#poor taub. the only straight one
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greghatecrimes · 1 year ago
lesbian magnet chase anon here / you gave me the image of park & adams posting a pic in a group chat with the others with a cap like ran into cameron and her girlfriend. chase replies with are any of you straight and supposed to be dead house replies to him just saying you're not and nothing else and never says anything in the chat again. taub is reading this live bouncing sofie or sofia on his hip
SUPPOSEDLY DEAD HOUSE REPLYING WITH “YOURE NOT” LMAOOOOO. also omg, Park and Adams running into Cameron and her gf, I never knew I needed all of them having fun at a gay bar together but now I totally do. They’d crush karaoke I bet. I can see Park and Adams being super competitive w each other w the karaoke (but in a gay way) and I bet Cameron would make a remark about how it’s cute/how she can see how much they like each other. and it makes them both blush
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all-pacas · 4 months ago
rushing to be the first person who says ‘house’ for thr ask game
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
this is not going to shock a single person. but it's the goddamn australian. he's like 90% blorbo and 10% i want to make him suffer. i joke sometimes about having a character type and the venn diagram of that type and chase is a circle. parental trauma. fawn response. apathy/distraction/cheerful facade covering a deep well not of sadness but of nothingness. silly guys who don't take things very seriously until it matters. i could go on. it's awful. i stood no chance. i also really like the dichotomy (in characters and this asshole) of "comes off as a little dim, is actually super smart and capable when necessary," it's not like the main thing but it helps. i love that he keeps failing up in life, pure nepobaby trajectory, but every year he also gets a little more miserable. i love that no one has ever loved him. i love that he gets a six month marriage and, while cameron is not blameless, he also does a lot of the work to screw it up on his own. awful. i even love (to hate) his horrific little outfits.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
hmmmm. you know what. i'm going to go real left field here and say taub. not that i'd define it as cuteness aggression exactly. but to me he's like a perfect little dash of salt and pepper in a scene. he improves every scene, he usually has a fun line, he's rarely my favorite part of the show but i always enjoy his presence in it. you know what one scene in s6 where foreman and 13 are fighting, and house tells "everyone who hasn't slept with thirteen" to leave the room. chase is basically a chase-shaped hole in the wall he is gone before house finishes talking, but taub just sits there deadass for a solid minute. that's what i mean when i say he improves everything. incredible, flawless joke.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
foreman to me. i don't understand why, in myself and in others. he's like. he's literally the main character of the team. he gets insane focus and character growth and arcs and development and he's so good. and yet no one talks about him. i don't talk about him. i can only gesture to him like -- look at this man!! he's so great!!! -- and then i have nothing. however i need to state for the record that he is great and i love him and also love to see him struggle and suffer and be a little bitch
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
nurse brenda why did they ever get rid of you. star of s1. whenever she appears on sceen, hatred in her heart, i'm just blushing and giggling. love her in kids when foreman is trying to act all important and she sends him to the back of the line. love her giving the gang the sideeye in the euthanasia episode. i bet every single one of the team has gone "well, it makes sense she hates them, but she respects me" and been proven wrong. perfect background character
i'm also going to throw thirteen in here, not because she's all that obscure but she falls into the same foreman character slot of "i adore her and think she's very fun" for me, but i talk about her slightly more and think about her slightly less
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
i feel like half the characters on house are this tbh. however i'm going to give this award to cameron, my other favorite child, because i swear half the reason i love her so much is that the rest of you don't understand her. like i do. i can and i will just yell about this for hours. hate how fandom treats cameron, either by just straight bashing her or by completely rewriting her and erasing half her traits to make her your nice OC who you can put in situations. i do think she has done many things wrong in her life, i think she is unkind and selfish and sometimes hypocritical, and i do not think these traits need to be smoothed or addressed or erased. i think she is super nice and sweet and lowkey depressed and highkey a control freak. i love how weird and horny she is. i love how normal she thinks she is. i bet, even though she is a scientist and knows better, she lowkey also believes crystals can heal her
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
both cameron and chase are this for me. chase needs it less because he keeps fucking up his own life and then staring at the mess with tears in his eyes, so there's less of a challenge, however i think cameron benefits from torment and situations because she's such a freak. because she's so fun. it's building character. it's exciting. she always reacts in insane and yet fascinating ways to stress and challenge and self-awareness and i want her to do it more.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
all of them. house. none of them. chase
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ariemfox · 25 days ago
yes yes yes!!!!!! also, this whole bit:
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there is so much repressed yuri on park's end in this scene, idk how to even begin upwrapping it.
okay, three main things.
first of all, park is sooo jealous of even the concept of chase & adams fucking. the fact that she hallucinates chase and adams as rabbits is hilarious to me; her subconscious is outright calling them both whores. the bitchy, passive-aggressive tone of "oh, i get it" and "i've seen things"?? the stage whisper?? she is such a bitch about it i love her <3
then secondly, the sexy jessica rabbit adams hallucination. where to even start? her hallucinating adams sashaying like she's going down the catwalk? adams' bust being magnified?? this smoky look rabbit!adams gives her like she's dirt on the soles of her shoes???
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the implication that park is into that, combined with the kinkiness of those black opera gloves???? it's making me go feral.
even park is like "oh holy fuck. am i gay. why does this feels gay".
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look at the fear on her poor face adsfschfjk.
this is before she justifies to herself - in a classic display of comphet behaviour - that she is hallucinating adams this way bc adams is chase's wife in the hallucination. because, oh, of course it makes sense that chase the manwhore has a sexy wife!
well done, park. another day, another straight saved 🙏
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look at that expression of crazed relief and attraction on her face. idiot <3
then thirdly, there's fact that adams is the only sexy hallucination in this scene. i also find the positioning of rabbit!chase in contrast to rabbit!adams interesting here, bc of the comphet implications.
the similarity of them both being rabbits in these hallucinations (whilst house and taub are something completely different) forces you to compare how differently they are presented by park's subconscious.
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like here: chase is forced into a more casual/laying-down position on the bar - when in reality he is just leaning on the bar - suggesting that park is subconsciously trying to force chase into a more sexy position in her mind. trying to make herself find him attractive.
it obviously doesn't work though, because his entire face is furry, animalistic and unappealing, with the 'what?' gesture he gives park suggesting disinterest.
this situation is reiterated again with chase biting the carrot. you can imagine this scene being sexy - phallic imagery and all that - but it just... isn't, lol. this hallucination is also over in one camera shot.
yet, park lingers on the adams hallucination. it lasts longer, and is covered across two shots, cutting to park's (for a lack of better phrasing) gay panic inbetween, implying that park's interest is more prolonged and sustained.
also, with positioning: adams in reality is already standing-up. unlike chase, she is not forced into a different position. park is seeing her as she is positioned, because that is enough for her in this fantasy.
unlike chase, adams is also incredibly attractive with certain features - like her hair and bust - exemplified, suggesting that park finds her attractive and that park pays particular attention to these features. it's like if hallucinations distort reality, this is a funfair mirror of all of adams' best features.
she is less animalistic in appearance than chase too, having only rabbit ears. she is more human and therefore more realistic - making park's attraction to her appear more realistic.
furthermore, whilst rabbit!chase shows disinterest (and possibly even annoyance) towards park, rabbit!adams puts on a fucking show for her, sashaying out a catwalk like it's a mating dance. rabbit!adams' attention is focused entirely on park throughout, suggesting that adams is interested in her. meanwhile, chase is distracted, spinning his own carrot (to say it politely) and showing disinterest in park through his 'what?' gesture.
i could go on about my thoughts on comphet park and her many boyfriends (according to her anyway, lol). i could go on about park trying to wrestle her close platonic friendship with chase into something romantic (though i don't want to shit on the chase/park lovers). however, this is already getting long.
anyway, to me, all of this is unequivocal proof of the beautiful, toxic yuri between these two. 'love is blind' is an episode of all time, amongst the park/adams hall of fame. if hallucinations (from park's own fucking subconscious) can't force her into figuring out that she wants to make sweet & nasty yuri love to adams, then love must truly be blind like this episode says.
rewatched the episode feat. Park's acid trip and we should talk about this some more, especially toxic yuri fans
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there should be fanfic about what Park hallucinated. that would be. nice I think
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saraseo · 5 years ago
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kadobeclothing · 5 years ago
How To Dress Well: The 15 Rules All Men Should Learn
There are enough rules in life as it is. Some, however, are there to help. Like the rules that govern how to dress well. Of course, every man or woman that has an opinion on such things speaks from personal experience – and no doubt what works for one doesn’t always work for another; or what works for one is considered too pedestrian or too avant-garde by another. So, when it comes to dressing, they always have to be taken at face value. They’re solid suggestions rather than the last word on style.But good advice is never to be sniffed at, and, as menswear becomes ever more rich and varied, ever more experimental and abundant, ever more trend-aware, in moments of confusion and self-doubt, it can help to have a valuable fall-back position that cuts through the clutter.These ‘rules’ tend to be founded in history – they’ve worked for generations, so might well be assumed to work well today too. And they tend to be founded in the obvious, so obvious they’re often overlooked: a preference for good fit, high quality, versatility, good value, lack of extremes and keeping it sober.There are certainly many other rules out there than are presented here. Some of these you may have already discovered for yourself. That, after all, is part of the pleasure of clothing, which no rule should hamper: trying new kit out, seeing if it suits you, seeing how it makes you feel. But, these rules have stood the test of time and, when used in conjunction, act as a failsafe guide on how to dress well today.1. Wear A Suit WellThe key to a suit looking good is fit. If you’re buying off-the-peg, focus on the fit across the shoulders because getting the chest and waist altered is a relatively easy job according to Davide Taub, head of bespoke suits at Savile Row tailor Gieves & Hawkes. “Be cautious about wearing a period suit unless you’re pursuing a total period look because in isolation the suit starts to look like a novelty,” he adds. Classic is best and most useful – dark, two-button, single-breasted, moderate in details. “It’s not boring. A suit is a uniform. The idea is to think of this suit as a canvas to build different ideas of individuality around. It’s the way you wear it, not the label inside, that impresses.”Gieves & Hawkes2. Invest Wisely In A Watch“A watch is like a piece of art,” argues Don Cochrane, managing director of British watch brand Vertex. “Choose it because you love it, not because you think it might make money. Watches are personal, it marks your passage through time. But you also have to be practical.” Aesthetic, functional, rugged sports models go with anything and can take the hard knocks of everyday wear. Yet, a watch still has to fit you. It should feel comfortable and be right in terms of size and depth relative to your wrist as well – 40mm is considered the ‘Goldilocks’ size.Vertex3. Don’t Shy Away From ColourWhether it’s on casualwear or formalwear, indulge in a bit of colour. “Most men are unjustly scared of it – they’re intimidated by anything that isn’t navy or grey,” says menswear designer Oliver Spencer. “But colour can be timeless too.” A green suit, for example, can look particularly rakish, while Spencer also recommends pinks, greens, mustard and brighter shades of blue as especially versatile year-round shades that will lift your entire outfit. But he adds that, when it comes to colour, less is still more: “You just need a bit of it, in one garment.”4. Wear In Your Jeans Until They Are YoursThe all-time most useful cut of the world’s most popular garment, according to Alex Mir, co-owner of Sheffield-based label Forge Denim, is ‘slim-tapered’. “It’s wider in the thigh, so it’s comfortable, but narrows, so it works with either smart shoes or sneakers,” he advises. “It’s the best year-round, wear-with-anything, dress up or down style.” The wise will wear dark, raw denim too and give the pre-distressed a wide berth. “The whole pleasure of denim is that it ages with the way you wear it. Why miss out on that?”A.P.C5. Look After Your AppearanceIt’s the kind of advice your mother might offer, but if you’ve invested money and thought in your clothing, look after it. Use wooden hangers for shirts and shoe trees for your best shoes; have your suit dry-cleaned and pressed; wash your clothes regularly and, ideally, don’t tumble dry them (it can degrade the fabric); and polish your shoes. Equally, it’s not just the skin of your leather jacket that you need to care for, the same goes for the one you wear every day. Establish a simple, but no less solid, grooming regime, brush your hair and cut your nails. After all, the devil resides in the details.House 99 by David Beckham6. Keep Your Underwear SimpleStyle isn’t only what everyone else can see. When it comes to men’s underwear, there are two rules to follow. One, novelty prints are not for grown men – “your underwear is not the place to express your ‘personality’,” as shirt and underwear-maker Emma Willis notes. And, two, heavily-branded underwear lacks sophistication. “Of all places where you might have the confidence not to have branding, your underwear should be it,” adds Willis. The style that has best stood the test of time, of course, is the cotton boxer short, likely because (as is the case with linen) they take repeated washing, breathe well and are comfortable against your skin.7. Spend Money On Shoes“Timelessness is about simple design and all the more so with shoes,” argues Tim Little, owner of heritage shoe brand Grenson. “The colour, the pattern, the sole – you don’t want it fussy. Anything fussy may look good now but will look strange very quickly.” Quality shoes — the gold standard being re-soleable Goodyear welted examples — are the kind of investment that should last 15 years or more. Opt for classic styles such as brogues, loafers, or a plain, dark, five-eyelet Derby on a round-toe last. “It’s the shape of the toe that really counts – and round never goes out of fashion,” says Little. “It’s pointy toes or square toes that look obviously impractical. Nobody has feet shaped like that.”Grenson8. Keep Accessorising To A MinimumAccessories like ties and pocket squares bring individuality to classic clothing, but be careful how you use them. “It’s best to harmonise them with what you’re wearing by picking out a colour or two. Or even to juxtapose them entirely,” says Michael Hill, creative director of men’s accessories brand Drake’s. “What you don’t want is to match them up.” When it comes to curating shirt and tie combinations, wear your tie or pocket square in a darker shade than your jacket. And don’t overdo the accessories either – if in doubt, think less is more and take one element away. “You’re aiming for an air of nonchalance,” adds Hill. “You just need one point of interest.”Drake’s9. Know ThyselfThere’s are few things less stylish than a man dressed as he thinks he should dress rather than in what he genuinely feels suits who he is. There are caveats to that, of course: there are no prizes for dressing like a rodeo clown unless indeed you are one. But whatever you’re wearing, you have to own it. Genuine style icons are those who go their own way with a self-confidence that comes from their clothes being a second skin, not a costume.10. Dress For The SettingStyle is not merely about self-expression; it’s also about being dressed appropriately for your environment. Think of clothes as being codes: you need the right combination to work with the setting you’re in – and that’s whether it’s a formal dinner or a lazy Sunday in the pub. The worst style is one which is out of place. Is this a kind of conformity? No, as one of Tom Ford’s oft trotted out fashion quotes explains, it’s a mark of respect for others. And about feeling comfortable in yourself. When in doubt, overdress.Mr Porter x Vive La France11. Don’t Skimp On GlassesInvest time into finding the right spectacles for you. “People spend an average of seven minutes picking a pair that will define them for the next three or more years,” notes eyewear designer Tom Davies. “Poor choice and poor fit are why so many people learn to hate their glasses.” Buy what you feel good in, taking into account your face shape but considering the top line of the frames’ relation to your eyebrow shape – team straight with straight, curved with curved – and your hairstyle. Buy wisely too, says Davies: there’s no point buying cheap frames and being up-sold on expensive lenses because the frames will look tatty soon enough anyway.Cubitts12. Choose Versatile OuterwearThe temptation may be to wear a classic style, but modern technical fabrics in darker shades and easy cuts are making coats what they should be – lightweight and breathable but also properly protective. “Changes in seasonality, the climate and buying habits are making heavy wool coats seem out of keeping now,” suggests Adam Cameron, owner of outerwear specialist The Workers’ Club. “Think of a coat instead as being your final layer – one you can wear as much or as little under as required.” A field or bomber jacket jacket is a good all-rounder but if you need to dress up, go for a short mac.13. Buy A Dinner Suit, Never HireOccasions for the height of formal dressing may be rare, but they’re all the more exacting for that. So, while it feels like an extravagance, owning a dinner suit that fits you rather than hiring one makes more sense after years of use. “With hiring, there’s always the risk of the wearer looking almost childlike while dressed in some oversized, boxy ensemble,” warns Toby Lamb, design director of contemporary tailoring label Richard James. Own as classic a dinner suit as possible: in midnight blue, single-breasted, with satin lapels and trousers seams. And it goes without saying you should learn how to tie a bow-tie yourself.Burton14. With Shirts, Stick To The Classics“It sounds silly,” says James Cook, head of bespoke shirtmaking for Turnbull & Asser, “but any men’s shirt can be made to look expensive if it’s well-pressed.” All the same, Cook is particular about the details. Strike a middle line, he recommends: avoid bold styles unless you think you can carry it off, and, for a collar that works with or without a tie, and that always sits properly under a jacket, opt for a semi-cutaway.Turnbull & Asser15. Know When To Break The RulesKnow when to adhere to dress codes such as black tie and know when to break them. Some are there for a good reason, typically because the occasion demands it or some higher authority – your boss, perhaps – expects it. But, likewise, as Drakes’ Hill notes, “we can get too hung up about rules as well, and there’s always a case for ripping them up”. That, after all, is how style advances, little by little. “Enjoy the freedom there is now to make mistakes.” Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/how-to-dress-well-the-15-rules-all-men-should-learn/
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harrietttalley-blog · 6 years ago
Is Keto Fast Weight loss program Drugs Scam? Read (Shark Tank Evaluations) Worth & Purchase
That is why some individuals who aren't following a keto food plan will still take ketone dietary supplements for vitality. South Seaside Keto is a dietary complement having pure components to filter out the cussed fats toxins from the physique. The producer of purefit keto weight loss program has selected these powerful pure and herbal ingredients that have the propensity to stimulate the ketogenesis course of in your physique. Halitosis (bad breath) - Should you're on a ketogenic weight loss plan you're in all probability conscious that because the physique begins to metabolize fat, ketones may cause poor breath. Burning of fats - One of many major advantages of South Seaside keto is that it burns the fat in all the parts of the body which isn't doable even by consuming the pricey products. There are a lot of totally different diets out there, and one of the vital popular as of late is the ketogenic diet Those who follow a ketogenic eating regimen are required to avoid carbs so that the physique can enter a state of ketosis Ketosis is a process whereby, slightly than burning carbs for energy, it faucets into the fats reserves. Weight-reduction plan, exercises, and even weight loss supplements are extensively utilized by folks to lose their body weight. Each product has its own advantages and drawbacks however when compared to other products available in the market PureFit Keto Food plan has the minimum unintended effects. PureFit Keto makes use of unusual fixing, which helps in diminishing weight and devour the fats cells. This is the purest type of serum which is directly used with the dietary supplements to work straight as well. Exogenous ketone supplementation causes blood glucose to decrease significantly, probably because of the acute enhance in insulin sensitivity. There are some concerns concerning the safety of raspberry ketone as a result of it's chemically related to a stimulant called synephrine. Keto Speedy Eating regimen works to offer you slimming figure through to lowering weight and burning calories with increasing metabolism rate within the physique. PureFit Keto is a purely natural and herbal compound that sheds weight slowly slowly every day to deliver outstanding consequence in the last. PureFit Keto Weight loss program weight reduction complement does not include harmful preservatives that hurt the body. This weight reduction product is made up of only 60 tablets and you need to undertake only one capsule on the usual foundation. Earlier than you get too excited about diet pills, it's best to know that by 2019, weight reduction is expected to be a $200 billion business. When you will use Premier Keto Weight-reduction plan, the supplement will get absorbed into your body instantly and in consequence it's going to start working to burn your body fats. In fact, on an LCHF weight-reduction plan some individuals spontaneously fall into this behavior, as their appetite is diminished (see weight reduction tip #four , eat only when hungry). There are lots of ways to drop a few pounds like dieting, exercising with a lot of exhausting work. Keto Tone Food regimen: Typically we take pleasure in every second of life but can't due to an obesity problem. That why this product has given the name keto speedy as a result of it makes you reduce weight quickly with stimulating ketogenesis in your physique. Keto Trim Outcomes complement is only made up with pure natural elements that are greatest to intake for all of the age groups which suggests there is no such thing as a matter who you might be and the way outdated are you if you want to Lose your weight so that is your selection, then again, one thing it is best to keep in mind that in case you are 18 + so you will solely advocate to make use of. Aids to weight reduction - As keto food regimen principally works on changing fat into power however not into glucose. Vegetarianism has been round for a very long time, and numerous folks have adopted this food plan with a purpose to lose weight. We requested Bonnie Taub-Dix , a registered dietitian nutritionist and author of Learn It Earlier than You Eat It"; and Keri Glassman , nutritionist, registered dietitian and AT THIS TIME Tastemaker. The research is largely primarily based on two independent studies on mice which showed that a excessive-fat, zero-carb pure ketogenic diet for beginners weight loss program made mice dwell longer and age slower The downside, after all, is that humans aren't mice, and the diets vital for the research could be extraordinarily troublesome, if not harmful to attain for a standard person ( one of the research , on the College of California, Davis, put the mice on a ninety percent fats weight loss program). When we consume too many omega-6s and never sufficient omega-3s, this could promote systemic irritation, which can play a task in the onset of many persistent sicknesses and ailments, corresponding to heart problems and arthritis ( 5 ). One of many cautions when following the keto weight loss plan is that some fatty meals (particularly dairy) are rich in omega-6s, which we need in small amounts, but can turn into pro-inflammatory after we devour too a lot of them ( four ).
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korrasera · 2 months ago
There are some misconceptions in this thread.
Before I get started, if you want to read more about this I recommend checking out two books by Gary Taubes, Good Calories, Bad Calories, and Why We Get Fat.
The first is an in-depth summary of the science behind metabolism and why carbs impact it, and the second is a kind of coffee-table reader version that goes over more general history on nutrition.
Ketogenic diets aren't hard to maintain because they're low carb, they're hard to maintain because a ketogenic diet is more expensive and time-consuming. In some cases, a lot more expensive.
Ketogenic diets are not unappetizing. It might suck to cut out carbs, but eggs, dairy, meat, veg, they're all fair game. You can eat really well when you're eating a keto diet.
It's easier to eat to fullness on a ketogenic diet because a high fat intake satiates your body more than high carb intake. If someone is putting you on a diet that's making you feel like you're starving, they're doing it wrong.
Difficulty in maintaining a keto diet is about expense, effort, and access. It's hard to eat a diet that's different from what the food supply provides access to, doesn't have as many processed food products supporting it, and is more expensive than carb-rich food.
Ketogenic diets don't 'barely work', they're actually really effective in terms of promoting bodily health. We didn't evolve in an environment where we had such ready access to carbs, so the human body actually runs better when it's using fat as a primary source of fuel. Lower inflammation, easier control of blood sugar, and less strain on your nephritic system are just some of the benefits.
It's not about incapability. The human body responds to a ketogenic diet really well. It's that we live in a society that makes it exceedingly hard for us to even try.
There are also a couple of great points in this thread that I want to call out too:
Calories in, calories out is fundamentally inaccurate, that's 100% true. Human metabolism doesn't work that way. Your body has basal metabolic rate just like your car has a transmission and it changes depending on your food intake and your energy expenditure.
It's really hard to change weight regardless of diet. The body doesn't want to change and sometimes it's not actually healthy to try to change weight. Starvation is extremely harmful, exercise tones muscle and doesn't reduce weight, and the effort of altering one's diet is a significant effort. Being poor can make it impossible to even consider.
The modern diet is carb-rich, dependent on industrially produced, inexpensive carbs, something that's only been possible in the last couple of hundred years. Before that, diets were lower in carbs than they are now, and staple carbs were more complex carbs instead of cheaply produce sugar.
As a result, diabetes was also much less common in the past, to the point where it was considered a rich person's disease. As a population's overall consumption of simple carbs increases, issues like diabetes become much more common as it impacts overall population health.
And when it comes to controlling diabetes, a ketogenic diet has been a go-to method for controlling blood sugar for far longer than the modern era of medicine. In centuries past it was just part of common knowledge that cutting out grains and focusing on fresh vegetables and meats helped curb poor health due to diet.
In particular, eating keto makes your blood sugar a lot easier to control because your body doesn't have to produce insulin as often or in such large quantities.
The op's point still stands though. Doctors treating it like an individual problem when patients just straight up can't eat a ketogenic diet is part of the problem. We have to fix how society mass produces food in order to make it possible for people to really choose this kind of diet.
Reading a book about the discovery of insulin. Ready to wade through some fatphobic bullshit, of course. This jumped out to me:
"The unwillingness of diabetics to follow diets was and still is the single most difficult problem physicians had to face as they tried to treat the disease."
The author is talking about dietary treatments pre-insulin, that attempted to control blood sugar levels by wildly restricting carbohydrates. And even then, those diets barely work. And it's so interesting that he phrases it as "unwillingness to follow diets", when like...
They are horribly, horribly hard to maintain. They're unappetizing, with not a great deal of results. He goes on to mention some patients had to be locked up for this diet protocol to be applied.
That's not unwillingness. That's incapability. If humans consistently, frequently, overwhelmingly, fail to do something, that's not us not wanting to do it, it's that we cannot fucking do it.
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ouidaaugustine-blog · 6 years ago
Keto Weight-reduction plan Capsules Reduce Mind Inflammation
It's free and all you have to do is to strictly apply the weight-reduction plan collectively along with your Raspberry Ketone Diet Drops supplementation. The supplements may also be used to help get your physique into ketosis, so that you are at the starting point for your keto food regimen. It is also a popular dietary supplement that helps folks cut back fat, preserve muscle mass, and management type 2 diabetes. Ketosports KetoForce - Exogenous ketone body beta-hydroxybutrate (BHB) in sodium and potassium salt kind. They assured that Keto speedy diet and keto ultra food plan supplement is human-pleasant and it could never harm human body because of its composition being free from dangerous chemical compounds and web page; ketodietpillsreviews.com, different harmful substances. Raspberry ketone is a natural substance that offers red raspberries their powerful aroma. Here is the list of the 5 natural capsules for weight loss, which Dr. Premier Keto Eating regimen Evaluation: Some people say that they're fats because they cannot management your urge for food, others say that they can't cut back the physique fast as a result of they can't do this's your choice. For those who're searching for a specific diet tablet or weight loss complement, you can click on the desk of contents beneath and go straight there. PureFit keto helps you to improve your metabolism fee and improve your health. In well being food shops, CLA is normally bought as drugs or syrups. So mainly it's a metabolic state, the place your physique makes use of ketones as an alternative of glucose for energy. The good news is that you should use exogenous ketones to bridge the gap. In a tradition that glorifies weight-reduction plan and coveting a certain body type, customers are bombarded with details about meals that could be fraudulent or misleading. Concurrently, if you take this complement then it would hinder the manufacturing of sugar and burns down the fats by stimulating ketogenesis process. Purefit Keto Critiques : First i briefly explain why Purefit Keto diet. Exogenous ketones cause the body to rely much less on fat as gasoline (see Fig 3). Fats takes longer to metabolise for power than muscle glycogen. There's one healthy takeaway, although: Normally, lowering carbs and incorporating more wholesome fat, like nuts and avocados and sure oils, in your weight loss program — with out going to extremes — is a good idea for many of us, both Glassman and Taub-Dix mentioned. The food plan is broken down brilliantly into 4 phases designed to be performed over 3 weeks for optimum weight loss. Lean Force Keto is a pure dietary complement for weight reduction. At this stage, we are able to say that Keto Fast Eating regimen supplement can improve your well being through to lowering body weight and might make you naturally match and slim in few weeks of using. Whether you were intending to eat a ketogenic weight loss plan or not, in the event you don't make an effort to eat any tubers or fruits, you may find yourself by accident taking Paleo in a ketogenic path. Section 2 is a 1-day long quick, which is able to allow your body to properly end the detox, and it prepares you for the total food regimen. This is a breakdown of keto-friendly foods, foods that are OK to eat sometimes, and meals keto eaters keep away from. The eating regimen ends in further weight reduction as a result of it encourages you to load up on complete meals and satisfying wholesome fats, Nisevich Bede says. Halitosis (bad breath) - In the event you're on a ketogenic food regimen you are probably conscious that as the physique starts to metabolize fats, ketones could cause poor breath. Burning of fat - One of many main advantages of South Seaside keto is that it burns the fat in all the components of the physique which is not attainable even by consuming the expensive products. Weight-reduction plan, workouts, and even weight loss dietary supplements are broadly utilized by people to lose their physique weight. It is present in just a few keto meals sources— comparable to egg yolks, fatty fish (including fish oil), and mushrooms— but essentially the most highly effective strategy to get vitamin D is to allow your body to produce it from the sun. Well, you may e-book the order for South Seaside Keto Slimming capsules very easily from its official website or you may buy it from Amazon. That is the final review of Keto Blast, the highest quality weight reduction supplement to lose fat naturally. Keto Trim Results supplement is barely made up with pure herbal substances that are finest to intake for all the age teams which implies there is no matter who you are and the way old are you if you wish to Lose your weight so this is your selection, then again, one factor you should keep in mind that if you're 18 + so you'll only recommend to use. The analysis is essentially based mostly on two unbiased studies on mice which showed that a high-fats, zero-carb pure ketogenic diet made mice reside longer and age slower The downside, in fact, is that humans aren't mice, and the diets mandatory for the research can be extraordinarily tough, if not dangerous to realize for a traditional person ( one of many research , on the University of California, Davis, put the mice on a 90 % fat weight loss program).
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