#poor noel lmao
kansaspieco · 7 months
"Idk. Maybe Spain."
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
its practically impossible for sawashiro to survive IW i have simply accepted he's definitely dying so im trying to decide on what to do when the scene comes where he gets bodied
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goldenkid · 3 months
so if the martha spinoff does become a thing do we think she's still gonna be married to mickey? either way I can't wait to crack open that can of worms again and by can of worms I mean RTD's skull
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beheadedtheatrekid · 4 months
Jane and Noel are besties in our production and you can't change my mind because look I have some photos of them being besties. Here's reasons why they're besties.
1. Both of them can't say what is going on during What the world needs (lmao what happened to his hands here), but they hate it obviously.
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2. Both of them hate Ocean. They're just tired of her Mean girls phase. (actress who plays Ocean in our production is my best friend in real life by the way)
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3. Noel helps Jane take on her sunglasses during Mischa's first monologue before This song is awesome (yeah, Jane doesn't know what are sunglasses, but she thinks glass is pretty tasty)
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(Ocean is so glad seeing Jane who can't wear her sunglasses help)
4. Rare photo of their cringy dances during This song is awesome
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5. Both of them care about Constance so much. I'm crying. They're so happy while dancing to Sugar cloud. Poor children. It's the last time of them being able to be cutest besties...
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6. Jane offers Noel to play with her dolly together, but I don't have a photo of this moment although it's really cute(
That's all. Have a random nischa moment, you deserve it.
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cyclone4ride · 1 year
More of Spider Silk shenanigans, starring Noel “French Hooker” Gruber (and a tiny Ricky Potts :D)
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Poor Ocean has no fashion sense at all, so the abomination of her first costume made Noel laugh hysterically. It’s Ricky to the rescue cause he cosplays a whole lot and makes his own costumes, so it was easy for him to whip one up for her.
Of course, that’s only stage 1 in becoming a superhero, the next step is to actually learn how to use your powers. As stated in past post, Ocean can naturally produce web fluid from her wrists, which freaked her out and never really got used to.
She’s also not very gifted in strength of any kind, so she had to not only learn how to balance herself, but now she has to control this scary super strength she now has. She accidentally lifted up Noel’s house when she dropped something underneath the patio.
Noel honorably tested out the spider sense, by meaning he kept throwing stuff at Ocean at random times. Ricky was unfortunately the victim to her venom bite. It didn’t actually killed him, but was paralyzed for at least an hour (Ocean cried and apologized profusely because Noel called it a hate crime lmao)
She had to learn on how to swing on her web, which had her to crash into many walls, a few trees, Noel, and bushes. (Ricky recorded the part where Ocean accidentally body slammed Noel as blackmail)
Ricky wrote down everything he needed to know about Ocean’s powers, and he and Noel are actually the greatest people as whenever Ocean is around people mid costume change, they would always hide her and back her up whenever she isn’t around.
So far, everything has gone good, in her civilian life that is. Ocean still needs to face villains and crooks that dare to bring danger to not only her town, but the entirety of Canada. But as of right now, she’s got this in the bag.
That was until Penny walked in on the three of them as Noel and Ocean (mask off still in suit) were cat fighting, and Ricky trying to pry Ocean off of Noel.
But that’s for a different time.
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yourdeepestfathoms · 2 years
Ride the Cyclone Kids Performing The Crucible
i have no excuse for this one. i just have had an unhealthy addiction to The Crucible since i had to read it in 11th grade. it’s been three years, and it still has a chokehold on me.
also i know they’re a choir, not a theater group, but shhhhhh
Ocean is Mary Warren
Noel is Reverend Hale
Mischa is John Proctor
Ricky can’t perform, but he is a stagehand, so he’s around quite often!
Penny is Abigail Williams
Constance is Elizabeth Proctor
All the other characters are played by random students
Noel, playing a priest: i feel like there’s some irony here
He’s pretty damn good at pretending to be religious, though!
Ricky, to Ocean: Ocean! You’re already so prepared for the role!
Ocean: Really?
Ricky: Yeah!
Ricky: Ginger
Get it? Cause The Crucible is about the Salem Witch Trials… Gingers were/are called witches/demons…
Ocean isn’t amused
Noel in movie!Hale’s getup
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Penny, whenever Noel has to interact with her: hello, gay boy
Okay okay, Penny as Abigail? ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING
Like, Holy Shit
She’s so scary, in fact, that she makes Ocean sit down like a fucking red heeler during her whole monologue about Abby’s dead parents
Penny: Now look you. All of you. We danced. And Tituba conjured Ruth Putnam’s dead sisters. And that is all. And mark this. Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night, and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you. And you know I can do it; I saw Indians smash my dear parents’ heads on the pillow next to mine, and l have seen some reddish work done at night, and l can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down!
Ocean, who’s in the same scene:
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Mischa as Proctor is terrifying, too, but not quite on Penny’s level because he’s already an intimidating dude
It’s just daunting seeing Penny act so cruel
She’ll finish a scene where her character literally shattered the psyche of another character and forced said character into a mental breakdown and will be like “great job, guys! 🥰”
(The other character was Ocean’s lmao)
(If you’ve read TC, y’all know what scene I’m talking about)
You know the part where Abigail hits Betty? Yeah, Penny is merciless with that scene
The actress of Betty damn near saw god that day
Poor girl went SPINNING off the bed she was on
The script literally says “smashes her [Betty] across the face” and Penny took that WAY TOO SERIOUSLY
The duality between Penny nearly decapitating a kid with her hand alone and Penny being like “i’m so sorry!!! are you okay?!” immediately after
After that, the director tells her to lighten up a little lol
The slaps are still real, though
Just less likely to One-Hit KO Betty’s actress straight into the afterlife
Noel, when Penny does Anything: whore behavior
And speaking of whore behavior
Penny and Mischa. Their characters fucked
These two have NO interest in each other whatsoever, but that doesn’t stop them from acting as slutty as possible because they think it’s hilarious, especially when the other choir members react in the most disgusted way
Mischa: I can’t believe my character is an adult man fucking a teenager.
Penny: I am the teenager
Mischa: Thank you, Penny. I did not know that
Meanwhile, there is NO chemistry between Mischa and Constance, even though they’re supposed to be married, and it’s really funny
But honestly, kinda fitting
Since, you know. Proctor cheated on Elizabeth, and there’s meant to be a noticeable rift between them
Ricky, holding an imaginary microphone up to Constance: Constance! Constance! What’s it like playing a canonical milf?
Constance: Pretty cool
One time when Constance and Mischa were sitting at the dinner table set piece for act 2, waiting for the scene to begin, Constance whispered “I can’t believe I bred with you” and Mischa LOST IT
Constance wore Birkenstocks for some time. You know, before their costumes came together
Constance: They’re my Jesus slippers!
Mischa: I don’t think Birkenstocks were around in 4 BC Bethlehem
Constance: Go eat a fridge
Meanwhile, Ocean had an absolutely VISCERAL reaction to these fucking Birkenstocks
Ocean: I’m onto you, Elizabeth, you slippery weasel. I see those things. My mother eats, sleeps, and BREATHES Birkenstocks. I can smell those uncomfortable, mold-soled jerks from a mile away. I can SEE your footprints in them. I know what you’re hiding. I swear, my mother has a pair of those in that exact color, but I don’t know for sure because I’m not at home to check right now, and I’m not allowed in her closet anyway. I bet you stole them, didn’t you? Well, you doubt my willpower to rat you out, she-devil. I know. I see everything. My quietness makes me watchful. I’m practically invisible. I know you paid 99.95 shillings or more for shoes that feel more like solid stone than proper footwear. You snake. You fool. You absolute devil woman. You deserve no rights. Why would you make this purchase if you know what our world is like? You’re a woman in the 1600s for god’s sake, Elizabeth, you’re making chump change! You can’t spend your money on freakin’ Birkenstocks. Go to the general store and get some slippers because at least they would be cheaper and MATCH YOUR DRESS. I may be ace, and I may be aro, but even I know those two colors DO NOT go together. You are pure evil. Purple and that color? That brown? What were you thinking, woman?! You deserve no rights. I hope the shoe mold harvests every last one of your toes. Rapture is nigh, lady, and I don’t think your feet are prepared for judgement.
Meanwhile, the whole theater is SHRIEKING with laughter
At one point Mischa asked the director if he can just pick Ocean up instead chasing her in act 2 because it’ll “be easier”
In response, the director says, “It’s not going to happen because it’ll kinda ruin the illusion of terror, but I would like to see what you would do.”
This then led to Mischa throwing Ocean over his shoulder like she’s a sack of potatoes
In retaliation, Ocean grappled onto him with all of her limbs like a rare species of red koala
Ocean can cry on command, which is good because of how emotional Mary Warren is
She spends more than half her stage time sobbing uncontrollably
Ocean: oh yeah, crying on command is easy! i just have to remember my Whole Life
Ricky: so have you ever considered the school counselor
“Mary Warren is holding the weight of my mental health on her tiny, Puritan shoulders” -Ocean
Mischa gets to use a REAL WHIP for the play
He once accidentally hit himself with it when trying to crack it
The others have never seen him crumple to the floor like that before
He opened his mouth, but he couldn’t even manage a scream, so he was just silently shrieking in pain
Noel, coming up behind Ocean during this, whispering in her ear: that’s gonna be you soon
Ocean isn’t nervous, though
She trusts Mischa!
Anyone else playing Proctor, though?
Before the whip came in, Mischa would take his belt off and threaten Ocean with it
But 3/4 times he couldn’t get the fucking thing off quick enough
Mischa: I’ll official y— Uh. Hang on. Sorry, just— fuck, this thing is on good. COME OFF!
He just starts fighting it
Meanwhile, Constance and Ocean are just there like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
They decided to start using a stick instead (pre-whip era)
They call it the “Beating Stick”
Mischa accidentally hit Ocean with it once
Ocean folded like a goddamn chair
When Mischa gets the whip and is like “I’ll official you!” Ocean jumps on the WHOLE DINNER TABLE to get away from him and ends up flipping the entire thing
Ocean, hiding under the dinner table while Mischa prowls around with the whip: i feel this on a personal level
Mischa: W H A T
It’s method acting 😌
During Elizabeth’s arrest at the end of act 2, when everyone starts yelling at each other, Constance pushes Ocean behind her like she’s trying to keep her safe from the mayhem, and Ocean Almost Cried
You know what she DID cry at, though?
When Elizabeth is actually arrested
She’s acting like Constance is actually getting arrested and put into jail for witchcraft 😭
Great acting, though
Mischa, to the director, about the arrest scene in act 2: Hey, so you know how Proctor is threatening everyone and is really angry?
The director: Yeah?
Mischa: Okay, so, hear me out. What if he had a gun?
The director:
So Mischa gets a gun
Unlike the whip, this one is fake!
But still
He feels so POWERFUL
Ricky has made it his personal mission to condition the actors into acting and staying in character through Anything, so he just does random shit in the wings during practice
Even the very emotional scenes
Mischa: l will bring you home! l will bring you soon!
Constance: Oh, John, bring me soon!
Mischa: I will fall like an ocean on that court! Fear nothing, Elizabeth.
Constance: I will fear nothing.
Ricky, in the wings: 🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃
Ocean is so short compared to Mischa that the scene between Mary and Proctor at the end of act 2 looks like the violent assault of an elementary school student
This is the scene
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Mischa, holding Ocean by the throat: I could break you like a potato chip
Ocean: Do it then
Mischa fuckin FLINGS Ocean to the ground so hard there was this loud ass THUMP
A visual representation of what this would look like from an actual version of The Crucible online
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(Side note: the version this comes from is fucking AMAZING. Mary is SO GOOD)
Okay, so, act 3? Ocean’s acting? HOLY SHIT
She puts her fucking SOUL into this performance
She cries so hard during act 3 that Mischa, who is with her most of the time, is genuinely concerned that she’s having some kind of episode
She keeps holding her head in her hands, curling up on herself to seem smaller, rocking back and forth, breathing shakily, whimpering and sobbing, and Mischa can’t tell if she’s just a really good actress or is in need of psychological assistance
(The answer is both)
She’s constantly being told to drink water afterward because she gets dehydrated from crying so much
There’s this one point in act 3 where Mischa and Noel are standing around Ocean because she started crying again, and they looked like her gay colonial parents
Ocean, to the director: Hey, so the script says, “They all watch as Abigail, out of her infinite charity, reaches out and draws the sobbing Mary to her, and then looks up to Danforth.” Does this mean that I get to be hugged by Penny?
The director: Yes, it does.
The director: Why are you crying??
At the very end of the play, they actually have an execution scene, where they pretend to hang Mischa with a harness and stuff
Noel: Did you guys hear about that one wardrobe malfunction during a school play?
Constance: No, what happened?
Noel: Well, they were doing a hanging scene, as we’re doing now, and apparently the harness broke or something because the kid started to actually hang. Nobody knew he was dead until after the scene because they just thought his struggling and stillness was just acting.
Penny: That sounds awful. Imagine getting into a school play and inviting your whole family to come watch you, and then you fucking die.
Ocean: His parents were probably out in the lobby with flowers afterwards, waiting to congratulate him, and then someone had to go out and tell them that not only he was dead, but they also watched him die without realizing it. Probably got videos of it and everything.
Noel: It gets worse. He was an understudy. The kid who was supposed to go on got sick and couldn’t perform, so this guy went on for him and died because of it.
Mischa, in a harness above them, about to be hanged: I’m feeling a little unsafe
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noelssluttt · 4 months
One of the strange things about the relationship between Noel and Layla is that on Layla's Wikipedia page it is written that she has been with Noel since 2004, but Layla divorced her first husband in 2008. Do you think they were in a relationship for 4 years while Layla was married or is it a lie that they have been together since 2004?
at the same time he was calling her “ that lady” at that time and didn’t get together in public until after her divorce
So yeah i think she probably played with noel next to her “ husband “ at that time , he found out before the divorce and it took a while for it to happen
Now they talk about how they met and there relationship without mentioning her poor ex husband lmao , they act like it’s a cute story and i think they fucked up with that
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foibles-fables · 2 years
god in an au where talanah and aloy are together during hfw… erens is the suffering single guy surrounded by couples who are so loud while they fuck.
OMG listen I blather on about this exact scenario constantly, just ask @meg-noel-art lmao
But why should poor Erend be left lonely? Kotallo is right there 😌😌😌😌
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jaggedwolf · 5 months
pll rewatch 1x09-1x10
tornado warnings and glamping, we've arrived at the end of Season 1A!
two kinds of people the night before the SATS: (1) Spencer, Hanna, and Aria quasi-studying and bantering at Spencer's place (2) Emily, very distraught and muddy, runs into her bedroom, apparently only owning one pair of sneakers
"Emily, very distraught" is the subheading of 1x09
Spencer does not want to be thought of as scary, which is very funny of her
also very funny is Hanna trying to push Aria/Noel by asking Aria if she doesn't want "someone you can scratch n sniff"
A underlines GREAT EXPECTATIONS in the text they send to Emily, just to make sure Emily understands it's a book reference
When Emily lies to Wilden that she was with the girls studying the previous night, Aria is the one to back Emily up while Hanna and Spencer look confused
did A solely send Spencer the text SEEMS LIKE YOU'RE ABOUT TO LOSE EMILY? is A also responsible for the way Spencer is about Emily?? though we'll also get a non-A example of that later this season....
Mentions of Rosewood specifically being in Delaware County, which tracks
oh god why is Aria singing I had no memory of this, at least we immediately go into an Emison flashback
Ali really does flirt/toy with Emily via quoting Great Expectations lmao - Ali's finished the book by this point, Emily hasn't
Every Ezria scene remains terrible, and I laughed at Aria dramatically saying "you told me at homecoming you got a haircut for me!"
flashback!Emily is such a pushover and holds herself smaller too, you understand why the other liars are so shocked whenever she gets snappy with them
Alison was as a awful in the locker room flashback as I remember. Poor poor Emily, not even getting the meager dignity of running away from her humiliation
Emily's letter to Alison that Wilden grabs wasn't a love letter, but a letter expressing how angry she was with the way Alison treated her. Can't underestimate Emily's anger, even back then.
Forgot Veronica's lumpectomy reveal was in this episode
Spencer is so shaken by that, naturally, but also by the fact that her mom never told anyone in the family. such is life in The Last Dynasty of Rosewood
Veronica approves of Alex btw
Pan to Lucas's muddy shoes, DUN DUN DUN
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look this town is too fancy for any teen to not own multiple pairs of shoes. okay, maybe one teen, but we haven't met him yet.
Spencer getting groomed by creepy field hockey coach Ian is the flashback she's seemed the most bullyable in, with Ali taunting her about it (was Ali's reaction jealousy, given what we learn later?)
I know that field hockey team was cursed freshman year, we'll come back to that later
every other episode Spencer turns to a member of her family and goes "do you still love me/can you tell me the truth?" and they are always like UGH FINE I GUESS IF I HAVE TO
this episode it's Melissa's turn, as Spencer tries to set up Melissa/Ian again to make up for her sins that aren't really her sins
the FBI...are here....
i have no memory of this, i guess Veronica successfully scared Wilden away
the FBI also believe in talking to minors and showing them creepy videos without their guardians present
god how much money do Mona's parents make, looking at this glamping party
you can tell I'm an adult on this rewatch because I'm also saying Ashley, I know you want as little to change for Hanna as possible, but maybe the two of you should downsize from this giant-ass house to an apartment, given the financial situation?
Hanna is really trying to be a good kid ;_; she's still selling off her stuff, she refuses going shopping with Mona and even tries to beg off skipping school because Ashley disapproves
the other three have their parental complexes (oh boy @ emily almost coming out to her dad while her mom stares at the photos A sent of Emily and Maya kissing) but none of them are as of yet concerned about being a financial burden
and then Ashley robs an old lady. Ashley, you're gonna have to launder that cash!
Aria has an honest conversation with Ella about Aria's reaction to the Alison wearing Toby's sweater news - they do strike me as a mother-daughter pair that would be very open with each other, if it hadn't been for BYRON MONTGOMERY and EZRA FITZ
Speaking of Toby, my boy's PR continues to be the worst. He's officially wanted for Alison's murder, creepily rises from the backseat of Emily's BEAUTIFUL TOYOTA, and then scurries off into the woods before getting arrested at The Church (is it Sean's dad's church?)
Did one of the girls call the cops on him? Unclear
Emily and Maya cuddling on the bed but I'm worried that they were wearing shoes while doing so. SMH what kind of Asian household is this.
Forget Emily running in with muddy shoes, Pam Fields has so much to clean as it is, no one's running into her house with any shoes, I reject canon on this.
Spencer is so, so happy to be hunting down clues to A, she would love an escape room. It's enrichment for her.
Sparia vibes beginning to rise these episodes, with Aria going "A little" to Spencer whiningly asking if she's scary and also going "You're a freak and I love you" about Spencer remembering the exact number of steps to where they found the Alison bracelet
My favourite A message of these episodes was: YOU'RE AS IN THE DARK AS JENNA. LOOKING FOR ME IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES.
no one can be normal about the blind girl. who is incredibly not-normal about her step-brother. that's the rosewood ouroboros for ya.
Spencer repeatedly mutters "looking for me in all the wrong places" while making a smore and the unnamed girl next to gives her the best wtf look.
Sorry Spencer, all other kids definitely think you are scary. Probably your teachers too.
Aria's dedication to wearing her hat even under the CAMP MONA hoodie: respect it.
Aria kissing Ezra again: do not respect it
Hanna had to see that too, Hanna did not ask to see all her friends kissing! She's minding her own business when this happens
And then she gets hit by a fucking car for her trouble, literally rolling across the top of it
Hope the Marins health insurance isn't shit.
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riverstardis · 2 years
series 32 episode 27:
jac's back
reallyyy don't understand how they expect ethan to find out who the blogger is?? and wouldn't they rather he spend the time doing his job???
robyn's complaining about everyone being tired and david puts on an american accent and goes "yeah but we must follow our commander-in-chief, and make this hospital great again!" nahhh that's not fair😭😭😭😭 ethan walks up behind them but stops to listen and robyn's like "you really need a holiday david. don't worry about it, as soon as i see ethan, i'm gonna have a word." and ethan walks away😥😥😥😥😥 well at least robyn hasn't forgotten that he is their friend
poor ethan :( i was gonna say he's really going through it but he's been going through it CONSTANTLY for like 2 years at this point😭
aw cal mention! ethan's speaking to alicia in his office after he's told everyone that he's going to find the blogger today and they'll lose their job and he's like "'i will find you, and i will kill you' did you ever see that film? cal used to watch it all the time" and she says she watched it with him once but she is VISIBLY NERVOUS like stroking her hair😭
"'the idiots have cancelled all locums for the foreseeable future' so that's me? the idiot." 😭 alicia tries to convince him that it means everyone in charge because it's plural?? bestie he IS in charge??? it was decision to cancel locums and leave so who else could that possibly mean😭😭😭 yeah she didn't start the blog with the intention of hurting ethan but THAT was DEFINITELY a direct attack
he asks if it's her and she gets SO offended like "you really think that of me??" making him feel bad for even thinking it, that's actually horrible >:( and then he asks for her help in finding who it is and she says he must think a lot of her to think she'd rat out one of her colleagues and says she's not gonna be responsible for somebody losing their job... but ethan will lose his job if he doesn't find who it is soo you'll be responsible either way??? well really it should be her losing her job ofc, not that i want her to
rash and bea sjkskjfsj
rash is still scared of resus🥺 bea going "you can either walk into resus, or you can sit out here and fill your pants. either way is messy." LMAOOO I LOVE HER
ethan's investigating the patients mentioned by rage in resus and he asks charlie about one of them and charlie notices alicia listening in looking worried sjsjdjd
lmao rash runs away from resus to be sick again and ethan's like "well it's no wonder people are writing blogs if that's how the f1s are behaving"😭😭 he's going to be your best man one day bestie can you believe that!
oop alicia accidentally says "her" when referring to the blogger to duffy💀💀
ily rash <333
i want bea to be my girlfriend
ethan getting mad at noel for not doing what he's asked him to and as he walks off noel's like "where do people go, eh robyn? he used to be such a decent bloke" and i'm pretty sure ethan was still in earshot judging by his expression :( also sorry but "where do people go"???? what kind of a stupid fucking question is that?? his brother died less than a year ago did you forget already???? and robyn's like "i know. and to think, i used to fancy him. i mean, not a lot, but he had potential" not a lot? reaaally robyn?? i remember the scene with the doughnuts after dixie left you can't fool me
rash leaving to run after a patient when ethan asks him why he isn't in resus and then ethan gets the notes of all the patients he was investigating and they're all rash's patients and he shows charlie who's like "noo, that can't be right" and ethan's like "it's basic psychology isn't it? can't do their own job properly so complain about everyone else doing there's."😭😭
aww rash's patient is scared so he gives him his glasses and he says they're plastic or glass or something and he wears them because they make him feel like he can be something he's not🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
ethan asks noel to call jac down because he knows who the blogger is and also to tell rash he needs to speak to him so ofc noel puts two and two together and he tells alicia and charlie notices her looking guilty again
ooo charlie's like "you're not just gonna stand there, are you?" to alicia as they watch rash approach ethan's office. she tells rash ethan doesn't need to see him anymore and prepares herself😬
alicia was mentoring rash on all the cases that were blogged about😬
jac going "i usually spend my lunch break avoiding all human contact so this had better be good" sjsjdjfj mood
surely jac realises that he's covering for alicia right???? like he says he knows who the blogger is and looks at alicia who looks like she's about to burst into tears and jac's like "well you hide that bruising bitterness well. it's always the quiet ones who shout the loudest." but then ethan says that alicia helped him work it out and jac appears to immediately believe him that it isn't her??
ohh okay nevermind no i think she does realise when he refuses to give her the name and says he's made a deal with them for anonymity in exchange for the blog coming down because she asks alicia how she worked it out and when she doesn't tell her she's looking between them like she knows😭
why is this even jac's job anyway?? i could well be missing something because i was not watching holby at this point in time but i thought she was just head of darwin? what's this got to do with her??
alicia says she doesn't know what to say but ethan just yells GET OUT😢
ethan telling everyone that he's resuming the standard locum policy and approving leave again and robyn's like "what's brought all this on?" and he's like "i am on your side, robyn. always have been." he sounds SO sad :(((((
alicia writing one last post to apologise for some of the things she wrote "it's not that i was wrong in trying to shed some light, it's more that i hurt some of the people i was trying to help" you don't say
alicia tries to thank ethan for not dobbing her in but he says it was just because they need the staff
"we are dying on our feet. they're crushing us, ethan, at least people know what we're going through now." "do they? no, i think tomorrow they'll just be reading about some pop star or the best way to comb your eyelashes" comb your eyelashes??? ssdhjdfshj
they're both crying :(((
"it wasn't meant to hurt you" "i looked you dead in the eye and i asked if it was you, and i believed you. i even asked for your help." "i know, and i'm sorry, but you've done your little investigation and it's over now so-" "that is not the point! i tho- it's like i didn't matter to you. i was clearly struggling, i was losing friends, you didn't care." "we weren't exactly bosom buddies when it started" "you even tried to make me feel bad for daring to think it was you. it's cold, alicia. it's mean."😥😥😥😥 why is she trying to act like it's no big deal now that he knows?????
"look it wasn't easy to lie but i had to! we are having a nightmare in this ed and that is where my head was at. and my heart." oh her heart😢😢
"i've gotta ask. was it because you still like me?" "like you?" "yeah you didn't dob me in, is that the reason? only i would like to talk about that" i mean you had like sort of just got back together so of course he still likes you?? or he did, anyway. "are you joking? i couldn't like you less." :((((
"the only reason i didn't tell jac naylor it was you is because i'm a decent person, but you're not. you're not, alicia. you played cal. you played me. you're not good to be around." i meannn he's not exactly right, because i don't think she intended to hurt cal or him, but he's not exactly wrong either.
"ethan?" "it is doctor hardy. and that is all i'll ever be to you."😥😥😥😥😥 okay now start the clock how little time does it take them to make up again shdhjfh
george rainsford and chelsea halfpenny though!!! they're sooo good
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madwickedawesome · 2 years
INFO !! ♡
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♫ hello!! my name is juno and my friends call me tuna!!! however u r free to call me whatever u wish, i have no preference whatsoever :] i use he/him pronouns and i am 16!!!!
♩ i speak english and sign in asl + i am learning latin!!
♬ my close friends describe me as funny, "secondhand romantic" (i have no idea what this means and he can't explain it so this one is up to interpretation LMAO), insane, silly, puppy, science and animal enthusiast, biggest modern minimalism hater, and "like 10 am on a summer morning and it's light and breezy." so. take those as u will!!
♯ i listen to largely classical music (my fav composers are prokofiev, debussy, and shostakovich a heem heem giggle) and artists like tears for fears!! i'm also a major fan of rococo/baroque architectural and art styles (hence l'apothéose d'hercule above) and floriography!! i have been singing in choirs for like. a third of my life and am trained classically :] despite all of this art stuff, biology is my spinterest!!!!!
♭ although u probably would not be able to tell from the vibe of this alone, i am in fact incapable of being normal about ANYTHING. i adore everything on this list, but my biggest fandom interest at the moment is most specifically gus halper's mischa bachinski from ride the cyclone LMFAO!! a poor quality 3d render of him is spinning around in my head at all times, and his Strange bf, rap girlie fiancée, and singing abilities occasionally tag along :]
♮ i'd prefer if people 13 and below didn't interact with my posts, but if ur already here, dw abt leaving!!! of course i'm not too comfortable with adults being here either, but that's probably a given. overall dni criteria applies here but that's also probably a given LMFAO. my biggest thing is that if u support the 'noel is talia and is catfishing mischa' theory, i sincerely ask that u don't follow this blog and learn abt why it's a sucky theory!! aside from that, i don't really have any major unique dni thing, but please know that if i do anything to make u uncomfortable, i ask that u tell me so that i don't repeat it!!
𝄞 that's all i got!!! thank u for reading!!! i love u and hope u have a great day!!!!
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Kairi: I'll be taking your treasure. *kisses Keiichirou's lips*
Keiichirou: ONORE KAI
Umika: *slams the door shut*
Keiichirou: *muffled voice* tou!!!!
Umika: And that's enough of that, seriously inside the restaurant?
Shiho: Really? They're really funny.
Shiho: Kairi-kun is really laidback compared to Shori-san.
Umika: Really?
Shiho: Well both him and Aya-san are really strict.
Umika: Touma's the strict one among the three of us.
Umika: What are you between the three of you, Shiho-chan?
Shiho: The referee? I guess?
Umika: Eh?
Shiho: Aya-san and Shori-san butt heads a lot of times, so I tend to keep score on who's right between them
Umika: You don't stop them from fighting?
Shiho: Hell no!
Shiho: If I did, they'd just throw my age against me.
Umika: Good point.
Umika: How did your parents react when you returned?
Shiho: They were ecstatic and very protective.
Shiho: I felt like Rapunzel, they refused to let me out of the house.
Umika: How?
Shiho: Tsukasa-san assured my parents that the ganglers that caused the mass disappearances is gone for good.
Shiho: And she threatened them with kidnapping...
Umika: Tsukasa-san can be a hardass sometimes.
Keiichiro don't pretend you didn't like it lmao, you can scream onore all you want and you're not going to convince anyone XD
I can see Aya and Shiori butting heads a lot ngl. Poor Shiho... though wtf was Noel doing, just watching them squabble like a bunch of kids? What about that grandpa butler guy that recruited them? Isn't he stopping them either?
Lmao Tsukasa XD
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 day
FOUL PLAY omg it must be the govt again….trying to get more trainers SMH
The calculus jumpscare I can’t LMAOO bro not Barou watching out for us from heaven I’m imagining your Barou doodle plus that one so sorry I died audio SHSHSHSS
Ok I changed my mind I’m merging them all back together oops
Omg bro the itoshi sae effect is crazy I need to know what ppl see in him (or don’t see LMAOO) whatever suits their fancy ig im very shocked there was no Nagi though considering he’s also pretty big
LMAOOO I remember searching up the lore for it once and being like wtf wait the fact that there’s fire grass but no rock normal is kinda baffling like huh there’s none????
SHSHSSH NOEL NOA BEFORE NAGI they got the wrong light haired striker imagine the Noel one hits 50k LMAOO
SHEHSH Rin nation really cut it close it’s funny how they actually did manage to get one in though
Ok wait yk that theory of like Prof oak getting with Delia (ash’s mom) while ash is away (this is a WILD theory but) imagine aiku tries to rizz up nikos mom while he’s journeying LAMAOOOOOO anyways
HAHA notion coming in clutch fr I used to just scroll through your blog occasionally or rely on my memory (bad move) but now I’ve just given up and saved if separately LMAO
Mmmm yes pokemon and their trainers developing hand in hand we love to see it
LMAO YES joltik alpha wolf moment that’s also why the next time Karasu has to go against it he throws out his garchomp LMAOO the Gordon Ramsay meme has me gone consider this too Karasu channels his inner step bro Barou moment x Gordon Ramsay chemical reaction and goes “otoya you fucking donkey”
Charles Shidou and hoopa is a recipe for disaster they’re about the change the tilt of the planets axis there goes the peaceful wedding reception
The word count inflation is actually insane I’m not sure I’ll ever look at a wc under 1k the same way (jk some are still fire but ykwim)
KARASU TIME ok serious more angsty right make him drown this time.
/hj LMAOOO I mean if you’re so inclined itd be interesting Karasu truly very versatile though so many avenues for suffering!
- Karasu anon
LMAOO okay lowkey if we want to throw some team x drama in there maybe his house was victim of a larger scale team x raid?? hehehe we will see…either way it’s rough for the poor guy
I’M SORRY I LOVE CALC 😭 i always get funny looks for it but i must speak my truth i think it’s so fun (specifically integration i LOVE integration) but HAHAHAHA that’s exactly what i was picturing like that one fuck ass sketch of him like 😢 with that audio LMAO
honestly i feel like sae is the kind of character i would usually like?? i tend to like prodigy/genius characters that are super good at what they do (so like yuta and megumi in jjk for example) which fits sae super well but for some reason i just never got into him like that (also his early manga appearances are so cursed omg i better never see a sae fan slandering 8bit they saved his entire career) anyways ig that description also fits my actual top 3 (nagi obviously, karasu as no3, and barou again is kinda clear) plus those three are much more my typical type…karasu and barou with the spiky black hair and nagi with the soft white hair 🤩 NAH FR I KNEW NAGI WAS ON TJE OUTS W THE FANDOM LATELY BUT ZERO REQS FOR HIM?? truly insane work…tbh i actually don’t mind because i’m so particular with how i write nagi that adhering to someone else’s vision might stress me out so it’s not a huge deal that he didn’t get requested i just think the composition is hilarious there’s so much much sae and karasu (karasu fr pulling through if nothing else ik i’ll always get a req or two of him…the kuni love triangle with him is abt to go crazy)
YEAH I WAS LOWKEY SURPRISED ASF TOO but apparently rock is also the only type that’s never been paired with ghost?? i think that’s really interesting kinda random but huh the more you know
THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYINGGG WDYM WE GOT NOEL NOA BEFORE NAGI 🧐⁉️ but they requested a crime au and said they’re not super married to how it goes but they just want a happy ending you know i’m abt to go full murder mystery in this bitch 🔥 jkjk ofc but i think it’ll be really fun considering i’ve never written noa OR anything crime related before!! tbh i wasn’t expecting anyone to pick it but it should be fun 😈 ngl i’m surprised forbidden love, supernatural au (as in vampires and werewolves and shit not the actual show which i haven’t watched), historical au, and arranged marriage didn’t have ANY takers but oh well all of the tropes i do have lined up look like they’ll be super cool so i am excited 🤩
i was sitting there like “hm i wonder who the last req will be for…lowkey can’t believe we haven’t gotten any rin” and then BAM there the notif was i was like holy shit i just closed the app 😭 rip nagi yukimiya otoya you’ll get em next time (at least i get to try writing reo for the first time hehehe i loveeee reo 🥹) wait if you think abt it we got the entire opp squad on the masterlist…kaiser sae isagi AND rin those four truly are inescapable 😩 WAIT YKW WOULD’VE SLAYED AN AIKU REQ pls i didn’t even care abt aiku pre oaeu but now he’s like a silly fav LMAOAOA like i don’t even find him that attractive as you know i just think he’s hilarious and so fun to write (ig the aikulations will have to be reserved for the oaeu fr)
ok wait now that i’m thinking abt it once bllk s2 comes out and the fandom hopefully grows i lowkey might hit another milestone kinda quickly so everyone who didn’t get a req this time around can hopefully be redeemed then 🤩 especially since more people will remember/know/care about tabieitaken and nagi right after third selection and u20 (although sae will def be big too atp i should just change to a sae theme /j)
HELPP AIKU TRYING TO RIZZ UP NIKO’S MOM the craziest part is technically they’d be in the same age group considering aiku’s older than reader and co (he’s in the barou age bracket so it’s only a few years but still) and niko’s the same age as nagiy/n’s daughter here so he actually could become niko’s step father…or dare i say the father who stepped up 🤔
karasu bringing out garchomp against joltik is so funny bro is NOT playing…joltik (or ig galvantula because it def evolves before karasu’s gible gets all of the way to garchomp status) puts up a good fight but in the end it’s overwhelmed 😩 so then reader busts out the big guns and tosses in hydreigon or gyarados and karasu’s cooked 😭
PLS karasu and gordon ramsay is such an iconic chemical reaction it’s too good and omg i almost used the gordon ramsay you fucking donkey quote but then i was like “nah this is too barou” he def would say that though and reader would like start crying because it reminds her of barou meanwhile karasu’s like damn i didn’t know you took the anti bullying campaign that seriously 😟
HAHA charles and shidou are bad enough on their own adding hoopa into the mix is CRAZY hoopa’s a psychic/ghost type so it’s 4x weak to ghost and dark types i bet houndoom and aegislash get put on legendary babysitting duty (hydreigon would also be involved but it’s too busy networking w yveltal…bro is fr in his mira era trying to get those linkedin connections and whatnot)
proud to be a word count inflator nah fr though whenever i see someone post a 3k word one shot and be like “i got carried away this is so long” it instantly recalibrates me because to me 3k is mega short and tiny…like carried away with a one shot means 10k+ (depending on the idea…like i wouldn’t say i got carried away w barou’s oaeu even though it’s abt 10k words meanwhile freaky friday at 8-9k ish definitely got carried away…not to mention both bfbs which are drastically different in length but both long given the time frames of the plots and what they’re trying to achieve???)
LMAOOO I DON’T MEAN CHARACTER DEATH ANGST more so smth along the lines of the instrument (specifically the first part) and wicked game (kiyora fic) idk if you know what i’m saying…not angsty depressed vibes or anything but like i want there to be a tinge of melancholy and maturity to it instead of the typical karasu goofiness (bfb isn’t quite crack but because they’re kids for so much of it there’s not that same punch yk) idk if i’ll actually get around to doing it for a sec though…much to be written not enough time to be writing it all i fear
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llama-head · 3 years
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Transcript Below
[Annette] Yeah she’s been asleep since I got here. They must’ve just woken her up to get her to the car.
[Wolfgang] Damn, you’d think she’d be excited about her siblings.
[Annette] I don’t think they’re gonna be born for a few hours still, she can be excited then. 
[Donnie] You okay hun? 
[Jax] I’m fine.
[Donnie] You look like you’re gonna hurl. 
[Jax] Don’t say hurl. 
[Donnie] What’s wrong? 
[Jax] The drunkenness is mixing with my overall nervous-ness and I just feel blah. 
[Donnie] What do you have to be nervous about? 
[Jax] I don’t know, Griffin, if the twins will like me, that kinda shit.
[Donnie]  Everything will be fine.
[Jax] I hope so.
[Donnie] It will be.
[Noel] So, like, how much alien do you think they’ll be? You guys wanna place some bets? 
[Annette] Why on Earth would we do that?
[Noel] To pass the time?
[Wolfgang] I think one’s gonna have green hair, that’s all I got. Oh! And pointy ears, I think
they’ll both have pointy ears.
[Annette] Based on what? 
[Wolfgang] English having pointy ears.
[Annette] Ah.
[Noel] I agree with that, and for sure one of them will have Griffin’s eyes. 
[Wolfgang] Oh, for sure!
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jeanmoreaux · 4 years
sorry to bother you again, i'm the shameless anon. i just wanted to tell you that i watched s10e5 where ian comes home from prison and i gotta say... that final scene where they're all together in the living room and ian holds lip's baby...... i got a lil emo. maybe i WILL find the strength to pull through this and the next season lmao still, some (most) things are truly insufferable but i'm not expecting anything different from shameless at this point, so i enjoy the small things i guess!
((what? you’re not bothering me at all! your ask is my personal highlight of the day!! i was so happy to see you in my inbox 💛✨))
yes! omg that final scene is *chef’s kiss* i got really emotional during that one too! these scarps of good content is what i have been feeding on since late s5 lmao. these moment when you can feel the old shamey coming through are really what carried me through the seasons.
 i completely agree with you saying most things are insufferable, but at this point i am so used to it that i’m just like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ‘might as well continue’... honestly, i had to stop thinking about everything shameless is doing horribly wrong or i'd go f*cking feral. i mean, if i think about it too much, all the potential that was wasted in s10 bc the writers just didn’t care to explore certain things or drop certain storylines makes me bitter af.
#lmao ask my brother how bitter it makes me bc i have been bitching about s10 after every episode#and we both agree that some poor writing choices have been made#frankly i wouldn't even have bother watching s10 after both cam and emmy left#but then cam returned and so did noel and jeremy was still part of the cast#so i decided to spend 1h each week on this show for 12 weeks#it's not like i would have spent that hour doing something more productive anyway#idk i wasn't happy with how most of s10 went#but it was still better than s8 and s9 in my opinion#which doesn't really say much considering s8 and s9 where excruciatingly bad#tbh i feel like the writers are over the show#so i wouldn't be surprised if they cancel s11 bc of covid-19#they didn't even get to start filming in march so it's not liked they'd 'lose' anything#since the production process hasn't even really started except for the scripts#idk we'll see#i wouldn't be too surprised if they drop an announcement in the future if things don't get better#and as much as i know i will have issues with s11 and might even be frustrated by the ending#i still wanna see were they'll go with all the characters and how they'll wrap things up#i'd be disappointed if they decided to just drop the final season altogether#like i didn't suffer through years of garbage for them to not give me a prober ending of the show#((so sorry for the rambling...#but i have to get A LOT out of my system when it comes to this show))#((i wrote this message in quite a hurry so it might be full of errors and incoherent#sorry about that too))#anon#answer#mish talks shameless#if anyone ever needs to vent about the show i'm your girl#Anonymous
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lunamieres · 5 years
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kyra  deveraux,     noel  griffin,     olivia  brown,     eliza  wilson,     blake  elliot
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