#poor jack just sitting there...😭
seasononesam · 2 days
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I know that Mom’s dead, and I know that she’s not coming back. Okay, I hear what you’re saying, I just wish…
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ilythena · 6 months
Request: Jack and Luke go to an animal shelter to adopt a pet (cat or dog, which ever is your favorite) and Jack falls for the adoption counselor that helps them pick out the perfect pet
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★SUM after Luke begs Jack to get a dog, he ends up lucky in more ways then one.
Fem!reader, straight fluff, no warnings! Kinda short tho, tbh I got too interested in Luke begging Jack for a dog 😭 req are open so don’t be shy to send in some, almost done w a lot of them just gotta find time to post em <3
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“Can you just hear me out-“ “no.” “Please! Just one!”
Sitting on the bed in Jacks room of their shared apartment, Jack throws his head back with an irritated groan. “Luke, I’m not going to keep arguing with you about this shit. We can’t have a dog. Who’s going to watch it? And clean up after it? We’re both professional hockey players and have zero time for an animal.”
With a pout, Luke hesitates before speaking again. “I’ll clean up after them! And I’ll spend all the time with them!” “Luke no. We have a game tomorrow. Go to bed.”
“Why am I even asking! I’m a grown man. I’ll just get one and bring it home.” “I wish you fucking would.”
Luke storms out of Jacks room and heads to his own. Immediately getting on his phone and ranting to Quinn about his problems, Jack turns his body and sighs.
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“…what’s going on with the Hughes’?” “Apparently Jack said no to a dog. Luke’s not taking the rejection well.”
The two brothers glare at each other from across the locker room, Luke tightening his laces and Jack grabbing his stick. He mouths an ‘I’m not changing my mind. No dog.’ And Luke huffs before walking out.
“…..well, he’ll get over it soon.” Nico says, patting Jack on the back and he just frowns. “Why is he so insistent on a pet all of a sudden? I mean, you understand why I’m saying no right?”
“Yes, I understand. But I can also see his side. You two will come to a compromise eventually. Let’s not worry about this stuff and just focus on trying to win the game tonight, okay?” Nico says and with a nod, both boys walk out of the room and onto the ice.
Everything was going well at first, Jack had even scored a goal! But it’s like this week just wasn’t on his side. The opposing team began crushing them after the first quarter, swiftly taking out their team with a score of 3-1.
On top of the crushing loss, it was pouring rain outside. And his umbrella broke, which meant he had to walk in the rain, with his brother who’s mad at him, after he loses a game. Great.
Both boys get to the car cold and covered in water—not a word spoken between the two. Luke closes his door shortly after Jack does and it’s pure silence between the two. Jack starts the car and turns the heat up to the max before driving off and making his way home.
“Hey luke?” “…yeah?” “I’m sorry. I’ve been really stressed out and honestly I don’t think it’s good for us to be arguing over something so stupid. Maybe we should get something to eat-” bark! Jack’s eyes snap over to Luke and suddenly it feels like the car is at 100 degrees.
“What was that.” “What was what…?” Bark! Comes from Luke’s side of the car once again, this time Jack can faintly see something moving inside of his jacket.
“Luke.” “….listen! Do you see how hard and cold it it outside? Poor thing would have freezed to death out there!” “I told you no dogs!” “Look at her!”
Luke pulls the small puppy out from his jacket and you can see her shaking. Wet, cold, and obviously very lost.
“…what do we do now?” Jack whispers and Luke doesn’t answer, pulling the animal closer to his chest. After a moment of discussing what to do, the boys decide to just go home and sleep for the night.
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“Hi, welcome in… how can I help you?” “We wanna adopt this dog-“ “no we don’t.”
Jack pushes Luke behind him and gently snatches the puppy from his hands, a sharp gasp cutting through the air when Luke feels the shove.
“Oh! Where did you find them?” “On the street, my brother couldn’t help but pick them up.” You gently take the animal out of Jack’s hands and inspect them for a second before looking him in the eyes. “I’ll have to do a cleaning and a check up for them, since they’re very dirty and I want to make sure the dog is healthy before I give them to you.”
Jack glances at you and when you two make eye contact all the anger he had directed towards Luke died down immediately in his throat. He quietly nodded and in less than a second, you were gone and in the back.
Another one of your coworkers came and got their information, and Jack had sat next to Luke in the small waiting area.
“…can we please keep the dog-“ “maybe.”
After what seemed like hours, you walk out with the dog put in a small kennel, handing it to your coworker. “Good news, puppy is very healthy! Bad news, you can’t keep her because she’s microchipped, which means she does have an owner.” Luke groans in disappointment, but his eyes flicker over to another dog playing through the window in a designated play area.
Jack notices this, and after standing there for a while, he speaks. “….are any of the dogs over there up for adoption?” “Yes sir! All the animals on the right side of the building are up for adoption. Are you interested in adopting today?”
“Um, yes.” Luke’s head snaps over into Jack’s direction. “That’s great! I’ll let you two look at the animals, and let me know if you decide to adopt.”
As you walk away, Jack looks at Luke and glares. “Don’t get too happy. I’m picking the dog.”
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“Hello Mr. Hughes, how may I help you today?” “Hey. I know this is really sudden, but I think he’s sick! He’s been throwing up a lot.”
Jack drags in a golden retriever, who his brother named ‘Jett’ and he doesn’t look to well. Slouching and obviously very tired.
“Oh no! Here, follow me. I’ll get him onto the inspection table and I’ll check what’s wrong with him.” He follows you down the hallway with the puppy in his arms and sets him down gently onto the cold metal table.
Watching you take a stethoscope and check up his heartbeat and trying to listen into his stomach, his heart briefly stops when you call in your coworker to do an x-ray on the animal.
After getting sent to the waiting room and waiting an hour, his worried face shifts to confusion when Jett quickly runs out the door and in between Jack’s legs.
“So, I thought he had an infection in his stomach from some sort of food, but as soon as I officially set up the x-ray and tried to put him under it, he refused and went from looking sick to looking completely fine. My diagnosis is that he was trying to get your attention by being dramatic.”
Jack scoffs in disbelief and looks down at the golden ball of fur in between his feet, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.
“Wow. So I brought him here for nothing?” “Pretty much.” You try to hold back a laugh but fail miserably, smiling at the animal and preparing the register for his bill.
“Well, at least he’s okay! That’s all that matters.” You say and Jack lets out a brief chuckle before looking down at the machine.
“150 dollars?!” “Unfortunately, He did waste the supplies used to prep the x-ray machine…”
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“Back again, Mr. Hughes?” “He was eating grass, I’m concerned he’s sick.” “You said that the last time you came in.”
It’s been about 4 months since Jack officially adopted Jett, and coincidentally his owners been coming into your clinic non stop for those past 4 months.
“I’m just looking out for him, what kind of owner would I be if I just let everything slide under the rug?” He grins and you scoff with a smile before leading him and his dog into a private room so you can “investigate” the problem with Jett.
The happy dog jumps up onto the table and rolls over, making a happy sort of huffing noise when you rub his stomach. After doing regular check up procedures, you can determine that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Jett.
“As usual, there’s nothing wrong with your dog. Why do you keep coming in here when you know he’s fine?” Jett jumps on you and you can’t hold back a laugh when he jumps down onto the floor and stands in a playing position. You open the door to the dog play area and let him out to go socialize with the other dogs that stay in the clinic.
“Maybe I just wanna see the cute girl who works here.” “Well maybe there’s an easier way for you to do that instead of dragging him along with you and wasting your money.” Jack bites his lip into a smile and slowly walks closer to you with his hands into his pocket.
“Does that mean that maybe I can take you out on a date this weekend?” “Maybe it does.” You lean against the counter that holds all the paperwork and files in the clinic and take out a small slip of paper, writing something down on it before shoving it into his hands and walking back into a ‘staff only’ facility.
“ xxx-xxx-xxxx. I’ll see you this weekend, Hughes. ;)”
I would have added my pink banner BUT I ran out of picture space….. sorry this ended so suddenly, I was struggling w how to end it!
© copyright of ilythena. Do not repost or translate onto any other websites.
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residenthughes · 8 months
persuasion - jack hughes
pairing: jack hughes x fem reader
word count: 5.7k
tags/warnings: college/university au, fluff, slight angst?, fratboy! jack (he's sweet in this, dw), mentions of alcohol/drinking, no mention of y/n
summary: you get a bit more than you bargained for when paired up with all-american hockey star, jack hughes.
notes: hi. it's been a (long) while since i've posted on here. not to mention, i'm back writing about someone a bit different 😭 but i've recently gotten into the nhl and this fic is the result of me drunkenly coming across this photo a few days ago. despite the changes on this blog, i hope this post finds you well and that you enjoy this (poor) attempt of me getting back into writing. much love <3
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The end of the semester couldn’t have come sooner. Swapped with what was possibly the busiest you’ve ever been, the sweet relief after submitting your last assignment was unparalleled and lulled you to a much deserved slumber, only to be awoken by a barrage of messages pinging from your bedside table. Disgruntled, your arm extends in search of your phone, groaning into your damp pillow as you blink away the tired film coating your eyes and read the messages from your best friend.
frat house party tonight, presence is mandatory! 
all the girlies are onboard, your sexy ass better be ready by 9!
Another groan emits from you, exhaustion seeping through your bones at the mere mention of doing something else besides rotting in bed. You’re about to type some incoherent excuse, but your best friend beats you to it.
apparently, z and his guys are going. 
chances are jack’s there too.
There’s a messy stutter in your chest upon reading the message and suddenly, you’re more awake than before as you gingerly sit yourself up in your bed. Of course, she’d mention he was going just to convince you further. You weren’t even aware she knew of your crush. Considering you hadn’t mentioned him much besides when asked, his name being referenced feels more intrusive than it should be. Then again, as perceptive as she is, there was no denying the fact.
Jack and yourself had worked on a group project earlier in the semester, which is how the two of you had crossed paths. Upon hearing of the task at hand, you couldn’t help but let out a sigh because you were never a fan of working with others you didn’t know, but considering none of your friends took your class, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to get to know others and build your social circle. When your assigned group had got together towards the end of the lecture to discuss formalities and such, you hadn’t expected the whirlwind that was to come in the presence of a sandy brunette haired boy. 
Jack is as easy-going as he is charming. Cracks a couple jokes and suddenly, all the ice isolating your group dissolves to water and there are constant hums of conversation bouncing off every member of your group. He’s nice too, considerate of everyone’s schedule and what tasks they felt confident in completing, never uttering a word of complaint unless warranted. It’s interesting, he’s interesting, you think to yourself. Perhaps due to the fact that since he’d revealed himself to be in a frat, you had some preconceived notions as to what his personality would be like and maybe at times, he’d fit that stereotype to a tee, there were other times he’d stray away from it completely and leave you curious as ever.
Peculiar is what you’d describe those few weeks to be, your interest gravitating towards any relation to Jack. Heart beating as you walked past your university’s ice arena, knowing he practically lived on the ice beyond his time in class. Eyes lighting up when he texted in the group chat, mental fuzziness plaguing you every time you sat across from one another as you completed your portion of work in the university’s library. You’d be a fool to dismiss the budding attraction you felt towards him, spinning your world round but also leaving you feeling so unsure of everything, yourself included. There’s no scarcity of girls who like him, it proved to be difficult resisting the All-American hockey star with looks to match. However, taking into account the sheer volume of attention directed his way everyday, your lingering glances didn’t seem to be much more significant. So, one-sided this crush remains to you, storing away the quiet memories of shared laughs and time spent together in a place close to your heart. 
That was until he invited you to his game, shortly after your project had been submitted for assessment. You wanted to go, you wanted to go so badly that you agonised over the decision for longer than necessary, but ultimately, as you laid awake that night, eyes blazing red with fatigue, doom scrolling to further delay your dreams, the evidence for your answer surfaced. It was nothing but a silly Instagram post from one of his friends, Trevor Zegras, the boyfriend to one of your friends. A collection of typical photos: the boys, hockey and more of the antics they got to. It’s in the last slide where in the background of a recent football game is none other than Jack, in all his handsome glory, grinning ear to ear as a girl envelopes him in a hug that feels too intimate to be seen. Embarrassment runs your skin hot and jealousy leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, the thought of you entertaining anything more than platonic with Jack a pipedream at best. Naturally, there can be so many explanations for the photo, but what rings true is that you’ve made yourself vulnerable to heartbreak, which is nowhere to be found on your agenda. So, you call it a night, turning off your phone and hoping to put the crush behind you come tomorrow.
And, it works for a bit. Jack doesn’t text you further and you don’t run into him on campus. Summer soon approaches and the last few days before your break have you buzzing with excitement for all the plans you have lined up. Your world doesn’t hinge on every interaction you have with Jack and your mind is freed from the shackles of mulling over every detail in said interaction. It’s liberating and you’d like to keep it that way. A fleeting crush, you reason, all said and done with. A mantra you repeat to yourself as you respond back to your best friend, gleaming as you and your group chat discuss outfits options and pinterest inspired makeup looks. 
There’s nothing better than being with your girls, you’re reminded, as the buzzing excitement never fizzles as the night stretches on. Controlled chaos dominates the night as you pack into one friend’s rooms to get ready together, helping each other with eyelash extensions and annoying back zippers. Someone makes the suggestion to drop by the campus bar for a drink or two, just to ease the nerves, and it turns out to be a great idea because by the time you stumble out of the bar and towards the frat house, the party’s in full swing. 
Trashed lawn and red cup galore, the music somehow manages to reach outside the house with hoards of people dotted around and inside the house. With the merry buzz you’ve got from the bar, confidence details your movements as you lead your friends with clasped hands into the packed house, mumbling a thousand ‘sorry’s as you trample on through the crowded hallways to find yourselves in one (?) of the living rooms. 
Hands suddenly grasp at yours and you’re thrown into a fit of giggles as your friends tangle themselves up in a messy but fun dance. You follow suit, fully relishing in the euphoria of the night and the found family you have in these girls as you dance and chatter until you have no choice to venture into the kitchen for a refreshment. 
Surprisingly, the kitchen is vacant as you push through towards its door you were directed to, scanning the room amongst belongings to find some mixer for your helping of vodka stashed away in your purse. Despite your better judgement, you resort to apprehensively searching through cupboards on your tippy toes in search for mixer and as you’re about to open the last cupboard, the kitchen door opens. 
“Looking for something?”
Goosebumps arise and your heart stills. You know that voice like the back of your hand, the same voice that echoes in the back of your mind and whispers sweet nothings in your ear when you dream. The fact that he’s so ingrained in your memory makes you curse at yourself, teeth gnawing on the plumpiness of your bottom lip as you attempt to recollect your racing thoughts. With a quiet breath, you sink back from your elevated posture and turn towards the source of the voice, blinking like a deer caught in the headlights. 
It’s comical how such a simple sight renders you a loss for words. In the doorway of the large kitchen stands Jack, shoulder and head leaning against the doorframe as he looks at you with an expectant look and a cheeky grin to match. His legs are crossed at the ankles and he’s holding a beer, but he’s got this pearl white long sleeved polo on with washed out jeans and a black snapback to top it all off. The outfit in itself is so simple and yet, here you are, heart being sent into overdrive as the effortless combo drives you wild. Sets your skin alight and conjures up electricity that pulses through you like wildfire.
“Lemonade,” you gracefully croak out, gesturing towards your empty red cup. “I didn’t bring much to mix my drink with.”
“Here, I’ll help you with that,” he reassures you, bouncing off the door frame as he draws closer to you, your feet absently shifting a few steps backwards. “No need to back up. I don’t bite, you know?”
You huff at the comment, realising how foolish his mere presence makes you and will yourself to relax, shoulders easing down from your ears as you watch Jack search through the cupboards. It doesn’t take him long to find what he’s looking for, pulling out a large bottle of lemonade that coasts against the marble of the countertop. 
“Feel free to use as much as you like, I never usually have this myself anyways.” insists Jack, turning himself around with his back against the countertop, arms crossed his chest with a peering eye directed to you. 
“How thoughtful of you.” you jester as a brief chuckle is shared between the two of you, the loud thumps of heavy bass music sounding from beyond the kitchen door as silence settles between the two of you. 
“It’s been a while, how’ve you been?” he asks, undivided attention focused on you as you pour the last of the lemonade. If not for the embarrassment of spilling your drink in front of him, the unsolicited awareness he’s currently given you would have resulted in exactly that, so you stop yourself and give him a convincing smile.
“I’ve been good, thanks. It’s the end of the academic year, I have no more complaints,” you muse, bringing the cup to your lips as you peer over the rim to look at Jack, his long lashes fluttering as his focus remains you. Your heartbeat picks up its pace. “What about you? Frozen four’s a big deal, but winning the championship is even bigger.”
Jack gives a lighthearted laugh, smugness adjusting his posture as his shoulders move back and his chest puffs out. Meanwhile, he gives this half shrug and grin that has heat gravitating towards the apples of your cheeks. It’s one of the things you like about Jack, how confident and sure of himself he is without it being overbearing and unappealing. It feels assuring, not having to dim your own light for the sake of his own comfort. 
“Yeah, that was nuts, I can’t lie. We had a really good run and I think our efforts really showed for themselves in that case,” Jack responds, taking a swig of his beer. “Christ, I sound like I’m talking to the media or something.”
“Well, consider this practice for when you join Jersey in the future,” you simper, snickering as you take a sip of your own drink. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of fun speaking to the media.”
He gives an eyeroll, amusement prominent in the way his eyes twinkle and you can't help but laugh more. “So you say. How did you even know about Jersey?”
Your laugh is cut short, ice cold realisation washing over you like a bad hangover as his words hang in the air like a gauntlet waiting for its descent. Of course, this was nothing to be caught off-guard by considering how much your university boasts about how Jack, amongst other talented players, were drafted before committing to your university. However, the painful memory of you awake one late night doesn’t escape you, said night spent hesitantly typing his name into Google to come across all the info you knew to confirm how great of a hockey player he was. You feel shameful even looking him in the eyes right now.
So, your eyes stray from him, the somewhat sticky floor being the source of all your interest. “Who doesn’t know? Our uni does a good job of reminding us of everyone that’s been drafted.” 
You decide to spare a glance at Jack, taking in how a pinkish hue decorates the surface of his cheeks as his lone hand goes to scratch the back of his neck. The timidity that clouds his movement evokes a simper out of you, one that you direct into your cup, its contents rapidly draining under the weight of your continued conversation.
“Oh, man. Maybe, I shouldn’t have asked that,” he jokes, smile all pearly white and heart fluttering. “Can’t blame a guy for being nervous, no?”
Suddenly, the kitchen door bursts open and a flood of drunken students come barrelling in, hollering as their drinks splash to the floor and chaos ensues. You’re just as confused at their unexpected appearance as you are at the comment Jack made, but before you have a chance to ponder further, a warm hand settles against the small of your back followed by the gentle waft of Jack’s aftershave, a mixture sea salt with a hint of lavender and spicy nutmeg. It takes everything in you for your knees not to buckle.
“Let’s head out back.” he whispers, breath fanning over your neck as his fingertips ignite fire against your skin. 
Abruptly, you clear your throat, mindlessly nodding along as you blindly follow him out back, Jack’s larger build serving as a shield of sorts as he seamlessly navigates his way through the hordes of students. He does so with your hand in his and as much as your internal monologue unleashes panicked squeals at the contact, you revel in his touch - calloused hands that hold yours like porcelain, warm hands that match together like the universe and all its stars. 
A cool breeze blankets your skin and your focus shifts from your inner thoughts, taking in the generous and lush green outdoor space with sparse camping chairs circling a bonfire and a large tree further up ahead draped in fairy lights. There’s some people here too, but the atmosphere is a 180 from the mayhem inside, hushed light-hearted conversations exchanged beside the lit bonfire with the faint smell of weed filtering through the crisp air. The dazzling fairy lights blind you into bumping into Jack’s back, apologising with a laugh before he collapses onto the daisy white hammock before you. 
You follow suit with the carefree attitude Jack gives you, but you miscalculate horrendously because you don’t fall into the place beside your crush, but into his lap. Shock runs through your veins like ice as your bewilderment freezes you in place, mouth gaping open as you turn to face Jack in absolute horror. He seems to fare better with the unexpected contact, enlarged azure eyes showing his awe and yet his hands are in all the right places - supporting your waist as your weightless body struggles to hold its own. 
“I’m-“ the hairs on your neck are standing and you’re close to crying, the heat of your mortification burning your body hot like a furnace. “-so sorry. I didn’t-I didn’t even-“
“Relax, you’re good,” the chill of his beer against your skin sends a shiver down your spine, the feeling intensifying by the thousands as Jack’s thumb gives your exposed skin the smallest caress. You’re sure you’re the personification of shock at how every inch of your features displays pure alarm. “Unless this was your plan?”
You’re shoving him before your brain is able to comprehend its commands, your flustered state leaping out of his lap and collapsing back alongside him this time, hands clasped over your eyes as you take the time to maybe calm down. “What frat house even has a hammock anyways?”
“Rachel - Z’s girl - thought it’d be a nice touch for the garden,” you hear Jack mumble, but you’re too busy nursing your ego to fully immerse in conversation. “You’re friends with her, right? You guys came in together.” 
“Keeping an eye out for me, Hughes?” 
Apparently, your ego isn’t as bruised to make such a comment, a smirk finding itself onto the surface of your face as you’ve yet to remove your hand from your vision.
“It’s hard to keep my eyes off you.” 
You freeze in place, the heaviness in your stomach incomparable with the hammering of your heart against your chest as your brain picks apart Jack’s comment at the speed of light. None of the comments Jack has made throughout your entire conversation have gone over your head, the flirty undertones as clear as day. He wasn’t as up front with his compliments when you two first started working together, the furthest compliment he’d given denoting how nice you looked despite rolling out of bed twenty minutes beforehand. His directness makes your eyebrows furrow, or rather his intentions have you looking around as if you could find some answers. Perhaps this is how Jack is at parties - all pleasant with a careful flirtation that gradually pulls you inwards. Or maybe, this simply is the case of him showing his interest in you. The concept is not lost on you, but there is still apprehension that manifests within you, for reasons you are yet to discover.
You’re about to say something, your parted lips issuing a single incoherent syllable that dissolves on your tongue when the faint murmur of country music from a group of guys up ahead takes your notice, Jack’s nose scrunching with delight as he exclaims, “Ah, what a banger.”
Your eyebrow quirks upwards, merriment spreading against your features. “I never pegged you as the country type.” 
“Well, I’m not a Drake guy, I’ll tell you that much.” Jack shifts in his seat, extending his arm out behind your back. 
“So, a belieber then?” you jester, taunting eyebrows raised as you can’t keep your snicker to yourself when you watch Jack roll his eyes with the same grin.
“If that makes you happy, then yeah,” Jack reasons nonchalantly, whereas you make a pathetic attempt at stopping the stammer in your chest. “But no, that’s pretty much all that plays when my brothers and I wakesurf in the summer, unless Z is on the aux. Then, he and Quinn have a go at each other for it.”
Chuckles emit from your lips as you picture the image of a sunny summer day out on a boat, Jack’s older brother, Quinn, and Trevor becoming enemies of silence as they bicker over music choices. A warm fuzziness embraces you, the image placing you right beside Jack as laughter bubbles between the two of you whilst Luke wakesurfs in the background. It’s a honeyed depiction, all rose-tinted and for you to hold close to your heart along with other fantasies you allow yourself to entertain.
“We’re planning on going back to our summer house upstate where we do loads of other stuff,” Jack trails off, his fingers tapping against the glass of his bottle as you two share a look between each other. His eyes flicker downwards almost immediately, the top of his ears crimsoning. “You should stop by sometime. It’d be good to see you over the summer.”
For someone as confident as Jack, these rare glimpses of timidity demonstrate themselves as a pure anomaly. So, you can imagine your surprise at not only his incredibly generous offer but also his sheepish demeanour; gaze never aligning with yours as you feel his fingers fiddle with the material of the hammock behind your back. The sight enamours you, a rush of endearment washing over you as you lean into the feeling, not bothering to hide the wide smile growing across the expanse of your face. 
If this is what awaits you at their summer house, you’re already packed and ready to go.
“I could be persuaded.” Jack’s already rolling his eyes and against his better judgement, he finds himself chuckling with you too. 
When your amusement blends into the night sky, Jack's eyelids fall halfway, gaze steady as he mirrors your prior smirk that’s all but gone with the quiet wind. “And, what would that involve?” 
A moment is shared between the two of you. Burning bright like a star and erupting fireworks in your fingertips as your eyes linger on one another longer than explanatory. The landscape of his dotted moles capture your attention first, your sight leading itself to the galaxy-like twinkle dazzling in the ocean blue of his eyes. It’s so precious, this point in time - so delicate and intimate that it feels like a secret, whispers of infatuation pulling you together by their invisible strings as Jack’s extended arm circles your shoulders. You lean in, the temptation of his lips calling your name. Earlier restlessness ceases to exist as your movements read as second nature, the bruising of your chest accompanying the fuzziness that dances in your stomach as Jack leans into too.
“Yo, Jack!”
The moment is all but gone, burst like a bubble as both your heads turn in the direction of the voice, spying one of Jack’s friends, Cole, standing on the porch with a hand clasped around his mouth.
“Get your ass in here, we’re playing Jenga!”
A string of unpleasantries filter through Jack’s mouth in the form of a murmur, remnants of your interrupted kiss lingering as Jack gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze and gives you the most apologetic look you’ve ever seen. Puppy eyes and pouty lips, an image you lock away in your heart forever. 
“Did you wanna head in?” He gives you the choice, head tilted to the side as he studies your expression whilst you ponder the inquiry.
The almost kiss is something to behold and if this has occurred weeks prior amidst the intensity of your crush, you would have begged and pleaded to stay, hinging on the hopes of whatever this is being fabricated once again to fulfil your fondness dreams. But, this feels different. It feels sold, as opposed to balancing upon shaky possibilities. This is undeniable, a point in time that is infinite and kissed upon by destiny. A junction you can return to time and time again.
“Yeah, I’m sure my friends are looking for me anyways,” you unravel yourself from Jack’s loose grip, hoisting yourself up before you turn to face him with a soft beam. His expression reads unsure, gaze scattered before he looks upwards before your sneakers knock against his impossibly white Air Forces. You nod towards the house, the giddiness building within you exceptional as your hand extends out to meet his. “Let’s head in together?”
It comes out more of a question than a statement, but you could care less when Jack gives you that soft smile that’s only reserved for you, grabbing a hold of your hand after he brings himself off the hammock before you proceed to return back to the party.
The bustling atmosphere appears to have maintained itself in your absence, hundreds of conversations mixing in with the booming sounds of some bass heavy hip hop song. You nod your head to the beat, grinning when you see familiar faces in the crowd as you trail behind Jack yet again, following him in promise of your friends who Cole had mentioned joined their group’s game of Jenga. You make do with getting down the stairs of the basement without tumbling due to their frigid nature, face instantly lighting up as you catch sight of your friends, collapsing into a fit of excited hugs and shared giggles as you all catch up on the events of the party.
Amidst all the dialogue, some of which you’re assuming Jack’s sorority brothers and friends make quick work of getting the bare room ready, arranging beers for everyone as the box of Jenga is brought out. The weight of concentrated eyes seers into your goosebump-riddled skin and by the time you volunteer to assemble the Jenga tower, you’re more than aware of Jack’s attention on you. Even with how overflowing the confidence you possessed was as you left the back garden, the heat of his gaze reduces you to a sheepish mess, antsy hands uncertain of their movements as you attempt to achieve some standard of normalcy, your eyes avoiding his. It’s when your hands accidentally touch that you cannot avoid it much longer, peering through clumpy eyelashes with a flush that feels as vivid as painted glass. 
A lone corner of his lips inclines, his look of allurement tangled with blatant attraction enough to make you knock over some of the Jenga pieces. A deep chorus of disapproving sounds holler at your actions, your sheepishness fended off by the laughter amongst you and Jack as you continue to assemble the tower again, this serving as the last of your communication before the Jenga game commences.
Every Jenga piece taken out of the tower involves a dare that has laughter erupting from the pits of your stomach or mouth gaping open at the gull others possess whilst intoxicated. With the muffled sounds of the music upstairs and endless talk in the room, merriment captures your heart in a gentle squeeze as the dares carry on, the harmless fun quickly becoming one of your favourite memories in recent times.
It’s your turn to go and the frat guys are already teasing you with endearing nicknames, putting a smile on your face as your hands steady to pull out a tricky Jenga piece with ease. Wooden block in hand, your line of vision skims the chicken scratch of a dare with an effortless glee that’s swiftly replaced with plentiful surprise.
“What does it say?!’ exclaims Trevor, the anticipation in his voice evident as he squeals his words.
You’re reducing to your meek self again, not daring to look upwards as you enunciate your words to aid your own comprehension. “Spend seven minutes in heaven with the player across from you.”
You’re unsure whether the universe has some really good jokes up their sleeve or this is just fate to begin with because when you lift your head up, already knowing, Jack’s amused facial expression speaks for itself.  
Hollers and cheers fill the room, enough pandemonium to make you crimson as you stumble to your feet, casting a peek at your best friend with a cross between disbelief and delight. Your best friend, the same one that texted you about Jack’s presence at the party tonight, bawls her hand into a tight fist, bringing it to her chest as a sign of victory with mischief painted all over her. The ridiculousness of this farce eliminates you from ruminating about what awaits you in the closet a mere metres away. The guy most pleased with the situation opens the closet door, a few brooms pushed back into the compact space that is surprisingly clean with no cobwebs or dust in sight.
“All clean and ready for you two lovebirds,” Trevor grins with the keenness of a kid in a candy store, pushing back his long locks of hair as he sends a wink your way. “Don’t get too carried away in there, you’ve only got seven minutes.”
Jack says something in reply to Trevor’s cheeky comment but you’re too preoccupied by your own thoughts, feet carrying you to the fate of your Jenga dare as the door closes and darkness shrouds you. 
It’s silent for a minute, nothing but soft breaths and dulled whispers from outside the closet door. The closet is dangerously compact, your back up against the wall not sparing you from establishing your own personal space, the slightest shift of your shoes inevitably going to knock against Jack’s. Outside in the back garden feels so far away now, slipping through your hands as if sand with the daunting weight of unsaid expectations folding your arms and clearing a stubborn croak in your throat.
As the seconds tick on and no communication is shared, the everlasting laps you round around your mind exhaust you for the last time and you decide to face whatever this is head on, a start being making eye contact with the man that makes it the hardest thing in the world. However, with the tiniest sliver of dimmed light peaking through underneath the closet door, you can see him. Jack, in all his glory - soft and boyish, all charming in nature. The round pool blue of his eyes and the moles that dot his skin like constellations. It’s a rush of emotions, all raw and bare, to overwhelm and comfort you, with the easiness of his smile that directs your way and warms your heart like no other.
“We don’t have to do anything in here, I’d never do anything to make you uncomfortable,” Jack explains, his hand reaching to drag down one side of his face as his eyes cast away. “I hope you know that.”
This - you feel resolute in - establishing some sense of security in this room as you smile up at Jack. “The thought didn’t even cross my mind.” 
There’s a double meaning in your words and you don’t bother to correct yourself, reading in between the lines cementing itself as your favourite pastime. But, Jack knows and so do you. Perhaps you knew all along that every nook and cranny in your heart was specially reserved for Jack and no other could do. Maybe, you spent so much time in your head because this unexplored territory felt like the birth of the universe, so big and beautiful that it had more questions than answers. A forbidden fruit of sorts - a sweet mirage that the more you pulled away, gravity pulled you right back. A place where you belonged - with him in this moment forever sealed between the two of you.
Jack offers a smile in the wake of your thoughts, timid yet teasing in nature and you can’t resist, in the almost dark of the closet, grin too because this was sealed from the very beginning. Alone with infamous fratboy Jack Hughes, under some sort of awkward pretence bringing you together because you let your fears get the best of you, a stark contrast to what they are now - engulfed in thoughts, feelings of your lips against his and how this charade will come to a close, the building tension boiling till it overflows
“Hey-” you both say at the same time, silencing as you chuckle at the unison you unite in.
“Ladies first.”
“I’m more interested in what you have to say.” 
Because there’s no doubt in your mind he’ll steal the words right out of your mouth, the mere thought of those words escaping his lips the centre of all your desires.
He pauses, eyes searching yours for confirmation which presents itself in the toothy grin he struggles not to reflect, canine sinking into the corner of his lips before he responds, “If you insist.”
Jack doesn’t miss a beat as he reaches for your hand, absently tracing patterns into the skin with a thoughtful hum that proceeds his words. 
“I think I’ve been a lot more straightforward with how I feel about you, but I’d like to chance to tell you right here that I’m interested in you, in being with you. To the point that the boys get sick of me yapping about it,” you chuckle at his comment, the humour of the joke distracting you from the flood of emotions that submerges you indefinitely. “I felt this way from the time we got assigned to work together. And, if maybe you had any reservations about us, I’d do whatever it takes so that they don’t exist because you’re what matters most and that will never change.”
No feeling can compare to this. It’s almost as if you’re experiencing the full spectrum of emotions for the first time, rejoicing in the sunshine Jack basks upon you in the wake of his confession. A mirage turned reality, the colours are bright and blinding and you’re so elated within yourself that you physically cannot do more than bring Jack’s hand to your cheek to kiss his palm. A confirmation that needs no words. 
The warmth of his hand against your cheek melts you into his skin, eyelids falling shut as you revel in the tender caresses of his thumb, of his love and the unspoken words between you. A graze against your throat has your eyes fluttering open, lips parted as Jack secures his hand gently against the nape of your neck. A soft inhale escapes you as his thumb traces the corner of your mouth, dilated pupils flickering between your own and your lips.
“Can I-”
“Yes, please.” 
A star is born at the centre of your lips as they fold over one another, blending seamlessly together as you move together in synchronised harmony. You taste the remnants of beer, inhale his musky cologne and send yourself flying into another universe as Jack holds you close for impact. All your brain knows to do is convey your sentiment tenfold, kissing him as if touch starved as your fingers thread through the curls of his hair. You commit this to memory - the slowness of the kiss, the scent of his apple shampoo and his curls around your fingers, the feathery feeling of your fluttering heart and the tenderness of your hearts beating as one. So sickeningly besotted with another that everything pales in comparison.
Reluctantly, you pull away from his soft lips when the shared oxygen between you two vanishes, eyes slow to open but ultimately capturing the part of Jack’s rouge lips that quiver in your wake, his gaze meeting yours moments later. 
You kiss him again for good measure.
“Alright, horny bastards. Time’s up!” Cole’s voice thunders from beyond the door.
Lips still pressed against Jack’s, you both smile into one last kiss, just as sweet as the last. Jack savours it for what it’s worth, forehead pressed against yours as you two stand together, bruised chests aching with all the yearning that can fit into your palms.
“Consider me persuaded.” 
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starboye · 2 days
Kinktober 2024 Full List
Week 1:
October 1st- Older!Captain Price fucking femboy!younger!male reader
October 2nd- Rafe Cameron disciplining male reader because you were acting all bratty at one of his parties
October 3rd- Drew Starkey making male reader his bitch and dominating him after having a hard day
October 4th- Nate Jacobs choking male reader while fucking him
October 5th- Stiles Stilinski rough fucking ftm!male reader and talking about how much he want you to get pregnant
October 6th- Gojo Saturo and male reader role playing you as the damsel in distress and gojo saving you and dicking you down as a prize
October 7th- Simon Riley breeding male reader over and over till you're filled with his delicious cum
Week 2:
October 8th- Matt Sturniolo having a praise kink and top!male reader using that to your advantage throughout sex
October 9th- Tom Holland edging male reader so much
October 10th- Chris Sturniolo fucking you till your an incoherent mess in front of a mirror
October 11th- Perter Parker orgasm denial from top!male reader
October 12th- remy gets jealous for whatever reason and he makes you watch him jack off and you can't touch him. You just have to sit in front of him and watch him and when he finishes he makes you swallow all of it
October 13th- rough smut with Nicholas Alexander Chavez, maybe some guy tries flirting with reader and Nicholas gets pissed and rough fucks reader, maybe some daddy kink
October 14th-Billy Loomis x SubTop shy nerdy Male Reader😭
Week 3:
October 15th- bellamy blake x thick fem boy reader, where everyone is having a party with drinking and dancing, and bellamy see reader dancing with other men and they keep grabbing his big ass bc it’s so big. so bellamy takes reader away and fucks that ass (also some face sitting 😏)
October 16th- helping channing tatum at the gym and somehow stuff turns nsfw, do anything ya want with that, i'm just really REALLY desperate for stuff about him, can be short, can be long idc
October 17th- cuck/stag fic with Charles leclerc the f1 driver, he seems like he’d be a huge cumdump behind closed doors and the reader could share him as punishment/desperation.
October 18th- Professor Miguel O’Hara and his student-boyfriend meeting up after class. Why, you ask? Well, the professor’s got a meeting. He’s gotta head home and take a shower. But a shower means washing away his glorious, glorious sweat and musk. He doesn’t want to deprive his good little slut of his favorite things in the world, so tells his boy to give him a tongue bath before his real one.
October 19th- Vinnie fic where Vinnie is the bottom for once
October 20th- Sue Storm and The Thing are in an undercover mission which leaves Human Torch (Chris Evans), reader and Mr Fantastic (John Krasinski) alone in the same building. Johnny and reader use their free time to fuck, waking Reed from his sleep who is both frustrated and horny from reader's moans, he gets to the scene and finds Johnny fucking reader while holding him standing, this makes Reed turn feral and joins them to make a really dirty night
October 21st- Dom top Penn Bagley and a Dom top Beau mirchoff and younger 18 year old sub bottom femboy male reader
Week 4:
October 22nd- Ross after a very long concert goes home and has to deal with reader being bratty so he shuts him up by face fucking him
October 23rd- soft dom soap x sub male reader where reader tries to be bratty to push soap but soap just treats him kindly like “oh you poor thing have I been neglecting you?” But like not in a mocking way and reader breaks kinda quickly and is good for soap enter babbling reader while soap coos praises
October 24th- big dick Dom top Felix versatile sub male reader and sub bottom Oliver
October 25th- Hiram Lodge and stepson chubby femboy bottom male reader where Hiram has secretly been having sex with his stepson and turning him into his slutty bottom boy today alone for the whole month of October and Rita's dressing up in the slutty little school girl outfit with the mini skirt and thong and heels and Hiram and him want to try bondage so he gets all the equipment and Hiram ties the Reader's hands behind his back as Reader licks hiram's muscles and I'm face fucking male reader till he fills his mouth full of c** and then just starts fucking him while he's tied up pulling his hair and putting a ball gag in the Reader's mouth with bondage kink come eating muscle worship daddy kink and Hiram talking about getting reader pregnant if that's okay
October 26th- Logan Howlett rough fucking his ftm boyfriend and breeding him
October 27th- sub!thicc femboy ftm reader x dom!homelander where reader is a supe in the seven who is stronger than all the heros and especially homelander but not strong enough in bed?? homelander finds reader in his apartment right in his room trying on the shortest skirts that shows his ass and pink high stockings, reader trys to explain before he gets his ass eaten and fucked raw until he cant breathe properly. i want some breeding kinks and alot of spanking, and ass worship if thats okay? i know ur busy but im just requesting this only if you have time, please and thank you.
October 28th- X-Men 97 magneto and younger 18 year oldbottom femboy male reader loves that magneto so much older than him and has a daddy kink so when they're alone he catches magneto and nothing but a pair purple underwear so he starts kissing magneto licking down his muscles does magneto poses you sucking on his nipples and licking his abs body kissing down licking on his muscles drop to his knees and starts sucking magnetos big cock and balls magnet o moaning and calling reader a good boy grabbing his hair starts face fucking him then magneto pics reader up and starts fucking him right there till he feels him so full of c** and then throws reader over his desk and just keeps fucking him daddy kink breeding Kink and cum eating kink maybe you had Magneto's power somehow for bondage maybe readers power to make someone feel pleasure or pain how you want to do it maybe
Week 5:
October 29th- Step brother Tyler Lawrence Gray rough fucks his big bubble but step brother and cums in him
October 30th- rafe cameron x thicc/male reader x topper x barry your dads is a football coach and rafe, topper, and barry are his star players so he invites them over and you get called down the stairs and they all just start staring at you and your juicy ass so as the night goes on whenever they walk by you they rub their bulges your ass or whenever you bend down to pick something up they always touch your ass…. After a while your dad goes to sleep and rafe, topper and barry goes into your room and they talk to you and rafe starts sitting on your bed and rubbing your thighs and then they finally convince you to have a foursome and they take turns eating your ass and while rafe is fuckin your ass he tells you not to be so loud your dad is sleeping so barry puts his dick in your mouth and you start sucking and your jerking off topper and they take turns and after awhile you are just fucked out with some many loads up your ass and rafe grabs his phone and spreads open your ass to take a video but after he’s done Barry and topper clean you out with their tongues and rafe helps you put your clothes on and in the morning your dad ask why are you limping and rafe laughs
October 31st- James mcavoy fic where James is reader’s dad best friend and he is coming over to stay for the summer reader and James don’t really get along at first. But one night James comes out the shower while reader is still awake and James ends up fucking him and eating him out hard and has him worship James body through scent and kissing etc
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
firstly, i adore your work 😭😭❤️ you’re so so so talented 🫶🏽 secondly, i just had the funniest silliest thought ever — “he's having some trouble with fractions 🥺 you were helping him with his homework and he was nearly in tears because he couldn't figure it out :((((((((( so you helped him complete it” i can literally imagine the reader and jack sitting at the table and crying because she has trouble with fractions too and they’re both just trying to figure it out 🤣🤣 and aaron walks through the door like ??? what is going on here and his poor heart feels so bad for the two of you but also it’s kinda funny 😭
the horrors of math
thank you 🥹 and PLEASE i love that so much <33333333 cw; none! just comfort & aaron in dad mode <3
aaron walks through the door, expecting to see his two favorite faces smiling up at him as usual. but, he’s met with two tear-soaked faces instead.
he freezes in place; still clutching onto his briefcase, taken aback and concern filling him from head to toe. he’s ready to hop into action no matter the cause, because what could have possibly happened, that the two of you are equally as distraught. naturally, he instantly expects the worst. “what happened?”
your gaze lifts, and his heart nearly snaps into two at the brokenness in your eyes, the pit of worry in his chest deepening. with a brief sniffle, you answer. “fractions.”
“fractions?” his brows furrow in confusion as your posture changes, allowing aaron to see a bit past you. he’s able to see all the math worksheets sprawled across the dining room table, along with multiple pieces of notebook paper crumbled into a ball. there's two pencils, both of which erasers is used to the very, very end.
jack peeks up at him next, his big eyes filling with more tears. “they’re real hard, daddy.”
aaron pauses. he’s still a bit off guard, and doesn't really know whether to laugh or cry himself. he does fight the urge to chuckle, though, not wanting to upset the both of you further. “okay. it’s alright, buddy. sweetheart.”
his hand finds your shoulder, giving it a squeeze. his tone is even - neutral - and the grounding of it seems to bring the both of you comfort, tears stalling.
aaron gestures for jack to rise, taking his chair and bringing him onto his lap. this way, he's close to the both of you, and you each have a clear view of jack’s homework. and as if that’s not enough, jack lays his head back against aaron’s chest, while your cheek finds home nestled against his shoulder.
“here,” aaron mumbles gently, grabbing one of the pencils, “lemme help.”
aaron being the one who’s bad at math -> calling bullshit
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devilst0at · 27 days
We need Dale headcanons for like his everyday life. What do you think he does? How many times does this man jack off a day😭
I feel like he probably doesn’t do much, to be honest 😭 yes, there is probably some jacking off involved because wtf else is he gonna do. Poor thing is probably lonely and bored. Making dolls would take up the majority of his time I feel like, they’re his duty and really his life’s main purpose. I feel like he does everything to serve the devil in a way, but also parts of the real him do show through his interests and such.
Maybe.. sleeps, takes little naps when he’s bored, writes, maybe listens to music or sits on the floor and strums on the electric guitar he has, organizes and cleans, and every once in a while goes on a little outing. Obviously he goes to the hardware store/craft store to pick up supplies for his dolls, but I could also see him going to used bookstores every once in a while, scanning the occult section for anything he didn’t see last time. Maybe he would also go to small antique or thrift stores and just kinda shuffle around awkwardly.
He probably doesn't have much of a normal routine since he's constantly in that basement. His idea of time must be somewhat warped. I mean, I imagine he would probably stay up into the night and early morning sometimes and then nod off while reading and not wake up until afternoon. I wonder what he eats, does Ruth make him food or does he buy stuff for himself? It's not like he'd have a stove down there though, and he would need to eat actual food eventually so I think Ruth probably brings him stuff at least once a day. I feel like he’d probably snack on popcorn, pretzels, pudding cups, fritos etc in between meals, just lame easy to store snacks. I would love to make him a nice meal like steak or something and give him a kiss on the forehead like here bbg let me take care of you :[
I feel like he’d be lonely and bored when he isn’t making dolls 😭 Maybe sometimes he’d lay on his bed and just stare off into nothing, thinking about things, sulking. Or he’d go for a drive and not go anywhere in particular, just staring off into the wilderness and the trees passing him until it gets dark and then going home, as much as Ruth’s house can be home. Maybe sometimes he likes to listen to music and do his makeup, we see in some younger shots that he used to and maybe still does wear some eyeshadow, so perhaps for fun or to feel better he’d do some makeup in front of his little mirror, look at himself for a bit then wear it til he goes to bed. Maybe do something cute like lipsinc in front of the mirror or try on his old clothes. I could also see him picking up sewing or something, especially for making clothes for his dolls.
Let’s be fr, he also probably has a collection of old fashioned porno magazines, judging from the fact that he has pinups on his walls… I think he’s mostly just kinda sad and washed up though, there’s obviously a lot of personality and also genuine talent in him but the duty he’s been chosen to serve and therefore the life he must live doesn’t always allow for that to shine all the way through. Still, he does what he can to maintain some semblance of purpose and individuality outside of being a servant for the devil.
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dearstvckyx · 7 months
i was wondering how did luna and nico meet? and how did lunas friend and family react to them dating? like i feel like quinn, ellen, jim, cole and ethan would be okay with them but everyone else would be upset
so i only did Luna’s family. Sorry for how long they are 😭 Enjoy!!
So in my ‘Meet Luna Hughes’ i mentioned that Luna has had a crush on Nico since he was drafted to the NHL. Being in a hockey based family, the Hughes family have watched every NHL drafts, rooting for their friends. When the 2017 Draft was happening Luna was sitting with her family. The first time the camera showed Nico, Luna fell in love. Quinn was the first and only one to notice, he also never said anything for years (which is important.) When Luna and Nico started dating Luna was 19 and Nico Was 23. They kept secret but with Quinn being Luna’s best friend, he was the first person she told and made him pinky swear to NOT tell anyone, especially Jack and Luke.
In order of who she told/who found out:
Quinn’s Reaction: He’s a little shocked but not surprised. He’d let Luna know that he knew about her long time crush on Nico (not knowing that he was also exposing Luna for that.) He would be the biggest supporter of their relationship. Oh and also since he is Luna’s older older o̲l̲d̲e̲r̲ brother, he gave Nico the big brother talk.
Ellen’s Reaction: Oh she was so happy for Luna and Nico. Literally welcomed Nico into the family with open arms. Always inviting him over to spend time with Her, Luna and Jim (eventually the whole family when Jack and Luke found out)
Jim’s Reaction: Went major over protective dad mode. With Luna being the youngest and only daughter, Jim values their relationship so much that he swore to protect her the day she was born. He gave the over protective dad talk, making sure Nico knew that if he breaks Luna’s heart he will kill him.
Luke’s Reaction: (after Luna and Nico have been dating a while) Oh poor Lukey, he accidentally caught Luna and Nico holding each other and talking in a slightly dark corridor. He was shoked, mad, confused and worried. He literally walked away, didn’t tell Luna nor Nico he was there (didn’t tell Jack…. yet.) The Devils went on to play and unfortunately they lost. When back in the locker room Nico, Jack and Luke were the last three in there, Nico was talking to Jack when Luke had had enough. He walked up to Nico (his Captain mind you) and said to him “Maybe if you weren’t so enamored with my twin, we would’ve won.” Jack instantly looked at Nico who was as red as a tomato. Oh and when he found out that Quinn knew before him he was livid, literally pulling the “I'm your twin” to Luna.
Jack’s Reaction: Jack was trying to process what Luke had just said. His captain Nico Hischier, than man he has know for 4 years, is dating his baby sister. Jack looked at Nico and then stormed out of the locker room and started looking for Luna. When he found her, she was talking to Alexander, Curtis and Timo, Jack didn’t care tho. He walked up to Luna and asked if Luke was telling the truth, obviously Luna was confused and Jack blurted out “are you dating my captain or not?” Luna was embarrassed with everyone looking at her so she dragged Jack into a nearby room and told him the truth. Jack was obviously upset and left Luna by herself and, being the stubborn guy that he is, ignored both Luna and Nico for three months (Unlike Luke who ignored them for 4 weeks.) After a stern talking to by Ellen and Jim, and even Quinn, he eventually became Lucos (he literally came up with the name) biggest fan and supporter.
Nina’s Reaction: Being Nico’s older sister she was a little overprotective but when Nico introduced Luna to the Hischier Family (unlike the Hughes family they all found out at the same time) Nina’s overprotectiveness of Nico switched to Luna. With both Luna and Nina being the only daughter of their respective families, they became the best of friends. Nina pulled Nico aside after a dinner and gave him her big sister talk saying “If you break her heart, cheat on her, abuse her or do anything to her i will end you.” Luna overheard this and tried so hard not to laugh at this, because she had just met Nina and she already loves Luna. Nico was nervous after that talk, so anytime Nico and Luna fought he would be the first to apologize (with Luna following after.) Nina is the first person Nico goes to for help for a gift or a birthday party or an anniversary thing. Nina’s also is the first person Luna goes to for anything (SORT OF SPOILER: even when Luna was freaking out about missing her period, Nina was there to help her with taking the test and calming Luna’s anxiety when it was positive)
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libras-interactives · 2 months
hi libra!! ari ladybugkisses here! the stars have aligned perfectly for me to finally sit down and catch up on UtDM, and i just wanted to say i loved ch2 soso much i've probably re-read the scene with Rocky 3 times since LMAO but. while Rocky's still my #1 somehow Jack really grew on me 😳 i already really liked him and the other OCs (MC's friendship with Marius and Jack is especially cute as hell to me) but -gestures vaguely- I DUNNO maybe all the trauma and guard dog mixed with nervous chihuahua trope got to me. he's now in poor little meow meow territory (i worry for his height difference with Ari though holy shit-) anyway!! i love this story and characters and your writing so much ♥️ i can't wait to see what you have in store for chapter 3 (except i totally can. please take care of yourself by taking your time and staying hydrated gdskgds) -🐞💋
omg hi!!! im so glad you got a chance to check out my madness haha. Im so curious what Background/Job you picked for Ari!
(I'm actually surprised Jack is as popular as he is, but maybe I shouldnt be?? I love shaking him like a chewtoy too...)
thank you for the kind words, hope ur day is goin well 😭🥺
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
Poor Jack now he has two crying girls.
Jack gets so overwhelmed 😭 but he tries to stay calm and rational
he’s like “i see that, lovely. don’t worry, daddy will cheer her up.” and El is just shaking her head and keeps repeating “mommy cry! no daddy, mommy cry!” and she has absolutely no belief that her dad will be able to cheer Lovie up. but Jack just goes “i know, lovely. but you know how daddy cheers you up when you cry? well, he’s gonna cheer mommy up too.”
which was poor choice of words, because then El is trying to lift Lovie’s shirt because Jack always cheers El up by tickling her and blowing raspberries on her tummy, so El is thinking “oh he’s gonna do that to mommy” and so Jack is laughing and like “no, lovely. not like that.”
and Lovie is just sitting there crying even harder now and going “she’s so cute!” and just hugs El to her chest
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lizzy019 · 2 months
Gonna need an indepth shower routine for the gang lmaoo I feel like all of them pull a Dallas and pee in the shower...except maybe Pony? 🤔 would he think it's gross???
Tumblr media
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒪𝓊𝓉𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈: 𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇 𝑅𝑜𝓊𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈?
Darry Curtis typically showers very efficiently and quick. I feel like he's the type to just wash his body and hair and get out lmaoo because he feels like wasting the water isn't efficient... no he doesn't pee in the shower.
Sodapop Curtis is the more leisurely in the shower, taking his time and probably serenading lol. BUT he does pee in the shower, he probably tries to make shapes 😭
Ponyboy Curtis has a very specific routine. Like- bro sticks to that routine as if he'd die if he didn't. Ponyboy is probably sensitive to the water and ends up getting a little boner from the poor water hitting his lil dick, but he would NOT pee in the shower. Canonically he probably doesn't either way.
Dallas Winston doesn't even shower regularly 😭 But my bro uses the shower like a bathroom, a bedroom, and a lounge area lmaoo. He probably only goes in to wash off blood or smth like that, otherwise he avoids it like the plague.
Two-Bit Mathews is probably obsessed with simply going into the shower and peeing because he has all that free room lol but he wouldn't even be nice and clean it! He'd let it sit like a dog marking territory 😔😔
Johnny Cade is the most respectable of this stuff. On the odd occasion he'd pee in the shower, but he makes sure to clean himself AND where he pissed before taking the time to either shower properly or jack off lmaoo
Be fr tho, they'd all pee on you if you were showering with them 😭😭😭
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amazon160 · 1 year
I am here for the mature ramblings of Sony’s new animated film installment, Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse. I will not be overseeing only one character, and I will not be commentating on the new character, The Spot, or Dr. Johnathon Ohnn.
I have no admiration for The Spot and will see to it.
No admiration whatsoever.
None at all.
Great, now that that’s out of the way.
HOLY HELL I LOVE THE SPOT SO MUUUCCCCHHH!!!!! AAAAA I need to just GUSH real fast cause all my friends would JUUDDDGGEE MMEEEEEE 😫
I ALWAYS simp for the silly characters, especially when they get a teeny bit unhinged, so I had to tread carefully around this guy once I saw him in theaters. But HOLY CRAP once I saw the edits I was DOWN BAD.
Which feels kinda weird, cause he also turned out to be one of my kins and a little more like a comfort character??
He is SUCH. A DORK. AND I LUV IT. He was so cute when he was putting the homemade collider together in his lil workshop like “This is what I love about science!” 🥺 THE BABY-And he’s legit smart, too?? Like that bumps him up a level or two I love the smarties 🤭
And he’s got the dad bod! He ain’t jacked!! Tbh I was just thinking “TYPICAL” of the Miguel simps to simp for the jacked guy. But SPOT. Idk man he looks so cuddly 😋 And his arms and legs are extra long as a bonus. I could see the chubbier version of him from his concept art being a lot softer. HE LOOKS SO MUCH FRIENDLIER I COULDN’T SEE HIM HURT ANYONE-
His hands.
I’ve got no dirty thoughts about that, unlike SOME of y’all 😏 Tbh I just wanna give him a high five. Hold his hand for a bit, y’know. Give the poor guy a hug, he needs it. He looks like either a good or an awkward hugger, which is great cuz I’m awkward too 😭😂
But yea just fluffy time like the short bit I wrote. That’s when them hands would come in handy lol
Again, then hands-
That’s all for now :)
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willysnylander · 4 months
as promised , i come bearing a word prompt !!! i would love if you could possible write something with lukedaws + ‘surprise’ please !! i think i would love you forever (somehow impossibly more than i already do😽🫶)
thanks so much for this, becca!! sorry it took me so long and that it’s kind of short, i started writing a different version of this and i wound up not liking it so i had to start over 😭. i hope you like it!, though! <3
The kiss comes as a total surprise, when it happens. Not an unwelcome one, certainly, considering all the less-than-platonic thoughts Luke has been secretly having about his teammate for months now, but definitely a surprise.
The two of them are sitting on the couch of Luke and Jack’s apartment, playing a few rounds of Chel and just generally hanging out. It’s just them in the apartment - Jack’s out grocery shopping. It was supposed to be Luke’s turn to do that, actually, but when he’d mentioned earlier that Dawson had texted him asking to hang out Jack said he would do it instead, an offer paired with a wink and an insistence that Luke should be able to spend time with his quote-unquote “future husband”.
Luke had very much appreciated his brother in that moment, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t thrown a pillow at Jack as the older Hughes brother had made his way out of the apartment.
Right now, though, Luke has just finished kicking Dawson’s ass for the third round in a row. As the game ends on the TV screen, Luke throws up his arms and lets out a triumphant crow, quickly followed by a laugh as Dawson groans and slumps dramatically back into the couch cushions.
“Dude,” Dawson whines. “I already know you’re good at this game, you don’t have to, like, humiliate me to prove it.”
Luke laughs again, shorter this time. “Please, you think that was me humiliating you? You should see me play against Jack or John sometime, that’s me humiliating someone.”
He sets his controller on the coffee table, preparing to take a little break and grab a drink from the kitchen, and when he turns over his shoulder to ask Dawson if he wants anything, the other boy is actually pouting. It’s not an expression Luke is used to seeing on his teammate at all, and it’s so silly and endearing all at once that he feels heat bloom in his chest and finds himself unsure whether to laugh or smile fondly.
“Still,” says Dawson, and it takes Luke a second to force his stupid crushing brain to focus on the words and not just the lips they’re coming out of, “you couldn’t’ve let me win once? Spare my poor, fragile ego?”
Luke does laugh now, tilting his head back slightly from the force of it. He closes his eyes, too, without really meaning to, and when he rights the position of his head and opens them again, Dawson is looking at him with a look in his eyes that he can’t exactly place.
Which is kind of weird. But Luke has already promised himself a while ago, when he first realized he actually had a crush on his teammate, that he was going to do his damnedest to act completely normally around Dawson at all times, and he might as well apply that to odd behaviour from Dawson as well. Besides, it isn’t like the unreadable look on Dawson’s face is the kind of look Luke hopes it is, as much as that sucks - he’s long since accepted that the other boy will never return his feelings and he’ll be stuck uselessly pining until he either finds someone else to like or the feelings go away on their own.
With all that in mind, Luke clears his throat a bit, trying to ignore the blush creeping onto his face because Dawson hasn’t stopped staring at him with that look in his eyes, and says as lightheartedly as possible, “C’mon, Merc, you know I don’t let anyone else win. You wanna beat me, you’ve gotta earn it.” He gently bumps Dawson’s knee with his, smiling as normally as he’s able while his cheeks slowly turn the color of a sunrise. “I’m gonna go grab a Gatorade before we play again, you want-”
He doesn’t get to finish his question. Because all of a sudden Dawson’s eyes have gone from unreadable to determined, and he’s sitting forward again, and then he’s leaning over and his lips, those lips that Luke has been dreaming about for longer than he really wants to admit, are on Luke’s, and just like that Luke is being kissed by the boy he’s just finished reminding himself he’ll never be able to have.
For a second or two, Luke’s body turns to ice, and he just sits there like an idiot, completely still. It isn’t until Dawson falters, seeming to fully realize what he’s doing and panic, and his mouth starts to pull away from Luke’s that Luke finally manages to kick himself out of shock and into action. He chases Dawson, pressing his lips firmly back onto the other boy’s, and this time it’s Dawson’s turn to briefly freeze before he starts responding.
And once he does start responding - Jesus, it’s the best kiss Luke’s ever had. Dawson, even though he’s only two years older and can’t have that much more experience, clearly knows what he’s doing, moving his lips near-perfectly in sync with Luke’s and giving just the right amount of gentle pressure. Luke finds his hands wandering up to tangle themselves in the older boy’s hair, and in return he feels one of Dawson’s hands come to rest on his thigh, acting as a brace for his teammate as Dawson pushes himself impossibly closer to him.
When they finally break apart for air, Luke feels like it’s been an eternity and a single instant all at once. They don’t go far from each other, faces still close enough that they’re panting the same air, their noses just barely brushing together. Dawson’s pupils are blown wide, his hair is messy where Luke still has his hands in it, and his lips are kiss-swollen in the same way Luke imagines his own must be. He’s never looked more attractive, and Luke can feel the heat that had spread through his chest earlier growing even further, becoming a raging inferno of something that feels like genuine love as Luke gazes at the beautiful boy he’s just finished kissing.
Still a bit out of breath, Dawson murmurs, “You’re so fucking good-looking when you laugh.”
So that was the look in his eyes, then, and the reason behind it. Luke knows, logically, that they should have an actual conversation now, that they should talk about how long they’ve both been feelings the feelings they clearly share despite how much Luke thought the opposite. They should be responsible young adults and discuss where they go from here, whether they’ll actually enter into a relationship and what that could look like. They should stop, take a moment, and come up with an actual plan.
But Luke’s never really been that good at planning. And despite everything, how much responsibility he already has that most people his age don’t even have to think about, he’s still a twenty-year-old with a beautiful boy in front of him - a boy he’s been fantasizing about kissing for months, who has just given him the best surprise of his life by making that fantasy come true and making it better than he could’ve dreamed.
So right now, Luke decides to wait until a little later to be responsible. Right now, he just smiles as Dawson, so wide he feels like it’s going to split his face, and closes the short gap between their lips.
taglist: @hughes-jack, @gayhughes, @square-opossums, @hiya-itsamber, @yoontwin (let me know if you want to be added or removed!!)
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
      JADE x gn reader
    『 jade ,, floyd ,, gender neutral reader    』
  -> cursed doll | reader is shorter than floyd n jade | idea came from barbatos’ ur card from obey me nightbringer | jade is suffering
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — had this idea in my head for a bit and wrote it down ,, bc it seemed silly ,, please send me requests tho 😭😭 im begging bro
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      it had taken a bit of time to create ,, and a lot of help ,, but it would be worth it . makeshift doll sat in your hands ,, a small smile with mismatched eyes meant to replicate your lover . you had heard about these cursed dolls ,, and luckily came across how to make one in a book borrowed from the library .
      it took a few weeks ,, almost a month really ,, to get it to work right . now that it had been completed ,, you were more than ready to cause mischief for your boyfriend . even though he had his hands full a bit ,, and had things to do with azul ,, it was about time you gave him a little payback for the things he'd done to you .
        all those times he would tease you ,, or take amusement in your embarrassing moments ,, it was the perfect thing to give him a little taste of his own medicine with said doll . right now ,, you knew where he was . his shift at mostro lounge was already over ,, and he was most likely tending to his mushrooms planted in the botanical garden . no one else was there at this time ,, so it wouldnt really be too much on the poor eel . its not like you're going to make him break dance in mostro lounge suddenly after serving a table . although that sounded quite tempting ,, saving that thought for another day to dwell on .
      watching from outside ,, far away enough not to be caught by him ,, you could see he was just admiring his mushrooms so far . he must've finished tending to them already . with a grin ,, the doll in your hands stared back at you ,, dropping the little toy until it hit the concrete . looking back towards jade ,, you waited for a few seconds ,, before seeing him suddenly fall down .
      slapping a hand to your mouth ,, you snickered as you saw him get up and dust himself off ,, confusion tainted in his eyes . this was too perfect . reaching for the doll ,, you thought of what to do next . an idea came to your mind ,, lifting the doll up and making it hop on the concrete on both feet . a few seconds later ,, jade's body had repeated the same action . a loud laugh left your lips ,, making your hurry to shut your mouth ,, hoping no one heard you . the last thing you needed was people thinking you were a maniac for laughing at seemingly nothing .
        right as you were about to do something else with the doll ,, you heard footsteps approaching you . " shrimpy ~ what are you doing out here ,, hmm ?" floyd stood above your squated position on the concrete . his eyes looked towards you ,, than the doll ,, than back at you . a smile plastered against his lips ,, squatting beside you and snatching said doll out of your hands . " whats this ? shrimpy has a little toy of jade ?" his fingers played with the little limbs ,, making the doll do a little dance .
      " floyd !" you gasped ,, hurrying to reach for it ,, but the eel pulled away and held the doll high over his head . your head whipped back towards the botanical garden ,, watching as jade's body repeated the little dance floyd made the doll do . a few chuckles left you ,, unable to help yourself from laughing at the silliness . floyd looked over at his brother from where he stood and started to laugh with you . " what is this ? a cursed doll ,, hmm ?" his smiled grew wide .
      you only nodded and watched as floyd continued to mess with the doll ,, making it do jumping jacks and sit ups . afterwards ,, jade started to do the same . poor man must be going through a lot right now ,, but even so you couldn't hold your laughter . it was well deserved after all ,, the eel would constantly mess with you so this is payback for that . eventually ,, it got dark and you had floyd forfeit the doll over . he groaned but complied ,, getting tired from the day already .
      you pocketed the doll in your bag ,, before heading over to the botanical garden to see your boyfriend . upon opening the doors ,, there he was dancing around still . you muffled a laugh behind your hand ,, walking towards him . " having fun without me ?" you questioned ,, jade finally stopping his little dance . his chest heaved as he breathed ,, hair disheveled from all the actions he'd done so far . though a nasty red scrape showed itself bright under his eye ,, making you frown and hope that wasnt from your doing .
        " what happened to you ,, jade ?" you asked as your hands cupped his cheek ,, thumb hovering over the scrape . " i've no clue if im honest . though i do have a hunch ." his eyes narrowed and his lips turned slightly down into a pout . you pressed a kiss to them ,, moving to hold his hands in yours . " well ,, if youre done here ,, we can head back to my dorm and i can help with that scrape of yours ." you offered him a small smile . he only nodded ,, keeping one hand laced with yours tight as you both started to head out . maybe this doll of your could come is handy for other things .
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one-winged-dreams · 5 months
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@dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus
okay yeah, anyway, last night i was REEEALLY high on sleep aid and my brain created this whole ass comfort DILF to fantasize about JUST BECAUSE my brain dredged this post up from the depths of my inebriated psyche
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And I'm still trying to name him and like, I'm having to pull up popular names from FORTY-EIGHT YEARS AGO but alas, it do be going slow.
I drew him already but I'm embarrassed to post a picture because he looks exactly like the type of guy you think I'd be gay over OTL
But he's just honest to god just some guy. He's nice, he's super beefy, and he is apparently following a trend of oc f/os who like video games and Deftones. But he's also such a fucking dad/48 year old man, it's embarrassing to look at and even more embarrassing to be attracted to because gdi you've swayed me with your older white man charms, i don't know jack shit about sportsball but i guess I'll watch it with you if i get to sit in your lap or something i mean what
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sc0tters · 1 year
Poor Ellen always stressed out cause of all these kids.
Literally 😭
Ellen literally hid behind Jim for the majority of Rory’s NHL debut because she literally couldn’t sit still watching her daughter go into all of these tight moments with players double her height and weight.
But like for the boys Ellen is a bit calmer until she watches all of the kids play each other, with Quinn and Jack she thought she did a good job handling it but when Rory slammed Quinn into the board to get the puck she realised that she was it turned into the two having a fight.
After that game it was literally them stood with Ellen who was giving both her children the biggest lecture of their lives as they stood there just looking at each other holding in a laugh. Like that laugh you feel when your parents are mad at you and your sibling after you two have done something but you two are the only ones who have gotten over it.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
jack getting annoyed at his parents for spoiling el just makes soo much more sense now that we know how lovies parents always said that he wouldn't be able to provide for her and el! i imagine like once that first big paycheck hits and theyre still kindaaa in contact with lovies parents (during his rookie years) they go shopping or something and jacks just like "lovie u want this bag? u should have this bag!" and she's just like "... jack thats like 3 thousand dollars.." and anyway jack cops the bag and her parents are just like "... okay so now he makes bad financial decisions?"
anyway jack never wins with them😭😭 lovies sitting pretty with her bag tho purr !
exactly!! you put it together!!
jack definitely has some leftover insecurities from lovie’s parents. the fact that they never believed he could provide for lovie and el still doesn’t sit right with him, even though he knows he has plenty of money to take care of them. and so when his parents are constantly spoiling el, he gets annoyed because he wants to prove himself and prove to everyone that he’s capable of providing for his family.
the bag thing happens literally right after they move to jersey! lovie’s beloved tote bag breaks and she’s so sad over it, so she and jack go shopping to get her a new bag. lovie is expecting to just get a new tote bag for like $30, but then jack is dragging her into a Louis Vuitton store and she’s just like following him around as he looks around. he notices her looking at a cute handbag and he goes “you want it? i’ll get it for you!”
lovie is in shock, insisting to jack that she doesn’t need that and it’s way too expensive, but he just looks at the person helping them and is like “we’ll take that one.”
when they get back to the apartment, she’s facetiming her parents about her first week in New Jersey and she’s like “and my tote bag broke yesterday, ya know the one i got from the flea market in sophomore year? so, what does jack do? gets me this bag as a replacement!” and she’s holding up her new LV bag, all excited to show it off, but her parents just frown and she’s asking them “what?”
and they just go “that is such a poor financial decision. he spent what, like $1,000 on that bag?”
and lovie mumbles “$3,500”
and her parents shake their heads and her dad goes “i don’t understand how you think this boy is going to support you and a potential family if he wastes his money like this.”
lovie is crushed because all she wanted was for them to be happy for her, but they just had to find a way to criticize jack.
he seriously can’t do anything anything right in their eyes.
but lovie still uses that LV bag to this day! she’s in love with that bag and still thanks jack for it every once in a while.
it was the first gift he got for her after he signed and she’ll cherish it forever
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