old towel.
“You're doing great. It's not as bad as it looks, promise.”
“Mhm,” she forces out, nodding as her eyes open to survey the area. “Oh, you're right. Silly of me to be so dramatic.”
“No, honey, you're not being dramatic. It was a lot of blood.”
He pulls a bandage from the roll and snips it, expertly tying it off. He admires his handiwork for a second, the perfect knot staunching the flow of blood.
“There,” he says, kissing her hand. “All better.”
shush: a kiss to silence the other party
“Come on, Ol! Reservation is in ten minutes and I wanna beat traffic.”
“Uh, okay!” She stutters out, pulling off one dress and scouting her closet for another. “Ugh, everything sucks. It all sucks,” she murmurs to herself, hangers scraping on the metal pole, the screeching sound of them making her cringe.
Pulling a yellow dress from a hanger, she throws it on over her head and pulls it on in a rush, fixing her hair as she struggles to get the dress over her chest. In the rush, she neglects to unzip the back of it, a loud popping sound coming from behind her.
“Shit!” she screams, her cheeks now flushed with the effort of it all. Yanking it off her body, she slumps on the bed and puts her head in her hands, trying to breathe.
“Ol? You okay?”
When no reply comes, James gingerly opens the door. At the sight in front of him, he kneels, his hands on her thighs. “What's up, sugar?”
“Nothing looks good. I'm just--everything looks awful. I was so excited to just go to dinner but absolutely nothing is working on me today.”
“You look pretty in everything, Ollie.”
“Oh, really?” she says, walking to her closet and pulling out all the dresses she's already tried on. “This one, washed me out. This one, I look sickly. This yellow one, ripped a second ago, and then this dang–”
She is cut off by James placing his hands on her face and kissing her deeply, her whole body relaxing into him.
“There,” he soothes. “Better?”
“Much,” she replies, smiling. “Doesn't mean my clothes look good though.”
“You try my favorite yet?”
“No,” she says. “It was my final choice.”
“Ouch,” he says, clutching his chest in mock upset. She giggles, taking the duck egg blue dress from him.
“I wanted to try something new!”
“And look where that got us,” he jokes, smushing her cheeks with his hand. “Try this one.”
“Fine,” she huffs, the dress flowing on her easily. There's no struggle, no tightness as Dougie goes to her back and helps with the zip.
“Sweetheart,” he murmurs, kissing her neck gently. “Beautiful as always.”
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