#poor iolaus ^^
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iolausian-fields · 6 days ago
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Hercules’ best friend— companion— comrade-in-arms— renowned in song and st- I don’t know why I bother. Have you really never heard of me?
ʜᴇʀᴄᴜʟᴇꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴇɢᴇɴᴅᴀʀʏ ᴊᴏᴜʀɴᴇʏꜱ s2e19 - King for a Day
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arielsojourner · 5 months ago
So I was in Greece and found out it was a lie.
All those episodes of Xena Warrior Princess and Iolaus: The Legendary Journeys.
Did you know that throughout ALL of Greece for all the centuries leading up to when the Romans invaded, all of the many myriad city states and colonies-- west to Sicily and south to Africa and north east to Asia Minor, all of them: no temples to Ares.
All the other gods? Yup. Hell, they even imported Isis from Egypt so she has shrines on Delos. DELOS. The holy birthplace of Apollo. Shrines to the Egyptian goddess Isis.
But Ares? No.
And in both shows that was the WHOLE plot. It was always about Ares and his temples and shrines. Even the Young Hercules spin off with Ryan Gosling as Hercules and the actor who would later be Fili the Dwarf playing young Iolaus, Ares was always in his temples and always trying to protect his temples from being smashed up or destroyed. And I visit Greece for the first time in my life and go to all these amazing sites-- Delos, the canal at Corinth, Olympia, Delphi, Athens, Ithaca, Patmos, Tinos etc. and . . . no Ares. No temple to Ares.
And when you visit Greece and they take you to the ruins of the temples of Athena and Zeus and Apollo etc. you learn that people built temples for the gods to use as like vacation homes when they didn't want to stay on Olympus.
All those city states. All those colonies and during the entire Hellenic period no one built one single temple to Ares according to the docent at the Delphi museum.
Apparently no one wanted Ares as a neighbor.
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misanthropemom · 5 months ago
I'm doing a rewatch right now, and in the first season Gabrielle has found her soulmate in a man I don't know how many times, culminating with oh my God Perdickless died. She took a while to throw off the shackles of heteronormativity is what I'm saying.
Gabrielle wasn't bothered by other men kissing or flirting with Xena cuz she knew she's number one in Xena's heart (except Ulysses, she was fr not happy about it when he said he and Xena are "soulmates") until she heard about Lao Ma and man did she lost it. She's IN LOVE period💅
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raisinchallah · 23 days ago
you know the costume design choices on xena and hercules are sometimes endlessly mystifying to me like even down to the main characters you know you should be making some kind of distinctive look for them right and yet xena is the only character with a good costume gabrielle just wears various generic medieval peasant with cleavage out dresses or like bra and miniskirt with no style and then herc and iolaus are always clad in idk how else to describe it but like whatever was going on with like textured rags they always had characters wearing in like broadway shows in the 80s to show they were poor or in a fantasy setting you know like the into the woods original broadway cast costumes like thats what everyone in this universe is always wearing but like i know the costume designer is really good again xenas costume is absolutely perfect and whenever theyre allowed to let loose or do weirder stuff that goes outside of the like textured rags or party city roman centurion it looks crazy good like the bitter suite immaculate incredible life changing costume work i love ares' crazy embroidered muscle vest thing even the second costume designer when the costumes went noticeably downhill in season 5 and 6 still pulled out those incredible when fates collide looks which are frankly some of my favorite costumes in the whole show.. like these are obviously the blow the budget special event clothes but i also really love all of evil xenas costumes when shes with borias... idk i know these are very talented people and they have great vision but like who was hampering them all the time and saying can we do more textured rags or yet another bad warlord helmet when is it enough..
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silvermoon-scrolls · 1 year ago
DeanO cameo time! I wished him happy 25th anniversary for Young Hercules and asked if he had any old anecdote to share. And of course congratulated him on all the love for Morning Hate.
Poor guy, breaking his nose, and fainting too! Him in his costume at the hospital, though. 😅 It’s like fanfic material!
Where am I? What happened?
You’re fine Mr Iolaus. You’re in a hospital. [dramatic pause] 3000 years into the future.
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marvel-and-dc-geek · 9 months ago
The Labours of Alcides
The Lernaean Hydra
The next task was given to him by the one-eyed boss of the ravens. The gods had been impressed when they saw the cat’s skin, (Tho Shiva got in trouble with his wife Durga, as she was fond of lions)and a bit more by the carving the youth had made of it on his new weapon, so the Nordic chief gave him a harder task: to slay the hydra that was pestering Lerna.
She was the aunt of the lion, being a daughter of Typhon and Equidna.
Mortals would then start to say Hera was her adoptive mother, but how they conclude this is a story we shall save for later .
This creature was even more lethal than the lion: it had six heads instead of just one, and she was huge. Her breath was so deadly, that everything around her would die, which forced the people of Lerna to flee from their homes.
This, even tho it was a tragedy, helped our hero to find her, as Alcides found a caravan of women and children that were running away from the creature. He tried to ask for directions, but the women refused to tell him.
“Don’t even try it, my child. Here you see the widows and orphans from Lerna” an old women tried to warn him “our men gathered together to slay the beast, but not even a single one made it back alive. Not even our king was rival for such a beast “
“That is exactly why we should tell him where it is!” A young, twelve year old boy, who’s mom had died while she was washing clothes due to the creature’s breath, and his dad had gone to slay the creature, wanted someone who could put an end of that thing. He was riding his family’s chariot, which was carried by the the only mule he had been able to save “I shall you myself, mister, if you willing to help us”
“Enough of that, Iolaus. You know that is suicide “ one of the old women tried to argue, but he refused to hear any arguments.
“This is my chariot and I decide what to do with it “ he remained stubborn
“I appreciate your offer, Iolaus, but I would rather not have you come. Just with telling me where I can find the creature is more than enough “ Alcides didn’t want to risk anyone else.
“Oh enough of that, if I die, I shall see my parents again anyways. Hop on, mister ! Penelope is strong enough to carry us both!”he wasn’t going to take no for an answer, and wanted to avenge the rest. The young hero understood that he wouldn’t change the boy’s mind, and hoped into the chariot.
The closer they got, the more horrible the places would get, and they would see less living things. Even the trees and the birds got more scarce, until Alcides saw a couple of familiar creatures
“Huggin, Munin!” He called the crows as he spotted them. Their job was to watch over him, so usually they would leave him alone until he find the place near the creature’s lair (which, in the case he had to track it down, might be a telltale sign.
“What took you so long?” Asked the white raven
“Who is that ?”asked the black raven
“Did the crows just speak?”asked the puzzled boy.
“Ah yes, they serve the gods, and they’re nice “ the explained to his companion.
“Why did you bring a mortal?” Both of them asked
“He guided me “ that wasn’t forbidden, right ? He didn’t want any trouble.
“Bah, I guess there aren’t any rules against this “ pointed out the black one.
“Seeing you both here means we are in the right path “ observed the hero.
“Well of course, but we have no spot to stand on near the hydra’s lair” complained the white raven.
“Except its hideous cave “ complained the black raven.
“You are free to stay in my chariot “ offered the boy “hope on, a couple of ravens are nothing for Penelope “ both crows immediately got in it and the five of them (counting the mule, of course) continued their way until a place where there was absolutely nothing growing in there. As it was swamp, that shouldn’t have even been possible.
As they went on, they saw a weird snake’s head in the floor, but it was bigger than any the hero had ever seen.
“Maybe the poor thing was slayed by the hydra “ thought Alcides, tho that must have been some other monster. And if the beast could slay one of its own, it was certainly fearful.
The boy shook his head “this is a head of the hydra. I only saw it from far away, but nothing could compare to it “ tho there was a detail “ this isn’t the only one she was has, maybe the damn things is still alive with its other five horrible heads “
“They cut it with a sword “ observed the white raven
“It isn’t as resistant as the lion back in Nemea then “observed the black raven.
“You killed the Nemean lion?” Asked an astonished Iolaus.
“Yes, the gods told me to do so “ Alcides answered
“Wow mister, you are very strong!” The surprised boy smiled, tho it quickly faded as he saw something next to the head: he recognized the sword next to it the head, or at least what remained of it’s handle. “Father…” the boy said sadly. He wanted to cry as he picked it up, but refrained himself.
The handle had engraved its late owners name: Ificles, who had managed to cut off one head at the cost of his own life. There was no sight of his body anywhere: it was most likely that he had been a snack for the rest of the creature’s heads.
“His death won’t be in vain “ the hero promised “none of theirs will “ there were several weapons laying in the floor, right where the husbands, sons, uncles, fathers, grandfathers, cousins, nephews and brothers of the women and children of Lerna.
As they reached the top of a hill, they were able to see the cave. It was impossible to miss it, as the creature’s horrible, green-like breath surrounded the whole area. It was right next to a swamp that had once been full of life.
“You stay right here, I don’t want any of you to get hurt” Alcides asked them, he would try to slay the beast as quick as possible. He left his bow and arrows to the kid, along with some other torchers, so he could use them in case he had to defend themselves of any danger (tho, in the opinion of both the crows and even Iolaous himself, it wouldn’t be of much help if the hydra went against them ) and brought his club, along with a torch to lighten the entrance.
Alcides made something very dangerous, that he had only done against the Nemean lion before; he went into the lair of a pissed for creature. He heard a horrible hissing as soon as he lay a step in the cave: a horrible being with seven snake-like head, and a strange dragon-like boy came out quite pissed off: it’s body had some arrows of the last poor idiots who has attempted to slay it.
Alcides didn’t waste any time thinking as he started to hit the heads with his maze and all of his strength, making them fly out while tearing them off. At the end, where there was only one left, the hero stomped it to make sure it was completely dead. One he was done, he turned around to go meet his companions, that place was horrible he preferred not to stay for long.
“Wow, that was quick “ the white raven told the black raven
“Well, the faster we get out of here the better” answered the black one.
But Iolaus, the only human watching (or that’s what he thought at least) wasn’t celebrating: quite the opposite, as his face had turned white “MISTER ALCIDES, LOOK BACK!” Even the calm mule Penelope was aware of the issue, and the ravens turned around to see what was scaring them so much: as they did, there were suddenly two white ravens, as one of them had lost his color out of terror alone.
Alcides turned back as well Now, you human would use the expression that he saw everything in slow motion, which, between us, is the best way to describe how the hero felt he watched as the heads grow back. Except there weren’t seven anymore, now there were fourteen.
See, a detail that all of our heroes has forgotten, is that instead of showing up with five heads, the beast had seven. This is because hydras, as some of you might know, grow back two heads when they lose one. Of course, when a beast so large charges against you, you don’t stop to count its heads, which was exactly what happened to Alcides.
“Oh sh-“ he was barely able to dodge an upcoming attack. The ambrosia at least made him immune to the poison, but he didn’t know if the hydra could slay him in some other way, and it would definitely charge against the quartet that right now could simply serve as witness of the fight.
“Can that thing slay us?” Asked the white raven
“I have no idea” answered the raven that had turned whjte
Cutting heads just made things worse, but unfortunately, he couldn’t go against the body as the hydra defended it fiercely, sacrificing as many of its heads as needed. He had to climb on top of them to get to the body, as he couldn’t simply go around. Alcides had to make sure they wouldn’t bite him, but that was not exactly an easy task. His only option was to slice them off, but even then, it at times became too dark to see, forcing him to grab both his club and the torch. The first one, for some reason, seemed to scare the heads quite a bit.
“Don’t you know to do anything else but cut off their heads?” One of the crows complained.
At some point, the hydra made the worst mistake of her life: one of the heads bit Alcides with such strength that he left his torch fall, just at the exact moment as one of the heads was growing back. As soon as the flame came into contact with the maimed area, it cauterized the wound, which made the heads unable to grow back.
“FIRE, I NEED FIRE !” The hero hadn’t been slow at all, but alas, he didn’t have a way to get fire in that swamp.
Or so he thought: his young companion didn’t know how the gods’ trial worked, and wanted to get revenge against that hideous creature.
“Help me light them up !” Iolaus told the crows
“We cant help, you brat!” Exclaimed the black raven
“You will get us to three in trouble!” complained the white one
“Mister Alcides is the only one who has given it trouble, and I’m not going to let that thing win!”ugh, maybe he should give the hero the arrows by himself.
The crows sighed, but decided to cooperate. They didn’t want to be mocked if a mortal boy was braver than them. The boy put some of the same substance from the torches into the arrows to set them on fire.
Iolaus was about to use the bow, but then he saw something weird coming out of the swamp, it was…
“A crab??!?!” Exclaimed the crows, Alcides, the boy.Even the hydra and the mule seemed to have been taken a back by the appearance of such a thing
The crab, who was later believed to have been send by Hera herself, was simply just angry as, thanks to the other monster, it couldn’t sleep, eat (all his usual preys bad died thanks to the hydra) and it had even stolen his favorite cave. It wanted to get revenge against that thing, and maybe grab something to eat. He charged against the hydra and began to cut some of its heads, make things harder for the hero.
“I will distract that thing, you give the arrows to mister Alcides !” The boy ordered the crows as he lit a torch. Before going, he set his mule free so it could run in case anything happened.
“You aren’t our boss!” But they decided to do it anyways so the brat wouldn’t look braver than them.
As Alcides tried to avoid the crab’s claws and the hydra’s bites, Iolaus held his breath and hit the crab with the torch, who, angrily, began to pursue him away from the hydra: hey, maybe he could eat the daring brat.
“Get out of here !” Alcides shouted to the boy, but he was busy making the crab angry.
“Hey, lad!” The crows called for the hero so he would know they were coming up with the flaming arrows. Alcides took the chance and hit off as many heads as he could before passing them through the fire. As it lost around half its heads, the hydra began to have issues maintaining its balance, making it easier to repeat the same action with the next round of arrows that one of the crows threw. There was only one head left, and Alcides decided to dedicate it to the man who raised the brave boy who had helped him.
“FOR IPHICLES !”he shouted before smashing the head and cauterizing the wound.
The crab stopped as it realized his annoying usurper had suddenly gone quiet: he stopped his persecution to inspect the body.
“If you leave Iolaous alone, it’s all yours “ offered the tired hero. The crab gratefully accepted, a tasty hydra meat meal was worth more than a skinny Greek boy. Plus with so many heads, he could feast for days until more creatures came back to the swamp.
“You made it, mister Alcides!” Iolaous went to congratulate him.
“I wouldn’t have made it without you four “ the hero was honest, and he even gave credit to Penelope, who had carried them and all the weapons all the way there.
“I wonder what mister Odin will say about this…” mumbled the black crow to his partner
“We should started looking for news jobs…” mumbled the white one back.
With the crab’s permission, Alcides took off one of the hydra’s fangs and gave it to Iolaous, who was almost the same size as it. This would be proof that the monster was gone.
“I hope we meet again some day, mister Alcides !” The boy said as he tied Penelope again. Alcides pet the mule and the boy’s hair as well, before going to present himself to the gods.
Iolaous, on the other hand, went back with the women and children of his city, who didn’t think they’d see him alive again. They decided to go back to Lerna, to remake their lives thanks to the bravery of the two youths (and also the crows and the mule). Strangely several visitors seemed to think he was the nephew of Alcides: Iolaous decided not to correct them, seeing they’d bring gifts to his people, which helped them to prosper once again.
Now, there was another human who was in that swamp: a young man who was searching for tales to tell and sing about, who, maybe quite stupidly, thought the hydra would be a good source for horror stories. He was well hidden, and could see the hero’s fight. As he didn’t have the context, he assumed that Alcides and Iolaous were uncle and nephew, which Iphicles being the brother and father to each. He concluded this seeing that the boy didn’t resemble the hero, of course. And he left the crowd aside, as no one would believe his story if he included their role…but of course, he included the crab’s intervention.
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flower1622 · 9 months ago
The goddess not so ordinary - Chapter 18
Not far away from the Gilbert Kingdom:
Selena wakes up on the floor, in front of a river. She had to put her hand before her eyes because the sun was bothering her face. She starts standing up and looks a little disoriented wondering how she got to this place. She hears 2 voices of two people that were coming. She tries to put in a defensive position, already expecting that they were going to get her. 
- I'm telling you, Herc! I almost got him! - A person says frustrated.
- Buddy, you really need to calm down sometimes. You scared the poor animal that was at the barn - a second voice says.
- Well, you are right. But, I only feel sorry for the poor pig who had nothing to do with that. You know, what? Why don't we adopt one to ourselves? - the first voice says and laughs.
- You are impossible sometimes! - the second voice says amused.
- Oh! Come on, Herc! Can you just think about it ... - The first voice couldn't finish his sentence because he bumped at the second voice, who was staring at the girl in a defensive position looking confused at them.
- Herc, why did you ... stop? - The first voice starts asking but then saw what stopped the second voice. It was a girl.
- Hi! Are you lost? - The first voice asks already coming towards the girl. Selena gets scared and steps back.
- It's okay. We aren't going to hurt you. My name is Iolaus and there is my buddy Hercules - Iolaus says while putting his hand up to show the girl he meant no harm and then points to his friend, Hercules.
- Hercules? - Selena asks
- Yes, the son of Zeus! - Iolaus says with a smile
- Zeus? Who is it? - Selena asks
- Oh! You don't know about the gods of Olympus, right? - Iolaus asks
- Uhh ... no - Selena says
- Where are you from? - Iolaus asks 
- I can't tell you - Selena says serious
- Why not? - Iolaus asks
- Because I can't and that's final - Selena says
- At least, give us a name, please - Iolaus asks
- Elizabeth! - Selena lies
- Well, Elizabeth, are you lost? Do you want us to take you home? - Iolaus asks
- I can't come back home - Selena starts crying
- Why not? - Hercules, who was silent all this time, asks
- Because I lost my parents - Selena says sad
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silvermoon-scrolls · 2 years ago
Those are some very nice choices you made! (Though I of course would put Iolaus on top. 😘)
You describe them so well here!! I’m filled up with love for them!🥰
You definitely have a red thread going. Poor, vulnerable fuck-up boys in need of love. 😁And with that theme in mind I’m sending out a little extra love to one who would fit right in. Poor, lovable Mark. He probably wouldn't make it top my top 3, but he is precious.
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Hi bb! 💗 I'm curious to know who are your top 3 favourite Deano characters and why? (To watch or read or write or just look at 😉)
Ahh, what a nice question, bb! 💛💛💛 I always need to form an emotional connection with the characters, so... while Deano is always nice to look at, this is really based on the character themselves.
This was honestly kinda hard to answer.
1. Anders Johnson (The Almighty Johnsons)
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This was probably an obvious answer, haha.
I love his sense of humour and desire to have fun. I love how cunning and cynical he can be, despite clearly having his own ethics and hopes for the future. I love how protective he is of his family/Dawn - especially when they don’t realize/appreciate it. I love when he’s confident and self-assured, but I also love when he’s vulnerable/we see his pain points (which all seem to revolve around his bros and Dawn? This is a man who loves certain people quite fiercely even if it’s not a romantic love and even if it's not always realized).
I interpret him as someone who has spent a lot of his life appeasing people to get by (whether his toxic childhood, or PR work in general, or Bragi powered interactions) but that desires to be more open with a few closer people. He both “trusts” them with his snarkier side and uses it as a shield to keep them from getting too close lest they hurt him with rejection. A bit of “well I don’t even like you anyway so there” at times, even tho it’s bs lol and only Axl ever seems to fully buy into it.
I feel like he needs some unconditional love in his life because it certainly didn’t happen with his parents, and it’s a bit touch and go at times with his bros. (Though Olaf seems very unconditional-grandpa-love? Maybe that’s why he and Olaf get on so easily.)
I think of him as a character that both represents aspects of myself and aspects I find attractive in others.
So in short, he’s my favourite because I think he’s very lovable and interesting and in need of love and he’s in a story where I love the concept and all the characters and it’s very easy to write him and imagine lots of scenarios for. 💛 (Also I find him very attractive in this role, even if he hated those absolutely magnificently tailored suits.)
2. Iolaus (Young Hercules)
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Also probably not much of a shock, given he's the other Deano I have a sideblog for! This was the first role I actually saw Dean in, and I loved Iolaus so much back when this was on air, so it was wild to realize this was the same person who played Anders after I got into him haha.
Iolaus is once again a very funny, cunning, cocky character who has some insecurities that I find rather endearing. Iolaus is very charming to me, with his playfulness and heroics. I don't think the other characters see him as heroic necessarily, but he clearly cares about his friends and has many moments of being just as protective of others as Jason and Hercules. 💛
Also I'm always impressed that Iolaus seems to be able to keep up with Hercules; I don't know that he gets enough credit for that. He also should, by all rights, probably get with girls easier than he does since he's such a flirt. (He does have a bad habit of lying, though... Insecure bb.)
Basically I want to be in that world and give him all the love he deserves! I think it helps that I like the universe/world building/conceit of the show already, so I enjoy all the other characters and how they interact too.
Plus: Leather Pants? Those curls? Come on. 😩
3. Jon (Pork Pie)
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This is where I got a little stumped. I also considered Barnaby and Will Johnson for third spot. Even as I write this I'm second-guessing my choice haha.
I really root for Jon. He's a fuck up, but he's trying to fix it. He's trying to make amends, and he gets caught up in a crazy situation, but he's so good-hearted. He means well, and you want him to succeed.
I love that he's a writer, but like, clearly not able to write because of what's been messing with his head (and then the shenanigans of the movie). His behaviours are just so funny at times, like how he orders his burger, his rapping along to the radio, etc. Even though I feel like Jon isn't funny in the sense of like, trying to be funny, he's really endearing and makes me laugh.
Mostly I think what I like about Jon is how "soft" he seems. Like, not in a weak way; he certainly powers through a lot of messed up situations and pulls off crazy things! But the motivation for all of it is this deep love he has, and I feel like he shows that love to his cohorts as well. He can be quite vulnerable at times, even when he seems to believe he will be rejected. The way he seems so touched by every kindness, his attempts to be supportive, and accepting...
I just really want to give this man a hug, haha.
Although I haven't formally written for him, I have a sequel to Pork Pie outlined in my WIPs that feels a bit daunting; both because of the plot I have in mind and because of how great the movie itself is. I feel like there's a lot to live up to, there, so we'll see if I ever end up writing it out haha.
Ahh thanks so much for this ask, bb! 💛💛💛💛
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alsostarringreneeoconnor · 4 years ago
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The Quest
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the-knight-of-the-stars · 3 years ago
Percy Jackson: The Titan's Curse first reading thoughts:
-I loved Thalia, she is fierce, I loved to see her relationship and conflic with Percy. I have the feeling we won't see her as much from now on and I'll miss her.
-Zoe was getting on my nerves at first, but I really liked her by the end. I saw it coming, but still her death was very sad, and Artemis making her a constelation had me at the verge of tears.
-Bianca too, I was really not expecting her to die so soon. I really indentified with her struggle and want for a life of her own outside of being her brother's caretaker.
-I really like Nico too, so nerdy and carefree, I felt so bad at the end, he is such a sweet kid.
-I loved to meet Artemis and Apollo. When he showed up in the car was such a fun scene, I loved every second. (When Apollo mentioned hating when girls turn into threes, peak comedy)
-I really liked to see Aphrodite as well, I liked how you couldn't describe her, how subjective her appearence was. (He thinks she looks a bit like Annabeth, ok Percy)
-Ohhh and to see Dyonisius's powers more was AMAZING. I agree with Nico, his powers are super cool.
-Grover feeling Pan has me very intriged, I'm very interested to see were that leads.
-What the fuck is going on with Luke. What is Kronos doing to him??
-Wait, Hephestus can make robots??
-Ok, ok. I'm not justifying, it was still a terrible thing to do, but I can see why Hercules didn't tell anyone that Zoe helped him. If I recal, he was suppose to do it alone and without help, that was the reason he had to do 12 and not 10 labors, two of them didn't counted for Eurystheus beacause Iolaus heped him. Still, it was interesting to see that story connect, and I'm glad Zoe found a place with Artemis.
-I like the consistent theme of the prophecies, just like in acient greek tales, destiny is unalterable.
-That little moment with the girl who could see Percy was interesting, I like bits of layers to the world like those
-Poor Percy, the fact that almost every time he falls sleep he has some terrible vision.
-I liked to meet Annabeth's dad, he reminds me of my own father a little.
-It was very cool to see all the gods reunited, I wonder if we'll see other gods outside of the olympians
-Idk, the ending of this one left me with a bitter taste, I'm at the edge of my seat, I need to sleep but I don't want to.
-Another great book, two more to go.
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just-here-for-iolaus · 3 years ago
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Episode 1 - "The Treasure of Zeus - Part 1"
Jase and Io want to know where Herc is going if he's not sneaking off to the inn. He says there's a cave with a treasure inside, and at first they laugh it off, but when he walks away, they get mad he's trying to leave them out. Jason wants the glory of finding the treasure, but Iolaus is interested in the treasure itself.
Look, bb is poor. If there's a chance he can profit some dosh while helping his bestie, you know Io's gonna perk up at the opportunity. But let's be real, these three just can't go have solo adventures because they share one braincell heart. I jest. They are cuties who want to have Herc's back no matter what. ♥
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Mr. Dean O’Gorman has been a favorite of mine since he played Iolaus in the prequel series Young Hercules.
He also played Kirk Douglas in the movie Trumbo, which further endeared him to me, because Mr. Douglas is held high in my regard and Mr. O’Gorman did him great justice.
I find it a pity that Fili was basically shoved aside in BOTFA. I don’t blame the Kili/Tauriel love story like many do, I blame the studio for poor choices.
That speech Kili gives sounded out of place with his character, it should have been a Fili moment, let Fili fulfill his role as the heir apparent and let Kili shine in his own side story about his forbidden love.
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magicalfxgirl · 4 years ago
Why did Hades allow Heracles to take Cerberus? Part 1
Something has been irking me about Greek mythology and incident involving everyone's favorite doggo. Cerberus and the famous hero, Herakles or better known by his Roman Hercules. This is based on Og Greek Mythology and thus consistency sake I will using his Greek name Heracles.Quick note its extremely funny that Heracles is named after the woman who tried to kill him countless time. Disney lied big time with that change along with entire plot, but this is not the time or place to talk about that disaster. In Greek mythology the Herakles had to perform twelve tasks given to him by King Eurystheus of Tiryns. His final task was to bring the King, Cerberus to King Eurystheus of Tiryns. This should have been impossible for one important reason, Herakles killed at least 4/5 of Cerberus's siblings while completing his twelve labors. Confused well here is a brief backstory about Cerberus.
Quick back story
Here is the run down. Cerberus is one of several monsters who share the same parents, Typhon and Echidna. Typhon and Echnida were monsters that Gaia. Gaia grandma to Zeus and Great grandma twice over to Herakles. Gaia created the monster to get rid of the olympians namely Zeus. They failed, but parented the following monsters: Cerberus, the sphinx, the Nemean Lion a lion with skin so thick no weapon could pierce it. The Lernaean Hydra (Hydra) "a gigantic water-snake-like monster with nine heads (the number varies), one of which was immortal. Anyone who attempted to behead the Hydra found that as soon as one head was cut off, two more heads would emerge from the fresh wound" (britannica). The Chimera was a monstrous fire-breathing hybrid creature. Ladon,The Dragon which guarded the golden apples. The Caucasian Eagle who ate Promethesus liver as punishment for giving humans fire.Colchian Dragon) which protected the golden fleece, the Cromminia Sow, and the gorgons. Last, but not least Orthrus/Orthos,the two headed doggo with a snake for a tail who protected Geryon's cattle. All of which ended up dead then thrown in the sky to become constellations with the exception of Cerberus. Of the eleven, 45% were slain by Heracles. So which of Cerberus' kin died at the hands of Heracles let's start with his first labor.
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From Persephone and Hades Ficilets by Gaumeo
Labor 1: Slay The Nemean Lion
The first labor was to slay the Nemean Lion. Note the labors were mainly created by Hera to lead Herakles to his death. The Nemean Lion would kill countless men by either kidnapping young women which guys would then try to rescue. It also was said to appear as a beautiful girl lead men to its lair them smite them. It makes sense to why the King need this mean kitty gone. The Nemean Lion had skin that no blade could peirce, thus Heracles could not kill through normal means. So he got help from Athena who warned him the Nemean Lion's own claws were thing able to peirce its skin. So Heracles choked the Lion that killed it with its own claws. Some people say that the lion skin he wore belonged to another lion he killed. If so it would still be rumbing in the fact he killed Cerberus's brother. One why would get rid of a lion skin that was impentrable to anything. Herakles kept it that is only thing that makes sense. The Nemean Lion body became the constellation Leo. Something poor Cerberus can't see because he lives in the Underworld.
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Labor 2: Slay the Hydra
The Lernaean Hydra (Hydra) "a gigantic water-snake-like monster with nine heads (the number varies), one of which was immortal. Another obvious labor for the king to give Heracles, as like its sibling the Nemean Lion it was a man eater. To add the difficulty the Hydra's blood is poisonus and when one head was chopped off three would grow in its place. Heracles had help from his nephew Iolaus. As in order to stop more heads from regrowing Heracles, Iolaus to burn the ends of the neck with fire to stop the ever growing head issue. He slayed the Hydra and likes its sibling before it became a constellation. In this case the constellation known as the Hydra. Again a constellation that Cerberus could never see. Heracles also dipped his arrows in the Hydra's blood to embue them with the poison. Something that bites Heracles later on.
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I am ending it here because I don't want this blog long. Part 2 gets to the other possible siblings Cerberus lost to Herakles. Also how someone close to our favorite doggo may have gotten revenge on him for both the doggo and its master. So far Heracles has killed two of Cerberus' siblings and the question persist why Heracles was allowed near Cerberus. Next up the final 2/3 siblings of Cerberus killed by Heracles.
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shanie-the-toyaddict · 4 years ago
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You know what, blame Discord. Clearly she got ahold of Artemis' bow again and turned the poor guy into a CAT.
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legolaslovely · 5 years ago
Imagine: Iolaus' GF being the one that teaches him how to swim and he genuinely has fun with her. At first she didn't know that he can't swim and he never told her because he was a bit embarrassed by it, but she finds out one day because he's making up excuses and avoiding going near water but she tells him she's there for him and that she's going to make sure he enjoys it. -Iolaus anon
UGGHGHGHGHHH! Can I tell you how excited I get when I receive an Iolaus ask from you!!! And this one is so sweet! I am always so thrilled to talk about this babe with another avid fan! I read this and was like THEY KNOW THEY KNOW HE CAN’T SWIM TOO THEY KNOWWWWWWWW :))))
I feel like Hercules tells you. He’s basically the only one who knows until “The Fire” episode (you know the one!) when the info comes out. So maybe Iolaus is skirting around something or really nervous during water drills and you finally ask Herc what’s up and he tells you.
You immediately feel bad about lightly teasing him about those drills or being a little annoyed with him when he doesn’t want to go out in the boat, but you didn’t know he couldn’t swim! So you have to say something to him about it. You apologize and assure him (without pressuring him) that if he ever wants to face his fears, you’ll teach him how to swim. And maybe it takes a bit for him to take you up on it. Like he almost drowns during water drills and Herc has to dive in and get him in front of the other cadets. Or maybe he misses another peaceful afternoon with you and the guys because you all go fishing and he’s too afraid to go in the boat. Poor babe. But it makes him take you up on it.
You’re down to the soft layers you wear under your armor and he’s taken his vest off as you talk about certain techniques and you assure him you won’t take him too far into the water. We won’t do anything you don’t want to do, and As long as you have breath in your body, you’ll float. You take his hands and he holds onto yours tight, but he assures you he trusts you to teach him and he does want to learn.
The lake is calm and you start slow until his nerves subside. Then he learns to tread water and go under, then some different swimming strokes and techniques. In a few days, maybe two weeks, he’s beating you and the guys in races and doing extremely well at those water drills in the academy that he was previously failing at. Even Chieron is impressed. Imagine how proud Iolaus is! THE BABE!! And you taught him!
(And now to fulfill my own fantasy here... :)))))))) ) He definitely finds a way to make it up to you. He brings you to the lake for a picnic he made (Herc’s mom absolutely helped him). A suitable amount of time after eating (we all know Iolaus is not a rule follower, but he’s a freak about waiting to swim after eating) he brings you out into the cool, calm water. It’s just the two of you and it’s friggin romanticcccc. He wraps his arms around you and lets you float as he keeps you both safe in the water. His skin is smooth under your hands and his hair is dripping and sticking to his neck as he presses his lips to your forehead for a kiss. He lingers there as he thanks you for being good to him and teaching him, taking his fear away. You kiss him and wrap your limbs further around him, while he returns the affection with even more fervor. 
Then a fish grazes his leg and he drops you unceremoniously into the water and runs ashore. :)
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ao3feed-mythology · 3 years ago
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cnU5Jxi
by neverendingdream
poor little demigod— you are not a prince before a hero, not a king, either. you were the pride of the greatest olympian from birth, championing death even from your cradle’s blankets. you were only ever meant to be a myth. godhood is all you should’ve known.
Words: 1528, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Ancient Greek Religion & Lore
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Hercules | Heracles (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Iolaus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Iphicles (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore)
Additional Tags: POV Second Person, Gods Myths and the Consequences of Becoming One
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cnU5Jxi
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